Japanese Karate Words & Phrases|Pronunciation & Definition Included

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024
  • 【Chapters】
    00:00 Introduction
    00:21 Age Uke - Upper Block
    00:23 Age Zuki - Raising Punch
    00:27 Aiuchi - At the same time
    00:30 Aka - Red
    00:32 Anza - Sitting position, cross legged
    00:36 Ao - Blue
    00:37 Arigato Gozaimasu - Thank you (present tense)
    00:41 Arigato Gozaimashita - Thank you (past tense)
    00:45 Ashi - Foot
    00:46 Ashi Sabaki - Leg Movement
    00:49 Ashi Barai - Leg Sweep
    00:52 Barai - Sweep
    00:55 Bunkai - Result of something being broken down / kata technique application
    01:03 Choku Zuki - Punch in Natural Stance
    01:07 Chudan - Middle (Level)
    01:10 Chukoku - 1st Warning
    01:12 Dan - Level above black belt
    01:15 Dachi/Tachi - Stance
    01:19 Dogi - Karate Uniform
    01:21 Dojo - School (Karate)
    01:22 Embusen or Enbusen - Spot where a kata begins.
    01:26 Empi/Enpi - Elbow, name of kata
    01:32 Empi-Uchi/Enpi-Uchi - Elbow Strike
    01:36 Gedan - Low (Level)
    01:39 Gedan Barai - Lower Sweeping Block
    01:42 Geri/Keri - Kick
    01:45 Go - 5
    01:47 Go no Sen - Attacking after the opponent’s attack
    01:54 Gyaku Zuki - Reverse Punch
    01:56 Hachi - 8
    01:58 Hachi no Ji Dachi - Stance forming an eight in Kanji
    02:04 Hai - Yes
    02:06 Hajime - Begin/Start
    02:09 Hangetsu Dachi - Stance used in Hangetsu
    02:13 Hansoku - Penalty/Red Card
    02:16 Hansoku Chui - 3rd Warning
    02:19 Heiko Dachi - Parallel Stance
    02:25 Heisoku Dachi - Stand up straight with legs closed
    02:29 Hidari - Left
    02:31 Hikite - Pulling Hand
    02:33 Hiza - Knee
    02:35 Ichi - 1
    02:37 Iie - No
    02:39 Ippon - 3 Points
    02:45 Jiyu Kumite - Free Sparring
    02:47 Jodan - Upper (Level)
    02:50 Jogai - Out of bound
    02:54 Ju - 10
    02:55 Juji Uke - Cross Block
    03:02 Junbi - To Prepare
    03:04 Kachi - Victory
    03:06 Kagi Zuki - Hook Punch
    03:09 Kakato - Heel
    03:11 Kamae - Overall stance and posture
    03:15 Karate Gi - Karate Uniform
    03:17 Karateka - Practitioner of Karate
    03:32 Kata - Form or Pattern
    03:34 Keage - Side Snap Kick
    03:39 Keikoku - 2nd Warning
    03:41 Kekomi - Side Thrust Kick
    03:44 Ki - Type of intrinsic energy.
    03:47 Kiai - Shout
    03:50 Kiba Dachi - Horse Stance
    03:52 Kihon - Basic Techniques
    04:00 Kime - Focus
    04:03 Kiotsuke - Attention
    04:08 Kizami Zuki - Karate Jab
    04:11 Kohai - Someone at a lower status than you
    04:17 Kokyu - Breathe
    04:19 Kokutsu Dachi - Back Stance
    04:22 Konichiwa - Hello
    04:24 Kumite - Sparring
    04:26 Kyu - Levels before Dan
    04:31 Mae - Front
    04:32 Mae Geri - Front Kick
    04:34 Manji Uke - Gedan Barai + Upper Soto Uke
    04:39 Mawashi Geri - Roundhouse Kick
    04:41 Mawatte - Turn Around (telling someone)
    04:45 Migi - Right
    04:47 Mikazuki Geri - Crescent Moon Kick
    04:49 Modotte - Go Back (telling someone)
    04:54 Morote Uke - Double Block
    04:58 Mou Ichi Do - One More Time
    05:00 Mokuso - Meditation
    05:02 Mushin - Void or State of No Mind
    05:08 Musubi Dachi - Stand up with legs together in 60 degrees
    05:16 Nage - Throw
    05:18 Nana - 7
    05:20 Neko Ashi Dachi - Cat Stance
    05:23 Ni - 2
    05:24 Nidan Geri - Double Kick
    05:27 Nodo - Throat
    05:29 Nukite - Spear Hand
    05:31 Obi - Belt
    05:33 Oi Zuki - Following Punch
    05:40 Oss or Osu - Push On Through Difficulties.
    05:50 Otagai - To each other
    05:55 Rei - Bow
    05:57 Ren Zuki - Consecutive Punch
    06:00 Roku - 6
    06:07 San - 3
    06:09 Sanchin Dachi - Stance used in Sanchin
    06:15 Sayonara - Goodbye
    06:17 Sen - State of being first
    06:26 Sen no Sen - State of being first sensing the opponent’s “first”
    06:34 Senpai or Sempai - Senior Student
    06:39 Sensei - Teacher/Instructor
    06:41 Senshu - Indication that you scored first
    06:47 Seiza - Proper Sitting Position
    06:53 Seiza Waza - Kneeling Techniques
    06:58 Seiretsu - Line up (telling someone)
    07:01 Shi - 4
    07:03 Shichi - 7
    07:06 Shihan - Master
    07:08 Shiko Dachi - Square Stance/Horse Stance
    07:20 Shiro - White
    07:22 Shiturei shimasu - Excuse Me
    07:25 Shomen - Front
    07:28 Shuto - Knife Hand
    07:30 Shuto Uke - Knife Hand Block
    07:33 Sochin Dachi/Fudo Dachi - “Immovable” Stance. Stance seen in Sochin.
    07:41 Soe Zuki - Punch with support hand
    07:50 Soto Uke - Outer Block
    07:53 Tai Sabaki - Body Evade Technique
    08:01 Tatami - Practice/Training Mat
    08:11 Te - Hand
    08:13 Tettsui Uchi - Hammerfist Strike
    08:16 Tsuki/Zuki - Punch
    08:19 Tsuzukete Hajime - Continue (in kumite)
    08:24 Uchi - Strike
    08:33 Uchi Mawashi Geri - Inner Roundhouse Kick
    08:41 Uchi Uke - Inner Block
    08:43 Uke - Block
    08:45 Ura Ken Uchi - Back Fist Strike
    08:50 Ura Mawashi Geri - Hook Kick
    08:54 Ushiro - Back
    08:56 Ushiro Geri - Back Kick
    08:59 Watashi - I (Me)
    09:02 Waza - Technique
    09:05 Waza Ari - 2 Points
    09:13 Yame - Stop
    09:16 Yasunde - To Rest (telling someone)
    09:21 Yoi - Ready….
    09:30 Yoko - Side
    09:32 Yoroshiku Onegai Shimasu - Greeting for someone with a higher status
    09:40 Yuko - 1 Point
    09:47 Zanshin - Remaining Your Focus
    09:50 Zenkutsu Dachi - Front Stance
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Комментарии • 191