A New Argument for How to Live: Ephesians 5:8-14, Part 1

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024
  • Look at the Book
    Teacher: John Piper
    Playlist: • Look at the Book: Ephe...

Комментарии • 27

  • @paulfromcanada5267
    @paulfromcanada5267 2 года назад +13

    The battle for purity is a daily one.

  • @emilyingridlaura3419
    @emilyingridlaura3419 2 года назад +8

    You have no idea how badly I needed this. I was just talking to the Lord about this today and my constant warring within. Thank you so much Pastor John. Thank you Holy Spirit for revealing truths to us and doing the work in us to stay holy and blameless.
    Please be praying for me the Lord helps me in my constant warring within and walking in righteousness and not causing others to stumble also.
    Thank you brothers and sisters in Christ

  • @mkl62
    @mkl62 Год назад +2

    Today is March 18, 2023. And on this day, let us pray for young learners absorbing new concepts.

  • @IsaiahEli
    @IsaiahEli 2 года назад +9

    May the Lord return soon. Amen. God is merciful. He always forgives. Never be ashamed to take your failures to him. He is for you, not against you! God is with you in the storm. He knows your troubles, he hears you! He is for you, on your side, always! It may feel silent at times, but he’s holding you close! May the Lord return soon! We are drawing closer. He is coming! Believe and trust in the Lord, you will be saved. Period. May the Lord bless you all! Hang in there family. Stay strong. It is not easy following the Lord. We are scoffed at. We give up our earthly dreams, our fleshly desires. What the enemy offers is short lived, but heaven is forever! Life may seem or be unfair, but God is with you! Always remember that. Things may get better or worse for you, but a kingdom awaits you! Finish the race! Repent daily and carry your cross. This world is fading fast. Your troubles are temporary! New channel here, I’d appreciate any kind of support. Don’t give up! God loves you so much! So do I. The Lord bless you!

    • @HearGodsWord
      @HearGodsWord 2 года назад +3

      Just an observation but you keep copy and pasting the same comment over and over again. It's turning into spam

  • @soomicho8608
    @soomicho8608 2 года назад

    We are faced with daily battle, however, we have no fear by constant commitment "I am walking as children of light as I am light in the Lord" Thank God and thank you, pastor John Piper. God bless all His loved children.

  • @janethemerling6378
    @janethemerling6378 2 года назад

    Amen thank you Lord 🙏🏿❤️

  • @Felecia-jz4qr
    @Felecia-jz4qr 9 месяцев назад

    Amen in Jesus name Amen

  • @Michael_Morehead
    @Michael_Morehead 2 года назад

    Shalom Amen

  • @deshaunhill7934
    @deshaunhill7934 2 года назад


  • @dianjohnson1
    @dianjohnson1 2 года назад


  • @sartikasidabutar2566
    @sartikasidabutar2566 2 года назад

    I need my salvation

  • @TheCreepypro
    @TheCreepypro 2 года назад

    an interesting take on exposing sin

  • @neatstuff8200
    @neatstuff8200 2 года назад +2

    Where is our beloved introducer?

  • @myka8712
    @myka8712 2 года назад

    Can I be real on here you guys. I dont feel okay. I'm just angry at times for why God decided to make me Asian, make me Filipino and ugly. Like what made him to decide to qualify other people in making them beautiful and attractive and Mexican, Hispanic, European, or white? Like im this ugly Asian person forever even in heaven in eternity and just that thought knowing I didn't signed up for apparently God choosed the best for others and they qualify to be that this though is my reality forever hurts me. Besides that, I got with a guy who was Mexican and he just lied to me he never liked me or took me seriously he just said words to make me thibk he was interested but he only had a preference for his own race which is Mexicans and that's really all his ex had been. I got pregnant and mistreated. I was badly hurt and left alone of course I know abortion would be a sin so I kept it and all this time he likes our coworker who is Mexican like him and really really beautiful and attractive like she's stunning and far from average she's also really nice too. It just hurts like there's actual people God made who are Mexican, European, Caucasian who are also beautiful and have a heart for Jesus. But why did god have to hurt me this way making me so ugly and filipino an Asian please don't tell me there's nothing wrong with being Asian because there is with the fact I get forced to be this forever and ever yet God made people who he apparently decided to be Hispanic, European, and Caucasian who can love him and are themselves forever even unto heaven. It hurts just dealing with this reality and knowing this is my issue since I was a kid but also being rejected by a guy I like and left pregnant and now dealing with a baby while I really like him but I know he'd never like someone like me because I'm ugly and filipino I'm Asian. It's not wrong for him to like this video says to choose who he wants to be with. But rejection does hurt and knowing not only did this person hurt you by this but you hurt because personally you wouldn't want to be Asian and ugly too. He has every right to like another Mexican drop dead gorgeous nice sweet girl and that's not a bad thing but you know you just never wish you were this because not only did the guy you like reject you and preferred someone he loves. Someone beautiful and Mexican and nice everything that your not that apparently God made like that girl you just never are. Your stuck being this ugly Filipino Asian girl forever and yeah okay people can rightly choose who they'll be with but let me just say I dont care anymore yes I hate myself and yes God knows I'll never accept or love what he forced me to be but I just don't want anyone anymore. Ilk be single forever and raise my son well and just use my remaining days serving God because it doesn't matter who comes to my life as a potential if I can't even accept the fact I'm Asian and ugly and God's out here making beautiful attractive Europeans, Hispanics, Caucasians. Like if I know I can't be happy with me why would I think I can make some potential person happy I accepted this horrible rejection too and all I can say is good for him. Good for him that he can choose who he wants to be and nothing wrong with falling in love with a beautiful attractive stunning Mexican sweet nice girl like the same race as you that's awesome. Like I know he just every right to choose and be with someone he loves at the end of the day but I just feel like that ugly Asian worthless person that got thrown in the middle to this Mexican guy Mexican girl perfect couple supposed to be thing because they were both beautiful and Hispanic and I just wished I didn't get put in this . I know people get used and used for sex only and it's sad but yeah that's how it is. I repented for fornication and whatever else but everything in saying here is real you guys. Why would God even create different races doesn't he know how much this hurts me. How much it hurts me that he made me ugly and filipino and this decision of Him is bad. I feel horrible being treated so badly like I can't even put into this comment what I've been through or what this person did to me but I guess I wouldn't feel this hurt if I came in this world beautiful and a nice girl whose Mexican too or European or Caucasian maybe I would've loved my self a whole lot but well what can be done this is me this is my genes and this is my race and this is my race forever yes it sucks but its not like I can cease my existence. . But I could care less about this marriage and love things anymore like im just going to focus on getting my mission done. Like it's sad there's literal people in this world with such extreme deformities and disabilities that things like marriage would never even happen and every guy even the nicest christian men would reject them even if they are nice.. there's ugliness and deformities in this world and this doesn't happen for everyone.. they have deformities, come from third world countries,, poverty, and not attractive but that's life. Nevertheless I cannot be mad at God at all because Jesus came in this world living a simple life and just like me not beautiful or attractive either. He was rejected alot. Maybe God is testing me do I want to be Mexican European Caucasian instead? Do I value beauty more? Do I value any earthly lobe I can receive from someone here on earth more then treasuries God's love and being contented if that's all I have? Like I mean if God wanted to Leah could've been beautiful just as much as her sister is right after all they came from the same parents. Maybe then even if she was rejected by Jacob someone could love her and most of all she could love her self and not feel like the ugly sister. But this is reality.. yes I would've wanted God to make me Mexican too, and a pretty attractive girl and maybe I wouldnt feel this hurt despite what this person did to me because at the end of the day I can actually like my self. But hey that's how life goes some don't get hand the good card. The thought of me veing Asian forever even un heaven for eternity hurts. The thought of me being this ugly Asian person. Being myka forever hurts I never want to be me but I am forced but I really really just don't want to be mad at God even though I am already. Maybe it's all just a test. I can't even put to words how I feel my words here are all over the place. My words just can never express and I dont think it'll do it justice I already wrote long but if anyone gets where I'm coming from please let me know comment down below. ☺

    • @IWillHumbleMyself
      @IWillHumbleMyself 2 года назад +2

      So in other words, you are mad at God and blaming God because you are rejected by a Hispanic man you work with who you fornicated with and got you pregnant outside of wedlock? Your heart and your attitude and your thinking is really bad. Nothing is wrong with God or with the way that God made you. And your jealousy and covetousness towards other women is out of control. I'm not trying to sound mean, but you don't have the mind of Christ. I understand you are feeling pain right now, but God is not the cause of your pain. Your outside appearance doesn't need to change, your obsessive thoughts and wrong attitudes are what needs to change. Who you are on the inside. If you are truly born again, change your attitudes and your thinking and put on the mind of Christ and you'll start to feel better. But if you aren't truly born again, and I'm sorry to say but I suspect that you really aren't, cry out to Jesus to save you and to wash you and change you and make you clean and give you a new heart and surrender your life to him and he will make you new.

    • @jordanpryor4771
      @jordanpryor4771 2 года назад

      There is nothing wrong with being Asian or Filipino, or whatever you are. Why do you even want this guy? You do know there are other guys out there right? Why would you sleep with this guy if he doesn’t care about you? Forget about him, and just focus on being all you can be for God. Ask for forgiveness of your sins.

    • @myka8712
      @myka8712 2 года назад +1

      @@IWillHumbleMyself I repented of fornication brother. Like I mentioned yes I was hurt by what that person did to me but like I said I had this problem ever since I was a kid. I know you may think oh this person is just jealous and so forth but I've been called ugly many times and mistreated. To be honest with you I never even fornicated before I just let my guard down on this one friend of mine I thought I knew and didn't I made clear I was a Christian and if I were to do so I wanted it to be with someone special. I didnt have a dad growing up so yeah I really liked the attention and having someone who knew me or thought knew me and accepted me. Like I'm not going to be here and say how I am as a Christian or how much I love God. This post I made was based on how I feel at the time I wrote it and not how I am with my walk with Jesus. I did repent if I have a bad attitude towards God and like you see down my comment I said for prayers to have a good attitude before God if anything. But I'm not perfect and I've definitely went through things in my life as to how I have wrote the way I did I also asked for prayer concerning jealousy or envy or anything I'm struggling with because after all I'm just a sinner like everyone else walking in faith and stumbling.

    • @IWillHumbleMyself
      @IWillHumbleMyself 2 года назад

      @@myka8712 I'm a sister, not a brother. I think asian women are beautiful. Your thumbnail pic of your son, he is absolutely adorable. I'm sorry to hear that you grew up without a father, so did I unfortunately. And my relationship with my mother was a trainwreck as well. She was manipulative and controlling, always threatening to disown me even as an adult if I didn't do what she said to do, and she had twice she disowned me and then lied to my family and told them I was on drugs and they believed her. I have nothing to do with any of them. So I struggled much of my life, and especially my adult life with heartache and pain and insecurities, and still do on occasion, understandably. But we bulldoze through them, dear. It's a messed up sinful world, we all have problems. You think being beautiful or another race would make you happier, I promise you it wouldn't. I am a middle-aged white woman and I have known many beautiful ladies over the years whose boyfriends and husbands cheat on them and break their hearts and wreck their marriages and their families. Many women. I can tell you from experience that beautiful women who aren't of Asian descent don't have better or easier lives than the rest. As a matter of fact, if I can be quite frank, they seem to attract all the losers and creeps. Trust me, you don't want a man to love you for your outward beauty anyways. You wanna attract a man with your inward beauty and your strength and your self-respect and your self-confidence and your morals and deep convictions and sense of humor. Most good mature masculine men look for more than a pretty face on a woman when they are seeking a date or a mate. You have to be comfortable being you. Stop wanting to be and have what others are and have. And your son's father, let him go. Fasting and orayer is very powerful and effective and it will help God heal you of your pain, break wrong and bad attitudes off of you, and it will help you quickly get over that man. I promise you God has done all that for me that I just mentioned. And get in the scriptures daily and be renewed in the spirit of your mind with the word of God. Whenever you notice a negative thought or bad attitude creep up, cast it down and make your thoughts and cares obedient to Christ. It will take work and practice, but this is the Christian life. It is work. Ask Jesus to help you and he will help you. Yes you are right, none of us are perfect and we all stumble in many ways. But we don't stay down, we get up. And we keep getting up and we keep fighting, because that's what we do. Repent of your wrong attitudes and negative thinking and confess them to the Lord and ask him to help you to have the mind of Christ and to be the godly woman of great character that he created you to be and ask him to help you see yourself the way that he sees you and the healthy way you should see yourself and feel about yourself. Love and peace and joy to you in Jesus ❤

    • @myka8712
      @myka8712 2 года назад +1

      A@@IWillHumbleMyself Thank you. Growing up I thought If I was just white. Hispanic, or European I'd live life differently and love myself even if nobody would. I don't really understand what others grow through I think it to be so awesome to be that. I appreciate you telling me from experience what's it like. At the end of the day you are right sister it's a heart issue. I need to be thankful and contented for how God made me and love him above all else. I'm sorry for what you went through. Thank you for your honesty and sharing it ogujn here. If I passed by you I wouldn't have seen it that way but because you told me I know now. Theres definitely not only self condemnation in my heart but also a worldly thinking and partiality over certain races and putting some in a pedestal. I thought it concerned only with me. But then I see that it has affected my thoughts towards my own group of people. I will seek God to see what he sees and ultimately love like he does. This people I have associated with are definitely worldly and that's why God took them out of my life for a reason.

  • @qw2ps4
    @qw2ps4 2 года назад +1

    Even Jesus had a hard time doing miracles in His home town. Why is that?
    The Holy Spirit is hampered by unbelief!
    God eventually kills Ahab, because of his lack of fear, his unbelief!
    Anyone except 2 over 20 years of age during the Exodus were not allowed access to the promised land because of their idolatry, their unbelief.
    We learn in James 2:19 that even the demons believe!
    Does that mean that the demons saved?
    How do we know if we believe then?
    In order to find out if we believe in Jesus we must believe His word is truth.
    HIS word is first, not the apostles, not Paul and not your pastor or priest HIS!
    We need to read the words of our Messiah and use THEM as the standard.
    In that remember Jesus also said: Do """"ALL""""" that Moses said. Matthew 23:1-3
    In John 5:47 Jesus says "But if you dont believe in Moses writings, how will you believe in His!
    In Luke 16:31 "" If they dont listen to Moses & the prophets, they won't listen if someone rises from the dead""
    Gee I wonder do you who rose from the dead that He was talking about?
    It comes down to this; if you dont accept Moses writings, or the prophets, you won't accept what Jesus says.
    Jesus ""never contradicted the Father therefore He never contradicted what Moses wrote.
    Jesus didn't start a new religion. If He did, the pharisees would've crucified Him for that!
    Remember they found no fault in Him!!!
    That means when they studied the writings of Moses there wasn't any contradiction with what He said and what the Father had Moses write down.
    He didn't teach a new religion He came to show us "The Way" to walk out the old one.
    Don't let Jesus say to you "" Depart from me you who practice lawlessness""
    Instead believe His words """ If you love me keep my commandments""""
    His commands are exactly the fathers commands.
    These very commands that Moses wrote!

    • @sissh5761
      @sissh5761 2 года назад

      By His 'Word' He means the bible in its entirety... the full Spirit breathed Word in its *entirety*.
      There were many saints (Abraham being chief among them) who were saved prior to the Law of Moses who believed and lived by Faith through the Holy Spirit. Moses himself was saved prior to the Law. The ministry of the Holy Spirit places the Law within each individual allowing each person to enter into Gods Rest 'Today' when they hear His voice and listen (Heb.3).
      The physical Law is good for those who are lawless (in spirit) [1Timothy 1:8-9] the Law of the Spirit is our saving grace. Live in the Spirit to enter Rest and attain/secure Salvation.
      Dont allow yourself to be deceived by works of the flesh. Discover and live by the works of the Spirit.
      Let the Joy of the Lord be your strength.

  • @yadirabravo6937
    @yadirabravo6937 Год назад

    This man speaking I learned of him on the bible app youversion.. months ago..... he's amazing. I don't remember his name.