Enlightenment Is Not an Exotic Experience

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024

Комментарии • 587

  • @micktbaby
    @micktbaby Год назад +77

    I started my journey towards enlightenment over 20 years ago. So true it is not an exotic experience. It occurred recently for me, not on a mountain, by the ocean, sunset, or sunrise. Not while meditating, or practicing yoga. I was in my car and someone cut me off in traffic, I responded by going to my breath and saying let go. It was so complete a release that I will never forget it, and in that instant I was forever changed. The understanding of where my journey had been leading in a moment that I was not searching and seeking, simply revealed. Truly astonishing !

    • @archsys307
      @archsys307 9 месяцев назад +9

      Bro leveled up big W

    • @kenjones102
      @kenjones102 7 месяцев назад +4

      Byron Katie awakened when a cockroach crossed her foot. Adyashanti awakened one day while walking across a carpet. If I can find the same carpet and species of cockroach, that still leaves the make and model of your car! Please help.

    • @archsys307
      @archsys307 7 месяцев назад +4

      @@kenjones102 Instructions unclear, made myself into a model. Not sure this'll help with enlightenment...

    • @Soulsmusic1931
      @Soulsmusic1931 4 месяца назад +2

      I would not say that I am enlightened but I would say that I merely exist as consciousness now which is aware of itself, mind, thoughts, body and everything else.. I said something to the love of my life and ended up hurting her which was the last thing that I wanted to happen which led me question by beliefs and concepts.. I guess this happened cuz she is my twin flame and it's been 2 years in this journey already, even though I don't want to label it like that but it is what it is.. My love for her led me to question everything that my mind has been going on about since childhood..

    • @anonaki-mt6xb
      @anonaki-mt6xb 4 месяца назад +2

      I was in line at Walmart at 11:43 pm. Funny how things go sometimes. It was astonishing to say the least.

  • @q-j-p
    @q-j-p Год назад +114

    Saw a blurb I wrote to myself some time ago that resurfaced today which I hope helps
    “The mind connects the within and without. Within is presence, without perception”
    Bless all on your journeys ❣️☯️

    • @kundaliniairport
      @kundaliniairport Год назад

      It's a blurp, no doubt. Question is, did it come out of your mouth or rectum?

    • @msrmsr9999
      @msrmsr9999 7 месяцев назад +4

      I think, the word mind can be replaced with a word which is awareness.

    • @Da_Xman
      @Da_Xman 3 месяца назад

      ✨Well stated, q-j-p!✨

    • @Da_Xman
      @Da_Xman 3 месяца назад +1


  • @electricsnut
    @electricsnut Год назад +25

    Desire is the key, you’re always searching for something to make you happy which means you think you’re missing something and not whole. That means you can never be happy until you find it but there is nothing to be found… To realise the oneness and your perfect already and don’t lack anything. The paradox of this is desire is what makes you seek enlightenment. All this talk however should not understate how profound and peaceful this state is, it’s beyond comprehension… Any psychedelic trip can give you a glimpse of this perfect state of being.

  • @TheJooberjones
    @TheJooberjones Год назад +40

    Got better towards the end, the barrier is the identification with the form. The hamster wheel has a ton of momentum to it, and this can even be seen in the brain via fmri. So it takes a bit more than simple recognition as rupert says, meditation is a scientific process of disidentification, which happens slowly and arduously for most.

  • @innerlight617
    @innerlight617 Год назад +16

    For me the basic understanding in non-dual approach is, that we are all aspects or manifestations of a single indivisible whole or reality.Our belief of separation,of individuality ,is due to ignorance.
    Deep understanding of the above weaken considerably the two major beliefs which constitute the self-illusion state.
    1 .There is me (individualization)2. I am so and so (identification).
    It is the first step towards equanimity.
    And equanimity for me is bliss.

  • @jamesdawkins5331
    @jamesdawkins5331 Год назад +10

    I am is a mystery to those who have never truly experienced ego death.
    The experience is mind blowing and the understanding then is very simple.
    We are not who our egos tell us we are. The I is not the I. The me is not me.
    Only through surrender, putting down the sword of status and protection and understanding that that which we have fought all our lives to protect holds us in fear.
    Love and enlightenment awaits the on the other side. But every fibre of the ego will insist on the separate self identity- we need to realise we are nothing before we understand that we are the everything.

  • @stelladonnelly2832
    @stelladonnelly2832 Год назад +32

    Part of the problem is that we have to continue using language the way everyone does, which makes it so easy to fall into identification with our experiences and bodily feelings. Imagine filling in a form requiring your details and writing - I Am. !!

    • @frv6610
      @frv6610 Год назад

      ​@SIMPLY HUMAN why is believing someone is communicating a problem?

    • @julien1
      @julien1 3 месяца назад

      @@frv6610 Describe being happy - at that point you are no longer BEING happy but thinking

    • @frv6610
      @frv6610 3 месяца назад

      @@julien1 i think it is a generalization error you make. Yes some people may not be happy while describing their happiness, but imagine an extremely happy person, he would not for sure become unhappy when describing it. Memories are still in the now too, one cant access a memory which doesnt exist, so accessing a happy memory is still real happiness. So what is your point btw?

    • @julien1
      @julien1 3 месяца назад

      @@frv6610 NO im highlighting that BEING happy is different from thinking about happiness. Its the thinking that stops the being. This is the difference between BELIEF and KNOWLEDGE. One is BEING knowledgeable but cannot be BEING believing.

  • @russellmason5095
    @russellmason5095 Год назад +16

    There are some useful pointers here towards an important truth. However, after watching the video all of the problems of my life go on as before because I don't understand how my mind and samsara work, and I forget that I am awareness for 23 hours and 59 minutes every day. Enlightenment is not just about understanding briefly, having a brief flash of recognition and then forgetting again. This is a pretty low bar, and the knowledge that you are awareness will not do more than temporarily relieve your suffering or may lead to enlightenment sickness or ego inflation.
    While the ultimate realisation may be as simple as this, the real question is 'How can I stabilize my life in this knowledge?' In almost every case a lot of spiritual practice and study is required to really prepare the mind to be able to understand what "I am awareness" means and to make the understanding ongoing. When the knowledge is stablized during walking, sitting, working, sleeping etc, etc. and the person acts equanimously in every situation, then the person may be enlightened or whatever you want to call it. If they are not reacting equanimously, then of course they are perpetuating suffering for themselves and others and perpetuating samsara. There's a reason why the Buddha started with suffering and the Advaitans talk about suffering, Maya, the Causal Body etc. Suffering is an important of the teaching and a fundamental aspect of our lives and the process of understanding them. I hope you were inspired by this video, but in my view his type of teaching should be seen as the start of a long - and mostly joyous - path and not the end of one. Good luck!

    • @user-ij4hp5nn6g
      @user-ij4hp5nn6g Год назад

      You don't need to try and stabilise your life, simply be aware of the rollercoaster ride

    • @eylam9690
      @eylam9690 Год назад

      If you turn it into a path, you will never get there though.

    • @mikelipschitz7281
      @mikelipschitz7281 Год назад

      Great points ,I suppose like how obvious is e=זmc( squared ) but the skill is as you say what to do with the knowledge,and of course getting to that understanding in the first place !!!
      You make me think of snakes and laders ,you just hope not to many snakes and enough different sized ladders !!!!

  • @Anlonn
    @Anlonn Год назад +76

    Enlightenment Is Not an Exotic Experience. yes it is. one of the most amazing experiences. that "aha moment", that "waking up" and every answer that comes with it, makes it exotic. it's like falling in love for the first time but with a dose of maturity and conscious actions.

    • @stelladonnelly2832
      @stelladonnelly2832 Год назад +8

      I would say he means that it must be the most normal thing for us to know that we "are". If an animal could speak, it would know, in it's own way, that it "is".

    • @terefefeyssa877
      @terefefeyssa877 Год назад +3

      Anlonn: I lt is not exotic to me.
      I'm inlighted right now as we speak.

    • @Anlonn
      @Anlonn Год назад +18

      @@stelladonnelly2832 "knowing" is the realm of the mind. the conceptual realm. the abstract realm. also called imagination. who am I is beyond this conceptual realm. it can only be experienced, but can't be named. the moment you try to name anything, that is mind. to find out who you truly are, you need to go beyond thinking, beyond mind. and that is a truly amazing experience.

    • @Anlonn
      @Anlonn Год назад +1

      @@terefefeyssa877 ok.

    • @rliljeros
      @rliljeros Год назад +1

      ​@@Anlonn thank you

  • @WildSatsang
    @WildSatsang Год назад +20

    This beingness Rupert refers to is immediately available to everybody 💜

  • @allenmorgan4309
    @allenmorgan4309 4 месяца назад +3

    If you sit in a room alone and experience the life force within your body.....that is enlightenment. The awareness occurs when we have let go of every selfish desire and just experience existence without exterior attachments.

  • @user-jb6hn1db8x
    @user-jb6hn1db8x Год назад +26

    Enlightenment is the simplest thing, but people expect it to be some ecstatic experience, and so they miss it. The trouble is that there are altered states of consciousness which can feel the way that people hope that enlightenment will feel. If they stumble into these states they can then believe themselves to be enlightened and spend the rest of their lives chasing these experiences like spiritual crack addicts. Instead, notice what it is that is doing the experiencing.

    • @yoya4766
      @yoya4766 Год назад +2

      Or spend their lives making money from their hippie experience like Rupert.

    • @andrejfranjic5059
      @andrejfranjic5059 Год назад +1

      If you didnt experience it how can you talk about it?

    • @isaacgarcia2979
      @isaacgarcia2979 Год назад

      @@yoya4766 exactly😂

  • @bloodsonnet
    @bloodsonnet Год назад +5

    I think just by deconstructing our language we can see this issue clearly. Our language always implies a subject and object. We say things like “it is raining” when there is no “it” to be raining, there is just raining. in the exact same way, we say “i am experiencing”, when there is just experience. It’s so clear when one just steps away from the language or looks at it beyond its structure and it proves non duality without having any “mystical” experience.

    • @terri6854
      @terri6854 Год назад

      "It" refers to the weather - the state of the weather.

    • @worldsarise
      @worldsarise 4 месяца назад

      Agree. Language is so psychoactive we often can't experience past its conceptual boundaries. And the shared concepts of language are very powerful and very connecting so it's only natural that such social concepts and meanings would become our default mode, but we can train to rest the mind in whatever is, right now, in immediate sensate reality.

  • @atmannityananda-autognosia
    @atmannityananda-autognosia Год назад +11

    Enlightenment is not Just a recognition.
    It is the full illumination of the mind at all levels and the complete dissolution of the ego and becoming the mind as luminous as Consciousness itself. That's it ❤

  • @genocanabicea5779
    @genocanabicea5779 Год назад +11

    Everyone is looking to experience being connected. But in truth you cant ever be disconnected. You are a spirit having a human experience not the other way around. Know it. Believe it. And it will catch up. Meditate often.

    • @BaritoneUkeBeast4Life
      @BaritoneUkeBeast4Life Год назад +1

      Close, I would say we are not a spirit as a spirit is a thing an object. We are being. We are closer to a verb than a noun. Nouns, objects and things are what the physical plane is all about. That is not our true nature. Also in order to progress during the awakening process, one must shed each and every one of our conditioned beliefs and see them for the falseness that they are.

    • @aed1605
      @aed1605 Год назад

      Never been disconnected from what or who? Connection with God is something to be had, not something which has been the case since your birth. You can be disconnected, like Atheists are right now.
      Enlightenment is the Absolute Awakening and Realization of God.
      Anything else is cute 🐱🐣

    • @genocanabicea5779
      @genocanabicea5779 Год назад +1

      @@aed1605 you are wrong.

    • @aed1605
      @aed1605 Год назад

      @@genocanabicea5779 You’re far behind kid

    • @BaritoneUkeBeast4Life
      @BaritoneUkeBeast4Life Год назад

      @@aed1605 God, awareness, consciousness, life whatever label you choose it's all the same and everything is a byproduct of that. In other words God is all that exists and all is God, therefore you are all that exists and you are God that is why there can be no separation.

  • @bparcej6233
    @bparcej6233 Год назад +5

    When I was 5, I experienced I am, and was thrilled. Now, at 70, I consider how ‘I am’ came into existence and am thrilled. ‘I am’ has emerged from infinite time and space, it’s particles and processes, evolution of life, transmission of genes from ancestors who survived ( reproductive processes), human time and socio cultural context, personal factors that shaped my life and perspective etc. F’n amazing 💫 the extraordinary ordinary

  • @anitam7547
    @anitam7547 Год назад +19

    Before enlightenment - chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment - chop wood, carry water.

    • @stelladonnelly2832
      @stelladonnelly2832 Год назад +2

      Exactly ! The mind doesn't want to let go of it's identity.

    • @anitam7547
      @anitam7547 Год назад +7

      @@stelladonnelly2832 Sorry - but I don't understand your interpretation. The saying I used was in relation to the title of this video. I had an awakening experience years ago. It was not exotic - but it was delicious. Everything was just as it was before - except I experienced it differently. The weights/burdens were absent. Everything was easier. I was still in the same difficult circumstances - but my suffering ceased. Inner Peace is The Dog's Bollocks, the bee's knees, and the cat's whiskers. Peace first - all else follows.

    • @JonasAnandaKristiansson
      @JonasAnandaKristiansson Год назад

      Chop water, carry wood

    • @BaritoneUkeBeast4Life
      @BaritoneUkeBeast4Life Год назад +2

      Bruce Lee who was also was a college graduate of Eastern Philosophy used a similar metaphor when describing the martial arts journey. When you start out as a beginner a punch is just a punch and a kick is just a kick. Then during your training you learn all the intricates in how to properly punch using many different hand shapes and techniques, kicking is the same and you learn how to kick while maintaining your center of balance and rooting skills, etc. Over many years you learn so many variations to punch and kick for so many circumstances that when you reach a level of mastery a punch returns to just being a punch and a kick returns to just being a kick because there is newfound skill that the body has digested fully and there is no thought in the way to hinder you. You then operate from a place of trust and surrender that your body will know what to do when the time comes without any thoughts, panic, or concern.

    • @saurav9382
      @saurav9382 Год назад

      @@anitam7547 That experience could be just a trick of mind. Truth is in present. All the knowledge is in memories.

  • @zendragon4037
    @zendragon4037 Год назад +2

    i equate enlightenment with connection to source and the bliss that comes with that. so i see it as something special. as most people do not live in bliss and joy as a regular thing.

  • @jcinaz
    @jcinaz Год назад +3

    There is a difference between the intellectual understanding that "I Am" refers to our true nature, and the "knowing" from personal experience that "I Am" is an awareness of being aware and that "I Am" exists without a body and without a mind. We are truly spiritual beings (beings of light, so to speak) temporarily inhabiting a mortal shell. And if you wonder "why" or "how," then you haven't experienced yourself in this state. Being "enlightened" doesn't *give* you any special powers or privileges, but it does eradicate fear, and with it comes a realization that all things are possible and that everything happens for a reason.

    • @aum-shanti
      @aum-shanti Год назад +1

      ....................Rupert Spira is an international author, speaker and teacher of non-duality...............maybe knowledge but no concret experiences ...............

  • @kundaliniairport
    @kundaliniairport Год назад +38

    So close, so simple, so intimate..
    As you are with yourself not expecting anything at all, drawing your attention deeper within your own self, resting in this choiceless awareness, the mind then sinks back into its source, which is this deep, silence found in the heart. This could be, what Ramana Maharshi calls, the Self. You are that. Don't move from that place, no matter what the outer or inner circumstances are or how they change and realize there is neither inner nor outer nor anything at all. Nothing is happening really. When this ultimate experience happens, you laugh yourself silly for you see the devine Lila and the purposelessness of all existence. There is no mind, only the light of awareness.
    Rejoice & enjoy. Freedom at last. That simple, really.

    • @zootsoot2006
      @zootsoot2006 Год назад

      Realising Rigpa is easy, Living Rigpa is hard.

    • @muralidharankv169
      @muralidharankv169 Год назад

      So you are enlightened?

    • @user-bh1tn6qe4m
      @user-bh1tn6qe4m Год назад +1

      Then you have to go to work to pay the bills and eat and feed your kids 🤷‍♂️ it seems super simple

  • @Aum_shantishantishanti111
    @Aum_shantishantishanti111 Год назад +10

    I am … feeling the presence of love upon hearing this teaching and grateful for it .

    • @macaroon147
      @macaroon147 Год назад

      Nooo 😂😂😂 just "I am" man

  • @TyDyck
    @TyDyck Год назад +3

    enlightenment is more about acceptance than searching or acquisition

  • @dequationblog
    @dequationblog Год назад +3

    This is the best 6 minutes I've ever seen with Rupert.

  • @isaacgarcia2979
    @isaacgarcia2979 Год назад +7

    Rupert is doing a great job, explaining to ppl what enlightenment is

  • @littlewarcovers
    @littlewarcovers Год назад +5

    the joy of being is quite exotic to me, is something we usually don't notice until we do, then it's a WOW moment, and returning to it is kind of exotic, I guess if you could live in that state all the time (being enlightened) then it would become more subtle (less exotic until it just is the normal), but for someone who never experienced it I would say you will notice a big shift.

  • @yahdood6015
    @yahdood6015 Год назад +2

    Experience is the trip. This is the wild ride. The space within which experience occurs is unchanging and timelessly present. Soak up this brief invaluable ever-changing illusory ride while it lasts! It’ll evaporate as quickly and subtly as it came on.

  • @borisnahalka3027
    @borisnahalka3027 Год назад +2

    here is somebody who is talking about enlightenment without being enlightened and who never met such a being. so it is all theoretical. simple? yes. easy - no. why is it not easy? because of an I in the "I am". it is not easy to let go of this "I". you have invested so much in this "I", so letting go - is not easy. the "I" is constantly in a state of dreaming, therefore another name - awakening. Liberation - another name, what are you liberated from? you are free from the notion of "I". you are liberated from yourself. it is the last and the only liberation.
    qualities of experience - Vritty in Sanskrit. getting them out of the way is not enough. you need to get out of the experience itself out of the way. as long as there is "I" that experience anything, there is no liberation, no unity. subject - object - process of experience - does that look like unity to you?. if you are there in the moment of enlightenment, it is not enlightenment, it is just another dream.

  • @AngieHaze
    @AngieHaze 7 месяцев назад

    Nothing feels closer for me to that “I am” then the moments of letting go and improvising on the piano. It’s not recorded, it’s not structured, there are no rules… there’s only a smile in my heart the entire time- feeling connected to that “being” state and completely letting go and loving all of it and just going with the process no matter what comes out.

  • @johnanthonycafe2993
    @johnanthonycafe2993 Год назад +1

    That’s easy for you to say.
    Speaking from the level of Being and speaking about Being are not the same thing - the mind likes to dwell on concepts but Being is the absence of concepts.

  • @atiqaziz1577
    @atiqaziz1577 Год назад +15

    There is no teacher who explains this teaching better. Thank you Rupert with lots of gratitude. Thank you for coming into my life

  • @Susangroe
    @Susangroe 15 дней назад

    To me enlightenment is knowing the I Am essence, but without our ego. This is where I feel ppl get tripped up bc they haven’t fully integrated all of their mind. Just knowing the I Am is the beginning of the process. Just my experience. ☮️ 🕊️

  • @yiannakas2
    @yiannakas2 27 дней назад

    I was meditating, in which I was overflowing with love, when suddenly, I experienced a part of my consciousness leaving my body, I saw myself moving away from the earth and then becoming one with the whole. Then a sigh of relief came out of what I experienced and I returned to my body

  • @PostkarteausWien
    @PostkarteausWien Год назад +52

    He is so great, such a talented teacher, I like him a lot! 🥰👏✌️

  • @baharam98
    @baharam98 Год назад +3

    What a simple, yet powerful explanation. Thank you Rupert. Thank you for these wonderful short videos that are packed with light. Your words light up in the "center of being," and not just my head as simply more words! Thank you!

  • @jyotisinha8234
    @jyotisinha8234 Год назад +1

    I am…. That itself is coloured through life experiences and hence we forget our true self.. I am… who … by dropping all worldly perceptions that we gather through life experiences, we understand our true self… that’s enlightenment !!
    And living life with that knowledge frees us from all worldly sorrows !!

  • @bandit2048
    @bandit2048 Год назад +4

    Thank you so much for this. At last someone who has not profited from mystifying this even further and instead shows it for what it is.

  • @amyhaible654
    @amyhaible654 Год назад +2

    He is such a beautiful expression. Of what? Of what we all are, if we will forgive that we didn't know before but now we do. So simple. I am. And so the same with you...I am.. and then the next step...we are both the I Am. And then the law, "treat your neighbor as yourself" becomes clear. And what do we do with this? We realize we are both infinite, eternal beings having this experience together.

  • @aum-shanti
    @aum-shanti Год назад +4

    Bonjour. OK but this is just the first step ( important step but the first ). you have much more to discover / rediscover. The journey is far from over. I love you all. jean-luc. 🙏🙏🙏🕉🕉🕉

  • @Frooji-ps1xk
    @Frooji-ps1xk 3 месяца назад +1

    When breathing, KNOW you're breathing. When sitting, KNOW you're sitting. When standing, KNOW you're standing. When thinking, KNOW you're thinking. When urinating, KNOW you're urinating. When pooping, KNOW you're pooping etc etc. From the Satipatthana Sutta (the foundations of mindfulness)🙏🧡

  • @mokuho
    @mokuho Год назад +6

    Enlighment is the recognition of the nature of your being

    • @mattcharles8240
      @mattcharles8240 Год назад

      Well said, that's it

    • @Benny_000
      @Benny_000 Год назад +5

      Yeah, to me Enlightenment is ego-death which means that you have realized you are actually infinite and not finite. Maybe this state of being will become normal and then I guess Enlightenment can be considered mundane?
      I haven't reached Enlightenment yet but I'm closing in and I know how amazingly wonderful it is to realize that I am infinite and eternal and that nothing real can be threathened. The awe that comes with this realization sometimes makes me want to fall to my knees. It's that powerful.

    • @aum-shanti
      @aum-shanti Год назад +1

      this is only the first step................ the journey is far from over..............( by my own experience )....................,

  • @Herkimerdiamond
    @Herkimerdiamond Год назад +5

    Enlightenment is to do Self-Inquiry as told by Ramana Maharshi. To dissolve the “I”-thought which generates all other thoughts and remain as the Self - pure consciousness which is “I-less”. Even I Am doesn’t exist in the supreme state. The Self is pure silence. The Self is God. To remain as the Self….that is enlightenment. 🙏

    • @timeless4369
      @timeless4369 Год назад +1

      Self implies an “I” therefore Self/Pure awareness/Brahman is the “I”.

    • @timeless4369
      @timeless4369 Год назад +3

      “I am I” - Ramana Maharshi
      Of course here he isn’t referring to the imaginary ego, he’s referring to True Self/Brahman/Pure Awareness.

    • @Herkimerdiamond
      @Herkimerdiamond Год назад

      @@timeless4369 sure sure!!! But when one is in the state Ramana was….pure consciousness doesn’t say I Am… there is absolute silence…

    • @aed1605
      @aed1605 Год назад

      True, the Self is God. God is consciousness.
      But we’re talking about God here, the actual, G.O.D.
      I’m tired of this non duality shit.
      Just Realize that GOD exists, my and your God, our Creator.
      Stopping trying to understand and know reality…
      Realize God. That’s all you need to know, to do.

    • @frv6610
      @frv6610 Год назад

      ​@Phoenix maybe you are wrong?

  • @lewisliew6479
    @lewisliew6479 Год назад +2

    Enlightenment is the recognition of the nature of your being. Firstly, we have to understand nothing is permanent, all things exist dependent on others, nothing dominants. Everything appear and disappear when conditions is right. This is the nature of your being.

  • @citizenenak
    @citizenenak Год назад +2

    It's as though we're looking outside of what we feel which is impossible. Incidentally what we feel is bound to the idea of independent self, but in reality every thing in consciousness feels on some level I Am in the same way everyone (you, me) do. It cannot be any other way, I Am is everyone and everything.

  • @jjrecon3024
    @jjrecon3024 Год назад +2

    When one can remove all the add-ons imposed by the ego, then one is left with I Am.
    I have, I was, I Am and I Will be and do as Mother Nature intended in order to see Thyself beyond the physical eyes.

  • @NihilRuina
    @NihilRuina Год назад +1

    You are a being that is having an experience. Step back from the experience and focus only on the being.
    You achieve this through meditation. The closing of the eyes, the absences of noise, of movement. Silent, sightless, stillness. All that remains is being, lacking experience.

  • @melchizedek3331
    @melchizedek3331 Год назад +3

    Enlightenment is not achieved through an intellectual exercise but a vibrational alignment. The mind is for thinking; resonance in frequency is Knowing.
    I enjoy your effort, not an easy feat. All the best.

  • @kramnam4716
    @kramnam4716 Год назад +6

    What a lovely calm voice to listen to 🙏🏼💚

  • @I-Am-Aware
    @I-Am-Aware Год назад +7

    Another wonderful presentation, Rupert. Thank you for your tremendous efforts. I no longer "need" to watch your videos (as awakening has occurred), but I still love feeling the energy that you bring to your meetings. Blessings. 🙏🏻

  • @wiggles7976
    @wiggles7976 Год назад +2

    "I am" sounds to me like the answer to a question. "Are you cold, tired, and hungry?" "I am."

    • @coenterhaar9183
      @coenterhaar9183 Год назад +1

      It's not an answer to a question. I am not this or that. I just am.

  • @runswithbears3517
    @runswithbears3517 Год назад +1

    I wouldn't call any of the mystical experiences I have personally had (completely sober, and before I had any spiritual awareness whatsoever) mundane at all.
    They were the most profound thing I have ever experienced, though I agree that this experience was internal, and I was never "lacking it" or never had to "attain it", it was always there. But definitely profound, indescribable, NOT mundane.
    Enlightenment is obviously a loaded term, and I don't claim to be "enlightened" or even to know what the term means, but the suggestion of mundaneness I strongly disagree with. Mystical experience, enlightenment experience, these are peak experiences and that's why they can have such a massive impact on the individual.
    I found the best accounts of these experiences in Plato and Plotinus.
    The lady is right to ask the question. The spiritual path leads (or should lead) to spiritual richness, intense experience, yet wholesome and fulfilling because it comes from within the individual themselves. If it doesn't, then what are you choosing it for?
    "Enlightenment" is often seen as the end stage of the spiritual path, and to suggest it is mundane is, in my opinion, misleading.

  • @andrejfranjic5059
    @andrejfranjic5059 Год назад +17

    “If you can't explain it to a six-year-old, then you don't understand it yourself” Albert Einstein.

    • @AmyMylet
      @AmyMylet 4 месяца назад

      Try to explain biggest feeling of your life to anyone, i am sure if they dont have same experience they will not understand. any age.

  • @Apokalypseplease
    @Apokalypseplease 8 месяцев назад

    "The I am, when it is relieved of the qualities that it borrows from experience." This is it.

  • @sheradski
    @sheradski Год назад +8

    Rupert's 'I am' teaching is brilliant in English. However, in some other languages it's harder to understand - just because in some other languages there sometimes isn't an 'I am' preceding one's age, gender, feelings, actions etc.

    • @shadr8994
      @shadr8994 Год назад +4

      Many other languages have pronouns for "I am" that are simply "I" or "me," but they all point to the same "I am."

    • @sheradski
      @sheradski Год назад +3

      @@shadr8994 Thank you 🙏🏿
      Do you have an idea how it would work in Turkish, when there's often no pronoun - ie no 'I' or 'Me' etc

    • @shadr8994
      @shadr8994 Год назад +2

      @@sheradski What about "Ben"? I know that this issue exists in Farsi as well, but this lack of pronoun usage is unique to colloquial Turkish. In written Turkish (though I am not an expert), the pronoun is still valid, I believe.

    • @sheradski
      @sheradski Год назад +1

      @@shadr8994 Thank you very much for your reply 🙏🏿
      I don't know much about Farsi, but regarding Turkish, it's a suffix language; therefore much of the grammar is expressed by suffixes added to nouns and verbs. Even in written Turkish 'ben' often would not exist.
      There are other languages too, like Indonesian, Finnish, Hungarian and Mandarin where, I believe, there's also no use of pronouns.

    • @shadr8994
      @shadr8994 Год назад

      @@sheradski Well, in that case, they're all in trouble (:

  • @Laxman_Do11
    @Laxman_Do11 2 месяца назад

    Sacrificing personality is very biggest hurdle here for one. but without giving up personality(filters) we can't see ourselves, this much i understood.

  • @sugarfree1894
    @sugarfree1894 Год назад

    This approach, without the preparation of the mind and body through silent meditation, will always be fleeting/obscure/partial/separate. That is why people keep going back to these events, buying books, etc. You can have it, do it, be it utterly under your own steam (and yes, I know, there is no 'you', etc etc etc). You don't need anything or anyone. You have your body, your mind, your breath, the privilege of choosing - you have everything you need. You already have it all.

  • @NowhereNonduality
    @NowhereNonduality Год назад +10

    Lovely, as usual ❤ Thank you, Rupert.

  • @TheDeepSharePodcast
    @TheDeepSharePodcast Год назад

    Our favorite thing to forget is "being" is a present participle, which is used in forming continuous tenses. And this one is for the Verb to be. As Buddhism teaches, "Things are not as they appear. Deeds are done, but no doer can be found." This is why the goal of meditation is the non-thinking, ecstatic center. Not just simply the observation of thoughts, the separation of observer from the thoughts.. but that it's all simply the act OF observing. The observer is another thought form, 'albeit a persistent one'.

  • @Benny_000
    @Benny_000 8 месяцев назад

    Rupert (and other teachers) need to start talking more about the different levels of Samadhi or Enlightenment. Many in the West seem to be mistaking lower levels of Samadhi for full Enlightenment.
    When Rupert says that Enlightenment is not an exotic experience, he clearly hasn't attained the highest level of Samadhi yet.

  • @chitrapolansky
    @chitrapolansky Год назад +6

    in response to rupert..enlightenment comes in degrees..when you finally (metaphorically) go beyond the body/mind space/time/causation complexs, beyond the waking dreaming and deep sleep states you will realize youSelf as Supreme Energy, sometimes called the Paramatman or Atman sometimes called the Pure I Consciousness Pure becaseu there is nothing, absolutely nothing but yourSelf..one of rupert spiras teachers sri atmananda, in his discourse *notes on spiritual discources* he explains that in order to know what the Atman/I principle is you have to remove all objects from the screen that is You..thats final enlightenment.

    • @chitrapolansky
      @chitrapolansky Год назад +2

      its quite extraordinary to realize exactly what you are.

    • @randylayhey
      @randylayhey Год назад

      I think this is the danger's of stating it outright, is the mind latches onto these ideas and chases them, never arriving. When it's much better to strip away the qualities and point to the door which spira as a teacher shows.

    • @chitrapolansky
      @chitrapolansky Год назад

      @@randylayhey yes, well, now we have a bizillion wanna be gurus who think that noticing that they are awareness now think they are completely awake..id rather tell the truth and remind people that complete enlightenment is rare and most people wont get it..its something to work on with spiritual practices...

    • @randylayhey
      @randylayhey Год назад

      ​@@chitrapolansky yes everyone wants to dress up as one (guru) lol. or "be" enlightened as a new ego. there is no ego. the whole teaching is that. That's the absolute truth, see theres almost something fraudulent if that's realized to then call yourself something else. complete freedom from identity

    • @chitrapolansky
      @chitrapolansky Год назад

      @@randylayheyi think freedom is identity with the Supreme Energy that we all are..the Supreme Self...thats realized in the beyond!

  • @gracev4186
    @gracev4186 Год назад +2

    😊 Just say "I AM IS"⚡ And Call it GOD ❤️🎇🌈🪶💕 Grace Victoria 🦋

  • @theawarenessmentor
    @theawarenessmentor Год назад +1

    It is indeed ordinary but extraordinarily so. Rupert you have an exquisitely artful way of expressing this ineffable message only equalled , I would suggest by the likes of Miranda Warren.

  • @peterneumann7145
    @peterneumann7145 Год назад

    Spot on. He recognises the source of not being . No difference between east and west cultures, clearly in both there exist great men. He is one

  • @bunberrier
    @bunberrier Год назад +4

    Like ordinary life, but two inches off the ground.
    Gathering wood, drawing water, building fire.
    Washing dishes can be a blissful sensory experience.

  • @agucci
    @agucci Год назад +1

    Enlightenment is great! The enlightenment of the Law.

  • @Edopriv1
    @Edopriv1 Год назад

    I believe that the purpose of our earthly life is simply to re-learn, recognize, and remind ourselves and others, that we are one, we are part of God, and one with God. Creation and Creator at the same time…

  • @arhansen85
    @arhansen85 11 месяцев назад

    Perhaps the key is to undo the notion that we are our own projects. And the journey is indeed letting go that idea and embrace of the fact we AREN’T and never was a project.

  • @dommccaffry3802
    @dommccaffry3802 Год назад +3

    Patience of a saint

  • @ellenrule3189
    @ellenrule3189 Год назад +2

    Hi Rupert big hello and thank u for helping humans grow spiritually!!! In peace and love Ellen

  • @Da_Xman
    @Da_Xman 3 месяца назад

    The question that Self-enquiry addresses is:
    • "what is That which is experiencing experience?".
    This translates into:
    • "What is It that experiences and is immediately experiencing concepts/thoughts, memories, emotions, sensations and the immediate sense of being/existing?

  • @luis55ful
    @luis55ful Год назад +1

    Wow, simple, clear, but so great. Thanks

  • @timothygeorge2530
    @timothygeorge2530 Год назад +2

    The searcher is what is searched

  • @RamSamudrala
    @RamSamudrala Год назад

    Say I am is generally your ego-mind saying it, it is a function of thought, not of being, the "I" is not being (even though I understand the point being made that it's about the *experience* behind that statement). The moment you put it into words "I am", your ego/mind has entered the picture and displaced being. Being is something even simpler and doesn't involve thought or the ego. You can just be, but if you say you are, then I don't know how you can do it without words and concepts. Being is pure awareness and it is indeed omnipresent. Almost all people are at least to some degree, at certain times. When you are aware of something without judgement, without words, without concepts, without thought, without emotion, then you are just being. Don't try to stop judgements, words, thoughts, concepts, etc. from arising because they will, but become aware of them also. In my experience, it's almost universal that people have these being experiences in nature.

  • @michaelkelly3401
    @michaelkelly3401 Год назад +1

    Notice the Energy that is spontaneously happening. I AM is the basic energy, the Tao, the force, vibration , etc

  • @AngieHaze
    @AngieHaze 5 месяцев назад

    “I’m sad. I’m lonely. I’m tired. I’m a mother.” 😂
    I’m sorry. I absolutely love this video, but watching it a second time… that bit just hit me and made me LOL!

  • @hourih2862
    @hourih2862 Год назад

    You feel as though you are watching yourself as a 3rd party. You watch Emotions come and go but you are not attached to them. You are physically playing out a role but YOU are actually not doing anything. There is no duality. There are no wants or desires left. There is no resistance left. You will start seeing the illusion. You will become one with everything. If you are able to quiet the mind you will slowly return to your natural state Brahman 🙏🏼

  • @stephenkaake7016
    @stephenkaake7016 Год назад +1

    I went through the enlightenment process, mystics talk about it, its dreams, visions, psychic abilities, objects moving, God speaking to me, going to hell, purgatory, God taking over my body, no one has any clue what this is like

  • @esthersquires8574
    @esthersquires8574 3 месяца назад

    Once we realize it’s not something we can search for. It’s as simple as deciding to be here rather than there.

  • @hansgouda8593
    @hansgouda8593 Год назад

    Always nice to see a video of Rupert. Though I don't do that often. The time for searching is over. ( I wish it was my neighbour, he makes pots, I take pictures of the rising sun and then philosophize for example about universal awareness together, (difficult, because my english is not very good, more in silence).
    In another fine video (from someone else I tapped in these words: The same story has been told thousands of times, in different words and with different angles: religion, philosophy, science and experience. Plato sketches this story in beautiful dialogues, the more esoteric side of religion, words and experience of 'masters' like jesus, Ramana, Gurdjieff etc, etc. In the end it comes down to "Know Thyself", That art Thou, I am that I am, only in a still mind do I abide in choiceless awareness In short, I am not the body, not the mind, and certainly not all identifications with anything and everything. I am.
    All in all, I don't worry so much about universal consciousness anymore. Socrates replied to the question of what is after death: "We do not know. And to the question of whether there is a heaven: "The wise do not care about that."

  • @worldsarise
    @worldsarise 4 месяца назад

    I am.
    Just this.
    Just now.
    We can train the mind so that this is our default mode, instead of continual mental chatter, judgment, worry, and commentary. The mind will rest in a default mode of equanimity. When thinking or consideration is necessary, it will arise as necessary in an instant to meet the need, then pass away.

  • @kimcleveland8943
    @kimcleveland8943 Год назад

    You all are ahhhhmazing! I got so much wisdom from this comment thread. Thank you. Thank YOU.

  • @freisein6554
    @freisein6554 Год назад

    These days a lot of people run around with a deregulated nervoussystem. Fight,flight or freeze response. In these states they want to use a spiritual bypass, to not feel. Breathwork, cold exposure, the bottom up approach, working with the body instead of top down are at least in my own experience very helpful. To force yourself mentally into „transcendence“ creates a split and can take you further away from experiencing a natural joy and peace. I established a routine of breathwork, than cold exposure and after that sitting of 30 minutes, watching the breath ( Anapanasati) All these techniques are operating in the realm of „being“, beyond concepts. Conceptualizing is left behind.

  • @AmyMylet
    @AmyMylet 4 месяца назад

    what can be only felt, can not be described exactly in words.

  • @kaitlinobrien243
    @kaitlinobrien243 Год назад +2

    This cracks me up I love it so much!!! Rupert I love you! 🌻💐💕

  • @heavenbird9186
    @heavenbird9186 4 месяца назад

    Someone once thought. If we are all “preprogrammed” to react, think feel, like or dislike, in a certain way then are we really in control? Scary thought to some people. I know it used to scare me. Using the word preprogrammed loosely. But if we are what we are (keeping in mind that we can change) but that change is also apart of who we are, and we truly do have free will as along as we are being ourselves. Because we are always interacting with the world around us, we may feel that we are being push in direction by forces out of our control. but that freewill (us being our true self) makes us just beings that are interacting with a force outside our true self.
    So be yourself to truly be free you are in control even when things around are out of your control. Be your true self no one knows what that is but you. Think about it.

  • @davidbulger3716
    @davidbulger3716 Год назад

    “ You is what you is and that’s all what you am.”

  • @shiranthibandara33
    @shiranthibandara33 Год назад +1

    Enlightenment is like if someone taste for example Salt that person can't explain it to another that taste it has to be experienced by individuals enlightenment is too is something like that. To understand this you need to eradicate mainly the craving of oneself and understand how me concept is caused. If you address of being permanently existing there is no enlightenment. The life is a flow which can be called anichha dukka anattha

  • @kirillkozakklubben7593
    @kirillkozakklubben7593 Год назад +1

    Well. Buddhists would say that enlitenment is seeing things as they really are and get a permanent end to all personal suffering.
    So you can say "I'm" all day long, nothing will change. It's not enlitenment. Just a moment of being present for 2 seconds. Nothing more than that.

  • @ivettea6358
    @ivettea6358 Год назад +2

    So Direct, So incredible ❤️, Blessings, Thank you (it Can take a while/it's ongoing)!!

  • @IAMLiamwalker4444
    @IAMLiamwalker4444 Год назад +2

    What is the Difference between Thought and Perception?

  • @allenmorgan4309
    @allenmorgan4309 2 месяца назад

    The only thing to realize is that everything is the reflection of ourselves. Once we realize that our circumstances as well as every person we encounter is part of ourselves there is nothing else. Everything in our life is the reflection of our own self.

  • @synesthesia251
    @synesthesia251 Год назад

    Indeed enlightenment can be a very memorable experience with or without chemicals. This is one thing I don’t agree with Rupert. There have been several times when whatever I was looking at all of a sudden wasn’t in the context of me watching that but all that I saw was me. Not intellectually but experientially. You still see the same thing but it’s not a thing but almost like all you are experiencing / seeing is in your head inseparable.

  • @tisa1629
    @tisa1629 Год назад +1

    Its simple...In the moment you understand a joke, at that very moment you've achieved enlightenment... It's the thought from the joke, the emotion in happiness and the action of laughter. The triune I AM which is Thought emotion and action have become one.

    • @terri6854
      @terri6854 Год назад

      But that enlightenment wouldn't last very long (or else everyone in a comedy club would be coming out enlightened)

  • @oldnatty61
    @oldnatty61 Год назад +1

    We are nothing more then the next season of "Curb Your Enthusiasm".

  • @tanu4647
    @tanu4647 6 месяцев назад


  • @ayeam5822
    @ayeam5822 Год назад +2

    Remove even the AM, as, the AM is our QUALIFICATION in to OBJECT reality as that which FOLLOWS the AM, we ARE. So enquire EXCLUSIVELY as to who the I is? that's the one present ALWAYS and MUST BE to even KNOW the experience of the qualification. Ohm 🙏

  • @heartofthunder1440
    @heartofthunder1440 Год назад

    I’d like to think enlightenment is almost similar to opening up a box to get to the prize, just to find other boxes and other things along the way, and never really getting to the final box, because the deeper you get the bigger the box gets and the boxes you have to open up, so really to keep it simple, stay with the box that best suits yourself.

    • @Benny_000
      @Benny_000 Год назад

      Enlightenment or ego-death can be found behind the "shadow" in our subconscious. You can literally find your connection to the infinite when you go within. Clean out the basement of your subconscious and turn on the lights and you'll see that there is an opening to another space .... an infinite space :)

  • @riccardo357
    @riccardo357 Год назад +1

    how do you got it? really, what do you mean? what is the difference i am aware of thinking and i am thinking?

  • @myscat
    @myscat Год назад +1

    Awareness is a subtle thing, it's not that easy to find. It is like a formless void within you but it is not truly empty either

  • @michaelkelly3401
    @michaelkelly3401 Год назад

    Check out Bankei’s unborn. The unborn is the spontaneous energy: the seeing, hearing; thinking, etc that is happening all the time without any “I” controller. You recognize the caw of a crow without any effort; when your eyes are open, you just see, no controlling effort is required.

  • @utualan
    @utualan 22 дня назад

    If not exotic, it is an eye-opening experience to step out of time into awareness and identify as 'beingness,' free of thought, intimately one-with-life - not the intellectual understanding.