This video is by far the best explanation of how to make M-Lok installation work in a relatively easy way. This is a lot less complicated than all the other videos that other people have posted. This helps a lot of people.
MAGPUL WANTS THIS VIDEO BANNED (POLICE CALLED)(GONE SEXUAL) ... and see what happen next. Epic! must see. You won't believe your eyes. Click now and buy!!
Charles Fields ... I had to watch this again because I didn't understand what the hack was either. I'm thinking about putting up a hack video tonight on how I clean my teeth. 😄 that said, I like that people take the time to do this stuff, because it's great to sit down at the bench and play something while you're doing it... Sort of like a reassurance that your not about to break the new thing you got. Just wish they were titled accurately... Especially since, if I ever load a vid after not affixing a rail for a year or two, this video clearly won't be the one I pull up due to the title.
Brother, I gotta tell ya...if you were east of Raleigh last night you would have known I was having a go at my first MLOK accessory installation. LOL!!! But then I found your excellent video, and I can't thank you enough. I can only imagine this instructional gem of a production has saved countless new MLOK purchasers from busting an aneurysm. Sir, you are appreciated!!!
Good video. I just bought my first M-Lok rifle and I really was a little confused when I got it (yep, I just turned 60). I carried a modified A2, M-14 or M40. "Never Forget Beirut" !
Bought my first rifle ever (and I'm 45) yesterday, then watched a bunch of videos saying I needed a sling, so I bought a sling with an mlok sling mount point and have been struggling until I watched this video. I wasn't backing off the screw far enough because one video said 180 degrees which wasn't enough. Thank you for this video.
Your totally right. This is an easier way to adjust the T-nuts. There is a draw back from doing it this way though. When ever you go past the point of the right adjustment you are eating into the thread lock and it will not hold as well once you back it off. Just like going to far with a pipe fitting. If you back of the fitting you need to take it back apart and re-dope it. Doing the T-nut the correct and a tad bit harder way insures the best fit and staying power of the threads.
Fun video. Thanks for sharing the trick. I wouldn't be surprised if Magpul updated their install instructions to utilize this method. Blind install with absolutely zero guess work.
bob smith No kidding: With President What's his face, they were floating the idea that you would need to bring your firearm to a ATF licensed gunsmith for any work done, even what's in this video. And fill out another background check when you pick it up of course.
Chip Hardee it's a way for people to click on the link. everyone's doing it and it works. at least his info is good info. just part of thing youtubers must do to keep up
It is in the directions. Crap videos like this are why I can't take this guy serious. "Magpul hates this hack" it's literally in their directions to do this
It is now, but the original instructions that were the only instructions at the time of this video were quite different. Any guess as to why the instructions now say to do this method that I clearly demonstrate on video? lol
Good video, I've owned all types rifles my whole life and have stuck to the basics. I finally decided to check out the M-Lok connection platform and had no idea how they worked and I'm not ashamed of that. Every arrogant person commenting on this had their first day handling this style product wether on construction or firearms. They also stopped to watch the video 😂 knowing so much. Maybe they got click-baited into it.. it's a real thing. I installed my first M-Lok rail setup yesterday on my AR. I'm a fan of the product now. Thanks for your help. It is super simple but you don't know what you don't know.. grow up boys.
That's how I did it the first time I tried. Never bothered with Magpull instructions for something so self explanatory. When I saw this video I kept watching waiting for the hack lol
This popped back up on my Recommendations and I had to watch it again. Can’t like it twice so I’ll just leave a Thank You. I hope T&B is doing well I these C19 times. God bless brother
Just added an MLOK Hand Grip and attached my first accessory to it quickly an easily thanks to your tips. I saved this video for future reference, though I think I'll remember. Thank you!
TWANGnBANG I haven't watched one of your videos in a while, but laughed when I saw that so figured I would watch it. but yea most of my spam says weird trick lol
Man,just bought my 1st ar and looked at the mloc sheet and thought what the hell.they really should have people who use the product make the instructions.always found engineers can find a harder way to do the simplest thing.found your vid 15 min.after I figured it out.still enjoyed it.thank you.
For those unfamiliar with how Magpul says to do this, here are the instructions they include with their accessories. Two whole pages are spent instructing you to measure rail thickness, attempt to match with t-nut spacing, remove and repeat until you get it right (PDF file):
TWANGnBANG the way youve shown in this video is actually the way i was taught to install these and if anyone is nervous about doing it this way and doing something outside of the instructions we have shot full auto set ups 5.56 7.65 300 blackout etc using this mounting technique over and over till you could cook bacon on the barrel and weve never had one get lose on us yet! great video twang!
they probably actually do not approve, doing this will mar parts, leave scratches and what not that would not happen if you take your time and go by the manual. i just use a small crescent wrench and eyeball it, little trial and error but pretty much everything is first time go
That's cool. I still have quad rails on one AR, Keymod on another. There is no magic unicorn. Some people get so hung up on the hype they cannot contain themselves.
Quad rails work and are strong. The only reason I moved away from them is to reduce the weight. I am a contactor and carry a D20RS which is a Heckler & Koch, HK-416 variant for 10 hour daily. If you want to make your rifle lighter I recommend using MLock as it is superior than Key Mod systems.
Very useful video. What seemed like an easy install involved some fiddling before I found this. After it not feeling as tight as I wanted I kinda figured this trick accidentally. Thought I may have stripped my new foregrip!
I am new to mounting accessories to M-Lock, so this hack has been VERY helpful!! I don’t understand the frustration in the comment section though. The other videos I’ve watched, they did it a totally different way...I like this way better.
Took me almost four minutes to realize it's meant to be comedic. You're too accurate to what firearm channels are actually like these days- you were two years ahead!
I never read the instructions. Glad I didn't realize that I was doing it "wrong." Some things are self evident. Nice to see someone else figured it out. 😋
This is the only way that makes any sense to install the T-nuts and I;ve been doing it since M-lok came out. Why would "Magpul hate this"??? Nie click-bate title.
Hi I'm Magpul and I hate this trick I absolutely hate this trick I wanted to be dissolved I wanted to be hung I wanted to be shot I hate this trick I can't stand it!!!!
I thought this was the standard way to install M-Lok accessories? I haven't read Magpul's instructions, only instructions that come with the accessory itself. Also this is how my local gunsmith explains to customers how to install it. Hmmm... common sense people? Good video nonetheless.
If I had to take a guess, it's because adjusting as you tighten ensures that the final tightening will be done into fresh threadlock compound, not compound that's potentially displaced or stripped off by having the threads pass over it multiple times.
This isn't a hack. This should be part of the standard instructions on how to install M-lok. P.S. The word Hack is misused and overly used incorrectly. This is one of those times. I still love your channel.
You are right, the beauty of any language is it can evolve. But just because one person, or a thousand people decide one day to change the meaning of a word through ignorance or defiance, does not make it correct. Here is a link to several misused words that are used every day. And one day if the definition of any word is changed or adjusted, or publicly accepted, so be it. But to continue to use words incorrectly only shows ignorance.
Good video! I have a question, so if I buy an attachment for my m-lok and whatever my be, it doesn't come with some type of lock tight should I put some on before mounting? Like for instance a fore grip or a bi-pod! Very new to the ar and m-lok platform and was wondering what you thought? Thank you!
Keymod AND M-Lok are garbage. Quad rails work exponentially better than either, and the only "con" to them is the "cheese grater" nonsense that anyone who has actually used them knows to be false.
I use this method but first thing I do is grab a driver handle with the proper sized bit. Sure makes for a simpler process. My 'OCD' also prevents me from buying any other M-LOC rails(when I need a 5 slot) but Arisaka 5 slot with 3 fasteners. They don't sound like it but they're even made in the US.😁
Before it's BANNED try this other tip that makes it even easier! Use a micro bit driver with the appropriate sized bit rather than a simple Allen key. Most micro bit drivers have a pommel that spins freely. It's really easy to keep pressure on that screw by simply putting that pommel into the palm or your hand while turning it with your fingers.
No longer will I dread mounting M-Lok devices. I had two of them mounted within five minutes and even mounted one upside down, then removed it and reattached it correctly still within the five minutes. Thank you sir.
You can use a 7 mm open end wrench on the T-nut rather than the Crescent wrench or pliers. Neat trick, BTW. Recently I needed to cut one screw to the minimum length to get it to turn into place between the gas block and handguard's flats for a bipod stud mount. It cleared by a whisker. I put the screw in a vice and cut it using a Dremel & cutting wheel.
This video is by far the best explanation of how to make M-Lok installation work in a relatively easy way. This is a lot less complicated than all the other videos that other people have posted. This helps a lot of people.
Glad it helped!
Nice!! :)
... and see what happen next.
Epic! must see. You won't believe your eyes.
Click now and buy!!
dermatologists hate him
I must be getting old because what we used to call common sense, is now called a hack... Good instructional video.
Charles Fields ... I had to watch this again because I didn't understand what the hack was either. I'm thinking about putting up a hack video tonight on how I clean my teeth. 😄 that said, I like that people take the time to do this stuff, because it's great to sit down at the bench and play something while you're doing it... Sort of like a reassurance that your not about to break the new thing you got. Just wish they were titled accurately... Especially since, if I ever load a vid after not affixing a rail for a year or two, this video clearly won't be the one I pull up due to the title.
Common Sense means a different thing nowadays, its a metaphor to give up your rights for the false safety of others now.
Raymo_2_u HA, basically
Well said!
Funny how over time people talk different, isn't it? Eventually a "life hack" is gunna be an old person thing.
You forgot to add the screenshot with you holding the handguard at the screen with a surprised look on your face for the full click bait feel
But you watched it....
Came here looking for a comment like this, I am fully satisfied.
It’s amazing how many tutorials didn’t show how to loosen and then tighten to lock it… 👍
This video is a public service. Great and simple tutorial.
Brother, I gotta tell ya...if you were east of Raleigh last night you would have known I was having a go at my first MLOK accessory installation. LOL!!! But then I found your excellent video, and I can't thank you enough. I can only imagine this instructional gem of a production has saved countless new MLOK purchasers from busting an aneurysm. Sir, you are appreciated!!!
This is freakin’ brilliant. I just tried this on my shotgun grip, and this worked PERFECTLY. Well done, dude. Huge props on this. Thanks for sharing!
This isnt some secret this Is in the manual for the handguard
How did you do it before?
@@turdfurg47 and? the video helped me out. if that bugs you too fucking bad.
Residents in Lawrence Kansas didn’t know this simple trick could save them millions
Should have came to
More like Ottawa
Good video. I just bought my first M-Lok rifle and I really was a little confused when I got it (yep, I just turned 60). I carried a modified A2, M-14 or M40. "Never Forget Beirut" !
Why would Magpul hate this trick? Am I missing something????
The joke. You’re missing the joke.
@@TWANGnBANG there is no "joke" just a stupid title
@@joesaxon6566 It’s clickbait bullshit. There’s no joke.
@@joesaxon6566 so savage
Bought my first rifle ever (and I'm 45) yesterday, then watched a bunch of videos saying I needed a sling, so I bought a sling with an mlok sling mount point and have been struggling until I watched this video. I wasn't backing off the screw far enough because one video said 180 degrees which wasn't enough. Thank you for this video.
Your totally right. This is an easier way to adjust the T-nuts. There is a draw back from doing it this way though. When ever you go past the point of the right adjustment you are eating into the thread lock and it will not hold as well once you back it off. Just like going to far with a pipe fitting. If you back of the fitting you need to take it back apart and re-dope it. Doing the T-nut the correct and a tad bit harder way insures the best fit and staying power of the threads.
GREAT! Just got my first M-Lok forend and accessories. This tip made it easy. Thank you!
Fun video. Thanks for sharing the trick. I wouldn't be surprised if Magpul updated their install instructions to utilize this method. Blind install with absolutely zero guess work.
A soccer mom discovers this one weird trick!
next video:!ATF wants to ban this technique
bob smith No kidding: With President What's his face, they were floating the idea that you would need to bring your firearm to a ATF licensed gunsmith for any work done, even what's in this video. And fill out another background check when you pick it up of course.
Man gathers custom rifle accessories, check out Jennifer Aniston's shocking reaction!
has science gone too far?
Sheeeesh ....4yrs later, your still saving lives.... Damn. This thing was starting to piss me off lol . Thanx
Thanks for that. I knew there was an easier way to mount the rails.
I am about to order my first M-LOK accessories. I'm glad I found this video, as it illustrates quite well how the system works.
Why would magpul hate this?
It's just a meme done for humor.
TWANGnBANG well I was wondering how this would help pick up girls and give me killer abs.
Magpul hates clickbait
Chip Hardee it's a way for people to click on the link.
everyone's doing it and it works. at least his info is good info.
just part of thing youtubers must do to keep up
Chip Hardee that's a silly reason to unsubscribe.
M lock the perfect example of how “progress” can be a backwards step! This video helped a lot though. Thanks!
1 in 5 dentists don't recommend this
This is how it’s always been done. I think I actually read this in instructions at some point.
It is in the directions. Crap videos like this are why I can't take this guy serious. "Magpul hates this hack" it's literally in their directions to do this
It is now, but the original instructions that were the only instructions at the time of this video were quite different. Any guess as to why the instructions now say to do this method that I clearly demonstrate on video? lol
Wow! Thanks! I was using bubblegum to hold my mlok on and thought the screws and stuff were "extra parts". I feel so tactical now!
Good video, I've owned all types rifles my whole life and have stuck to the basics. I finally decided to check out the M-Lok connection platform and had no idea how they worked and I'm not ashamed of that. Every arrogant person commenting on this had their first day handling this style product wether on construction or firearms. They also stopped to watch the video 😂 knowing so much. Maybe they got click-baited into it.. it's a real thing. I installed my first M-Lok rail setup yesterday on my AR. I'm a fan of the product now. Thanks for your help. It is super simple but you don't know what you don't know.. grow up boys.
That's how I did it the first time I tried. Never bothered with Magpull instructions for something so self explanatory. When I saw this video I kept watching waiting for the hack lol
David Butera it was so ez i couldve sworn i did it wrong because all the videos are 20min plus
IKR!!?? Im sitting here waiting, waiting...when's the "ah-hah" moment?? I feel cheated and used.
I did the same thing when I got my ar15 and thought that's how everyone else does it and also I never heard that magpul hated it.
This popped back up on my Recommendations and I had to watch it again. Can’t like it twice so I’ll just leave a Thank You. I hope T&B is doing well I these C19 times. God bless brother
Just added an MLOK Hand Grip and attached my first accessory to it quickly an easily thanks to your tips. I saved this video for future reference, though I think I'll remember. Thank you!
Definitely worth its own video. Gotta love little tricks to make your life easier.
Click bait beat down.
I think too many of my viewers get the joke even if a few don't.
TWANGnBANG I haven't watched one of your videos in a while, but laughed when I saw that so figured I would watch it. but yea most of my spam says weird trick lol
Top 10 Gun Clickbaits of 2017
Well, I'd say by the negative thumbs down votes it's about 1/6 think it's far......
@@TWANGnBANG we get the joke its just so dead and unfunny its considered an insult
Thank you! I'd given up on adding a rail a week ago but this made it so easy.
That click bait title, nice. "Centipedes, in MY AR-15?"
Match grade Wolf Ammo? Has Science gone TOO FAR? REAL or FAKE
keymod isnt MLOK
Shanna, neither of us said it was so I'm not sure what you're talking about.
Outstanding video sir. I discovered this by mistake and it is how I have been installing these devices. Thank you!
Haters will say it's been photoshopped.
Man,just bought my 1st ar and looked at the mloc sheet and thought what the hell.they really should have people who use the product make the instructions.always found engineers can find a harder way to do the simplest thing.found your vid 15 min.after I figured it out.still enjoyed it.thank you.
Doctor's hate him
Zach Conant... But parents love him!
I just fiddled with my m-lok for like 30 mins then found this video and it worked instantly. thank you for posting this trick!
Glad it helped!
If you're over 40, you can't afford not to see this!
Disregard that I skipped one small part of the process. Worked great. Thank you for the knowledge
Hell yeah now I can get my certified youtube armorer patch haha!
Another excellently done presentation from the Master himself. You and Mr. Harrell leave all the others in the dust...
Thanks so much!
For those unfamiliar with how Magpul says to do this, here are the instructions they include with their accessories. Two whole pages are spent instructing you to measure rail thickness, attempt to match with t-nut spacing, remove and repeat until you get it right (PDF file):
TWANGnBANG yeah fuck that... your instructions are looking way easier
TWANGnBANG interesting. I literally did this out of box without reading the information haha. No idea you were supposed to measure
TWANGnBANG the way youve shown in this video is actually the way i was taught to install these and if anyone is nervous about doing it this way and doing something outside of the instructions we have shot full auto set ups 5.56 7.65 300 blackout etc using this mounting technique over and over till you could cook bacon on the barrel and weve never had one get lose on us yet! great video twang!
Good info. But the “magpul hates this” click bait is pretty lame
they probably actually do not approve, doing this will mar parts, leave scratches and what not that would not happen if you take your time and go by the manual. i just use a small crescent wrench and eyeball it, little trial and error but pretty much everything is first time go
great tip. I preferred k-mod to m-lok because I thought it was hard to attached m-lok accessories. This will help.
That's cool. I still have quad rails on one AR, Keymod on another. There is no magic unicorn. Some people get so hung up on the hype they cannot contain themselves.
Quad rails work and are strong. The only reason I moved away from them is to reduce the weight. I am a contactor and carry a D20RS which is a Heckler & Koch, HK-416 variant for 10 hour daily. If you want to make your rifle lighter I recommend using MLock as it is superior than Key Mod systems.
Stuckgrenadepin same. I have quad rails on all of mine, I like them better anyways, never mind giving into the hype
I've been going crazy setting up my SCAR'S KINETIC forend and all it took was your video to get me going 👍.
Your friend in OREGON 🤠
Surpising MagPul instructions don't tell you you need a 7mm wrench and a 1/8" allen.
Very useful video. What seemed like an easy install involved some fiddling before I found this. After it not feeling as tight as I wanted I kinda figured this trick accidentally. Thought I may have stripped my new foregrip!
"You have to push it in or it doesn't work."
I am new to mounting accessories to M-Lock, so this hack has been VERY helpful!! I don’t understand the frustration in the comment section though. The other videos I’ve watched, they did it a totally different way...I like this way better.
Glad it was helpful!
I'm amazed at how difficult and over complicated forearm accessories companies have made guns.
You’re the first guy who successfully explained this to me. Jebus this was hard to figure out by yourself.
Took me almost four minutes to realize it's meant to be comedic. You're too accurate to what firearm channels are actually like these days- you were two years ahead!
I never read the instructions.
Glad I didn't realize that I was doing it "wrong."
Some things are self evident.
Nice to see someone else figured it out. 😋
Damn. I never read the instructions on how to actually do it. I actually have been doing this hack and never new it!!! Screw instructions.
Bob Surratt destructions are for people with no imagination
Bob Surratt me too lol
I did! Now I have paper cuts on my johnson...
Honestly, I think that's how everyone had always done it.
Holy shit! This trick takes Mlok accessory installation from F-bombs to “the bomb”! Thanks so much Twang n Bang!
This is the only way that makes any sense to install the T-nuts and I;ve been doing it since M-lok came out. Why would "Magpul hate this"??? Nie click-bate title.
Great video. The cam wasn't working for me but this video with the advice to tighten all the way then back down was the trick!!! Thanks!
perfect title
Ah the obligatory Mrgunsngear comment on a gun channel for a bit of advertising ;) Lol
all the 3 comments above mine, made me laugh my ass off.
Florida Man wow doesnt take much to make you laugh. r u a little on the spectrum?
@@heyzoos-cgr9369 LMAO. right. He pops his head in every gun channel
Sweet! I'll keep this in mind on my next mlok accessory.
2-3 Dentist perfer Colgate.
Excellent vid, thanks! Worked perfectly! Did not have to take the handguard off which really made my day (not literally I'm pretty happy).
Hi I'm Magpul and I hate this trick I absolutely hate this trick I wanted to be dissolved I wanted to be hung I wanted to be shot I hate this trick I can't stand it!!!!
This is genius! This should have been the installation instructions from Magpul. Thank you!
M-LOK for the win
The definitive video on this topic. Bless you good sir 🙏
I thought this was the standard way to install M-Lok accessories? I haven't read Magpul's instructions, only instructions that come with the accessory itself. Also this is how my local gunsmith explains to customers how to install it. Hmmm... common sense people? Good video nonetheless.
This is the did trick to tighten up the front of my new magpul handstop on polymer, thanks.
Very useful for me. Just mounted my flashlight to my hi-point 10mm bullpup PCC. Love that goofy gun, it is sooo. . . different.
Why the hell doesn't Magpul put that in the instructions? It would be so much easier to attach things if I knew to try this.
I honestly don't know. Sometimes engineers are better at designing things than using them. :)
If I had to take a guess, it's because adjusting as you tighten ensures that the final tightening will be done into fresh threadlock compound, not compound that's potentially displaced or stripped off by having the threads pass over it multiple times.
Probably want u to strip the nut or screw so u gotta buy new ones
lawyers and liability
Sometimes? That's basically every engineer ever. Most of them have zero real-world experience with the products they design.
You’d think Magpul would love that your sharing how to make their rail system easier to use.
This isn't a hack. This should be part of the standard instructions on how to install M-lok. P.S. The word Hack is misused and overly used incorrectly. This is one of those times. I still love your channel.
The meaning of the word has long changed to include "improvised solution." That's what this is.
The "beauty" of language is that it evolves. Go ahead and compare modern English vocabulary to that from a century ago.
You are right, the beauty of any language is it can evolve. But just because one person, or a thousand people decide one day to change the meaning of a word through ignorance or defiance, does not make it correct. Here is a link to several misused words that are used every day. And one day if the definition of any word is changed or adjusted, or publicly accepted, so be it. But to continue to use words incorrectly only shows ignorance.
I was disappointed when "hacker" stopped being somebody who was bad at golf.
homersimpson6969 - I literally know what you mean. I'm literally glad I'm not the only one.
Good video! I have a question, so if I buy an attachment for my m-lok and whatever my be, it doesn't come with some type of lock tight should I put some on before mounting? Like for instance a fore grip or a bi-pod! Very new to the ar and m-lok platform and was wondering what you thought? Thank you!
Click bait title. Used the word hack in place of tip. Said, "X hates this..." No Twang and Bang intro. What is the world is going on?
Right on thanks! Will be getting one for my AR at some point. Will keep this in my back pocket.
seriously? I thought this was common sense ??
It is...
Now that's a nice trick...makes it effortless!! Thanks.
great hack!
Ohhh. I just started using Mloc and did not know this. Great! This will help things out a lot!
or you could just go with keymod and not screw around with this...
Crap system for mounting. Drop your riffle and see what falls off.
Doug Castetter. precisely
For sure go with key mod... I mean who wouldn’t want their accessories to fall off when bumped 🤦🏻♂️
Keymod is garbage
Keymod AND M-Lok are garbage. Quad rails work exponentially better than either, and the only "con" to them is the "cheese grater" nonsense that anyone who has actually used them knows to be false.
I use this method but first thing I do is grab a driver handle with the proper sized bit. Sure makes for a simpler process. My 'OCD' also prevents me from buying any other M-LOC rails(when I need a 5 slot) but Arisaka 5 slot with 3 fasteners. They don't sound like it but they're even made in the US.😁
thanks for teaching me this. I recently installed a rail and this would have been useful to know before
I’ve never been able to do one of these properly by feel. Always had to see it enough. But still managed to be successful in all my uses of them.
Before it's BANNED try this other tip that makes it even easier! Use a micro bit driver with the appropriate sized bit rather than a simple Allen key. Most micro bit drivers have a pommel that spins freely. It's really easy to keep pressure on that screw by simply putting that pommel into the palm or your hand while turning it with your fingers.
No longer will I dread mounting M-Lok devices. I had two of them mounted within five minutes and even mounted one upside down, then removed it and reattached it correctly still within the five minutes. Thank you sir.
2 minutes in and I knew right where you were going!! GENIUS!!!!!
Thanks, Nathan!
Does this only work with that hand guard because it has a lip where it catches for it to tighten?
TWANGnBANG does it AGAIN!! Kudos, Brother.🇺🇸
What's wrong with just starting the t nut then putting the rail and just pulling against it as you tighten down?
hmm the t nuts must be larger now because i just got the cantilever rail and the t nuts will not fit through the foreend.
I figured this out pretty quick when I got my first rail, works great.
You can use a 7 mm open end wrench on the T-nut rather than the Crescent wrench or pliers. Neat trick, BTW. Recently I needed to cut one screw to the minimum length to get it to turn into place between the gas block and handguard's flats for a bipod stud mount. It cleared by a whisker. I put the screw in a vice and cut it using a Dremel & cutting wheel.
Helpful! First time mounting a rail onto my MOE forend, things got messy
The best video for Mounting m-lock… thanks
I can’t believe people needed this explained to them.
Nice! I wish I would've found this vid a while ago. It definitely would have made experience a lot easier
Great tip, never thought of it. Just tried it. thanks!