At 8:25, would it not be -1/h? The two first constants are negatives of each other because of the derivative chain rule, so I am confused why it would not be -1/h. Perhaps the result is non-physical, which is that D is the negative of Debye length, but I don't get why from the math that this works
Why did the gamma term disappear after equation 1? When you moved on to prove the second condition (dV/dh =0) the gamma term was no longer in the starting eqn. Why is that?
So wait if Im interpreting this correct, according to you when you add electrolytes you lower the energybarrier and thus make it easier for particles to coagulate. But I then don't understand why it was taught to me when adding electrolytes it is favourable for flocculation to occur since it lowers both the primary maximum and secondary minimum.
At 8:25, would it not be -1/h? The two first constants are negatives of each other because of the derivative chain rule, so I am confused why it would not be -1/h. Perhaps the result is non-physical, which is that D is the negative of Debye length, but I don't get why from the math that this works
In physics, force is the negative derivative of potential. He should've wrote -dV/dh to be more accurate I suppose.
Why did the gamma term disappear after equation 1? When you moved on to prove the second condition (dV/dh =0) the gamma term was no longer in the starting eqn. Why is that?
So wait if Im interpreting this correct, according to you when you add electrolytes you lower the energybarrier and thus make it easier for particles to coagulate. But I then don't understand why it was taught to me when adding electrolytes it is favourable for flocculation to occur since it lowers both the primary maximum and secondary minimum.