I'm currently working on a 72' 280c, and I can't remove the front corner panels. Can you help me? I've removed every single bolt that I can find and it still won't come off
They are probably glued on. Typical of many of those older models. You can try cutting through the glue with a thin knife but more often than not you will have to use a torch to burn the glue and unfortunately that burns the paint.
Just did mine with a different kit. Defiantly worth doing. Needed a spring compressor tool And the OTC 8149 pitman arm puller. Are a must!!!
I'm currently working on a 72' 280c, and I can't remove the front corner panels. Can you help me? I've removed every single bolt that I can find and it still won't come off
They are probably glued on. Typical of many of those older models. You can try cutting through the glue with a thin knife but more often than not you will have to use a torch to burn the glue and unfortunately that burns the paint.
@Mercedessource it was glued, thanks
I looked through you're videos trying to find one that explains how to insert new pins into the brake calibers. Can you explain how to do that?
friend algeria thanks
Mercedes-Benz very popular in Algeria, very much liked both cars and trucks.🌴
Rubber parts get hard