What I find interesting about this session: looking at the backline of amplifiers, it appears that Larry is possibly running thru a pair of Fender Blues Devilles, while Louie is playing thru either a Tweed HR Deluxe or Blues Deluxe...their tones sound very nice in my opinion...
Ii met larry carlton in 1965.....he was a monster then..i worked with louie Shelton on the fierst Monkees album......he was good...bur larry Carleton is more Bluesy influenced ....
Two great guitarists.....the careers these two gentlemen have had....Thank you both!
two of the all time greats at one time, as good as it gets
Wow, so good, and I could have been there if I'd known about it. One of the best nights of my life if I'd made it.
Louis is probably the most versatile guitar player there is, which is why he has been on more Albums than anyone.
Two greats........I missed it by a week........FARK!
Two masters
Oh, yeah ... that's how you do it.
Bárbaro bárbaro...tremendo blues.
What I find interesting about this session: looking at the backline of amplifiers, it appears that Larry is possibly running thru a pair of Fender Blues Devilles, while Louie is playing thru either a Tweed HR Deluxe or Blues Deluxe...their tones sound very nice in my opinion...
The best job in the world is to be a drummer in a blues band. Not much work, except to keep playing the shuffle rhythm again and again. :D
Two studio Aces in there prime.
Perfect tune...for a RIDE CYMBAL!
Louis doesn’t age!
Ii met larry carlton in 1965.....he was a monster then..i worked with louie Shelton on the fierst Monkees album......he was good...bur larry Carleton is more Bluesy influenced ....
Hey Gerry, you're a pretty good guitar player too, if I may say so myself. Thanks for the comments Cheers Rob P.
yep..ive only been playing 60 odd yrs...I think im 'pretty good....lol
Hi Gerry any way to email or call you I have a wonderful complimentary Jerry Donahue story to tell you itgoesto11marty@gmail.com
wish they didn't use so much ..Effects pedals......
They don't