Krip perfectly represent all the pasionate hearthstone players... but blizzard keeps pandering to phone users who dosent contribute shit to the overall game as they dont really buy packs
I might not agree exactly with those specifics (and if troll, you're close), but yeah, Blizzard doesn't give a shit about passionate players at all. All of the worst elements of Hearthstone were added to cater to new demographics as like a net to bring in as much players as they could. Funnily enough, their new player experience itself is so shitty they're not retaining all these "players". If Blizzard doesn't do anything about the core issues of Hearthstone, I can see the game dying out over the next three years, especially as more and more competitors are coming to take advantage of the decline.
Sergio López Salgado I made the move back to Digimon Digital Card Battle on PS1 today and loaded up my 350 hour 12% game completion save from when I was 5 years old. Much more fun than HS which is fucking hilarious.
Kripp thinks 1-drop creatures is crucial in Arena. He then showed two clips of him playing on curve and won the games smoothly. Highlight: 10:57 Turn-5 lethal so lucky. You're welcome.
The answer is so simple, get an upgraded coin with the text " Gain 1 mana for this turn only add a regular coin to your hand at the end of your turn " that way you cant have a 3 drop on turn 1
lootage give the second player two coins; give all coins the text: "Gain one mana this turn only; only one coin can be played per turn." The instructions are very clear, so the little titty-babies that Blizzard writes these cards for can understand it, we help solve the going first problem, and we nerf miracle rogue. It's a win-win-win
Elder Scrolls Legends already solved this problem. Player going second has a ring they can activate once per turn that gives +1 mana, and has 3 uses. Hearthstone needs the same thing, with two uses.
Blizzard thought process: Leper gnome being a 2/1 with a 2 damage deathrattle too strong. Lets nerf it into a 1/1 Small time buccaneer it's basically a 3/2 that summons a 1/1 with charge. Seems balanced.
b-b-but there are conditions in those cards that are very hard to meet like having a turn 2 weapon and not having patches in your hand so its balanced.
"Your ability to draw an answer says nothing about how good you are at the game." Well no, that doesnt. But your ability to survive long enough to draw the answer does. Your ability to understand that you need an answer to win the game and therefore make the decision to try and stall your oponent does make you good at the game. No?
The point is that being put into a situation where you NEED to draw an answer can happen purely because of luck is silly. Sure, good players can make the best of a bad situation and sometimes recover, but why should you be in that bad situation in the first place because of things you can't control?
But its a card game, I think that aspect will always be a part of the game. Theres no getting away from that. You'll never eradicate the "I need a flamestrike, oh look a flamestrike" moment. Thats part and parcel of card games.
Thats because the RNG of HS is insanely random thanks to cards that are too random, Shadowverse does it right, theres RNG obviously, but everything is in control, you can kind of control the randomness inside of your deck thanks to how decks work in that game where the synergy is the deck as a whole instead of synergy between X card or X card, in Shadowverse theres few times where you or your oppenent are without cards in hand or no answers, the game doesn't put you in lose-lose situations. Im not saying that shadowverse is perfect, obviously, theres a couple of OP classes there but still the feel of ''control'' is much higher. Ironically the problem in Shadowverse is going first because you get 1 card less there. The truth is theres a lot of desing mistakes in HS, The elder scrolls legends suffers similar problems to HS but there you at least have the rune system to counter your enemy (similar to trap cards in yu-gi-oh), HS doesn't have any of these counter-mechanics other card games have that gives you a chance to survive.
If you show Blizz the stats they will just say that their own stats disagree and that there isn't a problem. But of course they won't release their stats so in the end nothing happens and they go back to swimming around in pools of money and not caring about existing players, as long as new ones keep coming with their big fat wallets.
Yup. I can't wait until the next expansion which contains more broken 1 drops and cards that are practically pre-built decks and leave no room for creativity on the player's part. Oh, and more desperate attempts to make taunt warrior a thing.
do you think cheap board clears would fix the 1 drop problem? things like hunter's multishot? (not that hunter is viable, but unless you can drop a doomsayer on turn 2, you hardly have a chance of catching up)
warlock has a couple and priest does too, but the way they were made makes it impossible to work. Warlocks deals 2 dmg to all non-demons and most of warlocks starting hands are not demons, with the exception of like 3, but he's the early game guy, so why even put it in ur deck? The other is priest but his only kills 2 and less attack minions, but 1 and 2 drops have commonly 3 attack so it makes it a pretty dead card.
Nick D that's the problem: you only have a chance if you pull doomsayer and the pirate warrior doesnt have an optimal hand. that's the only board clear at that cost that fits the curve and isnt reactionary. maybe more taunt would work? but even that gets cleared easily
My Idea for fixing this would be let the Player going 1st not Play a Minion on turn one, so one Player has the Mana Advantage and the other one has the Board Advantage.
XBlueM0ndayX not true, when going first I get to answer the opponents 4 cost minion with the 4 I played before him, or my 5 cost. if you go first you answer 4 mana with 5 If you go second you answer a 4 mana card with 4 mana
I thought this was a genius idea but it makes 1 drops useless then. If you go first and have 4 one drops in your deck, you basically have 4 useless cards...
What if you could actually pick the cards you want to have in your opening hand from your deck in the mulligan phase? Would that help to fix the problem since you could pick your card counters to the rush downs?
how about the player going second gets to discover a special card the first turn? either a one mana 0/2 taunt, a one mana 1/2 or an extra coin? but only in arena?
people would allways just pick the coin unless the minions had cost 0 and the 1/2 be changed to 1/1 because on turn 1 most 1 drops have 2 attack now *wink* *wink* enchanted raven
So I have a question -Which cards are the ones you MUST have in a arena deck and which class should I pick right now?. I usually pick Warlock/Mage/Paladin.
Gaia Legend Download HearthArena, its what Kripp uses too. It rates the 3 cards shown and says which ones the best one. It also calculates it with your synergies in your deck and their value data base so its pretty good for beginners.
I had a game yesterday where my opponent was a rogue going first. They played a Zombie Chow, Counterfeit Coin, and then Small Time Buccaneer. There was noooo coming back from that.
The problem is with the draft tbh. The drafting system needs a total overhaul, like, completely. The obvious choice is to make it like the TCG drafts they have in the IRLs where like, you open a bunch of packs and use cards from those packs. Maybe you open 25 "arena packs" and get to draft from those cards.
An additional detail that the graph doesn't directly explain is that by going first with a one drop you also... remove that one drop from your deck, obviously. Which gives you that much lower of a chance to draw badly going forward.
i had an idea for the coin - how do u guys feel about a (kinda magic the gathering inspired) coin which adds the possibility to use a spell on the opponents turn?
What if the arena draft was reworked to guarantee you got 10 spells minimum? i.e. if you draft 20 minions then your next 10 draft choices are between only spells. Every spell you choose cards 1-20 moves the starting point for this modifier back 1. pick 1 spell, mod starts on card 22, pick 2 and it starts on 23
I know this is an old video, but i always had this idea for fixing the go first vs. go second, where the person who would typically go second, actually goes first, but their turn one is on zero mana and they have the coin? idk how that'd work
Im not rly like a pro HS player or anything, but wouldnt giving the 1 goin first 1 mana+coin, and the second player starting with 2 mana help? (resulting in second always being 1 mana up but 1 turn down (except when using coin))? Or would that flip it 2 hard around?x)
Maybe delayed second coin, at 2, 3 or 4 mana? Also, make card selection less random. For example, last card will be always be a legendary, last 3 cards - always an epic, 3 before that - board clears, etc. It would decrease luck a little bit, and would allow to have a draft strategy, not just merely reacting to early potential cards, which can end in disaster by the end of the draft.
Not just Arena, but what do you think of a mechanic like this "if u have a coin in hand", or "if u played a coin this turn" - do shit. (would prolly make rogues insane,but) would that fix the issue?
Bit of analysis: the obvious reasons why some classes(shamans, warlock an rogue) are so affected whereas warrior and priest are not, is due to the classes themselves i would say that druid stats are likely the norm now without class cards due to zombie chow and such cards rogue shaman and warlock is then due to the monster 1 drops in the form of spirit claws, trogg, buccaneer and flame imp. Warrior and priest being the opposite is likely due to priest having so many anti aggro cards they don't know what to do and warrior having fiery war axe. So to reduce the effect of this the main thing to do would be to add anti aggro cards that can outpace the monster that is curve shaman. Something like a 2 drop 2-2 that destroys a buffed 1-drop would be interesting imo but idk how it would work
I feel Kripp would really like Tales of Maj'Eyal, or at least he would've played the crap out of it back when he was into mmorpgs even if ToME isnt an mmo
"Guys how about a 1 mana 17/17 for shaman but it has 17 overload." "But sir on turn two the player only has 2 crystals." "Yes but if the number is higher the players will think it's fair stat distribution. Have you seen Doctor 4?"
I like the idea of two coins and one coin per turn. But maybe that would give too much advantage to classes that benefit from spells. So maybe they could use a simillar mechanic to Elder Scrolls, and replace the coin with a button with that effect, that doesn't affect anything else in the game when used.
from a pure mana and card efficiency point of view vanilla cards typically yielded 1/1 + 1/1 for each mana point so a 1 mana 2/2 wouldn't be OP except for the fact that there are no 2 mana 3/3s and of course curving perfectly.
Hey kripp, great idea why not just skip turn 1 and everyone starts at 2 mana?? (I wonder why Blizzard included a turn 1 in this game? maybe so people won't play early cards...?)
Player going second should get, instead of the regular coin, a coin that gives you the extra mana, then adds a regular coin to your hand the next turn. So you can go 2-3-3-4-5... You get 2 turns ahead when it matters the most and the first player gets to play catch up with more mana
I feel the same about Mmorpgs as you.... recently me and and a couple RL friends gave ultima online a check (used to be avid players way back when).... something about that old school sandbox style has revived my love for mmo's..... also makes me wonder why no mmorpg since has gotten so many things right like ultima online did (player housing and world pvp among others). maybe give it a try and don't hesitate to say hi on yhe Atlantic server.
The kripparrian army is growing, all shall fall to our combo and control decks, we will take over as the new developers and nerf all 4 mana 7/7s and 1 mana 3/2 that summon 1/1s.
What about The coin player starting first with 0 mana, but if they have a 1 drop they can use the coin. Would this at all balance shit, or make it worse?
make it a lot worse, i dont know about you but i dont think i would like to coin out a 1 drop on turn one to have to stop their one drop. The reason the coin was made was for tempo reasons, so like lets say they play a 1 mana card on turn 1 you can then coin a 2 mana card and get a free trade on their 1 drop. But now not even 2 drop are anywhere near as good as 1 drops so its useless to have coin
Guys, the fundamental problem is that if you can't play a card on a turn, you lose that mana. If you kept it, and you didn't have a 1 drop, you could play a 3 on turn 2, or a 2 on turn 2 and a 4 on turn 3. This way you aren't punished for not having low cost cards in your hand.
Hello Kripp. Have you/is there a way for you to test play with two coins and perhaps get some data on how two coins affects the game? I think the analysis would be interesting even with a small sample size. Thanks. Stay salty friend.
When youv'e played hearthstone for so long that you notice the Zombie Chow image put up is wrong as it has the classic symbol on the card instead of naxx
All one drops should be plain 1/1 minions with no text like the Wisp. Maybe a few variations for certain classes that have 1/2 or 2/1 but no other effects that would have a huge impact on the game at such an early stage.
Today I drafted 3 tunnel troggs and got all 3 in my opening hand in one game going first but still went 0-3. Then I drafted 3 zombie chows and kept drawing them when my opponent was low on health.
So I was in the back of this alleyway and I saw these two black guys, so I tried to play it cool and was like "yoyo wuts up ma niggas", they then took turns punching me in the balls till my junk was completely destroyed. I'll never have kids again. Anyways, nice vid Kripp.
You'll never have kids AGAIN!? How are the existing kids faring with what happened to their dad!? Do they know their dad is ball...less now? Such Tragedy! As a white area dad, you should sue those two black coloured fellas for inappropriate conduct, that ought to show them.
My Idea for the one drop problem: Block all Onedrops and start the game with 2 mana. There are other things that could be added to that idea, I just thought I mention it.
I'm nowhere near a pro nor rly good player but here is my opinion on what needs to change: - more health -> as a base this ads time (maybe the ability to gain health like pm gives more cards?) - more mana -> as they've added more and more cards they need to be able to finetune/spread the manacosts better - second player starts with 2 mana and keeps that advantage of one, no more coin tho - saying all of this i guess it also means more cards per deck, but still 2/1 restricted Would it still be HS after all those changes? Dunno bout that one^^
Showing actual stats like this is so important. Without them we can do all the complaining we feel like, but with them, we can openly actively yell at the developers to fix their shit.
Wouldn't this have been a better graph if it included the people that went second with at least a single 1 drop? It would much more clearly represent the issue between going first with certain cards and going second with the same ones.
Although one drops are really op, the problem that was there was luck, going first or second, drawing an one drop, and especially, the draft. Luck is the most defining factor of hearthstone for a win or lost
True, but in arena, drafting can cause insta wins and going first or second can cause it as well, I aint saying 1 drops arent op but there is more to the study then just "Oh 1 drops are op"
Wow that would be really bad. Rogue, Warlock, Paladin and Shaman would start with a massive advantage, mage and hunter would barely benefit, warrior's would be awful, and priest would literally get no benefit whatsoever.
j Revis You don't seem do understand what i was saying, the heropower is suposed to cost zero until used, not 0 on turn one, and considering how bad going second is this will not benefit shaman, rougue and pali as much as you think. Warrior and hunter will definetely benefit less but it will still help(we can get a little creative here, and make the first heropower able to target minions to damage or increase their health. Since warrior and hunter heropowers are pretty bad in arena already I think this will balance out well).
I am inside your closet Wow, I can't believe 1 other person upvoted that comment. It's extremely obvious that turn 1 hero powers that create a board state are ridiculously more powerful than hero powers that can't be actively used on turn 1. It would actually be worse than patches in arena and would kill off every non board focused hero power class.
This episode is basically: "I Was Right: A Kripparian Story"
There will be another one really soon because of the new arena leaderboard.
"He was right all along" - IMDB
so basically every episode ever
if he's right almost all the time Blizzard should really probably listen to this guy more.
was expecting sci-fi thriller, but got non-fiction
6:23 reason i was late today was because i had to skip on my phone while i was in the shower lul
Skipperino Kripperino wow that was fast!
too late :D
holy fucking shit that speed
Next time skip past small time buck? pls
You're doing God's work fam.
I love these rant videos Kripp, keep them coming.
Great info as well. Only wish the Hearthstone devs would pay it any mind.
Krip perfectly represent all the pasionate hearthstone players... but blizzard keeps pandering to phone users who dosent contribute shit to the overall game as they dont really buy packs
Bjarke Erichsen ok that doesn't make any sense and you contradicted yourself but sure
I might not agree exactly with those specifics (and if troll, you're close), but yeah, Blizzard doesn't give a shit about passionate players at all. All of the worst elements of Hearthstone were added to cater to new demographics as like a net to bring in as much players as they could. Funnily enough, their new player experience itself is so shitty they're not retaining all these "players".
If Blizzard doesn't do anything about the core issues of Hearthstone, I can see the game dying out over the next three years, especially as more and more competitors are coming to take advantage of the decline.
Sergio López Salgado I made the move back to Digimon Digital Card Battle on PS1 today and loaded up my 350 hour 12% game completion save from when I was 5 years old. Much more fun than HS which is fucking hilarious.
Sergio López Salgado only problem with those games is that hs has way better animation and cardstyle
Kripp thinks 1-drop creatures is crucial in Arena. He then showed two clips of him playing on curve and won the games smoothly.
10:57 Turn-5 lethal so lucky.
You're welcome.
better than skipperino
Spoilerino Kripperino someone should do shirterino kripperino describing what his intro shirt looked like
ma Tal that would be perfect
Not sure if Spoilerino Kripperino or TL;DWatcherino Kripperino.
Kripp's 1 drop did 14 face damage because he was ahead on tempo and his opponent had no way to kill it.
I love kripp because he is
C) He looks really weird
D)He is not gay like amaz
nice t-shirt
best comment for sure ;D
I always think he looks like a skinny Mario.
1 drops are not good enough I say. We need more powerful 1, 2 and 3 drops to counteract the OP control decks out there.
and when they give us those strong 1 drops, every class can then make aggro deck and average game time will be 5 mins and capped at 6 mana, wow
AbzOnline Yeah! Where are the good old days where Blizzard nerfed control cards into the ground, we need that back! Kappa
derr control... decision making...? what's that? SMORC
Trigger Training: The Hearthstone Community
Yes, we need more 1 mana 5-3s, those are very balanced. Not like those cheat control cards.
Just listen to some Death metal albums instead Kripp. There you always get the perfect curve: first song, second song, third song...
Well i would if Death Metal didnt sound like a bunch of screeching Downs syndrome kids banging on trash cans
Reading your comment whilst listening to Cognizance \m/
Dank Potatoes I like death metal but this description is so fucking funny
Dank Potatoes I think you are mixing it up with the so called "drum sound" on St. Anger.
Why play two one drops when you can hero power?
Razarino The Chainerino Kripperino true dat
why not both tho
why not both ? 2 mana ? double one drop + hero power for the win.
I hero power and emote!
B.Brode Jr: *heals* "The Light shall burn you!"
The answer is so simple, get an upgraded coin with the text " Gain 1 mana for this turn only add a regular coin to your hand at the end of your turn " that way you cant have a 3 drop on turn 1
I can already hear Ben Brode say "that would confuse players", as he did for the additional deck slots.
I can already hear Ben Brode's evil laughter from afar
lootage give the second player two coins; give all coins the text: "Gain one mana this turn only; only one coin can be played per turn." The instructions are very clear, so the little titty-babies that Blizzard writes these cards for can understand it, we help solve the going first problem, and we nerf miracle rogue. It's a win-win-win
Elder Scrolls Legends already solved this problem. Player going second has a ring they can activate once per turn that gives +1 mana, and has 3 uses. Hearthstone needs the same thing, with two uses.
I might be a 4 drop, but I can draw you up to three one drops every turn, just like that paladin spell, sir!
Go back to wild you glorified tuna can
Your profile picture is amazing
Love any videos where we get to see statistics, especially graphs that literally show the faults of this game's balance. Keep it coming!
"I WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG" - validated krippsayer
Blizzard thought process: Leper gnome being a 2/1 with a 2 damage deathrattle too strong. Lets nerf it into a 1/1
Small time buccaneer it's basically a 3/2 that summons a 1/1 with charge. Seems balanced.
b-b-but there are conditions in those cards that are very hard to meet like having a turn 2 weapon and not having patches in your hand so its balanced.
That 1 drop Mana Wyrm did 13 face damage that game, by turn 5
Pigmiwarrior 1 drop better than pyroblast '-'
in 4 atacks
10:28 Kripp: I guess that I will kill that off.
Sorcerer's Apprentice: Me?!
"Your ability to draw an answer says nothing about how good you are at the game." Well no, that doesnt. But your ability to survive long enough to draw the answer does. Your ability to understand that you need an answer to win the game and therefore make the decision to try and stall your oponent does make you good at the game. No?
That would be right but they is sill luck with getting those things to live
The point is that being put into a situation where you NEED to draw an answer can happen purely because of luck is silly. Sure, good players can make the best of a bad situation and sometimes recover, but why should you be in that bad situation in the first place because of things you can't control?
But its a card game, I think that aspect will always be a part of the game. Theres no getting away from that. You'll never eradicate the "I need a flamestrike, oh look a flamestrike" moment. Thats part and parcel of card games.
Thats because the RNG of HS is insanely random thanks to cards that are too random, Shadowverse does it right, theres RNG obviously, but everything is in control, you can kind of control the randomness inside of your deck thanks to how decks work in that game where the synergy is the deck as a whole instead of synergy between X card or X card, in Shadowverse theres few times where you or your oppenent are without cards in hand or no answers, the game doesn't put you in lose-lose situations. Im not saying that shadowverse is perfect, obviously, theres a couple of OP classes there but still the feel of ''control'' is much higher. Ironically the problem in Shadowverse is going first because you get 1 card less there. The truth is theres a lot of desing mistakes in HS, The elder scrolls legends suffers similar problems to HS but there you at least have the rune system to counter your enemy (similar to trap cards in yu-gi-oh), HS doesn't have any of these counter-mechanics other card games have that gives you a chance to survive.
Man you must not be a long term player if you think games like this have always been a big part of the game.
If you show Blizz the stats they will just say that their own stats disagree and that there isn't a problem. But of course they won't release their stats so in the end nothing happens and they go back to swimming around in pools of money and not caring about existing players, as long as new ones keep coming with their big fat wallets.
Newsflash, Blizzard doesn't give a fuck.
Yup. I can't wait until the next expansion which contains more broken 1 drops and cards that are practically pre-built decks and leave no room for creativity on the player's part.
Oh, and more desperate attempts to make taunt warrior a thing.
do you think cheap board clears would fix the 1 drop problem? things like hunter's multishot? (not that hunter is viable, but unless you can drop a doomsayer on turn 2, you hardly have a chance of catching up)
warlock has a couple and priest does too, but the way they were made makes it impossible to work. Warlocks deals 2 dmg to all non-demons and most of warlocks starting hands are not demons, with the exception of like 3, but he's the early game guy, so why even put it in ur deck?
The other is priest but his only kills 2 and less attack minions, but 1 and 2 drops have commonly 3 attack so it makes it a pretty dead card.
The only solution is to make 1 drops have lower stats or increase their mana cost. Cheap board clears will just get abused by the aggro decks.
Nick D that's the problem: you only have a chance if you pull doomsayer and the pirate warrior doesnt have an optimal hand. that's the only board clear at that cost that fits the curve and isnt reactionary. maybe more taunt would work? but even that gets cleared easily
Love the salt man, I have been watching your videos everyday for a whole year and i never get bored from your salt. Keep em coming :D
Doomsayerino Kripperino he helped you get to THE END!!!
My Idea for fixing this would be let the Player going 1st not Play a Minion on turn one, so one Player has the Mana Advantage and the other one has the Board Advantage.
Hungry Dragon this might actually do something. I don't know what it is, but it might do something.
That's almost the exact same situation you have now though, you're basically giving the first turn player the second turn player's disadvantage.
XBlueM0ndayX you get rid of the coin though.
XBlueM0ndayX not true, when going first I get to answer the opponents 4 cost minion with the 4 I played before him, or my 5 cost.
if you go first you answer 4 mana with 5
If you go second you answer a 4 mana card with 4 mana
I thought this was a genius idea but it makes 1 drops useless then. If you go first and have 4 one drops in your deck, you basically have 4 useless cards...
Validated Krippsayer:
"I was right all along!"
What if you could actually pick the cards you want to have in your opening hand from your deck in the mulligan phase? Would that help to fix the problem since you could pick your card counters to the rush downs?
how about the player going second gets to discover a special card the first turn? either a one mana 0/2 taunt, a one mana 1/2 or an extra coin? but only in arena?
people would allways just pick the coin unless the minions had cost 0 and the 1/2 be changed to 1/1 because on turn 1 most 1 drops have 2 attack now *wink* *wink* enchanted raven
Hey Kripp. What about start with 2 crystals? The second player still have the coin.
So I have a question
-Which cards are the ones you MUST have in a arena deck and which class should I pick right now?. I usually pick Warlock/Mage/Paladin.
Gaia Legend Download HearthArena, its what Kripp uses too. It rates the 3 cards shown and says which ones the best one. It also calculates it with your synergies in your deck and their value data base so its pretty good for beginners.
Wolferman Thank you for this👍
I had a game yesterday where my opponent was a rogue going first. They played a Zombie Chow, Counterfeit Coin, and then Small Time Buccaneer. There was noooo coming back from that.
Are you also one of those people that set the phone to airplane mode and throw it out of the window just to buy milk without leaving the house?
Please explain, because the joke (or possible lack thereof) is lost on me.
airplane mode sounds like "turn into plane" command
The problem is with the draft tbh. The drafting system needs a total overhaul, like, completely. The obvious choice is to make it like the TCG drafts they have in the IRLs where like, you open a bunch of packs and use cards from those packs.
Maybe you open 25 "arena packs" and get to draft from those cards.
But then arena is like a shitty version of constructed.
An additional detail that the graph doesn't directly explain is that by going first with a one drop you also... remove that one drop from your deck, obviously. Which gives you that much lower of a chance to draw badly going forward.
i had an idea for the coin - how do u guys feel about a (kinda magic the gathering inspired) coin which adds the possibility to use a spell on the opponents turn?
Get a fucking life.
Congratz on #1 for January, Kripp!!
What if the arena draft was reworked to guarantee you got 10 spells minimum? i.e. if you draft 20 minions then your next 10 draft choices are between only spells. Every spell you choose cards 1-20 moves the starting point for this modifier back 1. pick 1 spell, mod starts on card 22, pick 2 and it starts on 23
0:04 - [Talkerino]
6:23 - the ideal time to go second
8:47 - the outlier one-drop
your picture of zobie chow says its from classic when its from naxx
Would uping the minimum heal to 100 do anything Kripp?
lolol - "Since the last time i quit WoW i played...lets see...i played WoW a little bit...."
:) You're the best Kripp!
Saw this post on reddit, instantly thought of Kripp FeelsGoodMan
I know this is an old video, but i always had this idea for fixing the go first vs. go second, where the person who would typically go second, actually goes first, but their turn one is on zero mana and they have the coin? idk how that'd work
Didn't they say they were experimenting with more spells being offered in arena? That should help some right?
Im not rly like a pro HS player or anything, but wouldnt giving the 1 goin first 1 mana+coin, and the second player starting with 2 mana help? (resulting in second always being 1 mana up but 1 turn down (except when using coin))? Or would that flip it 2 hard around?x)
what about a "pick 4 from 5" mulligan stage for going second?
Maybe delayed second coin, at 2, 3 or 4 mana?
Also, make card selection less random. For example, last card will be always be a legendary, last 3 cards - always an epic, 3 before that - board clears, etc. It would decrease luck a little bit, and would allow to have a draft strategy, not just merely reacting to early potential cards, which can end in disaster by the end of the draft.
Not just Arena, but what do you think of a mechanic like this "if u have a coin in hand", or "if u played a coin this turn" - do shit. (would prolly make rogues insane,but) would that fix the issue?
Kripp's problem in life: 1 drop/going second.
My problem in life: My life.
Well, Kripp know his stuff, #1 arena player in January in NA.
The kripperinos are adorable haha.
Bit of analysis: the obvious reasons why some classes(shamans, warlock an rogue) are so affected whereas warrior and priest are not, is due to the classes themselves i would say that druid stats are likely the norm now without class cards due to zombie chow and such cards rogue shaman and warlock is then due to the monster 1 drops in the form of spirit claws, trogg, buccaneer and flame imp.
Warrior and priest being the opposite is likely due to priest having so many anti aggro cards they don't know what to do and warrior having fiery war axe. So to reduce the effect of this the main thing to do would be to add anti aggro cards that can outpace the monster that is curve shaman.
Something like a 2 drop 2-2 that destroys a buffed 1-drop would be interesting imo but idk how it would work
I feel Kripp would really like Tales of Maj'Eyal, or at least he would've played the crap out of it back when he was into mmorpgs even if ToME isnt an mmo
"Guys how about a 1 mana 17/17 for shaman but it has 17 overload." "But sir on turn two the player only has 2 crystals." "Yes but if the number is higher the players will think it's fair stat distribution. Have you seen Doctor 4?"
I like the idea of two coins and one coin per turn. But maybe that would give too much advantage to classes that benefit from spells. So maybe they could use a simillar mechanic to Elder Scrolls, and replace the coin with a button with that effect, that doesn't affect anything else in the game when used.
i feel like blizzard just forgets its a virtual card game and can just change things around unlike physical card games
I think all 1 drops need to be looked and changed. They all should either have 1 stat decrease or increased cost by 1 mana.
from a pure mana and card efficiency point of view vanilla cards typically yielded 1/1 + 1/1 for each mana point so a 1 mana 2/2 wouldn't be OP except for the fact that there are no 2 mana 3/3s and of course curving perfectly.
Hey kripp, great idea why not just skip turn 1 and everyone starts at 2 mana?? (I wonder why Blizzard included a turn 1 in this game? maybe so people won't play early cards...?)
Mark Chang players should start at 10 mana I wonder why blizzard made turn 2 so people wouldn't play early cards
exactly! some cards have to be early cards
Mark Chang That doesn't change anything; now the player can play two 1 drops on turn one, which is more broken than it is now
Kripp "going first is a huge advantage" also kripp "watch me dominate 2 games where I went second"
I knew kripp would be all over this post lol
Player going second should get, instead of the regular coin, a coin that gives you the extra mana, then adds a regular coin to your hand the next turn. So you can go 2-3-3-4-5... You get 2 turns ahead when it matters the most and the first player gets to play catch up with more mana
Insights from the #1 arena player are preeeetttty good
3 Mana 2/2. Effect: When your opponent plays a 1 mana cost minion, play this minion from your hand or deck.
yes kripp this is a turn based card game glad u figured out that getting lucky gives you a higher % chance to win you are a genius
I would also like to bring attention to the fact that Kripp won both games keeping his one drop openers until the end of the game.
I feel the same about Mmorpgs as you.... recently me and and a couple RL friends gave ultima online a check (used to be avid players way back when).... something about that old school sandbox style has revived my love for mmo's..... also makes me wonder why no mmorpg since has gotten so many things right like ultima online did (player housing and world pvp among others). maybe give it a try and don't hesitate to say hi on yhe Atlantic server.
RayVitoles He was 21 seconds ahead of you. Nice try!
Kripp for lead developer ! MAKE HEARTHSTONE GREAT AGAIN !
The kripparrian army is growing, all shall fall to our combo and control decks, we will take over as the new developers and nerf all 4 mana 7/7s and 1 mana 3/2 that summon 1/1s.
Hanerino: If you would've had our gadgets, you might of won turn 4 instead. Chorino: YEAH, THE GRIMY GOONSERINOS HAS IT ALL!
Would it change something if the coin will freeze one minion for free too?
I have escaped the Kripp to live my life free from salt!
Next expansion will finally introduce 1 mana 1/3 for hunters. Finally!
What about The coin player starting first with 0 mana, but if they have a 1 drop they can use the coin. Would this at all balance shit, or make it worse?
make it a lot worse, i dont know about you but i dont think i would like to coin out a 1 drop on turn one to have to stop their one drop. The reason the coin was made was for tempo reasons, so like lets say they play a 1 mana card on turn 1 you can then coin a 2 mana card and get a free trade on their 1 drop. But now not even 2 drop are anywhere near as good as 1 drops so its useless to have coin
Guys, the fundamental problem is that if you can't play a card on a turn, you lose that mana. If you kept it, and you didn't have a 1 drop, you could play a 3 on turn 2, or a 2 on turn 2 and a 4 on turn 3. This way you aren't punished for not having low cost cards in your hand.
Hello Kripp. Have you/is there a way for you to test play with two coins and perhaps get some data on how two coins affects the game? I think the analysis would be interesting even with a small sample size. Thanks. Stay salty friend.
The solution is simple Kripp: they just need to give the player gone 2nd a coin in every turn till turn 10 ;)
To reduce rng can't we just make it so that you start your hand with one card of your choice or like 2 coins?
When youv'e played hearthstone for so long that you notice the Zombie Chow image put up is wrong as it has the classic symbol on the card instead of naxx
3:46 Anyone else notice the zombie chow had a classic symbol behind its text?
Woah when I tap the screen a grid comes up, I've never seen that before
All one drops should be plain 1/1 minions with no text like the Wisp. Maybe a few variations for certain classes that have 1/2 or 2/1 but no other effects that would have a huge impact on the game at such an early stage.
Today I drafted 3 tunnel troggs and got all 3 in my opening hand in one game going first but still went 0-3.
Then I drafted 3 zombie chows and kept drawing them when my opponent was low on health.
So I was in the back of this alleyway and I saw these two black guys, so I tried to play it cool and was like "yoyo wuts up ma niggas", they then took turns punching me in the balls till my junk was completely destroyed. I'll never have kids again.
Anyways, nice vid Kripp.
You'll never have kids AGAIN!? How are the existing kids faring with what happened to their dad!? Do they know their dad is ball...less now? Such Tragedy! As a white area dad, you should sue those two black coloured fellas for inappropriate conduct, that ought to show them.
its best to let it go and get on with my life and watch Kripp.
My Idea for the one drop problem: Block all Onedrops and start the game with 2 mana.
There are other things that could be added to that idea, I just thought I mention it.
I wonder how insane would be to remove completly from the game those problematic cards. I think none will miss a 1-3/2. Just saying
I'm nowhere near a pro nor rly good player but here is my opinion on what needs to change:
- more health -> as a base this ads time (maybe the ability to gain health like pm gives more cards?)
- more mana -> as they've added more and more cards they need to be able to finetune/spread the manacosts better
- second player starts with 2 mana and keeps that advantage of one, no more coin tho
- saying all of this i guess it also means more cards per deck, but still 2/1 restricted
Would it still be HS after all those changes? Dunno bout that one^^
Showing actual stats like this is so important. Without them we can do all the complaining we feel like, but with them, we can openly actively yell at the developers to fix their shit.
What about if the player going second, in addition to a coin, was given a 0 mana 1/1 Wisp?
Funny part is he went second both times in the games. The the "1x lucky" and "2x lucky" were if u went first.
Coin bag "gain 1 mana this turn, at the start of your next turn, add 'the coin' to your hand
Remember the times when kripp videos where about learning somethings instead of just proving himself right
Wouldn't this have been a better graph if it included the people that went second with at least a single 1 drop? It would much more clearly represent the issue between going first with certain cards and going second with the same ones.
Hey, another "I hate onedrops" Video ResidentSleeper
Although one drops are really op, the problem that was there was luck, going first or second, drawing an one drop, and especially, the draft. Luck is the most defining factor of hearthstone for a win or lost
if one drops weren't op not drawing those wouldn't cause this avalanche of issues and drawing those wouldn't instawin you the game
True, but in arena, drafting can cause insta wins and going first or second can cause it as well, I aint saying 1 drops arent op but there is more to the study then just "Oh 1 drops are op"
If you go second in arena your first heropower costs 0. Done
Wow that would be really bad. Rogue, Warlock, Paladin and Shaman would start with a massive advantage, mage and hunter would barely benefit, warrior's would be awful, and priest would literally get no benefit whatsoever.
j Revis You don't seem do understand what i was saying, the heropower is suposed to cost zero until used, not 0 on turn one, and considering how bad going second is this will not benefit shaman, rougue and pali as much as you think. Warrior and hunter will definetely benefit less but it will still help(we can get a little creative here, and make the first heropower able to target minions to damage or increase their health. Since warrior and hunter heropowers are pretty bad in arena already I think this will balance out well).
I am inside your closet Wow, I can't believe 1 other person upvoted that comment. It's extremely obvious that turn 1 hero powers that create a board state are ridiculously more powerful than hero powers that can't be actively used on turn 1. It would actually be worse than patches in arena and would kill off every non board focused hero power class.
And I'm just sitting here hoping Kripp is going to return to MMO's, feelsbadman
Re: Core Change .. all players alternate going first and second, could even out mebee!
2 coins in arena? welcome the 2 mana 7/7 AAYYLMAAOO
i bet the entire next expansion will revolve around a card mechanic that gives you the advantage if you go second