“Outnumbered By False Prophets” Part 1- Doug Batchelor | Granite Bay Hilltop SDA Church

  • Опубликовано: 3 окт 2024
  • “Outnumbered By False Prophets” Part 1- Doug Batchelor | Granite Bay Hilltop SDA Church
    Live: Worship Service | Granite Bay Hilltop SDA Church | Apr 1, 2023
    / granitebaychurch

Комментарии • 515

  • @georgegarai
    @georgegarai Год назад +4

    Deep.Amen .I have been blessed in Harare Zimbabwe.

  • @darryl3422
    @darryl3422 Год назад +7

    I was raised an Adventist but haven't been back in years but I enjoy listening to Pastor Doug

    • @jimbob1644
      @jimbob1644 Год назад

      Except when it comes to prophesy he will lie to you every time. Because he stole the 2300. From the functioning time of the Antichrist in Daniel 8 At the end of Time Daniel 8:19 Daniel 8:17 Daniel 8: 25 which is a( future prophecy . For the Antichrist that Jesus spoke to you about in Matthew 24: 15...and created The Cult. You can't even get from 457 BC. Ezra 7: 9 in the spring of the year. With 2300 days ending in the fall of 1844. !!!There's your true prophet!! Everything that you would believe in if you were SDA! Is a lie... They don't exist without that.

    • @ricardoleslie9811
      @ricardoleslie9811 Год назад

      This is why one ought to read the Bible for themselves...
      ... to see who lies- you or him.

    • @yrrj777
      @yrrj777 Год назад

      @@jimbob1644 ATTENTION Doug Batchelor
      Jesus said: I created the sabbath for man: NOT Man for the Sabbath_The Pharisees continually accused Jesus of breaking the Sabbath.
      Doug B.
      and if you keep Saturday Sabbath under the law of Moses then you must keep all the Law of Moses, you cannot have it both ways The Law of Moses and The Law of Grace of Christ Jesus. The Catholic Church did not change the Sabbath to Sunday it was the early followers of Jesus called "The Way" who gathered on the Lords Day which was Sunday because that is when Jesus rose from the dead.
      (Acts 9:2) Then Saul, still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest (2) and asked letters from him to the synagogues of Damascus, so that if he found any who were of the Way, whether men or women, he might bring them bound to Jerusalem.
      (Before Paul's conversion on the road to Damascus)
      (Acts 20:7-8)
      King James Version (After the Apostle Paul's conversion to Christ)
      (7) And upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow; and continued his speech until midnight.
      (8) And there were many lights in the upper chamber, where they were gathered together.
      (Acts 24:14) (The Apostle Paul)
      King James Bible
      But this I confess unto thee, that after the way which they call heresy, so worship I the God of my fathers, believing all things which are written in the law and in the prophets:
      The Bible says it is on the "first day of the week", not "the seventh day of the week" that the disciples came together. No matter how you cut it, this is an assembly on the "Lord's Day" (The "Lord's Day" is the way early Christians referred to Sunday; cf. Revelation 1:10. This was the day Jesus arose from the grave as well as the day upon which the church began).
      King James Bible (Revelation 1:10) Apostle John
      I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet,

    • @janicethompson9859
      @janicethompson9859 Год назад

      Do you know that jesus the son of Jehovah God Almighty the most high psalm 83 vs 18

    • @ricardoleslie9811
      @ricardoleslie9811 Год назад

      @Jerome Herrera 777 Yet Isaiah the prophet, revealed to him by God says distinctly that "[for] as the new heavens and the new earth... from one [Sabbath] to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith" who?
      Saith "the Lord".
      There is no doubt that before His crucifixion, the Sabbath was on the 7th day (which you, even you know what day this is). And after hell, death and sin is no more, we will all worship "the Lord" on the 7th Day, Sabbath.
      But God changed Sabbath to Sunday calling it the Lord's Day?
      For convenience, why seek to disobey?

  • @toddkeeran3479
    @toddkeeran3479 Год назад +26

    Blessed is he who does not stand in the counsel of men but delights in the word of the Lord.

    • @janicethompson9859
      @janicethompson9859 Год назад +1

      Do you know that Jehovah is Jesus father and God? Sorry i press like in a mistake

    • @briant7951
      @briant7951 Год назад +1

      @@yrrj777 Even tho you articulate ur point well you still past the plain evidence (exodus 20) that may help
      It’s ok to question things to find truth so keep doing so until the lord makes it known without a doubt❤

    • @yrrj777
      @yrrj777 Год назад

      @@briant7951 Brian have you ever read the entire Bible for yourself outside the box (SDA)? You cannot keep the Law of Moses and the Law of Christ because if you base you salvation on keeping the Saturday Sabbath Law of Moses then you must keep the whole law of Moses which is impossible because if you break one of the other commandments you are guilty of all. The Pharisees continually accused Jesus of breaking Saturday Sabbath for instance because HE opened the eyes of a blind man on the Sabbath and many many other miracles He did on the Saturday Sabbath and they accused the disciples of Jesus of breaking the Saturday Sabbath because they were walking through a corn field picking corn to eat and Jesus rebuked them (Pharisees) by saying; "I AM the LORD" of the Saturday Sabbath and I CREATED SATURDAY SABBATH for Man, I DID NOT create Man for the Saturday Sabbath. King James Bible Mark 2:27
      Then Jesus declared, "The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. (Apostle Paul) Colossians 2:16 -
      Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holy day, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:
      Keeping Saturday Sabbath cannot save you because that is "Legalism" as taught by the Pharisees and Jesus called them the children of Satan. Only Jesus can save you and fill you with the Holy Spirit and you will be "Born Again" and the Truth in Christ will set you Free not mans truth. James 1:5
      King James Version If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. John 14:26
      But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have told you. "peace"

    • @dit9722
      @dit9722 18 дней назад

      @@yrrj777 Anyone who says there is no one who can Keep the Law of God His 10 Commandments is calling God the God of Abraham ,Isaac and Jacob a liar. For it is written God will have a Remnant who Keeps His Commandments and Have a Testimony of Jesus Christ. Revelations look it up. Do you know what the Testimony of Jesus is?

  • @SamuelHollandsh
    @SamuelHollandsh Год назад +4

    Thank you for sharing, I can't wait for your sermons to air and hope I don't miss any.

    • @jimbob1644
      @jimbob1644 Год назад

      Why is that? he's not going to tell you the truth about who Jesus is!! or any prophecy that would be truth! His Jesus is Michael the archangel! Or the 1844 Jesus created by their false prophet Ellen. That does not forgive sin!..

    • @janicethompson9859
      @janicethompson9859 Год назад

      Do you know that Jehovah God is Jesus father

    • @janicethompson9859
      @janicethompson9859 Год назад

      Samuel you need to read the bible for yourself from Genesis to revelation get to know Jehovah God and his son for yourself jesus is not God but the son of God.john 3vs 16.the most high God is Jehovah read psalms 83vs 18.

    • @janicethompson9859
      @janicethompson9859 Год назад

      Do you know that jesus is the son of Jehovah God almighty the most high psalms 83 vs 18.

    • @jimbob1644
      @jimbob1644 Год назад

      @@janicethompson9859 all you said as long as you have that thinking ..you're never going to be saved!

  • @yjohansaint-john1285
    @yjohansaint-john1285 Год назад +1

    Yes and Amen

  • @PeggyReed-xx8pr
    @PeggyReed-xx8pr Год назад +5

    Amen 🙏🏾

  • @randallsmith7011
    @randallsmith7011 Год назад +3

    "Outnumbered by false prophets". Hmmm. I can relate to that. There are so many 'experts' on what is said in the Bible in my tiny congregation here in Vilcabamba Ecuador, that I cannot keep up with what they are saying. Partially, because they talk behind my back, and partially because they will not listen to what God has shown me.
    I never get nervous or upset with this situation, because I just put that in God's hands.

    • @davidcooper1201
      @davidcooper1201 Год назад +1

      The Adventists claim that the Church changed the Sabbath. At the very least this is a misnomer and at the most it is an outright fabrication of the facts. The Sabbath is the last day of the week, the Lord God rested on the Sabbath after his work of creation. The Church, that is genuine Christians that have believed in Christ as their Lord and Savior and follow him, make up the true Church of God. In time it became customary for Christians of the early Church to meet and worship on Sunday because our Lord was resurrected on the first day of the week and appeared to the disciples on the first day of the week. A careful reading of the book of Acts will validate the fact that though many Christians were worshiping on both Saturday and Sunday that Sunday became the preferred day as it commemorated the day of the resurrection. Christians are recorded in history as meeting on the first day of the week with the greeting, “He is Risen.” Acts 20:7 records the disciples “on the first day of the week we came together to break bread.” It was customary for early Christians to celebrate the resurrection by commemorating it through the Lord’s Supper on each Sunday morning when they met for worship.
      The problem with Adventist is that you are enslaved to the law, you have fallen into the trap of the Judaizers wherein by keeping the law, one will gain approval by God, some in Paul’s day was claiming that for gentiles to be saved they must be circumcised and keep the law of Moses. These Judaizers that kept hounding early Christians as to keeping the Jewish law. Paul calls them “false brothers” “that had infiltrated our ranks to spy on the freedom we have in Christ Jesus and to make us slaves. We did not give in to them for a moment so that the truth of the gospel might remain with you” (Galatians 2:4-5).
      The letter to the Galatian Christians was primarily to counter the twisted gospel of those who are enslaved by the law and believe that keeping the law is essential to salvation. Paul calls you “foolish” as he did the Galatian Christians beginning in chapter three of the letter. His argument is very clear cut, for instance in verse 10 he says, “All who rely on observing the law are under a curse, for it is written: ‘cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law’” (3:10). I often say to Adventists if this is your position then you best start finding out what all 613 laws of the Jews are and get busy keeping them, everyone of them and not just keeping the Sabbath law and the other nine.
      You talk about the “true” gospel, then tell people that keeping the law is part of that gospel, whereas, the New Testament clearly teaches that salvation comes on through faith in Jesus Christ and that faith changes us and creates in mankind a “new heart” in which our love for Jesus Christ motivates us to keep the law and especially, love the brothers.
      “You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature, rather serve one another in love. The entire law is summed up in a single command: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself’” (Galatians 5:13-14).
      I recently heard a message from an Adventist who was speaking about the “true gospel.” I hearing this message, I thought to myself, if the gospel (the good news) is living the way Jesus taught and the disciples being good and keeping the law is the central part of their message, then why was it necessary for Jesus to come at all. John, the baptizer, called people to repentance and the scribes and Pharisees taught the law, so why was there even a need for Jesus? The answer is clear to anyone that has read the whole new testament and understands the promises found in the Old Testament, MAN CANNOT KEEP THE LAW. One must be born again and put one’s faith in the Lord Jesus Christ by whom one is made righteous before God.
      Still not convinced of the fallacy of the Adventists? Carefully and prayerfully read the book of Galatians and see that Paul only knew Christ and Him crucified (for our sins). As to the changing of the Sabbath? No, the Church (true Christians) did not change the Sabbath. The seventh day is still the seventh day and the first day is the first day. As it became customary by the early Christians to meet on “the Day of Resurrection,” the first day of the week, I too, shall worship the Lord on Sunday and I work on Saturday. Why? Because I am not enslaved to the law as is the Adventist. I am free in Jesus Christ, as was Paul the Apostle, glorying in the Resurrected Lord, knowing full well that the law profits one nothing. I challenge you to unshackle yourselves from the bondage of the law and be free, but one can only do this if you truly have accepted Jesus Christ as one’s Lord and Savior. One must be born again!! (John 3:5-7). So, your greeting too should be, “He is risen,”

  • @tasiaflynn3549
    @tasiaflynn3549 Год назад

    13:1 I may be able to speak the languages of human being and even of angels, but if I have no love, my speech is no more than a noisy gong or a clanging bell. I may have the gift of inspired preaching, I may have all knowledge and understand all secrets, I may have all the faith needed to move mountains- but if I have no love this does me no good

  • @eviahgwasira788
    @eviahgwasira788 Год назад +3

    AMEN. Truth only truth

    • @jimbob1644
      @jimbob1644 Год назад

      Not from this guy you won't get truth..

    • @eviahgwasira788
      @eviahgwasira788 Год назад

      @@jimbob1644 what do you mean❓

    • @jimbob1644
      @jimbob1644 Год назад

      @@eviahgwasira788 he doesn't have the true Jesus of the Bible that's what I mean. He believes in, Michael the archangel as Jesus Christ! And he believes in the 1844 Levite Jesus created by Ellen White! There is no such Jesus!!

    • @eviahgwasira788
      @eviahgwasira788 Год назад

      @@jimbob1644 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • @jimbob1644
      @jimbob1644 Год назад

      @@eviahgwasira788 I've got a certain degree in psychology. From people like you. I know why you put up the smiley buttons. It's called insecurity.. I feel sorry for you!

  • @guitarman2669
    @guitarman2669 Год назад +6

    Thoroughly enjoyed this sermon. First real man of God I’ve seen preach for a while .

  • @thisistheway7529
    @thisistheway7529 Год назад

    Truth tellers are lonly ppl without friends

  • @patriciaakinyombo2256
    @patriciaakinyombo2256 Год назад +3

    What do Christians have to do with Easter?

    • @agustinsalcedo643
      @agustinsalcedo643 Год назад

      It originally was supposed to be a celebration of Jesus's resurrection but it turned into a holiday about a bunny.

  • @shamoyashamoya9323
    @shamoyashamoya9323 Год назад +8

    Proverbs 7:2
    “Keep my commandments, and live; and my law as the apple of thine eye.”

    • @philologustate4464
      @philologustate4464 Год назад

      Lots of people read about commandment not realizing that there are old ones that Moses gave and new ones that Jesus gave SDA s talk nice about Jesus but when you talk about meat where Jesus says nothing that you eat can defile the body they are not with him or believe him

    • @davidcooper1201
      @davidcooper1201 Год назад +2

      The Adventists claim that the Church changed the Sabbath. At the very least this is a misnomer and at the most it is an outright fabrication of the facts. The Sabbath is the last day of the week, the Lord God rested on the Sabbath after his work of creation. The Church, that is genuine Christians that have believed in Christ as their Lord and Savior and follow him, make up the true Church of God. In time it became customary for Christians of the early Church to meet and worship on Sunday because our Lord was resurrected on the first day of the week and appeared to the disciples on the first day of the week. A careful reading of the book of Acts will validate the fact that though many Christians were worshiping on both Saturday and Sunday that Sunday became the preferred day as it commemorated the day of the resurrection. Christians are recorded in history as meeting on the first day of the week with the greeting, “He is Risen.” Acts 20:7 records the disciples “on the first day of the week we came together to break bread.” It was customary for early Christians to celebrate the resurrection by commemorating it through the Lord’s Supper on each Sunday morning when they met for worship.
      The problem with Adventist is that you are enslaved to the law, you have fallen into the trap of the Judaizers wherein by keeping the law, one will gain approval by God, some in Paul’s day was claiming that for gentiles to be saved they must be circumcised and keep the law of Moses. These Judaizers that kept hounding early Christians as to keeping the Jewish law. Paul calls them “false brothers” “that had infiltrated our ranks to spy on the freedom we have in Christ Jesus and to make us slaves. We did not give in to them for a moment so that the truth of the gospel might remain with you” (Galatians 2:4-5).
      The letter to the Galatian Christians was primarily to counter the twisted gospel of those who are enslaved by the law and believe that keeping the law is essential to salvation. Paul calls you “foolish” as he did the Galatian Christians beginning in chapter three of the letter. His argument is very clear cut, for instance in verse 10 he says, “All who rely on observing the law are under a curse, for it is written: ‘cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law’” (3:10). I often say to Adventists if this is your position then you best start finding out what all 613 laws of the Jews are and get busy keeping them, everyone of them and not just keeping the Sabbath law and the other nine.
      You talk about the “true” gospel, then tell people that keeping the law is part of that gospel, whereas, the New Testament clearly teaches that salvation comes on through faith in Jesus Christ and that faith changes us and creates in mankind a “new heart” in which our love for Jesus Christ motivates us to keep the law and especially, love the brothers.
      “You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature, rather serve one another in love. The entire law is summed up in a single command: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself’” (Galatians 5:13-14).
      I recently heard a message from an Adventist who was speaking about the “true gospel.” I hearing this message, I thought to myself, if the gospel (the good news) is living the way Jesus taught and the disciples being good and keeping the law is the central part of their message, then why was it necessary for Jesus to come at all. John, the baptizer, called people to repentance and the scribes and Pharisees taught the law, so why was there even a need for Jesus? The answer is clear to anyone that has read the whole new testament and understands the promises found in the Old Testament, MAN CANNOT KEEP THE LAW. One must be born again and put one’s faith in the Lord Jesus Christ by whom one is made righteous before God.
      Still not convinced of the fallacy of the Adventists? Carefully and prayerfully read the book of Galatians and see that Paul only knew Christ and Him crucified (for our sins). As to the changing of the Sabbath? No, the Church (true Christians) did not change the Sabbath. The seventh day is still the seventh day and the first day is the first day. As it became customary by the early Christians to meet on “the Day of Resurrection,” the first day of the week, I too, shall worship the Lord on Sunday and I work on Saturday. Why? Because I am not enslaved to the law as is the Adventist. I am free in Jesus Christ, as was Paul the Apostle, glorying in the Resurrected Lord, knowing full well that the law profits one nothing. I challenge you to unshackle yourselves from the bondage of the law and be free, but one can only do this if you truly have accepted Jesus Christ as one’s Lord and Savior. One must be born again!! (John 3:5-7). So, your greeting too should be, “He is risen,”

  • @salhaddad5
    @salhaddad5 Год назад +3

    Scripture says there is a remnant church. What does that mean? A remnant is the last part left of a belief system or a piece of cloth left at the end/ remaining. Obviously, we are being told that there will be a group of Christians who will be left over from the original and who will be true to the original design. Scripture clearly points to this remnant as a group who keep all the commandments of God and not just a portion.

    • @JamieElison
      @JamieElison Год назад

      The remnant the elector not gentiles they are described in Zechariah chapter 13. In the beginning of Romans chapter 11. and after verse 25. They're not you,!

  • @marysanchez90
    @marysanchez90 Год назад +2

    When I heard Pastor Doug said next week is Easter! Easter? I thought we do observed Passover! Isn't Easter pagan?

  • @cesarrecinos4492
    @cesarrecinos4492 Год назад

    “There is a man” love the emotion behind that scripture; Because some of us are that man, and we could relate. By His Faith, By His Power, By His Righteousness, By Christ!

  • @ellycyr4924
    @ellycyr4924 Год назад +7

    Thanks pastor. Keep us faithful to Jesus till the end.

    • @jimbob1644
      @jimbob1644 Год назад

      Is that the 1844 Jesus of SDA .or Michael the archangel Jesus.. that does not forgive sins?

    • @janicethompson9859
      @janicethompson9859 Год назад

      Hi do you know that Jehovah God is Jesus God and father? Jehovah is most high God over all the earth psalms 83 vs 18.Jesus is not God almighty but the son of God.he will be called mighty God as isaiah state

  • @22leggedsasquatch
    @22leggedsasquatch Год назад +5

    Thus dear pastors, churches and preachers, give up your 501 (c)3 agreements because with them you are nothing more than government agencies.

    • @peterbamford2811
      @peterbamford2811 Год назад +1

      Got it right sold their sold for the almighty dollar!

  • @jshhxo4964
    @jshhxo4964 Год назад +4

    Godbless you Pastor Doug and your ministry. So plain and straightforward in a very gentle utterances.

    • @jimbob1644
      @jimbob1644 Год назад

      I come to you as an angel of light, did he?

  • @mariethanzundamo1423
    @mariethanzundamo1423 Год назад +7

    Amen and amen again 🙏

  • @honnorjustice
    @honnorjustice Год назад +5

    Pastor Doug Batchelor brings the bible to life and a better understanding of truth.

    • @raulguajardo2624
      @raulguajardo2624 Год назад

      Yes he sure does.👍🏼

    • @jimbob1644
      @jimbob1644 Год назад

      I've never heard him preach truth in my life. And I know the truth! This guy will lie to you every time when it comes to prophecy. And he has Michael the archangel as his Jesus. you can't even create this Cult
      without the very first lie, Of his false prophet Ellen. Just subtract 457 from 2300. You can't get to the fall of 1844 from Ezra 7:9. Everything they believe hangs on that lie.. they can't exist!

  • @toddkeeran3479
    @toddkeeran3479 Год назад +1

    We are given two commands love the Lord your God, and your neighbor as yourself. Pray that our flight will not take place in winter or on the sabbath. How dreadful it will be in those days. Ask the Father if his teachings were spoken through Jesus? If anyone chooses to do God’s will. John 7:17 Jesus said not to do your acts of righteousness before men to be seen by men but, to do them before the Father then turn to Jesus, and abide in Him. I am letting you know, no one can come to the Father, but by Jesus, and Jesus said no one can come to me unless the Father enables him. John 6:65 Does this offend you?

    • @davidcooper1201
      @davidcooper1201 Год назад

      No, not offended. The Adventists claim that the Church changed the Sabbath. At the very least this is a misnomer and at the most it is an outright fabrication of the facts. The Sabbath is the last day of the week, the Lord God rested on the Sabbath after his work of creation. The Church, that is genuine Christians that have believed in Christ as their Lord and Savior and follow him, make up the true Church of God. In time it became customary for Christians of the early Church to meet and worship on Sunday because our Lord was resurrected on the first day of the week and appeared to the disciples on the first day of the week. A careful reading of the book of Acts will validate the fact that though many Christians were worshiping on both Saturday and Sunday that Sunday became the preferred day as it commemorated the day of the resurrection. Christians are recorded in history as meeting on the first day of the week with the greeting, “He is Risen.” Acts 20:7 records the disciples “on the first day of the week we came together to break bread.” It was customary for early Christians to celebrate the resurrection by commemorating it through the Lord’s Supper on each Sunday morning when they met for worship.
      The problem with Adventist is that you are enslaved to the law, you have fallen into the trap of the Judaizers wherein by keeping the law, one will gain approval by God, some in Paul’s day was claiming that for gentiles to be saved they must be circumcised and keep the law of Moses. These Judaizers that kept hounding early Christians as to keeping the Jewish law. Paul calls them “false brothers” “that had infiltrated our ranks to spy on the freedom we have in Christ Jesus and to make us slaves. We did not give in to them for a moment so that the truth of the gospel might remain with you” (Galatians 2:4-5).
      The letter to the Galatian Christians was primarily to counter the twisted gospel of those who are enslaved by the law and believe that keeping the law is essential to salvation. Paul calls you “foolish” as he did the Galatian Christians beginning in chapter three of the letter. His argument is very clear cut, for instance in verse 10 he says, “All who rely on observing the law are under a curse, for it is written: ‘cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law’” (3:10). I often say to Adventists if this is your position then you best start finding out what all 613 laws of the Jews are and get busy keeping them, everyone of them and not just keeping the Sabbath law and the other nine.
      You talk about the “true” gospel, then tell people that keeping the law is part of that gospel, whereas, the New Testament clearly teaches that salvation comes on through faith in Jesus Christ and that faith changes us and creates in mankind a “new heart” in which our love for Jesus Christ motivates us to keep the law and especially, love the brothers.
      “You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature, rather serve one another in love. The entire law is summed up in a single command: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself’” (Galatians 5:13-14).
      I recently heard a message from an Adventist who was speaking about the “true gospel.” I hearing this message, I thought to myself, if the gospel (the good news) is living the way Jesus taught and the disciples being good and keeping the law is the central part of their message, then why was it necessary for Jesus to come at all. John, the baptizer, called people to repentance and the scribes and Pharisees taught the law, so why was there even a need for Jesus? The answer is clear to anyone that has read the whole new testament and understands the promises found in the Old Testament, MAN CANNOT KEEP THE LAW. One must be born again and put one’s faith in the Lord Jesus Christ by whom one is made righteous before God.
      Still not convinced of the fallacy of the Adventists? Carefully and prayerfully read the book of Galatians and see that Paul only knew Christ and Him crucified (for our sins). As to the changing of the Sabbath? No, the Church (true Christians) did not change the Sabbath. The seventh day is still the seventh day and the first day is the first day. As it became customary by the early Christians to meet on “the Day of Resurrection,” the first day of the week, I too, shall worship the Lord on Sunday and I work on Saturday. Why? Because I am not enslaved to the law as is the Adventist. I am free in Jesus Christ, as was Paul the Apostle, glorying in the Resurrected Lord, knowing full well that the law profits one nothing. I challenge you to unshackle yourselves from the bondage of the law and be free, but one can only do this if you truly have accepted Jesus Christ as one’s Lord and Savior. One must be born again!! (John 3:5-7). So, your greeting too should be, “He is risen,”

  • @josephkirimi5453
    @josephkirimi5453 Год назад +3

    When the SDA will read and understand the word of God in 2 Corinth.3:7-16, they will get to seek for the spirit of God and get out of the law for the vail still covers their minds. Until they turned to Christ the vail will be removed and see Christ as the sabbath and not Saturday.

    • @josephkirimi5453
      @josephkirimi5453 Год назад

      @Birdlover If you come to accept that our Lord Jesus Christ is the sacred command given to us, then will not be confused by the sabbath. By the knowledge of Jesus Christ you are redeemed from the day. In Jesus you rest. It shows that those who keep insisting on the sabbath have never received the holy Spirit, for they don't know Christ.

    • @josephkirimi5453
      @josephkirimi5453 Год назад

      @Birdlover Understand 2Peter2:20-21

    • @justamessenger4577
      @justamessenger4577 Год назад

      At what point in the Bible did Jesus become the sabbath?

    • @josephkirimi5453
      @josephkirimi5453 Год назад

      @@justamessenger4577 When he said come to me you who labour and I will give you REST. Again he is the holy command according to 2Peter2:21.

    • @justamessenger4577
      @justamessenger4577 Год назад

      I have never understood this position. Perhaps you could break it down for me.
      So was it at that exact moment, at Matthew 11:28, when she said “I will give you rest“ that Jesus replaced the sabbath day? How does that verse mean that? The Bible says nothing about Jesus replacing the sabbath anywhere, I figure there would be more specificity about that. And at that moment, was the sabbath no longer a day of rest?
      You also cited, 2 Peter 2:21. How is Jesus the holy commandment? And how does that verse support Jesus replacing the sabbath day?

  • @carmenzorrilla850
    @carmenzorrilla850 Год назад +6


  • @ralphsio-lv5po
    @ralphsio-lv5po Год назад +3

    I also thought its about from Elijah in 1 Kings 18:16-45.

  • @jahnsendecampos622
    @jahnsendecampos622 Год назад +11

    Glory to the Lord, I've been blessed by this sermon !

    • @davidcooper1201
      @davidcooper1201 Год назад

      You need to read the book of Galatians, then you will understand that 7th Day Adventist doctrine is a curse, not a blessing.

    • @dit9722
      @dit9722 18 дней назад

      @@davidcooper1201 You need to ask for understanding of the full truth and for the veil to be pulled off your eyes

  • @pasaningshen8056
    @pasaningshen8056 Год назад +2

    Prophet elijah has faced this situation Creator was with him in his times of standing

  • @jasontrotter4715
    @jasontrotter4715 Год назад +2

    😃Where???? In the Bible... Does God EVER make explicit teachings, based on the keeping of the
    (((* 4th*))) commandment.?
    Please teach me.

    • @micahrodriguez6419
      @micahrodriguez6419 Год назад +1

      The new covenant changed that.

    • @micahrodriguez6419
      @micahrodriguez6419 Год назад +1

      @Birdlover Read Colossians. When the new covenant started there was a change.

    • @micahrodriguez6419
      @micahrodriguez6419 Год назад +1

      @Birdlover No. Read Colossians 2:16. It says that we are no longer required to celebrate the Sabbath, new moons, etc. The vast majority of people who preach that the Sabbath is mandatory do not care about the new moons. That is inconsistency. If you are going to celebrate the Law given to Moses you have to celebrate all of it. When you read Colossians 2:16 it makes no logical sense to respect the freedom from new moons and then ignore what it says about the Sabbath.

    • @micahrodriguez6419
      @micahrodriguez6419 Год назад +1

      @Birdlover Thank you for your kind words. However, it is clear that calendar based events such as new moons, holy days, and sabbaths (plural, referring to all sabbaths) is being talked about. Galatians 4:10-14 confirms this by condemning the keeping a spiritual calendar, such as new moons, holy days, and sabbaths. Both Galatians and Colossians condemn the use of a calendar for spiritual purposes. As for changes in the law, it is not called a new covenant without reason (Romans 7:4). You cannot put new wine into old wine skins (Matthew 9:17).

    • @micahrodriguez6419
      @micahrodriguez6419 Год назад +1

      @Birdlover Ok, thank you for your advice. I disagree with you, but at least you are civil about it. Refreshing.

  • @timothythomas1626
    @timothythomas1626 2 месяца назад

    What about ENOCH. The book that mentioned by JESUS. GIANTS. THE ANGELICS HAD 4 LIKENESSES. THE FACE OF A MAN AN EGALE A BULL ETC ETC. IT UNLOCKS THE BIBLE UNLIKE ANYTHING. And understanding of why God wiped our whole peoples. As it was a seed war.

  • @pakenhamin
    @pakenhamin Год назад

    You've got your truth, I've got my truth, God's got his truth.
    [Psa 96:13 KJV] 13 Before the LORD: for he cometh, for he cometh to judge the earth: he shall judge the world with righteousness, and the people with his truth.
    Which truth will you be judged by on Judgement Day?

  • @dennishibbard9808
    @dennishibbard9808 Год назад

    Plan of Salvation Since Adam and Eve IS, WAS ? from EVERY TONGUE, TRIBE AND NATIONS, VENUE? from EPHESIANS 2: " Not of YOURSELVES "

  • @JamieElison
    @JamieElison Год назад +1

    The title is fitting for this guy ..SDA has the 1844 Jesus!

  • @davechristensen8299
    @davechristensen8299 Год назад +1

    There is one great dividing line: Which god do you worship? The Roman Catholic Trinity, formulated by Plato? Or the biblical Father, YHVH "Who is One". Mark 12: 28. "Watch out for False Prophets, because even the elect will be deceived". Who do YOU worship, Doug?

    • @stephenroesler4919
      @stephenroesler4919 Год назад

      "I and the Father are one" John 10:30. "Go, therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit". Mat 28:19

    • @davechristensen8299
      @davechristensen8299 Год назад

      @@stephenroesler4919 The Father and I are "ONE" means "IN UNION". It is a different word that the singular number one. Sorry the translation from Greek to English isn't clearer in every Bible. John goes on to say that it is Jesus' desire that we become ONE with him and the Father in the way that Jesus and the Father are ONE. So, the ONENESS with the Father is something Jesus had and Jesus is trying to invite us into the unity.
      The Baptismal Clause was added by Trinitarians long ago. It does not exist in the original scriptures. Every single person was baptized in the New Testament was baptized in the Name of Jesus, not in the Trinity.

    • @stephenroesler4919
      @stephenroesler4919 Год назад +1

      The Greek word translated one in Mark 12:28 is "eis" and it is the number 1. In Greek, Hebrew, and English the number one can be used to indicate union and in this you are correct. The statement "It is different that(?)the singular number one" is not correct. Jesus quotes from the OT here and the original Hebrew reads "The Gods (plural) are one".
      Every single ancient manuscript of the book of Matthew contains the words Father, Son, and Holy Ghost in chapter 28. I have read the arguments that this was added later, but remain unconvinced. It seems incredible to me that there would be a conspiracy to change the wording of the Bible which was 100% successful across multiple different manuscripts from different lands and different sources, and not a single correct copy remains of the original. If one accepts that the Bible has been changed, then why believe in it at all? You believe you know what was the original text of Matthew, but so far as I could find, there is not a single ancient copy that supports your understanding. I'm afraid on this one we will have to agree to disagree. God bless you. Steve

    • @davechristensen8299
      @davechristensen8299 Год назад

      @@stephenroesler4919 I respect that we disagree. I could go on forever giving you quotes why God is One, and you could probably go on forever too. I don't have to believe that Jesus is a Trinity because he never said anything about it. I am comfortable sticking with Jesus' words, and not the theology of Platonic philosophers who created the Trinity in 381 AD. We both love Jesus. That is what matters.

    • @stephenroesler4919
      @stephenroesler4919 Год назад

      On this we can agree. God bless. steve

  • @jash7401
    @jash7401 Год назад

    I don't see any verse in Isaiah where it says We are called sons and daughters of God.
    Jn 1:12 But as many as RECEIVED HIM, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:...
    The angel were called sons of God in the book of Job. Not until Christ were men called sons of God. Don't be deceived. a simple word search will reveal this.
    Mk 12:25 For when they shall rise from the dead, they neither marry, nor are given in marriage; but are as the angels "which are in heaven". Those of Gen 6 were on earth. soon to be confined to Tartarus, the abode of the dead.

  • @belladeann8398
    @belladeann8398 Год назад +1

    APRIL 10, 2023 MONDAY 🌟✝️💫📖🖖🐈

  • @resurrectedinspiredpoetry1374
    @resurrectedinspiredpoetry1374 Год назад +8

    I'm with you Pastor 🙏🏾 LORD help us be faithful 🙏🏾

    • @leleittosang1809
      @leleittosang1809 Год назад

      SDAs need not see outside themselves for false prophecies. Through the sin of certainty and self-proclamation as the remnant, the church is self-deluded. I was a pastor and a teacher in the church for so many years when I acquired every book and article written by EGW and I can assure you that she plagiarized Desire of Ages and Great Controversy. The teaching that Sunday is the mark of the beast is unbiblical, just like the investigative judgment and the doctrine of the sanctuary. Besides, the denomination is citadel of legalism and self-righteousness.

    • @janicethompson9859
      @janicethompson9859 Год назад

      Do you know that Jehovah God is the father of jesus christ Jehovah is the most high over all the earth psalms 83 vs 18.and he sent his son jesus to die for us sinners.john 3 vs 16

  • @peterbamford2811
    @peterbamford2811 Год назад +1

    The sda denomination claim they are the people of the book meaning the bible, but the reality is they have a divided loyalty the bible and the writings of their prophet Ellen harmon white, the bible is used primarily to prove the truth of Ellen harmon whites writings by using texts in or out of context to support her comments not for seeking to know The Christ of the holy scripture, now they have their corrupted version of scripture sold in their sda bookshops
    The Clear word bible which has been described as the most corrupted bible ever published by independent reviewers containing thousands of inserted sda denominational beliefs hardly the clear word bible by any standard when you see this happening in a denomination its time to leave or be subjected to careful brainwashing by believing a corrupted version of scripture parading as truth!!!

  • @valm.2551
    @valm.2551 Год назад +2

    First thing he talks about is easter! That's false! Paganism!

    • @jimbob1644
      @jimbob1644 Год назад

      So is his false prophet Ellen!! this is what he's teaching SDA.!!!!

  • @chipmurray253
    @chipmurray253 Год назад +1

    Praise God!!

  • @morelovetotheeohChrist
    @morelovetotheeohChrist Год назад +1

    Sigh, there is still a man. On earth The Creator God is never in the majority.

  • @peacefulpatriots
    @peacefulpatriots Год назад

    Next week is Easter? Guess I’m on the wrong channel

  • @stevegeorge6131
    @stevegeorge6131 Год назад +1


    • @stevegeorge6131
      @stevegeorge6131 Год назад

      SDA has Jesus NOT finishing his WORK by invoking the Investigative judgement. They say that they are the ONLY true church

    • @stevegeorge6131
      @stevegeorge6131 Год назад

      Their founder was a woman who stole from others peoples writings and, was a false prophet herself.

  • @delbertcook3264
    @delbertcook3264 Год назад

    Fact Check
    KJV Bible
    The World Worships Their Pagan goddess Isthar / Easter Sunday Worship. Do You ?

  • @relaxationsoundsambience2724
    @relaxationsoundsambience2724 Год назад +1

    Amen! Glory to God.

  • @tokkieandrews9988
    @tokkieandrews9988 Год назад +1

    I am sure that has come to pass ,that even the elect will be deceive ,so far what stands out is that a multitude ,or the whole world fell for this covid conspiracy which to me signifies the second beast of Revelations 13:11 the beast that rose from the earth ,it coincides with Revelations 13:11-17.

  • @robtikana6404
    @robtikana6404 Год назад

    I think Doug only referred to easter (Ishtar) as an event in time, not that he supports or denies it's existence. It is not a forbidden word as some seem to imply

  • @elysehanitriniaina1149
    @elysehanitriniaina1149 Год назад +1

    I need a prayer Pastor Dough.spiritual attack.

    • @Annie-me9sk
      @Annie-me9sk Год назад


    • @philologustate4464
      @philologustate4464 Год назад

      Did pastor dug wait on ministry according to the law is a part of the levites tribe

  • @GeorgeMBurr
    @GeorgeMBurr Год назад

    Our 2+2= 4

  • @pascaltembo4945
    @pascaltembo4945 Год назад

    God says Hebrews chapter 11 read till the end

  • @eviahgwasira788
    @eviahgwasira788 Год назад


  • @kiat2712
    @kiat2712 Год назад +1

    I've listened to Pr Doug's sermons in the past and really enjoyed it and this is the first time hearing him in a long while but I can't help but feel something's changed. He mentions along the lines that if ministers were paid by congregation it would affect directly what they could say and they would be less likely to speak truth??? Does this apply to ministers being paid by GC??? Where was the offense to God mentioned in this section??

    • @elisabethbenjamin2203
      @elisabethbenjamin2203 Год назад +1

      Ever heard about TD Jake's and such?

    • @MountCarmel007
      @MountCarmel007 Год назад

      SDA Pastors are not hired by a local church or by the local Board or Elders.

    • @kiat2712
      @kiat2712 Год назад

      I didn't realise TD Jakes was Adventist

    • @kiat2712
      @kiat2712 Год назад +1

      Mount Carmel...read my message again!!! You've missed my point. So whomever is paying the ministers affects what they preach??? So if the GC pays the ministers, are they controlling what they are allowed to say or not say???

    • @ngdavid3925
      @ngdavid3925 Год назад

      The pulpit is controlled. The MINISTRY of the WORD is two fold. There is TEACHING and PREACHING.
      Acts.1:1 What did JESUS do and teach? The Commandments of GOD Mk.12:28-34 ; Matt.28:19-20 ; Jn.12:47-50
      This is the Ministry of Righteousness. Heb.5:12-14 ; 2Cor.9:8-12
      Mk.1:14-15 What did JESUS believe and preach? The Gospel or Testimony of JESUS 2Cor.4:13 ; Lk.24:47-48
      The Testimony of JESUS is the spirit of Prophecy. Rev.19:10
      A false prophet does not confess that JESUS CHRIST came in the flesh. 1Jn.4:1-4 ; 2Jn.7
      This is the Ministry of Reconciliation. 2Cor.5:18-20

  • @mlriecker
    @mlriecker Год назад

    I am an Adventist also, but my local church does not teach like Doug Batchelor

    • @JamieElison
      @JamieElison Год назад

      It doesn't matter his is Jesus Michael the archangel and sda's Jesus is the 1844 Levite Jesus going from the outer Court to the inner Court. ...And destroying what Jesus of Hebrews 7..did on the cross .

  • @morelovetotheeohChrist
    @morelovetotheeohChrist Год назад

    The "lord" is with you! Satan is also lord!

    • @lindaschipansky4429
      @lindaschipansky4429 Год назад

      How can Satan be lord

    • @jimbob1644
      @jimbob1644 Год назад

      @@lindaschipansky4429 well when you call Michael the archangel. And the 1844 Jesus that you got (created by your false prophet.)! You're saying the devil is Lord!

  • @Caroline99777
    @Caroline99777 Год назад

    That is actually not true that those sons of God were humans, how when you can explain verse in Genesis 6:2:…”the sons of God saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and…”. So men are called sons of God and women daughters of humans??? How is that? Aren’t both men and woman the same? Yes, and they are called humans in Old Testament.
    Also again this verse. Genesis 6:4: The Nephilim were on the earth in those days-and also afterward-when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown. How Nephilim or giants can be born from humans? Is it happening nowadays? No. Why? Because normal babies are born from humans as we all know, but then fallen angels and women “made” babies they were giants. And yes, angels can produce offspring as we know in Genesis 3:15: And I will put enmity
    between you and the woman,
    and between your offspring and hers;
    he will crush your head,
    and you will strike his heel.”
    We all know that serpent=devil=fallen angel lucifer, so he will have his offspring as God said.

    • @ngdavid3925
      @ngdavid3925 Год назад

      You are absolutely right. To confine the term, 'the sons of GOD' to mankind only and used that to interpret Gen.6:4-6 was a gross injustice to the Spirit of Truth. The term 'the sons of GOD' was also referred to the angels. Job.1:6 ; 2:1 When we compare Gen.6:4-6 with Jude.6, we are given a better picture that there were some angels that did forsake their own estate and habitation (original body and heavenly body). Moreover the dead spirits that are present in places of wickedness (Prov.9:13-18) are called 'REPHAIM' in Hebrew. 'REPHAIM' is the name of one of the tribes of Giants or Nephilim. Gen.14:5 The bible clearly said that the dead spirits or demons/Rephaim were formed when the Nephilim died in the flood. Job.26:5-6 These demons are wingless unlike the fallen angels.

    • @Caroline99777
      @Caroline99777 Год назад

      @@ngdavid3925 you are right: demons are those dead Nephilim. Very good book for more info: book of Enoch.

    • @salhaddad5
      @salhaddad5 Год назад

      Your (Satan) off spring and hers( the church/Those who follow God).

  • @Niddish
    @Niddish Год назад +2

    "Jesus and the Word are one and the same" that is the truth but most Christians treat the Word like it's just common literature to critique. That's a lack of faith!

    • @yrrj777
      @yrrj777 Год назад

      ATTENTION Doug Batchelor
      Jesus said: I created the sabbath for man: NOT Man for the Sabbath_The Pharisees continually accused Jesus of breaking the Sabbath.
      Doug B.
      and if you keep Saturday Sabbath under the law of Moses then you must keep all the Law of Moses, you cannot have it both ways The Law of Moses and The Law of Grace of Christ Jesus. The Catholic Church did not change the Sabbath to Sunday it was the early followers of Jesus called "The Way" who gathered on the Lords Day which was Sunday because that is when Jesus rose from the dead.
      (Acts 9:2) Then Saul, still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest (2) and asked letters from him to the synagogues of Damascus, so that if he found any who were of the Way, whether men or women, he might bring them bound to Jerusalem.
      (Before Paul's conversion on the road to Damascus)
      (Acts 20:7-8)
      King James Version (After the Apostle Paul's conversion to Christ)
      (7) And upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow; and continued his speech until midnight.
      (8) And there were many lights in the upper chamber, where they were gathered together.
      (Acts 24:14) (The Apostle Paul)
      King James Bible
      But this I confess unto thee, that after the way which they call heresy, so worship I the God of my fathers, believing all things which are written in the law and in the prophets:
      The Bible says it is on the "first day of the week", not "the seventh day of the week" that the disciples came together. No matter how you cut it, this is an assembly on the "Lord's Day" (The "Lord's Day" is the way early Christians referred to Sunday; cf. Revelation 1:10. This was the day Jesus arose from the grave as well as the day upon which the church began).
      King James Bible (Revelation 1:10) Apostle John
      I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet,

    • @davidcooper1201
      @davidcooper1201 Год назад

      @@yrrj777 very good and I would like to add the following: The Adventists claim that the Church changed the Sabbath. At the very least this is a misnomer and at the most it is an outright fabrication of the facts. The Sabbath is the last day of the week, the Lord God rested on the Sabbath after his work of creation. The Church, that is genuine Christians that have believed in Christ as their Lord and Savior and follow him, make up the true Church of God. In time it became customary for Christians of the early Church to meet and worship on Sunday because our Lord was resurrected on the first day of the week and appeared to the disciples on the first day of the week. A careful reading of the book of Acts will validate the fact that though many Christians were worshiping on both Saturday and Sunday that Sunday became the preferred day as it commemorated the day of the resurrection. Christians are recorded in history as meeting on the first day of the week with the greeting, “He is Risen.” Acts 20:7 records the disciples “on the first day of the week we came together to break bread.” It was customary for early Christians to celebrate the resurrection by commemorating it through the Lord’s Supper on each Sunday morning when they met for worship.
      The problem with Adventist is that you are enslaved to the law, you have fallen into the trap of the Judaizers wherein by keeping the law, one will gain approval by God, some in Paul’s day was claiming that for gentiles to be saved they must be circumcised and keep the law of Moses. These Judaizers that kept hounding early Christians as to keeping the Jewish law. Paul calls them “false brothers” “that had infiltrated our ranks to spy on the freedom we have in Christ Jesus and to make us slaves. We did not give in to them for a moment so that the truth of the gospel might remain with you” (Galatians 2:4-5).
      The letter to the Galatian Christians was primarily to counter the twisted gospel of those who are enslaved by the law and believe that keeping the law is essential to salvation. Paul calls you “foolish” as he did the Galatian Christians beginning in chapter three of the letter. His argument is very clear cut, for instance in verse 10 he says, “All who rely on observing the law are under a curse, for it is written: ‘cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law’” (3:10). I often say to Adventists if this is your position then you best start finding out what all 613 laws of the Jews are and get busy keeping them, everyone of them and not just keeping the Sabbath law and the other nine.
      You talk about the “true” gospel, then tell people that keeping the law is part of that gospel, whereas, the New Testament clearly teaches that salvation comes on through faith in Jesus Christ and that faith changes us and creates in mankind a “new heart” in which our love for Jesus Christ motivates us to keep the law and especially, love the brothers.
      “You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature, rather serve one another in love. The entire law is summed up in a single command: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself’” (Galatians 5:13-14).
      I recently heard a message from an Adventist who was speaking about the “true gospel.” I hearing this message, I thought to myself, if the gospel (the good news) is living the way Jesus taught and the disciples being good and keeping the law is the central part of their message, then why was it necessary for Jesus to come at all. John, the baptizer, called people to repentance and the scribes and Pharisees taught the law, so why was there even a need for Jesus? The answer is clear to anyone that has read the whole new testament and understands the promises found in the Old Testament, MAN CANNOT KEEP THE LAW. One must be born again and put one’s faith in the Lord Jesus Christ by whom one is made righteous before God.
      Still not convinced of the fallacy of the Adventists? Carefully and prayerfully read the book of Galatians and see that Paul only knew Christ and Him crucified (for our sins). As to the changing of the Sabbath? No, the Church (true Christians) did not change the Sabbath. The seventh day is still the seventh day and the first day is the first day. As it became customary by the early Christians to meet on “the Day of Resurrection,” the first day of the week, I too, shall worship the Lord on Sunday and I work on Saturday. Why? Because I am not enslaved to the law as is the Adventist. I am free in Jesus Christ, as was Paul the Apostle, glorying in the Resurrected Lord, knowing full well that the law profits one nothing. I challenge you to unshackle yourselves from the bondage of the law and be free, but one can only do this if you truly have accepted Jesus Christ as one’s Lord and Savior. One must be born again!! (John 3:5-7). So, your greeting too should be, “He is risen,”

  • @jualinesadler713
    @jualinesadler713 Год назад

    What is a false prophet how can tell if someone is a false prophet .????

    • @jimbob1644
      @jimbob1644 Год назад

      Just read how SDA got started and you'll see who they are!

  • @Promises101
    @Promises101 Год назад


  • @livingstonesilo9800
    @livingstonesilo9800 Год назад


  • @rogerbegin3477
    @rogerbegin3477 Год назад


  • @auroraaleman5991
    @auroraaleman5991 Год назад

    Please ⛪️ give up 501 c 3 go back to be an original movement in order to be independent from government; the way it was meant to be since SDA pioneers.

  • @lindachancellor7538
    @lindachancellor7538 Год назад

    Truth, unadultersted. Thanks.

  • @strawberry48535
    @strawberry48535 Год назад +2

    I attended an Adventist church for a study on Daniel. It was not disclosed that they were actually Adventists, they were just "using the facility". The study was actually very good, several left when the instructor revealed he was an Adventist. At the end of the study, they tried to get me to join the church, I declined, of course. However, I found this man on television & always enjoyed listening to him & his story of his conversion. I will never join this church though.

    • @KM-te6wu
      @KM-te6wu Год назад

      Why is that?

    • @salhaddad5
      @salhaddad5 Год назад

      Again- why?

    • @strawberry48535
      @strawberry48535 Год назад

      Why what, won't join the church? Too many restrictions! Also, the people lied about who they were. The study followed scripture in my KJ Bible so I stayed for the study.

    • @ronaldmaina3818
      @ronaldmaina3818 Год назад

      ​@@KM-te6wu sda is a cult led by the false prophet Ellen G White

    • @robtikana6404
      @robtikana6404 Год назад

      What do you have against "this church" that you say refuse to join?

  • @ThyWordIsTruthJ17
    @ThyWordIsTruthJ17 Год назад +1

    Doug is too gentle. Joe Crews wasn't overly concerned about stepping on toes. People need to be warned against making life destroying decisions with earnestness.

    • @lindaschipansky4429
      @lindaschipansky4429 Год назад

      Yes That's why I listen to Veith and Martin together and Veith alone and Mark Fox from amazing prophecy. No time to be sugar coating but I have gotten alot from Padtor Doug . But I notice on Pastor Doug's Qand A if u ask him any questions he answers all from Bible no matter what is asked. He answers with truth.

  • @joanwelch857
    @joanwelch857 Год назад


  • @kimbaker7354
    @kimbaker7354 Год назад


    • @jimbob1644
      @jimbob1644 Год назад

      No you need to do is add the truth!! What you will not do!

    • @kimbaker7354
      @kimbaker7354 Год назад

      @@Birdlover355 false

  • @josephkirimi5453
    @josephkirimi5453 Год назад +1

    What makes you believe that SDA is the true church?

    • @morelovetotheeohChrist
      @morelovetotheeohChrist Год назад +5

      That is a good question. You have to come to that truth or lie yourself. By studying your Bible and praying to the Father and asking Him to open your spiritual eyes while you familiarize yourself with the SDA doctrine.

    • @josephkirimi5453
      @josephkirimi5453 Год назад

      @@morelovetotheeohChrist I don't have to come to the church, you need to preach to me first.

    • @caribbeangirl7876
      @caribbeangirl7876 Год назад +3

      Joseph, If I were you and looking for the truth, I would find the church that teaches the whole truth. That means ALL the commandments of God. Revelation 14:12 Not nine because James said that if you miss out on one, you are guilty of ALL. James 2:10 & 11.

    • @jennifertinker985
      @jennifertinker985 Год назад +1

      ​@@josephkirimi5453 I suggest you pray earnestly for the Holy Spirit to open your eyes with eye salve...

    • @josephkirimi5453
      @josephkirimi5453 Год назад +1

      @@jennifertinker985 I pray that receive the truth of God and receive the true spirit of God. You know you can just think you have the holy spirit because you are in SDA and if you are asked of any encounter with him you can't tell. Imagine there's no holy spirit in SDA. What they have is knowledge of books and you can not find God in books.

  • @patriciadeguire1236
    @patriciadeguire1236 Год назад +2

    I agree that reading the Bible "like never before " is critical. So, why there is not more time allowed for lesson study vs 2 hours for preaching, which often is no more than the oration of one’s view?

    • @elisabethbenjamin2203
      @elisabethbenjamin2203 Год назад +2

      3ABN have lesson studies every day.

    • @blondequijote
      @blondequijote Год назад

      Matt 1:4-6 Warns us, "Do not let any “God has a plan” type literature deceive you. G-d only offers The Holy Text as a flyer or social media post to promote the opportunity 4 free education in the magic world to all Muggles who accept the magic sacrifices of the Holy Potter Family. As a demonstration of G-d’s faith in the people of our non-magic world, this gospel will give citations with quotemarks. "
      You have asked a good question and I hope you find the answers in The Holy Text.

    • @ShawnCheriYoung
      @ShawnCheriYoung Год назад

      Perhaps you are being spared from learning the errors that these ministers are propagating;
      KJV Isaiah 1:21-22
      21 How is the faithful city become an harlot! it was full of judgment; righteousness lodged in it; but now murderers.
      22 Thy silver is become dross, thy wine mixed with water:
      The General Conference has been overrun by Jesuits, and their lies are being taught from the pulpit...
      KJV Matthew 24:15-16
      15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)
      16 Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains:
      KJV Mark 13:14
      14 But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not, (let him that readeth understand,) then let them that be in Judaea flee to the mountains:
      KJV Luke 16:15
      15 And he said unto them, Ye are they which justify yourselves before men; but God knoweth your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God.

    • @elisabethbenjamin2203
      @elisabethbenjamin2203 Год назад

      @@blondequijote Huh?

    • @nancybeard812
      @nancybeard812 Год назад

      To hours of preaching?!? We don’t do that at our church. We have as much time for Sabbath School as we do listening to preaching.

  • @janicethompson9859
    @janicethompson9859 Год назад

    Do you know Jehovah God is jesus father and God?

  • @hrk4475
    @hrk4475 Год назад

    SDA, isn't it a mother of false prophets?

  • @leleittosang1809
    @leleittosang1809 Год назад +4

    Adventist Church is founded on false prophecy of William Miller and built on the false doctrines such as investigative judgment. The latter false doctrine says Christ went to heavenly sanctuary when he resurrected and he ministered there until 1844 when he moved from holy place to the holies in the heavenly sanctuary. The falsehood says that right now there is something called investigative judgment when record books are examined to determine if we deserve to inherit the kingdom of God. All these are doctrines of men because in Christ we have been justified. and our salvation is guaranteed by the Holy Spirit who indwells us. He is God's seal on us that we belong to God. Adventist doctrines of the sanctuary and investigative judgment say that investigative judgment which is now ongoing will determine our salvation!!! Now who are the false prophets?

    • @elisabethbenjamin2203
      @elisabethbenjamin2203 Год назад +2


    • @pilgrimhere652
      @pilgrimhere652 Год назад +4

      William Miller was baptist , Ellen white Methodist , and many others christians from different churches and denominations finally understood about the great disappointment and what was the misinterpretation of the 2300 years concerning the Sanctuary which is in Heaven not on earth, And today the 7th Day Adventist Church is visited by Christians from all denominations , They read the Bible, and their testimony is, Sunday keeping is not in the Bible, They read the Bible , From Genesis to Revelation they did not find a Sunday , Sunday Keeping is a catholic commandment and will only find it in Catholics books, in catholic doctrine, The best debate about Sunday keeping you will find it in the house of a catholic priest, bishop, cardinal and even the Pope, They will smile at you and say , Yes , Sunday keeping is catholic because we are above the Bible.

    • @ShawnCheriYoung
      @ShawnCheriYoung Год назад +1

      The Seventh-day Adventist church was not founded on William Miller...William Miller never accepted the Truth...

    • @ShawnCheriYoung
      @ShawnCheriYoung Год назад +1

      @@pilgrimhere652 if you would read what I said you will find out that I said that William Miller was NOT a Pioneer of the Seventh-day Adventist church...
      I have known this for almost 60 years...I was born and raised Seventh-day Adventist; I own, and have studied for almost 60 years, the original Writings (there is not much you can tell me about the church or its Founders that I do not already know); I am related to some of the Founders of the Seventh-day Adventist church...

    • @ShawnCheriYoung
      @ShawnCheriYoung Год назад

      @@pilgrimhere652 and furthermore; I said that William Miller never accepted the Truth...he was a sun-day worshipper and never accepted the Seventh-day Sabbath...

  • @xyz8989.
    @xyz8989. 7 месяцев назад

    "Outnumbered by false prophets" but there is no way Ellen White could be a false prophet lol

  • @marvinjohnson5964
    @marvinjohnson5964 Год назад

    Plaster Doug if you're not teaching the people of your church who the real children of Israel is witch are the blacks Hispanic and native American Indians you're not teaching the truth and that's a fact