Why Academics Bow to the Mob - TFF Episode 48

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024
  • Originally published October 20, 2016
    In Episode 48 Professor Fiamengo from the University of Ottawa discusses why academics bow to the mob.
    Links and References
    FF-049c Why Academics Bow to the Mob

Комментарии • 38

  • @donpietruk1517
    @donpietruk1517 2 месяца назад +18

    This is why I eventually left academia for consulting. I think because I spent a good portion of my childhood under a communist regime I was mostly immunized to being bullied intellectually. The tactics used at University to try and enforce ideological compliance were familiar to any who had spent time in ideologically driven regimes. Eventually I realized fighting this fight was not worthwhile unless something changed fundamentally within the setting I was in. Many of my colleagues were truly baffled that I openly championed Classical Liberalism and American Exceptionalism. In the end I found that having people who actually valued my input and thoughts in an applied setting much more satisfying than constantly battling with people espousing obtuse ideas with morally questionable outcomes.

    • @jakerivets2249
      @jakerivets2249 2 месяца назад +2

      " The tactics used at University to try and enforce ideological compliance were familiar to any who had spent time in ideologically driven regimes. " Do you think that this doesn't happen in US schools?

  • @1495978707
    @1495978707 3 месяца назад +15

    The fact that it's so old is the most head spinning part of this. Our problems aren't new, they just flew under the radar as they built up institutional power

    • @benchapple1583
      @benchapple1583 2 месяца назад +1

      I'm 62. This started, or at least that's when I noticed, when I was 13. My sister, then 11, decided that she was a feminist. She is to this day. I've since moved to Serbia where girls are girls, and pretty, and boys are boys know how to swing an axe. Good luck and Godspeed.

    • @kaoskronostyche9939
      @kaoskronostyche9939 2 месяца назад

      You are right. This has been building for ages.
      BenChapple - I'm a little older than you are and I saw the same things. When I was in High School Germaine Greer, Kate Millet and Gloria Steinam came to the local University and it was standing room outside only.
      However if you trace this in a little more detail you can trace this to the early 19th century, mid-19th century, when women got the vote ... the threads are multiple and intertwined.
      Back then female authors put the theme of destroying men and elevating women in their novels. Women have hated themselves and everything around them forever. It is their self-loathing which motivates this selfish, destructive nonsense.

  • @marlow769
    @marlow769 2 месяца назад +3

    Another brilliant summation of our times.
    Thank You!

  • @CanadaAstro
    @CanadaAstro 3 месяца назад +11

    Janet presents some excellent points here. Think of where we are today to when this video was originally posted several years ago.

    • @pgiatrakis
      @pgiatrakis 3 месяца назад +2

      Great point, I’m pretty sure that I’m hearing her say “Janice” my wife and I checked and I think I heard “Janice”

    • @1495978707
      @1495978707 3 месяца назад +2

      It is janice

  • @pukeachu
    @pukeachu 2 месяца назад +3

    Same reason that The Men's Rights Movement exists almost entirely online, among folks who largely agree with one another on every last point. Openly disagreeing with someone is a form of conflict, and most people are conflict averse, therefore we assiduously avoid doing anything that would put us in such uncomfortable situations

  • @anguskelly9655
    @anguskelly9655 2 месяца назад

    Thank you.!

  • @broken927
    @broken927 2 месяца назад +2

    Money ,positions of prestige, and being invited to all the right parties.

  • @r.m.4192
    @r.m.4192 3 месяца назад +6

    Short answer: lack of balls

  • @frosty3693
    @frosty3693 2 месяца назад

    Universities' moral failure is also combined with out of control cost increases and lowering value of their degrees. Do they have the leadership to address the problems and save they system? It does not appear so.
    Their demise will be much prolonged by institutional inertia, government funding, special intrest funding (as long as their research deliveres the wanted result) and years of tax protected endowments.
    So much these days seem to be threatened by fading credibility.

  • @mariussielcken
    @mariussielcken 2 месяца назад +1

    Don't make the black kids angry.

  • @lloydgush
    @lloydgush 2 месяца назад

    Because the hard r truths are uncomfortable.

  • @donlashley4581
    @donlashley4581 2 месяца назад

    Aye, lassie...

  • @jakerivets2249
    @jakerivets2249 2 месяца назад +1

    It's a testament to your conservatism that has been moving farther and farther to the right over the last 40 years that you'd laughably refer to Liberals as any part of the left wing of politics. They are right-wingers for the same reason you are- a preference for liberal democracy with liberal capitalism as its economic system. There is no "far-left In the US, and there hasn't been one for 70 years, victims of an alliance between liberals and conservatives working in concert to protect the interests of the capitalist class. There are no "leftist" or "far-left" professors or politicians in the US, as they are liberals who, from a far-right viewpoint, seem to be the "far-left" without embracing the class struggle that has defined left politics for 150 years. Your "far-left" are New Deal Cold War liberals who have been anti-leftist, literal right-wingers. I expect more from an academic. This is rubbish.

    • @StudioBrule
      @StudioBrule  2 месяца назад +5

      Congratulations! You have written the dumbest comment this year, which highlights your impressive commitment to wilful ignorance.

    • @AndreComtois
      @AndreComtois 2 месяца назад +1

      Shh...the adults are talking. Go back to your parents basement and read some real books.

    • @Fakeslimshady
      @Fakeslimshady 2 месяца назад +1

      This sounds like straight up communism 101

    • @jakerivets2249
      @jakerivets2249 2 месяца назад

      @@StudioBrule No, I haven't, and your choice to try and insult me for speaking the literal truth rather than addressing the argument is a sign of your own stupidity. Stop projecting. You can't be this politically ignorant.

    • @jakerivets2249
      @jakerivets2249 2 месяца назад

      @@AndreComtois I'm 60, own two houses, my parents are long dead, and I've read plenty of books. Stop projecting.

  • @RobNeeth
    @RobNeeth 2 месяца назад +3

    Academics just memorize the data of a specialized profession - or a few, at best. That in no way equates comprehension of society or self. Maturation requires suffering and exposure to harsh reality - at least occasional physical work - not sitting in air-conditioned rooms, pushing pencils, transcribing the work of others. I've met far more minimum wage laborers, who understood far more of the world, than academics who have even basic life skills. Academia is not a bastion of intellect, it's a depository for the lazy and cowardly.

    • @stevescuba1978
      @stevescuba1978 2 месяца назад +3

      My father taught PhD level courses at university for my whole young life. I was surrounded by self-important and egotistical professors who were mostly incompetent boobs outside of the exceedingly narrow field of their expertise, and barely more than functionally theoretically competent in their specialty. Most were also absolute morons or savants of a degree, with their ONLY field of competence was their specialty.