The Belgian Celts spoke a P celtic language very similar to southern Brythonnic. 7 Belgian Celtic tribes, certainly those of the sea area and a little bit lower lived of both sides of the channel. Fisher men who came over in 3 and more waves. Settled on the island of white, founded the city of Winchester and lived north of the island of white, South-Hampton and further and in south-east England. Those Belgian Celts are one of the sources of the common Brythonnic language. Pro Celts from Belgica wich was much bigger then it is now and ohter Belgian Celts from another time period. 9 procent the people living north of the Island of White have Belgian Celtic DNA. Franks came from the middle east of the Netherland for the rich farming land and mixed with the Belgian Celts in the north, this mix gives us the Fleming. Flemings have a connection to the Belgian Celtic tribes in the UK and to a lot people in parts of the Netherlands. Salian Franks. In the south of big Belgica lived more Belgian Alpino Celts. The influence of the Romans in Wallonië is bigger then in the norht of Belgium, but the story is more complicated. There is a certain DN connection between people of Belgian Celtic origin anywhere in the world. In the USA and other parts of the world. The language border with the French speaking world is the border with the Roman Empire. We fought against the Germans, Romans, Spaniards, French, Moslims.... Brexit will not stand for a long time because of the connection between those Belgian Celts from the sea of both sides of the channel. They traded with each other since more then 3000 BC. Belgianc Celts and Britons moved further to Wales when the Anglo-Saxions came and pushed them further to the west of UK and north-west in the uk. Do the DNA test to see how much Belgian Celtic DNA you'll still have. A lot of Celts from Gaul went to Ireland. Q-Celtic. Flemish is a language that came from the Franks and is very very very old. Older then General Dutch. Anglo-Frisian-Saxion and the language of the Franks are a group of languages. Flemings can read and pronnounce old English better then English. The Franks never came to the UK.Belgian Celts were fishing in the north-sea and came over to the UK and settled. Every Belgian Celtic tribe had it's own coint. In Belgica lived 12 Belgian Celtic tribes. They had bagpipes.
I am from the tribe of the Nerviërs where the word Nervous came from(Julius Caesor said we looked nervous when we fought against the Romans). The Nerviërs are the bravest Belgian Celtic tribe in the world. Some Nerviërs, Atrebates(Belgian Celtic tribes in West-Flanders, French Flanders)and Morini(Belgian Celtic people who live at the coast of Flanders) crossed the channel when the Romans came. The city of Winchester has been founded by thos Belgian Celtic tribes and other villages and cities in Great-Britain. Een nerveuze Nerviër uit Wemmel maar de taalgrens begint. Vanaf je Frans hoort spreken weet je dat je je in het oude Romeinse Rijk begeeft. We versloegen de Romeinen door bijvoorbeeld achter onze hagen te schuilen met schild en zwaard en stoken hen in de flank wanneer ze voorbij kwamen. We hadden ook heel wat andere tactieken. Elke Belgisch Keltisch stam had zijn eigen munt en we spraken toen Belgisch Keltische talen en later het Frankonisch(oud-Vlaams) wanneer de Franken vanuit het Noorden en Noord-Oosten naar Vlaanderen kwamen voor de rijke landbouwgronden die Vlaanderen heeft. In het zuiden leefden de andere Belgische Kelten maar ze zijn meer gelatiniseerd door de Romeinen en spreken een latijnse taal. Doornik was bijvoorbeeld erg Belgisch Keltisch. Het allereerste land in onze streken was Belgica.
Wauw dat je er zoveel van weet, als jij die hele tekst in een speech zo gieten zouden we nooit meer problemen hebben om een federale regering te vormen!
Ik heb er heel veel over gehoord in mijn jeugd en over gelezen en weet waar de kelten tegen de romeinen hebben gevochten in mijn streek. In mijn gemeente weet ik dat zeker. Mocht je daar opgravingen doen zou je heel wat vinden.
Woon zelf in wat vroeger Toxandria/Texandrië was. Hoop nog steeds gouden staters(gouden munt van toen) te vinden. De tijd van de Eburonen/Galliërs is zeer fascinerend, spijtig dat hier zo weinig over te vinden is. De enige info over hun godsdienst die te vinden is, zegt dat ze Druïden hadden. Niet welke goden ze hadden. Had graag ooit een serie à la Vikings gezien maar dan over de Belgae/Galliërs. :)
Ik ben van de stam van de Nervii. Eburonen zaten in Limburg en Nederlands Limburg als ik me niet vergis en je hebt nog de Tongrii. Ja, is fascinerend. Mocht je zo'n stater vinden kan dat veel waarde hebben. Wij hebben met 300.000 Belgische Kelten gevochten tegen de Romeinen en wanneer ke Frans hoort weet je dat dit de grens met het Romeinse Rijk was want de Zuidelijke Belgische Alpinokelten zijn door de Romeinen verslagen geweest. Wij niet.
Can I ask Belgians a question please? As most belgae moved to the south of england in my dna it comes up north western european and Belgium is highlighted is this the belgae in me that was conquered?
Most DNA tests like 23andme or ancestry encompass the last 500 years. The Belgae lived around 57BC and were living in a much larger territory than current-day Belgium. During the Roman period the Gauls became assimilated into Roman culture, so the Roman empire evolved into a hybrid Gallo-Roman culture. Belgium consists of two main population groups. In the north, in Flanders live the Flemish people who speak dutch. In the southern part, Wallonia live the Walloons who speak French. You can probably find out if your ancestors were either Flemings or Walloons based on different Y-chromosome (Y-DNA) haplogroups that are common in Flanders or Wallonia. It is generally believed, that the Flemish descend from the invading Germanic tribes, rather than from the Gaulish tribes who lived in the same region before Roman times. This is based on historical linguistic studies. - In the 1840s, scarcity of land was the main reason for farmers from Flanders to immigrate to the United States. In addition, several Flemish people left because of the Walloon dominance in their homeland. The first Flemish settlements appeared in and around Detroit, Michigan, and Indiana. There they looked for cheap agricultural land to work, after which their descendants went to work in industry. - Immigration from Wallonia only really took off in the twentieth century. More and more Walloons made the Atlantic crossing to start a new life in French-speaking Canada. Some of them moved to the south and were called 'French-Canadian American'. They also settled in northern Michigan, Minnesota and Winsconsin. I hope this answers your question and good luck in finding your ancestral roots.
@@MagicRyanM oh thank you so much, the germanic dna from saxony is only 20 percent but the areas highlighted in western europe are north france and belgium, it's a high rate at 50 percent, I just wondered because most of southern england was mainly gaul if it related to the ancient belgae,
@@BLINKOFFICIEL no problem quick copy and paste The term Low Countries, also known as the Low Lands (Dutch: de Lage Landen, French: les Pays-Bas) and historically called the Netherlands (Dutch: de Nederlanden), Flanders, or Belgica, refers to a coastal lowland region in northwestern Europe forming the lower basin of the Rhine-Meuse-Scheldt delta and consisting of Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg. Geographically and historically, the area includes also parts of France and Germany such as the French Flanders and the German regions of East Frisia and Cleves. ps even on the Dutch ducats ( gold and silver coins) the Netherlands is refered to as Belgii
@ABDL02 dit not know the province in the north bit But thnx for confirming me. Ps they were not German that is upside down. many of the german tribes eventually landed in Germany , but germany was only around since the 1840 ish.
@Hubert Dubois lol really you think with all the migration in the last 500 years into the general area of the Benelux there are actually tribal roots......get real...the only thing remotely different is the language
Really proud to be part Dutch, Frisian and Belgian. So Half Germanic, Half Celtic ;)
proud to be Belgian
as you should be
Hi I am half Belgium
The Belgian Celts spoke a P celtic language very similar to southern Brythonnic. 7 Belgian Celtic tribes, certainly those of the sea area and a little bit lower lived of both sides of the channel. Fisher men who came over in 3 and more waves. Settled on the island of white, founded the city of Winchester and lived north of the island of white, South-Hampton and further and in south-east England. Those Belgian Celts are one of the sources of the common Brythonnic language. Pro Celts from Belgica wich was much bigger then it is now and ohter Belgian Celts from another time period. 9 procent the people living north of the Island of White have Belgian Celtic DNA. Franks came from the middle east of the Netherland for the rich farming land and mixed with the Belgian Celts in the north, this mix gives us the Fleming. Flemings have a connection to the Belgian Celtic tribes in the UK and to a lot people in parts of the Netherlands. Salian Franks. In the south of big Belgica lived more Belgian Alpino Celts. The influence of the Romans in Wallonië is bigger then in the norht of Belgium, but the story is more complicated. There is a certain DN connection between people of Belgian Celtic origin anywhere in the world. In the USA and other parts of the world. The language border with the French speaking world is the border with the Roman Empire. We fought against the Germans, Romans, Spaniards, French, Moslims.... Brexit will not stand for a long time because of the connection between those Belgian Celts from the sea of both sides of the channel. They traded with each other since more then 3000 BC. Belgianc Celts and Britons moved further to Wales when the Anglo-Saxions came and pushed them further to the west of UK and north-west in the uk. Do the DNA test to see how much Belgian Celtic DNA you'll still have. A lot of Celts from Gaul went to Ireland. Q-Celtic. Flemish is a language that came from the Franks and is very very very old. Older then General Dutch. Anglo-Frisian-Saxion and the language of the Franks are a group of languages. Flemings can read and pronnounce old English better then English. The Franks never came to the UK.Belgian Celts were fishing in the north-sea and came over to the UK and settled. Every Belgian Celtic tribe had it's own coint. In Belgica lived 12 Belgian Celtic tribes. They had bagpipes.
Alot of them lived in southern england in my dna it comes up north west europe Belgium and it's high I cant help but wonder if they got conquered?
Im proud to br Flemish
@@Codaxion Ik ben ook trots om belg te zijn, Wij zijn Kelten mijn broer
I thought north belgians are germanic
I am from the tribe of the Nerviërs where the word Nervous came from(Julius Caesor said we looked nervous when we fought against the Romans). The Nerviërs are the bravest Belgian Celtic tribe in the world. Some Nerviërs, Atrebates(Belgian Celtic tribes in West-Flanders, French Flanders)and Morini(Belgian Celtic people who live at the coast of Flanders) crossed the channel when the Romans came. The city of Winchester has been founded by thos Belgian Celtic tribes and other villages and cities in Great-Britain. Een nerveuze Nerviër uit Wemmel maar de taalgrens begint. Vanaf je Frans hoort spreken weet je dat je je in het oude Romeinse Rijk begeeft. We versloegen de Romeinen door bijvoorbeeld achter onze hagen te schuilen met schild en zwaard en stoken hen in de flank wanneer ze voorbij kwamen. We hadden ook heel wat andere tactieken. Elke Belgisch Keltisch stam had zijn eigen munt en we spraken toen Belgisch Keltische talen en later het Frankonisch(oud-Vlaams) wanneer de Franken vanuit het Noorden en Noord-Oosten naar Vlaanderen kwamen voor de rijke landbouwgronden die Vlaanderen heeft. In het zuiden leefden de andere Belgische Kelten maar ze zijn meer gelatiniseerd door de Romeinen en spreken een latijnse taal. Doornik was bijvoorbeeld erg Belgisch Keltisch.
Het allereerste land in onze streken was Belgica.
Wauw dat je er zoveel van weet, als jij die hele tekst in een speech zo gieten zouden we nooit meer problemen hebben om een federale regering te vormen!
Ik heb er heel veel over gehoord in mijn jeugd en over gelezen en weet waar de kelten tegen de romeinen hebben gevochten in mijn streek. In mijn gemeente weet ik dat zeker. Mocht je daar opgravingen doen zou je heel wat vinden.
In Wallonië leefde ook Kelten maar dat zijn andere Belgische kelten geweest, de Alpino kelten en die kwamen uit de Westelijke Alpen.
Woon zelf in wat vroeger Toxandria/Texandrië was. Hoop nog steeds gouden staters(gouden munt van toen) te vinden. De tijd van de Eburonen/Galliërs is zeer fascinerend, spijtig dat hier zo weinig over te vinden is. De enige info over hun godsdienst die te vinden is, zegt dat ze Druïden hadden. Niet welke goden ze hadden. Had graag ooit een serie à la Vikings gezien maar dan over de Belgae/Galliërs. :)
Ik ben van de stam van de Nervii. Eburonen zaten in Limburg en Nederlands Limburg als ik me niet vergis en je hebt nog de Tongrii. Ja, is fascinerend. Mocht je zo'n stater vinden kan dat veel waarde hebben. Wij hebben met 300.000 Belgische Kelten gevochten tegen de Romeinen en wanneer ke Frans hoort weet je dat dit de grens met het Romeinse Rijk was want de Zuidelijke Belgische Alpinokelten zijn door de Romeinen verslagen geweest. Wij niet.
Liege Belgium, my ancestors are from .
East Flanders Belgium I come from
Many of the Belgae tribes moved around, many moved into Britain and Ireland, and also other Germanic tribes moved into that region.
im so celtic asf... and battle fury is my middle name
So you fight in a furry suit
@@BubbaTheHillbilly 💀💀
Can I ask Belgians a question please? As most belgae moved to the south of england in my dna it comes up north western european and Belgium is highlighted is this the belgae in me that was conquered?
Most DNA tests like 23andme or ancestry encompass the last 500 years. The Belgae lived around 57BC and were living in a much larger territory than current-day Belgium. During the Roman period the Gauls became assimilated into Roman culture, so the Roman empire evolved into a hybrid Gallo-Roman culture.
Belgium consists of two main population groups. In the north, in Flanders live the Flemish people who speak dutch. In the southern part, Wallonia live the Walloons who speak French. You can probably find out if your ancestors were either Flemings or Walloons based on different Y-chromosome (Y-DNA) haplogroups that are common in Flanders or Wallonia.
It is generally believed, that the Flemish descend from the invading Germanic tribes, rather than from the Gaulish tribes who lived in the same region before Roman times. This is based on historical linguistic studies.
- In the 1840s, scarcity of land was the main reason for farmers from Flanders to immigrate to the United States. In addition, several Flemish people left because of the Walloon dominance in their homeland. The first Flemish settlements appeared in and around Detroit, Michigan, and Indiana. There they looked for cheap agricultural land to work, after which their descendants went to work in industry.
- Immigration from Wallonia only really took off in the twentieth century. More and more Walloons made the Atlantic crossing to start a new life in French-speaking Canada. Some of them moved to the south and were called 'French-Canadian American'. They also settled in northern Michigan, Minnesota and Winsconsin.
I hope this answers your question and good luck in finding your ancestral roots.
@@MagicRyanM oh thank you so much, the germanic dna from saxony is only 20 percent but the areas highlighted in western europe are north france and belgium, it's a high rate at 50 percent, I just wondered because most of southern england was mainly gaul if it related to the ancient belgae,
ik gebruik het voor mijn spreekbeurt
where did the fight from cicero actually took place?
im from there so . im gonna look ty man ^^ gr koninckx@@lucasmeeusen7479
Which Cicero? Quintus or Marcus?
help please
Belgia is another word for the flat lowlands it does not mean Belgium. it means the area from roughly northern france to the netherlands
You’re wrong, sorry.
@@BLINKOFFICIEL no problem quick copy and paste
The term Low Countries, also known as the Low Lands (Dutch: de Lage Landen, French: les Pays-Bas) and historically called the Netherlands (Dutch: de Nederlanden), Flanders, or Belgica, refers to a coastal lowland region in northwestern Europe forming the lower basin of the Rhine-Meuse-Scheldt delta and consisting of Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg. Geographically and historically, the area includes also parts of France and Germany such as the French Flanders and the German regions of East Frisia and Cleves.
ps even on the Dutch ducats ( gold and silver coins) the Netherlands is refered to as Belgii
@ABDL02 dit not know the province in the north bit But thnx for confirming me. Ps they were not German that is upside down. many of the german tribes eventually landed in Germany , but germany was only around since the 1840 ish.
@Hubert Dubois lol really you think with all the migration in the last 500 years into the general area of the Benelux there are actually tribal roots......get real...the only thing remotely different is the language
@@robvoncken2565 The Low Lands in French is 'les bas pays', which refese to the Benelux. Les pays bas, them, refer to the Netherlands
“Da original Belgae wuz black”
They were not satanic! Didn't you read what Strabo wrote? They were not evil of character.