This is an excellent and very practical series. If it weren't for the teachings of Dallas Willard, who points to the reality of Kingdom of God, I would have left Christianity a long time ago.
Wow. Amen! I’m in the exact same boat! Dallas’s vision of the Kingdom of God is the most holistic and hopeful vision of reality I’ve yet to encounter in my 40+ years on this earth. I don’t know that I can even make sense of the world outside of the framework he has (thanks be to God) instilled in me through his writings and talks.
Thank God for Dallas Willard....have been so blessed by his teaching and life! Has opened new windows in my spiritual journey!
Thank you Dallas Willard 💛
This is an excellent and very practical series. If it weren't for the teachings of Dallas Willard, who points to the reality of Kingdom of God, I would have left Christianity a long time ago.
Yes. I am exactly right there with you. I would hope that I would still be following Christ. If I were, I would certainly be so confused.
Allen, we are so grateful you did not leave the faith and that the Lord used Dallas to help you. DWM
Wow. Amen! I’m in the exact same boat! Dallas’s vision of the Kingdom of God is the most holistic and hopeful vision of reality I’ve yet to encounter in my 40+ years on this earth. I don’t know that I can even make sense of the world outside of the framework he has (thanks be to God) instilled in me through his writings and talks.
Tremendous series! Thank you for making it available. 👍🏻