Hwei being one of the highest win rate champs should be an indicator that he’s too strong. If aphelios or azir had the same wr as Hwei has had they’d have been nerfed so long ago.
For real and hwei has 9000 abilities so if his winrate is too high it means he’s ways to unbalanced. He should be a negative winrate champion because you need to be really smart on what skills to use and that requires thinking/mechanics, more than the average player
He isnt one of the highest wr champs, he has just been hovering around 51-52% wr for the last few patched. There are at least 20 champs that have a higher wr in mid. Riot isn't going to balance Hwei at a lower wr just because he is easy/difficult. The reason Azir/Aphe are so low wr is because when they have a normal wr in soloque, they are BiS in pro play. Hwei rn is at a normal wr for solo que and isn't the most contested mid laner. He has low agency and so it's fine if he has above a 50% wr.
@@coolmanray7397 51-52% with a 9% pick rate is fucken high 💀 most champs over 52% are only over 52% cuz they are counter picks not blind picks and are hardly played.
@@coolmanray7397 51-52% winrate with a 10% pick rate for a champion of his caliber is insane. The average player should not be winning games on him that easily.
cannot belive they gutted yone like that 1% max hp nerf? bro is litterally unplayable, might as well uninstall GG riot balance, runing the game for everyones favorite character, smh
@@gabexboss4463 we will see, because right now his Win Rate is heavily deflated due to his insane 24% Pick Rate (Mid + Top). Its very likely that once his Pick Rate drops to his typical 7 - 10% in MidLane he might be a +52% Win Rate champ which is 3% above the Win Rate on which they usually keep him so he is not an absolute menace on the Rift.
@@joaomarcos7041 they obviously want yone to opt into crit , I mean that W nerf is pretty small but the bork changes are definitely gonna be felt. That plus lethal tempo getting buffed and maybe navori rush yone will become a thing again.
as a gp player my main issue is theres not alot of ability haste item he can build and i got to wait around for 30-18 second to be able to shoot out another combo mean while mages are playing urf adcs dont run out of auto attacks and i dont haven enough barrels or damage to handle a tank
@@The_Lightless nothing they can do there. either they buff crit and ADCs show up again (which hurt GP exponentially more than other top laners because he loses any x factor early game with Q/E), or they keep all crit champions shit and just buff CDs. if ER was buffed and maybe navori/yun tal switch stats but kept the same passives, you'd have a solid build to go for with IE as a 4th/5th lategame option.
@@xDamage69nooo if you get 5 man dove you can't get out!!!! 😢😢😢😢😢 Syndra E needs to have two charges and double stun duration so that my obnoxious self-peel ability can be foolproof!!!!!!
@@PongLenis-zw8kvAnd zeds Combo has actually counterplay. You can dodge shurikens and If your Champ has any CC you can just insta CC when he casts ult. You know exactly where he will appear after he clicks ult. Somehow even in dia+ many ppls do not seem to know that.
Amazing that Mundo and specifically warmogs goes untouched but they'll nerf Bork again which is the only sustain options for those champs and has no other alternative. yet AP champs still get to have a million AP on their first three items that comes with other stats and 2 paragraphs of passives.
I don't get what Riot wants to do with Kassadin. The whole point of the champion's design was to be be a useless minion early game into becoming a scaling 1v9 monster late game. He hasn't been that for years now so why even have him in the game if he offers nothing unique?
Because Kassasin counter the ADC, you know, the class Riot wants to be on top. Besides, Kassadin also counters champs like Hwei and Riot says no. No no to thar
here's whats crazier. Kassadin literally became "usable" (I refuse to call it strong) for ONE patch because ap champions completely raped every elo in this game. Kassadin being stronger is just a symptom of THAT issue. What do they do? Baby nerf a few dominant AP champs, give AD champs nothing and then gut Kassadin. Its actually sickening how much they don't want the 😈 to be unleashed
11:48 august himself said that they dont buff or nerf champs based on specific servers. Thats why they dont nerf draven just because hes high ban rate in EUW.
he’s practically getting gutted. bork nerf too 2% current per auto. all this damage he is losing also decreases his e pop, yes yone will suffer immensely this patch
@@Collektor1He is not, stop the cap. He still be a priority 0 champ with high ban and pick rate. Whatever bs you say here won't be neither respected nor taken as a fact. They are buffing lethal tempo so yone is even stronger.
@@Yokai_Yuri brother you are delusional, 6% attack speed does not make up for losing 2% HP dmg and lethal tempo still isnt picked more over fleet the higher elo you go, hes at 48% win rate this patch im expecting 46% next patch. I understand hes extremely high skill cap so he shouldnt have a high win rate but 46% win rate is crazy
An easy fix for Gwen's passive would to make it scale with level, so that she cant rush flat AP items and become an assassin very early. Maybe from 0,6 to 0,75 as she levels up would be good. Riot already nerfed her to 0,65 before and they had to buff her the next patch because she was DOGSHIT, and now they're nerfing her to 0,6?????? Bro just make it scale with levels so that she keeps her late game identity, easily fixed the bursty, snowbally, AP asssassin Gwen that 1shots everyone at level 9 with electrocute and Shadowflame/Lich's bane.
They could lower the damage output overall but buff her healing and W resistances as well. But the core of the issue is that she is useless with bruiser items and the nerf can't change her itemization at all
Also it could just straight up scale with level, not just the level AP ratio scaling you suggest. Instead of purely AP-based %maxHP, you could nerf that AP scaling even a tiny bit further, and then tack on like 0-1 or 0-2% max HP damage scaling with level. If they're worried about elo skew (which they aren't really, but if you wanted to preempt it) you could even shift the power from the base 1% she has already to 0-2% or 0-3% scaling with level. If they REALLY want to hardbind her to HP items they could even go crazy and put an HP ratio from her bonus HP onto the passive dmg scaling... they've got all sorts of options, but for now they're just crudely tapping down AP ratios and kicking the can down the road.
@@simone8172 2%? 3%? Thats literally dogshit. Currently she gets to 5-5,5% max health damage late game. When they reduced her scaling to 0,65 she already felt dogshit, cause her midgame was very poor and late game wasnt that damaging, even if she still had 3-4% late game. 2 or 3% will do nothing for her. She NEEDS the ap scaling there cause all of her abilities have low base numbers and low scalings, in exchange for applying her passive multiple times.
@@maggggers5108 If you talking about the 14.10 review he was just against lethal tempo giving too much attack speed he didn't comment on the attack speed cap
@@BoyNextDoorr lol wdym you dont think so? That's literally how breaking the attack speed cap works, if you have 2.5 as and you break the cap with lt and go past that, you get an insane amount of attack speed.
@@PongLenis-zw8kv"ok this doesnt matter" "ok this is an autoattack maybe 2 worth of hp" "you have to play THOUSANDS of games for this to mean anything"
Phreak said the patch after this they will look at assasin items in his video and shift power around. He said the best assassin items everyone needs to build right now are Hubris and Voltaic sword. Any other item makes you negative winrate player
They just nerfed Kassadin to just prevent him being meta, kinda like Riot is scared of him, seems completely stupid to me tho, but whatever, other mages have way more WR% and Playrate ratio but then they get 3 patchs straight untouched (except that Luden's nerf last patch).
People don't know yet but conq with roa rift fimbulwinter into tank is quite good on kassadin They still build full ap squishy when his ap ratios are complete trash
@@Ochnun this is true, even after AP ratios get nerfed. the problem is nobody plays kassadin to be a fucking drain tank with frozen, roa fimbul and rift. the champion fantasy is completely destroyed and you just play him like a budget swain/vlad/galio.
@@zzthedon4k I think his laning phase is just unplayable level of shit,you fall so far behind and you can't really recover and scale because, all of his damage items are extremely expensive so you're better of building tanky items and deal dmg with conq and rift in extended fights. And them nerfing his ap ratios even more, pushes him towards these builds.
couse in hyperspeed state of 2024 league, when 1\2 of champs got aa resets, aa bosts & ton of mobilty having early game item with % dmg creates a huge poowerspike. The problem with botrk - if the item is good, it gonna be rushed 1\2 slot, if bad - people ingore it. At it core it was planned as lategame item for aa champs to shread tanks in sinergy with % pen item, but the game is to much overloaded with mobilty, aa reset & as boosts for botrk not being abused early game. Basicly it's an item from 2009-2010 gamedesign (madreds replacement) who cant proper be blanaced for its role in game in modern League envirement, but riots cant removed it couse it is too much iconic and hyped by them in lore. Like yummi. Evryone agrees it would be better if they just remoove her from game, but they cant admit it. Same for botrk. It just need to be reworked in smth esle, but no a foward % health dmg.
@@Collektor1 trinity and ravenous champs spike just as hard and I dont see how thats a good reason if they arent offering any alternatives for those champs to build
I think talon could be quite a fun champion if his W was like velkoz W where you get 2 chages of it but its half as strong. Then they can make him about catching more than one person at a time with W then Qing them as it comes up and you gate how much target access he has around the Q
Statistically Talon is trash in low elo and nearly ok in higher elo. His WR from the AVG Talon player to the main players is +8% which is very high (2.5-10% is the normal range, so 8% is decently high). Talons combos are maybe easy to learn and to pull off, but that doesn't mean the whole champ is that easy to play (champs like him require a better map understanding than your AVG mid laner or jungler).
if they want sivirs winrate to go up maybe like actually buff her not do whatever tf this was. 2 AD and nerfing her Q dmg at the point of the game where shes supposed to be strong is just such insanity to me. shes not gonna get a 4% wr increase from that, give her an actual buff riot.
gwen changes are so silly... instead of "okay so people go full ap, cause her old items are dogshit after we murdered them, maybe lets buff them make it more beneficial for her to buy these items again." nope they just nerf the value of AP she gets, so low ap "bruiser" builds are fked cause with less ap you get less out of this, and high ap builds are also fked cause they lose a lot of gold value now... now you need to rely on items again to cover for this nerf, but thats what riot doesnt want casue they hate items and hate fun and want us all to play valorant but still by 400€ skins... weird company.
She’s absolutely disgusting tho. I was aatrox who got fb on her and 5 more kills with equal cs. She gets 1 item (which is nashoors) and suddenly 1 Q deal’s genuinely like 40% of my max hp (I was bruised aatrox btw 2 items although first item was eclipse but still.) after that she was able to 1v2 me and VOLI jg (who was also ahead) while being 2/9 with below average cs. Genuinely disgusting. Not to mention how she has sustain mobility and anti range yasuo wall on steroids. I’ve always seen Gwen’s feed their minds off then suddenly carry but never experienced it firsthand til then. I had most dmg in team when match ended, she had double my dmg with negative kda and low cs compared to everyone else (they won purely because of her btw. And it wasn’t even a Gwen main)
All roles won in my team and her below avrg cs completely garbage kda absolutely carried and I couldn’t even farm. Mind you I land my whole kit with crits, just to barely win the trade. She does 1 q to wave and she’s back to being healthy. And her q and passive comes back so fast. Absolutely disgusting champ ngl.
@@dakuitichi3591 I mean I am sorry for your sad experience there m8 - but Gwen is just really good vs your champ - and Aatrox in my eyes, is not great right now. So sure sounds like the 0 10 yasuo going uga booga and kills everyone. But Gwen is literally destroying Voli and Aatrox - sure in lane as you said with Q and a better build path you can mess with a bad Gwen player; but then later you wont hit a Q either she dashes away or with ghost dodges or Ws it. And without your main dmg source against a true dmg champ sounds fked. I had similar games as the Gwen, bad lane vs Aatrox cause I am addicted to getting hit by your Qs and then later outscale and run him down. Sure that probably shouldnt happen on 1 item... but idk maybe she had more exp or again if you cant hit q and she can, maybe even has ignite or something - its just gg for Aatrox. Eclipse should also be correct here, you cant go tank or brusiser, against Gwen you need to go full dmg - to kill her when shes miss playing etc. or to keep the snowball when your ahead. Otherwise you just lose faster; so sure that makes you squishy but as I said multiple times in this match up its all on Gwen being human or not. Gwen is also a champ that does better in Solo Q due to the lack of coordination, sure she has her W and sustain with Rift, but against targeted efforts she can be quite problematic, she likes 3v3 or stuff like that but in a 5v5 she can be quite unhappy. So like we Top laners sometimes complain about Fiora or Trynd etc. cause fk us up, against a counter or stronger 1v1 champ one just needs to use the Team Card. But sure thats not fun. She is a good, great champ even - but I think going of one weird solo Q game where you had at least 2 champs that lose/get countered by her - does not underline or define her as broken etc. I mean when she was released I mained Ornn top - I thought she was broken too, cause well she just cut me to pieces, but then I learned about her - how to play the match up and what to pick instead to counter her and I had a better time; There are op champs and lane bullies with "no real" answer but I just dont think Gwen is close to that level of toxicity or bs by far. I dont wish it upon anyone but idk Cassio top with Ghost etc. thats stuff thats not playable. Well regardless, best of luck on the rift m8
@@Linkingx2 I called her disgusting because of how I did consistently out trade and land Q’s on her while mega ahead (same level if not higher) and still she ran me down after 1 item as if I’ve been the one feeding her. How does a champ go from getting run down easily to 1v2 from 1 item. That’s point blank period disgusting. Now main issue is that each time I see Gwen genuinely I see her feed to suddenly stomping her lane. Also she melts towers. Anyway I don’t play top, was auto filled (used to be a top main so ik how to play the role) but stopped due to lane being unplayable when camped, or unplayable with a match up like this. I enjoy playing the game lol
ah so the lethal tempo buff was so pathetic that it still doesnt make it worth taking on master yi over hail of blades but bork is getting completely gutted without compensation buffs. my champion will be completely fucking unplayable now when he already was mid at best. i guess ill just have to play smth else
@@gabexboss4463 no its just terrible. kraken is only good when you already have bork it combos well with it. but you can do the math, kraken just does so much less damage than bork, even after that nerf it will. for example on a 1400hp target with master yi if you have bork at around level 8, if you attack 3 times (kraken proc), with bork first item you will do around 850 damage, when with kraken you would do 590 damage. on an unarmored target btw. on top of this bork slows and gives lifesteal, which kraken doesnt do. if you reduce the onhit damage by 20% from the bork, this damage will be reduced to around 780 damage, which is still 200 higher than with kraken. kraken will only surpass the damage on a target dummy when the target has 0 health to begin with, so in other words already dead
Ah yes...Yone will NOT be sffected by this if Lethal tempo cap was buffed as well as the A.S, you little children forget BoTrK was previously nerfed many patches ago BEFORE being in the state it is right now and Yone back then was busted and now he will remain so. He has an ultimate skin coming just around the corner, he is a tier 0 champ with 90% win rate on worlds. You think having 1% less damage on his W and BoTRK being nerfed by 2% is gonna kill him? The dame champ that plays like Urf, has no counter from the tank and does physical as well as magical.damage? That champ is getting "gutted" sit down trash yone main.
@@Yokai_Yuri you definitely a yone hater lol, Bork will be a massive nerf to his damage, you forgot Bork already had been nerfed twice before this. Lethal tempo is getting a 1% buff on each stack and that’s not his most favorable rune, it’s fleet. So frankly you don’t know anything about this lol. You can’t be higher than platinum if you seriously have these takes on the champ. Yone mains been clappin those cheeks too hard this man can’t sit properly lmao. Yone is only a high Elo problem so unless you’re Masters+ I suggest you keep statements to yourself you sound like a complete noob. Also worlds is 2 patches behind so you can’t use that as a comparison to right now. Prob didn’t know that tho cause you’re obviously clueless about a lot of things.
I made a comment last video lambasting Nemesis for his comments about the Gwen nerf. Clearly he read it, looked it up, and thought about it before making this video, so thank you a lot for that Nemesis. I agree, by the way, that maybe she could use a tone down for the MMR you play in, AKA the best of the best, but this is an absolute gutting of her kit, and that's really sad to see for any Gwen player.
I mean gwen does need to be shifted towards more durability and less full ap 1 q oneshots / half hps even tankies. Its pretty ridiculous. Personally I think her bonus resistances either ap scaling or base value should go up, lower her q ap ratio, increase passive healing, increase her base hp. This wouldnt change her builds all that much, except less death caps and less magic pen, but since her base hp goes up she wouldnt be interested in building more hp, which I think is fine. If it was really required I think the builds that dont take riftmaker could be entirely killed if her base hp went down, making the value of hp go up, but I think that may be a bad idea, just makes her more squishy. The resistance increase would also mean riftmaker becomes even better.
@@novanomi3362 I'm not convinced her kit is the problem, or at least not in a quickly addressable way. The reason she's building full ap is they are the only items that do anything for her. Outside of riftmaker, what ap items can she build for durability? Her kit is terrible at applying Liandries and Rylais so they aren't very good. ROA gives mana that she doesn't want and you would have to first buy it which she doesn't want to do. Morello is balanced around not even being good if you want grievous wounds. Rocketbelt feels like wasting gold on a worse dash than the one in your kit (which has like a 2 second cooldown by the time you're strong) Basically Cosmic drive is the only one that even looks buyable.
@@novanomi3362 Increasing the AP scaling on resists risks just making the problem worse. She's currently buying full AP, and Riot doesn't want that. Swapping some of her AP scalings (very possibly on Passive as they're *almost* doing) for either HP scalings, level scalings, or both would very effectively push her in the direction of bruiser and HP items like they say they want to... increasing her base HP would also continue to exacerbate the problem of building full AP and ignoring HP bruiser items, and I think Riot's been pretty clear that they want her building more HP and less AP. I have no clue why they haven't done that yet though... It shouldn't exactly be hard to figure out if their goals are what they say they are...
Nerf 1% of yone W Nerf 2% of BOTRK Buff 1% - 6% Lethal Tempo What a Colossal nerf to Yone, Now Yone doesn't One Shot Tanks. But still one shot everything else
@The_Lightless I Know, but still, botrk is still broken, if you see, Liandry does 2% of max health over 3 seconds and can't stack. While yone can 8% current health like 4 times in a second. 2.5 AS + Q Being slightly weaker doesn't mean he's not Broken
@@MarcosPaulo-su6ex botrk aside its passive is just shit. Remember this thing had 12% of the current health and now it will be just 8. Also comparing it to liandry is simply stupid. How can you compare item with decent stats that deals MAX hp/s to item that deals CURRENT hp/aa. Botrk is the only thing that makes yone viable now. Even after crit buffs he isn't building any crit because crit items are worthless now. Yas and yone need both AD and AS and now we don't have any crit item that have both of these stats. Only in iron and high elo yone has winrate above 50% and people here who peaked gold are still crying that he isnt nerfed more like wtf. Learn to play instead of crying you people
Legit typical mage-player opinion on the talon buff. Talon NEEDs to push and than afk/run off because the perma-poking-never-running-out-of-mana-unpunicheable-mage-meta forces that playstyle since months now. You just can't win the lane vs mages as an (ad-)assassin anymore. Look at the tierlist u so clamied "pro". All upper 40 champs are AP-Champs. The main problem is that AP-burst items are way too busted atm (Stormsurge, Shadowflame), AP-Utility-Items(Seraphs, ZHONIAS) are providing wayyyyy too much safety in this already slower-pacing game and everyone(except ad-assassins) has 20 shields, 4k health and 160 armor by 15 min. Thats the reality since months now. Im not saying Assassins in general should get buffs, but when Katarina is S-tier as a pure skill-based mechanical champ, when thats the same reason u also say Zed, Yasuo and Yone are D-tier and low winrate, then something is really off (she builds ap). U said it yourself when playing Talon recently: The assassin-items are just utter sht and need to get changed. And buffing Talon's W waveclear a bit on the way to this probably hundred-year-delayed project on redesigning assassin-items is nothing compared the perma-safe shtfest u have thrived in as a mageplayer for what feels like a year now. The goal should be to actually bring oneshots back for the champs that are the only ones actually intended to do just that. And to all the mage-mains, mage-enthusiasts or whatever u rats call urself: Stop crying when u get oneshot after poking for 15 minutes. That's like spam-throwing rocks at someone and saying its unjust when they finally get the hold of you. Pussieass mentality.
Typical assasin player when they don't get to oneshot people with impunity and have to actually use their brains to get kills. You guys are the biggest 🏳️🌈 in the game, the equivalent of a Sniper in a shooter game. You're like bruisers but without the whole 1v1 and outplaying part. At least ADC's need to position correctly or risk getting one-tapped. They need to put themselves at risk to do their job. But go ahead, keep barking. It's fun.
God those hwei nerfs. Hes literally unplayable now wtf riot. A whole .05ap ratio of his qq? How will he ever infinitely waveclear with infinite resources now?
Not wanna sound butthurt or anything but he hates champs he cant play. Majority of mages he plays he can and will stick glue to lane and never leave. So saying that about Talon as the only assassin that has historically ever able to pretend to be a mage is just sickening. I like nemesis regardless but just reminded me that I disliked him back at Fnatic to be the only player to not able to play leblanc when she was strong in pro.
you are butthurt. he is saying talon is gonna sit behind tower and one shot wave with W or just W wave and leave lane to roam without ever risking or interacting with enemy laner. talon is literally for noobs who cant play katarina.
Ahri, think lux way before the overbuff R CD and dmg has also been part of that push and roam style historically. Know your history and champs like kat, fizz and lb has to use their wave clear and risk getting chunked. I just dont see the problem whose only strenght is tied to a timer before getting outscaled. League is a different game than it was. Also with the removal of minion deman talon couldnt do this anymore. Fizz and ahri still can being "even". Fizz at lvl 7 and Ahri at lvl 8 (used to be )along talon with minion deman. I dont expect you to understand when you said the katarina comment tho @acker6017
@@acker6017Ah yes the AP champion playing for dagger placements and CD resets is the same as an AD champion that dashes over walls and goes invisible. You must also think all ADCs are the same champion.
What does Twitch even buy first item with that bork nerfed? Feel like every possible first item is so shit cuz he wants atk speed and AD. Kraken is a shit item for ranged, shiv is shit on him, what does he even go?
How biased can this guy be? xD jungle nerf: "ye well, unskilled" kassadin: "I don't understand :O" It's almost like kassadin isn't flat out unskilled when we're playing in a tanky/low damage/slow meta...
it's stupid to say that talon doesn't take skill the champ is a weak laner and gets bullied by a lot of lanes and if you're bad at him and don't know which combo to use in a given situation and how you play the fight you will not be able to make him work, he has a good skill cielign and there's a reason why there are high challenger talon onetrciks and he used to be picked in worlds even though you can't roam like you do in soloq.
and talon is not in a good spot, he is below 50% WR on pretty much all elos in all regions both jg and mid. He should be 50 at least, especially if he is so unskilled as nemesis is saying
Oh yes the "nerfs" these champions received are a joke. I like how Kaisa, Senna, Hwei, and Yone received the - 0.3% nerf 😂. These champs have been busted all year long and they refuse to nerf them. I can see Jinx getting mega buffed next month.
u just mentioned four of the most popular champs in their respective roles. these characters will never get nerfed unless some divergent changes cause their counters to become very strong (and even that will last for one patch at most)
Just rework kassadin into the mobile version of him or delete him at this point, this is the first patch hes not negative wr in like 6 months cuz of mage meta and his counters being unplayably bad rn but hes instantly nerfed for being a 51% wr counterpick champ?
Blade nerf makes no sense to hit the HP, tanks and heartstell people are running rampent. Like nerf the ad or attack speed, not the conditional hp CURRENT hp damage so dum. Or make the the number a bit lowe and make it MAX hp and not current. So it is actually good against big hp targets and bad against squishy? wow what a great idea, this is why people meme on the balance team, random people on youtube can balance it better than people who work 40 hours a week at the company
I'm honestly very unsure why we are complaining about this Talon buff when he is mostly played by onetricks (3~5% pickrate). Also it was to be expected that his W would be buffed since there isn't any other spell that you can really buff and expect to help Talon have an easier time mid. (maybe Q, but it wouldn't change much)
talking sht about talon kinda ironic when u just clear wave get ur item then one tap every squishy champs but if assassin do that just hate :D sry for not trying to q to ur syndra bro im pretty sure u would miss qe and surely dont get half of my hp min 5 :DD
Nemesis obsesses way too hard about “Skilled” abilities, kinda cringe that he justifies and criticizes changes when Riot has said they don’t really balance around skill
Hwei IS NOT a high skill champion, Hwei is one of the easiest characters in the whole game and it's crazy to hear that from Nemesis. Also no, Gwen is not strong, she is doing her job, she is top 3, cause meta favors her and it does not justify nerfing her. Gwen, Camille and Smolder top need to be viable for this lane to not get too ran over by tanks and be actually fun to play. Also about Talon, Talon is a HARD one trick champion. Talon buff is too small, for how horrible he is rn. There is a lot of room to buff Talon and they should start by upping all his dmg, by like 50% by mid game. He is BOTH one trick and soloQ champion, him not having 56% wr is him being weak.
Smolder Top? Just no comment. The Talon thing goes the right direction, but kinda not because lacking damage by midgame is a common problem across all ad-assassins atm and has several distinct reasons.
@@The_Lightless I am EUW master top laner, that last split played Lucian, Smolder, Kai'sa and Vayne and i still play Smolder and Kai'sa top AND i hate tanks as a class. I am biased af in that regard.
21HP buff on malphite is peak riot balancing lmao
Hwei being one of the highest win rate champs should be an indicator that he’s too strong. If aphelios or azir had the same wr as Hwei has had they’d have been nerfed so long ago.
For real and hwei has 9000 abilities so if his winrate is too high it means he’s ways to unbalanced. He should be a negative winrate champion because you need to be really smart on what skills to use and that requires thinking/mechanics, more than the average player
He isnt one of the highest wr champs, he has just been hovering around 51-52% wr for the last few patched. There are at least 20 champs that have a higher wr in mid.
Riot isn't going to balance Hwei at a lower wr just because he is easy/difficult. The reason Azir/Aphe are so low wr is because when they have a normal wr in soloque, they are BiS in pro play. Hwei rn is at a normal wr for solo que and isn't the most contested mid laner. He has low agency and so it's fine if he has above a 50% wr.
@@coolmanray7397 51-52% with a 9% pick rate is fucken high 💀 most champs over 52% are only over 52% cuz they are counter picks not blind picks and are hardly played.
@@coolmanray7397 51-52% winrate with a 10% pick rate for a champion of his caliber is insane. The average player should not be winning games on him that easily.
@@coolmanray7397Hes 54% wr in bot lane
cannot belive they gutted yone like that 1% max hp nerf? bro is litterally unplayable, might as well uninstall GG riot balance, runing the game for everyones favorite character, smh
I mean they also nerfed his core Item - Blade of the Ruined king so it should be a decent nerf all around.
They had buffed him for a patch and are already gonna nerf him because hes broken what do you mean
@@gabexboss4463 we will see, because right now his Win Rate is heavily deflated due to his insane 24% Pick Rate (Mid + Top). Its very likely that once his Pick Rate drops to his typical 7 - 10% in MidLane he might be a +52% Win Rate champ which is 3% above the Win Rate on which they usually keep him so he is not an absolute menace on the Rift.
@@joaomarcos7041 they obviously want yone to opt into crit , I mean that W nerf is pretty small but the bork changes are definitely gonna be felt. That plus lethal tempo getting buffed and maybe navori rush yone will become a thing again.
as a gp player my main issue is theres not alot of ability haste item he can build and i got to wait around for 30-18 second to be able to shoot out another combo mean while mages are playing urf adcs dont run out of auto attacks and i dont haven enough barrels or damage to handle a tank
As a gp player your main issue should be that crit items SUCK and infinity edge is TRASH
@@The_Lightless nothing they can do there. either they buff crit and ADCs show up again (which hurt GP exponentially more than other top laners because he loses any x factor early game with Q/E), or they keep all crit champions shit and just buff CDs. if ER was buffed and maybe navori/yun tal switch stats but kept the same passives, you'd have a solid build to go for with IE as a 4th/5th lategame option.
Mages have lost a lot of haste with the nerf on items and on lucidity boots so no we don't play URF anymore sadly
10:08 Nice description of the control mage playstyle.
control mages cant one shot you
@@xDamage69 syndra?
@@Dvniele syndra doesn't afk under tower?
@@Dvniele you cant afk under tower with syndra and you cant get out of hard engage
@@xDamage69nooo if you get 5 man dove you can't get out!!!! 😢😢😢😢😢 Syndra E needs to have two charges and double stun duration so that my obnoxious self-peel ability can be foolproof!!!!!!
Damn bro really went in on talon, if anything I see more of the playstyle he described from other assassins like Zed
Zed, while easy to press R on, is actually a hard champ especially above platinum
I could agree with him until he said there was nothing skilled in Talons kit. His E is op but has so much room for skill expression.
@@PongLenis-zw8kv I’m not talking about mechanics I’m talking about laning like he prefaced in his video
@@PongLenis-zw8kvAnd zeds Combo has actually counterplay. You can dodge shurikens and If your Champ has any CC you can just insta CC when he casts ult. You know exactly where he will appear after he clicks ult. Somehow even in dia+ many ppls do not seem to know that.
@@starz333 sorry, I didn’t want to imply anything, just leave this comment out here for all to see, no offense or anything
Amazing that Mundo and specifically warmogs goes untouched but they'll nerf Bork again which is the only sustain options for those champs and has no other alternative. yet AP champs still get to have a million AP on their first three items that comes with other stats and 2 paragraphs of passives.
Mundo is not that strong before 16 he gets bullied in lane by everything and if enemy adc is fed he is useless anyways
I don't get what Riot wants to do with Kassadin. The whole point of the champion's design was to be be a useless minion early game into becoming a scaling 1v9 monster late game. He hasn't been that for years now so why even have him in the game if he offers nothing unique?
disgusting shit company
since s13 he got 9 nerfs and 1 buff nice champ!
Because Kassasin counter the ADC, you know, the class Riot wants to be on top. Besides, Kassadin also counters champs like Hwei and Riot says no. No no to thar
idk he is unplayable now, he is weaker than canon pre-6 and no damage after
here's whats crazier. Kassadin literally became "usable" (I refuse to call it strong) for ONE patch because ap champions completely raped every elo in this game. Kassadin being stronger is just a symptom of THAT issue. What do they do? Baby nerf a few dominant AP champs, give AD champs nothing and then gut Kassadin. Its actually sickening how much they don't want the 😈 to be unleashed
Wish phreak would bring back giant slayer passive on ldr
These last few changes feel like riot is making changes based on info from four patches back
I love this channel
11:48 august himself said that they dont buff or nerf champs based on specific servers. Thats why they dont nerf draven just because hes high ban rate in EUW.
that supposed to be a nerf on yone?
he’s practically getting gutted. bork nerf too 2% current per auto. all this damage he is losing also decreases his e pop, yes yone will suffer immensely this patch
@@Collektor1He is not, stop the cap. He still be a priority 0 champ with high ban and pick rate. Whatever bs you say here won't be neither respected nor taken as a fact.
They are buffing lethal tempo so yone is even stronger.
@@Yokai_Yuri brother you are delusional, 6% attack speed does not make up for losing 2% HP dmg and lethal tempo still isnt picked more over fleet the higher elo you go, hes at 48% win rate this patch im expecting 46% next patch.
I understand hes extremely high skill cap so he shouldnt have a high win rate but 46% win rate is crazy
@@TT460mhe is 48% winrate in your bob low elo. In master+ he is 51% where people can actually pilot him
@@20ali03 how is GM low elo 😭 I gotta get off this app I’m losing IQ
Thanks for the Upload!
Rip kassa
He was dead before nerf
Im full of hate rn there was no reason to fuck him this bad and here we are
god riddance
An easy fix for Gwen's passive would to make it scale with level, so that she cant rush flat AP items and become an assassin very early.
Maybe from 0,6 to 0,75 as she levels up would be good. Riot already nerfed her to 0,65 before and they had to buff her the next patch because she was DOGSHIT, and now they're nerfing her to 0,6?????? Bro just make it scale with levels so that she keeps her late game identity, easily fixed the bursty, snowbally, AP asssassin Gwen that 1shots everyone at level 9 with electrocute and Shadowflame/Lich's bane.
They could lower the damage output overall but buff her healing and W resistances as well.
But the core of the issue is that she is useless with bruiser items and the nerf can't change her itemization at all
Also it could just straight up scale with level, not just the level AP ratio scaling you suggest. Instead of purely AP-based %maxHP, you could nerf that AP scaling even a tiny bit further, and then tack on like 0-1 or 0-2% max HP damage scaling with level. If they're worried about elo skew (which they aren't really, but if you wanted to preempt it) you could even shift the power from the base 1% she has already to 0-2% or 0-3% scaling with level.
If they REALLY want to hardbind her to HP items they could even go crazy and put an HP ratio from her bonus HP onto the passive dmg scaling... they've got all sorts of options, but for now they're just crudely tapping down AP ratios and kicking the can down the road.
@@simone8172 2%? 3%? Thats literally dogshit. Currently she gets to 5-5,5% max health damage late game.
When they reduced her scaling to 0,65 she already felt dogshit, cause her midgame was very poor and late game wasnt that damaging, even if she still had 3-4% late game. 2 or 3% will do nothing for her.
She NEEDS the ap scaling there cause all of her abilities have low base numbers and low scalings, in exchange for applying her passive multiple times.
It's kind of funny how Nemesis reacts to the Patch Preview, PBE Patch Preview, Patch Leaks and actual patch notes separately 😄
Nerfing passive stack scaling champs but I don't see any smolder nerfs....trash!
How did Syndra not get nerfed?
She is giga busted and has a insane banrate on high elo euw.
Why dont they remove the attack speed cap when you use lethal tempo ? Did they say why they dont wanna do that perhaps ?
Phreak said that it made the rune super overpowered for a lot of characters, that's why they removed it before
@@maggggers5108 If you talking about the 14.10 review he was just against lethal tempo giving too much attack speed he didn't comment on the attack speed cap
@@BoyNextDoorrLT removing the attack speed cap would give champs too much attack speed.
@@trueoriginality5287 nah i dont think so
@@BoyNextDoorr lol wdym you dont think so? That's literally how breaking the attack speed cap works, if you have 2.5 as and you break the cap with lt and go past that, you get an insane amount of attack speed.
Holy nemesis reads patch notes like he's analyzing a country's federal spending or some shit.
Have you seen LS doing the same?
@@PongLenis-zw8kv"ok this doesnt matter" "ok this is an autoattack maybe 2 worth of hp" "you have to play THOUSANDS of games for this to mean anything"
@@lookatmysausageI mean LS is right, most buffs r placebo just to make u think ur champ is getting a boost but its just in ur head lol
or vice versa
@@lookatmysausage hahahha so accurate man😂
I don't know why you said QQ is the worst on Hwei, it's a reliable poke most of the time when the ennemie is too far to get a E into QW or QE
Starts 4:10
When aren't they buffing assasins tho
When they need it. Which aint right now.
Because mage meta is unskilled
@@Griefexi meant why they re not byffing assasins mb they should buff items instead of champs
Phreak said the patch after this they will look at assasin items in his video and shift power around. He said the best assassin items everyone needs to build right now are Hubris and Voltaic sword. Any other item makes you negative winrate player
Phreak hates them and hes a manchild
Bruh is back again! And its stronger than ever
They just nerfed Kassadin to just prevent him being meta, kinda like Riot is scared of him, seems completely stupid to me tho, but whatever, other mages have way more WR% and Playrate ratio but then they get 3 patchs straight untouched (except that Luden's nerf last patch).
Kassadin was dogshiy anyways... So i guess they just want to make him less than 1% pickrate or smth
yeah vladimir is a much better option as late game ap champ
People don't know yet but conq with roa rift fimbulwinter into tank is quite good on kassadin
They still build full ap squishy when his ap ratios are complete trash
@@Ochnun this is true, even after AP ratios get nerfed. the problem is nobody plays kassadin to be a fucking drain tank with frozen, roa fimbul and rift. the champion fantasy is completely destroyed and you just play him like a budget swain/vlad/galio.
@@zzthedon4k I think his laning phase is just unplayable level of shit,you fall so far behind and you can't really recover and scale because, all of his damage items are extremely expensive so you're better of building tanky items and deal dmg with conq and rift in extended fights.
And them nerfing his ap ratios even more, pushes him towards these builds.
funny yone nerf but the botrk nerf is nice
Does anyone know why botrk is getting gutted for melees?
couse in hyperspeed state of 2024 league, when 1\2 of champs got aa resets, aa bosts & ton of mobilty having early game item with % dmg creates a huge poowerspike. The problem with botrk - if the item is good, it gonna be rushed 1\2 slot, if bad - people ingore it. At it core it was planned as lategame item for aa champs to shread tanks in sinergy with % pen item, but the game is to much overloaded with mobilty, aa reset & as boosts for botrk not being abused early game. Basicly it's an item from 2009-2010 gamedesign (madreds replacement) who cant proper be blanaced for its role in game in modern League envirement, but riots cant removed it couse it is too much iconic and hyped by them in lore. Like yummi. Evryone agrees it would be better if they just remoove her from game, but they cant admit it. Same for botrk. It just need to be reworked in smth esle, but no a foward % health dmg.
Because the item is busted on melees?
it’s extremely overtuned and the undisputed strongest first item spike in the game
@@Collektor1 trinity and ravenous champs spike just as hard and I dont see how thats a good reason if they arent offering any alternatives for those champs to build
@@legacyyyyyyyyDefinitely not ravenous anymore, maybe you can argue Trinity but even still Blade is probably stronger.
Corki + Thresh (W+lantern for safe insta waveclear)
Remove the level up passive from RoA and give it ability haste to compensate.
I think talon could be quite a fun champion if his W was like velkoz W where you get 2 chages of it but its half as strong. Then they can make him about catching more than one person at a time with W then Qing them as it comes up and you gate how much target access he has around the Q
That’s terrible, it means he would lose an insane amount of burst damage especially on later game ones tapping people.
So Galio. The giant, MAGIC RESISTING gargoyle, isn't meant to play tank. Interesting thematic choice by Riot
Well they did remove gargoyle stone plate
@@The_Lightless and I'll never forgive them for it 😂
kracken needs crit, or shieldbow lifesteal.
Statistically Talon is trash in low elo and nearly ok in higher elo. His WR from the AVG Talon player to the main players is +8% which is very high (2.5-10% is the normal range, so 8% is decently high). Talons combos are maybe easy to learn and to pull off, but that doesn't mean the whole champ is that easy to play (champs like him require a better map understanding than your AVG mid laner or jungler).
Azir buff is sick!! Riot plis nerf him that champ is crazy broken
if they want sivirs winrate to go up maybe like actually buff her not do whatever tf this was. 2 AD and nerfing her Q dmg at the point of the game where shes supposed to be strong is just such insanity to me. shes not gonna get a 4% wr increase from that, give her an actual buff riot.
gwen changes are so silly... instead of "okay so people go full ap, cause her old items are dogshit after we murdered them, maybe lets buff them make it more beneficial for her to buy these items again."
nope they just nerf the value of AP she gets, so low ap "bruiser" builds are fked cause with less ap you get less out of this, and high ap builds are also fked cause they lose a lot of gold value now...
now you need to rely on items again to cover for this nerf, but thats what riot doesnt want casue they hate items and hate fun and want us all to play valorant but still by 400€ skins... weird company.
She’s absolutely disgusting tho. I was aatrox who got fb on her and 5 more kills with equal cs. She gets 1 item (which is nashoors) and suddenly 1 Q deal’s genuinely like 40% of my max hp (I was bruised aatrox btw 2 items although first item was eclipse but still.) after that she was able to 1v2 me and VOLI jg (who was also ahead) while being 2/9 with below average cs. Genuinely disgusting. Not to mention how she has sustain mobility and anti range yasuo wall on steroids. I’ve always seen Gwen’s feed their minds off then suddenly carry but never experienced it firsthand til then. I had most dmg in team when match ended, she had double my dmg with negative kda and low cs compared to everyone else (they won purely because of her btw. And it wasn’t even a Gwen main)
All roles won in my team and her below avrg cs completely garbage kda absolutely carried and I couldn’t even farm. Mind you I land my whole kit with crits, just to barely win the trade. She does 1 q to wave and she’s back to being healthy. And her q and passive comes back so fast. Absolutely disgusting champ ngl.
@@dakuitichi3591 I mean I am sorry for your sad experience there m8 - but Gwen is just really good vs your champ - and Aatrox in my eyes, is not great right now.
So sure sounds like the 0 10 yasuo going uga booga and kills everyone. But Gwen is literally destroying Voli and Aatrox - sure in lane as you said with Q and a better build path you can mess with a bad Gwen player; but then later you wont hit a Q either she dashes away or with ghost dodges or Ws it. And without your main dmg source against a true dmg champ sounds fked. I had similar games as the Gwen, bad lane vs Aatrox cause I am addicted to getting hit by your Qs and then later outscale and run him down. Sure that probably shouldnt happen on 1 item... but idk maybe she had more exp or again if you cant hit q and she can, maybe even has ignite or something - its just gg for Aatrox.
Eclipse should also be correct here, you cant go tank or brusiser, against Gwen you need to go full dmg - to kill her when shes miss playing etc. or to keep the snowball when your ahead. Otherwise you just lose faster; so sure that makes you squishy but as I said multiple times in this match up its all on Gwen being human or not.
Gwen is also a champ that does better in Solo Q due to the lack of coordination, sure she has her W and sustain with Rift, but against targeted efforts she can be quite problematic, she likes 3v3 or stuff like that but in a 5v5 she can be quite unhappy. So like we Top laners sometimes complain about Fiora or Trynd etc. cause fk us up, against a counter or stronger 1v1 champ one just needs to use the Team Card. But sure thats not fun.
She is a good, great champ even - but I think going of one weird solo Q game where you had at least 2 champs that lose/get countered by her - does not underline or define her as broken etc. I mean when she was released I mained Ornn top - I thought she was broken too, cause well she just cut me to pieces, but then I learned about her - how to play the match up and what to pick instead to counter her and I had a better time; There are op champs and lane bullies with "no real" answer but I just dont think Gwen is close to that level of toxicity or bs by far. I dont wish it upon anyone but idk Cassio top with Ghost etc. thats stuff thats not playable.
Well regardless, best of luck on the rift m8
@@Linkingx2 I called her disgusting because of how I did consistently out trade and land Q’s on her while mega ahead (same level if not higher) and still she ran me down after 1 item as if I’ve been the one feeding her. How does a champ go from getting run down easily to 1v2 from 1 item. That’s point blank period disgusting. Now main issue is that each time I see Gwen genuinely I see her feed to suddenly stomping her lane. Also she melts towers. Anyway I don’t play top, was auto filled (used to be a top main so ik how to play the role) but stopped due to lane being unplayable when camped, or unplayable with a match up like this. I enjoy playing the game lol
ah so the lethal tempo buff was so pathetic that it still doesnt make it worth taking on master yi over hail of blades but bork is getting completely gutted without compensation buffs. my champion will be completely fucking unplayable now when he already was mid at best. i guess ill just have to play smth else
@@yihadistxdl951 maybe kraken slayer might be a good alternative now. Idk if that feels good on Yi tho
@@gabexboss4463 no its just terrible. kraken is only good when you already have bork it combos well with it. but you can do the math, kraken just does so much less damage than bork, even after that nerf it will. for example on a 1400hp target with master yi if you have bork at around level 8, if you attack 3 times (kraken proc), with bork first item you will do around 850 damage, when with kraken you would do 590 damage. on an unarmored target btw. on top of this bork slows and gives lifesteal, which kraken doesnt do. if you reduce the onhit damage by 20% from the bork, this damage will be reduced to around 780 damage, which is still 200 higher than with kraken. kraken will only surpass the damage on a target dummy when the target has 0 health to begin with, so in other words already dead
Im a Swain Top player and I usually build ROA into LIandrys and ROA is the most annoying build path ever so awkward for tempo
All the lifelong bronzies in the comments skipped over the bork nerfs before copy pasting their favorite reddit yone comment 😂😂
Ah yes...Yone will NOT be sffected by this if Lethal tempo cap was buffed as well as the A.S, you little children forget BoTrK was previously nerfed many patches ago BEFORE being in the state it is right now and Yone back then was busted and now he will remain so.
He has an ultimate skin coming just around the corner, he is a tier 0 champ with 90% win rate on worlds. You think having 1% less damage on his W and BoTRK being nerfed by 2% is gonna kill him? The dame champ that plays like Urf, has no counter from the tank and does physical as well as magical.damage? That champ is getting "gutted" sit down trash yone main.
@@Yokai_Yuri you definitely a yone hater lol, Bork will be a massive nerf to his damage, you forgot Bork already had been nerfed twice before this. Lethal tempo is getting a 1% buff on each stack and that’s not his most favorable rune, it’s fleet. So frankly you don’t know anything about this lol. You can’t be higher than platinum if you seriously have these takes on the champ. Yone mains been clappin those cheeks too hard this man can’t sit properly lmao. Yone is only a high Elo problem so unless you’re Masters+ I suggest you keep statements to yourself you sound like a complete noob. Also worlds is 2 patches behind so you can’t use that as a comparison to right now. Prob didn’t know that tho cause you’re obviously clueless about a lot of things.
@@Yokai_Yuri he will defintely not get alot of kills that he would normally get after these nerfs.
Where is the real azir buff? Like that svit is just a joke
I made a comment last video lambasting Nemesis for his comments about the Gwen nerf. Clearly he read it, looked it up, and thought about it before making this video, so thank you a lot for that Nemesis. I agree, by the way, that maybe she could use a tone down for the MMR you play in, AKA the best of the best, but this is an absolute gutting of her kit, and that's really sad to see for any Gwen player.
I mean gwen does need to be shifted towards more durability and less full ap 1 q oneshots / half hps even tankies. Its pretty ridiculous. Personally I think her bonus resistances either ap scaling or base value should go up, lower her q ap ratio, increase passive healing, increase her base hp. This wouldnt change her builds all that much, except less death caps and less magic pen, but since her base hp goes up she wouldnt be interested in building more hp, which I think is fine. If it was really required I think the builds that dont take riftmaker could be entirely killed if her base hp went down, making the value of hp go up, but I think that may be a bad idea, just makes her more squishy. The resistance increase would also mean riftmaker becomes even better.
@@novanomi3362 Good ideas really, and I'm fine with that, just so long as she's playable, which this nerf will make her unable to be.
@@novanomi3362 I'm not convinced her kit is the problem, or at least not in a quickly addressable way. The reason she's building full ap is they are the only items that do anything for her. Outside of riftmaker, what ap items can she build for durability? Her kit is terrible at applying Liandries and Rylais so they aren't very good. ROA gives mana that she doesn't want and you would have to first buy it which she doesn't want to do. Morello is balanced around not even being good if you want grievous wounds. Rocketbelt feels like wasting gold on a worse dash than the one in your kit (which has like a 2 second cooldown by the time you're strong) Basically Cosmic drive is the only one that even looks buyable.
@@hiurroshe should build like Mordekaiser...
@@novanomi3362 Increasing the AP scaling on resists risks just making the problem worse. She's currently buying full AP, and Riot doesn't want that. Swapping some of her AP scalings (very possibly on Passive as they're *almost* doing) for either HP scalings, level scalings, or both would very effectively push her in the direction of bruiser and HP items like they say they want to... increasing her base HP would also continue to exacerbate the problem of building full AP and ignoring HP bruiser items, and I think Riot's been pretty clear that they want her building more HP and less AP.
I have no clue why they haven't done that yet though... It shouldn't exactly be hard to figure out if their goals are what they say they are...
Nerf 1% of yone W
Nerf 2% of BOTRK
Buff 1% - 6% Lethal Tempo
What a Colossal nerf to Yone, Now Yone doesn't One Shot Tanks. But still one shot everything else
The BOTRK nerfs are bigger than on paper. In a teamfight or skirmishc think about how many times Yone will Q and Auto attack.
@The_Lightless I Know, but still, botrk is still broken, if you see, Liandry does 2% of max health over 3 seconds and can't stack. While yone can 8% current health like 4 times in a second. 2.5 AS + Q
Being slightly weaker doesn't mean he's not Broken
@@MarcosPaulo-su6ex botrk aside its passive is just shit. Remember this thing had 12% of the current health and now it will be just 8. Also comparing it to liandry is simply stupid. How can you compare item with decent stats that deals MAX hp/s to item that deals CURRENT hp/aa. Botrk is the only thing that makes yone viable now. Even after crit buffs he isn't building any crit because crit items are worthless now. Yas and yone need both AD and AS and now we don't have any crit item that have both of these stats.
Only in iron and high elo yone has winrate above 50% and people here who peaked gold are still crying that he isnt nerfed more like wtf. Learn to play instead of crying you people
Legit typical mage-player opinion on the talon buff. Talon NEEDs to push and than afk/run off because the perma-poking-never-running-out-of-mana-unpunicheable-mage-meta forces that playstyle since months now. You just can't win the lane vs mages as an (ad-)assassin anymore. Look at the tierlist u so clamied "pro". All upper 40 champs are AP-Champs. The main problem is that AP-burst items are way too busted atm (Stormsurge, Shadowflame), AP-Utility-Items(Seraphs, ZHONIAS) are providing wayyyyy too much safety in this already slower-pacing game and everyone(except ad-assassins) has 20 shields, 4k health and 160 armor by 15 min. Thats the reality since months now. Im not saying Assassins in general should get buffs, but when Katarina is S-tier as a pure skill-based mechanical champ, when thats the same reason u also say Zed, Yasuo and Yone are D-tier and low winrate, then something is really off (she builds ap).
U said it yourself when playing Talon recently: The assassin-items are just utter sht and need to get changed. And buffing Talon's W waveclear a bit on the way to this probably hundred-year-delayed project on redesigning assassin-items is nothing compared the perma-safe shtfest u have thrived in as a mageplayer for what feels like a year now. The goal should be to actually bring oneshots back for the champs that are the only ones actually intended to do just that. And to all the mage-mains, mage-enthusiasts or whatever u rats call urself: Stop crying when u get oneshot after poking for 15 minutes. That's like spam-throwing rocks at someone and saying its unjust when they finally get the hold of you. Pussieass mentality.
Bro just say you cant dodge skillshots and move it along.
Cringe comment, as expected from an assassin player...
100% true except yone. Yone is so easy to play its not a skill-based champ
Typical assasin player when they don't get to oneshot people with impunity and have to actually use their brains to get kills.
You guys are the biggest 🏳️🌈 in the game, the equivalent of a Sniper in a shooter game. You're like bruisers but without the whole 1v1 and outplaying part. At least ADC's need to position correctly or risk getting one-tapped. They need to put themselves at risk to do their job.
But go ahead, keep barking. It's fun.
Assisan player spotted 😂😂😂🎉🎉
God those hwei nerfs. Hes literally unplayable now wtf riot. A whole .05ap ratio of his qq? How will he ever infinitely waveclear with infinite resources now?
9:05 nop they buff on hit dmg and q cant proc on hit
And then you realize that the consumption of w element adds the on hit to her q. Did you even play the champ once before backseating?
Not wanna sound butthurt or anything but he hates champs he cant play.
Majority of mages he plays he can and will stick glue to lane and never leave. So saying that about Talon as the only assassin that has historically ever able to pretend to be a mage is just sickening.
I like nemesis regardless but just reminded me that I disliked him back at Fnatic to be the only player to not able to play leblanc when she was strong in pro.
you are butthurt. he is saying talon is gonna sit behind tower and one shot wave with W or just W wave and leave lane to roam without ever risking or interacting with enemy laner. talon is literally for noobs who cant play katarina.
Mages> assassins in terms of skill. Cope more
Ahri, think lux way before the overbuff R CD and dmg has also been part of that push and roam style historically. Know your history and champs like kat, fizz and lb has to use their wave clear and risk getting chunked. I just dont see the problem whose only strenght is tied to a timer before getting outscaled. League is a different game than it was. Also with the removal of minion deman talon couldnt do this anymore. Fizz and ahri still can being
"even". Fizz at lvl 7 and Ahri at lvl 8 (used to be )along talon with minion deman.
I dont expect you to understand when you said the katarina comment tho
@@acker6017 Wtf are you talking about? Talon and kata are two completely different assassins xd
@@acker6017Ah yes the AP champion playing for dagger placements and CD resets is the same as an AD champion that dashes over walls and goes invisible. You must also think all ADCs are the same champion.
What does Twitch even buy first item with that bork nerfed? Feel like every possible first item is so shit cuz he wants atk speed and AD. Kraken is a shit item for ranged, shiv is shit on him, what does he even go?
try hubris maybe, you get easy stacks cause of passive
classic nemesis he is mad cuz lurkZ77 shit on him with the worst champ aka talon
@@hbibtbessi9572 bro Cook with this comment
How biased can this guy be? xD
jungle nerf: "ye well, unskilled"
kassadin: "I don't understand :O"
It's almost like kassadin isn't flat out unskilled when we're playing in a tanky/low damage/slow meta...
kassadin is unskilled?
@@sonagi98If Talon is I’d also argue Kass is
@@twigz3214 and ur rank is?
This comment is either rage bait or silver elo
mommy kayle
it's stupid to say that talon doesn't take skill the champ is a weak laner and gets bullied by a lot of lanes and if you're bad at him and don't know which combo to use in a given situation and how you play the fight you will not be able to make him work, he has a good skill cielign and there's a reason why there are high challenger talon onetrciks and he used to be picked in worlds even though you can't roam like you do in soloq.
Nemesis crying about it :D
Bro says talon is braindead and unskilled
*syndra has left the chat
neme been dumped on by too many talon otps or??? why does he hate talon so much, many champs that are insanely more easy to play
and talon is not in a good spot, he is below 50% WR on pretty much all elos in all regions both jg and mid. He should be 50 at least, especially if he is so unskilled as nemesis is saying
lurkz is terrorizing mage players in euw high elo and theyre mad. not surprising. azzapp would say the same thing as nemesis.
Oh yes the "nerfs" these champions received are a joke. I like how Kaisa, Senna, Hwei, and Yone received the - 0.3% nerf 😂. These champs have been busted all year long and they refuse to nerf them. I can see Jinx getting mega buffed next month.
I don’t remember the last time Kaisa was a bad or weak champion. Genuinely btw.
u just mentioned four of the most popular champs in their respective roles. these characters will never get nerfed unless some divergent changes cause their counters to become very strong (and even that will last for one patch at most)
ty for camille nerf I already have more free time
Just rework kassadin into the mobile version of him or delete him at this point, this is the first patch hes not negative wr in like 6 months cuz of mage meta and his counters being unplayably bad rn but hes instantly nerfed for being a 51% wr counterpick champ?
U call talon noob champ then try him. Let’s see if u can climb if he’s so easy.
Kassadin nerf is a joke
Blade nerf makes no sense to hit the HP, tanks and heartstell people are running rampent. Like nerf the ad or attack speed, not the conditional hp CURRENT hp damage so dum. Or make the the number a bit lowe and make it MAX hp and not current. So it is actually good against big hp targets and bad against squishy? wow what a great idea, this is why people meme on the balance team, random people on youtube can balance it better than people who work 40 hours a week at the company
I still have no idea why they changed the item from max Hp to current hp such a horrendous idea
he rly jus mad he get shitted on by sum talon otps & cant play the champ ts too funny 😂
Irelia is so garbage rn idk what this is this champ is about to have a 30 percent wr past master
teemo rework/update whatever was fkn trash
I'm honestly very unsure why we are complaining about this Talon buff when he is mostly played by onetricks (3~5% pickrate). Also it was to be expected that his W would be buffed since there isn't any other spell that you can really buff and expect to help Talon have an easier time mid. (maybe Q, but it wouldn't change much)
because lurkz shit on him in soloq and hes mad
talking sht about talon kinda ironic when u just clear wave get ur item then one tap every squishy champs but if assassin do that just hate :D sry for not trying to q to ur syndra bro im pretty sure u would miss qe and surely dont get half of my hp min 5 :DD
nice to hear a midlaner crying over assassin buff
Dunno. I probably will buy lucidity Boots. 300 gold cheaper. 300 gold are 15ap.
So its 12 pen vs 10 haste, 15ap and 12 Summoner haste.
they ruined my hwei
Nemesis obsesses way too hard about “Skilled” abilities, kinda cringe that he justifies and criticizes changes when Riot has said they don’t really balance around skill
Which is why the game isn't fun anymore. I bet you enjoy getting one shot while silenced by garen.
Would you rather get one shot by Karthus ultimate or 4 Karthus Qs?
@@The_Lightlesskarthus ult please
zed being unplayable... BUFF IRELIA GUYS
copium. He feels very good rn imo.
@@paulkrex8129 sure lil guy, good luck trying to win vs irelia mid, ksante top and skarner jg
@@memeslegends69 Assasin mindless players when they can't oneshot any tanks be like:
@@paulkrex8129he is not good at all stop trying ti be diff assasins suck rn
“champ I like is weak… BUFF CHAMP I DONT LIKE HAHA RITO”
Hwei IS NOT a high skill champion, Hwei is one of the easiest characters in the whole game and it's crazy to hear that from Nemesis.
Also no, Gwen is not strong, she is doing her job, she is top 3, cause meta favors her and it does not justify nerfing her.
Gwen, Camille and Smolder top need to be viable for this lane to not get too ran over by tanks and be actually fun to play.
Also about Talon, Talon is a HARD one trick champion. Talon buff is too small, for how horrible he is rn.
There is a lot of room to buff Talon and they should start by upping all his dmg, by like 50% by mid game.
He is BOTH one trick and soloQ champion, him not having 56% wr is him being weak.
Smolder Top? Just no comment. The Talon thing goes the right direction, but kinda not because lacking damage by midgame is a common problem across all ad-assassins atm and has several distinct reasons.
All your credibility was instantly lost when you mentioned smolder top should be playable
Like you think anyone will believe a word you say when you claim Smolder top lane is healthy for the game and should remain viable?
@@The_Lightless I am EUW master top laner, that last split played Lucian, Smolder, Kai'sa and Vayne and i still play Smolder and Kai'sa top AND i hate tanks as a class. I am biased af in that regard.
@@cloudson3886 don’t ever call yourself a top laner if that’s your champion pool.
Phreak proving hes as useless, bad, and clueless as he always has been.