  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
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Комментарии • 46

  • @LunarOverdrive
    @LunarOverdrive 2 месяца назад +3

    The Beast canonically shattered the moon in Kessler's timeline.

    • @PyroSlayer500
      @PyroSlayer500 12 дней назад +1

      True, the beast is a planet level threat.

  • @localdude2979
    @localdude2979 11 месяцев назад +4

    YOOOOOOOOOO!! Even yt itself put infamous as the Game that is being featured in this video!! Prototype cant take a single W I swear!! Love to all prototype and infamous fans here!! We finally got the death battle we deserved!!

  • @PyroSlayer500
    @PyroSlayer500 13 дней назад +1

    1:30 Cole literally survived the Ray Sphere plague (an incurable disease and is entirely made of radiation), which made me believed that conduits are immune to diseases. There is also the fact that in Prototype 2, New York was able to slightly recover from the virus infection and even made it a once safer place again, until Alex decided to spread the virus again. The Ray Sphere plague is incurable while the Blacklight Virus can be found ways to recover.

  • @WilliamDWeber
    @WilliamDWeber 7 месяцев назад +3

    Im late but I wanna add something.
    It is false to assume that weakening an opponent is necessary to infect them. This is evident from Mercer's capabilities in Prototype 2 where he was able to consume 8 evolved individuals without weakening them. Similarly, Heller's tendrils were able to consume everything in NYZ, including the goliaths, without any prior weakening. In fact, Alex has the ability to turn any organic matter into a biomass to consume, as seen in the comic where he touched a janitor and turned him into a biomass. He would just need to touch Cole to consume him.
    The whole purpose of the Ray Sphere was made to turn/activate conduits into super entities, and the radiation it emits is electricity based and is tailored to conduits. Cole taking the blast in the face doesn't change the fact that the sphere is designed to give a specific type of radiation that conduits, including Cole, are tuned to. Everything about the Ray Sphere was made to ensure it didn't kill Cole. Kesslar himself is confident upon checking Cole after the explosion.
    The beast attacks are radiation-based, particularly those city-wide explosions. This is similar to the Ray Sphere conduits, including Cole, are specifically tuned to the Beast's attacks because they're powered by a particular type of radiation that conduits can absorb. It's not about killing them; it's about granting superpowers.
    The Ray Sphere was tested on a male rat by kesslar that possessed the conduit gene. As a result, it granted the rat superpowers such as the ability to fly. However, Kesslar had to kill the rat. The original purpose of the Ray Sphere was to grant superpowers to its subjects, not to kill them.
    If you argue that Cole survived the blast, consider Zeke activating the ray sphere on Alden's tower, exposing himself to a miniature blast without visible repercussions. This raises questions about the perceived severity of such incidents.
    Wrong, conduits including Cole and Delsin have been shown to still be affected by drugs, as these substances primarily impact molecular structures within the body
    Their interactions with specific molecules like proteins, enzymes, and neurotransmitters result in changes to molecular conformations. This leads to abnormalities in cellular functions, influencing physiological responses. At the atomic level, drugs alter the arrangement of atoms within these molecules, affecting their stability and functionality.
    Expect, viruses do not have electricity, Mercer was a dead corpse and was consumed by the Blacklight virus and the virus imitated everything about his body even the clothing and made it into blacklight matter, suggesting Cole draining Mercer bioelectricity would eliminate him is like saying cutting mercer head can eliminate him. If cole attempts to asborb mercer bioelectricity it would be Cole asborbing Blacklight pulses in his body, and the result will be the exact same after Mercer blood was introduced to Whitelight and destoryed/poisoned everything.
    Cole forcefield converts damage into energy, not matter into energy. Decapitating Cole would be the death for him.
    "Notably Slower"
    Cole is not faster than Mercer. Although Cole is light speed, it is not for the reasons people think. Cole's ability to side-step Kessler’s Railgun attack, which is stated to be pure energy and moves at light speed, shows that he is light speed. This statement comes from 1s Prima guidebook. However, Cole is not FTL+ and is closer to the 2-5x range of FTL. This would only be for reaction, not travel. His travel speed is vastly slower, below that of a train. On the other hand, Mercer can easily dodge Elizabeth Greene's pure energy balls without getting hit. He can also dodge her infectious wave of energy. Mercer can climb a building and run around Manhattan in less than 10 seconds. His dashes can even allow him to vanish into thin air. Mercer created flyers, which is the fastest creature in the Prototype universe. However, Cole has never done any of the climbing or running across Manhattan in less than five-second feats.
    That shouldn't matter if the blast purpose to activate Conduits.
    Cole can't atomize someone; that's a new argument made after the death battle video. In fact, Hero’s Cole's powers have no mention of working on the atomic level. That's an assumption without evidence. The only power in the series that we know of that has atomic manipulation is the Beast, and thus it only applies to Beast Cole, not base Evil or Hero versions.
    Hence, not being resistance to Electricity. Cole can still be affected by Electricity same goes to Kesslar.
    This is a disingenuous argument, Sasha tar is not similar to the Blacklight virus. The Blacklight virus immediately plunges its victims into Mercer's hivemind, infecting hosts at a rapid pace, faster than the host body can react. Sasha tar, on the other hand, is weaker, taking days or even weeks to transform victims into Reapers. The Blacklight virus endows its victims with a new sentient mind, but it's worth noting that Sasha Tar lacks this ability.
    Moreover, Blacklight can consume inorganic matter, transforming and mimicking objects like helmets, gas masks, tanks, radios, and glasses. Sasha Tar has never demonstrated such capabilities.
    Cole has never resisted Sasha tar; he's suffered from it. He would get his power reserves crippled by being exposed to it. A canister of it easily would be the death for him. Sasha tar is a slower process and can be cured by a common solvent cleansing product. There's no such cure with Blacklight; the only "cure" is wiping it off the face of the Earth and eliminating the infected.
    Blacklight is a repository of genetic ability, to instantly mix the best genetic traits of any creature he consumes into a single, super-effective form. Sasha Tar has never done that. In an interview, Dennis Detwiller, the writer of Prototype 1, stated that they had imagined Mercer's mind as a whole and that he could connect and access a hive mind, Sasha has never done that.
    Blacklight can cure every disease and manipulate genes on a global scale. For instance, it could eradicate cancer, AIDS, and even genetic disorders like cystic fibrosis. However, if misused, it could also be employed to engineer deadly pathogens capable of wiping out entire ecosystems. Mercer can be used blood to create a virus that targets specific genetic markers, leading to a catastrophic collapse of biodiversity and ultimately making Earth look like Hell. It could break down Cole's powers since Cole's powers are based on genetics.

  • @RasenKamehamehaX100
    @RasenKamehamehaX100 11 месяцев назад +7

    All due respect, I want to address some of the arguments you made.
    Firstly, they explain that the Blacklight Virus works on a molecular level. Whereas the Ray Sphere incident and the Beast's attacks could destroy someone on an atomic level, and Cole was capable of surviving and matching that. Given that an atomic level works on a much smaller scale and affect molecules, but not vice versa, Cole theoretically could resist somethint that worked on the molecular level.
    Secondly, per Death Battle rules, spawning, one party cannot receive outside help, so spawning in infected creatures would not be accounted for. As for the spikes, that's kind of a moot point. Considering Cole can involuntarily spawn electricity and do so instantly, he could easily just electrocute Alex should he decide to try consuming his biomass. That argument goes both ways. I think it's fair to say both sides could negate one another.
    Thirdly, while an impressive feat for Heller, I doubt that after consuming Alex, he's still weaker than Alex was. Perhaps he's even stronger. That being said, assuming they're on the same level, the tendrils engulfing Manhattan wouldn't be more destructive than the Beast who destroyed Empire City in one attack. Empire City is a stand-in for New York City, so I think it's safe to say it's roughly the same size. If that is the case, the Beast's attack destroyed something the size of New York City which is much larger than Manhattan which is simply one of five districts within the city of New York. Heller, and by extension Mercer could theoretically still survive a blast that large, but we only know, as of now, he could survive a blast that destroys Manhattan. Nothing more, nothing less.
    This point, I cant really refute, but i think the point is more or less Cole could eradicate any sentient form of the Blacklight Virus that Alex might confront him as. That being said, if second, third or fourth encounters happened, Alex, with more knowledge and first hand experience with Cole, could theoretically plan to defeat Cole, planning around anything Cole would throw at him.
    As for the final point, I think it's being very charitable and reaching in favor of Alex. While the flourescence is notable, there's no definitive or clear evidence to suggest Alex could harnest bio-electricity. Cole's electromagnetic abilities could theoretically extend beyond even his current range of abilities and make him even more powerful, but that'd be unfair to give him abilities based on suggestions and what he could theoretically do. He can also on a surface level control ions, which is an absurdly broken ability that could pave fhe way to even more absurd abilities. In theory, Cole could become a master of subatomic, atomic and molecular manipulation. He could theoretically evolve to eventually spawn freaking wormholes.
    This all being said, i think Death Battle's standard ruleset benefit Cole more than Alex. Alex can't spawn back up if necessary or absorb any bystanders to regenetate, and the only stat i truly give him over Cole, intelligence, can't be fully utilized, as he can't prepare for Cole prior to their encounter. In that kind of scenario, i genuinely think it's a toss up.
    Though, i still give the edge to Cole because he's no idiot and can dish out more raw power from what we know. Heller is not nearly as intelligent and tactical as Mercer, and he's undeniably weaker. So either he lost legit, in which case, Cole as his equal, perhaps even more conventionally powerful, could overwhelm him. Or if you believe the theory, Alex let Heller defeat him, in which case, it'd really depend on what motivated Alex to let Heller win. If it was to train a hero or something, then Cole could fit that bill just fine. If it was specifically to have someone else take over as the embodiment of the Blacklight Virus, then he obviously wouldnt want to lose. Death Battle also left out that Cole can regenerate himself from wounds when he absorbs electricity as it accelerates the healing process. Which, also means if Cole absorbed Alex's bio-electricity his regeneration wouldn't trigger.
    Honestly, i think it'd come down to how much Alex knows about Cole/how prepared he could be entering the fight, and the environment they fight in because sources of biomass and electricity could tip the scales tremendously. Alex could also theoretically just spam infected in an effort to overwhelm Cole. That being said, yeah. Death Battle isnt the end all be all some people make it out to be. They get a lot wrong in a lot of fights.

    • @ChristianProtossDragoon
      @ChristianProtossDragoon  11 месяцев назад +1

      Alex wins via Adaptability. He constantly adapts to everything he survives. Also, the Beast is more of a villain... So it should not be taken into account. It is more like its own character.

    • @ChristianProtossDragoon
      @ChristianProtossDragoon  11 месяцев назад +1

      Also, Cole's powers have a Morality System.

    • @RasenKamehamehaX100
      @RasenKamehamehaX100 10 месяцев назад +6

      @@ChristianProtossDragoon Very true, as for adaptability, I will say I think the longer the fight goes and the more encounters that take place, the more of an opportunity Alex has to adapt to Cole and would eventually be able to handle him. If Cole went full tilt and tried to eradicate Alex completely, he wouldn't have time to adapt, but that would depend on the sense of urgency Cole feels entering the fight. Also, you're not wrong. Evil Cole is a lot more conventionally powerful given he absorbed the Beast for himself and his powers are more destructive.
      Good Cole is more focused and contained, which, ironically could give Alex a better shot depending on how you look at it. Good Cole is more precise, meaning his attacks are more likely to eradicate everything on Alex's body if it lands, but he may lack the sheer fire power to pull it off. Evil Cole is far more likely to be able to eradicate Alex on an atomic level, but more prone to missing a spot, which is all Alex needs to come back.

    • @ChristianProtossDragoon
      @ChristianProtossDragoon  8 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@RasenKamehamehaX100Exactly. It is why they should be treated as different characters

    • @sentinel_nightcrawler
      @sentinel_nightcrawler 16 дней назад

      ​​@@RasenKamehamehaX100 Firstly, Cole is neither as durable, fast, agile nor as strong as Mercer. In the game, he has more trouble getting from place to place, and around enemies as opposed to Mercer. In a purely physical match, Alex wins by default. The ray sphere has contradictory effects, as Zeke got out unscathed from it. And Cole only managed to survive it because that's what the ray sphere was designed to do all along. That was what Kessler wanted the whole time. Mercer got roughed up by the nuke, but enough time had passed to allow his evolution to survive a similar encounter.
      Alex can throw around super-soldiers, armored vehicles, and aircraft with ease. Macgrath was only able to shoot down 1 helicopter with difficulty. Mercer should have a strong immunity to Cole's electromagnetic attacks, considering he survived a blast that shoots out tons of alpha, beta, gamma rays and x-rays (from the nuke). And the fact that he was able to consume the crow meant that his genetic material was left intact despite the bomb.
      Blacklight had evolved past mere molecular construction, as it can not only consume clothes and technology, but even replicate them biologically. Even if certain molecular attacks don't faze Cole, it only means that he's supposed to be immune to them, like I said before, Mercer can also survive having his molecular structure from being torn by lethal radiation, as he was close to the blast radius. Not even that, but also the total energy release from the bomb. Therefor, Mercer would also be able to consume Cole. Cole cannot use the bioleech ability without weakening enemies first. Granted Mercer would have to do it as well, however, he only has to do it on blacklight or red-light creatures. In the comics, Mercer was shown to just touch humans to consume them. Theoretically, Mercer would just have to touch Cole to consume him. Cole is still human, just that his non-coding sequences are now coded. Blacklight can use non-coding genomes.
      Cole could evolve to that point, but Mercer surviving against the nuke already puts him at that level. All the evolved and prototype do have bioluminescence, it was unseen in the first prototype game. One of the collector's editions for the second game was considered to be soft canon, specifically when the creators say that Mercer and Heller can evolve to that point I.e. vortex warp, medusas wrath etc. So the prototypes can harness energy as stated. Intelligence would benefit Alex more considering he has all those consumed minds and fought superhumans before. Cole was overwhelmed by Sasha's plague (which is a chemical compound) and wasn't sure of how to deal with it. And Mercer instantly knew to rupture the fuel tanks to eradicate the hunters at the beginning of prototype.
      Since we're on the topic of the plague, it is a compound of sorts, one that greatly affected Cole. Mercer, eventually, adapted to the effects of the bloodtox substance, which was dangerous to him beforehand. This shows that Cole can be affected by molecular attacks.

  • @PhantomGrimlock
    @PhantomGrimlock 11 месяцев назад +4

    also in death battle alex mercer origin was completely wrong. it saying alex mercer was the one who made blacklight virus and he is the villain of prototype it is not even right. the blacklight virus was made by blackwatch or gentek not alex mercer and the manhattan was caused by pariah or blackwatch . the script doing the same thing like prototype 2 on beginning blaming alex simply caused this for no reason like J johna jameson blaming spider-man the way black watch blaming alex mercer . on prototype 2 alex mercer is much different than prototype 1. if prototype 3 came they will understand alex mercer is not the villain. Damn that activision completely messed the prototype 2 game.

    • @ChristianProtossDragoon
      @ChristianProtossDragoon  11 месяцев назад +3

      Mhm, yeah... P2 is more of a retcon to P1 lore. I tried to keep it as "vague" as possible in order to use both games even though they contradict each other on Alex's biological status.

    • @ChristianProtossDragoon
      @ChristianProtossDragoon  11 месяцев назад +1

      Also, James himself is a unique case as well. Just because Alex lost to Heller; it does not mean he is weaker than Cole. Prototypes are factually on the same level as Kratos, minus magic gimmicks.
      Even the casual Blacklight walkers give trouble to the military and Blackwatch.

  • @PyroSlayer500
    @PyroSlayer500 13 дней назад +1

    1:53 I've seen Cole take down swamp monsters like the Ravagers (Infamous' 4 legged brute) and is twice his size without any problems. Also, Cole can just dodge the ground spikes and he is capable of dodging bullets and rockets.

  • @mannyegarica12
    @mannyegarica12 Месяц назад +1

    Yes it makes sense with you argument. And I'm guessing don't they mention in infamous second son DLC the karma power isn't just a gamepay gimmick. It's an actual thing that conduits actually can do.

  • @animeviewer3829
    @animeviewer3829 2 месяца назад +3

    Cole won far and square, it was like atom vs molecule, and atom is deeper then molecules, and that tendril barrage James did at the end of prototype 2 wasn’t big enough to cover the red zone, which is a small part of New York and the other zones won’t shown to the other zones, and pales in comparison to the beast, which destroy all of empire city in one attack and more destructive then James’ tendril barrage in the red zone, which didn’t exactly destroy the city

    • @ChristianProtossDragoon
      @ChristianProtossDragoon  2 месяца назад

      We don't talk about The Beast here.

    • @animeviewer3829
      @animeviewer3829 2 месяца назад

      @@ChristianProtossDragoon well the statements of the power is part of it as Cole surviving it is part of his feats and shows he could out match Alex’s regeneration, which works down to molecular dna and Cole’s powers works down atomic level

    • @ChristianProtossDragoon
      @ChristianProtossDragoon  2 месяца назад

      So do Alex's.

    • @animeviewer3829
      @animeviewer3829 2 месяца назад +1

      @@ChristianProtossDragoon alex’s power is molecular, and Atomic level stuff is smaller and deeper then molecular level stuff

    • @ChristianProtossDragoon
      @ChristianProtossDragoon  2 месяца назад

      Dude eats the whole thing. I am sure that includes atoms.

  • @lorddelosxd9684
    @lorddelosxd9684 4 месяца назад +4

    One thing for you to know, Alex Mercer can consume people of the same size effortlessly, only the hunters and the alpha hunters, as I call them, are the ones that Mercer must weaken, not so much but weaken him to consume them, although in the second game Heller does not necessarily You must weaken him, just damage him and consume them, in short, Mercer can consume Cole without many problems. If there was someone bigger, he would have to weaken him.

  • @lorddelosxd9684
    @lorddelosxd9684 4 месяца назад +1

    One thing you should know, Alex Mercer can consume people of the same size effortlessly, only the hunters and alpha hunters, as I call them, are the ones that Mercer must weaken, not so much as weaken him to consume them, although in the second game Heller You don't necessarily have to weaken him, just damage him and consume them, in short, Mercer can consume Cole without much problem. If there was someone bigger, I would have to weaken him, PS Mercer is also capable of canceling the regeneration of his enemies. See his final fight with the supreme hunter, he couldn't even regenerate his arm and esp, in his first fight he regenerated with a puddle of biomass This suggests that Mercer has more capabilities to finish him off without problems.

  • @Alanthereaper8
    @Alanthereaper8 8 месяцев назад +1

    Does alex need to weaken to consume oppononents? If yes have it been showen? Or any proof of it.

  • @animeviewer3829
    @animeviewer3829 2 месяца назад +2


  • @Teh69thSpartan
    @Teh69thSpartan 11 месяцев назад +3

    Finally some extra Prototype content.

    • @ChristianProtossDragoon
      @ChristianProtossDragoon  11 месяцев назад +1

      Hi, Spartan.

    • @Teh69thSpartan
      @Teh69thSpartan 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@ChristianProtossDragoon it's been a long way since your Mortal Kombat & Doom stuff...
      Althrough i struggle to recognize you due to your username changes however.

    • @ChristianProtossDragoon
      @ChristianProtossDragoon  11 месяцев назад +1

      @@Teh69thSpartan I suffer from identity crisis. 😂

  • @lorddelosxd9684
    @lorddelosxd9684 11 месяцев назад +1

    Entonce quien debio ganar

  • @brandonhall1341
    @brandonhall1341 11 месяцев назад +2

    I hope if prototype 3 ever gets made Alex is back as the protagonist and its a great game in terms of quality. Yea screw death battle