Ep.69 YouTuber exposes Bohemian Grove?!


Комментарии • 2 тыс.

  • @MrAzazel1987
    @MrAzazel1987 5 месяцев назад +4547

    Alex Jones was the number one person to expose Bohemian Grove.

    • @anthonymichael5078
      @anthonymichael5078 4 месяца назад +74

      He visited with British writer and pod aster Jon Ronson

    • @CognitiveChaosCreations
      @CognitiveChaosCreations 4 месяца назад +146

      He's controlled opposition, period! Doesn't mean he can't teach us stuff. But we gotta be careful.

    • @dont.ripfuller6587
      @dont.ripfuller6587 4 месяца назад +35


    • @slightliestupid9
      @slightliestupid9 4 месяца назад +1

      @@CognitiveChaosCreationsagreed ! I don’t think he started out that way but he definitely seems to have ended up as controlled opposition! I also think he tried to break free from his iron shackles but was able to do so and ultimately wound up back as a puppet once again smh !

    • @Streetlife2brideofChrist
      @Streetlife2brideofChrist 4 месяца назад

      Decades before Alex Jones and Q Anon there was Bill Cooper… he’s cia controlled opposition. That’s why they had to kill Bill. Alex, Tucker, Elon..they are all part of the club and you and me ain’t in it.

  • @TheCrusades1099
    @TheCrusades1099 5 месяцев назад +3095


    • @its-c0e-u-see
      @its-c0e-u-see 4 месяца назад

      He said over ten years ago, UFOs n aliens are gonna start being mentioned in media n the government

    • @Uncanny_Mountain
      @Uncanny_Mountain 4 месяца назад

      Because hes a Russian agent and a Jesuit, derp.
      _"israel has no natural enemies of it's own; so we must adopt a strategy of provocation and revenge"_
      General Moshe Dayan: israeli Minister of Defence
      _"Claim everything, deny everything, explain nothing"_
      Prescott Bush
      _"Deny Deflect Disinform"_
      Roger Stone
      _"If you're not with us you're with the Terrorists"_
      George Bush Jr 2001
      _"I propose an Aryan/Semitic alliance in order to create a superior caucasian race"_
      Benjamin Disraeli, UK PM 1890.
      _"But they want nothing but Palestine, because Palestine represents the geostrategic center for World Control"_
      Dr Nahum Goldmann.
      _"Today I declare the Crusades won"_
      General Edmunde Allenby 1917 upon liberating Palestine.
      _"the New World 0rder will be ruled from the New Temple in Jerusalem"_
      Ben Gurion, Bolshevik, First PM of israel in interview with Outlook magazine 1952
      _"We must put an end to anything which brings about any Islamic unity between the sons of the Arabs. As we have already succeeded in finishing off the Caliphate, so we must ensure that there will never rise again unity for the Arabs, whether it be intellectual or cultural unity.“_
      George Curzon, 1st Marquess Curzon of Kedleston, British Foreign Minister 1920.
      _"By Deceit we wage War"_
      Mossad Motto
      _"The NW0 will begin Sept 17 2001, during Rosh Hashanah Feast of Trumpets, Resurrection of the Dead, on the First Crescent of the New Moon, in the year 6000 of the Great Pyramid Calendar, in order to cleanse the earth and humanity in preparation for his Kingdom to come"_
      British Israel Foundation memo 1922.
      _"The Moshiach will deliver my people to Palestine by 1948"_
      Rabbi Crool 1812
      In debate with a Protestant Minister
      _"The Jews wish to create an Ethnostate of their own in Palestine, the National Socialist Party supports them in this endeavour and gives them our best wishes"_
      Adolf Eichmann
      In reference to the Havaara agreement 1933
      Trump, Barr, Bannon, Cippolone, Gore, Guiliani, Leo, Alito, Thomas, and Barrett are all Opus Dei. Trump trained alongside Epstein and Roger Stone under Roy Cohn, who used kids to blackmail politicians on behalf of Mossad. Cohn trained under Meyer Lansky, who trained under Hoover. Robert Mercer and Rupert Murdoch are both Knights of Malta.
      Saville, Bezos, Gates, Koch, Rogan, Walsh, Crowder, Kirk, Fuentes, Dore, Knowles, Kulinksi, Ball, Iverson, Icke, Woods, Watson, Cernovich, Abbott, Jones, Robinson, Woods, Pool, Rubin, Peterson, Posobeic, Duke, Molyneux, Yilanopouse, Gionet, Richardson, Tillerson, Greene, Manaforte, Flynn, Ducey, Acosta, Attwood, Stone, Pence, Desantis, Meadows, Trump, Eastman, Black, Kerik, Melania, Barr, Bannon, Hawley, Gingrich, Abrams, Comey, Cuomo, Kerry, Abrams, Gore, Spencer, Blassio, Pompeo, Bolton, McCarthy, Nugent, Cruz, Rubio, Gaetz, Santos, Tucker, Gutfield, O'Reilly, Beck, Scarborough, Devos, Kasich, Mercer, Murdoch, Rosschild, Ingram, Kelly, Lake, Conway, Coulter, Huckabee, McEnany, Hannity, Spicer, Christie, Prager, Maher, Colbert, Corbett, Hayes, Biden, Harris, Fauci, Pelosi, Menendez, Pirro, Manchin, Cooper, Maddow, AOC, Newsom, Uyger, Dawkins, Hitchens, Hancock, Sitchin, Ventura, Morgan, Cowell, Farage, Johnson, May, Merkel, Blair, Cameron, Brown, Blair, Mogg, Benjamin, Trudeau, Putin, Bolsanaro, Stalin, Lenin, Tito, Trotsky, Hitler.
      All Roman Catholic.
      Boris Johnson's Great Grandad Mustafa Ali Kemal was the architect of the Armenian Holocaust and he sent Trump's Grandad Baron Von Drumph from Vienna Bavaria Capital of the Holy Roman Empire to America in 1922. The Clinton's, Epstein, Rosschild, Hitler, Stalin, Orwell, Franz Ferdinand, Tito, Trotsky, and Lenin can all be connected to the capital. Melania's Father was a prominent member of the Tito Party, and she was set up with Trump by Epstein.
      Baron is a title given only by the God King Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire and translates to Fuehrer, the first Reich is identified as being under Charlemagne, the Second the Austro Hungarian Empire.
      Netenyahu was trained by Menachem Begin founder of Likud and the Irgun Stern Gang, and he trained under Zeve Jabotinsky founder of the NKVD/KGB
      Then there's the Roman Abromavich connection to Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage, the key players behind Brexit, and the Sex Ring Superyacht he sold to Trump via Adnan Kashoggi, who is Mossad, just like Kushner, and Epstein, who listed SA as his home and had a Wahabbi funeral just like Osama Bin Laden, whose family did Brunch at the Bush Mansion in 2001, and now build the pipelines through the Isis occupied Golan heights, which Trump ceded to israel on it's 70th anniversary.
      The Golan Heights being where Genie Oil operates, on the board are Texas Senator Bill Richardson, who gave Elon over $3 Billion in taxpayer money. James Woolsey, Dir CIA under Bush, Art Smuggler Micheal Steinhardt, Rupert Murdoch, Sec Def under Bush Donald Rumsfeld. Also CEO of Halliburton and Vice President under Bush Dick Cheney, Larry Summers (Treasurer under Bush). Jakob Rosschild, and Wilbur Ross, Commerce Secretary under Bush and Treasurer under Trump, CEO of the Bank of Cyprus.
      Blinken grew up with Ghislaine Maxwell and Trump appointed Alex Acosta to Sec Labor after he gave Epstein his sweet deal. Sec Labor investigates human trafficking.
      Trump also gave the Saudis permits to make Nuclear Reactors, and the missing documents likely pertain to weaponising Uranium, this after israel cracked their Dimona Reactor, also using tech stolen from the US. Trump's mentor Roy Cohn was behind Watergate opposite Hillary, and he was also behind the Red Scare and covered up the Rosenberg espionage case by sentencing them to death before any proper investigation could be carried out (sound familiar)
      And don't even get me started on 2001 and the agents caught with a Truck Bomb on the George Washington bridge, covered up by Rudy Guiliani and Bernard Kerik, who found the magical Passports that day: handed to him by _"some guy"_
      This after travelling to israel in June that year to receive $250k from Billionaire Eithan Wertheimer
      Or Dov Zakheim Comptroller of the Pentagon who "lost" nearly $4 Trillion and whose Company CPS rolled out remote hijack tech in the AA Fleet in June. Russian Michael Chertoff whose cousin owns Popular Mechanics wrote in immunity for israel into the "Patriot Act" Netenyahu described a Nuclear device set off in the Basement in his 1979 book, and three days after the event. In Gaza IDF threw out lollies and filmed the happy kids to portray them as celebrating the event before the first impact had even occured.
      Erdogan, Sisi, Assad, Jordan's King, the Saudi Royals, Epstein, Bin Ladens, Isis, Hamas, Taliban
      All Wahabbi Donmer (Hamas and Taliban appear to have gone rogue, like Osama and Saddam)
      Wahabbism was founded by Sabbatai Zevi, the Jewish Messiah of 1666. Saudi Arabia was founded by Churchill and the Crown in 1934 to protect israel from Arab revolt.
      It's is a Roman Catholic project using Roman Catholic converts under Charlemagne founder of the Holy Roman Empire. It's a blood libel, Wolves in Sheep's clothing using Accusation in a mirror; all our media and politicians are Jesuits, Palestinians are the direct descendants of Canaan, which is another name for Israel or Phoenicia, the Sons of Light, or Scions of the Phoenix, and derives from Sirius, the basis of the Base 60 Egyptian Sothic Calendar (Set/Seth/Setian/Saturnian) of the Solar Lunar (Solomon) Metonic Zodiac Calendar.
      Israel is the Canaanite word for Saturn, and means El; fruit of Isis and Ra (Mercury Moon Sun)
      The Capital of which is Tyre Lebanon offshore from Urshu Salaam root of Jerusalem and means City of Peace, or City of the New Moon
      The Temple of Solomon is still there, called the Temple of Melqart. Phoenicia was formed when Rameses II married Jezebel Queen of Sidon in 911BC forming Neo Assyrian Babylon, the greatest empire in history until Alexander the Great sacked it in 332BC
      Jews were Celtic tribes of the Celtoi Iberians or Celtoi Beiru, root of Beirut, and the Assyrians of Persia. Hebrew and Iberian have the same root meaning Over Sea, as in those who sailed from over the sea, Gibraltar, Gabriel's Altar, associated with the West, and the rise of the New Moon.
      The Xtian Cross is the Cross of Baal, or the Cross of Tyre and Representative of the Cross Quarter days of the Solstice Equinox Calendar: connected to the Lunar Minimums and Maximums, Halloween and Valentines, Samhain and Lupercalia, Palestine comes from Phallus Stone or Pallas Stone groom Pallas in Gemini; the twin pillars that guard the entry into Pan's Grotto or Garden. Pan is the Slavic word for LORD. Also called the Altar of Ra or Philosopher's Stone; The Holy Grail of Gehenna, where a burnt offering (Holocaust) is made. Thus the Phoenix; reborn in a Baptism of Fire, John the Baptist associated with the Summer Solstice was himself a Setian, and wore a Goatskin pelt, like the Scots, and Tartan or Tartessos, and Worshipped Bel and Moloch, hence Loch Ness and the Baal and Moloch Hills, and bagpipes and Carynx, the Trumpets of Capricorn (Capstone/ *_horned_* head) that Tutmoses III aka Joshua used to conquer Megiddo via the Goat Track, when he slowed the Sun (Eclipse). Capricorn transitions into Aquarius Kurios, the Lord, and is the reason Christmas is called Saturnalia, representing Easter: the Death and Resurrection of the Sun of Man. The reason Day turns to Night and the Sky rolls up as a scroll is because it's an astrological calendar marking the transition into the Age of Aquarius, the Golden Age of Saturn. An age that will be ruled by Women.
      Which is why it is said so by a man's own lips alone only is he so judged, and for the Wage of Sin is Israel
      The Angel of Death

    • @DJWESG1
      @DJWESG1 4 месяца назад +11

      When you say 'did this' you could be quite right.. Read a book called 'adventures with extremists' by Jon Ronson.

    • @AddamsMUNSTER_Family-DJ-VADIKA
      @AddamsMUNSTER_Family-DJ-VADIKA 4 месяца назад +6

      Was right about some things but not all.

    • @jacobwade3625
      @jacobwade3625 4 месяца назад +27

      @@AddamsMUNSTER_Family-DJ-VADIKAsounds human. Shame he got sued billions for saying something wrong. It’s a dangerous precedent to set no matter what side of the line you’re on.

  • @DoNotTredOnMe
    @DoNotTredOnMe 4 месяца назад +1997

    When I worked as a limo driver, I had to take a client from the Oakland Airport to that location. Dude looked like he was from an 1800's British novel. When I finally got there, it was surrounded by highway patrol, sheriff's deputies, local police and private security.
    I wasn't allowed to exit the vehicle, he just got out and the police showed me to the exit.
    On the way out I rolled the window down and asked one of the sheriff's what the event was and he just told me it's a private "gentleman's club".
    Weirdest fucking drive EVER!!!

    • @devenpapineau6261
      @devenpapineau6261 4 месяца назад +27

      When was that??

    • @DoNotTredOnMe
      @DoNotTredOnMe 4 месяца назад +104

      2010 maybe??

    • @johanneabelsen1644
      @johanneabelsen1644 4 месяца назад

      Gentleman's club?! Hah! Just crazy'-rich gay men, having an orgy. 😂

    • @elliotsober7042
      @elliotsober7042 4 месяца назад +30

      Oh crap.

    • @johanneabelsen1644
      @johanneabelsen1644 4 месяца назад +28

      @@elliotsober7042 I always think of Hellboy, when I read/hear/say :" Oh crap." 😄👍🔥

  • @raydstacked
    @raydstacked 4 месяца назад +1272

    Can't believe even the wildfires avoid this place

    • @marianevelos4745
      @marianevelos4745 4 месяца назад +51

      Even the fire is scared 😅💞

    • @mike2410
      @mike2410 4 месяца назад +126

      You mean the same "wild fires" that avoid blue-tinted objects?

    • @raydstacked
      @raydstacked 4 месяца назад +21

      @mike2410 naw that's Hawaii specific

    • @renaissanceman3903
      @renaissanceman3903 4 месяца назад

      Because when they set the fires to create news and distractions it will never be on there grounds.

    • @Player.Unknown_222
      @Player.Unknown_222 4 месяца назад +37

      @@mike2410exacty, they just preserve what they gain benefit from, its sad that they can do things without people noticing, all while harming everthing that serves a purpose unlike those in power with wickedness in the brains, the mind is something spiritual, i dont believe they got that

  • @Diddy-ki7hw
    @Diddy-ki7hw 5 месяцев назад +1431

    That man was lucky that he wasn’t hunted

    • @dennisnielsen6293
      @dennisnielsen6293 5 месяцев назад +75

      A spotlight turned on at the end, and the dude hauled a** back to his kayak😅

    • @ganger9
      @ganger9 5 месяцев назад +50

      i believe they only use it once a year during the summer but i’m sure it was being surveilled with the light turning on

    • @jc7997aj
      @jc7997aj 5 месяцев назад +35

      ​@@ganger9definitely security. Idk if you seen the original video but in those building the utilities were still on. Water power you could hear equipment hum even thought one sounded like a generator from a distance away.

    • @zbelair7218
      @zbelair7218 5 месяцев назад +63

      He will be if he makes enough noise. Alex Jones snuck in while they were having their ceremonies and recorded it like two decades ago.

    • @Nellosphere
      @Nellosphere 5 месяцев назад

      ​​@@zbelair7218 and that is why they want to fine him 1 Trillion dollars.

  • @batman4329
    @batman4329 4 месяца назад +103

    None of this is a secret. I’m more worried about the places we don’t know about.

    • @Me-wx1mt
      @Me-wx1mt 17 дней назад +4

      it’s not secret but it’s a restricted area

    • @coldchillin8382
      @coldchillin8382 16 дней назад +5

      For years this place was secret

    • @lordautist759
      @lordautist759 8 дней назад +2

      Unfortunately this is obviously the best we're gonna get. We don't get to know about the secret underwater military bases and shit lmao

    • @icelara5972
      @icelara5972 3 дня назад

      It's all slowly being revealed. As forecasted.

  • @DoctorDogma
    @DoctorDogma 4 месяца назад +163

    "The Owls are not what they seem" quote from Twin Peaks

  • @StreetUrchin4Life
    @StreetUrchin4Life 3 месяца назад +35

    Alex Jones snuck in during the 90s tried to tell ppl ever since but nobody believed until now.

    • @jdjdl8660
      @jdjdl8660 16 дней назад +1

      Looked like he was sat with everyone else watching the show.

    • @macias7125
      @macias7125 8 дней назад

      @@jdjdl8660 yeah the camera was at an angle and kept under his shirt or pants (I forgot) so that people won't notice his camera

  • @nicholasjohnston9220
    @nicholasjohnston9220 5 месяцев назад +859

    Alex Jones went in during the actual ceremony and had to hide from secret service, he ended up having to jump in a river to escape and almost lost his camera with all the footage, check out The Dark Secrets of Bohemian Grove, his documentary

    • @theleagueofshadows100
      @theleagueofshadows100 5 месяцев назад +105

      Yeah, now THATS work. Seen it. This dude had a costume of a worker there and had to hide the camera that was bigger back then, not by much I’m sure but still, this man did maximum effort to get in there and let the people know what’s going on in there.

    • @tashacanney2362
      @tashacanney2362 5 месяцев назад +1

      ​That's actually so freakin' cool! I honestly look at Alex Jones completely different now. Thanks 4 the info!! 🤓👍​ @nicholasjohnston9220 @@colekter5940

    • @L-Train0ne
      @L-Train0ne 5 месяцев назад +16

      ​@@colekter5940Didn't know about Alex being in the movie and I miss my 20s.

    • @Five0Five
      @Five0Five 5 месяцев назад +55

      Or was Alex allowed to get the video that he did because he's a psyop?

    • @Tyler_W
      @Tyler_W 5 месяцев назад +23

      ​@isaacduran4572lots of people don't. Just because you're further along doesn't mean it isn't new info to somebody.

  • @prrcpor
    @prrcpor 5 месяцев назад +1123

    Alex Jones went in

    • @MaanOnnTheMoon
      @MaanOnnTheMoon 5 месяцев назад +27

      Yes he’s a shill though

    • @ryanosievers
      @ryanosievers 5 месяцев назад

      ​@@MaanOnnTheMoonhow so?

    • @1vigorousdragon
      @1vigorousdragon 5 месяцев назад

      Shill! What does that make you ?

    • @iankrog8
      @iankrog8 5 месяцев назад +25

      Controlled opposition ​@@ryanosievers

    • @prrcpor
      @prrcpor 5 месяцев назад +52

      @@MaanOnnTheMoon no he's not.

  • @Jen.E
    @Jen.E 5 месяцев назад +10

    Owls actually do sound like humans faking owl hoots.

  • @mindy7501
    @mindy7501 4 месяца назад +11

    There is a picture that says kidnapped on it! It's near the goblin statue thing! Omg, they are so sick

    • @AD-eg9cw
      @AD-eg9cw 2 дня назад +1

      Omg there is!!! It's like they couldn't make this place any weirder or more obviously creepy. Good eye!

  • @JacKsoNiaNxD
    @JacKsoNiaNxD 5 месяцев назад +812

    How come people only make fun of me for believing in Jesus but never these guys who worship an owl 😞

    • @DrewThompson-xz2ml
      @DrewThompson-xz2ml 4 месяца назад

      Uh they do constantly... Just not in mainstream since that is who ALL of the networks work for. Plus ALL religions are cults so criticism is soon to follow.

    • @DrewThompson-xz2ml
      @DrewThompson-xz2ml 4 месяца назад +6

      @francisweaver6251 expect who you say loves them unconditionally doesn't. "They" for sure "love" them conditionally. Because according to most religions who are"positive" ones if your queer you don't "get in". That's why ALL religions "good" or "bad" are cults and get criticized all the time.

    • @autumnjim8616
      @autumnjim8616 4 месяца назад +103

      Facts. Lord Jesus is the truth, the way, and the life. But, we are made fun of and not owl worshipers? lol

    • @autumnjim8616
      @autumnjim8616 4 месяца назад

      Its faith based. If you truly follow Christ then you turn from sin, which can be a process. But it is His sacrifice that bought our ticket to heaven, not works. So, no, it isn't some weird club you have to pay to get in, its based in pure Love and sacrifice. Lifting you up in prayer and sending much Love your way!!!@@DrewThompson-xz2ml

    • @DrewThompson-xz2ml
      @DrewThompson-xz2ml 4 месяца назад +1

      @francisweaver6251 nah I don't believe in all that shit. But good luck trying to get people to turn on one each other in the name of "god".... Or "love".

  • @ethanfaunce108
    @ethanfaunce108 5 месяцев назад +497

    Ah yes the algorithm always finds the best vids for right before I go to bed💀💀

    • @gac1579
      @gac1579 5 месяцев назад +2

      Haha are you scared? 😂

    • @fredychicano654
      @fredychicano654 5 месяцев назад

      Best vid bunch of grown people talking about nothing

    • @ethanfaunce108
      @ethanfaunce108 5 месяцев назад +4

      @@gac1579 the fucking demon elf thing jump scared the shit outa me😭

    • @bruceolga3644
      @bruceolga3644 4 месяца назад

      ​@@fredychicano654ewe cliche clone huemans...👁️

    • @jamminnoble
      @jamminnoble 4 месяца назад

      Bwahahaha 👍 yep 😂

  • @bradleydahlgren6632
    @bradleydahlgren6632 4 месяца назад +8

    That owl statue was perfectly the size for a baby and the two owls facing each other is a mockery of the arc of the covenant......

  • @rebeccaaldrich3396
    @rebeccaaldrich3396 5 месяцев назад +21

    I live close to the Grove. At the golf course in Guerneville there was an owl carved into a dedication headstone thing. It's in the corner, behind the little restaurant.

    • @Thebillionair07
      @Thebillionair07 4 месяца назад +3

      Have you witnessed or herd anything ?

    • @rebeccaaldrich3396
      @rebeccaaldrich3396 4 месяца назад

      @@Thebillionair07 not personally. I know a friend who works at the closest nice hotel to the grove and he said that there were body guards that work for the government staying there to protect the people who were there last summer. They're politicians and the government wants to make sure they aren't compromised by people who are spies, I guess. Anyhow we drove by there in the morning and I saw the black SUV's outside the hotel.

  • @tyronelogs5385
    @tyronelogs5385 5 месяцев назад +227

    "what a little adventurer" 😂

    • @alx545watkins9
      @alx545watkins9 5 месяцев назад

      I hate the girl with her stupid noises she makes I almost blocked u because of her

  • @stonersatl
    @stonersatl 5 месяцев назад +227

    I believe the dude was allowed to go in there, so we can be like "oh, there isnt anything in there"

    • @gorilla1988
      @gorilla1988 5 месяцев назад +20

      Yeah me too. I was too convinced it was real to get this kind of let down. Must be more to the story than an old kids camp.

    • @tornadochaser1969
      @tornadochaser1969 5 месяцев назад +16

      Yip. But we know.. Baal,

    • @samanthab1923
      @samanthab1923 5 месяцев назад +3

      It did seem harmless.

    • @mindy7501
      @mindy7501 4 месяца назад

      Could be that too

    • @foodfan731
      @foodfan731 4 месяца назад

      Yet these idiots are still able to make shit up in their heads

  • @LadyBugPicnic12
    @LadyBugPicnic12 4 месяца назад +28

    Ok guys. My ex was a chef who cooked at the grove for like 12 years. Food for camping rich dudes. My mentor would display his record collection at the bohemian club (there is a bohemian grove in the woods and a bohemian club in the city) on fancy jazz nights. I attended one of these jazz nights w him. It was one of only two nights a year that women can attend. The club is in SF pretty much right across the street from La Colonial restaurant if you take a left out the back. It is very rich powerful men partying. They do weird stuff as a way to bond and keep stuff secret I think. What I do know from my two connections is they have a little train they can set up to run through the place sometimes. For instance, their hookers ride in on it, and that night they call it the cooze train. It is not so much spooky and religious as an extremely bored rich man’s fraternity house. I’m sure lots of deals are made there. Take it or leave it. That is what I know.

    • @ronniemizner8479
      @ronniemizner8479 27 дней назад +1

      Did he witness the “mock” sacrifices?

    • @beerus3695
      @beerus3695 18 дней назад +1

      Kid Rock said the same..

    • @AD-eg9cw
      @AD-eg9cw 2 дня назад

      "Cooze" or "quz" means pu$$y in my language. What weirdos.

  • @Billmull8622
    @Billmull8622 4 месяца назад +11

    Lmao what’s weird is I actually just watched his whole video the other day! There was no people making owl sounds!

  • @perplexitize596
    @perplexitize596 5 месяцев назад +141

    “No thanks” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I fucking love that dude (grinch costume)

    • @yamisharodriguez7295
      @yamisharodriguez7295 4 месяца назад +2

      I was thinking the same thing 😂😂😂

    • @yamisharodriguez7295
      @yamisharodriguez7295 4 месяца назад +2

      I watched it four times just to hear his no thanks 🤣🤣

    • @josevicentegutierrez7235
      @josevicentegutierrez7235 4 месяца назад +3

      I’m not the only one 😂😂😂😂 that was the best part

    • @MOE13576
      @MOE13576 4 месяца назад

      ​@jraosevicentegutierrez7235 random af😂

    • @TheTrueMariWho
      @TheTrueMariWho 4 месяца назад

      but all the girl does is go “oooh!”

  • @mimiporter8610
    @mimiporter8610 5 месяцев назад +248

    Alex Jones went in when the rituals were occuring and has video.

    • @Saizou09
      @Saizou09 5 месяцев назад +11

      Where can I find the video?

    • @skaterrrdie
      @skaterrrdie 5 месяцев назад


    • @elijahschaffersonlysimp
      @elijahschaffersonlysimp 5 месяцев назад

      ​@@Saizou09it may be on his site banned dot video (banned.video)

    • @danielb6505
      @danielb6505 4 месяца назад

      ​@@Saizou09 Look for his documentary called "Dark secrets of bohemian grove"

    • @shuyainaba27
      @shuyainaba27 4 месяца назад

      @@Saizou09super hard to find nowadays videos always taken down dig deep you’ll find clips of it reposted somewhere

  • @ShangDi_became_Jesus
    @ShangDi_became_Jesus 5 месяцев назад +217

    I now finally get why so many people say “repent sincerely and accept Jesus”…the whole thing IS REAAL!!! i cant stop talking about my experience. 15 yrs of depression 5 yrs of suicidal depression all gone after genuinely repenting and asking Jesus to reveal himself to me if he is really real like they say he is. He showed up and i have been mind blown ever since.

    • @tornadochaser1969
      @tornadochaser1969 5 месяцев назад +20

      Congrats 2 u ...god is my only and jesus is my savior....glad your alive too.....

    • @ShangDi_became_Jesus
      @ShangDi_became_Jesus 4 месяца назад +12

      @@tornadochaser1969 amen brotha

    • @90ejb
      @90ejb 4 месяца назад +10

      Amen 🙏🏾🙌🏾❤ God will show you exactly what you want/ need to know. I know people hate the Bible but it's our leverage. Everything is predictable once you read it.

    • @patriotpam777
      @patriotpam777 4 месяца назад +5

      Ok whats this got to do with Bohemian grove? I missed that part.

    • @YokaiX
      @YokaiX 4 месяца назад +7

      @@patriotpam777absolutely nothing. Just a typical egotheist evangelist spammer

  • @user-dj1bb5xn4t
    @user-dj1bb5xn4t 4 месяца назад +19

    Drakes sign was always the owl

    • @hermanoff7520
      @hermanoff7520 2 месяца назад +1

      its super similar, yeah that's crazy

    • @XBlakeFreemanX
      @XBlakeFreemanX 4 дня назад

      And that was pre meditated by the record label 15 years ago…

  • @Tyler_W
    @Tyler_W 5 месяцев назад +76

    Alex Jones was the first guy to confirm what went on in Bohemian Grove. Had a big video of the ritual ceremony and everything. His story about it is crazy. You should hear what Richard Nixon had ti say about it.

    • @BabySniff
      @BabySniff 4 месяца назад +10

      Gayest thing he ever saw

    • @johanneabelsen1644
      @johanneabelsen1644 4 месяца назад +2

      I guess he said:" I am NOT a gay,ehm, CROOK!" And made peace-sign with both hands.😂🎉

    • @StefanWinchester
      @StefanWinchester 4 месяца назад

      And nothing was done about it then or now our leaders are our gods

    • @user-kv8ti6bp5n
      @user-kv8ti6bp5n 3 месяца назад


    • @LLolLmaNsjdhsush
      @LLolLmaNsjdhsush 2 месяца назад

      ​@@StefanWinchester most people are too stuck in the matrix, we need to overthrow the satanic government and save the children

  • @arroyobradley414
    @arroyobradley414 5 месяцев назад +125

    This reminds me of this cannibal tribe in the Amazon that was making Jaguar sounds all around this tour group of researchers.... The guide was telling them they had to leave and they were trying to locate the Jaguar.... Unbeknownst they were surrounded by killers

    • @ThatDudeDeven
      @ThatDudeDeven 5 месяцев назад +12

      That sounds horrifying. I love it.

    • @TheKilliluminati
      @TheKilliluminati 4 месяца назад

      I’m thinking Hereditary

    • @johanneabelsen1644
      @johanneabelsen1644 4 месяца назад +5

      Nothing that Smith &Wesson can't handle. 😊

    • @90ejb
      @90ejb 4 месяца назад +2

      ​@@johanneabelsen1644Like when the US army thought they could wipe out the Viet Kong on their land? Haha cute.

    • @drefishe1451
      @drefishe1451 4 месяца назад +6

      @@90ejbyou realize that the US lost 50,000 men and vietnam lost over 1,000,000 men, right? It didn’t go well for the vietnamese.

  • @questioneverything42
    @questioneverything42 3 месяца назад +8

    MOLOCH is what the call it, when they gather that day is called the Cremation of cares! They chant burn,burn & theres screaming over & over. It burns the cares away!!!!!!

  • @98NinjAOrANge
    @98NinjAOrANge 4 месяца назад +8

    Also there’s a movie poster on the wall called kidnapped and he finds a white board that looks like it has people’s names and ages on it!

    • @P.Sant520
      @P.Sant520 20 дней назад

      What is the name of this documentário????

  • @IanCook-hn8lr
    @IanCook-hn8lr 5 месяцев назад +50

    I like how youtube put a warning notification about Bohemian grove on this

    • @zachdorstad173
      @zachdorstad173 3 месяца назад +4

      Anytime is see these warnings for videos, I know there's more to it than meets the eye.

    • @zachdorstad173
      @zachdorstad173 3 месяца назад +4

      Anytime is see these warnings for videos, I know there's more to it than meets the eye.

  • @frankm.5505
    @frankm.5505 5 месяцев назад +220

    “It had this creepy looking, weird, demon, clown, goblin thing” Shows a giant monkey statue haha

    • @guccirat2424
      @guccirat2424 5 месяцев назад +18

      That is far from a monkey

    • @2BaSedP0l0Swagq
      @2BaSedP0l0Swagq 5 месяцев назад

      What kinda monkeys have you been seeing? Lol

    • @tequalssquareplushell5358
      @tequalssquareplushell5358 5 месяцев назад +11

      Well we can throw out the clown but but it does look similar to a goblin

    • @mysticmadman5961
      @mysticmadman5961 5 месяцев назад +18

      That is a golem, not a monkey. They our human blood on it and it animates it. This is what Spirit Cooking is all about.

    • @Ramiro.salcido
      @Ramiro.salcido 5 месяцев назад +2

      @@mysticmadman5961and this is what not being able to get in the club and making shit up looks like 😂

  • @user-cr3sg8ni9y
    @user-cr3sg8ni9y 4 месяца назад +3

    "What a little adventurer " wearing a rabbit costume. Down the rabbit hole we go😂

  • @jordfitzgerald9106
    @jordfitzgerald9106 2 месяца назад +5

    Imagine being rich famous a leader of countrie and your doing owel sounds in a Forrest in the middle of the night! 😂😂

  • @ankstuhful
    @ankstuhful 5 месяцев назад +16

    Alex Jones: "am I nothing to you?!"

  • @fuegsnbacn5748
    @fuegsnbacn5748 5 месяцев назад +76

    One of my classmates is from the town the bohemian grove is in and he said when he was in highschool he got hired to be a dish boy and made 10k in 2 weeks. He said they hire locals every year and everyone there knows what it is

    • @jwoz8517
      @jwoz8517 5 месяцев назад +17

      Bohemian Grove was a big conspiracy hit back in the day but now we know it’s just a party spot for rich people, old news for conspiracy theorists, and not even really that scary anymore. I guess to normies yeah

    • @bengennings5433
      @bengennings5433 5 месяцев назад

    • @TraceyRolandelli
      @TraceyRolandelli 5 месяцев назад +10

      Lots of locals work for stuff during the event there, it’s honestly just a bunch of rich people, politicians, etc at a campground. Off season you can walk around outside the main area. There are houses and the movie theater outside of it.

    • @fuegsnbacn5748
      @fuegsnbacn5748 5 месяцев назад +21

      @@TraceyRolandelli it’s a little bit more than just that

    • @TraceyRolandelli
      @TraceyRolandelli 5 месяцев назад +7

      @@fuegsnbacn5748 if people want it to be, sure. No one cared before Alex Jones did that funny video. Decades ago people would try to sneak in and confront politicians, especially regarding policies and such, but Jones did that whole “oh my God they are sacrificing people to Molok” gag, and here we are.

  • @JacksDiving
    @JacksDiving 5 месяцев назад +2

    I lived two blocks away from Bohemian Grove and have been in there before.... It's not what everyone makes it seem, absolutely gorgeous in the redwoods though!!!

    • @TraceyRolandelli
      @TraceyRolandelli 5 месяцев назад

      It's kinda funny, like would. these folks freak out at Camp Meeker too? 😂

  • @emmawilde152
    @emmawilde152 4 месяца назад +3

    Mark Twain was a member. So was Jimmy Buffett. That was enough to convince me there was nothing too nefarious going on.

  • @Mondiale78
    @Mondiale78 4 месяца назад +3

    I used to work for a secret place that made me sign an NDA….this vid is very valid. All I can really say

  • @Bobby8269
    @Bobby8269 3 месяца назад +6

    I love how this post has a disclaimer, my personal experience is if the big companies put a disclaimer on something to say it’s false, it’s actually true

    • @timopper5488
      @timopper5488 Месяц назад

      I think you have something there. That’s why RUclips always puts a “disclaimer” on any video against abortion. In the disclaimer, it says that an abortion is a procedure to end a pregnancy, which is true. BUT the HUGE truth they purposefully leave out of that description is that intentionally ending a pregnancy IS murder. They speak in half-truths only, in order to deceive.

  • @Tatenak
    @Tatenak 4 месяца назад +13

    Saw they entire vid. There were no owl calls. HOWEVER, there's a part where he pulls out an eraser board with some kind of schedule. He read out a couple names. One was Josh Peck.

    • @jamesvanitas
      @jamesvanitas Месяц назад

      From “Drake And Josh?”

    • @Tatenak
      @Tatenak Месяц назад

      @@jamesvanitas Bro, no doubt. There's someone out there who has looked into the connections some of these stars have.

    • @jamesvanitas
      @jamesvanitas Месяц назад

      Jesus that’s creepy AF

  • @irrelevantideology9640
    @irrelevantideology9640 2 месяца назад +1

    "what a little adventurer!!! 🤓🤓🤓" That got me for some reason. 😂

  • @LarsBars44
    @LarsBars44 5 месяцев назад +4

    I live 20-30 mins from the grove. They hire teenagers as summer workers and take their cellphones before they can work their shift. And women only work outside the grove

  • @maggiemoonpie2168
    @maggiemoonpie2168 5 месяцев назад +36

    They have a mock sacrifice but the real one is done underground. And they project the actual sounds of terror and torture from the real sqgyoiover the loudspeakers the

  • @graysonhartlein4168
    @graysonhartlein4168 4 месяца назад +3

    The “no thanks” from the grinch is what does it for me.

  • @giordanobruno1333
    @giordanobruno1333 4 месяца назад +2

    The humans making owl noises.
    As a wildlife biologist I’ve done that for money. Right there at the bohemian grove.

  • @ratenreview3256
    @ratenreview3256 3 месяца назад +5

    It's crazy that no one has searched for human remains

    • @denisek292
      @denisek292 Месяц назад +1

      I’m pretty sure you’d be “offed” if you stepped one foot over the line.

    @PEACEOUTPAT 4 месяца назад +35

    My favorite part of the video was when he pulled out the whiteboard menu in the kitchen and it had Josh Peck's name on it lol

    • @chriscanterbury8647
      @chriscanterbury8647 2 месяца назад

      I saw that but wondered why he picked only his name to say. Who is he?

      @PEACEOUTPAT 2 месяца назад

      @@chriscanterbury8647 Drake and Josh

  • @tidesbot1438
    @tidesbot1438 Месяц назад +1

    I thought I was tripping when I heard those owl noises

  • @MrTrinitius
    @MrTrinitius 5 месяцев назад +2

    That human owl sounds more like a person gagged and tied up.

  • @PoisonJarl71501
    @PoisonJarl71501 4 месяца назад +3

    Looks super real. Illuminates the whole area and doesn’t get caught lol😅

  • @Krissie707
    @Krissie707 5 месяцев назад +59

    Fun fact, you can go camping there. Some parts are closed off. But we used to camp there in the 90s with my family. Like 20 rvs of us would all meet up there for a week in the summer. Im not sure if its still open to the public now. It definitely used to be.
    Well as it turns out, i think my grandfather was a member possibly 😮. 🤔 he was also a member of the ingomar club in eureka ca. Both are members only 👨 clubs. So i guess we went camping there by invitation? We went to holiday brunches at the ingomar club. Was he part of some secret society? I guess we will never know.
    I cant find any info on public camping 😕

    • @bywaterbeatsproduction
      @bywaterbeatsproduction 4 месяца назад +14

      Yea you're in the Illuminati 😂

    • @leroilapue15
      @leroilapue15 4 месяца назад +18

      Haha nothing like finding out your grandfather was in a secret society! Keep digging maybe you will find a scoop!

    • @romarose
      @romarose 4 месяца назад +1

      Do you have any missing time or memories of things that just weren't quite right?
      Did your pawpaw practice law? Like being a judge or lawyer?

    • @tiaferguson8848
      @tiaferguson8848 4 месяца назад +11

      Yeaaaaaa, you might wanna pray to disassociate yourself from whatever your grandpa was a part of 😅

    • @rospyakarospano
      @rospyakarospano 4 месяца назад +4

      Same, I remember going there as well. But I do t believe any of this creepy stuff that people people talk about

  • @fishingwithollie1021
    @fishingwithollie1021 3 месяца назад +2

    It's always given me " Court of Owls" vibes from Batman.

  • @HeavenScent2110
    @HeavenScent2110 4 месяца назад +3

    I’d take this more seriously if they weren’t looking like they went to a muppet convention 😂

  • @garrettelliott2565
    @garrettelliott2565 4 месяца назад +4

    Alex Jones was spot on with Bohemian Grove 20 years ago.

  • @Bobsaget80
    @Bobsaget80 5 месяцев назад +13

    How come nobody talks about the Bohemian club in san Francisco?

  • @paulwilliams469
    @paulwilliams469 4 месяца назад +1

    It's the gasping every sentence that gets me 😱😱🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @myrawells5691
    @myrawells5691 4 месяца назад +2

    Strange that the Grove isn’t under cameras.

  • @angryfoxzd5233
    @angryfoxzd5233 3 месяца назад +4

    Bro found the court of owls from Gotham knights💀

  • @user-uk6yz1my8h
    @user-uk6yz1my8h 4 месяца назад +7

    So this place and society is known ,like so many others, yet left to continue with their rituals etc. Society is messed up.

  • @Itsnotsoeasy2know
    @Itsnotsoeasy2know 4 месяца назад +2

    the human owl noises almost like they were communicating with each other

  • @reeferfranklin
    @reeferfranklin 5 месяцев назад +3

    Props to Alex Jones for doing this first...also Richard Nixon's quote about it says all you need to know.

  • @danielb6505
    @danielb6505 4 месяца назад +5

    Alex Jones snuck in during one of their meetings many years ago. He was eventually banned from RUclips because he was wrong about one thing, when in reality, he had been right about 97% of the things he talked about. He is the real life guy who everyone called a "Conspiracy theorist" when in reality he has been right and people don't want to give him any credit!

  • @frequentfailure
    @frequentfailure 4 месяца назад +4

    That hollow owl statue probably has a person in there. Back in the mid 20th century they supposedly used to do this at the base of New structures they were building. London Bridge for example which gives it away right in the song. I believe this was done pretty frequently so I would not doubt one bit that it was done at this place.

    • @yves2694
      @yves2694 28 дней назад +1

      Dance over my Lady Lee refers to a young girl buried on the lee side of a bridge. She would have been born on 2nd February.

    • @GrabbaBeer
      @GrabbaBeer 6 дней назад

      What? They burry people under it when they build it?

  • @angryhedgehoglee6363
    @angryhedgehoglee6363 4 месяца назад +2

    There was a FULL daylight tour of the grove on youtube several years ago. This tuber took everybody into every nook and cranny, showed the costumes. Even toured every camp inside. Its pretty cool if you can find it.

  • @alieefigueroa6993
    @alieefigueroa6993 Месяц назад

    The $2000 gets me every time 😂

  • @user-gs6ow1sx9g
    @user-gs6ow1sx9g 4 месяца назад +3

    But Alex wasn't able to show much but because he showed footage of them in a meeting. That was excellent. Now I'd like to see more

  • @m.b.593
    @m.b.593 2 месяца назад +5

    Just watched the dancer 1 video and never heard a single, fake or real owl hoot. Smh

  • @josephaarron5959
    @josephaarron5959 4 месяца назад +3

    Not the only one to sneak in 🤦🏻‍♂️

  • @laurajenkins2875
    @laurajenkins2875 3 месяца назад +4

    My mom and her brothers were raised up the road from Bohemian Grove on the Russian River. One of my uncles worked there as a young man. His job was to escort the prostitutes and young boys in through a logging road that backs up to the Grove...true story!

  • @Youtube-hates-its-users
    @Youtube-hates-its-users 5 месяцев назад +55

    Alex Jones did this in like 2008

    • @mcgee1864
      @mcgee1864 5 месяцев назад +5

      Not really. He didn't get anywhere near in depth like this guy did. He just snuck up to the edge and filmed their ceremony for a minute. He didn't explore as much as this guy did.

    • @Tyler_W
      @Tyler_W 5 месяцев назад +9

      ​@@mcgee1864he did actually get in. He just didn't get up close to the statue. He did film the ceremony being done, though. It's fair to say they both have their value.

    • @Tyler_W
      @Tyler_W 5 месяцев назад +5

      Earlier than that.

    • @seanstephenson7081
      @seanstephenson7081 5 месяцев назад +9

      ​@mcgee1864 the truth is if Alex Jones wouldn't have exposed Bohemian Grove in the first place then the kid making this video wouldn't even have known to break in and check this out.

    • @cateatfood6634
      @cateatfood6634 5 месяцев назад +5

      ​@@mcgee1864Derp, he couldn't get anywhere near close to what this guy did BECAUSE they were there doing their ritual 🤦‍♀️

  • @richardtrue2758
    @richardtrue2758 4 месяца назад +6

    Alex Jones went in durning the party when everyone was there

  • @jayok7609
    @jayok7609 4 месяца назад +2

    “The cremation of care“ That’s one of their rituals.

  • @infomatrix7394
    @infomatrix7394 3 месяца назад +2

    Kid Rock was just on Joe Rogan. He said he went to Bohemian Grove and it was fun lol

  • @Lucky_Chase
    @Lucky_Chase 5 месяцев назад +5

    Ever watch Inside Job?
    This guy is speaking truth... I had no idea that the cartoon was so spot on!!

  • @SahasraraRigma
    @SahasraraRigma 5 месяцев назад +35

    If he got in there they let him in it is one of those most heavily guarded and surveilled places in the world.

    • @gravityimage5
      @gravityimage5 3 месяца назад +4

      Only during the event in July.

    • @spideyfan300
      @spideyfan300 2 месяца назад

      ....which he attended.@@gravityimage5

    • @macias7125
      @macias7125 8 дней назад

      he snuck in through the river tho

  • @lou5.569
    @lou5.569 5 месяцев назад +2

    Just watched the entire video and never once heard a single "owl sound."

  • @A_Dying_Breed
    @A_Dying_Breed Месяц назад

    The barred owl sounds just like a human when they "WHO"

  • @EddyOfTheMaelstrom
    @EddyOfTheMaelstrom 5 месяцев назад +7

    I've watched his infiltration twenty times and I cannot hear those owl calls you spoke about. Gonna need a time stamp.

    • @lou5.569
      @lou5.569 5 месяцев назад +3

      Same here. Never once heard anything like that. BS

    • @thevaultpresents
      @thevaultpresents 4 месяца назад

      who's the youtuber?

    • @TheFatMan
      @TheFatMan 2 месяца назад

      Towards the end.

  • @larrystewart3492
    @larrystewart3492 5 месяцев назад +11

    Her -: GASP!!!!!!!

    • @MissWobbles
      @MissWobbles 5 месяцев назад

      She has nothing intelligent to contribute

  • @bobbiriseling3055
    @bobbiriseling3055 4 месяца назад +3

    I grew up one mile away from the Grove. My grandpa worked there briefly

    • @QueenRoseFlower
      @QueenRoseFlower 3 месяца назад +1


    • @bobbiriseling3055
      @bobbiriseling3055 3 месяца назад +2

      @QueenRoseFlower it is creepy!! He worked for a very short time and one day he came home and was very quiet. He quit and never told us why. Something happened

    • @SuperSlimshady1
      @SuperSlimshady1 3 месяца назад +2

      ​@@bobbiriseling3055 probably witness some of the evil they truly do there! Perhaps didnt get to see anything until thay point or saw it on accident

  • @pixie-sk7cr
    @pixie-sk7cr 4 месяца назад +5

    Yall rock, thank you Alex... 🪨

  • @paul20g20
    @paul20g20 5 месяцев назад +5

    I watched the video. No owl noises whatsoever.

  • @DolceAndJobaca
    @DolceAndJobaca 2 месяца назад +4

    I love how everyone is dressed like a joke while addressing the actual serious bohemian grove!!!🤣 it’s a funny lil thing to see yet everything they say is really true!! Comfort at its finest🤣💯

  • @DankTheGank5
    @DankTheGank5 3 месяца назад +2

    Hell of a Grinch costume. Well done sir.

  • @mlaw7556
    @mlaw7556 2 месяца назад +2

    Stevenson said he would step in if Ryan pulled out

  • @toddgraham6961
    @toddgraham6961 3 месяца назад +3

    He should of put cameras and microphones there

  • @D1mpy
    @D1mpy 5 месяцев назад +26

    If that were me I would of ran like the flash out of their

    • @cateatfood6634
      @cateatfood6634 5 месяцев назад

      Would've* (conjunction of would have) there* (their is possessive). Could have, would have, should have, no of. There is a place, their is the possessive, and they're is the conjunction of there are.
      Not being snobby or rude, I just like helping others get a better grasp of their native language 🙃👍

    • @veliceligt02
      @veliceligt02 5 месяцев назад

      If it were me I would have never started across that foggy lake in a kid canoe with a skillet to paddle.

  • @Trixtubbies
    @Trixtubbies 3 месяца назад +3

    Alex jones was the first, then he interviewed politicians who were there and they recognized him

  • @andrewmosley2588
    @andrewmosley2588 4 месяца назад +2

    That place has tons of cameras and private security, the fact he got in is crazy. Alex Jones done it forever ago and that was hard enough I'm sure.

  • @bwillsskates2638
    @bwillsskates2638 2 месяца назад +12

    Why tf is it so hard to find the raw piece of footage from Alex jones? No results on google nor RUclips. That makes my blood fucking boil.

    • @vuurwerkliefhebberNL
      @vuurwerkliefhebberNL 2 месяца назад +2

      Search for: dark secrets inside bohemian grove full length

    • @TwoStacks217
      @TwoStacks217 Месяц назад

      (I support Alex Jones)
      Oh you mean the guy who's literally been banned from every single social media platform and banned from the company stripe which means he can never own any type of debit card I wonder why it would be hard to find footage from him not to mention the fact that he was fined like 2.75 trillion like what in the actual fuck

  • @LavigneProductions
    @LavigneProductions 5 месяцев назад +6

    Look up MOLECH owl sacrifice all you need to know. Also explains war and why they send your young kids but won’t send senators or politicians to fight the wars they start.

  • @liftedlegend710
    @liftedlegend710 4 месяца назад +2

    The reason the owls sound so loud is because some of the largest owl species are found in that area of the redwoods

  • @nickpipebomb1711
    @nickpipebomb1711 3 месяца назад +2

    Alex Jones is the real Bohemian Grove here.

  • @vibeslafren1604
    @vibeslafren1604 4 месяца назад +3

    Wow that guy risks his life to go deeper than Alex Jones wild dude

  • @FreddieBlaze
    @FreddieBlaze 4 месяца назад +3

    Alex Jones was the 1st to do it like a true boss lol!😅

  • @hattmannen5868
    @hattmannen5868 Месяц назад

    The gasp in the beginning😭

  • @michaelbustamante8808
    @michaelbustamante8808 4 месяца назад +2

    Dude found the court of owls headquarters 😂

  • @user-fj5bb2fr5y
    @user-fj5bb2fr5y 2 месяца назад +25

    Fun Fact: bohma 🦉 means owl in Arabic, and it symbolizes rebellion, calamities, and human crises bringer.
    Bohemian means beastial or unsocial person in Arabic. It is like Bohemian Gypsy or Bohemian Hepes. Bahima means a beast 💪 and it is slur for unsocial strong men.....you need learn latin, greek, arabic, sanskrit, hebrew, aramaic, and old germanics...to understand many symbologies of those secret clubs.

    • @user-cw2dw9re9h
      @user-cw2dw9re9h Месяц назад

      "Not so Fun" funfact: the statue they erected is moloch or molech. A deity that demands child sacrifices and is one of satan's generals. These are not good men.

    • @denisek292
      @denisek292 Месяц назад

      Describing the meaning of behind Bohemian Grove is chilling. There are some truly evil people in this world.

    • @0owr1
      @0owr1 9 дней назад

      No bro this is not Arabic

    • @user-fj5bb2fr5y
      @user-fj5bb2fr5y 7 дней назад

      @@0owr1 bro you have to look a scientific field that is called linguistics.

  • @hawkcobo
    @hawkcobo 5 месяцев назад +26

    Nobody breaks in to BG, They are allowed in. Dude must have been servicing fire extinguisher or something. Was let on property knowing he would not be arrested for being there. The literal “up the creek without a paddle” bit helped sell the drama.

    • @Outlaw2181
      @Outlaw2181 4 месяца назад +5

      No he literally paddled using a pan in a kayak across the water to the grove shit is definitely weird and irks me but is a must see

    • @GreatNinjaman
      @GreatNinjaman 4 месяца назад

      Ignorant to the Alex Jones infiltration?

    • @hawkcobo
      @hawkcobo 4 месяца назад +6

      At some point you see a few fire extinguishers sitting on a side walk. You also see an open electric panel, where one could turn on what looks likes very specific lighting. Also interesting that he goes into the kitchen and service areas as that is where fire extinguishers would be located. Now that’s cool if he got in that way, maybe tagged along with the service guy. The other bit at the end with the security light is telling. You can tell he was purposely trying to trip the light. He didn’t the first time so he walks back up and then it goes on. A spooky place for sure he exposed some interesting stuff. But all the drama for the views is clever I’ll give him that.

    • @GypsyDanger514
      @GypsyDanger514 4 месяца назад +3

      @@hawkcobolmao hahaha. Debunker til the very end. I don’t think you’ve actually watched that in it’s entirety. Bro you don’t have to be a maintenance person, term your actually looking for, to flip breakers and turn on lights. Required by code to be labeled. I know. I do exactly what you said you thought old dude was. It’s crazy to me how many of y’all don’t apply real world knowledge to real world applications. I bet you’d call a maintenance person to change a light bulb for ya if you lived in an apartment complex.

    • @hawkcobo
      @hawkcobo 4 месяца назад +1

      @@GypsyDanger514 It’s entertainment, a great pice of content. I was entertained and grateful to see what I got to see. I’m just not buying the breaking in part. Bro was scared to use flashlight in the bushes, Yet he’s bold enough to turn on the exterior lights while on property? Doesn’t matter how it was done I’m just glad it was done. And I appreciate the effort to make it entertaining. Peace

  • @brianlefevre7699
    @brianlefevre7699 4 месяца назад +1

    He took Alex Jones b roll footage haha

  • @user-en2fo1sw8f
    @user-en2fo1sw8f 3 месяца назад +2

    They know he was there
    That owl calling was to alert the leaders , their cameras are very well hidden