Spoiler!! 😭 no but actually, baus´s vids are more enjoyable than some hollywood titels, and since baus uploads loses and wins its kinda tense sometimes yk?
It's actually crazy how playing bad has basically 0 negatives in League, 14 deaths in a 33 min game, he spend more than 1/3 of the game on gray screen and still had the same income than a only 2 death player.
@@AllanMurmann that makes no sense. By definition it's not playing bad then is it. Playing bad is obviously negative, dying just isn't necessarily bad. It's not a hard concept
Still he fails to acknowledge his tactic is double-sided blade and it depends entirely on team how the blade will stab. Insane anmount of copium was shown in this video, Baus is no different than other streamers.
@@wojtylawinkorgawryluk Its sion into darius. the lane is lost anyways, better to try something innovative instead of being a wimp and conceding your whole lane in hopes of your team carrying you.
also consider that he does this completely solo while the enemy team sends hordes of enemies to deal with him, so his team does better (hence "carried by team" narrative)
now imagine if it wasn't a matchup as horrendous as that, and imagine if the Darius fucked up once and gave the shutdown away to Sion. And now imagine if the strategy weren't gutted to the ground with all the changes and you've realised why Baus could climb so fast in the past seasons lol.
@@RiverNunu Exactly and if it were any toplaner other than the biggest lane bully to date, baus would be up 1000+ which he has shown us many times before
The biggest reason the strategy works is because he makes both top laners fed, but he knows that when the mid and late game comes, he will carry his team harder than the enemy top laner. It becomes a 1v1, and Baus is just better most of the time so he wins. It's the most selfish playstyle, but it works.
@transitcombine9057 don't forget that you need atleast 2 people to fight sion pushing in sidelane at lategame which means if sion's team had a brain they would push for a 4v3 fight and win.
And he's right, every single time... the difference between him going 4/15 and someone else going 4/15 is he's actually accomplishing things in the game that entire time, whereas the guy on your team went 4/15 while playing normally and did nothing the whole game
Love how even in master and grand master people flame their teammates like they aren't good enough at the game to have gotten to master and grand master. Like bro probably didn't reach that elo by running it down without a plan.
Its not about what works or what is not. Bauses gameplay literally forces other 4 players to overperform, playing very carefully, no fun, just trying to survive monsters baus creates. The game is about fun and baus takes all fun for himself leaving other 4 people to suffer. TOxic gameplay.
I think the point people need to understand is, that if he tried to lane in a normal way against darius he wouldve been fucked hard and had a huge deficit. This way he goes even in a bad Matchup AND he gets a lot of towers and attention so his team can make plays.
The first minute is actually correct by Baus. In low elo a lot of problems with games is that they get stalled out really long for no reason because people are really afraid to make plays and progress game state. They think they should only make safe and guaranteed plays but what that ends up doing is if your behind, you don't make any plays because enemy is ahead by x amount therefore we auto lose fights and shouldn't fights. Thus you then slowly bleed out as enemy takes over the map and starts draining you of resources while furthering their gold income.
This is similar to chess, sometimes there's no win - win situation with no downsides. I have had countless match where the enemy had massive lead but failed to pressure us. Then they make one mistake near Baron and just lost the whole game.
Lol, wtf are u talking about? Low elo games are fuckn clown fiestas. Everybody is always fighting and death numbers per minute kinda stats showes that. Till Dia, there arent players who understand about the game, they just think "they understand" and they play like blind monkeys but thats it, thats why they cant beome dia or higher.
He's number 1 cus he doesn't rage about balance issues in league every stream and instead finds ways around those issues. I love watching aatreus too, but he bitches so much it annoys me after 1 game. With baus I can watch the entire game because it's mostly laughter and he admits when he makes mistakes.
I remember watching TF blade. I managed to watch like 5 minutes only. The dude is challenger but sometimes acted like he was hardstuck 12-year-old bronze. He got ganked toplane and died "Omg, that is GG, my jungler is so fu***** stupid! It was so obvious that enemy was there!" and of course he started flaming his JG in the chat. I'm not watching streams to get my most irritating soloQ experience, I want to chill and have fun
which of his deaths this game was 1iq? i mean surely sometimes he gets tilted and his opponents busts in his ass but if that was more common than not he'd be actively demoting which he is not
@@MostWantedWannaBE Ok but you are straight up on the copium if you think all his deaths are good, man makes mistakes like all other players. And the game certainly werent won due to him here...
@@haylongwang3002 soaking the pressure and low iq enemy team chases a worthless kill, like jungle and TF going top then thresh went to chase Baus that even his TF flamed him in all chat, thats how baus gameplay works its like playing Teemo, just by existing you tilt enemy team and get them to be on you all game and if your team has any working braincells they get ahead and snowball the game
He explains that at the beginnig of the vid. Trying to make plays all the time, no matter if they are good or not, is better than only making good ones, thus making them see like 1 iq deaths.
Not what he was going for. If you make 1 good play and 0 bad plays, the enemy only has to deal with 1 play. If you make 4 plays in total, 2 good and 2 bad, you're muddying the waters, forcing someone to respond, and playing on your own terms. It's a temporary advantage if the enemy makes all the right decisions, but humans aren't robots after all. And you're making a lot more than 4 plays across the entirety of the match.
Why 2 good plays + 2 bad plays is better than 1 good play + 0 bad plays: You learn a lot more from the former, which helps you improve and learn the limits of your champion over the long run. If you never risk failure, you can't map the boundaries to what you're able to get away with in League
Basically. It's inflating top-lane gold (both his own and his opponent's), but in order for most enemies to match his gold increase they have to expend other resources (roams from other players) to keep him from doing what he wants. This opens up the rest of Baus' team, if they're good, to gain advantages, which probably attributed to the Smoulder having the 3rd highest gold in the game.
He basically takes a normal game and turns it into a battle between two absolute super saiyans in top lane. Nothing matters in the end, but the top gap. And that's why his teammates hate him: they hate losing control over the game. Baus will either 1v9 it all or they will lose 😂
Happy to report there's more champions who can do this shit. Sion has excellent waveclear, can build lethality items which give busted move speed, and has an ult which also gives busted movespeed (until level 6 you can trust your death timer to be faster than a recall, afterwards the ult gives a helpful return to lane). That's what allows this playstyle. Yorick I believe can do this, Senna support (my main) has a different strat in which she dies to give double kills to her botlaner but otherwise does the same thing, I'm tentatively hopeful for Shyvana top but haven't tried Lethality on her. Anyway, all goes to show, Riot can try to kill this playstyle but it's just in too many places for them to succeed.
Basically. The reason why it sucks having bauss on your team or to play against him is because it kinda renders every other role helpless to 2 massively fed top laners
@@reeceherman555 Exactly. Darius get s fed by Sion death. Sion get s fed due to tempo. But in the end a fed Darius is unavoidable in most cases anyways. Where as Darius Lane opponent is in most cases very behind and worst case not even a champion. Best case toplane drops the ego and whilst he s at it, his KDA too and starts catching up in items so his team has at least a toplaner to play with. I main midlane mage and as much as i d hate to have a fed Darius in the enemy team, i rarely find my 0/6 toplaner do anything worth calling an achievement FOR THE REST OF THE MATCH. Which is funny to me because i ve seen varius toplaners, including Morde & Riven bring up the excuse that "it s a Darius lane". Yet i watch this video and see a 0/10 Sion one combo the twisted fate fairly early, basically one shot anyone that walks into his charged Q and upon engage is always with his team at the tip of the spear and dealing crucial damage, tanking A LOT, partaking in objectives, etc.. Silver players gotta start THINKING. Gotta get some more kills and type some more funny greyscreen comments, instead of actally winning the game xD People bring up the hardest cope i have ever read, which is the excuse that Babus got CARRIED to Korean Grandmaster💀
The pattern I see is that the fight always goes bad when the enemy team is wary of the Sion. They have all their cc locked in on him, and keep his Qs from going off. It’s when they drop their guard, when they forget that he’s a menace, that he pops off massively. AD Sion doesn’t have too many ways to force a play through, the enemy team should always have the cooldowns to put him in cc hell, but if they don’t there’s no chance for them. 1 good Q and the fight is over.
The abillity to still be a menace after a Darius lane is the achievemnt itself imo. There were at the very least 2 scenarios where Babus 1v9ed in mid - late game. Darius get s fed by Sion. Sion get s fed from the game, aka tempo. Both toplaners fed, except Sion has 10 deaths on the scoreboard that is temporary and will reset after the game. Yet people still crying like that Nidalee. A fed Darius was unavoidable anyways with their squishy team comp, imo.
8:40 the thresh plays are just insane. The guy hooks into a full minion wave (easy to spot) and then flashes in the middle of the lane at 50hp against a Nid and a Sion. x9 !!
This is my first Baus video and im just sitting here with my mouth open not believing what im witnessing. I knew of the memes but dude is literally just running it down like wtf and it even works...wtf is happening xD
I love when people do unique strats like this. It's incredibly boring just watching content creators trying to outplay their lane in the same traditional way that started ever since the game launched. Win or lose, succeed or fail, I'd 1000% choose to watch these types of videos every single day. Subscribed!
My favourite part about Bausens law is how it's ever evolving, even when in motion. Have a lot of deaths and don't take all the plates? Doesn't matter. Lose turret first? Don't sweat it. The rules of the law itself change based upon the success of the game, so it's never unsuccessful.
People r making fun of the 6g gap, but the entire issue with playing Sion normally is that you let your enemy be ahead in gold in hopes that you will outscale with your passive. Essentially you are trying to minimize how fed the enemy top laner gets at the cost of your own gold intake (sacraficing minions, farming under turret). Baus's strategy is the complete opposite: you let the enemy laner get fed but you also get to stay relevant in gold by maximizing the value of your deaths. The fact that baus goes even in gold at the end with fed 1v9 Darius is kinda crazy tbh
no, his first statements make sense, especially on champs like samira. I'd much rather trade 2 for 2 in early game, get a kill and give a kill than just stick out the lane phase and suddenly 15 minutes in, top, jg, and mid all one shot me
No lie, the Bausffs deserves so much more credit for his very own original strategy. To be 6/14 against a 15/2 Darius and have a +6 gold lead and win the game, brings a tear to my eye XD. It would be luck if he won a few games using this strat but he's won thousands of games doing this which proves to everyone that it's legit. This game definitely deserves a "RIIIIOOOJOTTTTT."
I'm not saying one way or the other, but I find it interesting his mentality is literally the direct opposite of what Agurin says is his "secret" to climbing.
1:09 after this one minute shot Bauussffssppssp just ignites the light of the holy torch that will burn low elo's hearts and for those who have some playstyle's vision this changes everything. We have a new world inside to explore and to make plays and make plays and make plays and make plays.... This is the why KR server has biggest number of team fights in soloq! They had this vision already. Thank u little guy. UR the light that ignites our ignorant hearts. Now send me money to buy a cheap notebook and to solobolo BR soloq
this guy is honestly so smart I can't believe even challangers and pro players still can't understand his strat when he's legit playing in their lobbys because he's one of the bests too.
Couple key points about gold diff. Darius main source of income is killing an inting player that by kill X is almost worth a cannon minion. Besides that he farms and like most sane players he waits for the wave and farms it safely in his lane when it arrives and like most pro players he gets an almost perfect 100cs per minute. Best possible scenario: Baus however loves to proxy a lot, when proxying you are actually getting more than 10cs per minute because you dont have to wait for the minions, you go to them and you build tempo. Meaning lets say bot died and their wave is crashing and are now losing tempo, you can TP there, catch it and repeat the process and in the meanwhile bot lost tempo is gone because they can go catch the wave on top with the tempo you built. If no tempo is lost elsewhere, he can still use his tempo gained to go in the enemy jungle and steal his camps or build an even bigger one by going to the next wave. Thats assuming Baus does not die and the best possible scenario. Most likely scenario: Now if he dies, a couple more key points here. Because hes so good at dying, he often gets an extra wave and/or dmg their top laner just enough to force him to reset and lose tempo. Most often than not, hes forcing the enemy team to gank and spend resources on him, making them lose tempo while his team gains it elsewhere. Keep in mind, just by killing the wave he doesnt even lose tempo from dying. While the players who commited to gank him are losing it to gank and get a fucking cannon minion worth of gold. Worst case scenario: He dies to top lane 1v1, without getting a wave or damaging him enough to force a reset. So the question is, how can you play around Baus strategy to force the worst case scenario? Its hard, specially in solo queue where communication is limited but the solution would be to get something with a lot of sustain/healing so you are not forced to reset and play against a full health scion all the time. And coordinate the ganks with your jungler in a way that you deny him access to the wave. But thats extremely hard to do when hes Scion and you didnt catch him before he chose to proxy. The moment hes proxying, you are already losing essentially.
I think the issue we have is that we are correlating good plays and bad plays as equivalent when Bauffs is really saying that they are not equivalent, and good plays in succession have a multiplicative effect rather than an additive one? Either that or they are weighted differently like a good play is a score of 1-3 while a bad play is a score of - (1-2) ? And multiple bad plays will subtract? I'm interested into why multiple bad plays don't lead to a multiplication or if there's a certain cliff that causes the subtreaction of bad plays to multiply but I guess that makes it make sense if there are 2 good plays and 2 bad plays in succession. 2 good plays say at 2 and 3 will be a 6 while the bad plays -4 will lead to an end result of 2? The counter argument to that is 1 good play 0 bad plays can lead to 2 as well, but it's harder to have a bad play if you have good plays since the enemy needs to outplay right?
Can't wait to have 4 protagonists syndrome on my team that go "I made one bad play and one good play worth" (the good play : got the cannon, the bad play : they are 0/5)
If you take the gold advantage at face value, Baus did end up with a 6 gold lead. But I feel like people are forgeting an aspect about Sion that makes him so powerful: his extra health from his passive. If you include the value from all the health he earned by the end of the game, he had the equivelent extra health of over 11 ruby crystals, which is more than 4000 extra gold in value. I know Darius also gains extra AD when fighting which also increases his gold earned in the moment by over 8k at max level, but that gain is only temporary.
This strat works so long as their jungler isn’t mature enough to get 15 seconds behind to help push out top lane. Which is 100 % of the time in solo queue
-> Continuously pressures top lane -> Always gets Jungler's attention -> Fed top laner is forced to hold position top lane because of the pressure, being pretty much useless in game -> Relieve top lane pressure so his own jungle can focus on dragons -> Actually farm in a horrendous matchup -> Ends game with a lot more gold worth than fed opponent (specially if you count HP gained with his passive) And people dare to say this strategy is stupid and it doesn't work.
Baus, can you try my spliypush Sion build? HearthSteel, Mercury, Titanic Hidra, HullBreaker, Trinity, Sterack. Lanning phase you do you. Mid/Late game is all about lanning presure and ignore every single objective and fight no matter what. Everytime they fight, they get hard punished.
I don't think Baus checks youtube, but if I were you I'd not go Heartsteel anymore. Simply not worth it at all, as now it provides nothing more to Sion compare to any other users. Hullbreaker rush still seems far better, and Heartsteel can be replaced by Undying Despair for even more survivability (or Eclipse if you wanna be funky).
sadly hearsteel is just complete garbage now, does 0 damage and does not scale as well. this build has only health and no resistances - you will be oneshot even thru steraks.
@@RiverNunu Is not a build for teamfights or duels, or a build to tank, is a build for splitpush. Hearthsteel is to stack HP for titanic hidra and demolish. If you don't rush it, make no sense to build it otherwise.
@@shadowcraftplayer9075 Rushing it first item gives you like 200 extra hp at max at the end of the game, and you're basically sacrificing your entire early game by doing so since you're rushing raw HP and nothing else. Heartsteel makes 0 sense no matter how you look at it or when you build it, the item is dead.
The fact that he finished the game being 6 golds ahead of Darius is so crazy and funny at the same time xD
It's full 6 gold man
Top gap
Spoiler!! 😭
no but actually, baus´s vids are more enjoyable than some hollywood titels, and since baus uploads loses and wins its kinda tense sometimes yk?
It's actually crazy how playing bad has basically 0 negatives in League, 14 deaths in a 33 min game, he spend more than 1/3 of the game on gray screen and still had the same income than a only 2 death player.
@@AllanMurmann that makes no sense. By definition it's not playing bad then is it. Playing bad is obviously negative, dying just isn't necessarily bad. It's not a hard concept
0:00 instruction unclear, went 0/16/0 top, account is now banned and 4 people want me to 0/1 irl.
I say at least you went for some plays!
Damn dude. But are you getting an assist before 0/1 IRL???
No, thats the expected results.
You forgot to type "top gap" in the post game lobby, rookie mistake
try to atleast make it 1/1 irl so u dont end game with negative KDA
6 g. Easiest matchup ever
11:34 Baus realises what he created
Still he fails to acknowledge his tactic is double-sided blade and it depends entirely on team how the blade will stab. Insane anmount of copium was shown in this video, Baus is no different than other streamers.
@@wojtylawinkorgawryluk a team dependant strategy in a team game? who would've thought!
@@wojtylawinkorgawryluk Its sion into darius. the lane is lost anyways, better to try something innovative instead of being a wimp and conceding your whole lane in hopes of your team carrying you.
u know what song is playing at that time?
@@wojtylawinkorgawryluk You really don't know how darius vs sion lane goes if sion plays normally, do you
Get your notepads out boys, we making it out of gold with Baussy's Law
Or getting the account banned lol
But f*CK it, I'm surely going to try it
Bussy's law got me out of elo hell
I tried Bausen's Galio and made a vid about it, didn't work out how i expected, still gold will come back after new strats are tested
The team just doesn't know bausenmath so getting banned is worth educating them.@@martinsosa3453
Out of gold into silver xd.
In the intro Baus is trying to describe "playing to win" vs "playing to not lose".
The video timer says 14:21 but I feel like I'm stuck in a never ending cycle
Edit: I guess in a way I am
in a way
in a way you are stuck in a never ending cycle
in a way you are
In a way
nuh uh
Darius thought he caught Baus with lvl 1 cheese, but it was his plan all along
Darius going lethal tempo into a full squish comp has to be some kind of secret tech I'm too low elo to comprehend
@@Hoppitotyoure s*lver
Clean +6 gold gap
compare the scores
and you'd realize that it's an actual canyon
That's a good gap considering the matchup is Darius favoured
@@freehatespeech6804 doesnt include the towers his team killed for him though. Definitely wasnt a mid jungle gap
@@joshgoodman6534 he creates that gap by pulling the gragas top constantly.
@@MostWantedWannaBEbro missed the whole point of the video
Every time that smolder got flashed on I was waiting for him to type an essay LOL
Did he typed a paragraph in the video or is that just standard smolder personality?
@@einarbarenholtz5952 ted kaczynski coudl've been a smolder main CONFIRMED
@@einarbarenholtz5952 standard ADC personality
11:30 when you realize what kind of monster you've created.
also consider that he does this completely solo while the enemy team sends hordes of enemies to deal with him, so his team does better (hence "carried by team" narrative)
Baus explains Bausen's law every month(and i love it) - it's already a tradition
i feel like this one is the most clear.
+6 gold is funny but being 6/14 with the same gold as someone 15/2 is actually proving his point. If the darius was fed, baus was fed too
now imagine if it wasn't a matchup as horrendous as that, and imagine if the Darius fucked up once and gave the shutdown away to Sion. And now imagine if the strategy weren't gutted to the ground with all the changes and you've realised why Baus could climb so fast in the past seasons lol.
@@RiverNunu Exactly and if it were any toplaner other than the biggest lane bully to date, baus would be up 1000+ which he has shown us many times before
The biggest reason the strategy works is because he makes both top laners fed, but he knows that when the mid and late game comes, he will carry his team harder than the enemy top laner. It becomes a 1v1, and Baus is just better most of the time so he wins. It's the most selfish playstyle, but it works.
@@Aaron-cs3xlapart Sions is a monsters in late Game, with only The pasive can make a pentakill if The enemy team don't stopped
@transitcombine9057 don't forget that you need atleast 2 people to fight sion pushing in sidelane at lategame which means if sion's team had a brain they would push for a 4v3 fight and win.
11:20 baus was rethinking his own law
Baus is the only person confidently saying "4/15" clean game".
And he's right, every single time... the difference between him going 4/15 and someone else going 4/15 is he's actually accomplishing things in the game that entire time, whereas the guy on your team went 4/15 while playing normally and did nothing the whole game
Love how even in master and grand master people flame their teammates like they aren't good enough at the game to have gotten to master and grand master. Like bro probably didn't reach that elo by running it down without a plan.
you are asking league players to acknowledge others? that's actually crazy xD.
It does not matter the elo they are in, they still league players.
Thresh was so bad and trolling all game. Its free win for darius but thresh was trash)
@@КириллКравченко-р2ъdarius was 6 gold behind, dafaq u talking about
@@drcheesecak3 Apart Darius in The late Game have a awful position and visión. This condene your team and thats anither razón that lose.
Its not about what works or what is not. Bauses gameplay literally forces other 4 players to overperform, playing very carefully, no fun, just trying to survive monsters baus creates. The game is about fun and baus takes all fun for himself leaving other 4 people to suffer. TOxic gameplay.
I think the point people need to understand is, that if he tried to lane in a normal way against darius he wouldve been fucked hard and had a huge deficit. This way he goes even in a bad Matchup AND he gets a lot of towers and attention so his team can make plays.
and then die 4vs1 to darius xD
They still shut down darius after that lol@@nyfiq
@@FishboyAbzuDarius is a monsters, but is a colouss, and The team know about this.
@@nyfiq by doing the classic "he's almost dead lets just trickle into melee range and feed him heals" strat, clearly optimal lmao
4:13 chat is too funny sometimes
"What if darius buy mejai and get 25 stack" 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I'm surprised ad Champs aren't rushing hubris against him.
@@ryanhall8439 hubris isnt so snowballing as dark seal because dark seal costs just 450g while hubris 2k+
Still missing sword of the occult
@@ryanhall8439 Because Hubris is a dogshit item.
The first minute is actually correct by Baus. In low elo a lot of problems with games is that they get stalled out really long for no reason because people are really afraid to make plays and progress game state. They think they should only make safe and guaranteed plays but what that ends up doing is if your behind, you don't make any plays because enemy is ahead by x amount therefore we auto lose fights and shouldn't fights. Thus you then slowly bleed out as enemy takes over the map and starts draining you of resources while furthering their gold income.
This is similar to chess, sometimes there's no win - win situation with no downsides. I have had countless match where the enemy had massive lead but failed to pressure us. Then they make one mistake near Baron and just lost the whole game.
@@HienNguyen-cs1md I never got a baron in chess. High elo games must be wild
Lol, wtf are u talking about? Low elo games are fuckn clown fiestas. Everybody is always fighting and death numbers per minute kinda stats showes that.
Till Dia, there arent players who understand about the game, they just think "they understand" and they play like blind monkeys but thats it, thats why they cant beome dia or higher.
@@HienNguyen-cs1mdwhat do i gotta main to climb high elo in chess?
actually low elo is rather clown fiesta constant fighting
The fact that this guy became the top1 league streamer. Nuts! Congratulations
He's number 1 cus he doesn't rage about balance issues in league every stream and instead finds ways around those issues. I love watching aatreus too, but he bitches so much it annoys me after 1 game. With baus I can watch the entire game because it's mostly laughter and he admits when he makes mistakes.
@@diegolazcano2160 yeah too many league streamers just bitchers i dont watch any except baus and stylish, these two always the best vibes
I remember watching TF blade. I managed to watch like 5 minutes only. The dude is challenger but sometimes acted like he was hardstuck 12-year-old bronze. He got ganked toplane and died "Omg, that is GG, my jungler is so fu***** stupid! It was so obvious that enemy was there!" and of course he started flaming his JG in the chat. I'm not watching streams to get my most irritating soloQ experience, I want to chill and have fun
I agree. Bauss actually enjoys the game
The problem with Baus gameplay is that he gets used to dying and so he goes from having 1000 iq deaths to 1 iq deaths.
which of his deaths this game was 1iq?
i mean surely sometimes he gets tilted and his opponents busts in his ass but if that was more common than not he'd be actively demoting which he is not
@@MostWantedWannaBE Ok but you are straight up on the copium if you think all his deaths are good, man makes mistakes like all other players.
And the game certainly werent won due to him here...
@@haylongwang3002 soaking the pressure and low iq enemy team chases a worthless kill, like jungle and TF going top then thresh went to chase Baus that even his TF flamed him in all chat, thats how baus gameplay works its like playing Teemo, just by existing you tilt enemy team and get them to be on you all game and if your team has any working braincells they get ahead and snowball the game
He explains that at the beginnig of the vid. Trying to make plays all the time, no matter if they are good or not, is better than only making good ones, thus making them see like 1 iq deaths.
@@valentinojerez3207just because he said it doesn't make it true
That table turning mid fight...so good. You got two claps and a moderately loud "let's goo baauuuss" out of me 👍
If you make 2 good plays and 2 bad plays, you have 4 plays to learn from. If you make 1 good play and zero bad plays, you have one play to learn from.
Not what he was going for. If you make 1 good play and 0 bad plays, the enemy only has to deal with 1 play. If you make 4 plays in total, 2 good and 2 bad, you're muddying the waters, forcing someone to respond, and playing on your own terms. It's a temporary advantage if the enemy makes all the right decisions, but humans aren't robots after all. And you're making a lot more than 4 plays across the entirety of the match.
Why 2 good plays + 2 bad plays is better than 1 good play + 0 bad plays: You learn a lot more from the former, which helps you improve and learn the limits of your champion over the long run. If you never risk failure, you can't map the boundaries to what you're able to get away with in League
Bausen's law is just artificial inflation of the in-game economy.
Basically. It's inflating top-lane gold (both his own and his opponent's), but in order for most enemies to match his gold increase they have to expend other resources (roams from other players) to keep him from doing what he wants. This opens up the rest of Baus' team, if they're good, to gain advantages, which probably attributed to the Smoulder having the 3rd highest gold in the game.
@@bryanincommiefornia5629inflation isn't really the right word for it. The purchasing power doesn't change.
@@poolofstuff It does. Both laners end up buying more items. No one cares about prices of the items. It’s how many you can buy.
He basically takes a normal game and turns it into a battle between two absolute super saiyans in top lane.
Nothing matters in the end, but the top gap. And that's why his teammates hate him: they hate losing control over the game. Baus will either 1v9 it all or they will lose 😂
@@kudbettinkohen1935 that's like saying there's inflation because someone got a raise at their job. Inflation isn't simply "more money"
At this rate I fear Riot's gonna remove Sion's passive completely.
Removing such a unique passive would do more harm than good to the overall health of the game
Happy to report there's more champions who can do this shit. Sion has excellent waveclear, can build lethality items which give busted move speed, and has an ult which also gives busted movespeed (until level 6 you can trust your death timer to be faster than a recall, afterwards the ult gives a helpful return to lane). That's what allows this playstyle. Yorick I believe can do this, Senna support (my main) has a different strat in which she dies to give double kills to her botlaner but otherwise does the same thing, I'm tentatively hopeful for Shyvana top but haven't tried Lethality on her. Anyway, all goes to show, Riot can try to kill this playstyle but it's just in too many places for them to succeed.
Baus explaining for the 10000 time why being a greefer is good make my day every time
this made me realize that baus strat is just accelerating both top laners and saying "yeah I'll beat the other guy"
Basically. The reason why it sucks having bauss on your team or to play against him is because it kinda renders every other role helpless to 2 massively fed top laners
@@reeceherman555 Exactly. Darius get s fed by Sion death. Sion get s fed due to tempo.
But in the end a fed Darius is unavoidable in most cases anyways. Where as Darius Lane opponent is in most cases very behind and worst case not even a champion.
Best case toplane drops the ego and whilst he s at it, his KDA too and starts catching up in items so his team has at least a toplaner to play with.
I main midlane mage and as much as i d hate to have a fed Darius in the enemy team, i rarely find my 0/6 toplaner do anything worth calling an achievement FOR THE REST OF THE MATCH. Which is funny to me because i ve seen varius toplaners, including Morde & Riven bring up the excuse that "it s a Darius lane".
Yet i watch this video and see a 0/10 Sion one combo the twisted fate fairly early, basically one shot anyone that walks into his charged Q and upon engage is always with his team at the tip of the spear and dealing crucial damage, tanking A LOT, partaking in objectives, etc..
Silver players gotta start THINKING. Gotta get some more kills and type some more funny greyscreen comments, instead of actally winning the game xD
People bring up the hardest cope i have ever read, which is the excuse that Babus got CARRIED to Korean Grandmaster💀
@@seventyfour8256 i main top and i perma ban Darius almost every game, the champ is too strong in 1vs1
Baus:" Wrap it up and get my boy nida his lp before he sarcas me to death"
I feel like Bauss and Trick2g style of playing is a hidden gem 😂
Ima do it my way 😂
8:10 this Thresh Full trolling XDXDXDXDXD.
before it gets patched next patch. baus should really compile all the bausen law clips for the memories
Sion-tificly proven
this is honestly a good video showcasing bausen law, even after it got nerfed
Nidalee needs a report, it's always a jungle diff
u always inspire me ❤
2:53 virgin nidalee can't comprehend the bausen grindset
I don't even play the game anymore but I always have your stream playing on the background at eork, keep being you man you're so entertaining 🙏
Finally Baus video !!! Can´t wait...
Let me get summa dat Baussy's Law 😩🥴🥵
8:02 I love how he had to have both him and the scuttle lmao.
The pattern I see is that the fight always goes bad when the enemy team is wary of the Sion.
They have all their cc locked in on him, and keep his Qs from going off.
It’s when they drop their guard, when they forget that he’s a menace, that he pops off massively.
AD Sion doesn’t have too many ways to force a play through, the enemy team should always have the cooldowns to put him in cc hell, but if they don’t there’s no chance for them. 1 good Q and the fight is over.
The abillity to still be a menace after a Darius lane is the achievemnt itself imo. There were at the very least 2 scenarios where Babus 1v9ed in mid - late game.
Darius get s fed by Sion. Sion get s fed from the game, aka tempo.
Both toplaners fed, except Sion has 10 deaths on the scoreboard that is temporary and will reset after the game.
Yet people still crying like that Nidalee. A fed Darius was unavoidable anyways with their squishy team comp, imo.
good luck for 800k subscribers bro
8:40 the thresh plays are just insane. The guy hooks into a full minion wave (easy to spot) and then flashes in the middle of the lane at 50hp against a Nid and a Sion. x9 !!
+6 checkmate doubters
What a nice video as always!
This is my first Baus video and im just sitting here with my mouth open not believing what im witnessing.
I knew of the memes but dude is literally just running it down like wtf and it even works...wtf is happening xD
Bro literally has math and science on his side, I could not believe it either before I watched this video
i wanna see babus hit high rank chall again :( we need off stream sweat babus again
i dont know if its possibly anymore because he has been nerfed so much. he will need to play normally
u dont believe in babus ? he could play yuumi top and hit challenger trust@@jym2r
I love when people do unique strats like this. It's incredibly boring just watching content creators trying to outplay their lane in the same traditional way that started ever since the game launched. Win or lose, succeed or fail, I'd 1000% choose to watch these types of videos every single day. Subscribed!
My favourite part about Bausens law is how it's ever evolving, even when in motion. Have a lot of deaths and don't take all the plates? Doesn't matter. Lose turret first? Don't sweat it. The rules of the law itself change based upon the success of the game, so it's never unsuccessful.
I love when enemy Sion play's Bausen's law. Always a joy getting that free LP gifted every once in a while.
People r making fun of the 6g gap, but the entire issue with playing Sion normally is that you let your enemy be ahead in gold in hopes that you will outscale with your passive. Essentially you are trying to minimize how fed the enemy top laner gets at the cost of your own gold intake (sacraficing minions, farming under turret). Baus's strategy is the complete opposite: you let the enemy laner get fed but you also get to stay relevant in gold by maximizing the value of your deaths. The fact that baus goes even in gold at the end with fed 1v9 Darius is kinda crazy tbh
man, i love this guy, he is so fun to watch
I looked up Bausen Law and this popped up, perfect timing
no, his first statements make sense, especially on champs like samira. I'd much rather trade 2 for 2 in early game, get a kill and give a kill than just stick out the lane phase and suddenly 15 minutes in, top, jg, and mid all one shot me
Drut Would Call you clueless for the first 2 minut banter, i do love the idea tho
I never stop going in other departments, and I can confirm it's very effective
No lie, the Bausffs deserves so much more credit for his very own original strategy. To be 6/14 against a 15/2 Darius and have a +6 gold lead and win the game, brings a tear to my eye XD. It would be luck if he won a few games using this strat but he's won thousands of games doing this which proves to everyone that it's legit. This game definitely deserves a "RIIIIOOOJOTTTTT."
This video is the literal definition of being so good at the game you can prove you can win by inting 🔥😂🔥
I'm not saying one way or the other, but I find it interesting his mentality is literally the direct opposite of what Agurin says is his "secret" to climbing.
You can only say this about Baus, that he is incredibly feed when he is 0-11 and the game is NOT over.
1:09 after this one minute shot Bauussffssppssp just ignites the light of the holy torch that will burn low elo's hearts and for those who have some playstyle's vision this changes everything. We have a new world inside to explore and to make plays and make plays and make plays and make plays.... This is the why KR server has biggest number of team fights in soloq! They had this vision already.
Thank u little guy. UR the light that ignites our ignorant hearts.
Now send me money to buy a cheap notebook and to solobolo BR soloq
Instructions unclear. Enemy Darius got 4 pentas
this guy is honestly so smart I can't believe even challangers and pro players still can't understand his strat when he's legit playing in their lobbys because he's one of the bests too.
Couple key points about gold diff. Darius main source of income is killing an inting player that by kill X is almost worth a cannon minion. Besides that he farms and like most sane players he waits for the wave and farms it safely in his lane when it arrives and like most pro players he gets an almost perfect 100cs per minute.
Best possible scenario: Baus however loves to proxy a lot, when proxying you are actually getting more than 10cs per minute because you dont have to wait for the minions, you go to them and you build tempo. Meaning lets say bot died and their wave is crashing and are now losing tempo, you can TP there, catch it and repeat the process and in the meanwhile bot lost tempo is gone because they can go catch the wave on top with the tempo you built. If no tempo is lost elsewhere, he can still use his tempo gained to go in the enemy jungle and steal his camps or build an even bigger one by going to the next wave. Thats assuming Baus does not die and the best possible scenario.
Most likely scenario: Now if he dies, a couple more key points here. Because hes so good at dying, he often gets an extra wave and/or dmg their top laner just enough to force him to reset and lose tempo. Most often than not, hes forcing the enemy team to gank and spend resources on him, making them lose tempo while his team gains it elsewhere. Keep in mind, just by killing the wave he doesnt even lose tempo from dying. While the players who commited to gank him are losing it to gank and get a fucking cannon minion worth of gold.
Worst case scenario: He dies to top lane 1v1, without getting a wave or damaging him enough to force a reset.
So the question is, how can you play around Baus strategy to force the worst case scenario? Its hard, specially in solo queue where communication is limited but the solution would be to get something with a lot of sustain/healing so you are not forced to reset and play against a full health scion all the time. And coordinate the ganks with your jungler in a way that you deny him access to the wave. But thats extremely hard to do when hes Scion and you didnt catch him before he chose to proxy. The moment hes proxying, you are already losing essentially.
bro i love your intro
Baus: "Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is?"
Perfection start to end
8:10 He had to - everybody would have done the same, it is just too cool 😂
Yeah. It's a clean top gap. Congrats Bauddy !
I think the issue we have is that we are correlating good plays and bad plays as equivalent when Bauffs is really saying that they are not equivalent, and good plays in succession have a multiplicative effect rather than an additive one? Either that or they are weighted differently like a good play is a score of 1-3 while a bad play is a score of - (1-2) ? And multiple bad plays will subtract? I'm interested into why multiple bad plays don't lead to a multiplication or if there's a certain cliff that causes the subtreaction of bad plays to multiply but I guess that makes it make sense if there are 2 good plays and 2 bad plays in succession. 2 good plays say at 2 and 3 will be a 6 while the bad plays -4 will lead to an end result of 2? The counter argument to that is 1 good play 0 bad plays can lead to 2 as well, but it's harder to have a bad play if you have good plays since the enemy needs to outplay right?
Im gonna make a documentation about Baus, with the name beeing "How a master player convinced diamonds he was challenger".
Can't wait to have 4 protagonists syndrome on my team that go "I made one bad play and one good play worth" (the good play : got the cannon, the bad play : they are 0/5)
Aight this vid is fixing to make a believer out of me.
yo that editor flashing the yomuus after flashing the first buy -- i see u -- u need a raise
this is THE bausen'S law video
If you take the gold advantage at face value, Baus did end up with a 6 gold lead. But I feel like people are forgeting an aspect about Sion that makes him so powerful: his extra health from his passive. If you include the value from all the health he earned by the end of the game, he had the equivelent extra health of over 11 ruby crystals, which is more than 4000 extra gold in value. I know Darius also gains extra AD when fighting which also increases his gold earned in the moment by over 8k at max level, but that gain is only temporary.
Endless loop, my man got that izanami sharingan
This strat works so long as their jungler isn’t mature enough to get 15 seconds behind to help push out top lane. Which is 100 % of the time in solo queue
Baus: 2 good and 2 bad plays is better than 1 good and zero bad plays
Also Bausa: makes 0 good and 10 bad plays in first 13 minutes
I can't wait for Agurin to listen to this "plays" explanation XD
Every champ having an execute is wild
This vídeo was truly incredible
-> Continuously pressures top lane
-> Always gets Jungler's attention
-> Fed top laner is forced to hold position top lane because of the pressure, being pretty much useless in game
-> Relieve top lane pressure so his own jungle can focus on dragons
-> Actually farm in a horrendous matchup
-> Ends game with a lot more gold worth than fed opponent (specially if you count HP gained with his passive)
And people dare to say this strategy is stupid and it doesn't work.
Thank you for taking time and explaining in the intro.. I still don't understand 😁👍
Baus, can you try my spliypush Sion build?
HearthSteel, Mercury, Titanic Hidra, HullBreaker, Trinity, Sterack.
Lanning phase you do you. Mid/Late game is all about lanning presure and ignore every single objective and fight no matter what. Everytime they fight, they get hard punished.
surely baus will see this comment Clueless
I don't think Baus checks youtube, but if I were you I'd not go Heartsteel anymore. Simply not worth it at all, as now it provides nothing more to Sion compare to any other users. Hullbreaker rush still seems far better, and Heartsteel can be replaced by Undying Despair for even more survivability (or Eclipse if you wanna be funky).
sadly hearsteel is just complete garbage now, does 0 damage and does not scale as well. this build has only health and no resistances - you will be oneshot even thru steraks.
@@RiverNunu Is not a build for teamfights or duels, or a build to tank, is a build for splitpush. Hearthsteel is to stack HP for titanic hidra and demolish. If you don't rush it, make no sense to build it otherwise.
@@shadowcraftplayer9075 Rushing it first item gives you like 200 extra hp at max at the end of the game, and you're basically sacrificing your entire early game by doing so since you're rushing raw HP and nothing else. Heartsteel makes 0 sense no matter how you look at it or when you build it, the item is dead.
I have no idea how Baus does so much damage every game.
Believer Burax found a way to get himself a minor role on one of Baus' videos.
Legend has it he still yapping in all chat xD
In a bad matchup, it's better to accept it than force it to be good. Thank you for the wisdom bauss
I love this season, I got way better at this game this season while I was stuck in place from sezon 4
This is juste pure art, what a genius
Calvin is the antithesis to everything Baus says
Apparantly the secret is 3 other winning lanes
Baus in a good mood for this one =D
this guy cleans my salt from solo-q straight out of the system XDD
Baus showing us his gen justsu like Itachi vs Kabuto fight. Everytime Darius kills him, he ends up in the same place, like deja vu
"Bam, bam, bam, bam!" - Baus