ThIs JW Broadcast Will Make You Laugh So Hard You Might Pee

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • This is the greatest JW Broadcast of all time!
    / jwthoughts
    Comments or Questions? Text or leave a voicemail for JWT @ 206-657-3518
    exjw ex jehovah's Witness Former Pioneer Former Ministerial Servant Former Elder Tony Morris Watchtower Cult

Комментарии • 336

  • @rubenoeschger5728
    @rubenoeschger5728 Год назад +119

    Some lady said and I quote, " I work in a special education with children with profound disabilities and if I even spoke to them the way Stephen Lett speaks to his audience my superiors would immediately remove me for being way too condescending "
    Can say it goes for all these JW leaders 😅

    • @grannymabel
      @grannymabel Год назад +5

      Yes I did that job too .

    • @theresamakespaper
      @theresamakespaper Год назад

      FACTS!!💯I got out when I was 24 and was so mentally messed up I didn’t even have the courage to look at “apostate” information until 3 years ago, I’m in my mid 50s now. After getting away from it and healing, once I started looking at the material I canNOT believe I ever believed or respected these men! But when you’re under the hypnosis you blindly accept. They are all horrible public speakers and spout utter ridiculousness almost every time they open their mouths. It’s so sad that honest-hearted people turn to them seeking God and are indoctrinated with some of the most Godless thinking on the planet today. I don’t blame or hate them, I pray for them. The congregants, that is. I cannot find such empathy or compassion for the leaders. The leaders are not innocent, they are very complicit in their manipulation and deception of their followers and can take a long walk off a short pier as far as I’m concerned.

    • @wendyrosson27
      @wendyrosson27 Год назад +3


    • @EL-IZ-At-BETH-sarim
      @EL-IZ-At-BETH-sarim Год назад +5

      Teacher from the Netherlands totally agrees!😂

    • @npats550
      @npats550 Год назад +7

      That is a hilarious anecdote...and I imagine the scenario especially with Lett. Wally's impression of him a few videos ago was scarily good!

  • @iberiancanadian4681
    @iberiancanadian4681 Год назад +86

    Story time:
    My mom is super PIMI. This one time during Christmas she goes grocery shopping and comes time to pay she can’t find her money. Lady behind her offered to pay, it’s was only like $40 worth. My mom refused, and the lady says “it’s ok, it’s Christmas” my mom goes very sternly “I’m a Jehovah’s Witness, I don’t celebrate Christmas!” And the lady goes “that’s ok, you need the groceries it’s fine” so my mom accepted it. A few minutes later while the lady that paid is being checked out, my mom finds her money (she’s old school always carries cash) and tries to pay the lady back, but the lady wouldn’t take my moms money.
    My mom told me the story and just listening to it I was dying of embarrassment. Do you know what feature my mom remembers from this woman? That she has tattoos!! And she told me that in the most disgusted way possible.
    I told her “mom some people are just nice, she didn’t help you because it was Christmas, she would’ve done it any other time of the year, you could’ve just taken her kindness and thanked her!”
    It still irks me every time I think of this story because I feel like had the roles been reversed my mom wouldn’t have helped l, even though she has the means to, and it breaks my heart.

    • @teijaflink2226
      @teijaflink2226 Год назад +10

      I don't care if your mother is a JW or not but that was really disgusting of her when the woman showed such kindness that she didn't even want money back. But at least sounds like your mother hasn't shunned you if you have contact with her, that seems extremely rare

    • @KitKatSukiKat
      @KitKatSukiKat Год назад +5

      Awwww, great story ❤ 🇨🇦 😊

    • @iberiancanadian4681
      @iberiancanadian4681 Год назад +5

      @@teijaflink2226yeah she doesn’t even realize how incredibly rude she was. At least the reverse testimony she gave will stick to this kind lady’s mind and she’ll never give the witnesses the time of day. As for my mom not shunning me.. time will tell, she’s on a trip now and will be back in a couple of weeks. My husband handed in his DA letter and I haven’t yet because I want to talk to her face to face and not ruin her time away.

    • @cygnustsp
      @cygnustsp Год назад

      ​@@iberiancanadian4681I wish you well. My parents didn't shun me but when I told my mother in law I was getting df'd she never spoke to me again.

    • @Paypaylove729
      @Paypaylove729 Год назад +3

      My mom still talked to me until a few days ago… it took ten years, from the last time I got dfed until our last conversation. I am surprised it took this long cuz honestly I have been nothing but open and upfront about my apostasy and how I feel about the org. She just finally got sick of hearing it. She won’t budge 😢

  • @lawrencestoll6287
    @lawrencestoll6287 Год назад +108

    This guy knows the people he is addressing: adults that operate like todlers.

    • @megan148
      @megan148 Год назад +11

      I always felt like I was being talked down to while everyone else was clapping and talking about how wonderful they were.

    • @Exjdub2023
      @Exjdub2023 Год назад +2

      So true! I always felt like that as well😂

    • @glitterbomb7896
      @glitterbomb7896 Год назад +2

      Sippin the spiritual milk from the teets of the old governing body lol

    • @A-RonHubbard
      @A-RonHubbard Год назад +2


    • @tarajohnson4422
      @tarajohnson4422 Год назад


  • @krushking643
    @krushking643 Год назад +22

    The girl in the video was just like "I can't take your money....but your soul, maybe we can come to agreement"

  • @juanp6703
    @juanp6703 Год назад +42

    That part gets me lol
    When a Bible student would ask a question and the response is ‘this is above our understanding, it’s godly thinking’

    • @megan148
      @megan148 Год назад +7

      Lol when you bring up teachings in the past that were wrong and they say how wasn’t ready to show them the proper truth. And I’m like, so god allowed you to be racist, sexist, and wrong in your teachings and knew you were wrong but allowed it to happen? No one ever had a response to that.

  • @collingalanos1783
    @collingalanos1783 Год назад +19

    Who is that well-behaved cat sitting quietly in the background and what have you done with ZEE ZEE? 😂😂

  • @valencia3180
    @valencia3180 Год назад +20

    So true, I was pioneering one time with two other pioneers, after me driving for a long time back and forth to studies we stop to have lunch and in the middle of having lunch I remember that it was minimum day at school and had to pick up my kids. I remember telling them I had to go and that I would be right back, I got up and make it to the door when I one of the pioneers call me back and told me I had to pay my lunch before I left, I did pay it about $3 I think it was and went for my kids, came back to pick pioneers up and took them to their houses. Like this, I had many experiences. I couldn't see it back them, bc I was doing it for jehovah, but I see clear now. BTW, I woke up beginning of 2023

  • @lovefaith6285
    @lovefaith6285 Год назад +42

    Love all the humorous inserts Wally! 🤣😂🤣 And you are SO right about how the writers are locked away with no real world experience, which is sad. I've experienced kindness from strangers so much more than from a JW. Every head is it's own world and I don't want to live in the fear mongering misogynistic doomsday narcissistic world of WT.....NOPE! Thank you for all that you do and hope your move goes smoothly.👏👏👏👏👏✌💜

  • @TreCayUltimateLife
    @TreCayUltimateLife Год назад +61

    I'm 34 my dad hasn't talked to me since I was 17. He has made two attempts. The first attempt failed because he lost his temper and stormed away. The second attempt, three years later, didn't go any better. It actually went EXACTLY like the skit at 4:25 went. I sincerly pity my father, I cannot imagine not having a relationship with my son for no real reason. This cult is evil and I hope it dissolves soon and we get our famlies back.

    • @jessicacopland7382
      @jessicacopland7382 Год назад +5

      I hope against hope that you're right. There's always going to be a part of me that holds that emotional door open, just a crack, just in case my mother wakes up :/

    • @karenmoody2763
      @karenmoody2763 Год назад +5

      Sad thing is the treatment you get from families as they shun you leaves an emotional scar that really never heals.And being born in its takes a long time to develop socially .

    • @tammyg8031
      @tammyg8031 Год назад +1

      Watchtower's END is near

  • @ericerpelding2348
    @ericerpelding2348 Год назад +15

    "You have to be humble and don't ask questions.
    You don't have to ask questions. Watchtower provides all the questions you need at the bottom of the pages."

  • @Flakegirl99
    @Flakegirl99 Год назад +7

    So helping someone out always has an ulterior motive, to convert them. These videos are from another planet.

  • @RACHEL2320
    @RACHEL2320 Год назад +31

    The guy screaming at her and smacking his hand off the counter 😂 so over the top🤣 Loved your little drama of the bible study, Wally. I went through something VERY SIMILAR with a relative when I was a teenager.

    • @chariethe
      @chariethe Год назад +1

      i haven't met anyone like that irl lmao

  • @bethany45101
    @bethany45101 Год назад +14

    The garlic bread really spoke to me tho 😂😂😂😂

  • @migdaliafuentes1618
    @migdaliafuentes1618 Год назад +12

    My experience: I went to a pharmacy There was a group of teens laughing and kidding around in the same isle where I was. I got distracted and placed my wallet on one of the shelves. And i left the wallet in the shelf. I left the pharmacy because I didn’t find what I was looking for and had my celphone in my hands. When I got to the car I noticed my wallet was missing. I looked all over!!! I then remembered where I left it. Returning to the pharmacy I see the youngsters coming out with my wallet and walked towards me and gave it to me! I was so grateful. At the time I was a well indoctrinated JW and couldn’t believe it.
    Yes, there are honest non jw people in this world!
    And that is only 1 experience of so many I have. Better experiences than with the JW where there is dishonest and slick people in there!
    Thanks Wally for your video!

  • @PastaMaster115
    @PastaMaster115 Год назад +14

    "Are they simply fluff in our teaching?" *proceeds to define flulff*

    • @amydurga8448
      @amydurga8448 Год назад +3

      He inadvertently gave a great illustration of fluff.

    • @luna-p
      @luna-p Год назад


  • @christinesotelo7655
    @christinesotelo7655 Год назад +2

    My JW bro used to shut me up when I asked a question by saying: “Put it up on the shelf for now. You’re not yet ready to hear the answer.” HA!!! Then, when I FINALLY got kicked out of the WT, I LOVED the new freedom when a person would ask me something I did not know, I simply shrugged my shoulders and said the TRUTH: “I don’t KNOW!” I love that feeling instead of constantly having to be armed with correct scriptural answers or bear the “bloodguilt” of not properly answering!!!😮

  • @FirsteMann1929
    @FirsteMann1929 Год назад +16

    What a waste of a perfect loaf of bread.

    • @thelogicaldanger
      @thelogicaldanger Год назад +1

      It was looking really good with the garlic....and then he added the "poison." I was hoping it was vegemite or something and the sandwich would still be good.

    • @dancingnature
      @dancingnature Год назад +1

      I thought it was soy sauce. And why did he compare harmless garlic powder to the sins of Adam and Eve?

    • @thelogicaldanger
      @thelogicaldanger Год назад

      @@dancingnature Apparently he's not familiar with Acts 10:15 (not that soy sauce or garlic was ever a forbidden food anyway.) I guess he just has major food hangups?

  • @lowcool10
    @lowcool10 Год назад +11

    As a resently disassociated Witnesses this is hurtful 😮and😂😂hilarious !! Thanks you sir!! I support fully😇!!

  • @theresistance9872
    @theresistance9872 Год назад +9

    You’re 100% correct as to JW’s would never help anyone like this, and in reality the Org is suggesting to do it only as a means to push propaganda NOT to just be kind.

  • @ExJwMJ
    @ExJwMJ Год назад +46

    😂 This broadcast is NUTS!! From the Kittens to the posited bread 😂 Wally your the best! Love your puns. I hope your ok with the 2 seconds of fame I gave you in my latest video! Thanks for this video!

  • @jeanniejewel2272
    @jeanniejewel2272 Год назад +6

    This whole clip is nuts and people don't act the way they are portrayed on this video. Thanks Wally for exposing the JW cult.

  • @xjwfurious
    @xjwfurious Год назад +24

    I didn't pee, but I threw up in my mouth a little... 🤢
    Hope you're happy, Wally. 😝

  • @mamberpishley8298
    @mamberpishley8298 Год назад +7

    This is what happens when you're in an echo chamber surrounded by yes men and your brain has atrophied.

  • @RainbowBrite80
    @RainbowBrite80 Год назад +18

    I love it! Everytime you try to ask a logical question, your either questioning God or your being an apostate. The elders got annoyed at me when I was 12 and wanted proof of the dinosaurs in the bible. Apparently, I wasnt being faithful enough(?) This was '92. Maybe they were annoyed because the females are just supposed to be quiet and meek and not think deep thoughts 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️

    • @taffykins2745
      @taffykins2745 Год назад +4

      I'm sure you found out about dinosaurs and the bible on your own later! Too bad they didn't just answer the innocent questions of a child. Oh well.

    • @dancingnature
      @dancingnature Год назад +1

      A lot of fossil skeletons on display in museums are exact plastic models. The real ones are in the back because some are too fragile to display . Those models are made as exact as possible though

    • @dancingnature
      @dancingnature Год назад

      2) they might have bones from different animals in the same species (or genus if they’re not too morphologically different ) Or if they have a left leg bone the right might be plastic since we know what it would look like . They aren’t fake though.

    • @karenmoody2763
      @karenmoody2763 Год назад

      @@dancingnature Why are they hiding the giant human skeletons ?

    • @dancingnature
      @dancingnature Год назад

      There are no giant humans . The tallest man who ever lived was Robert Wadlow . He was 9ft tall and had no feeling in his feet and lower legs because his circulation was so poor. Wadlow died at a young age because he got an infection in his leg that eventually killed him. Very tall people tend to have circulation or heart problems. If they talked about a giant existing during the Bronze Age or Iron Age they were probablyaround 6ft 6 in ( just over 2 meters)

  • @pataplan
    @pataplan Год назад +6

    Any J-Dubs watching when you give someone a pamphlet right after doing them a favor, it just makes your "favor" look phony and calculated. It just convinces people think you're like every other scammer out there working an angle, and they will be less likely to listen to you in the future. Also, if you don't think it's worthwhile to help other human beings unless you can convert it into field service time, then there's a pretty good chance you're a horrible person.

    • @cygnustsp
      @cygnustsp Год назад +1

      Did you see the expressions on her face when she decided to go approach her.. like aha imma gonna get this one. But, fail.

    • @ramrod576
      @ramrod576 Год назад

      What if I left a tract as a tip instead of money. Lol.

  • @greyberet1
    @greyberet1 Год назад +4

    I remember writing-WRITING-a letter to the NYC branch asking about a scripture that they used in a study article to support the idea that certain prominent buybull characters would be resurrected back to life well ahead of their contemporaries and reign as “princes” in the new world, new order, whatever.
    Because as I recall, the scripture that they used had no connection whatsoever with their allegation…
    This was back in the mid to late 1960s.
    I don’t remember the exact wording of the response that I received, but I recall reading it with a friend and they just repeated the same thing as in the original watchtower article. I never since asked anyone about anything 😆…

  • @cynicalb
    @cynicalb Год назад +4

    if all the other brainwashing tactics don't work ....use the kittens!!

  • @suziekew33
    @suziekew33 Год назад +9

    Okay Wally and Zeezee...I'm not even 3 minutes into this video, and I have to pause it to commend you on how HILARIOUS it is!!! Great job! You must have excelled while working on the "Content is Hilarious and Laughable," speech counsel point, in the Theocratic Ministry School!! Love your work!!! 😄❤❤❤

  • @murph8411
    @murph8411 Год назад +9

    I have to agree that the few JWs I have worked with would never offer to pay for anything if you happened to be a little short when buying dinner or something from a nearby store. I don’t think they’d pee on you if you were on fire but even quite rough and atheistic coworkers wouldn’t think twice before offering since they know you’re likely to repay the favour if the situation is reversed.

  • @user-ce8tr1ex2m
    @user-ce8tr1ex2m Год назад +5

    I’ve got my wallet stolen from me & obviously had it left home, etc. I’ve never expected anyone to ever pay for me or give me something for free 🤨 to be honest, when u r in a big city & all of a sudden ur wallet is gone, last thing u worry about is not having a coffee with croissant 🤦‍♀️ it’s like being shot in the chest but goddamn gotta drink this coffee first before going to the emergency room 😅

  • @Smartmovesstayingahead
    @Smartmovesstayingahead Год назад +3

    I hope you never stop exposing them with videos just like this one for real you deserve to go viral at exposing Jehovahs witness and at exposing the watchtower at all times without ever stopping

  • @sophiasirena5226
    @sophiasirena5226 Год назад +9

    Zoom in on Zeezy!! 😻 Great video Wally! Have a good ass day!!

  • @user-ql6zq1dk7q
    @user-ql6zq1dk7q Год назад +5

    "No one whom you teach to think can afterwards obey as before. Not out of a rebellious spirit, but because of the habit of checking all things when in doubt."
    Hannah Arendt
    (American historian, political scientist and philosopher of German origin 1906-1975)

  • @Exjdub2023
    @Exjdub2023 Год назад +2

    I hate how they make non jws so blah and hateful! I went to duncan and when i paid my card kept getting declined and they made my coffee anyway and gave me a donut for free!

  • @Taren259
    @Taren259 Год назад +4

    13:44 I had my own family do that to me. I didn't have money for food, so I just sat at the table with nothing.

  • @katrinasmith2843
    @katrinasmith2843 Год назад +5

    Thank the GB for giving us such an enlightening understanding of the word "fluff!" I'm sure there's more to come. 😂😂😂

  • @emformoon
    @emformoon Год назад +16

    Hi walle! Im glad your still making vids and you are an inspiration to exjw content creators ❤

  • @user-jt2vv1zj6z
    @user-jt2vv1zj6z Год назад +3

    4 x at dunkin donuts, 3 different employees told me I didn't have to pay when I was handing them payment. Maybe they were stale donuts😂

  • @adamsmith868
    @adamsmith868 Год назад +13

    Cheers Wally, so true about Bethelites being out of touch with reality. I noticed how they made the man at the coffee shop covered in tattoos because apparently people who have tattoos are mean.

    • @charrua59
      @charrua59 Год назад +6

      The acting is so incredibly bad and over the too also. Just adds to everything.

    • @karenwestberg5838
      @karenwestberg5838 Год назад

      Waaaaaaay over the top.😏

    • @charrua59
      @charrua59 Год назад

      Over the top

  • @michelleallen4585
    @michelleallen4585 Год назад +3

    The JW organization is the person working the register.

  • @Theinfamouskiki411
    @Theinfamouskiki411 Год назад +8

    Not pee! Sleep....zzzzz😂😂 hold up...was he making garlic bread. Love you wally❤❤❤ what state you in? I'm in Texas and forgot money for a soda and was told to kick rocks and left the store. One time bread. Nope. No one helped. Soooo....

  • @watchandjewelryloft4713
    @watchandjewelryloft4713 Год назад +5

    I might pee?
    Challenge accepted Wally! 😂

  • @CarolineJoyAmico
    @CarolineJoyAmico Год назад +2

    That double exposure clip was genius! I was very impressed.

  • @janiceh.45
    @janiceh.45 Год назад +4

    I completely agree, a Jehovah's witness is the least likely person to offer to pay for you. when I first studied with a woman who was born into it, she would bring me a coffee or something. I went back years later, to study with another woman, and her witness under wing, for them both to sit there and have a 'brother' bring them coffees and i sat there with nothing. I thought, how rude... really, the majority of them only care about themselves, and if you disagree, on one point in the bible....boy howdy, you get reemed out. Now I have neighbors who are JW's. Came to find out the wife's hubby went camping on his own one weekend, then they borrowed my landlords camper for free the next! and they have their own business and could afford to pay my landlord for his kindness but nope.... it's please don't give our dog treats now lol.... I don't feel sorry for most jw's but their kids, yes.

    • @Lulu-oi9ue
      @Lulu-oi9ue Год назад +1

      I agree. JWs are the least genuine giving people. Unless they are trying to love bomb you or get something from you. It wasn’t until I left that I saw how kind hearted people were even people I didn’t know. I got meals cooked for me while I was sick, invited to things and they paid for my cuppa. I never received this whilst in my congregation it was like I always had to make the effort. Even an older Jw complained nobody cared for her and she was neglected by the congregation.

  • @junejunie2284
    @junejunie2284 Год назад +2

    Hiya, Wally! Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you and sending good intentions your way. Take good care of yourself!

  • @npats550
    @npats550 Год назад +5

    The Bible study scene was great.
    @6.40 Zizzi does NOT look happy- and that is scary!
    I really appreciated this video- the funny clips, your opinions and experience of the real world and your sunny disposition. YOU, better have a good ass day!

  • @TSteffi
    @TSteffi Год назад +2

    I am at work and this video title showed up: challenge f'n accepted.

  • @Sullivancohen
    @Sullivancohen Год назад +4

    Why do they ALWAYS feel the need to bring up the dictionary definitions of words? That in itself feels like fluff lol

  • @nojw7940
    @nojw7940 Год назад +3

    WHY is JW Headquarter in Warwick STILL NOT RAIDED by Police special task forces????e WHY is JW Headquarter in Warwick STILL NOT RAIDED by Police special task forces???

  • @katrinasmith2843
    @katrinasmith2843 Год назад +2

    Ok, regarding the coffee illustration, I've had "worldly" people pay for me on several occasions. I'm a bit ditzy from all those truth marbles running around in my head. 😂

  • @mscatinaclaytor
    @mscatinaclaytor Год назад +2

    This is like a repeat of a broadcast they did some years ago when I saw Mike Brooks on kimmikey RUclips do a illustration when it was about blood fractions and when I was growing up in church we was allowed to question the pastor and let him know that he preach the word out of context and in when Sunday school and in midweek you can question the Sunday teacher and the pastor they would say there no right or wrong answer and you was not over stepping on God/Jesus/LORD and they would encourage you to search the scriptures and historical research

  • @moriah1202
    @moriah1202 Год назад +3

    Fuck, I thought those were rotisserie chickens at first, instead of bread.

  • @Chihuahuachi
    @Chihuahuachi Год назад +3

    OMG Wally you’re too funny!
    Remember to always be humble lol

  • @dissidentfairy4264
    @dissidentfairy4264 Год назад +5

    I don't think you can assume that JWs are less generous than someone in the world. My dad was super generous and he was an elder. He helped out some in the congregation but he gave help to "worldly" people far more than anyone else. If he saw a homeless person or someone in need the least he'd hand them is a $20 and he did this frequently. In saying that, there are no doubt a few cheap JWs. Example: (pun intended) Another affluent elder, his wife, used to charge my parents and others for vegetables she grew in her garden. She'd bring them to meetings and sell them in the parking lot. She did it discretely having prearranged the transactions in advance. My parents were happy to pay her for them, but they would never have done it. They would have given them away for free. During the pandemic, I helped a lady with a case of water at the grocery store just to be kind. She in turn, unbeknownst to me, paid for my groceries which completely stunned me, and she was no doubt not a JW. My point is, it all depends on the individual in terms of generosity or not.

    • @teijaflink2226
      @teijaflink2226 Год назад +2

      I think it's okay to ask some money for vegetables you grow if they're good quality, unless they pressured people to buy just because they are JWs. Of course there are good and bad people among JWs just like in any other group, I understood it more that he meant that the religion doesn't encourage people to be generous (and specially not towards those who are not JWs)

    • @dissidentfairy4264
      @dissidentfairy4264 Год назад +1

      @@teijaflink2226 The sister who sold vegetables was a nice person and so was her family they just tended to be frugal that's all. As far as talk of generosity in the congregation goes, I think they did encourage it, for us to be giving. The problem is they aren't giving as an organization when it comes to individuals who are in need unless it's a catastrophe of some kind that affects multiple families. If an individual family is having a financial crisis they encourage elders like my father to come to their rescue. It's doesn't come from the organization itself.

  • @lh1673
    @lh1673 Год назад +4

    So God allowed SUFFERINGS for thousand of years to make this drama about Why people SUFFER!? 😮

  • @barbarahedges1791
    @barbarahedges1791 Год назад +3

    Love all your videos. I especially loved todays when I saw you made a great spot for Zeeze to be with you knowing we all love Zeeze. Thank you for that Wally. You're the best.

  • @julieellis2076
    @julieellis2076 Год назад +7

    I agree Wally most people have a heart. They portrayed the woman behind the desk as so cold not even showing any compassuon when the girl said that alll her family were dead! Every time that I have been asked about my mother and I have had to explain that actually she's passed away I have gotten sympathy and she was 95! It wasnt exactly unexpected at that age. And then she encounters such a racist that if that was me I'd have reported him to the authorities. They have this weird distorted view of 'the world' that is so out of touch with reality! I have had kindness shown to me by strangers, as you explained, I also have offered it to strangers too. It's the Witnesses that are told not to give anything to beggars and charity. Whereas now I'm out I do those things!!!!

    • @charrua59
      @charrua59 Год назад

      They basically wants JW to only show kindness to "the chosen" one's. Specially the GB . How convenient 😁

    • @veronikj.4231
      @veronikj.4231 Год назад +1

      Yes, we are now more nice people than as JW. I'm still learning what really means to be kind and good person. IT is so interesting for me after being pioneer for 8 years and JW for more than 40 years.

    • @luna-p
      @luna-p Год назад

      Thing is, most of these people go outside, so they know this is bs, but they're conditioned to accept living in a fantasy land.

  • @theoriginalwaterbaby
    @theoriginalwaterbaby Год назад +4

    Hey Wally! 😄 🐾
    How blessed we were to have theocratic "fluff" explained for us! The language translation teams must have lost their minds ahahaa 🤔
    I'm newly inspired to come up with a recipe for toasted bread with chocolate garlic sauce loll!! Epicly awful illustration...
    With fresh garlic and some third magical ingredient, could actually be tasty! 😄

  • @vand13m0n5
    @vand13m0n5 Год назад +3

    Whoever told this man he was good at his job needs firing

  • @RealPumpkinJay
    @RealPumpkinJay Год назад +3

    What I find strange is the response from the guy who is looking to hire someone. I speak with an accent in the US and I’ve never experienced that. They make it look like that is normal in some way when it absolutely isn’t.

  • @rachellewalker2967
    @rachellewalker2967 Год назад +3

    Oh Wally….I’ve already subscribed but, I got tree sap in my hair today 🫤 now what? 😂

  • @jayjazz6593
    @jayjazz6593 Год назад +5

    That lady just wanted to skip the line. 😂

  • @knowthyself8233
    @knowthyself8233 Год назад +7

    So wait, they have poison in bethel?😂😂

  • @mgroat7319
    @mgroat7319 Год назад +1

    You've ordered food and not had your wallet at least 4 times? Bro how? That's never happened to me once haha

  • @cr-17-f1_l3wx.7
    @cr-17-f1_l3wx.7 Год назад

    I love the insert from billy Madison??” Everyone in this room is now dumber for having heard your response, May God have mercy on your soul.” ROFL 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣

  • @Hobbes250
    @Hobbes250 Год назад +5

    That laugh from Charlie is so infectious lol

  • @sarahyoung6799
    @sarahyoung6799 Год назад +6

    That bread looked just fine to me.

  • @esbenm6544
    @esbenm6544 Год назад +9

    The show seems like a parody making fun of JW but they're doing it to themselves.

  • @musclemilitiaaz
    @musclemilitiaaz Год назад +12

    The slavery verses were what really started to stumble me. When I would bring up to ‘mature brothers’ and try to justify it in my head, their responses were typically just like Wally’s skit… I found it that it’s not just JWs that can’t reason effectively on the topic but any Bible thumper that I speak to about it.

    • @theresamakespaper
      @theresamakespaper Год назад

      That’s because most witnesses don’t really know the early history of the organization. Rutherford or Knorr, I can’t remember which, was still promoting racial/superiority/inferiority IN PUBLICATIONS as late as the 1930s saying blacks should consign themselves to their position as a slave race and trying to give scriptural basis AND tried to cozy up to Hitler in an open letter to the nazi regime in 1934!! Of course those very damning publications are long since out of print and very carefully redacted from their online library, but my parents had original copies of some of those more controversial publications and I’ve seen them with my own eyes. Charles Russell may have had some good ideas and inspiration, but Rutherford took over shortly after the turn of the century and this current religion is something far different than Russell envisioned I’m sure.

  • @louislong6915
    @louislong6915 Год назад +2

    It's sad, but it's true about most jws not helping others. When my ex and i were in, we always did and other jws acted like we were wrong for doing so. Her aunt that's PIMI still helps anyone and everyone in need. She's looked at a the"crazy lady" in her congregation. Doesn't get invited to social things

  • @crazy_carlos
    @crazy_carlos Год назад +4

    Im just here for the cat 🐈‍⬛

  • @Civnelo
    @Civnelo Год назад +3

    Moistcritical in your video is heartwarming now hope one day he has you as a guest on the official podcast

  • @markweatherill
    @markweatherill Год назад +4

    Love it when Ken 'Flow' Deen lays down some bars.

  • @genesiscrowley9517
    @genesiscrowley9517 Год назад +3

    If a broadcast starts with the definition of fluff I'm going to watch it. 😆😆😆😆

  • @rachelrange4606
    @rachelrange4606 11 месяцев назад

    What you said is so true. I remember being a kid and going on return visits with my mom and an elder. We didn't have a lot of money and my mom honestly said that we couldn't go out to lunch right now as she didn't have much money at r moment. The elder literally said with a chuckle "it's okay, you can just watch me eat" and proceeded to go do just that while we were in the car and he swung by Dunkin Donuts before we did afternoon witnessing... Smh

  • @jayarchives3453
    @jayarchives3453 Год назад +8

    Around the 13:40 when talking about that when i studied with a brother he brought someone from the congregation with him my study would be around lunch time and they would bring over McDonalds for themselves and eat in front of me and would ask oh did you eat lunch? i said no oh go ahead and make yourself something we can wait, it was the most bizarre thing Jehovah witnesses are the most selfish people when it comes to hospitality 😂

    • @thomassmart2790
      @thomassmart2790 Год назад +2


    • @dancingnature
      @dancingnature Год назад

      At that point I would have noped the f*** out. I ended my own Bible study for a different reason though. Sisters being proud of being ignorant and uneducated was a complete turn off and I didn’t want my kids learning that stupid attitude.

    • @jayarchives3453
      @jayarchives3453 Год назад

      @@dancingnature i hear you i was in that "forgive your brother and let it go mentality at the time", i don't want my kid's anywhere near that as well when they get older i want them to get the proper education. Show kindness but as well not allow people to take it for granted.

  • @helenr4300
    @helenr4300 Год назад +3

    love the skits

  • @steann1
    @steann1 Год назад +3

    … never cover yourself in garlic powder, BBQ sauce or molten glass..

  • @jondavidson4650
    @jondavidson4650 Год назад +2

    Err ... I'd have to disagree with you on the watchtower worshipers saying they'd hardly ever cover the coffee , I have had that often . They paid even when I had the money

  • @ChrisPyle
    @ChrisPyle Год назад +2

    I went to pee first lol thanks for the warning

  • @teijaflink2226
    @teijaflink2226 Год назад +5

    This guy is nuts, even your cat thought so. And then teaching to not forgive and throw people in the trash doesn't that go totally against Jesus teaching? I'm so confused and how did he go from kittens to poisoned bread.

  • @leahwilliams837
    @leahwilliams837 Год назад +2

    The organization is not politically neutral. I wish they would just come out and say it instead of using propaganda under their members noses

  • @mrgordy1980
    @mrgordy1980 Год назад

    A sister called me the other day after 8 years… and said Jehovah forgives me. I replied saying I thought Jesus forgives me? She says. Oh yeah.. he does too.

  • @kerrydwyer1879
    @kerrydwyer1879 Год назад +5

    Hi Wally
    We are at end of August.
    Missing your input..
    Hoping you are ok..

  • @bryanaauz
    @bryanaauz 8 месяцев назад

    LMAO THE DEMONSTRATION IS SO ACCURATE 😭😭😭they be bringing up your job for no reason

  • @anndessert-webb7590
    @anndessert-webb7590 Год назад +3

    Zeezee is behaving!

  • @cynicalb
    @cynicalb Год назад +2

    You're a legend😂😂

  • @Gouzinstrumentals
    @Gouzinstrumentals Год назад +2

    So what ya'll think was in the bottle of poison?
    Chocolate sauce? Lol

    @ZK_SHREDR Год назад

    19:58 😂😂they went full kaczynski mode, "the ducks in the ponds are free ,you can take them"

  • @reversefulfillment9189
    @reversefulfillment9189 Год назад

    When I was a kid, my mom wouldn't allow us to say the word fart, fluff was the preferred term. Example " woops mommy, I fluffed."

  • @exwitnessawake
    @exwitnessawake Год назад +3

    What’s with the irate soup Nazi over there? You’re definitely right about the riders being out of touch. That was so over-the-top.

  • @wandathomas8666
    @wandathomas8666 11 месяцев назад

    I have floored my JW Bible teacher with my knowledge of my King James Bible. 😮 including the kingdom hall members. I would love to see a skit of running into a potential victim to convert and the confusion of countering their scriptures with scriptures.

  • @unclefranklin4575
    @unclefranklin4575 Год назад +1

    This religion needs an award show for their own propaganda, and the guy who played that evil restaurant chef should be the very first recipient.

  • @karenwestberg5838
    @karenwestberg5838 Год назад +1

    The way ‘worldly’ people are portrayed is disgusting. In my life experience 99.99% of people have been kind and caring - - I mean so-called WORLDLY people!!! Good, wonderful people.

  • @johnw5584
    @johnw5584 Год назад +6

    I'm a truck driver so I take the challenge of peeing, or not peeing very seriously .
    So much so I carry along in my truck a huge empty laundry detergent bottle.
    The demeaning way that they talk to the JWS .
    Of course they have to give an encyclopedia definition to make every JW talk complete.
    I invented fading about 35 years ago.
    When I did it, it didn't even have a name.

  • @Deafmachine23
    @Deafmachine23 Год назад +2

    Exodus and Deutoronomy are a real thorn in the side of modern Christians....assuming they even read it lol

  • @dennisconstantine624
    @dennisconstantine624 Год назад +3

    More fluff than an eider duck. Thank goodness he’s not my baker. This guy is absolutely nuts.

  • @whenyoureunwanted9508
    @whenyoureunwanted9508 Год назад +1

    Bro. My day always gets goodasserer when one of your videos makes me laugh out loud at the goobers

  • @hannah9371
    @hannah9371 Год назад

    That was always an issue. Whenever someone breaks away from the material and has a sincere genuine original thought/concern/question, etc, the study conductor always berates them and says, "Let's get back to the material." They aren't allowed to have original thinking skills - ONLY STICK TO THE MATERIAL!!! 😅😅😅

  • @neverperching1554
    @neverperching1554 Год назад

    How could anyone take this guy seriously, let alone the whole org?