House of the Dragon Why I can't be Team Black

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024
  • This video is NOT a detailed description as to why I am Team Green or why the Blacks shouldn't rule Westeros. I made this video to show the HYPOCRISY of Team Black fans and their double standards when it comes to the morality of their favorite characters. NOT ALL Team Black Fans are like the ones that I describe in this video, so don't threaten each other.
    Have conversations with one another and debate respectfully if you can.

Комментарии • 188

  • @pendragonsxskywalkers9518
    @pendragonsxskywalkers9518 3 месяца назад

    Not being Team Black is supporting misogyny. If you are not Team Black - you are misogynist. Period.

    • @jjosifovic
      @jjosifovic  3 месяца назад +7

      N that has to be the most tribalistic comment n stupidest immature statement. Rhaenyra is a spoiled immature women with a madman of a husband that she can’t control n is a political disaster.
      Rhaenyra ISNT FIGHTING FOR EQUAL RIGHTS FOR WOMEN. Saying people that support the greens are misogynistic is the SAME stupid comment like u should support the The Greens for Male Superiority.

    • @pendragonsxskywalkers9518
      @pendragonsxskywalkers9518 3 месяца назад

      @@jjosifovic How exactly Rhaneyra is 'spoiled'? Seriously, I am incredible tired of this. Because I nowhere saw this. Aegon on other hand - VERY much spoiled and incompetent.

    • @pendragonsxskywalkers9518
      @pendragonsxskywalkers9518 3 месяца назад

      @@jjosifovic 'Rhaenyra ISNT FIGHTING FOR EQUAL RIGHTS FOR WOMEN. ' - So just because she isn't fighting for 21st century utopia that means it is okay for Greens taking her throne SOLELY because of her gender?????

    • @pendragonsxskywalkers9518
      @pendragonsxskywalkers9518 3 месяца назад

      @@jjosifovic You are hypocrite and all you said is absurd. Is Daemon madmam? Yes - but if Greens simply bow to Rhaneyra there would be no need for him to be mad.
      'spoiled immature women' - Yeah... because Aegon is VERY mature and VERY resposible 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    • @pendragonsxskywalkers9518
      @pendragonsxskywalkers9518 3 месяца назад

      @@jjosifovic Rhaneyra's crown was taken from her because she is woman. Not because she was bad ruler. If she failed as ruler and THEN Greens proposed more competent candidate I would have no issue with that. But that is not what happened. There is ZERO nuance there. Rhaenyra is both rightful and more competent than Aegon.
      What Greens did IS misogynistic and absolutely should NOT be condoned by someone who lives in modern civillized world - yet you do condone their action and openly support Aegon who was INCOMPETENT DRUNK! If you do condone this YOU ARE misogynist!

  • @princeali1932
    @princeali1932 3 месяца назад +27

    I'm neither team green or black. I'm team small folk because they suffer the most when the highlords play their game of thrones

    • @jjosifovic
      @jjosifovic  3 месяца назад +3

      Fair and valid point but that is why im team green. The greens aint putting bastards on the iron throne or legitimizing them which then doesn't create a succession crisis which doesn't lead to generations of war.

    • @aishahamma334
      @aishahamma334 3 месяца назад

      Which makes you team green. Rhenyes I think just burst into the coronation room with her dragon during ageon,s coronation. Killed hundreds of innocent people. Just stood there roared at team green whit her dragon. Bowed to them and left whit her dragon and daemon would definitely kill anyone who calls rhaenyra,s children bastards. He killed his wife

    • @jjosifovic
      @jjosifovic  2 месяца назад

      @Dreamfyre Who jeopardized everything that created a succession crisis by putting obvious bastards on the iron throne? who married a man who was denounced as heir? who was not a part of the kingdom for 6 years and expected her job to be handed to her after she abandoned it to her enemies?
      Oh that right Rhaenyra who caused all of it. The Greens may have started the war but who made it so easy to get open rebellion oh that right the person who did nothing and expected everything RHAENYRA PIKACHU FACE TARGARYEN.

    • @jjosifovic
      @jjosifovic  2 месяца назад

      ​@Dreamfyre Let me be clear about something Otto and certain lords would always have rebelled given rt gender. The green council didnt exist that early it was all otto and his family and other lords of the realm that wanted a male over a female.
      Now whether alicent or her kids would rebel would be completely different throughout the timeline and choices of rt. Alicent was clearly team rt for many years until episode 5.
      If alicent didnt hear king v words she wouldnt go against rt, since criston is loyal to alicent he would side with her, who knows what would happen if rt had legtimate kid as well.
      UR telling me that u dont see how rt marrying daemon a man who was DENOUNCED as heir which is the SOLE reason as to y she was named heir in the first place, a man who king v wanted to save the realm from , who people thought he would be a second maegor, a man who was kicked out of the vale which is one of the six kingoms rt would need to rule and seek allies... NOT a bad thing for rt politically or doesnt cause conflict for her?
      King v offered that job to his brother because its his brother not because he is good at his job. n i doubt king v offered daemon anything after he probably heard daemon married his daughter right after her husband was killed lol
      There was always going to be a rebellion but rt literally gave all the ammunition to her enemies to make her seem as an illegitimate future ruler. N she was proven to be illegitimate by having bastards kids and by CHOOSING to marry her grooming manipulative abusive political disaster of a husband.
      N given how daemon been acting can u blame anyone for not fearing what he would do as king? Since he clearly had no problems with chocking the potential future queen.
      (i dont like them together, daemon and otto are the same posion of each of their factions)

  • @teodorakoslov2929
    @teodorakoslov2929 3 месяца назад +8

    Aegon would be the better choice, if only because it would have been a smoother transfer of power, since his Council has ruled Westeros without issues for a long time. That, and he actually fought in the war. He mounted his dragon and fought, while Rhaenyra didn't use her dragon even once.
    I was far more neutral before, but the crazy Black Team fans made me despise Rhaenyra. They are just as hypocritical as their favourite 'Queen'.

    • @jjosifovic
      @jjosifovic  3 месяца назад

      I was already team green before episode 8 but now I’m fully on board because like u n I said previously black fans really come off as hypocritical when it comes to the morality of their characters.

    • @McCarthy1776
      @McCarthy1776 3 месяца назад +1

      Wars need to be fought when absolute tyrants sit the throne. And Rheanyra is the only one who even considered giving up power to avoid war

    • @teodorakoslov2929
      @teodorakoslov2929 3 месяца назад +2

      @@McCarthy1776 Aegon was willing to give up power, too. He didn't especially want the throne, in the show or the book. As for Allicent and Otto, neither weer tyrants- they have already ruled Westeros peacefully for decades.

    • @jjosifovic
      @jjosifovic  3 месяца назад +2

      @@McCarthy1776 i can argue rt is a tyrant for marrying daemon the groomer and murder. U know daemon the man who was denounced as heir, who killed his first wife, threatens that wifes family, threatens to take that family land, and choked his niece after she lost her father and her unborn daughter.
      I can judge the character of rt as a person for marrying a man who is not allowed in one of the 6 kingdoms that she will govern. U really dont see the hypocrisy with ur characters do u?

  • @Mutazili
    @Mutazili 3 месяца назад +7

    I think the showrunners wanr the audience to be team black, so be prepared for thrm to whitewash the blacks and make the greens cartoonish villains which at some point will make being team green unbearable. Which is sad, but it seems to me that it's the route thry chose...

    • @jjosifovic
      @jjosifovic  3 месяца назад +2

      i will not be surprised by that at all, I will also not be surprised if they show daeron as a joke of a character.

    • @Mutazili
      @Mutazili 3 месяца назад +1

      @@jjosifovic I'm preparing myself mentally lol

    • @jjosifovic
      @jjosifovic  3 месяца назад +2

      @@Mutazili same as well.

  • @MaddieSpencerr
    @MaddieSpencerr 3 месяца назад +11

    Would Rhaenyra have been a good queen? Maybe yes or maybe no. It's a 50/50 but personally I'm inclined to believe that her reign would have been peaceful (similar to Viserys' reign, nothing fancy)
    It must be recognized that when Rhaenyra came to power she had already lost 4 children (with Viserys II presumed dead), in the book it is said that after the death of Lucerys she plunged into sadness but then her heart turned black after the death of Jacaerys. It's not hard to see why she no longer took pity on her enemies. The constant fear for the safety of her remaining children and threats towards her government also deteriorated her mentally.
    Although her government was not ideal, we cannot say that she was a cruel queen as Maegor, that is, she was supposedly nicknamed "Maegor with tits" but to tell the truth, at the time of the dance there was already a Maegor 2.0 and that was Aemond Targaryen (everything Maegor did so did Aemond).
    Her biggest detractors always claimed that Daemon would turn the kingdom into chaos, although Daemon was not a good person, Rhaenyra did have some control over him, after all Daemon only obeyed Rhaenyra.
    The state of her kingdom when she took her crown didn't help either, half the kingdom was divided, the greens took it upon themselves to empty her royal treasury leaving Rhaenyra penniless and the kingdom in flames. The attack on Dragonpit was her final blow and forced her to flee the city.
    Was she a bad queen on purpose? No. I mean, she wasn't the best ruler but she wasn't a monster either as the green faction always said, the situation was bound to fail when the war broke out, both Aegon and Rhaenyra couldn't hold power because the kingdom was going to fall into the chaos one way or another. The only way to maintain order was to subdue people with the power of dragons and fear.
    I sincerely believe that if Rhaenyra had ascended the throne in peace, her reign could have been peaceful, it would not be an exceptional reign like Jaeharerys but it would not be a weak reign like Aenys or a cruel reign like Maegor. Rhaenyra would have ascended the throne in a period when peace reigned and the Targaryens were at their peak, all she had to do was get a trusted and experienced council with people like Corlys Velaryon.
    In the future her kingdom would have been inherited by her son Jacaerys Velaryon, and as described in the book; Jacaerys would have made a good king.
    And also using her sassy attitude as teenager against her is ridiculous as if there hasn’t been a sassy teen who matured through out their years growing up.
    But of course Team Green fans still gonna fight me on this.

    • @jjosifovic
      @jjosifovic  3 месяца назад +4

      I want to be clear that I’m talking about show Rhaenyra than book Rhaenyra because they are definitely two different characters and the show is its own thing. Would Rt be a good queen? Debatable but I would say she be middle of the road of the list of monarchs.
      I also don’t think anyone can judge Aegon or RT as rulers because they both ruled during a time of war. Aegon would be first with a grade of A. Then King J with an A - I would say Rhaenyra would be third best because I cant imagine she would be worse than King V, Aenys, and Maegor.
      “Her biggest detractors always claimed that Daemon would turn the kingdom into chaos, although Daemon was not a good person, Rhaenyra did have some control over him, after all Daemon only obeyed Rhaenyra.”
      Book wise idk about that in the show she has absolutely no control over him. I never understood rt mindset she married a man WHO was denounced as heir which is the SOLE reason y she was named heir in the first place. I can only judge Rt as how she was as an heir and as a heir she was just awful.
      “ I sincerely believe that if Rhaenyra had ascended the throne in peace, her reign could have been peaceful”
      I wouldn’t say peacefully, Westeros is a sexist society n I believe rt would have constant problems trying to secure her reign without violence. Not to mention show wise having constant bastards and putting on the iron throne created a succession crisis within her own direct bloodline. Maybe it wont happen in her generation but it might happen with Jace lifetime.
      “And also using her sassy attitude as teenager is ridiculous as if there hasn’t been sassy teen who matured through their years growing up.”
      I aint arguing that teenager have attitudes but their is a time and place for having such attitude. In a medieval society its not a good look for the future heir to be condescending to her subjects and its especially not a good look when ur trying to advocate for a female heir n she has that type of attitude.
      I would also mention their is way to be sassy and classy at the same time. Problem with rt she has to be precise and lady like with the insults. She is a hammer but needs to be a scalpel. Another problem with Rt is she didn’t have another mother figure in her life after her mother died. She has her groomer blunt instrument of an uncle teaching her what he believed to be right……..

    • @MaddieSpencerr
      @MaddieSpencerr 3 месяца назад

      @@jjosifovic yo do make good points especially about Daemon and Rhaenyra dynamic and about Rhaenyra a woman, being able to rule peacefully in a sexist world because no matter how good of a queen she could be there will always be people displeased with a woman as their ultimate ruler

    • @jjosifovic
      @jjosifovic  3 месяца назад

      @@MaddieSpencerr im not the biggest fan of rt, i like her as a mother n nothing else. Its very hard for me to root for a character when they constantly shoot themselves in their own foot. I personally want rhaenys to rule over westeros than rhaenyra and aegon. Then again we only get two choices.....

    • @rexibhazoboa7097
      @rexibhazoboa7097 3 месяца назад +2

      @@jjosifovic The same Rheanys that decided to pointlessly massacre hundreds of people, injuring thousands in the process? How is Rheanyra a good mother when she raises her children to be bullies then defends all their actions, both good and bad, without correcting them. She is a Cersie type of mother. They both loved their kids and it shows but they could've raised them with much better techniques.

    • @jjosifovic
      @jjosifovic  3 месяца назад

      @@rexibhazoboa7097 To argue a little, I dont belive rt or alicent raised their kids to be bullies. Aegon is an older brother that likes to pick on his brother and jace and luke r his wingman that follow his lead. To me Rhaenyra and Alicent are good mothers but not great for obvious reasons. They r both flawed n have different experiences n both will defend their kids no matter what situation they put themselves in. I do find rt similar to cersei though.
      I literally made a video in my house of the dragon playlist about motherhood between rt and alicent n where i go into detail about each women experience.

  • @Laramaria2
    @Laramaria2 3 месяца назад +7

    Honestly, if the idea was to choose the best option for the kingdom, Rhaenys would have been queen over Viserys...
    I don't think people understand that it's not a matter of " this good" and "this bad", "they are right" and "they are wrong", it's about how much personal interests of people in power cost to those who have no power. How foolish is war for there is no winner. Westeros lost. House Targaryen lost.
    Neither Aegon nor Rhaenyra are fighting for what's right, they are fighting for what's best for them.
    Also, as much as the greens started the violence in many ways, the blacks are not innocent. They were just as cruel.

    • @jjosifovic
      @jjosifovic  3 месяца назад +3

      Definitely can agree on Rhaenys she was my personal choice if their was a choice of who would be the best ruler. I only chose the greens because they know how to manage a kingdom unlike Rhaenyra given she gave the Greens 6 YEARS TO RULE n the fans of the blacks have certain illusions of their characters.
      Welcome to the channel btw.

    • @Laramaria2
      @Laramaria2 3 месяца назад

      @@jjosifovic thanks ❤️

    • @jjosifovic
      @jjosifovic  3 месяца назад +2

      @@Laramaria2 Exactly thank u for subscribing btw, you can check out my other house of the dragon videos in the playlist. I try to look at side of each of the characters positions and try to evaluate how i feel about them, granted my opinions has changed n will probably changed further depending on the writing within the show.

    • @McCarthy1776
      @McCarthy1776 3 месяца назад

      But is Rheanyra a rapist that makes her own children fight in a fight pit? Also Rheanyra heavily considered avoiding war to protect the people, Aegon would never think twice about harming his own people..he raped his servant. 🤦‍♂️

    • @jjosifovic
      @jjosifovic  3 месяца назад

      @@McCarthy1776 Rhaneyra is a women that asked for her brother to be tortured, killed an innocent man to fake laenor death, and supports a law that mutilates people if they dare speak about her kids parentage.... Do u really want to debate me on the morality of teams green and black characters? They are both shit teams but only one can manage the kingdom n that is the greens.

  • @shiv_-op1yc
    @shiv_-op1yc 3 месяца назад +2

    No way team black always on team green side .

    • @jjosifovic
      @jjosifovic  3 месяца назад

      anything with u disagree with in this video

  • @AntonAlatriste
    @AntonAlatriste 3 месяца назад +3

    team Green 4life

    • @jjosifovic
      @jjosifovic  3 месяца назад

      welcome to the channel anything u disagree with in my video.

  • @houssamalkoussa4219
    @houssamalkoussa4219 3 месяца назад +1

    Well, the show is pushing an analogy with Game of Thrones. Team Green, or the Hightowers, resembles the Lannisters with their ambition and power, along with a hint of a false claim due to the coup d'état. Team Black, on the other hand, resembles Daenerys Targaryen, portrayed as the underdog fighting for a rightful claim to the throne. I honestly have no bias, but I do like to see some classic Daenerys moments sweeping in and changing the odds. The audience shouldn't pick sides early on in the show; they should wait and see how the story unfolds. Given this, it is clear that the Greens had a rough start in winning over the audience's favor.

    • @jjosifovic
      @jjosifovic  3 месяца назад

      A very interesting take I however see team black as the Lannisters of house of the dragon. Both wanted to put bastards on thrones that they had no business being on. They killed people for speaking the truth like Ned n vaemond.
      While the greens I see as the stannis n renly they believe n want the right to rule.
      I only choose the greens because they r a less political headache than Rt n daemon n they have been already running the kingdom the last 6 years.

    • @pg1448
      @pg1448 3 месяца назад +1

      That's kinda funny. I saw the Blacks much more as the Lannisters. Rhaenyra is a clear Cersei parallel with her lying about her bastards and wanting to put them on the throne, killing and maiming those who tell the truth.
      The Greens are like Stannis to me, unjustly cheated of their rights. Also they fit much more into the role of the underdogs. Like Rhaenyra and Daemon were at the center of Viserys's love and favour, the Blacks are the only ones he intended to have any inheritance and power after his death. Rhaenyra was his 'only child', her precious sons being insulted angered him more than his own son being mutilated, the Greens were basically irrelevant spares to him. As such the Greens are the ones rebelling against Viserys's authority.

    • @jjosifovic
      @jjosifovic  3 месяца назад +2

      @@pg1448 exactly. What i love also about the greens is that they fought for everything they had. Larys didnt inherit the master of whispers, criston got himself to the point of even being a member of a kingsguard, aemond risked his life to claim vhaegar, otto got his power through politics.
      Aemond who was blinded became a bad ass warrior and alicent always had to sacrifise her happiness and was a dutiful queen helping her ailing husband and the realm. While rt and daemon just did nothing on dragonstone for the last 6 years and expected everyone to fall in line after king v died.......even though they havent been a part of the kingdom for the last 6 years.

  • @MaddieSpencerr
    @MaddieSpencerr 3 месяца назад +1

    I don’t disagree with you about Daemon grooming Rhaenyra as much as I do love them as a couple and that he might’ve had an agenda to become king consort after Viserys didn’t name him heir however at the end of the day Rhaenyra wanted Daemon as much as Daemon wanted Rhaenyra and they only had sex and got married once they were both consenting adults unlike Alicent who had never wanted to marry Viserys and was still a child of 15 I believe? and that’s why Otto is worst

    • @jjosifovic
      @jjosifovic  3 месяца назад +3

      "however at the end of the day Rhaenyra wanted Daemon as much as Daemon wanted Rhaenyra and they only had sex and got married once they were both consenting adults" However y did Rt wanted daemon? I would say its because he knew her since she was small, he integrated her into his views on life and his passions. Consenting is debatable since I believe Rt has been groomed, brainwashed, and manipulated by her uncle whether it was sexually or viewpoints in life......To me otto and daemon r two sides of the same coin. They are snakes that recognize snakes and if they dont get their way they will ignore and sabotage the people around them. Is otto worse than daemon? Again debatable that like whats worse getting stabbed by a knife or getting shot with a bullet its all subjective.
      Glad to debate with u btw. Even though daemon and rt relationship is too terrible for me to support. Im more of a harwin fan with rt.

  • @TheDream6842
    @TheDream6842 3 месяца назад +2

    Clearly team green💚💚. At least the Greens can lead the kingdom. Aegon gets better advice from politicians like Otto, Tyland Lannister, Jesper Wylde and Alicent, people who understand the kingdom's needs. While on the other side Rhaenyra has a bunch of b4stards and Daemon, a character who has zero knowledge of politics and swears by strength. We must also add to this his moody side which causes him to be violent towards his wives (Rhaenyra) or even to kill them if they are not of Valyrian ancestry (Rhea Royce). How can we entrust the kingdom to such a guy?? Otto and Lord Beesbury were right when they said that Daemon would be a second Maegor. Clearly for these reasons, I choose the green team without hesitation💚💚

    • @pendragonsxskywalkers9518
      @pendragonsxskywalkers9518 3 месяца назад

      'Aegon gets better advice from politicians like Otto, Tyland Lannister, Jesper Wylde and Alicent,' - One word from Aegon and any of them get fired. And indeed he fired Otto in book. Position of counil is uncertain. It is monarch who ultimatley ruled.
      Rhaenyra has no bastards. All her children are legally legitimate. Aegon on other hand has MULTUPLE unrecognize children.
      'How can we entrust the kingdom to such a guy??' - How can you trust kingdom to ruler who abuses women and his mother covers it up? How can you untrus kingdom to woman who abuses her own son, as Alicent did whenver she was angry at Aegon?
      You support misogyny. Period.

    • @TheDream6842
      @TheDream6842 3 месяца назад

      @@pendragonsxskywalkers9518 They are not legitimate. To be legitimized they have to be first recognized as b4stards then they will need an official attestation validated by the king as done in game of thrones with Ramsey. Rhaenyra commited high treason by making everyone believe her children are legitimate. And Viserys can't recognize that they are bastards in public so he is supporting her lies. And if Jacaerys ever take the throne, that would make him a usurper.

    • @pendragonsxskywalkers9518
      @pendragonsxskywalkers9518 3 месяца назад

      @@TheDream6842 They are legitimate. They were born to Rhaenyra and Laenor and they were recognized by him as his children. NONE can prove they are not. The most basic rule of law is "innocent until proven otherwise". You cannot prove they are not his. He - and he alone - can denounce them.
      'Rhaenyra commited high treason by making everyone believe her children are legitimate.' - No, she didn't. It was Laneor who calimed children as his.
      ' And if Jacaerys ever take the throne, that would make him a usurper.' - Jacaerys is rightful heir. Aegon is usurper.

    • @TheDream6842
      @TheDream6842 3 месяца назад +2

      @@pendragonsxskywalkers9518 Viserys is the main culprit. He should have called a council as soon as Aegon was born to name him heir because giving the throne to Rhaenyra is the same as Jahaerys handing the throne to Rhaenys instead of Viserys. The council of 101 chose Viserys because the tradition has always been to name a male as heir. Rhaenyra lost her claim the day Aegon was born.

    • @pendragonsxskywalkers9518
      @pendragonsxskywalkers9518 3 месяца назад

      @@TheDream6842 You just show that JAHAERYS is main culprit, as he could simply give throne to his granddaughter instead of doing circus. You also just prove you support misogynistic system.
      'He should have council' - WHY??? Why he should have council? That Jahaerys was misogynistic and thought his female line should not inherit that means Vserys should act the same?
      'Rhaenyra lost her claim the day Aegon was born.' - She did not. She was still heir to the throne. Supporting Greens decision to usurp her because of her gender is miogyny. It should not be codone by someone who lives in Western world in 21st century. (Of course there is chnace you do NOT live in Western world - in that case, you are still misogynist, but at least you have excuse you was raised to be one.)

  • @marksheen4873
    @marksheen4873 3 месяца назад +2

    Wait, is Aegon a better option 😂

    • @jjosifovic
      @jjosifovic  3 месяца назад +2

      Aegon definitely the better option especially since his small council who has been ruling westeros for the last 6 years.
      Please give me detailed reasons as to y i should be team black or y Rhaenyra would be a better ruler?

    • @rexibhazoboa7097
      @rexibhazoboa7097 3 месяца назад +1

      @@jjosifovic The show writes and directs it in a way that makes it seem like she is the chosen one. That is the real reason why Rheanyra has so many supporters. If the creators had put the halo on Aegon and the horns on Rheanyra, team Green would have the vast majority (because of the halo). There shouldn't be a halo on any character in a show like this.

    • @jjosifovic
      @jjosifovic  3 месяца назад

      @@rexibhazoboa7097 well to be honest the writers make her more likable than her book counterpart. Not to mention they made Aegon into child fights and a grapist so yeah ur right the writers and directors have a clear bias towards certain characters.

    • @rexibhazoboa7097
      @rexibhazoboa7097 3 месяца назад

      @@jjosifovic I was hoping they would do a switch each season. Especially since season 2 covers the events of blood and cheese, it would've been cool if they temporarily put the halo on the greens even if for one season, but from the trailers, it seems Rhea is still getting the spotlight.

    • @jjosifovic
      @jjosifovic  3 месяца назад

      @@rexibhazoboa7097 to me it was never going to be an option for the show to show the green take on anything from their point of view unless its in a negative light. The writers have already established their biased towards the greens so i had no hope for some fair and balanced character development.

  • @McCarthy1776
    @McCarthy1776 3 месяца назад +3

    All you are doing is attacking weak arguments and strawmen. Theres plenty of simple logical arguments you don't even address.
    If it comes down to a leader who cares about his job and one who doesn't then the one who does care will always perform better.
    Rheanyra and Jace have shown that they to some extent care about the people, Rheanyra has moral flaws but she never raped an innocent civilian or made her children fight in a fight pit. If you understand anything about psychology Aegon is quite clearly a psychopath or a sociopath that lacks all compassion and morality. Alicent would be a decent queem, Aemon would be a cruel king but at least effective but AEGON would be both evil and incompetent.
    Both sides cheated and manipulated but team green clearly did a lot more and more damage to the common folk.
    I wouldnt typically get angry over an opinion about a TV show/book but this has real world moral implications and it reflects your moral character and presumably you can vote. And if this is how you would choose your leaders and you have a say in choosing our leaders in real life, thats concerning. You probably just give all the people that went to Epstein's island a pass. Have you even sat back and thought about this at all? That long unorganized ramble you went on didn't address any serious points, you attacked all the weakest arguments from team black and didnt even address the simple strong arguments.

    • @jjosifovic
      @jjosifovic  3 месяца назад +1

      “ All you are doing is attacking weak arguments and strawmen. Theres plenty of simple logical arguments you don't even address.”
      Ok here are actual reasons
      1. Has 3 obvious bastards
      2. which weakens Rt claims n creates succession crisis
      3. Supports a law that mutilates people( it’s TREASON TO TALK ABOUT MY TREASON)
      4. Marries a man who was DENOUNCED as Heir which is the SOLE REASON y she was named heir in the first place.
      5. Encourages her uncle publicly in FRONT OF HER FUTURE IN LAWS n help say that rumor was TRUE in episode 5.
      6. Makes EVERYONE believe she killed her HUSBAND INCLUDING HER FOMER IN LAWS.
      9. Didn’t visit her father for 6 years
      10. Didn’t visit king landing for 6 years the place she will rule later.
      11. Let greens RULE THE KINGDOM FOR 6 years
      12. Didn’t build any alliances for 6 years on dragonstone.
      13. trying to USURP THE DRIFTMART THRONE
      14 and 15 last minute marriage proposals that were denied by Alicent and Rhaenys
      16. Advocated for the torture of her brother in episode 7
      17. Didn’t visit her father until she needed something from him a man who is loosing body parts by the minute.
      18. Didnt know who her Allies were before she went to war.
      19. Sleep with men knowing if they r caught they will be tortured n killed. (Criston +HARWIN)
      Rt comes with to much baggage as an heir while Aegon faults are not publicly known and lets be honest Aegon will be doing what he and Rhaenyra was doing for the last 6 years lets Otto, Alicent, and the rest of the council do the work lol
      Aegon at least comes with a competent council n has time to grow into a better man while rhaenyra is half of aeon age n is a political disater for Westeros.
      “Both sides cheated and manipulated but team green clearly did a lot more and more damage to the common folk.” The greens are Not putting bastards on the iron throne, not creating a succession crisis within their own house, not breaking centuries of traditions and culture…..more damage to the common folk. Sorry that is all blacks.

    • @jjosifovic
      @jjosifovic  3 месяца назад +2

      “I wouldnt typically get angry over an opinion about a TV show/book but this has real world moral implications and it reflects your moral character and presumably you can vote. And if this is how you would choose your leaders and you have a say in choosing our leaders in real life, thats concerning. You probably just give all the people that went to Epstein's island a pass. Have you even sat back and thought about this at all? "
      As I have stated earlier this video as to y I’m not team black is because of the hypocrisy of toxic fans on the blacks and their immaturity. I also have stated In this video that I have made another video over a year ago y I’m team green. I have reflected over y I’m team green its because they can rule better a kingdom then rhaenyra.
      So ur reflecting my morale character because I side with the greens and ur guessing and saying I would give the people of epstein island a pass because of who I choose out of the greens and blacks? Thank u for CLARIFYING with y I am with the Greens this has to be the most stupidest statement I ever heard.
      So I should support rt a terrible political leader, a murderer who killed a guard, rhaenys who killed hundreds of people, daemon a murder and child groomer. Do u give the people of Epstein island a pass? Did u support rt because she is just a women?Should I question ur morality because u chose rt who is a mudrer who is married a murderer and a groomer.
      To me u should never a side in civil war based on morality given the blacks and the greens in the case of morality are all dog shit.
      Do me a favor dont jump to conclusions and make statements about who I am and my morality and I will do the same to urs.

    • @pendragonsxskywalkers9518
      @pendragonsxskywalkers9518 3 месяца назад +1

      @@jjosifovic 1. They are legally legitimate. She had other children. Aegon has bastards too.
      2. Not at all. Only Greens has issue with that.
      3. None can prove her children are illegitimate. Law is on her side.
      4. I don't see issue. He will be consort, not king.
      5. What? Did you see Velaryons having any problem with that? Did they voiced in somehow? NO.
      6. It's brilliant movie. She made her enemies fear her, but at the same time none can be sure if she really did this, so she remains incnocent
      7 & 8. Vale still supported her, your argument works only in show, and none can prove Daemon his fault. Is Rhaneyra even aware he did this?
      9. And what? How this exactly alter her claim?
      10. She live din King's landging for 10 years at first. She knew she won't work anything as long as Alicent is alive.
      11. As above.
      12. You don't know that. You presume.
      13. No, she didn't. Velaryon boys succession was in agreement with both her Vealryonn husband and father-in-law.
      14 and 15 - WHAT???? So you are mad when she does not try make political alliances... and then you are mad when she does? Also, again your arguemnt doesn't work in book, as there she made this arrangemnt when all children were small.
      16. Her brother who tried harm her son. Thta is incredibel hypocritical of you, given you are in favour of children abuse. You had zeero issue when Alicent abused Aegon with no reason. Yet you are angry at Rhaenyra that she was mad at her brother who attecked her sons.
      17. I don't see how it alters her claim. I also highly doubt Aegon was very dutiful son.
      18. She knew who they are - she simply wanted confirmation.
      19. WHAT??? This was mutual decision between her and knights. It wasn't only her decision. I see no reaosn why she - and her lovers - should obey law that is oppresive.
      20. ???????
      21. Why ruler should offer something to subject that is OBLIGED to listen anyway? Sidenote, Aemond ultimately did not marry this Borros's girl.
      In conclusion: you wrote why you dislike Rhaenyra, but nothing you said alter her claim to throne and her ability as ruler. She is not prefect - but she is rigthful, while Aegon is neither rightful nor competent. The only reason she was usurped was her gender. None of those things you wrote above. Because you support this, you are misogynist. (Which you are anyway, as you think it's woman responsibility for man who decides willingly he wants sleep with her...)

  • @Alex-bz8lj
    @Alex-bz8lj 3 месяца назад +2

    You are right

    • @jjosifovic
      @jjosifovic  3 месяца назад

      their is alot of hypocrisy with a loud group of them in the team black side of the isle. I have no problem with team black saying they think rhaenyra would be a better choice than aegon, but they really got to stop with the whole i support the blacks because they are better people than the greens.

    • @jjosifovic
      @jjosifovic  3 месяца назад

      what side r u on in the targaryen civil war?

    • @Alex-bz8lj
      @Alex-bz8lj 3 месяца назад

      @@jjosifovic green as always

  • @Meme-jo7uj
    @Meme-jo7uj 2 месяца назад +1


  • @nickklavdianos5136
    @nickklavdianos5136 3 месяца назад +1

    I don't get why this is complicated....
    1) Rhaenyra is the LEGITIMATE aire of Viserys.
    2) Rhaenyra is clearly more capable of leading the Kingdoms than Aegon. Aegon displays all the charachteristics of a bad king. He doesn't care about politics and only likes to get drunk and have fun.
    On the other side, Rhaenyra has shown investment in the politics of the realm for many years now.
    I don't get why there's even a comparison between the two. Aegon is clearly the worse option and completely unsuitable for being King.

    • @jjosifovic
      @jjosifovic  3 месяца назад +2

      1. A legitimate heir that has committed high treason 3 times which makes her illegitimate.
      2. How is she more capable Rt is half of aegon age n is a political disaster.
      Aegon n Rhaenyra have done nothing to help secure their claims or even invest in the future of Westeros.
      The greens have been running the kingdom for the last 6 years peacefully n since they support aegon , Aegon could rule better than Rt.
      Let’s go over rt faults n y she shouldn’t rule.
      I only chose the greens because they know how to manage a kingdom unlike Rhaenyra given she gave the Greens 6 YEARS TO RULE.
      Rt for all her good heart says she will create a new order but does nothing to help herself, her children, her relationship and image with the people over the course of when she is named heir.
      1. Has 3 obvious bastards
      2. which weakens Rt claims n creates succession crisis
      3. Supports a law that mutilates people( it’s TREASON TO TALK ABOUT MY TREASON)
      4. Marries a man who was DENOUNCED as Heir which is the SOLE REASON y she was named heir in the first place.
      5. Encourages her uncle publicly in FRONT OF HER FUTURE IN LAWS n help say that rumor was TRUE in episode 5.
      6. Makes EVERYONE believe she killed her HUSBAND INCLUDING HER FOMER IN LAWS.
      9. Didn’t visit her father for 6 years
      10. Didn’t visit king landing for 6 years the place she will rule later.
      11. Let greens RULE THE KINGDOM FOR 6 years
      12. Didn’t build any alliances for 6 years on dragonstone.
      13. trying to USURP THE DRIFTMART THRONE
      14 and 15 last minute marriage proposals that were denied by Alicent and Rhaenys
      16. Advocated for the torture of her brother in episode 7
      17. Didn’t visit her father until she needed something from him a man who is loosing body parts by the minute.
      18. Didnt know who her Allies were before she went to war.
      19. Sleep with men knowing if they r caught they will be tortured n killed. (Criston +HARWIN)
      Rt comes with to much baggage as an heir while Aegon faults are not publicly known and lets be honest Aegon will be doing what he and Rhaenyra was doing for the last 6 years lets Otto, Alicent, and the rest of the council do the work lol
      I would still choose Aegon because he can be manipulated by his competent counselors. Rhaenryra had the chance to build alliances but instead had to rely on her father to protect her from all the mistakes SHE made.
      I choose the side that will not destabilize the realm and that will respect the traditions and culture of westeros.....granted my choice would be Rhaenys over the horrible two choices of Aegon and Rhaenyra.

    • @nickklavdianos5136
      @nickklavdianos5136 3 месяца назад +1

      @@jjosifovic Rhaenys is indeed a much better choice than any other King or Queen, better than Rhaenyra, Aegon, or Viserys previously.
      The council ruling the kingdom is doing good, but they'll all die before Aegon given that they're quite older than him. Will the people replacing Otto, Alicent and the others be equally capable of ruling or will they ruin things?
      Rhaenyra got married of to a gay man, and they couldn't have children together. What were they supposed to do, doom themselves to a miserable life because their society doesn't accept who they are? If Laenor was straight, I'm pretty sure Rhaenyra and him wouldn't have slept with others and stuck together.
      Plus, Rhaenyra was very unlucky with how her sons looked. They could have easily been born with Targaryen looking hair and then no one would question them. Plus, if you consider that Rhaenys has Baratheon blood, those genes existed in Laenor. So it's not completely unexplainable why they look like that.
      Rhaenyra "abandoned" Viserys, only because Viserys abandoned her. Because Viserys allowed Alicent and Otto to claim much power and influence in King's Landing, while he sat there doing nothing and slowly rotting away. Viserys could have easily made a statement of intent, by making Rhaenyra his co-ruler, or by relinquishing power to her once he was incapable of ruling himself.
      And lastly, most of this is fueled by Alicent's hatred and jealousy towards Rhaenyra. Alicent is just salty that she had to endure being married to Viserys, while Laenor and Rhaenyra worked things out and managed to be happy within their bad situation. Alicent wishes she would do what Rhaenyra does. I guess she thinks marriage should be terrible for everyone because it was for her.
      The only thing that makes the legitimate heir illegitimate is the King. No matter how many treasons the heir commits, if the King forgives/looks past them, then there is no question of legitimacy.

    • @jjosifovic
      @jjosifovic  3 месяца назад +2

      The council has some old members but I would say they can get another 10 to 20 years experience to find replacement and to help shape aegon into a a better man n king.
      “Rhaenyra got married of to a gay man, and they couldn't have children together. What were they supposed to do, doom themselves to a miserable life because their society doesn't accept who they are? If Laenor was straight, I'm pretty sure Rhaenyra and him wouldn't have slept with others and stuck together.”
      Here the thing we don’t know how hard rt and laenor tried to have kids. Did they do a three way, did they get creative, Margery Tyrell would like to give her some pointers lol If laenor was sterile ok but she could have least got a dude with similar features to her husband instead she went for the exact opposite. Rt wasn’t unlucky she was stupid with her choice of lover. I mean who could imagine a women a white women with white hair and her lover who is white with brown hair don’t get three caramel skin babies with white or black hair……..
      King V didn’t abandoned rt he doubled down and protected her, never disinherited her up until his death. Its so stupid for rhaenyra to not visit the man WHO IS HER ONLY PROTECTION AND STRENGTH.
      I absolutely agree that King V could have done more. He could have disinherit rt after the third bastard. Anule her marriage to laenor have her marry harwin. Have her kids inherit harrenhall. Have Aegon as heir marry daemon daughter so that way corlys, daemon, and Otto gets their own blood on the iron throne. Have Aegon become a ward to daemon while have daemon daughter that doesn’t have a dragon to be a ward to alicent to marry aemond. (Both kids could bond over not having dragons) King v also could have made a law to renew oaths every time a lord so their heirs of those lords would be in check.
      “Alicent wishes she would do what Rhaenyra does.”And? Everyone wishes they can do what rt does though. Alicent doesn’t want rt to not have a happy marriage she wants her to follow the rules like everybody else has to. Its not wrong to be jealous or envious of someone who constant breaks all the rules n never gets punished. Rt wants to rule over a society that traditions and culture is against her life style…..This is a classic case of rules for thee not for me.
      “The only thing that makes the legitimate heir illegitimate is the King.“No matter how many treasons the heir commits, if the King forgives/looks past them, then there is no question of legitimacy.”
      No sorry that not how that works. The king can say his favorite horse is a pig named John does that make a pig a horse does it? King word is not absolute law that y he has a master of laws to help dictate the king of what he can or cant do. N king V and Rt should have known better that the lords of the land didn’t want a female heir and they didn’t want to break centuries of traditions to someone who is committing treason.
      King v is like let me put the first female heir on the throne after I have 3 sons ……..even though its been less than 50 years since the council of 101 was against rhaenys taking over ………n on top of that for the first time ever let the heir male or female wise put bastards on the iron throne…….Y r people committing treason against me n my daughter? Y is half the realm against this? It not like my daughter doesn’t have a good reputation.......... or that her husband aint a good man…I mean I did disinherited him as heir so he wouldn’t be king….....Its not like people see them as MAEGOR THE CRUEL…..even though that was less than 150 years ago…. And they both are rumored to kill their first spouses…….. for all these reasons I have stated above n earlier the best option to rule is Aegon.

  • @aishahamma334
    @aishahamma334 3 месяца назад

    I hate rhaenyra but she was the true heir .However her having bastards made me not want her to be queen. I hate someone losing their throne because she is a woman. However i am strongly team green though
    I hate ageon. Team green is better for the realm .Ageon never wanted to be king so he won't care about ruling so it's the greens who will rule as they have been ruling while rhaenyra was on dragonstone. Whit people like daemon and rhaenyra the people will not be peaceful

    • @jjosifovic
      @jjosifovic  3 месяца назад

      Rt is definitely the legal heir but she is ultimately rules for thee not for me type of women and then she acts all shocked when people went against her when she did nothing to secure her reign.

    • @aishahamma334
      @aishahamma334 3 месяца назад

      @@jjosifovic I mean how can she rule with daemon. Who killed his wife and tried to strangle the 2nd one .Who killed vaemond for telling the truth

    • @pendragonsxskywalkers9518
      @pendragonsxskywalkers9518 3 месяца назад

      She deos not have any bastards - all her children are recognized by her husband making them legally legitimate. But guess who have bastrad... wait, I know: Aegon!
      ' it's the greens who will rule as they have been ruling' - In book that is NOT what happened, as Aegon fired Otto almost immiediately. You all Greens fans make mistakes by assuming that Otto and council would have any infleunce over Aegon 😂😂😂😂 - they won't, and also if leave thing to nature both Otto and Alicent would at some point passed away, leaving Aegon alone with his incompetence and not very stable emotionally brother.

    • @jjosifovic
      @jjosifovic  3 месяца назад +2

      @@pendragonsxskywalkers9518 We r going by the show not by books. N they r bastards. Otto has no control over aegon after aegon lost his eldest son and during a time of war. At least with aegon he has time to grow to be a competent leader since he has a competent council to help guide him.
      Tell me what makes u think rhaenyra would be a better ruler than aegon?

    • @aishahamma334
      @aishahamma334 2 месяца назад +1

      @@pendragonsxskywalkers9518 Can we stop using the books. It's different from the show and yes they can manipulate ageon. After all he never wanted to rule in the first place