Gul'dan is my most hatable character in the Warcraft universe... and seeing him being humiliated and torn to shreds in his death was pure satisfaction... the Lorecraft Designs team did justice to his end
@@maksymilianziele28 You speak about alternate Guldan.... True Guldan was respected Shaman and apreantice of Nerhzul. He fall to SArgeras power much later.
Right?! And Zuluhad is such a Chad! Seriously, The Chronicles of the Second War campaign and Warcraft Re-Reforged Campaigns are the main reasons I am buying Warcraft Reforged. Blizzard owes these fans big time for all they've done!
I think it greatly disturbs anyone going into Sargeras Tomb, not to mention the infrastructure is clearly made by an unknown elven civilisation. The most terrifying part is the reminder that the Night Elven Queen Ashazra is more menacing than the Arch Pitlord Mannorath himself.
Azshara had so much potential to be one of the best villains in WoW. She has been foreshadowed and hyped since Warcraft 3 and the novels stated her powers were comparable to Archimonde and Kil’Jaden. Afterwards, she got another buff and was a known overarching villain since Cataclysm. Then in BFA she got one patch and her master died in another. It’s ridiculous. She should have an expansion of her own.
@@kiennguyentrong1897 I believe when we ALL played the Frozen Throne for the first time we can clearly start to get startled about the island Maieve has arrived on since Warcraft 2 Gul'dans demise. In most conquered worlds by the Dark Legion we assume its founders Tomb should at least be built by Demonic hands, yet here we witness is the Night Elf Highbourne who get to do the Honors. Such feature suggests Azshara's authority clearly out strips the Legion except on equal ground with Kil'Jaeden and Archimonde. I do hope Chris Metzen eventually plans for the Warcraft RTS instead of WoW since they have been uncreatively expanding the lore.
The orcs Doomhammer sent didn't enter the tomb. Their intention at one point was, but when demons started flooding out of it they decided Gul'dan was dead already and left. This mission looks like it'll be a fine homage to the TFT version. The runes are written in blood, by the way. Or at least their original design in WC3 implied they were. I like how the fanatics hint at the battle between the Void and Legion, even though that was a later invention. The Faldorei - Blizzard's attempt at the Drow. Beats me how they survived in a sunken ruin, but hey. Again, these were a later invention. The Eye of Sargeras would later be used by Illidan to attack the Lich King. It's cool to see so many of the demons added in WoW realized in this game. The Guardian mentioned here is Aegwyn. Interesting use of her staff here, I swear it was part of some WoW loot table too. That demon's line is in the original expansion as well. It always amused me to hear the voice actor for Cairne saying that line. It's interesting how far Gul'dan got in this. In the original and novel, he didn't get half as far. In The Last Guardian, a vision of a conversation between Gul'dan and Medivh has Sargeras reveal himself. Gul'dan was much more brazen in TFT, openly mocking Sargeras. Until the very end, when he, dying from his wounds, despite his testament to being darkness incarnate, is torn apart by demons. In the novel, his final thought was "I have been a fool." The demons would take his skull as a trophy, interesting how they have Zuluhead claim it here. Even has a frantic solo escape. Again, a great homage to the original. Hmm, yes, I remember now, it ended up in the hands of this Sharpfang character, but he wasn't a death knight to the best of my knowledge, just an orc chieftain who was going mad due to Gul'dan's skull whispering to him.
I like how they incorporated WoW: Legion aesthetic like the elven architecture and the Avatar's design and Aegwyn's staff Aluneth. Also loving the fact that the Avatar is missing an eye because it is displayed in front of it. Guldan's model is a mixture of Warlords of Draenor lore and the Warcraft movie too. Escape was awesome.
Not sure what you mean regarding the demons taking his skull as a trophy. In WC2, his skull shows up on Draenor owned by the Bonechewer Clan in Beyond the Dark Portal, which is also consistent in the novelization. That would imply the orcs had to go into the tomb at some point to take his skull, and from there it made its way to Azeroth and was taken through the Dark Portal. According to novels, his Skull and the Book of Medivh were both claimed by Khadgar and sent through the Dark Portal, where they ended up in Dalaran. In WC3 the book of Medivh was claimed by Arthas and Kel'thuzad in Dalaran, while Chronicle claimed that Tichondrius stole the Skull at the same time.
@@Althandan It's depressing that inaddition to having a weird title like "The Whacked", Zuluhed ultimately embraced the Chaotic magics of Fel, cause Zuluhed is so awesome!
Damn these one hella a dungeon map a lot better than the old one. It gives it more ireness and horror, the music and everything pinch darkness that you have no idea what's behind the next corner
Gul'dan's death and the reveal of the Avatar of Sargeras were done *perfectly* Its a fittingly gruesome end for one of the most selfish and blatantly evil characters in Warcraft.
If you think about it, this whole time sargeras set him up. He possessed medivh and then told him to find the timb and when he did...well lets say he bacame a full course menu for the demons.
So did Sargeras sabotage himself on purpose? The plan was for Horde to defeat the Alliance, but now it wasn't possible. Why bother with sending visions, then?
@@masterexploder9668 As Sargeras and even Kil'jaeden said, Gul'dan failed in the invasion, Sargeras and Kil'jaeden preferred that Gul'dan and the horde completely destroy the alliance since Gul'dan's betrayal of the horde for seeking the tomb of sargeras causes the defeat of the horde in the second war
Basically canon-wise the Horde has lost the second war because of Gul'dan. Due to his betrayal the Trolls became less trustworthy of Orcs, and have been alienated from them to a degree. Indirectly, the elves of Qual'Thalas became resentful of humans due to the situation caused by Gul'dan' s havoc and treachery and ensuing battle in Zul'Aman. To make it worse, as a result, the Horde had to flee back to Draenor, where an Orc shaman called Ner'Zhul wanted to escape, therefore it has become a hellhole due to dimensional portals ripping the land to shreds, causing further damage to both Orcs and humans. Gul'dan totally deserves that his soul is being tortured in the Twisting Nether and he is used from time to time as a puppet.
Millennia-old demons, many of which have existed before Azeroth itself. Lost to an old man who uses his principal ability of changing into his ethereal fursona at will.
I pre-ordered Reforged the moment it was announced. Disappointed, I stopped playing after a day. Now, THIS is a reason to play for real, I'm actually going to right now! I had CHILLS watching this epic cinema, Bravo!
The most hatable character in Warcraft franchise deserves the most unwelcome end for him. And not just because he was evil, but because how many moments he had wasted to give up his treacherous and selfish nature. Imagine if the moment of his end was done in cinematic movie, like trailers to WoW, with no restrictions or censorship during his gruesome demise at the hands of crazed and very bloodthirsty demons.
It would've been effortless for Gul'dan to save Utok Scratcher, who would've gave a few good words about him to Doomhammer, even though he does not comprehend being a bit altruistic, he could've just attempted to lie to Zul'jin to cause a rift to form between the Trolls and Horde, but he got too cocky. Gul'dan was ruthless, but not practical like Doomhammer. Or wise like Zuluhed.
Another great reuse of The Frozen Throne map, but with entirely different vibes from Legion. This Temple of Elune is awesome, dark and mysterious, as it should be. And Gul'dan's death scene is a true piece of drama. I even felt a bit pity about the warlock. Poor life, full of hatred and fruitless pursuit of power.
it was so sad and cruel learning of it even turned the alternate universe Gul'dan of WoW blindy loyal to the Legion, after he saw what happened to the other himself that betrayed his masters
@@PedroSantos-ub1sz The mod makers loved them for some reasons. Rend is the most recurring hero in the missions and they even choose the retconned lore about him being the recruiter of the trolls into the Horde. I suppose being WC2 entusiasts they loved Rend's Dark Horde in WoW too.
It is a truly fitting end for Gul'dan. His lust for power and treacherous nature extended to even defying the Legion itself. It was a little confusing when I first learned about how Gul'dan died in TFT, since he was killed by the Legion while trying to get a Legion artifact, but the easiest answer (which is hinted at here) is that he was derailing the invasion (the Legion's plan) for his own selfish goals. When he wanted power for himself (not for the sake of the Legion, but for his own twisted ends), he was no longer a servant of the Legion, and was done in by the very powers that he had used so brazenly before.
In the Warcraft 3 The Frozen Throne : I played warcraft3 and survived in the last minute WarCraft 2 Tides of Darkness (LoreDesign) : It's not Warcraft 3, it's Diablo and more frightful than Diablo
The parts where Sargeras started summoning those hallucinations against Gul’dan is chilling. Especially the part where he mocks Gul’dan’s weakness, as seen in his backstory.
I've always wondered how the Horde got the Skull of Gul'dan. Thanks to this amazing, I've got the answer. 😅And Gul'dan really deserved that dreadful dead and suffering.
This campaign made me wish that they created a MMO set in the period before World of Warcraft. No furries. No scalies. No rainbow-haired gnomes. Just orcs and humans, trolls and high elves, living in the moment.
By the mighty Doomhammer This Chapter is pure art and lore justice I really wish the game to have camera mode for take a photo of the map in Tide of Darkness.
12:17 Aegwynn was tricked by Sargeras who had infused a part of his being into her womb and possessed her son Medivh before the Last Guardian was even born.
This entire Custom Campaign series and everything about it is literally the best thing to come out of the Reforged mess. When the community and creators back at Hive Workshop are so much better at handling Warcraft than the money-hungry morons back at Activision-Blizzard. More custom campaigns should hopefully be done in a similar fashion and passion as this exact one, which I believe is the "Re-Reforged Custom Campaign" style if I'm not mistaken. This looks so awesome. The entirety of Warcraft I and II, Reign of Chaos and Frozen Throne, and even WoW story quests and expansions turned into WC3 RTS-style missions, should be rebooted and "re-reforged" in a similar style as this campaign.
Gul'dan in any other situation: "I AM DARKNESS INCARNATE! EVERYTHING SHALL BOW TO ME!' Gul'dan right before he became a dog food: 'No I be you to spare me! Please, I beg the way you like, master! I don't wanna die!' *Pissing his robes* "Darkness Incarnate" my ass
For me it's one of the best Mission of CSW. And the best lore mission they created. The best mission imo is the siege of Stratholme, second is Zul'Aman battle, third is this mission (Tomb of Sargeras).
And to be honest, the cutscene of Gul'dan and the Avatar make me so happy, clearly, when you know how important is this moment in History of Warcraft, so well recreated, Gul'dan rekt, body and mind, is the reason how everyone enjoy the death of "Darkness Incarnates"
This old orc blinks more than Maiev or Tracer as he runs. Trolls more than blade master clones. Never catch unless stunned like crazy. He could just give the skull to Rend or Maim, grab the Eye and blink away from that Avatar?
Now this mission makes me wonder how illidan claim the eye easily. Do sargeras just let him grab it because of kil’jaden or illidan and the nagas were just too strong.
The Horde campaign ending isnt canon. In the BTDP Orc campaign, the skull it's still in the tomb and it's the objective of one of the quests of Gorefiend and the Shadowmoon clan to recover it because Ner'Zhul needs it. Then the demons took it from Ner'Zhul after they captured the orc.
@@TheUrobolos That isn't quite right. The ToD Horde campaign is canon up to and including Gul'dan's betrayal. Because of it, the Horde fails the next chapters of the campaign, leading to the Alliance victory. In BTDP, Teron goes to the tomb for the Scepter of Sargeras. They find the Skull much earlier, on Draenor. In the canon, a Stormreaver warlock took it from the tomb then after it was stolen a bunch of times on Draenor it got to the Bonechewer chieftain that got killed by Grom. Eventually Khadgar got it to close the Dark Portal and as the portal closed, a Gryphon Rider took it through the portal and to Dalaran. When Archimonde destroyed Dalaran, he took the Skull and used it to corrupt Fellwood. CSW is trying to be as canon as possible, so they made a few changes. Chapters 13 and 14 were originally the destruction of Dalaran and Lordaeron, but because of Gul'Dan's betrayal they never happen. They replaced Chapter 13 with this mission, which leads me to believe that chapter 14 would be an attack on either Dalaran or Lordaeron in which the Horde is defeated
How Sargeras Eye placed look like Sauron Eye Tower. The illusion Guldan faced might be The Eye attempt to distract Guldan long enough or Aegwyn's last wall to deny anyone who try to take it.
I’m pretty positive we will get this same map but slightly altered since a significant amount of time passes from wc2 to Maeiv pursuing Illidan. InsaneMonster has had some help from the developers of CSW and Vice a versa so no doubt once he gets to that point in Re-Reforging the campaign we will get to see the Broken Isles once again in a more proper lore setting as we see in this campaign instead of the basic jungle in WC3. It’s going to be awhile though, it’s just one guy with a little help from others.
Oh that was absolutely incredible. Amount of work put into the campaign dwarfs any of blizz recent projects. One question, since I've not watched other chapters. Were there Teron Gorefiend as a playable hero in any chapter?
How come they only used fel guards as his part being torn to shreds? They should have used an army of those multiple tomb guardians they fought in the mission. As they look like monsters that would made the job more satisfying. But it's great to see Sargeras as this looks way better than WOW's....The whole reforged units and custom fighting everything should have been done by this team! Even the pitlord looked amazing!
hey man can you please chill with the camera angle transitions every second? not hating ive always loved your content just please chill with the camera
How come no one has uploaded the Siege of Dalaran and the Fall of Lordaeron yet? are these missions being timelocked or are they not included in the mod yet? Also a shame Guldan somehow always dies in the story despite being the most powerful Warlock in the game. Very idiotic of the writers.
@@ExecutorNral I meant that he didnt needed to betray the Horde, he could just waited till the War is won and then go to the Tomb. Then noone would come after him and he had more time to get his Power to Dominate the World= Happy End for Gul´dan.
It's incredible how a community has done more than a multi-million dollar company, the possibilities it had reforged...
I cannot believe this campaign flesh out these characters more than Blizzard did.
Love how this plays out just like Maiev's incursion into the tomb of sargeras, also seeking a traitor's head
the irony!
@@schatzkammereinthat’s not irony. It’s poetic or fitting.
Illidan is no traitor.
@@waiyanlinn5529in truth, it was him who was betrayed
Zul'jin's curse on Gul'dan worked perfectly.
Damn right he is.
Karma in Its Fullest !!
as perfectly as your sound card
its hard to get patch 1.36 i really wish can play this campaign badly
Gul'dan is my most hatable character in the Warcraft universe... and seeing him being humiliated and torn to shreds in his death was pure satisfaction... the Lorecraft Designs team did justice to his end
His story started badly (an outcast in a small clan), but on his own accord it ended badly.
@@maksymilianziele28 You speak about alternate Guldan.... True Guldan was respected Shaman and apreantice of Nerhzul. He fall to SArgeras power much later.
@@joew9690 Aren't original and alternate Gul'dan's backstories now one and same to the moment of killing everyone in his former home?
He but he is a super villan…
@@joew9690 in Chronicles, the original Gul'dan started just like the alternate one.
12:56 A Pit Lord with the most pleasant demeanor and voice for his kind, despite being a crazed demon, imprisoned in the tomb for quite a time.
It's crazy how I grew to love Rend and Maim throughout the campaign.
Right?! And Zuluhad is such a Chad! Seriously, The Chronicles of the Second War campaign and Warcraft Re-Reforged Campaigns are the main reasons I am buying Warcraft Reforged. Blizzard owes these fans big time for all they've done!
This was honestly amazing, felt like Dungeons and Dragons session.
Gul'Dan (While being drown in the wave of demonic goggos): "What did i do to deserve this? I mean, what exactly?!?"
I think it greatly disturbs anyone going into Sargeras Tomb, not to mention the infrastructure is clearly made by an unknown elven civilisation.
The most terrifying part is the reminder that the Night Elven Queen Ashazra is more menacing than the Arch Pitlord Mannorath himself.
Azshara had so much potential to be one of the best villains in WoW. She has been foreshadowed and hyped since Warcraft 3 and the novels stated her powers were comparable to Archimonde and Kil’Jaden. Afterwards, she got another buff and was a known overarching villain since Cataclysm. Then in BFA she got one patch and her master died in another. It’s ridiculous. She should have an expansion of her own.
@@kiennguyentrong1897 I believe when we ALL played the Frozen Throne for the first time we can clearly start to get startled about the island Maieve has arrived on since Warcraft 2 Gul'dans demise.
In most conquered worlds by the Dark Legion we assume its founders Tomb should at least be built by Demonic hands, yet here we witness is the Night Elf Highbourne who get to do the Honors. Such feature suggests Azshara's authority clearly out strips the Legion except on equal ground with Kil'Jaeden and Archimonde.
I do hope Chris Metzen eventually plans for the Warcraft RTS instead of WoW since they have been uncreatively expanding the lore.
The orcs Doomhammer sent didn't enter the tomb. Their intention at one point was, but when demons started flooding out of it they decided Gul'dan was dead already and left.
This mission looks like it'll be a fine homage to the TFT version.
The runes are written in blood, by the way. Or at least their original design in WC3 implied they were.
I like how the fanatics hint at the battle between the Void and Legion, even though that was a later invention.
The Faldorei - Blizzard's attempt at the Drow. Beats me how they survived in a sunken ruin, but hey. Again, these were a later invention.
The Eye of Sargeras would later be used by Illidan to attack the Lich King.
It's cool to see so many of the demons added in WoW realized in this game.
The Guardian mentioned here is Aegwyn. Interesting use of her staff here, I swear it was part of some WoW loot table too.
That demon's line is in the original expansion as well. It always amused me to hear the voice actor for Cairne saying that line.
It's interesting how far Gul'dan got in this. In the original and novel, he didn't get half as far.
In The Last Guardian, a vision of a conversation between Gul'dan and Medivh has Sargeras reveal himself.
Gul'dan was much more brazen in TFT, openly mocking Sargeras. Until the very end, when he, dying from his wounds, despite his testament to being darkness incarnate, is torn apart by demons. In the novel, his final thought was "I have been a fool."
The demons would take his skull as a trophy, interesting how they have Zuluhead claim it here.
Even has a frantic solo escape. Again, a great homage to the original.
Hmm, yes, I remember now, it ended up in the hands of this Sharpfang character, but he wasn't a death knight to the best of my knowledge, just an orc chieftain who was going mad due to Gul'dan's skull whispering to him.
I like how they incorporated WoW: Legion aesthetic like the elven architecture and the Avatar's design and Aegwyn's staff Aluneth. Also loving the fact that the Avatar is missing an eye because it is displayed in front of it. Guldan's model is a mixture of Warlords of Draenor lore and the Warcraft movie too. Escape was awesome.
Not sure what you mean regarding the demons taking his skull as a trophy.
In WC2, his skull shows up on Draenor owned by the Bonechewer Clan in Beyond the Dark Portal, which is also consistent in the novelization. That would imply the orcs had to go into the tomb at some point to take his skull, and from there it made its way to Azeroth and was taken through the Dark Portal.
According to novels, his Skull and the Book of Medivh were both claimed by Khadgar and sent through the Dark Portal, where they ended up in Dalaran.
In WC3 the book of Medivh was claimed by Arthas and Kel'thuzad in Dalaran, while Chronicle claimed that Tichondrius stole the Skull at the same time.
@@AmericanZergling Aye, tried to correct myself right at the end there. But I think my memory of the character in that arena as well is flawed.
@@06burhan the Avatar from Legion also had a scar on his face, but both eyes were glowing - perhaps the eye sockets were burning with Fel.
The staff was a Mage artifact weapon in Legion.
Gul'dan: "Yup that's me. You're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation."
Looks like Zuluhed is a true gigachad of the Horde
Too bad we had to kill him in TBC
He turns into a Warlock eventually.
@@Althandan It's depressing that inaddition to having a weird title like "The Whacked", Zuluhed ultimately embraced the Chaotic magics of Fel, cause Zuluhed is so awesome!
Damn these one hella a dungeon map a lot better than the old one. It gives it more ireness and horror, the music and everything pinch darkness that you have no idea what's behind the next corner
Zul'jin's curse on Gul'dan worked! Finally! He got what he deserved!
That Rakmar Sharpfang model is utterly magnificent! I really hope it becomes available on HIVE.
Despite everything, I am so, so glad that fans are able to use Warcraft III: Reforged and create such great stuff!
That Zuluhed part reminds me Maiev escaping from ruin’s collapse.
What a beautiful map, a lot of Diablo vibe
This reminds me of Diablo game where heroes explore the underground dungeon and encounter many horrors to fight and survive.
Gul'dan's death and the reveal of the Avatar of Sargeras were done *perfectly*
Its a fittingly gruesome end for one of the most selfish and blatantly evil characters in Warcraft.
If you think about it, this whole time sargeras set him up. He possessed medivh and then told him to find the timb and when he did...well lets say he bacame a full course menu for the demons.
So did Sargeras sabotage himself on purpose? The plan was for Horde to defeat the Alliance, but now it wasn't possible.
Why bother with sending visions, then?
@@masterexploder9668 probably just wanted guldan to open the tomb and that was about it
@@masterexploder9668 As Sargeras and even Kil'jaeden said, Gul'dan failed in the invasion, Sargeras and Kil'jaeden preferred that Gul'dan and the horde completely destroy the alliance since Gul'dan's betrayal of the horde for seeking the tomb of sargeras causes the defeat of the horde in the second war
@@VChong1991 Either that, or it was also a test for Gul'dan's loyalty, which he obviously failed.
Basically canon-wise the Horde has lost the second war because of Gul'dan.
Due to his betrayal the Trolls became less trustworthy of Orcs, and have been alienated from them to a degree.
Indirectly, the elves of Qual'Thalas became resentful of humans due to the situation caused by Gul'dan' s havoc and treachery and ensuing battle in Zul'Aman.
To make it worse, as a result, the Horde had to flee back to Draenor, where an Orc shaman called Ner'Zhul wanted to escape, therefore it has become a hellhole due to dimensional portals ripping the land to shreds, causing further damage to both Orcs and humans.
Gul'dan totally deserves that his soul is being tortured in the Twisting Nether and he is used from time to time as a puppet.
I think his soul was consumed. A remnant of it remained in the Skull of Gul’dan but it eventually got absorbed by Illidan.
Millennia-old demons, many of which have existed before Azeroth itself.
Lost to an old man who uses his principal ability of changing into his ethereal fursona at will.
This is so masterfully done. The quality is fantastic.
Eaten by Zerglings. Just like Lester and Sarge
Lester and Sarge didn't deserve it but Gul'dan did... lol!
I pre-ordered Reforged the moment it was announced. Disappointed, I stopped playing after a day. Now, THIS is a reason to play for real, I'm actually going to right now! I had CHILLS watching this epic cinema, Bravo!
The most hatable character in Warcraft franchise deserves the most unwelcome end for him. And not just because he was evil, but because how many moments he had wasted to give up his treacherous and selfish nature.
Imagine if the moment of his end was done in cinematic movie, like trailers to WoW, with no restrictions or censorship during his gruesome demise at the hands of crazed and very bloodthirsty demons.
I agree, he had many opportunities to make other choices but didn't use or even consider them at all.
It would've been effortless for Gul'dan to save Utok Scratcher, who would've gave a few good words about him to Doomhammer, even though he does not comprehend being a bit altruistic, he could've just attempted to lie to Zul'jin to cause a rift to form between the Trolls and Horde, but he got too cocky. Gul'dan was ruthless, but not practical like Doomhammer. Or wise like Zuluhed.
Another great reuse of The Frozen Throne map, but with entirely different vibes from Legion. This Temple of Elune is awesome, dark and mysterious, as it should be. And Gul'dan's death scene is a true piece of drama. I even felt a bit pity about the warlock. Poor life, full of hatred and fruitless pursuit of power.
it was so sad and cruel learning of it even turned the alternate universe Gul'dan of WoW blindy loyal to the Legion, after he saw what happened to the other himself that betrayed his masters
I dont know why but i liked the blackhand brothers. They made them full of personality and some humor
@@PedroSantos-ub1sz The mod makers loved them for some reasons. Rend is the most recurring hero in the missions and they even choose the retconned lore about him being the recruiter of the trolls into the Horde. I suppose being WC2 entusiasts they loved Rend's Dark Horde in WoW too.
It is a truly fitting end for Gul'dan. His lust for power and treacherous nature extended to even defying the Legion itself. It was a little confusing when I first learned about how Gul'dan died in TFT, since he was killed by the Legion while trying to get a Legion artifact, but the easiest answer (which is hinted at here) is that he was derailing the invasion (the Legion's plan) for his own selfish goals. When he wanted power for himself (not for the sake of the Legion, but for his own twisted ends), he was no longer a servant of the Legion, and was done in by the very powers that he had used so brazenly before.
In the Warcraft 3 The Frozen Throne : I played warcraft3 and survived in the last minute
WarCraft 2 Tides of Darkness (LoreDesign) : It's not Warcraft 3, it's Diablo and more frightful than Diablo
The parts where Sargeras started summoning those hallucinations against Gul’dan is chilling. Especially the part where he mocks Gul’dan’s weakness, as seen in his backstory.
This level is truly horrifying
I've always wondered how the Horde got the Skull of Gul'dan. Thanks to this amazing, I've got the answer. 😅And Gul'dan really deserved that dreadful dead and suffering.
This campaign made me wish that they created a MMO set in the period before World of Warcraft. No furries. No scalies. No rainbow-haired gnomes. Just orcs and humans, trolls and high elves, living in the moment.
That would've been a great idea a decade ago
But now blizzard is dead, maybe one day modders can make a private server just like that
how tf is this better then normal wc3 blizzard cant keep up with good games really i enjoyed this its so well done
20:00 I never imagined how scary this would be when we played as Maiev. I love the dark settings covering the place. Also, Spoilers
R.I.P Naisha
0:50 Highborne Azhara before she was turned into the Ursula-like queen of the Naga.
Been waiting for this!!
Focus on the Legion vs Void lore that I hate aside, I love this.
13:50 Gul'dan Finds **Eye of Sargeras**
By the mighty Doomhammer
This Chapter is pure art and lore justice I really wish the game to have camera mode for take a photo of the map in Tide of Darkness.
12:17 Aegwynn was tricked by Sargeras who had infused a part of his being into her womb and possessed her son Medivh before the Last Guardian was even born.
This entire Custom Campaign series and everything about it is literally the best thing to come out of the Reforged mess. When the community and creators back at Hive Workshop are so much better at handling Warcraft than the money-hungry morons back at Activision-Blizzard. More custom campaigns should hopefully be done in a similar fashion and passion as this exact one, which I believe is the "Re-Reforged Custom Campaign" style if I'm not mistaken. This looks so awesome. The entirety of Warcraft I and II, Reign of Chaos and Frozen Throne, and even WoW story quests and expansions turned into WC3 RTS-style missions, should be rebooted and "re-reforged" in a similar style as this campaign.
7:09 Drider Queen
9:18 Beholder
Lorecraft is obviously a fan of DnD
These creatures have already existed in the WoW lore.
Wow this is like a reimagination of the wc2 mission it's so much better!
21:20 Rakmar Sharpfang, former necrolyte of Gul'dan
"I... present my soul to the dark masters."
"Then better hope they are going to appreciate it, traitor."
Orcish Prequel to Maiev’s Mission *_The Tomb of Sargeras_* (WC3 NightElf)
Indeed, but there's actually one more sequel if memory serves: When Shadowmoon and Warsong orcs seek out Jeweled Scepter of Sargeras.
Gul'dan in any other situation: "I AM DARKNESS INCARNATE! EVERYTHING SHALL BOW TO ME!'
Gul'dan right before he became a dog food: 'No I be you to spare me! Please, I beg the way you like, master! I don't wanna die!' *Pissing his robes*
"Darkness Incarnate" my ass
Run? Ha. You are right, human. There is nowhere to run from my master. Now, witness the true might of Lord Sargeras!
This was epic!
Tomb of Sargeras was hella spooky, befitting
For me it's one of the best Mission of CSW. And the best lore mission they created.
The best mission imo is the siege of Stratholme, second is Zul'Aman battle, third is this mission (Tomb of Sargeras).
And to be honest, the cutscene of Gul'dan and the Avatar make me so happy, clearly, when you know how important is this moment in History of Warcraft, so well recreated, Gul'dan rekt, body and mind, is the reason how everyone enjoy the death of "Darkness Incarnates"
Sharpfang at the end looks like he's carrying the Scepter of Sargeras. We know its in the tomb during the wc2 expansion, such a cool detail.
This is literally like one of your race swap videos. Maiev was a dude all along. A green one no less!
This old orc blinks more than Maiev or Tracer as he runs. Trolls more than blade master clones. Never catch unless stunned like crazy. He could just give the skull to Rend or Maim, grab the Eye and blink away from that Avatar?
Before Maiev and the Watchers, there were Zuluhed and the Blackhand Brothers entered the Tomb of Sargeras.
It is so fine that you won't believe some hadful of people developed this not a company with loads of money and great people working for them
Now this mission makes me wonder how illidan claim the eye easily. Do sargeras just let him grab it because of kil’jaden or illidan and the nagas were just too strong.
The horde now have Gul dan's head but the question is how did it end up in the burning legion since they used it to corrupt felwood in kalimdor
This campaing isnt cannon
The Horde campaign ending isnt canon. In the BTDP Orc campaign, the skull it's still in the tomb and it's the objective of one of the quests of Gorefiend and the Shadowmoon clan to recover it because Ner'Zhul needs it. Then the demons took it from Ner'Zhul after they captured the orc.
@@TheUrobolos That isn't quite right. The ToD Horde campaign is canon up to and including Gul'dan's betrayal. Because of it, the Horde fails the next chapters of the campaign, leading to the Alliance victory.
In BTDP, Teron goes to the tomb for the Scepter of Sargeras. They find the Skull much earlier, on Draenor. In the canon, a Stormreaver warlock took it from the tomb then after it was stolen a bunch of times on Draenor it got to the Bonechewer chieftain that got killed by Grom. Eventually Khadgar got it to close the Dark Portal and as the portal closed, a Gryphon Rider took it through the portal and to Dalaran. When Archimonde destroyed Dalaran, he took the Skull and used it to corrupt Fellwood.
CSW is trying to be as canon as possible, so they made a few changes. Chapters 13 and 14 were originally the destruction of Dalaran and Lordaeron, but because of Gul'Dan's betrayal they never happen. They replaced Chapter 13 with this mission, which leads me to believe that chapter 14 would be an attack on either Dalaran or Lordaeron in which the Horde is defeated
@@xetanth87 You are right, i didnt remembered well the lore. Thanks for correcting me.
@joaopadua7134 this is false. Massive portions were ret-conned decades later
this is simillar to maivs escape in this place in wc3, i like that how this is really a good series even though its custom made
Wait, Reforged gave Hydras CHICKEN legs? And I thought the Warlords of Draenor quadruped hydras looked like bad swimmers!
Seeing Ner'zul was so hype
How Sargeras Eye placed look like Sauron Eye Tower.
The illusion Guldan faced might be The Eye attempt to distract Guldan long enough or Aegwyn's last wall to deny anyone who try to take it.
I feel my Quickcast tool may make short work of the final part of this chapter
There is no such lore in the books it is changing of the lore
7:07 I didn't know there was another race of Elves as spider centaurs.
Fal'dorei = Mutated!Nightborne/Shal'dorei
Mage on mage violence, lets go!
>1:47 *MAIN:* Powerslave.
>1:51 *OPTNL:* Dark Energon.
>13:47 *MAIN:* Exit To Exist.
>23:36 Mission Accomplished.
>7:05 Narissa, Moon Widow Dancer.
>10:20 Thalassus Rex, Sunken Wyrm.
>12:48 Malignadradon, Fel Bastard.
>21:12 Sans Undertale, Megalomaniac.
>They bring not DK/Shamans, odd.
>2:11 Taco Bell Aftermath.
>2:41 Budget Gul'Dan's Skull.
>3:42 So which Side you're in?
>5:37 Orc - Elf Size Difference.
>5:44/ 6:52 This is Laughable!
>11:13 *Over The Seas Starts Playing.*
>RF Art kinda grow on me, kinda.
As Hamato Yoshi once said: .
Beautiful !!
wow im speechless only worthy reason now to buy reforged
Blizz is snoozing so hard on these games.
A shame they didnt use the look in wc3 for the tomb. That one is a banger.
I’m pretty positive we will get this same map but slightly altered since a significant amount of time passes from wc2 to Maeiv pursuing Illidan. InsaneMonster has had some help from the developers of CSW and Vice a versa so no doubt once he gets to that point in Re-Reforging the campaign we will get to see the Broken Isles once again in a more proper lore setting as we see in this campaign instead of the basic jungle in WC3. It’s going to be awhile though, it’s just one guy with a little help from others.
@vmac8972 well no, in legion it looked just like this. Blizz just retconed the old look.
23:54 Well, there's still the Legion expansion of WoW to do...
I downloaded but I can't see any of the units. Just their shadow 😂
Hoping to figure out the error because it looks so fun.
You have to install the assets as well. You can find them in the link
Oh that was absolutely incredible. Amount of work put into the campaign dwarfs any of blizz recent projects.
One question, since I've not watched other chapters. Were there Teron Gorefiend as a playable hero in any chapter?
Yep, he is in one of the chapters. You can see it from the playlsit in the description. Destruction of Stratholme I think
Amazing what fans did which Blizzard didn't
9:20 wtf, is that overlord from starcraft ???????
Why does Rend Blackhand have 28 armor?
Wasn’t there a blood elf campaign with Alleria in wc2? Or am I misremembering
I wish rend hadnt bugged out for me, non existent in my playthrough in later chapters
How come they only used fel guards as his part being torn to shreds? They should have used an army of those multiple tomb guardians they fought in the mission. As they look like monsters that would made the job more satisfying. But it's great to see Sargeras as this looks way better than WOW's....The whole reforged units and custom fighting everything should have been done by this team! Even the pitlord looked amazing!
Wait dal rend was in tomb of sargeras wuut?
I wish i can play the campaign
Download link is in the description
that pit lord sounds familiar. who voice acted it?
hey man can you please chill with the camera angle transitions every second? not hating ive always loved your content just please chill with the camera
You are way too late for this feedback as I finished the entire campaign two days ago but there aren't many camera movements in the next mission.
12:55 Warcraft3 doomguard version.
Any plans for human campaign?
In development
Cool. How long did it take to develop the orc campaign?
@@waiyanlinn5529 4 years
0:25 ; 1:28 When Badass Gets Scared for The First Time, You Should Be TOO 😰😨😳😱
Maps like this remind me that WOW would have been a better game if it was more like Diablo and less like Everquest.
How come no one has uploaded the Siege of Dalaran and the Fall of Lordaeron yet? are these missions being timelocked or are they not included in the mod yet?
Also a shame Guldan somehow always dies in the story despite being the most powerful Warlock in the game. Very idiotic of the writers.
People are still playing the campaign I think. I will be publishing them in an hour.
16:53 Avatar of Dark Titan / Sargeras
so is this the final mission of the campaign?
not yet, I'll be releasing the final episode today
Gul´dan is a little bit stupid. Why didnt he waited after the War and then go for his Plan?
He needed magical stones he got from Quel'thalas to rise the Broken Isles. We wouldn't get them without the help of the Horde.
@@ExecutorNral I meant that he didnt needed to betray the Horde, he could just waited till the War is won and then go to the Tomb. Then noone would come after him and he had more time to get his Power to Dominate the World= Happy End for Gul´dan.
@@chrisultra8886 apparently because of his greed and lust for power that is driving him so hard, he just couldn't chill out
@@petarrope423 Thats so Sad... He put so much effort achieving his Dream and then he failed becouse he didnt wanted to chill a for a bit.
@@chrisultra8886 yep, he burned out. Always remember to chill
Is this the last mission?
warden mission aka tomb of Sargeras never tell how gul'dan die now i know die from krama hehe
Grafik issue???
where can i get this and how ?!
If you have Reforged, download link is in the description. You can also find how to install in the website.