Exactly.. As they never tell you whom it is moving there... The poor move in. The wealthy move out.. And all you have to do is look at the States that run Huge Deficits.. And they need to raise taxes on those that have money. To pay for their Salaries. Pension Funds. Premium Medical. Vacations etc... And it only gets worse as time goes by in those States...
@@NoJersey Like hell they can't.. You got 1 Million illegals that moved there this year. As they want the ID's and that gets them the free stuff.. You can even look at New York's budget every year...It shows where the money went..
Elizabeth Firnschild 0 seconds ago I pay quarterly estimated taxes. I stress estiamated not what I have earned but what the goverment has estimated that I will earn and some mouthsI go with out BECAUSE I did not earn what the goverment ESTIMATED. Tell me is that fair and how is this different that what we are discussing??? The billianaires will not wash their cloths for want of money why should I>
It's like monetary Minority Report the movie. Pre-Crime now Pre-Tax .. gotta be communist like DEI , ESG and Cypto Currency. Nothing like a Trans Social Corporate Equality *Index* with a pre-tax, to give you that warm and fuzzy feeling for a CCP style Social Credit Score.
@@elizabethfirnschild8471 That's _NOT_ what is being discussed here. It's being taxed on gains before you make them. Do you think they should get a refund later on if they don't realize those gains?
@@elizabethfirnschild8471 you can underpay if you did not pay a lot taxes in the previous year and if you are not going to make money in the current year you don’t have to pay estimate taxes.
No. It doesn't. You really don't care what the witness says because you've already made up your mind. So admit it! You don't care what the witness says!!!
Like the mind of a 5 year old he cannot see the complexity of the issue. Unlike you, I do not see taxing the rich at comparable rates as inherently unjust. Gross wealth is only a aquired by means of using others. They reaped all of the benefits our economy has to offer but don't want to pay their fair share of the cost.
@@cydpeace126 This whole thing isn't about taxing them comparably. It's about taxing them more because they can afford it. I don't think it's very fair that a business owner should pay astronomically more in taxes because on paper they're a "millionaire" when that person's business has contributed way more to the economy than the average person. Not to mention giving even more money to an out of control federal government that is $31.7 TRILLION in debt. If the fed wants more money they should start by not spending money they don't even have.
Inheritance taxes should be abolished completely! What a family is able to earn and preserve for their heirs has already been taxed many times over. What remains should never be taxed!
I agree, except in the case if the inheriting family members sell the property rather than taking ownership. (I.E. if My Grandfather left me a house in his will, and I inherit it once he passes away. If I do not wish to live in said home and instead opt to sell the property...then I should be taxed on that asset.)
@TheBlueFabbit why should property that's already been taxed for its ownership (all previous property tax) and taxed before its ownership (income tax on the money originally used to buy it), and is still being taxed (current property tax)... Be taxed again, because it is sold?
@@paulotonedef probably, since he mentioned they're a threat, the first guy, the obvious communist who the first thing he said was dividing us up into "labor" and "capital".
The arrogance of today's generation. They have no clue what they are doing, they have never worked a day for anything. Equity can only be achieved by zeroing out everyone. Simple math the least common denominator. It's why biden has even shown for the house loans, those with good credit will be taxed extra, those with bad credit get a tax break. it makes more sense to be a worthless useless person than to help progress civilization.
Elizabeth Firnschild 0 seconds ago I pay quarterly estimated taxes. I stress estiamated not what I have earned but what the goverment has estimated that I will earn and some months I go with out BECAUSE I did not earn what the goverment ESTIMATED. Tell me is that fair and how is this different that what we are discussing???
When they talked about taxes (wealth taxes, using France as an example), Thomas Sowell just crossed my mind. Despite all empirical evidence on what works and never works, some so called intellectuals want to still push for what never works.
@@paulenterline3107 No. They are trying to rewrite the laws so that they can keep control. They are really just trying to gain more of an edge, while they try to cover up their true crimes. These people are the only really evil ones i know of.
No. He is very polite, but holds scoundrels‘ feet to the fire. He makes them answer the questions he asks, not the questions they might want him to ask. They try to worm out of answering his questions, and that‘s what makes them scoundrels. I guess you think scoundrels are ok because more Democrats per capita are scoundrels than are Republicans.
Senator Kennedy is not just a national treasure, a top tier / exceptional law maker but also a rational, down to earth, honest and very appreciated American soul 🙏🏻
But, he just show boats and always ends up voting in favor of so many idiot nominee's. It's like he gets credit for making these fools expose themselves, but then no criticism for voting for idiots.
@@edprall5648 LOL. How exactly is Florida a hole? Nearly the entire East coast of the US has vacationed there. Blue state residents are relocating there. Nobody moves away. So back up your claim. Or better yet try to book a Uhaul one way from California or NY. People vote in elections. They vote with their feet as well. And all the feet are voting against blue states in favor of Florida beach sand between their toes. The data doesn’t lie.
We already are taxed to death, to the point that we can never own one God blessed thing ,if you by a house pay for it in full taxes paid when it is paid for we are still required to keep paying taxes,that Means you never own it and still can,t aford to keep maintained on it even a car You never own it ,pay the payments all your life ,it,s not yours give it to your kids They will never own it eighter.
I was waiting for him to ask, what if those gains are never realized, do we pay back the taxes plus interest? Would lve to see them try to justify keeping it or not paying interest for money they took
Is it fair for billionaires to pay less than people who make 80K? Because that is what you are saying is fair. Keep your billions in real estate and you never pay a dime. Your first home? yes. Owning whole city blocks? Nope
This gentleman is an excellent example of the difference between intelligent and smart and the concept.of knowing more and more about less and less until one knows everything about nothing. God bless Senator Kennedy. My opinion
Oh yea, this dude is old school and wields all his power and abilities properly with responsibility, and he isn't at all afraid to dictate the conversation and steer it directly into the most prominent points. He doesn't put up with people not answering the question. He's a true blessing to America. Folks don't like Marjorie Taylor Greene for the same reasons, she's brash, bold, and doesn't put up with BS. We need strong representatives of the public like Greene, Kennedy, Gaetz, Jordan, Paul, etc
This is the most asinine idea I have ever heard. The tax system has been bent into a Gordian knot that needs to be reduced to a single flat tax and a modest consumption tax.
I am right (and right) but I do understand lefties for taxing rich, there is a rich and RICH. The last few years we had a thing and it was economic downturn, many middle class people sunk into lower class and many "rich" feels like middle class again, but those who were RICH became even more RICH... transfer of wealth happens each time there is economic crisis - these RICH never became poorer they always profit of it, they have christmas when 2008 property bubble burst or when had a thing these last couple of years and the following global economic downturn will transfer even more wealth from middle class and "rich" to them... there must be balance, I believe in progressive property tax for example, pay low for your house, but buy a second property (investment or present for furture kid) and pay exponentially more with each, many low eye-cue people will argue: but then the dad will just sign the house on his wife and kids and they all will pay the low tax...yes...that is the point...each person has right to own something and pay little, but if the dad, or mom or any of the kid buy ANOTHER property then they will be taxxed heavily.... For companies owning office space for rental or sell or apartment buildings there would be flat tax but much much higher than for a non-legal person's first property... Taxes should not be flat and it can be balanced well enough, other thing to fix is to stop crony capitalism and capitalizing profits but socializing losses.... if blackrock owns stock in chayna properties then they should go absolutely bankrupt once that enormous bubble burst (chayna economy is in the toilet and they have astronomic internal debt). The same for any bank, no bailouts.... you risk, you win or lose....
No, the absurdly rich generate a far higher cost to infrastructure, government, and environment than those with modest incomes. That is the basis for increasing rates as a function of income. A flat tax shifts that burden to the vast majority of modest income earners.
The consumption tax always grows. Europe has been down that road with their Value-Added Tax (VAT) and most are at 20% now. Not when they started the idea. That is on top of their income tax. So, NO, we don't want a "modest" consumption tax that the politicians will raise then redistribute to buy votes.
Would you like to give one concrete example of that facetious claim? Of course you wouldn't and neither could you. It is not possible to be taxed 8 times on a single dollar.
@@UISTMAN59taxed as income and then taxed when you spend it.. there is 2 right off the bat. Of course a dollar can be taxed multiple times while in your possession
@@UISTMAN59let’s say I buy an item from another country. A trinket of some sort. There’s going to be a tariff on imports. That’s your first tax. Then there’s a tax when it’s sold to the distributor. Then again when it goes from distributor to retailer. The. Again when it’s sold to the consumer. The money the consumer used to pay for the item is taxed (income tax). The money the retailer used to buy it is taxed (income tax) and the money they used to pay their staff is taxed (payroll tax). The money the distributor used to buy it from the manufacturer is taxed (income) and the money they used to pay their staff to move it is taxed (payroll). The money the manufacturer used to produce the product was taxed (income) and the money they used to pay their staff was taxed (payroll). Even if we simplify it down to just the money from your pocket: it was taxed when your employer paid you (payroll tax), taxed as income to you (income tax), and you paid tax when you bought the item (sales tax). At the very least the money is being triple taxed.
Exactly. They should value the asset and land on the condition there is a cash buyer and not purchased via bank loans. Meaning that the sources of buyer's funds must come from own savings only. The IRD wants cash, and they won't accept shares as payment , and some fictitious valuation
Elizabeth Firnschild 0 seconds ago I pay quarterly estimated taxes. I stress estiamated not what I have earned but what the goverment has estimated that I will earn and some mounth I go with out BECAUSE I did not earn what the goverment ESTIMATED. Tell me is that fair and how is this different that what we are discussing???
Poor people will always be poor because they have no means to gain. Wealthy people are either beneficiaries or those who have employees. Either way it is the system of our country and the infrastructure built by taxpayers that makes it possible for them to do so.
I believe Bill Clinton floated something like this. it had to do with home equity. It didn't fly so I'd forgotten about it until I saw this. Don't underestimate the Democrat's ability to work a long term plan. Once they get an idea they stick to it like a dog with a bone. And of course, it would only affect the ultra rich, for now.
I pay quarterly estimated taxes. I stress estiamated not what I have earned but what the goverment has estimated that I will earn and some mounth I go with out BECAUSE I did not earn what the goverment ESTIMATED. Tell me is that fair and how is this different that what we are discussing???
@@SynthApprentice there are already taxes on loans, they are added into the repayments. They are also collected on whatever the borrower uses that loan to pay for. Which is bunk. Loans are NOT income for the borrower they are DEBT. The only one that ultimately profits from the loan itself is the lender. You do not pay tax on debt. You also ignore the fact that it is unlawful to tax individual demographics under separate tax systems, which this would do, so it would have to be applied across the board. Which means that this would also impact those who could not afford the extra, speculative taxes as well as the "ultrawealthy".
Any land owner knows how this "prepay on unrealiszed gains" will work. My house is taxed on a value the county assessed which is far more than I could actually sell my house for.
I was laughing at the members who were saying "people also move to California." That's like making 100k but spending 500k and thinking you're financially fine because of the money going in, when you're actually screwed because of the money going out.
@@edwalker2169ask a 5th grader if it’s raining outside. They will tell you. Ask one of these goons in front of congress and they will waste 5 minutes discussing if it’s even possible for rain to have a benefit to us
Elizabeth Firnschild 0 seconds ago I pay quarterly estimated taxes. I stress estiamated not what I have earned but what the goverment has estimated that I will earn and some mounth I go with out BECAUSE I did not earn what the goverment ESTIMATED. Tell me is that fair and how is this different that what we are discussing???
The other part of this discussion is what if someone pre-pays tax on a piece of property based on its estimated value and then the value drops? Will the taxing body refund any money? I'm guessing not.
It's also a laughable kick to the groin to tax inheritances and capital gains, but the bread tuber types don't see anything wrong with the IRS multi-dipping on investments several times whether or not they turn a profit or re-taxing assets when a person passes away. Sometimes to the point where the person inheriting them can't even afford to pay the tax and so sells it off rather than incur a massive loss. It's like another form of civil asset forfeiture but at the federal level, with even less recourse than locally, and without the necessity of even being suspected of a crime.
@@The_Lucent_Archangel And capital gains never consider the loss in value due to inflation. Holding an asset for 10 years and selling causes a tax on the total gain. Considering inflation, it might well have lost true value.
@@The_Lucent_Archangel Thank You, my thoughts exactly. It’s scary to me how easily all demoncrats and their so called experts can blatantly lie and show no remorse at all.
Kennedy doesn't want to pay taxes on his investments and his properties. LOL! www.disclosures.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/John-Neely-Kennedy-Annual-Financial-Disclosure-2016-1.pdf
If you earn less than $100,000 a year single, $200k family, you shouldn't have to file/pay taxes...... Government can make money on sales tax on items not made in America.....
But what if they actually do sell a stock and the next day it goes up 500%. Seams about as logical to call that a loss as taxing them before they sell it as a gain. Since it has no value at all until someone actually pays money for it
@@bt9704 Now, that's funny. Reminds me of the income tax law, which was passed in the early-20th century. It was _supposed_ to be temporary, and affect only the very richest. Now look where we are. The same thing will happen with a 'wealth' tax. Today it will affect only billionaires, and eventually, it will trickle down to the rest of us. That's why I'm against it.
So if the IRS wants pre-payment on unrealized gain, will they pay the person back if the property declines in value? With interest? This whole scheme sets a disturbing precedent. There are better ways to collect from the very wealthy. Tightening up the loopholes for tax shelters would be one way. But in any case, income should only be taxed once, and there are several ways in which it is taxed twice.
Twice? I think they tax the dollars more than twice! Stunning they would even consider especially with real examples of it having been “tried” in France and it being a disaster that they repealed. Too bad when we “try” something in our country, it sticks hard. Like Obama Care. How audacious of them to consider taxing on unrealized gains when they know inflation is soaring and so property values are on a trend down and not upward! This cannot happen.
No they haven't. Politicians are the ones that get to redistribute were the tax money goes. If you can decide what to do with it, it can go to the person/company that gives you the bigest kickback.
Texas native here, 40 years old. I know of one family when I was in 7th grade who moved from Texas to California. The amount of California, Pennsylvania, New York and other blue state license plates I've seen transplant here, especially post Covid, is absolutely insane. Tell every one of them, don't vote blue. You fled your state to come to mine.
We left Seattle for Texas. We're thrilled to live in a state that's still proud to be American. God, family, and country! Plus, Texas food is awesome. ❤
If I moved from one of these disastrous states, I'd make sure to put out a Trump 2024 flag or other things that make it 100% clear to my neighbors that I am not "one of them". And by one of them, I mean a communist democrat.
Elizabeth Firnschild 0 seconds ago I pay quarterly estimated taxes. I stress estiamated not what I have earned but what the goverment has estimated that I will earn and some mounth I go with out BECAUSE I did not earn what the goverment ESTIMATED. Tell me is that fair and how is this different that what we are discussing???
@@elizabethfirnschild8471 They are not talking about earned income. They are talking about INHERITANCE TAX. I understand exactly what that economist is saying. Why is that idiot Senator pretending that it’s too difficult to comprehend. EVERYONE (((WILL))) eventually have to pay at least at point of sale, but, if the Billionaire does have the cash up front, then that financially capable individual or entity SHOULD have to pay up front.
"For the record", I'm a native New Yorker, lived in Florida for 20 years, now live in North Carolina. I have had job offers for NYC, Chicago and San Francisco among others since moving south. Even with large increases in the offered income, my family's standard of living would have dropped dramatically if I had accepted those offers. The left ivory tower gang has no perception of reality for what citizens of this country have to deal with. That's besides that fact that I live in a free state where I have the right to defend myself and my family, as opposed to NYC where I have the right to die or be jailed for defending myself. The country has gone insane and I hope that we can find a way to bring it back from the brink.
I'm made those exact 2 moves NY to FL to NC. I still test the market and getting a 50% raise by moving to CA or NJ would put my lifestyle back a bunch.
If Republicans would get behind a statesman like John Kennedy, and not an orange clownish criminal, they would be in control of the federal government.
@@ryanp6999 well in a day and time when so many people who are supposed to do the peoples work have stopped doing so, stopped being civilized, stopped making rational arguments and instead substitute their duty to the nation for duty to keep getting themselves elected I'd say the rare few like Kennedy become treasures. He's an example of what and how our representatives should be, regardless of their party affiliation and if I was a jr senator of either party I would look to him for that example of how to conduct myself.
Thanks Mr Kennedy. You are a breath of fresh air. The people speaking are not worried about taxes because they're wealthy enough to survive where as middle class people can not
@@cloudoftime And who owns the factories and businesses who hire the middle class, and sell their products to them? Do you actually think the business person will just absorb the high taxes? If you do, you are a fool.
@@mcvet57103 That's why the policy doesn't end there. You Do realize that economic policy can't be thoroughly and comprehensively explained in 10 seconds especially while you're being cut off, right? There's a reason for minimum wage, unions, and worker rights which have been fought for hard throughout time and protect the lower middle class workers from the corporate elites. It's because corporations are not moral entities. Wealthy people are not going to make sure that us lower class and middle class people have comfortable lives if they're left unchecked. And they are more capable of being taxed at a higher rate, which is why we have progressive tax systems in the first place. But the point is, wealthy people are not just going to provide to everyone else from the kindness of their own hearts. That's a fantasy. It's time to get real.
See that's the thing. No one survives what's coming. ESPECIALLY the wealthy. They'll be dragged out of their castles and dealt with as quickly as anyone.
When you tax something, you disincentivize that thing. Income taxes suppress the production of wealth. Whether it's the bastardized income tax we have currently, or a flat tax. A sales tax has it's challenges too. The biggest problem is that our federal government has become a massive insatiable monster. The spending needs to be brought under control.
Elizabeth Firnschild 0 seconds ago I pay quarterly estimated taxes. I stress estiamated not what I have earned but what the goverment has estimated that I will earn and some mounth I go with out BECAUSE I did not earn what the goverment ESTIMATED. Tell me is that fair and how is this different that what we are discussing???
Elizabeth Firnschild 0 seconds ago I pay quarterly estimated taxes. I stress estiamated not what I have earned but what the goverment has estimated that I will earn and some mounth I go with out BECAUSE I did not earn what the goverment ESTIMATED. Tell me is that fair and how is this different that what we are discussing???
I've often wondered, just why do corrupt politicians believe that they have a right to my income to "run government" yet their ill-gotten money is untouchable?
The rationale is that the people who became rich based on the support of government back bone which helped to enable it. Things like roads, internet, utilities. Currently our ultra wealthy are undertaxed. Other countries have gone too harshly in the other direction like all the former European nobility who had to sell off estates over the decades to pay their taxes. Its a fine balance, but right now its decidedly unbalanced.
@@PorterPickUp But the people calling on the "ultra-wealthy" to be taxed into oblivion are the same people that think it's PROPER that the nobility had to sell estates to pay their taxes. Who owns those estates now? The governments who forced their sale. Same thing happening here. "Nobody should own a Lamborghini... unless I have one, then it's fine."
@@Dakarn The other thing to consider is that roughly 40% of the countries working population pays 0 taxes at all. And despite this, many people consider such an idea to be 'racist' if that 40% had to pay even so much as a dollar in taxes. The Feds could easily say "ok, everyone pays 10%", and be done with it. It's an easy calculation to make how much you'll pay in (move the decimal one spot to the right), and you never have to guess how much you actually owe or get refunded at the end of the year. But again, doing so would be decied as racist or whateverphobic the left wants to push, and are instead pushing for the super wealthy, who already pay more in taxes than everyone else, to pay even more.
So, if you have money in the bank, pay bills, and save money people are penalized, but if you are in debt up to your eyeballs and leveraged yourself to oblivion you get to keep all the marbles?
The ultra wealthy have very easy ways of avoiding paying tax entirely. For example, if you own 1 billion in a stock, you can take out low interest loans backed by that asset, annually if you like, and live far more lavishly than the average American, for the rest of your life, without ever selling the stock. So you pay 5% interest on the loans, while the stock grows by 9% per year, and you pay zero income tax the rest of your life. There is a threshold beyond which taxing wealth starts to make sense as the only way to close these sort of loopholes. If it’s a large totally liquid stock, the price is updated every few seconds, it’s not terribly difficult to think of a way to value that stock and tax it. The majority of wealth is held by the top 1%, with no way of extracting tax revenue from it, due to loopholes.
@@johntheboy6555 First, you will never get a personal loan with interest that low (5%). Second, you have to lose money to avoid taxes. If you have stock, you pay capital gains on those dividends you receive from the stock (which is not 9% but far less). If you realize the stock (receive the 9% gain) you pay those gains in taxes. No investment is guaranteed to gain and 9% especially hard to maintain. Invested money was already taxed at some point. How many times should the government get to tax your assets? I guess if you have none, the answer is forever as long as you can get a piece (IE government handout). It is foolish to restrict your ownself from obtaining wealth in your desire to limit the wealthy.
@@schirmc1 you don’t get it… the loan itself is your income, not the appreciation of the stock. So you can live as though you have an annual income by taking out low interest loans, for the rest of your life, without paying any tax. Secondly, most stocks do not pay dividends. And you’re right, at the moment in a time of hyperinflation you can’t get a loan with that low interest. But for the last two decades 5% would be easy. Remember we’re talking about loans backed by billions in assets, because we’re not talking about you or I, we’re talking about the ultra-rich. From the bank’s perspective there couldn’t possibly be a lower risk loan. They can find sub-prime lending with ease. But again, that’s not really the point. The point is you don’t sell the stock, and the loan itself acts as your income, until the day you die. You live incredibly lavishly and never pay a dime in tax. This is why income tax barely touches the rich. They don’t need “income” like most people do. They just take out loans against their essentially infinite supply of equity.
When we moved from California to Florida in 2021 it was difficult and expensive to arrange movers (household stuff, cars, etc.) out of CA. They told us that for every 1 truck coming into California there were 8 trucks leaving! And, most of the people moving to CA are foreign. This country needs to make decisions based on real data we can agree on. Living in Florida is wonderful: we have lots of friends and family here, great weather, pay no state income tax (CA has graduated brackets up to 13.3%!), and we enjoy more freedom.
And these are the people that the left wants to be in control of this country people who dont really care about America {only see it as a come up} dont know the history of America, non of their family members ever fought for this country and they are still vehemently loyal to the country they came from.
@@mattpoules9225 I had a government official tell me recently they don’t have to follow state law, that a local gov has constitutional rights, and fingerprinting programs do not trigger the fourth amendment. We need people who ARE educated. Not people who THINK they’re educated.
These people are out of their freaking minds. We are so overtaxed now we can’t handle anymore. They need to try cutting expenses and the outrageous budget.
Hands-down, the biggest item on the budget is defense. We have the largest defense budget in the world. If we're cutting down on any part of the budget, we need to start with the military.
So all of you think it just fine for an Owner Op Truck Driver making $75k a year is ok paying 23k in taxes this year and over 30k next year. We need to increase the Defense Budget when what’s going on in Ukraine, North Korea and China. We have Billions of BS in the Budget. Let’s start with help our own Country before we send Billions Overseas and Billion More for Fake Climate Change. Our Government has been wasting money for Decades.
This woman first gave statement why people live in NYC when asked why they are leaving , then she denied they are leaving and then Sheldon jumped in with his neurotic response
Looks like she's trying to say there's a bunch of immigrants coming in that compensates for any exodus. These news clips are always highly edited so you can't tell what they said already.
Chewy, the people from California and N. Y are leaving by droves. Who wants to live in cities were crime is s high and not accountability for the criminals. Taxation to the roof, and people be intimidated. In my communist country, the government even prohibit the people to move to farms, and leave the shit cities.
She clearly has no idea what is going on in California. Most "regular" people are struggling big time. Calif is NOT is a better place than ever, she is lying.
Senator: "What three things would you change in our tax system?" Me: "I only need one: Make it flat 9% for everyone, no loopholes or write-offs whatsoever."
@@tylerjames329Absolutely not: It's a person's choice to have children. If the person can't afford the expense of having a child without getting tax breaks, or child support benefits, then IMHuO, they shouldn't be planning on having a child...
One reason we don’t tax unrealized gains is because they are speculative, a thing is only actually worth what someone will actually pay for it. So until it’s sold, there isn’t a way to clearly value it. If you were taxes on property appreciation, if the value goes down, you would then be entitled to a loss realization.
yeah i dont understand how "educated" people can legitimately consider that a solution... it would be a nightmare endeavor for any agency to investigate and validate speculated value. i do think there are loopholes that should be closed off that benefit those with wealth but this idea of PREPAYING taxes on unrealized gains is insanity especially when it doesnt apply to everyone.
“I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money.” ― Thomas Sowell, Barbarians inside the Gates and Other Controversial Essays
@@Barskor1 There's no right answer to how much the rich should pay. Just that they should pay more. In 1958 the top marginal tax rate was 91%. Hardly anyone paid that due to deductions, but it's the elimination of policies like those that have allowed people's wealth to balloon. Don't you want free healthcare?
@@samdajellybeenie14 That is the result of the US going off the gold standard and lobbying for laws and regulations to create barrriors to entry in business
So if the property is worth more, you will pay. Now, what if the same property that was worth a million turns out to depreciate and loses value, will the IRS give these people money if they ended up losing appreciation? See how stupid this idea is? Fire these ignorant, immoral people, already!
Yes, that's how business taxes work. If you make a million one year and have a loss for the next few years, you continue getting refunds from the taxes you paid on that million. Google "loss carry forward" and "loss carry back"
@@dkbgeek Loss carry forward and loss carry back are *NOT* the same as a theoretical refund on an unrealized gain tax. Carrying loss is predicated on properly calculating income from that asset to determine tax owed for that year's income. That year, as in, timestamped. You have a definitive frame of time in which to calculate whether or not someone made money. With an unrealized gain tax, you're talking about taxing it before any such calculation could possibly take place by definition, with no knowledge of when it is that it would take place. You can't issue the refund because you lack any kind of a time stamp. Suppose Elon never sells Tesla, and his heir never sells Tesla, but their heir finally does sell Tesla. Is the Federal government going to go back 60 years of tax history to determine that all of the unrealized gains taxes even up? Not remotely plausible. None of these responses are thinking this comparison through.
the moral of the story is this, you're either rich enough to afford people who can figure this shit out or tell you it's cheaper to move somewhere else where it is less expensive overall or you're one of the majority of people in the country who are still going to pay between 30-75% of their income in some form of combined taxes.
@@1pcmedic It’s worse than that, as the tax companies like H&R Block constantly lobby to keep the tax code Byzantine and ensure that we always have to factor taxes ourselves, even though the government already knows damn well what we owe. “Let’s play a guessing game. If you guess right, you won’t be punished. Oh, and you can pay my little friend here to give you the answers if you want.”
@@FarmingWithYahweh Lol. I do. It's kind of a circus compared to the Hearings we have in the US. But our Hearings are starting to get out of hand also. But you guys get to cheer your colleagues on. Which is funny.
Hey kennedy, You are truly a wonderful human being. Listening to you talk is like hearing storytelling as a child. You are a very colorful human being and I wish there were more like you In this World. You are a breath of fresh air, Where people seem to be getting more boring and more boring. Once again god bless you keep up the good work
He is lousy at getting answers. He can't phrase his questions succinctly enough nor abbreviated enough to get decent ones. Haven't you noticed that after interrupting an answer he pretty much asks the same only revised a bit? The revision is no better than the original. The guy is not masterful enough with language to get direct responses and though he is on the same side of the fence ideologically as me, he lacks ability as a statesman ..
i agree with you. i always love when i can listen to him next. he's such a good man with no ill intent....but most of all, he has something which has been lost in this country for a while and that is just good old common sense....
I'm happy to see that his intended theatrics are working on you! It shows his performance was excellent that day. Now if only the same could be said about his actual work as a senator!
My mother was the least political person I knew and the 1st bit of advice she gave was to vote "NO" on anything that would raise taxes or take my money in any way. Smart advice...
@@CaptainFritz28 if you think these people dont know exactly what they're doing, you need some common sense. YOu dont get into those kind of positions purely by doing the good thing
@@MichaelFloodSr The one who said “it was a lot worse under Trump…”fact” (you), thinks he knows what common sense is? The FACT is, NOTHING was worse under Trump. You could go straight down the list and compare every single issue, and our country was better off during President Trumps administration than it was before, AND especially now during Biden’s. You can’t just make things up and call them “facts”…I guess you were asleep during Trumps time in office, and STILL asleep during Biden’s administration. Now it feels like “Weekend at Bernie’s”, trying to prop up a dead man.
Kennedy asked her why are so many people leaving New York, and she starts talking about what a wonderful city it is! He didn't ask her if New York was a wonderful city said why are they freaking leaving!
It's a wonderful city if you enjoy staring at cement, being jostled around, freezing, breathing noxious fumes, and paying a dozen times for rent what you would pay anywhere else for a 15th floor walk-up.
I'm pretty sure that we're not talking about the small percentage of rich people that live in New York leaving to go to another house somewhere in the Eastern seaboard. Pretty sure we're talking about those people that are working two jobs to pay for a 200 ft² mini apartment for $3,000 a month! It's insane! There is no freaking city on this earth that would be worth living in a shoebox for that amount of money!
That's a really stupid thing to say but alas. Yo do understand scientists and actual mfkers who studied hard got bullied (most times) right? The people who can fix this?
The thing that shocked me the most about this conversation is that there appeared to be a level of respect regardless of disagreement. Can we please have more of that? Please? Please?
The issue is for there to be a level of respect you have to be having an honest, genuine conversation wether you agree or disagree. A lot of politicians are arguing disingenuously just because of party affiliation, agenda etc. Just my uneducated $.02
Yep...people move to New York because of the free handouts. People leave NY because of the taxes to pay the free handouts.
California too !
People don't move for the handouts 😢. The rent is too damn high for them and they can't get public housing unless they're already New Yorkers
Exactly.. As they never tell you whom it is moving there... The poor move in. The wealthy move out..
And all you have to do is look at the States that run Huge Deficits.. And they need to raise taxes on those that have money. To pay for their Salaries. Pension Funds. Premium Medical. Vacations etc... And it only gets worse as time goes by in those States...
@@NoJersey Like hell they can't.. You got 1 Million illegals that moved there this year. As they want the ID's and that gets them the free stuff.. You can even look at New York's budget every year...It shows where the money went..
What about Al Sharpton did he ever pay his taxes which was in the millions of dollars? Have they confiscated any of his property?
Just hearing “PRE TAX”…. It lets me know where they stand!
Elizabeth Firnschild
0 seconds ago
I pay quarterly estimated taxes. I stress estiamated not what I have earned but what the goverment has estimated that I will earn and some mouthsI go with out BECAUSE I did not earn what the goverment ESTIMATED. Tell me is that fair and how is this different that what we are discussing??? The billianaires will not wash their cloths for want of money why should I>
It's like monetary Minority Report the movie. Pre-Crime now Pre-Tax .. gotta be communist like DEI , ESG and Cypto Currency. Nothing like a Trans Social Corporate Equality *Index* with a pre-tax, to give you that warm and fuzzy feeling for a CCP style Social Credit Score.
@@elizabethfirnschild8471 That's _NOT_ what is being discussed here.
It's being taxed on gains before you make them. Do you think they should get a refund later on if they don't realize those gains?
@@elizabethfirnschild8471 you can underpay if you did not pay a lot taxes in the previous year and if you are not going to make money in the current year you don’t have to pay estimate taxes.
No. It doesn't. You really don't care what the witness says because you've already made up your mind. So admit it! You don't care what the witness says!!!
Senator Kennedy is 71 years old and still kicking butt! One of my favorite in Congress for sure!
Yeah he is a badxss.
Like the mind of a 5 year old he cannot see the complexity of the issue. Unlike you, I do not see taxing the rich at comparable rates as inherently unjust. Gross wealth is only a aquired by means of using others. They reaped all of the benefits our economy has to offer but don't want to pay their fair share of the cost.
@@cydpeace126 This whole thing isn't about taxing them comparably. It's about taxing them more because they can afford it. I don't think it's very fair that a business owner should pay astronomically more in taxes because on paper they're a "millionaire" when that person's business has contributed way more to the economy than the average person. Not to mention giving even more money to an out of control federal government that is $31.7 TRILLION in debt. If the fed wants more money they should start by not spending money they don't even have.
Another dipstick
@@WellWisdom. Yeah, his badass type lost the civil wah, ya'll
I'm in my 60s. I don't know anybody leaving Texas for California.
Texans don’t.
They are referring to illegals. They all flock to California.
Try expanding your social circle.
@@trollol_ You're kidding. That's your play? Grow up, junior.
Inheritance taxes should be abolished completely! What a family is able to earn and preserve for their heirs has already been taxed many times over. What remains should never be taxed!
It's practically immoral, isn't it?
I agree, except in the case if the inheriting family members sell the property rather than taking ownership. (I.E. if My Grandfather left me a house in his will, and I inherit it once he passes away. If I do not wish to live in said home and instead opt to sell the property...then I should be taxed on that asset.)
@TheBlueFabbit why should property that's already been taxed for its ownership (all previous property tax) and taxed before its ownership (income tax on the money originally used to buy it), and is still being taxed (current property tax)... Be taxed again, because it is sold?
Because they want to destroy the Family
the threat isn't even hiding anymore - it's totally out in the open and this guy is the evidence.
yup. freakin scary. these people lord have mercy
it was never a a threat, it was always a promise from them.
@@MrYac-ie8ie .....yes sir, I could not agree more.
Which guy? There’s several.
@@paulotonedef probably, since he mentioned they're a threat, the first guy, the obvious communist who the first thing he said was dividing us up into "labor" and "capital".
Just listen to these people for a few minutes and you know longer wonder why our country is such a mess
It’s always been that way. it is just we became wiser
Exactly how?
Let's go BRANDON
The arrogance of today's generation. They have no clue what they are doing, they have never worked a day for anything. Equity can only be achieved by zeroing out everyone. Simple math the least common denominator. It's why biden has even shown for the house loans, those with good credit will be taxed extra, those with bad credit get a tax break. it makes more sense to be a worthless useless person than to help progress civilization.
@@cloudoftime well, stop listening to cnn...
Never fails to amaze me. People always want someone else's money but won't give their own.
Who makes the rich richer are the working class Kennedy is for the rich not the poor
Unrealized income tax is like paying tax on a slot machine jackpot that you are sitting at without winning the jackpot.
When the debt ceiling is raised and the fed prints more money, all future values are taxed.
Just go to a flat tax get rid of so much Fat in the Govt.
great analogy even a DEM might understand.
He said the really wealthy who can afford to prepay their taxes.
@@Lightning613 but you can get a loan against that asset... untaxed
Yes, always entertaining, but more than that, he's right! He's a very smart man.
Elizabeth Firnschild
0 seconds ago
I pay quarterly estimated taxes. I stress estiamated not what I have earned but what the goverment has estimated that I will earn and some months I go with out BECAUSE I did not earn what the goverment ESTIMATED. Tell me is that fair and how is this different that what we are discussing???
When they talked about taxes (wealth taxes, using France as an example), Thomas Sowell just crossed my mind. Despite all empirical evidence on what works and never works, some so called intellectuals want to still push for what never works.
Always remember, for them it's not about fixing the system. It's about tearing it all down and starting anew without individual freedoms and autonomy.
because its always about control and oppressing and drawing wealth from the people.
@Paul Enterline
They are trying to fix the system just like a fixed boxing match.
No. They are trying to rewrite the laws so that they can keep control. They are really just trying to gain more of an edge, while they try to cover up their true crimes.
These people are the only really evil ones i know of.
France doesnt have the natural resources, the large population and a massive GDP the USA does.
Mr Kennedy is always so polite and respectful Calm, cool and collected when grilling people - a real gentleman.
I hope you're being sarcastic. He is so rude and keeps interrupting as people are trying to answer.
No. He is very polite, but holds scoundrels‘ feet to the fire. He makes them answer the questions he asks, not the questions they might want him to ask. They try to worm out of answering his questions, and that‘s what makes them scoundrels.
I guess you think scoundrels are ok because more Democrats per capita are scoundrels than are Republicans.
If he was on the internet he would be labeled a troll. Ask me how I know.
The power of asking logical, simple questions!
He's like a southern "Columbo." (From the old TV series)
Senator Kennedy is not just a national treasure, a top tier / exceptional law maker but also a rational, down to earth, honest and very appreciated American soul 🙏🏻
And term limits would ensure he didn't last long.
i think hes actually brilliant he luls these high intellect people in with the way he speaks right before he just blows up their arguement
But, he just show boats and always ends up voting in favor of so many idiot nominee's. It's like he gets credit for making these fools expose themselves, but then no criticism for voting for idiots.
But why is he on the senate budget committee when he doesn't not understand anything about the subject?
I know I shouldn't be laughing as our country goes down the toilet but John Kennedy makes me laugh hard when I watch him question people.
It is fun but I would like to see more solutions enacted and less time asking "gotcha" questions.
@@4040smokey, Step 1 is to discredit the left's ridiculousness.
@@4040smokey how’s he asking gotcha questions? Oh you mean he should be throwing softball questions like democrats do ?
Get old grumpy men set in their ways focused on nothing but $ out of office
Can’t beat Cruz
On behalf of Floridians, to the guy that said he would never move to Florida, thank you.
Lots of people would never even want to visit that hole.
Yet we get almost all our revenue from TOURIST 😀thanks
@@edprall5648 then you best stay where you are most appreciated, I assume you are a hater of good
@@edprall5648 LOL. How exactly is Florida a hole? Nearly the entire East coast of the US has vacationed there. Blue state residents are relocating there. Nobody moves away. So back up your claim. Or better yet try to book a Uhaul one way from California or NY. People vote in elections. They vote with their feet as well. And all the feet are voting against blue states in favor of Florida beach sand between their toes. The data doesn’t lie.
Only 10 % live In Florida Zelensky got a condo . In that area used to be run by a steroid junkie ???????????💪
Senator Kennedy. You are amazing. Thank you so much for common sense ❤❤❤
Awesome job as always Senator Kennedy
Pre-pay unrealized gains tax? That is preposterous.
I want to know, will the IRS pre-pay on the loss?
We already are taxed to death, to the point that we can never own one God blessed thing ,if you by a house pay for it in full taxes paid when it is paid for we are still required to keep paying taxes,that
Means you never own it and still can,t aford to keep maintained on it even a car
You never own it ,pay the payments all your life ,it,s not yours give it to your kids
They will never own it eighter.
I was waiting for him to ask, what if those gains are never realized, do we pay back the taxes plus interest? Would lve to see them try to justify keeping it or not paying interest for money they took
The Republican party is only about the rich, the poor man is left behind.
Is it fair for billionaires to pay less than people who make 80K? Because that is what you are saying is fair. Keep your billions in real estate and you never pay a dime. Your first home? yes. Owning whole city blocks? Nope
“There are no solutions, only trade-offs.” -Dr. Thomas Sowell
It’s amusing listening to these people try to pretend that wealthy people do not flee high taxes.
This gentleman is an excellent example of the difference between intelligent and smart and the concept.of knowing more and more about less and less until one knows everything about nothing. God bless Senator Kennedy. My opinion
Oh yea, this dude is old school and wields all his power and abilities properly with responsibility, and he isn't at all afraid to dictate the conversation and steer it directly into the most prominent points. He doesn't put up with people not answering the question. He's a true blessing to America. Folks don't like Marjorie Taylor Greene for the same reasons, she's brash, bold, and doesn't put up with BS. We need strong representatives of the public like Greene, Kennedy, Gaetz, Jordan, Paul, etc
"The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - The Gipper
This is the most asinine idea I have ever heard. The tax system has been bent into a Gordian knot that needs to be reduced to a single flat tax and a modest consumption tax.
flat tax yes, no consumption or vat tax.
I am right (and right) but I do understand lefties for taxing rich, there is a rich and RICH. The last few years we had a thing and it was economic downturn, many middle class people sunk into lower class and many "rich" feels like middle class again, but those who were RICH became even more RICH... transfer of wealth happens each time there is economic crisis - these RICH never became poorer they always profit of it, they have christmas when 2008 property bubble burst or when had a thing these last couple of years and the following global economic downturn will transfer even more wealth from middle class and "rich" to them...
there must be balance, I believe in progressive property tax for example, pay low for your house, but buy a second property (investment or present for furture kid) and pay exponentially more with each, many low eye-cue people will argue: but then the dad will just sign the house on his wife and kids and they all will pay the low tax...yes...that is the point...each person has right to own something and pay little, but if the dad, or mom or any of the kid buy ANOTHER property then they will be taxxed heavily....
For companies owning office space for rental or sell or apartment buildings there would be flat tax but much much higher than for a non-legal person's first property...
Taxes should not be flat and it can be balanced well enough, other thing to fix is to stop crony capitalism and capitalizing profits but socializing losses.... if blackrock owns stock in chayna properties then they should go absolutely bankrupt once that enormous bubble burst (chayna economy is in the toilet and they have astronomic internal debt). The same for any bank, no bailouts.... you risk, you win or lose....
No, the absurdly rich generate a far higher cost to infrastructure, government, and environment than those with modest incomes. That is the basis for increasing rates as a function of income. A flat tax shifts that burden to the vast majority of modest income earners.
The consumption tax always grows. Europe has been down that road with their Value-Added Tax (VAT) and most are at 20% now. Not when they started the idea. That is on top of their income tax. So, NO, we don't want a "modest" consumption tax that the politicians will raise then redistribute to buy votes.
Would you like to give one concrete example of that facetious claim? Of course you wouldn't and neither could you. It is not possible to be taxed 8 times on a single dollar.
@@UISTMAN59taxed as income and then taxed when you spend it.. there is 2 right off the bat. Of course a dollar can be taxed multiple times while in your possession
@@UISTMAN59let’s say I buy an item from another country. A trinket of some sort.
There’s going to be a tariff on imports. That’s your first tax. Then there’s a tax when it’s sold to the distributor. Then again when it goes from distributor to retailer. The. Again when it’s sold to the consumer.
The money the consumer used to pay for the item is taxed (income tax). The money the retailer used to buy it is taxed (income tax) and the money they used to pay their staff is taxed (payroll tax). The money the distributor used to buy it from the manufacturer is taxed (income) and the money they used to pay their staff to move it is taxed (payroll). The money the manufacturer used to produce the product was taxed (income) and the money they used to pay their staff was taxed (payroll).
Even if we simplify it down to just the money from your pocket: it was taxed when your employer paid you (payroll tax), taxed as income to you (income tax), and you paid tax when you bought the item (sales tax).
At the very least the money is being triple taxed.
Not 8 but forever taxes on your dollar.
To pretend that "taxing" nothing because it might one day be something is INSANE as well as unconstitutional.
Many of them are indeed INSANE and/or CORRUPT
These jews don't care.
@@pcraft8785typical racist!
Exactly. They should value the asset and land on the condition there is a cash buyer and not purchased via bank loans. Meaning that the sources of buyer's funds must come from own savings only.
The IRD wants cash, and they won't accept shares as payment , and some fictitious valuation
Well all politicians break the law eventually, how about we jail them preemptively just in case?!?
Mr. Kennedy can have a podcast or TV show if he ever gets out of politics.
He's a real deal.
I love the way he talks .
This man is an ICON!
Sen Kennedy is brilliant
“You can’t fix stupid, but you can put it in charge of the economy to come up with even more unconstitutional tax codes!”
Unfortunately this applies to most Gov agencies.
Elizabeth Firnschild
0 seconds ago
I pay quarterly estimated taxes. I stress estiamated not what I have earned but what the goverment has estimated that I will earn and some mounth I go with out BECAUSE I did not earn what the goverment ESTIMATED. Tell me is that fair and how is this different that what we are discussing???
Stupid is a relative term by that I mean you must think everyone is stupid if they don't agree with you
Why are you concerned about wealthy are you trying to protect yourself Andrew wealthy friends. You sure sound pretty defensive
Poor people will always be poor because they have no means to gain. Wealthy people are either beneficiaries or those who have employees. Either way it is the system of our country and the infrastructure built by taxpayers that makes it possible for them to do so.
When you avoid a basic question, you lose all credibility with me. It’s not like this is a criminal trial where you have to worry about going to jail.
"People vote with their feet." I love Senator John Kennedy.
Checked these jews for sure.
Worse ... Many vote with their butts!
What's he going to do about the treason of the Biden group, except talk about it?
Government needs to prove they can live within a budget before they try to find new avenues to tax our citizens.
Well, that'll never happen, with any government entity. 😂
So well said. Please keep putting that out there. You hit it on the nose.. so post it all over the internet.🤔🙏🏽🙏🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏
@@katblu8874 We need to start a new country some where else with no government.
I agree with you 100percent!
"Should we tax income you didn't receive?" You really have to have a screwed-up mindset to want to tax someone for something they didn't receive...
I believe Bill Clinton floated something like this. it had to do with home equity. It didn't fly so I'd forgotten about it until I saw this. Don't underestimate the Democrat's ability to work a long term plan. Once they get an idea they stick to it like a dog with a bone. And of course, it would only affect the ultra rich, for now.
I pay quarterly estimated taxes. I stress estiamated not what I have earned but what the goverment has estimated that I will earn and some mounth I go with out BECAUSE I did not earn what the goverment ESTIMATED. Tell me is that fair and how is this different that what we are discussing???
Have you heard of imputed income.?
Then loans against property should also be taxed as realized gains. Loans shouldn't be used as a loophole to escape paying taxes.
@@SynthApprentice there are already taxes on loans, they are added into the repayments. They are also collected on whatever the borrower uses that loan to pay for. Which is bunk. Loans are NOT income for the borrower they are DEBT. The only one that ultimately profits from the loan itself is the lender. You do not pay tax on debt.
You also ignore the fact that it is unlawful to tax individual demographics under separate tax systems, which this would do, so it would have to be applied across the board. Which means that this would also impact those who could not afford the extra, speculative taxes as well as the "ultrawealthy".
Her saying California has one of the best economies tells me all I need to know!
CA is billions in the red--they are near collapse!
That's right you know nothing.
Check California's GDP against other nations including USA - then you will know better.
@@striker44 move silicon valley to anywhere else and then check the numbers.
@@mikey92362are you saying California is a great economic state because it has Silicon Valley?
Any land owner knows how this "prepay on unrealiszed gains" will work. My house is taxed on a value the county assessed which is far more than I could actually sell my house for.
Sue them. You will win
it's legalized thievery
If they wanted to build a road through your property they might claim it is less valuable to pay you less for it.
Also, when you do sell it usually get less than it's value as realtor that advertises it for you gets some of the money.
Property Taxes that are based on "Assessed Value" are Taxes on "UNREALIZED GAINS". This type of "Shell Game" is UNCONSTITUTIONAL !!!
That woman seriously tried to come up with some off the wall reason for people leaving NY just to avoid saying the obvious.
Lots of reasons to leave NY, crime, high taxes, filth, crap public schools.
She didn't even do that much
I was laughing at the members who were saying "people also move to California." That's like making 100k but spending 500k and thinking you're financially fine because of the money going in, when you're actually screwed because of the money going out.
@@lindab1792 All Democrat constructs.
It's called 'fumfering' aka buying time to make up rhetoric and bullshit
It’s fascinating the way they’ve made an art form out of ways to dodge answering questions.
Democrat Government Employees only answer when paid by foreign nations sorry America.
Democrats either lie or just dodge questions
Which question did he dodge?
@@edwalker2169 pretty much every single one of them...... liberals cant see truth cause they know they support the liars.
@@edwalker2169ask a 5th grader if it’s raining outside. They will tell you. Ask one of these goons in front of congress and they will waste 5 minutes discussing if it’s even possible for rain to have a benefit to us
No one should be paying tax on any owned property.
Let's throw more money down the bottomless hole of debt.
Elizabeth Firnschild
0 seconds ago
I pay quarterly estimated taxes. I stress estiamated not what I have earned but what the goverment has estimated that I will earn and some mounth I go with out BECAUSE I did not earn what the goverment ESTIMATED. Tell me is that fair and how is this different that what we are discussing???
The other part of this discussion is what if someone pre-pays tax on a piece of property based on its estimated value and then the value drops? Will the taxing body refund any money? I'm guessing not.
It's also a laughable kick to the groin to tax inheritances and capital gains, but the bread tuber types don't see anything wrong with the IRS multi-dipping on investments several times whether or not they turn a profit or re-taxing assets when a person passes away. Sometimes to the point where the person inheriting them can't even afford to pay the tax and so sells it off rather than incur a massive loss. It's like another form of civil asset forfeiture but at the federal level, with even less recourse than locally, and without the necessity of even being suspected of a crime.
They haven't thought that far ahead, unfortunately, and I'm 100% serious.
@@The_Lucent_Archangel And capital gains never consider the loss in value due to inflation. Holding an asset for 10 years and selling causes a tax on the total gain. Considering inflation, it might well have lost true value.
@@The_Lucent_Archangel Thank You, my thoughts exactly. It’s scary to me how easily all demoncrats and their so called experts can blatantly lie and show no remorse at all.
They are convinced that won't happen 🤣
That Kennedy is a treasure.
A voice of reason ❤
Kennedy doesn't want to pay taxes on his investments and his properties. LOL! www.disclosures.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/John-Neely-Kennedy-Annual-Financial-Disclosure-2016-1.pdf
History class is in. Thank you Mr. Kennedy.❤🤍💙
If you earn less than $100,000 a year single, $200k family, you shouldn't have to file/pay taxes...... Government can make money on sales tax on items not made in America.....
If they pay a tax on an unrealized gain, can they get a refund or credit for an unrealized loss?
I bet not.
Loses are realized only when sold.I..and I believe only a small portion of it can be written off each year for like 10 years. Tax payer gets scrued
Absolutely not.
But what if they actually do sell a stock and the next day it goes up 500%. Seams about as logical to call that a loss as taxing them before they sell it as a gain. Since it has no value at all until someone actually pays money for it
Yes it’s called a deduction, any more brain busters?
The fact that this is even being discussed gives me the willies.
People worth over $100M actually paying taxes gives you the willies? Let me guess you are going to strike it rich any day now
@@bt9704 Now, that's funny. Reminds me of the income tax law, which was passed in the early-20th century. It was _supposed_ to be temporary, and affect only the very richest.
Now look where we are.
The same thing will happen with a 'wealth' tax. Today it will affect only billionaires, and eventually, it will trickle down to the rest of us. That's why I'm against it.
So if the IRS wants pre-payment on unrealized gain, will they pay the person back if the property declines in value? With interest? This whole scheme sets a disturbing precedent. There are better ways to collect from the very wealthy. Tightening up the loopholes for tax shelters would be one way. But in any case, income should only be taxed once, and there are several ways in which it is taxed twice.
Describe the Willie's please
Twice? I think they tax the dollars more than twice! Stunning they would even consider especially with real examples of it having been “tried” in France and it being a disaster that they repealed. Too bad when we “try” something in our country, it sticks hard. Like Obama Care. How audacious of them to consider taxing on unrealized gains when they know inflation is soaring and so property values are on a trend down and not upward! This cannot happen.
They're not answering anything because they've completely lost their minds!
No they haven't. Politicians are the ones that get to redistribute were the tax money goes. If you can decide what to do with it, it can go to the person/company that gives you the bigest kickback.
@@think2invest For sure, look at their boss!!!!
Texas native here, 40 years old. I know of one family when I was in 7th grade who moved from Texas to California. The amount of California, Pennsylvania, New York and other blue state license plates I've seen transplant here, especially post Covid, is absolutely insane. Tell every one of them, don't vote blue. You fled your state to come to mine.
Awesome point and so true
We left Seattle for Texas. We're thrilled to live in a state that's still proud to be American. God, family, and country! Plus, Texas food is awesome. ❤
If I moved from one of these disastrous states, I'd make sure to put out a Trump 2024 flag or other things that make it 100% clear to my neighbors that I am not "one of them". And by one of them, I mean a communist democrat.
Could it be Senator Kennedy is just too practical & down to earth
Elizabeth Firnschild
0 seconds ago
I pay quarterly estimated taxes. I stress estiamated not what I have earned but what the goverment has estimated that I will earn and some mounth I go with out BECAUSE I did not earn what the goverment ESTIMATED. Tell me is that fair and how is this different that what we are discussing???
@@elizabethfirnschild8471 They are not talking about earned income. They are talking about INHERITANCE TAX.
I understand exactly what that economist is saying. Why is that idiot Senator pretending that it’s too difficult to comprehend.
EVERYONE (((WILL))) eventually have to pay at least at point of sale, but, if the Billionaire does have the cash up front, then that financially capable individual or entity SHOULD have to pay up front.
I sure like watching Kennedy work.
"For the record", I'm a native New Yorker, lived in Florida for 20 years, now live in North Carolina. I have had job offers for NYC, Chicago and San Francisco among others since moving south. Even with large increases in the offered income, my family's standard of living would have dropped dramatically if I had accepted those offers. The left ivory tower gang has no perception of reality for what citizens of this country have to deal with. That's besides that fact that I live in a free state where I have the right to defend myself and my family, as opposed to NYC where I have the right to die or be jailed for defending myself. The country has gone insane and I hope that we can find a way to bring it back from the brink.
I do too.😢
@@helenthomas6716 me to Helen😢
I'm made those exact 2 moves NY to FL to NC. I still test the market and getting a 50% raise by moving to CA or NJ would put my lifestyle back a bunch.
Senator Kennedy, never stop "killing it and grilling it"!😂😂
John Kennedy is a National Treasure. We need a few hundred more of him in Washington.
If Republicans would get behind a statesman like John Kennedy, and not an orange clownish criminal, they would be in control of the federal government.
Quit throwing around "national treasure" so carelessly. He's a great lawyer and senate member. He's not a "national treasure"....
I think John Kennedy is a brilliant man , maybe president one day
Mr. Kennedy should be put on Mount Rushmore!
@@ryanp6999 well in a day and time when so many people who are supposed to do the peoples work have stopped doing so, stopped being civilized, stopped making rational arguments and instead substitute their duty to the nation for duty to keep getting themselves elected I'd say the rare few like Kennedy become treasures. He's an example of what and how our representatives should be, regardless of their party affiliation and if I was a jr senator of either party I would look to him for that example of how to conduct myself.
I am nowhere near $100 million net worth, but no way should they pre pay taxes on unrealized gain.
Thanks Mr Kennedy. You are a breath of fresh air. The people speaking are not worried about taxes because they're wealthy enough to survive where as middle class people can not
They're talking about taxing wealthy people. It's like you didn't listen.
@@cloudoftime And who owns the factories and businesses who hire the middle class, and sell their products to them? Do you actually think the business person will just absorb the high taxes? If you do, you are a fool.
@@mcvet57103 That's why the policy doesn't end there. You Do realize that economic policy can't be thoroughly and comprehensively explained in 10 seconds especially while you're being cut off, right? There's a reason for minimum wage, unions, and worker rights which have been fought for hard throughout time and protect the lower middle class workers from the corporate elites. It's because corporations are not moral entities. Wealthy people are not going to make sure that us lower class and middle class people have comfortable lives if they're left unchecked. And they are more capable of being taxed at a higher rate, which is why we have progressive tax systems in the first place. But the point is, wealthy people are not just going to provide to everyone else from the kindness of their own hearts. That's a fantasy. It's time to get real.
So very true.
See that's the thing. No one survives what's coming. ESPECIALLY the wealthy. They'll be dragged out of their castles and dealt with as quickly as anyone.
When you tax something, you disincentivize that thing. Income taxes suppress the production of wealth. Whether it's the bastardized income tax we have currently, or a flat tax.
A sales tax has it's challenges too.
The biggest problem is that our federal government has become a massive insatiable monster. The spending needs to be brought under control.
Elizabeth Firnschild
0 seconds ago
I pay quarterly estimated taxes. I stress estiamated not what I have earned but what the goverment has estimated that I will earn and some mounth I go with out BECAUSE I did not earn what the goverment ESTIMATED. Tell me is that fair and how is this different that what we are discussing???
Senator Kennedy Rocks !!! 💪👍👏🇺🇸
These economists sound like the marketing team at Budweiser
Elizabeth Firnschild
0 seconds ago
I pay quarterly estimated taxes. I stress estiamated not what I have earned but what the goverment has estimated that I will earn and some mounth I go with out BECAUSE I did not earn what the goverment ESTIMATED. Tell me is that fair and how is this different that what we are discussing???
@@elizabethfirnschild8471 Taxing unrealized gains is garbage and will cause a war
I've often wondered, just why do corrupt politicians believe that they have a right to my income to "run government" yet their ill-gotten money is untouchable?
I might be really really poor now but I'm glad that when I'm a baliginineer politicians like this guy will be there to help me. God Bless America.
The rationale is that the people who became rich based on the support of government back bone which helped to enable it. Things like roads, internet, utilities.
Currently our ultra wealthy are undertaxed. Other countries have gone too harshly in the other direction like all the former European nobility who had to sell off estates over the decades to pay their taxes.
Its a fine balance, but right now its decidedly unbalanced.
@@PorterPickUp But the people calling on the "ultra-wealthy" to be taxed into oblivion are the same people that think it's PROPER that the nobility had to sell estates to pay their taxes. Who owns those estates now? The governments who forced their sale. Same thing happening here. "Nobody should own a Lamborghini... unless I have one, then it's fine."
@@Dakarn The other thing to consider is that roughly 40% of the countries working population pays 0 taxes at all. And despite this, many people consider such an idea to be 'racist' if that 40% had to pay even so much as a dollar in taxes. The Feds could easily say "ok, everyone pays 10%", and be done with it. It's an easy calculation to make how much you'll pay in (move the decimal one spot to the right), and you never have to guess how much you actually owe or get refunded at the end of the year. But again, doing so would be decied as racist or whateverphobic the left wants to push, and are instead pushing for the super wealthy, who already pay more in taxes than everyone else, to pay even more.
Uhm, you pretty much said it yourself: corrupt.
Haha! Kennedy’s last statement was absolutely brilliant! 😂
By easing the tax burden on the wealthy businesses, they hire more employees therefore boosting the tax base.
Try as you may, it's almost impossible to get a rational, honest answer from most of these people.
Personally I found the questioning to be the side lacking in honesty and good faith.
I wonder what they would say about you. I know what I would say about you. And TO you. "Was it hard to get yr GED?"
People that are cought in a lie, can´t be honest.
@@lincolnyaco5626 Ooooo . . . so clever and funny!
right, the republicans
It amazes me that, when two or more Doctors of Philosophy in Economics are gathered in one spot, the IQ of the entire group drops like a rock.
Ask those 2 PhDs the same question and you'll 4 different answers.
If I'm understanding right, they want to tax us for monies we haven't even made yet or might never make.
It appear so. And true? Senator Kennedy is absolutely right. And yes he(Senator Kennedy is always entertaining) as Mr speaker flipping relied.
You are understanding correctly.
Senator John Kennedy is a national treasure.
So, if you have money in the bank, pay bills, and save money people are penalized, but if you are in debt up to your eyeballs and leveraged yourself to oblivion you get to keep all the marbles?
Good analysis of these people's backwards policies and perceptions,
The D's are criminals
The ultra wealthy have very easy ways of avoiding paying tax entirely. For example, if you own 1 billion in a stock, you can take out low interest loans backed by that asset, annually if you like, and live far more lavishly than the average American, for the rest of your life, without ever selling the stock. So you pay 5% interest on the loans, while the stock grows by 9% per year, and you pay zero income tax the rest of your life. There is a threshold beyond which taxing wealth starts to make sense as the only way to close these sort of loopholes. If it’s a large totally liquid stock, the price is updated every few seconds, it’s not terribly difficult to think of a way to value that stock and tax it. The majority of wealth is held by the top 1%, with no way of extracting tax revenue from it, due to loopholes.
@@johntheboy6555 First, you will never get a personal loan with interest that low (5%). Second, you have to lose money to avoid taxes. If you have stock, you pay capital gains on those dividends you receive from the stock (which is not 9% but far less). If you realize the stock (receive the 9% gain) you pay those gains in taxes. No investment is guaranteed to gain and 9% especially hard to maintain. Invested money was already taxed at some point. How many times should the government get to tax your assets? I guess if you have none, the answer is forever as long as you can get a piece (IE government handout). It is foolish to restrict your ownself from obtaining wealth in your desire to limit the wealthy.
@@schirmc1 you don’t get it… the loan itself is your income, not the appreciation of the stock. So you can live as though you have an annual income by taking out low interest loans, for the rest of your life, without paying any tax. Secondly, most stocks do not pay dividends. And you’re right, at the moment in a time of hyperinflation you can’t get a loan with that low interest. But for the last two decades 5% would be easy. Remember we’re talking about loans backed by billions in assets, because we’re not talking about you or I, we’re talking about the ultra-rich. From the bank’s perspective there couldn’t possibly be a lower risk loan. They can find sub-prime lending with ease. But again, that’s not really the point. The point is you don’t sell the stock, and the loan itself acts as your income, until the day you die. You live incredibly lavishly and never pay a dime in tax. This is why income tax barely touches the rich. They don’t need “income” like most people do. They just take out loans against their essentially infinite supply of equity.
When we moved from California to Florida in 2021 it was difficult and expensive to arrange movers (household stuff, cars, etc.) out of CA. They told us that for every 1 truck coming into California there were 8 trucks leaving! And, most of the people moving to CA are foreign. This country needs to make decisions based on real data we can agree on. Living in Florida is wonderful: we have lots of friends and family here, great weather, pay no state income tax (CA has graduated brackets up to 13.3%!), and we enjoy more freedom.
the part about people moving to CA is correct. now it is a large percentage of their population
And these are the people that the left wants to be in control of this country people who dont really care about America {only see it as a come up} dont know the history of America, non of their family members ever fought for this country and they are still vehemently loyal to the country they came from.
The US is very lucky to have a smart and level-headed person in congress like Sen Kennedy. There just seems to be so few of them.
This lady is in complete denial
NOBODY should pay taxes on unrealized income/gain. You don't actually have any wealth until you sell and convert something INTO wealth.
common sense should be a required skill set in Government positions
@@mattpoules9225 This is what we all voted for if you all are to be believed. No need for passports anymore, Gitmo waived that requirement.
He's offering an opinion. One person out of millions. Who among us thinks the same.
UNLESS, you could pay a flat rate on securities, equities, assets, or businesses, and when those gain are realized, you are paid in full.
@@mattpoules9225 I had a government official tell me recently they don’t have to follow state law, that a local gov has constitutional rights, and fingerprinting programs do not trigger the fourth amendment.
We need people who ARE educated.
Not people who THINK they’re educated.
If you pre-pay, what happens if the value of the item subsequently falls?
Will the IRS refund you the tax?
Ain’t never gonna happen
These people are out of their freaking minds. We are so overtaxed now we can’t handle anymore. They need to try cutting expenses and the outrageous budget.
Overtaxed? What is the right level of tax?
Hands-down, the biggest item on the budget is defense. We have the largest defense budget in the world. If we're cutting down on any part of the budget, we need to start with the military.
We aren't overtaxed. We have some of the lower taxes of developed world why do you think we have so much debt?
So all of you think it just fine for an Owner Op Truck Driver making $75k a year is ok paying 23k in taxes this year and over 30k next year. We need to increase the Defense Budget when what’s going on in Ukraine, North Korea and China. We have Billions of BS in the Budget. Let’s start with help our own Country before we send Billions Overseas and Billion More for Fake Climate Change. Our Government has been wasting money for Decades.
@Ah Stuttgart Just because I'm not pro-military?
God help us.
These “economic advisors” couldn’t run a water fountain. No experience outside an air conditioned building. No experience around the working poor.
No experience around the working ANYBODY!
These economist could destroy a steel hammer beating a rubber ball
These "economists" are insane
This woman first gave statement why people live in NYC when asked why they are leaving , then she denied they are leaving and then Sheldon jumped in with his neurotic response
Looks like she's trying to say there's a bunch of immigrants coming in that compensates for any exodus. These news clips are always highly edited so you can't tell what they said already.
Chewy, the people from California and N. Y are leaving by droves. Who wants to live in cities were crime is s high and not accountability for the criminals. Taxation to the roof, and people be intimidated. In my communist country, the government even prohibit the people to move to farms, and leave the shit cities.
She clearly has no idea what is going on in California. Most "regular" people are struggling big time. Calif is NOT is a better place than ever, she is lying.
I can listen to senator Kennedy all day. He is smart and funny.
Senator: "What three things would you change in our tax system?"
Me: "I only need one: Make it flat 9% for everyone, no loopholes or write-offs whatsoever."
you wouldn't give a deduction for children?
@@tylerjames329Absolutely not: It's a person's choice to have children. If the person can't afford the expense of having a child without getting tax breaks, or child support benefits, then IMHuO, they shouldn't be planning on having a child...
Make it 0%. Go back to tariffs
9 pct won't do it. Need 20 pct. That is more than I pay under the current tax structure. And more than the vast majority pay.
One reason we don’t tax unrealized gains is because they are speculative, a thing is only actually worth what someone will actually pay for it. So until it’s sold, there isn’t a way to clearly value it. If you were taxes on property appreciation, if the value goes down, you would then be entitled to a loss realization.
yeah i dont understand how "educated" people can legitimately consider that a solution... it would be a nightmare endeavor for any agency to investigate and validate speculated value. i do think there are loopholes that should be closed off that benefit those with wealth but this idea of PREPAYING taxes on unrealized gains is insanity especially when it doesnt apply to everyone.
Company profits are un paid wages
Paintings a 1% vulgar ponzi scheme likebanks bailed out by their citizens
One american paid 2billion dollar fine ciitizen pays 1000 earns 10 thousand ????????
Is the property taxes on houses not unrealized gain? This year our home value sky rocketed and the taxes went right with it! What am I missing?
If these are the economists people are putting trust in... we are SCREEEWWWEDDD!
Senator Kennedy, just love when you have these moments of brilliance! They're often and appreciated.
They will continue to “not answer” until they are charged and arrested for contempt.
Which has never happened, nor will. We all know that.
Until contempt is applied to the congress, congress hearings are mute and pointless waste of effort.
Mr. Kennedy, please exercise, eat right, no smoking, an occasional drink -- TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF!
We need this man to live forever.
His brain is smoother than a bowling ball
He does. He's very clear minded.
Common sense on a YT comment post!! How refreshing!
I've said the same thing a hundred times. "We love you, Senator, but we're taking away your cigars."
The oldest woman who lived smoked
No Congressman should have a right to get first-hand information from the stock market exchange neither😂
I hope you don’t believe Sen. John Kennedy is doing that.
You talking about Nancy and the rest of the deep state criminals
Well said senator, well said
“I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money.”
― Thomas Sowell, Barbarians inside the Gates and Other Controversial Essays
Billionaires are hoarding money and don't pay their fair share.
@@samdajellybeenie14 How is keeping what you earned horading? and what is their fair share in quantifiable terms?
@@Barskor1 When the top 1% have more wealth than the entire middle class, that’s hoarding.
@@Barskor1 There's no right answer to how much the rich should pay. Just that they should pay more. In 1958 the top marginal tax rate was 91%. Hardly anyone paid that due to deductions, but it's the elimination of policies like those that have allowed people's wealth to balloon. Don't you want free healthcare?
@@samdajellybeenie14 That is the result of the US going off the gold standard and lobbying for laws and regulations to create barrriors to entry in business
So if the property is worth more, you will pay. Now, what if the same property that was worth a million turns out to depreciate and loses value, will the IRS give these people money if they ended up losing appreciation? See how stupid this idea is? Fire these ignorant, immoral people, already!
They would. It would be a tax loss write - off against taxes on next year's cap gains and income. Kiyosaki types claim depreciation all the time.
That’s exactly what goes on real estate taxes levied on property owners in cities, across the US generally, even without votes on that increase!
Yes, that's how business taxes work. If you make a million one year and have a loss for the next few years, you continue getting refunds from the taxes you paid on that million. Google "loss carry forward" and "loss carry back"
It's a one way deal for sure.....they want it all, especially the RATS.
@@dkbgeek Loss carry forward and loss carry back are *NOT* the same as a theoretical refund on an unrealized gain tax. Carrying loss is predicated on properly calculating income from that asset to determine tax owed for that year's income. That year, as in, timestamped. You have a definitive frame of time in which to calculate whether or not someone made money. With an unrealized gain tax, you're talking about taxing it before any such calculation could possibly take place by definition, with no knowledge of when it is that it would take place. You can't issue the refund because you lack any kind of a time stamp. Suppose Elon never sells Tesla, and his heir never sells Tesla, but their heir finally does sell Tesla. Is the Federal government going to go back 60 years of tax history to determine that all of the unrealized gains taxes even up?
Not remotely plausible. None of these responses are thinking this comparison through.
the moral of the story is this, you're either rich enough to afford people who can figure this shit out or tell you it's cheaper to move somewhere else where it is less expensive overall or you're one of the majority of people in the country who are still going to pay between 30-75% of their income in some form of combined taxes.
Govt: "Give us all your money and we'll give back what you don't owe in taxes. Trust us."
Democrats always know how to spend your hard earned money better than you do.
Ask your employer to not withhold any from your paychecks. It's up to you.
@@CurtisDensmore1 If they don't withhold then you have to do quarterly estimated, either way they have you.
It’s worse than that, as the tax companies like H&R Block constantly lobby to keep the tax code Byzantine and ensure that we always have to factor taxes ourselves, even though the government already knows damn well what we owe.
“Let’s play a guessing game. If you guess right, you won’t be punished. Oh, and you can pay my little friend here to give you the answers if you want.”
After all, we're from the government and we're here to help.
These people are in a different reality.
I love the respect that Senator Kennedy has, and the respect they give back.
Great point. He can make his point with calm discussion instead of brow-beating insults.
This is what healthy discussion and debate looks like. Comparing this committee hearing to the one Taibbi had to sit through is night in day.
He is looking right down their throat
you should watch the debates they have in Parliament.
@@FarmingWithYahweh Lol. I do. It's kind of a circus compared to the Hearings we have in the US. But our Hearings are starting to get out of hand also. But you guys get to cheer your colleagues on. Which is funny.
Sen. Kennady rocks!🇺🇸❤️
Hey kennedy, You are truly a wonderful human being. Listening to you talk is like hearing storytelling as a child. You are a very colorful human being and I wish there were more like you In this World. You are a breath of fresh air, Where people seem to be getting more boring and more boring. Once again god bless you keep up the good work
o mg you poor wretch .
I agree Kennedy and he sounds like Mr. Haney
He is lousy at getting answers. He can't phrase his questions succinctly enough nor abbreviated enough to get decent ones. Haven't you noticed that after interrupting an answer he pretty much asks the same only revised a bit? The revision is no better than the original. The guy is not masterful enough with language to get direct responses and though he is on the same side of the fence ideologically as me, he lacks ability as a statesman ..
i agree with you. i always love when i can listen to him next. he's such a good man with no ill intent....but most of all, he has something which has been lost in this country for a while and that is just good old common sense....
I'm happy to see that his intended theatrics are working on you! It shows his performance was excellent that day. Now if only the same could be said about his actual work as a senator!
My mother was the least political person I knew and the 1st bit of advice she gave was to vote "NO" on anything that would raise taxes or take my money in any way. Smart advice...
I guess you've never voted then.
@@johnristheanswer Ha! True, true. If only our politicians had an ounce of common sense.
@@CaptainFritz28 if you think these people dont know exactly what they're doing, you need some common sense. YOu dont get into those kind of positions purely by doing the good thing
@@fetB I stand corrected.
*If only our politicians had an ounce of care for people other than themselves.
@@CaptainFritz28 I can sign that
We need someone that knows what work actually is before they even start to understand how to apply them..
Senator Kennedy is so great!
John Kennedy is full of common sense and is an asset to Louisiana. Thank you, Senator Kennedy.
He is an asset to the entire United States. Thank you, voters of Louisiana.
LOL Common sense? You must be joking.
@@MichaelFloodSr The one who said “it was a lot worse under Trump…”fact” (you), thinks he knows what common sense is? The FACT is, NOTHING was worse under Trump. You could go straight down the list and compare every single issue, and our country was better off during President Trumps administration than it was before, AND especially now during Biden’s. You can’t just make things up and call them “facts”…I guess you were asleep during Trumps time in office, and STILL asleep during Biden’s administration. Now it feels like “Weekend at Bernie’s”, trying to prop up a dead man.
He’s an asset to the whole nation!
@@ambicateiler3152 I agree and I’m from Louisiana and voted for John Kennedy 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Kennedy asked her why are so many people leaving New York, and she starts talking about what a wonderful city it is! He didn't ask her if New York was a wonderful city said why are they freaking leaving!
It's a wonderful city if you enjoy staring at cement, being jostled around, freezing, breathing noxious fumes, and paying a dozen times for rent what you would pay anywhere else for a 15th floor walk-up.
I think she confused between Leaving NY and Live in NY )))
Uh, rich people leave places all the time. They do have houses all over the world and and different states.
I'm pretty sure that we're not talking about the small percentage of rich people that live in New York leaving to go to another house somewhere in the Eastern seaboard. Pretty sure we're talking about those people that are working two jobs to pay for a 200 ft² mini apartment for $3,000 a month! It's insane! There is no freaking city on this earth that would be worth living in a shoebox for that amount of money!
@@asnark7115 Says someone who has CLEARLY NEVER been there.
They never speak about how to spend less always about how to charge more
6:44 absolutely not, only Communism and Socialism say that: "from each one according to his ability for each one according to his needs"
The biggest mistake we've made as a society was giving so much power to people who were bullied in high school.
Wow, you know nothing about these people.
The repugs give it to people who were bullies in high school.
@@canoetripper4651Funny. All the bullying I see is coming from Leftists against normal people.
I would not be surprised if at this moment Yagan has a "Kick me" sign taped to his back.
That's a really stupid thing to say but alas. Yo do understand scientists and actual mfkers who studied hard got bullied (most times) right? The people who can fix this?
What fine minds these people have. We are so lucky to have them !??
The thing that shocked me the most about this conversation is that there appeared to be a level of respect regardless of disagreement. Can we please have more of that? Please? Please?
Well, if your bar for that sort of thing is howler monkey MTG, I suppose I can understand.
Kennedy does not respect anyone he just pretends to.
The issue is for there to be a level of respect you have to be having an honest, genuine conversation wether you agree or disagree. A lot of politicians are arguing disingenuously just because of party affiliation, agenda etc. Just my uneducated $.02
being dishonest is not being respectful, its deceitful.
It's all for show. Nobody in that room gives two shits about the conversation at hand.
No more true state statement ever told, He is “always entertaining”
When stationed in NY, we fell in love with NY. It made the top of our list for retirement, but we didn’t because of the taxes.
Retire to NY. That's a new one.