Finding this song a few years ago seriously changed the way I view my relationships with women and feminism. It's not inaccurate to say this song changed my life. Thank you.
Unironically when I first heard this song it made me examine how much I was giving in relationships and start being a lot better with boundaries because I realized I'm not being selfish I'm just asking for half. I'm just asking to be treated like a person instead of a fantasy idea of a person
Sounds great! You have to teach people how to treat you and to respect your boundaries. Not everyone is compatible either, so it takes a lot of self awareness to be able to communicate honestly with your partner. And that all includes lowering your own expectations sometimes so that you don't demand things from them they aren't willing or able to give you. Owning your own emotions is a good start, because nobody is responsible for your emotions, they are yours to deal with.
@@johnsmith4630 | Didn't you just say both parties have to give their all to raise a child? So why is it all of the sudden the mother's duty according to your words lmao. What does that say about children without any fathers (which makes mothers who take on the role of career-getting _and_ child nurturing)? Are those still bound to be disappointments?
This is how I have always felt about relationships. One person should never hold the other back. It should be comprise and working with eachother to reach individual goals together without one getting left behind.
My mom did have to delay her aspirations unfortunately. But she did go back to school and pursued a nursing career as my father stayed home and helped take care of us kids, with some assistance from my older siblings, and my Mom now has her bachelor's degree in Nursing from Clemson University. I'm proud of her and her accomplishments and I'm glad my Dad was "woke" and supportive of my Mom.
Mine spent a good decade training her kids to be incredibly independent, irrespective of gender. She had a very "Teach a man to fish" approach to parenting. If she'd disappeared overnight without a word (no she never did) whenever she came back, a day, a week, a month later, the house would have been clean, laundry would have been done, and dinner would have been made. The garden would have gone to shit because that was her own pet project, but other than that? She'd finished college before having kids, and gone into the career she wanted to even before her eldest was 10 (a teacher. She'd also been a nurse at some earlier point I'm a little vague on.) She taught for 25 years before getting leukaemia and going slowly blind, which limited her and finally forced her to retire (near the end, she couldn't see well enough to tell the students apart... from the furniture). She remarried and now lives like an admittedly disabled housewife, and seems to be enjoying life (with a teacher's pension and Disability benefits, they go on vacations around the world twice a year). She did once tell me that, as a firm feminist, she sometimes felt guilty enjoying being a housewife (despite being retired by medical necessity), like she wasn't supposed to have fun with it or something. Modern feminism is so toxic it tries to make even great examples of women living their best lives like her hate themselves. And for the record, my dad never held her back from anything she wanted to do (despite being successful and success-driven himself), and is a decidedly better cook than she is. (Well... *these* days she's almost totally blind and needs to have someone else cut vegetables so she doesn't mistake her finger for a carrot... but even before that, he was the better cook.) ...Looking back over the last five decades, I'd have to say no one in my family has ever given two shits about so-called "traditional gender roles", either in maintaining them or in defying them. We do what WE want to do, what WE feel is important, and what suits ourselves as individuals.
Lol, i forced my mom to go hack to college and finally get her dream of becoming a teacher, i told her i was old enough and that she didnt have to devote everything to me (i had to tell her many times, asian moms are stubborn), and I'm so glad that she had the courage to do it. To all the moms, its never too late, go get your dreams.
You weren’t subconsciously conditioned To give up your dreams for me Or that loved and ambitious Were mutually exclusive things to be This is so well put and sincere that I'm stunned you guys could make a catchy upbeat song about it. But you guys keep doing it over and over. It's incredible, please keep it up :)
How terrible it is to give up dreams and ambitions of working yourself to death. Instead you have to stay home and do whatever you like. Even in today's age, men take jobs based off of how much they pay and can sustain a family while women take jobs based off of their interests and flexibility. Life is just so terrible for women, getting to do what they like and such.
@@username7763 bro, in what world? Most women work for the same reason men do, because they have to. Women don't get to do whatever they want, just like men we have to pay our rent, groceries, and utilities. Just like most men, most women work jobs they aren't passionate about because it pays the bills. Also most women who stay at home because they are married, are also raising children, which is not the same as "do[ing] whatever you like."
Very thought provoking with a great serve in there. I'm thrilled to see you two back making videos again! You two are both talented and freaking hilarious!
I just wanted to say that I'm really impressed by the right hand movement on guitar. So light and fluid, the playing and articulation, albeit simple, are just great.
This perfectly encapsulates everything I have been feeling about my role as a wife and mother lately. I seriously teared up. Thank you for another amazing song.
@Neel L. Lumi well, a lot better, actually. I divorced my ex and took control of my life... like a man! I'm still having to try to figure out how to be the woman, too, but it's good to chase my dreams first. Thank you for asking!
What's amazing is your ability to stare deeply into the heart of humanity and encapsulate the darkness you find perfectly... within an upbeat ukele song... Goddamn you beautiful musical witches.
The two of you are the cleverest act going! What you do takes smarts, talent, and a bloody lot of work. You’re my favorite American duo ever, and at 80, darling, I’ve seen most of ‘em. Great success to you both. Cheers!
My ex-girlfriend and I broke up because we both knew we were heading down separate paths. She wanted to travel the world and I wanted to finish my apprenticeship to become an electrician. We all have things we want in life and sometimes in relationships it's just bad timing, missed connections; different paths that converge for a time and then split apart. That is sad, yes, but appreciate the fact that in our day and age, you don't have to settle just because someone expects you to. Loved your song, gals. I hope you can achieve whatever it is that you want in life. ~Peace
This is a sad story. How could travel or an apprenticeship ever hold a candle to lifelong love, companionship, maybe even family, and someday, grandchildren. The reason young people are so overwhelmingly alone today is because they buy the falsehoods in this song-that good relationships are 50/50 (they’re not; they’re 100/100), that the building-blocks of happiness in the future is “getting shit done” (it’s not; it’s building permanent relationships). These girls are clever; their lyrics “sound” sensical. But they are peddling disaster to their generation.
im not native english speaker can you tell me which party is meant to be a "woman singing to a man" and when it changes to a man singing to a woman? OR it is always a woman singing or always a man singing, the "THING" that confuse me is when the song sayd "as every man ever before you had" IN THE END, some one please help me
@@orlan3bgamer it's always from the perspective of a woman. The sentence "not a good a deal as every man ever before you had" is meant as a sort of apology to the potential partner that he won't get as good a deal because the viewpoint is a feminist who won't sacrifice everything for him.
I travel for work and I always get "oh ... so you must not be in a good place in your relationship!" Nope! We're in a great place with each other and ourselves 😍 we live 50/50!
@@mikedakin2016 nope. I've been back home for 20 months and we're loving eachother every day. Quarantine only brought us closer together. It sounds lame but after 11yrs together, we still find ways to be happy together and apart (except I don't travel for work anymore)
That was so beautiful I cried. This was for me, thank you! We saw the free labor of the previous generations of woman's work go unappreciated by our society. No wonder we're terrified of ending up the same. Thank you to all of the brave and noble women who came before but not all of us are selfless enough.
You kinda can. You can set a song as your "anthem," but this song isn't on there, yet (I checked just to answer this question, lol). (EDIT: Lots of other Garfunkel and Oates songs are, though.)
I have been living under a large rock...I just discovered these 2 ladies about an hour ago. I can't stop laughing at the words here, and the music is awesome! The cameo from Weird Al was priceless. Thanks ladies, you are beyond brilliant. All my very best.
When people think grades define intelligence even in the slightest. I got a D- in math every single year and you know what? Even my teachers knew I was one of if not the smartest person in that class. Why did I get a D- because homework. The assignments that are designed to help you on the test I didn’t feel I needed. As I could listen to the teacher explain something once. Take a test on it a month later and get 100% but sadly only 65% if my grade was an actual meter of the information I was able to recollect. The other 35% was work designed to help me with the 65% but ended up destroying my grades and making me look dumb
Don't feel sad. Married moms have, on average, as much (or more) life satisfaction and happiness as career women. That is the dirty little secret of feminism. The B-side song on this record is sung by sad, lonely, empty career women with no children.
Yeah, my mom put herself through college, got a master's degree and was set up to have an amazing career. But she married my dad (who is an amazing father and husband) but he was climbing ranks in the air Force and someone needed to stay home with the kids, so she gave up everything and became delegated to the role of housewife. I wonder what she would've done if she hadn't had us kids.
@@tritonmosquito9348 My detailed answer was deleted. I backed it up but am not bothering to play repeated copy paste against algorithmic censorship that systematically hates truth. Check in with reality on your own, or provide somewhere I can send you the answer that won't be automatically deleted by totalitarians.
These are some of the best lyrics I've heard from you, good job! I love that you make songs that are so relatable of what it is to be a woman nowadays. You're awesome!
I'm an older man and I've been married to the same woman for 43 yrs. I I don't know exactly how it happened but I had a great career and retired after 37 yrs at the same company and was very successful . I have always treated my wife with the utmost respect and love. She gave up a good career to raise our two daughters and that is what she wanted to do. When the girls started school she took a job as a teachers aide at the school they attended and then became a teacher the same school. I always shared the chores at our home and cooking etc. our daughters are our friends now and one is married to a man we both like and love. My wife and I have never been closer than we are now. Again I really don't know how it happened this way we didn't plan the fairy tale ! But after listening to your incredibly talented song I realize how lucky we are. I love you two and don't know how you both write sing and play so amazing but I love and appreciate your hard work. Your both so funny and and write such provocative material. I became a subscriber and have sent my family most of your content . Just great ladies keep it up! I wrote this just to say there are some of us out here that care deeply for each other ! Thanks again ladies!!
I'm really sorry to tell you this but your story is a good illustration of what they're saying : the pressure don't always comes from your partner, but most women are raised by society to believe they are the one who have to sacrifice they dream.
@@rororama3557 Or maybe... he knows his wife better than you or society does. Perhaps it was her goal and dream to raise children, that's not unheard of. Their song isn't 100% representative of all women and how they feel about relationships or what weights may or may not be inflicted by society. Good song though.
Hello, sorry for my question - I'm from Russia and just study english (I'm really not a troll, lol). So... Why you say "guys"? I mean, guy=man, dude, boy? Or it's for the boy and girl?
Sillhid hi. im from brazil. i say guys but it could be. people. but its not exatcly reflect in their gender more like a plural word. something like that. they say butter/fly. for a bug. life is crazy
This hit home a little hard for me and bummed me out. That being said I actually loved it and you guys are super talented and funny so please make more xx
My dad dropped out of college to get a job mining lead to support my mom getting her master's degree. He was just going to party and play football but she wanted to teach elementary special education. He's a prison guard now and mom is retired. She asked him once if it bothered him that she made more money than him. He said "my wife buys the thing that i want but cant afford. I hit the lottery." She bought him a tractor and he is over the moon with it.
@@naryainc Have you ever heard that phrase used properly? Because your use here makes no sense at all. Nothing about Mitch Thurman's story "proves the rule" lmfao. If anything it is closer to doing the exact opposite. Christ.
This song masks me realize how lucky I am to have such a great partnership with my wife. We both want things and have agreed neither should sacrifice their dreams. We work together to find a way for us both to chase our ambitions.
No dads work soulless menial jobs to better the other members of the family. Nope didn't think so it's only women/females/people who identify as female who are selfless martyrs and saints. I love your songs. Keep doing them cause you're awesome (plural).
@@mrdavidpollock yeah, what a drag being dominant / the master.😱😩 how much it sucks to treat the person who's supposed to be your partner and equal as a menial/peon, and if you start feeling bad about it just slap her around a little! That'll prove you're better/ right!😃👌👍
This is sadly very true in our society. It’s unfortunately rare but my dad was a wonderful stay-at-home dad while my mom had a high- powered career because it was what was best for our family - and I couldn’t be more thankful for it. It’s admirable to sacrifice your career for your family, but only for a partner (like my dad) who would do the same for you 💪
@@volodyanarchist I dunno... When 90% of the people reading this are going to associate the ownership of a penis with having a choice and the ownership of a clitoris with not having a choice, by default, regardless of the choice made... In practice, there's effectively no difference between the two sets of distinctions.
Revisiting old G&O videos. Good times! Was fortunate enough to see them in Chicago, well before the pandemic, and good times were had by all that eve, trust! Cheers y'all, stay well.
@@LordDragon1965 Sorry calling BS on that. Men and fathers have always had to give up things for their wives and family. If you don't believe that then you are either not ambitious, or you don't have a wife or family.
@@donbrown971 Men and Fathers do have to give up stuff for the family and wives. But they don't spend 9 months pregnant and they don't give up their careers for it. Its not comparable, men have it better in this case.
@@LordDragon1965 How does this prove most women are better than most men? Is the value of a human being based off how much systematic oppression they face? Am I better than straight people because I'm gay? No. This is bullshit and you give a bad look to progressive values.
This video was pretty deep and made me think about something I've never thought about before. Although I'd like to imagine me and my future partner have similar interests, and we can work in the same field.
I did that and it doesn't work very well. If you're better than her then its hard not to jump in while they shoot their career in the foot. If they are better than you then its hard to speak up and so big chunks of your life and mind are not spoken of. Totally different allows you both to share a view of the world that is totally new. It beautiful and even a bit healthy.
TheApoke My first fiance was extremily like me, to the extent people regularly thought we were siblings. it's not as good as it sounds. Still, I would heartily disagree with Ron: people can respect each other's decisions even if they work in the same field. In my own relationship, I was "the smart one" and she was a little resentful because she used to be "the smart one", but I never did "step in when she was shooting her career in the foot" and she never felt intimidated to "speak up" about my decisions. It's this whole "being equals" thing in this song. Turns out being too similar exacerbated some of our flaws, but it's by no means a sure antidote or a poison to any relationship problems.
I'm a conservative male and I think this song is great!!! I firmly believe in not holding my partner to a higher standard than I hold myself. Relationships should absolutely be 50/50. Great song ladies!
personally, i'd rather lash out at the people who made this song than actually contemplate what it implies about my own family's power dynamics, and potentially grow as a person because of it.
The advertisement I got on this video was a man saying "If you ever want a man to love you, you should NEVER ask him this question." Seems appropriate.
OH MY GOD!! Another hit, and absolutely love this song! It’s so (tragically) true, and it’s time people opened their eyes to the double standards. ♥️♥️♥️♥️ I couldn’t love this song more...and the sarcastic tone on you two!
I love this song, but it does make me feel bad cause neither of my parents got to pursue their dreams. My mom definitely had it harder than my dad cause she did most of the work raising us but class kept them both down and that sucks. That's probably why I'm a feminist and leftist. Thanks, intersectionality. Also, this isn't me getting mad at them for not addressing class in the song. I think the song is great. I'm just complaining to the abyss. Anyway, thanks for the fantastic song, Y'all!
I feel the roots of Monty Python are strong with these. I have also found that bacon helps with these situations. Neutral place to meet. Everyone can appreciate bacon even if your vegan. It's all about the aroma. A lot of Vietnam vets said the same thing but swore they never inhaled.
Yay! New Garfunkle.and Oats. My daughter loves Kate on Nature Cat and also loves the ukelele. Sadly, I can't share Kate's ukelele music with her because, well not appropriate for a 6 year old... But I still like it.
After relistening to this song, it definately has a message I want my daughters to hear. But for the delivery, well, they can hear it when their older. In the meantime, I'll tell them in other ways.
You mean you want to perpetuate the problems you see in society because your daughter is 6 and it's okay to lie to her? Um.... I think you should listen to the lyrics and stop shielding your child.
The point isn't really that all women sacrifice their dreams for their families and that no men do; the point is that women are *expected* to sacrifice their dreams, while men are admired for pursuing their goals even when it means they have less time at home.
On the contrary, one of biggest tropes in modern storytelling is the workaholic man who loses everything for success, which either ends up with him giving up his success at end and finding happiness with his family or not being able to do that and ending up in tragedy. Heck, add Rosebud and that's basically Citizen Kane. Everyone is expected to make sacrifices, that's what adulthood is.
@@ggwp638BC lol... This is would blue her mind... If she were smart enough to have one. But ideologues simply cannot imagine a world of truth. They prefer victimhood. Because identity politics rewards those at the bottom, the retards.
@@ggwp638BC exactly everyone is expected to do sacrifices, well, what's the problem with sharing the burden of them? The trope of the workaholic won't change the fact that women are still expected to be at home, in fact, it's actually a contradiction to your argument, women are always on the backseat, being an emotional support, or, in most cases being an "ungrateful bitch that can't stay at home and take care of the children". Both cases reinforce the expectations of the "stay at home mom".
@@skydivekrazy76 yeah right the classic "truth", the truth is that so much is expected from men to achieve while having to be stoic and their only way to express their feelings is through violence and ultimately culminating with an ridiculous suicide rate, because they are alone with no family or friends. But when I say that the 2 bad words are responsible for this you will screech like an idiot.
@@ksilva2848 I'm not denying that. The OP simply said that women are expected to make sacrifices, and I pointed out that EVERYONE is expected to make sacrifices.
Finding this song a few years ago seriously changed the way I view my relationships with women and feminism. It's not inaccurate to say this song changed my life. Thank you.
“ I have friends that can give me everything else “ *looks at each other* lmaooo
Never thought about it, but it's sort of true isn't it.
is such a cute friendship
@@naryainc well what's the point of a romantic relationship if you're not banging? It's a waste of time at that point
@@spacemanx9595 asexuals left the chat
@@spacemanx9595 its all more than just that
Few people write lyrics like these two. Super talents.
*None of those few people would've had a job as a songwriter.*
@Chooseashorterhandle2 *Make it positive - hire those people as songwriters.*
"No Kate, none of the moms." is basically always on loop in my head
Unironically when I first heard this song it made me examine how much I was giving in relationships and start being a lot better with boundaries because I realized I'm not being selfish I'm just asking for half. I'm just asking to be treated like a person instead of a fantasy idea of a person
Bravo! 👏
Sounds great! You have to teach people how to treat you and to respect your boundaries. Not everyone is compatible either, so it takes a lot of self awareness to be able to communicate honestly with your partner. And that all includes lowering your own expectations sometimes so that you don't demand things from them they aren't willing or able to give you. Owning your own emotions is a good start, because nobody is responsible for your emotions, they are yours to deal with.
When you become a parens you both give all, together, to your children. But you will probably never have any
@Yongo Bazuk well if they have a mother who is being Ms Career pants rather than a mother they will probably be a disappoint
@@johnsmith4630 | Didn't you just say both parties have to give their all to raise a child? So why is it all of the sudden the mother's duty according to your words lmao. What does that say about children without any fathers (which makes mothers who take on the role of career-getting _and_ child nurturing)? Are those still bound to be disappointments?
This is how I have always felt about relationships. One person should never hold the other back. It should be comprise and working with eachother to reach individual goals together without one getting left behind.
In some relationships Person A makes it their mission to hold back Person B. Goals & dreams are not encouraged, they are crushed.
Yeah but this song isn't talking about what you said either.
My mom did have to delay her aspirations unfortunately. But she did go back to school and pursued a nursing career as my father stayed home and helped take care of us kids, with some assistance from my older siblings, and my Mom now has her bachelor's degree in Nursing from Clemson University. I'm proud of her and her accomplishments and I'm glad my Dad was "woke" and supportive of my Mom.
I'm so glad to hear that! Good for the both of them. I hope they both still have a great marriage.
Mine spent a good decade training her kids to be incredibly independent, irrespective of gender. She had a very "Teach a man to fish" approach to parenting. If she'd disappeared overnight without a word (no she never did) whenever she came back, a day, a week, a month later, the house would have been clean, laundry would have been done, and dinner would have been made. The garden would have gone to shit because that was her own pet project, but other than that? She'd finished college before having kids, and gone into the career she wanted to even before her eldest was 10 (a teacher. She'd also been a nurse at some earlier point I'm a little vague on.) She taught for 25 years before getting leukaemia and going slowly blind, which limited her and finally forced her to retire (near the end, she couldn't see well enough to tell the students apart... from the furniture). She remarried and now lives like an admittedly disabled housewife, and seems to be enjoying life (with a teacher's pension and Disability benefits, they go on vacations around the world twice a year). She did once tell me that, as a firm feminist, she sometimes felt guilty enjoying being a housewife (despite being retired by medical necessity), like she wasn't supposed to have fun with it or something.
Modern feminism is so toxic it tries to make even great examples of women living their best lives like her hate themselves.
And for the record, my dad never held her back from anything she wanted to do (despite being successful and success-driven himself), and is a decidedly better cook than she is. (Well... *these* days she's almost totally blind and needs to have someone else cut vegetables so she doesn't mistake her finger for a carrot... but even before that, he was the better cook.)
...Looking back over the last five decades, I'd have to say no one in my family has ever given two shits about so-called "traditional gender roles", either in maintaining them or in defying them. We do what WE want to do, what WE feel is important, and what suits ourselves as individuals.
My mum went back to school and I'm glad she did!!! My sister, too!!!
These two Ladies are not only hilarious but also very, very talented. 🥳😄🥰
The harmony on such a fast song that varies in pace is super impressive
I made the mistake of showing my mom this song. She wasn’t mad but we just both sat in silence for a while. It was just sad I guess.
well they both got partners and had a kid since they made this song so I guess it worked out
@@Rivracost3 not sure that Raptor and their mum were feeling sad for G & O......
Remember when moms had families
Choice confused an entire generation then they had us.
That's okay.
This video genuinely and legitimately changed my perspective without making me angry or bitter, good job y’all
This is totally beyond just a humorous song. This is, like, rhetorically incredibly strong. This is art.
So are humorous songs
It IS GARBAGE, You Idiot !!!
I think this song just helped me unravel decades of pondering about bad relationships
Works for me, too--and I'm a boy! Had some entitled gurlfrenz.
Lol, i forced my mom to go hack to college and finally get her dream of becoming a teacher, i told her i was old enough and that she didnt have to devote everything to me (i had to tell her many times, asian moms are stubborn), and I'm so glad that she had the courage to do it. To all the moms, its never too late, go get your dreams.
"Yes every word that I just said
Could have also been describing you"
“NO KATE- none of the moms...” I’m dead, this is amazing
Are you dead? Really? Are you?! no, you're not.
None of the mooooms....
You weren’t subconsciously conditioned
To give up your dreams for me
Or that loved and ambitious
Were mutually exclusive things to be
This is so well put and sincere that I'm stunned you guys could make a catchy upbeat song about it. But you guys keep doing it over and over. It's incredible, please keep it up :)
I didn't see any guys in the video...
How terrible it is to give up dreams and ambitions of working yourself to death. Instead you have to stay home and do whatever you like. Even in today's age, men take jobs based off of how much they pay and can sustain a family while women take jobs based off of their interests and flexibility. Life is just so terrible for women, getting to do what they like and such.
@@username7763oh honey
@@username7763 bro, in what world? Most women work for the same reason men do, because they have to. Women don't get to do whatever they want, just like men we have to pay our rent, groceries, and utilities. Just like most men, most women work jobs they aren't passionate about because it pays the bills. Also most women who stay at home because they are married, are also raising children, which is not the same as "do[ing] whatever you like."
Very thought provoking with a great serve in there. I'm thrilled to see you two back making videos again! You two are both talented and freaking hilarious!
I just wanted to say that I'm really impressed by the right hand movement on guitar. So light and fluid, the playing and articulation, albeit simple, are just great.
Damn, roasting a whole generation. I'll take 50/50
Ay, I almost feel like boomer humor (hate the wife stuff) has all to do with the fact that people used to marry a sex class, and not another person.
This perfectly encapsulates everything I have been feeling about my role as a wife and mother lately. I seriously teared up. Thank you for another amazing song.
probably a shitty wife and mother then
How are you doing these days?
@Neel L. Lumi well, a lot better, actually. I divorced my ex and took control of my life... like a man! I'm still having to try to figure out how to be the woman, too, but it's good to chase my dreams first. Thank you for asking!
@@chaoticutopia Right. You know you're fucking miserable.
@@chaoticutopia I'm glad to hear this!
What's amazing is your ability to stare deeply into the heart of humanity and encapsulate the darkness you find perfectly... within an upbeat ukele song...
Goddamn you beautiful musical witches.
this is the perfect comment
Wow, what a sad and pathetic way to look at the world.
Nice. You're the guy who doesn't even qualify to be the guy in the song. Smooth move.
Similar to Don Flamingo and Rocinante's dynamic, my dear heart pirate.
Why can I like this comment only once?
None of the moms?
What about Stacey's mom? She's got it going on.
Nah she is still preoccupied, with 1985.
Stifler's mum maybe? 😂
No Kate! None of the moms!
Did she though? Her husband's always on business trips while she stays at home with the kids.
And I’ve been waiting for soooo long.
The two of you are the cleverest act going! What you do takes smarts, talent, and a bloody lot of work. You’re my favorite American duo ever, and at 80, darling, I’ve seen most of ‘em. Great success to you both. Cheers!
My ex-girlfriend and I broke up because we both knew we were heading down separate paths. She wanted to travel the world and I wanted to finish my apprenticeship to become an electrician. We all have things we want in life and sometimes in relationships it's just bad timing, missed connections; different paths that converge for a time and then split apart. That is sad, yes, but appreciate the fact that in our day and age, you don't have to settle just because someone expects you to. Loved your song, gals. I hope you can achieve whatever it is that you want in life. ~Peace
This is a sad story. How could travel or an apprenticeship ever hold a candle to lifelong love, companionship, maybe even family, and someday, grandchildren. The reason young people are so overwhelmingly alone today is because they buy the falsehoods in this song-that good relationships are 50/50 (they’re not; they’re 100/100), that the building-blocks of happiness in the future is “getting shit done” (it’s not; it’s building permanent relationships). These girls are clever; their lyrics “sound” sensical. But they are peddling disaster to their generation.
@@kimberlycarlile Few modern couples can go that deep. It's all about incessant immediate gratification, now.
@@kimberlycarlile yeah I pretty much agree. Marriage is supposed to be two people becoming one. Today that idea seems lost.
@@kimberlycarlile I would not go as far as what you are saying, but you have the right idea.
I am so happy that Garfunkel and Oates are making music again. I love you two. Seriously - with all my heart.
I return to this video every so often to remind myself how great it is lyrically.
musically, it passes also, matter of fact!
im not native english speaker can you tell me which party is meant to be a "woman singing to a man" and when it changes to a man singing to a woman? OR it is always a woman singing or always a man singing, the "THING" that confuse me is when the song sayd "as every man ever before you had" IN THE END, some one please help me
@@orlan3bgamer it's always from the perspective of a woman. The sentence "not a good a deal as every man ever before you had" is meant as a sort of apology to the potential partner that he won't get as good a deal because the viewpoint is a feminist who won't sacrifice everything for him.
I travel for work and I always get "oh ... so you must not be in a good place in your relationship!" Nope! We're in a great place with each other and ourselves 😍 we live 50/50!
Well yeah but that's not a constant compromise - you both want this, right?
that's what you think . It works cos you're away half the time hahaha!
@@mikedakin2016 nope. I've been back home for 20 months and we're loving eachother every day. Quarantine only brought us closer together. It sounds lame but after 11yrs together, we still find ways to be happy together and apart (except I don't travel for work anymore)
@@breadb4176 so you travel for work but you don't travel for work, got it
@@brohvakiindova4452 I took time off to go back to school to upgrade. So I travel, but currently taking time off. Got it?
it just reclicked how good they are at syncing their voices together
Just as I was getting ready to laugh, instead I found myself angrily agreeing.
That was so beautiful I cried. This was for me, thank you! We saw the free labor of the previous generations of woman's work go unappreciated by our society. No wonder we're terrified of ending up the same. Thank you to all of the brave and noble women who came before but not all of us are selfless enough.
Can you make a song your Tinder bio???
If you could, this one would be an excellent way to ensure that literally everyone swipes left.
good. weeds them out early on.
Conundrum so is having "420 blaze it mad lad" as your bio but a whole lot of guys on Tinder do.
You kinda can. You can set a song as your "anthem," but this song isn't on there, yet (I checked just to answer this question, lol).
(EDIT: Lots of other Garfunkel and Oates songs are, though.)
Eva C too many characters.
I’m pretty low maintenance and am ok being alone, so deal! Also, welcome back to RUclips. I’m glad I’m still subscribed to your channel.
I love these girls, they’re so beautiful, talented and smart.
I have been living under a large rock...I just discovered these 2 ladies about an hour ago. I can't stop laughing at the words here, and the music is awesome! The cameo from Weird Al was priceless. Thanks ladies, you are beyond brilliant. All my very best.
I am absolutely ready for this level of commitment.
TheactualteamRyan lies
Hell yeah. Think of all the side action you'll get while they're out of town.
Teddy KGB Dude what?
Which words confused you?
Ready to hand over 100% with a big red "50%" sticker on it, ey?
"And if those numbers seem off to you
Why? " I got a C- in Math
Better Call Foggy dyscalcula where is the other 45%?
When people think grades define intelligence even in the slightest. I got a D- in math every single year and you know what? Even my teachers knew I was one of if not the smartest person in that class. Why did I get a D- because homework. The assignments that are designed to help you on the test I didn’t feel I needed. As I could listen to the teacher explain something once. Take a test on it a month later and get 100% but sadly only 65% if my grade was an actual meter of the information I was able to recollect. The other 35% was work designed to help me with the 65% but ended up destroying my grades and making me look dumb
I Am The Shitzu I just suck at test taking so I would get c's on tests
Because she already gets more than 50% and now she wants more.
Better Call Foggy guy
Came here to laugh, left feeling sad for mom.
Don't feel sad. Married moms have, on average, as much (or more) life satisfaction and happiness as career women. That is the dirty little secret of feminism. The B-side song on this record is sung by sad, lonely, empty career women with no children.
Came here to laugh, left being preached to about being a man=douche
Came here to laugh, now I'm worried what happened to Garfunkel and Oats. Did they get kidnapped and drugged?
Yeah, my mom put herself through college, got a master's degree and was set up to have an amazing career. But she married my dad (who is an amazing father and husband) but he was climbing ranks in the air Force and someone needed to stay home with the kids, so she gave up everything and became delegated to the role of housewife. I wonder what she would've done if she hadn't had us kids.
Kellen L a
I literally started crying by the end of the mom bit. And the subconscious conditioned bit.
"All I want is 50/50, All I want is half, and if those numbers seem off to you... why?"
Jesus, that kicked me right in the dick. This song is great.
Because men and women don't bring the same things to a relationship.
@@TheJeremyKentBGross ...why ?
@@tritonmosquito9348 My detailed answer was deleted. I backed it up but am not bothering to play repeated copy paste against algorithmic censorship that systematically hates truth.
Check in with reality on your own, or provide somewhere I can send you the answer that won't be automatically deleted by totalitarians.
@@TheJeremyKentBGross zing! Take that RUclips liberal bias algorithm!!!
(Constantly having my comments removed because well, I'm a monster 😆)
@@D-Rock420 PS: Where books are burned, soon men will follow.
~Jewish Poet Heinrich Heine
These are some of the best lyrics I've heard from you, good job! I love that you make songs that are so relatable of what it is to be a woman nowadays. You're awesome!
Return to tradition
Guys, I love it! And I really appreciate you back and making these great tunes again.
I'm an older man and I've been married to the same woman for 43 yrs. I I don't know exactly how it happened but I had a great career and retired after 37 yrs at the same company and was very successful . I have always treated my wife with the utmost respect and love. She gave up a good career to raise our two daughters and that is what she wanted to do. When the girls started school she took a job as a teachers aide at the school they attended and then became a teacher the same school. I always shared the chores at our home and cooking etc. our daughters are our friends now and one is married to a man we both like and love. My wife and I have never been closer than we are now. Again I really don't know how it happened this way we didn't plan the fairy tale ! But after listening to your incredibly talented song I realize how lucky we are. I love you two and don't know how you both write sing and play so amazing but I love and appreciate your hard work. Your both so funny and and write such provocative material. I became a subscriber and have sent my family most of your content . Just great ladies keep it up! I wrote this just to say there are some of us out here that care deeply for each other ! Thanks again ladies!!
I'm really sorry to tell you this but your story is a good illustration of what they're saying : the pressure don't always comes from your partner, but most women are raised by society to believe they are the one who have to sacrifice they dream.
@@rororama3557 Or maybe... he knows his wife better than you or society does. Perhaps it was her goal and dream to raise children, that's not unheard of. Their song isn't 100% representative of all women and how they feel about relationships or what weights may or may not be inflicted by society. Good song though.
Bravo! Such unique entertainers and ultra sharp wit! Can't get enough of these two... well half the time.
"I've always had what it takes to be a man
But I've never had what it takes to be
A woman."
Changed me
I’m glad you girls are back !
Hello, sorry for my question - I'm from Russia and just study english (I'm really not a troll, lol).
So... Why you say "guys"? I mean, guy=man, dude, boy? Or it's for the boy and girl?
Sillhid hi. im from brazil. i say guys but it could be. people. but its not exatcly reflect in their gender more like a plural word.
something like that. they say butter/fly. for a bug. life is crazy
In Russian we have "rebyata" (kids man gender) for boys and girls. So same story, probably. Thx for explanation.
Sillhid yes. same thing. in brazil we say "vocês" or "gente" wich could be use for men and female. welcome good night
Sillhid Guys is supposed to be for males, but pretty much everyone uses it to refer to multiple people whether male or female.
I am so happy you’re back!!!!!!! IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS NOTIFICATION
I'm very late to the party but this is just awesome.
This may have hit close to home...
Or straight to the feels. You guys (gals) are very talented.
That was fkn BRILLIANT
How many cats u got?
That was one of the few absolutely NOT brilliant things they ever did.
@@johnsmith4630 How many STD's have you had?
I missed you too. Once again another great song!
This hit home a little hard for me and bummed me out. That being said I actually loved it and you guys are super talented and funny so please make more xx
Somebody hadda. Thanks, ladies. The world needed this - and you!
You are so amazing. Loved you both on TBBT.
This entire song came for me and I reeeeeeeeaaaaally need the world and people closest to me to see it
My dad dropped out of college to get a job mining lead to support my mom getting her master's degree. He was just going to party and play football but she wanted to teach elementary special education. He's a prison guard now and mom is retired. She asked him once if it bothered him that she made more money than him. He said "my wife buys the thing that i want but cant afford. I hit the lottery."
She bought him a tractor and he is over the moon with it.
@@epalla Ever heard of the exception that proves the rule?
It’s still most of the moms. You know what they meant. It’s certainly almost every wife of every mildly famous male in history ever.
That's a badass woman there. Where's her trophy?
@@naryainc Have you ever heard that phrase used properly? Because your use here makes no sense at all. Nothing about Mitch Thurman's story "proves the rule" lmfao. If anything it is closer to doing the exact opposite. Christ.
Right, like that ever happens. What planet are you from?
The first half of this song, I was like - "Oh no, this is me. D:" The second half the song I was like -"Oh yeah! This is me!"
Thats actually really cool though haha!
54 year old male here. Loved it!
This is what everybody should listen before entering into relationships) Love you girls🥰
This song masks me realize how lucky I am to have such a great partnership with my wife. We both want things and have agreed neither should sacrifice their dreams. We work together to find a way for us both to chase our ambitions.
Im glad to relate and i wish more people could ..
No fifty fifty....I give a hundred she gives a hundred.
@@williamhensley8698 Then you're both running on empty I'm afraid. Treat yourself a little better than that plz.
What ambitions?? Serious question? Who is raising your kids??
To quote CollegeHumor “Hey! I’m the person who completely missed the point of the song to tell you that men get murdered too!”
No dads work soulless menial jobs to better the other members of the family. Nope didn't think so it's only women/females/people who identify as female who are selfless martyrs and saints. I love your songs. Keep doing them cause you're awesome (plural).
@@mrdavidpollock yeah, what a drag being dominant / the master.😱😩 how much it sucks to treat the person who's supposed to be your partner and equal as a menial/peon, and if you start feeling bad about it just slap her around a little! That'll prove you're better/ right!😃👌👍
Much more frequently. Look who matters more tho
@@NormadYT matters more? Wtf dude
@@wack8697 You did indeed. That's all right, someday you'll figure it out.
I want it soo bad!! Also just noticed, name twins :D
Love them, love their work! I really laffed out loud at their tv to see it again, actually...
I'm happy you both have moved on to better things but I really miss your songs and videos on this channel!
This almost sounds like some kind of fully formed, actual human person with hopes and dreams.
This was amazing, you guys are great!
This is sadly very true in our society. It’s unfortunately rare but my dad was a wonderful stay-at-home dad while my mom had a high- powered career because it was what was best for our family - and I couldn’t be more thankful for it. It’s admirable to sacrifice your career for your family, but only for a partner (like my dad) who would do the same for you 💪
Yeah, the same situation that is a problem but reversed is great!
@@iweartophots if that’s not a result of expectations, but a conscious decision by both parties, what’s the problem?
@@iweartophots You've missed the point. It's not penis/clitoris distinction, but rather choice vs no choice.
@@volodyanarchist I dunno... When 90% of the people reading this are going to associate the ownership of a penis with having a choice and the ownership of a clitoris with not having a choice, by default, regardless of the choice made... In practice, there's effectively no difference between the two sets of distinctions.
How many women you know are attracted to stay at home dads? Zero? Yup!
OMG! Kate's hair is perfect and I love this song!
this will NEVER get old!!!! I miss yall 🥲
Hopefully one day it will. People will be looking at our times as something incredibly backwards and reactionary.
*n o n e o f t h e m o m s*
This is absolutely awesome thought provoking satirical and just fun my cheeks hurt from smiling
Thanks for this. Truly sobering, inspired, inspiring, and deeply, profoundly funny! Goddesses. The both of you; social satire Goddesses.
Revisiting old G&O videos. Good times! Was fortunate enough to see them in Chicago, well before the pandemic, and good times were had by all that eve, trust! Cheers y'all, stay well.
Me too. I still listen to them and love all of their songs!
You are hillarious, and funny, and goofie and truthfull. Please stay that way ;)
Thought progression:
-This is why I'm single.
-This is exactly why I'm single.
-Oh god.
-I should call my mom...
-All the moms.
Not quite all the moms, but about 75% by my guess. Which proves that most women are better than most men.
@@LordDragon1965 Sorry calling BS on that. Men and fathers have always had to give up things for their wives and family. If you don't believe that then you are either not ambitious, or you don't have a wife or family.
@@donbrown971 Men and Fathers do have to give up stuff for the family and wives. But they don't spend 9 months pregnant and they don't give up their careers for it. Its not comparable, men have it better in this case.
@@LordDragon1965 How does this prove most women are better than most men? Is the value of a human being based off how much systematic oppression they face? Am I better than straight people because I'm gay? No. This is bullshit and you give a bad look to progressive values.
You will always be single....not counting your cat.
This video was pretty deep and made me think about something I've never thought about before. Although I'd like to imagine me and my future partner have similar interests, and we can work in the same field.
TheApoke that would be boring. What could better you if you're with someone like you?
I did that and it doesn't work very well. If you're better than her then its hard not to jump in while they shoot their career in the foot. If they are better than you then its hard to speak up and so big chunks of your life and mind are not spoken of. Totally different allows you both to share a view of the world that is totally new. It beautiful and even a bit healthy.
TheApoke HAHA HAHAHAH HAHA HAHA HAHAHA haha ha ha... Wait, you're serious?
TheApoke My first fiance was extremily like me, to the extent people regularly thought we were siblings. it's not as good as it sounds.
Still, I would heartily disagree with Ron: people can respect each other's decisions even if they work in the same field. In my own relationship, I was "the smart one" and she was a little resentful because she used to be "the smart one", but I never did "step in when she was shooting her career in the foot" and she never felt intimidated to "speak up" about my decisions. It's this whole "being equals" thing in this song.
Turns out being too similar exacerbated some of our flaws, but it's by no means a sure antidote or a poison to any relationship problems.
Ha! You obviously touched a few nerves with this one! Good job.
wow i thought you guys had quit the Biz, good to see your still flooding the world with your tongue in cheek brilliance
I'm a conservative male and I think this song is great!!! I firmly believe in not holding my partner to a higher standard than I hold myself. Relationships should absolutely be 50/50. Great song ladies!
Do you want a cookie?
I'm not sure if my relatively conservative family member will like this song but I'm sending it to them with your review.
personally, i'd rather lash out at the people who made this song than actually contemplate what it implies about my own family's power dynamics, and potentially grow as a person because of it.
That sounds like a pretty silly thing to do. Instead maybe be happy with the choices you make whoever you are because you are making them.
@@JackWard66 it's a joke
I love this comment, thank you
The advertisement I got on this video was a man saying "If you ever want a man to love you, you should NEVER ask him this question." Seems appropriate.
lmao i know that ad! the question is "do you love me?"
"Will that be cash or credit card ?"
Holy crap! Where was this gem hidden all this time?
You ladies are awesome. Was fun to watch and listen. Great video
Yes, a new Garfunkel And Oates song! Sweeeeeeeet!!!
Welcome back!
Fortunately, my mom pursued her dreams, and her career, and is amazing at it. My mom and dad both sacrificed so they could each succeed.
You're related to one of these girls?
Wtf dude. Your mom sounds great
100%/100% is a rare and beautiful thing.
I like that it's upbeat the whole time and doesn't hit a minor key?
The part about the mom's at 2:30 is a little like that, but doesn't dwell on it.
And I have watched this for the first time on mother's day...
OH MY GOD!! Another hit, and absolutely love this song! It’s so (tragically) true, and it’s time people opened their eyes to the double standards. ♥️♥️♥️♥️ I couldn’t love this song more...and the sarcastic tone on you two!
I love this song, but it does make me feel bad cause neither of my parents got to pursue their dreams. My mom definitely had it harder than my dad cause she did most of the work raising us but class kept them both down and that sucks. That's probably why I'm a feminist and leftist. Thanks, intersectionality. Also, this isn't me getting mad at them for not addressing class in the song. I think the song is great. I'm just complaining to the abyss.
Anyway, thanks for the fantastic song, Y'all!
I feel the roots of Monty Python are strong with these. I have also found that bacon helps with these situations. Neutral place to meet. Everyone can appreciate bacon even if your vegan. It's all about the aroma. A lot of Vietnam vets said the same thing but swore they never inhaled.
Kate with longer hair!! Omg so adorable 🥰. Please tour in the U.K. guys or just pop round my house either or I’m happy 😃
Your both brilliant and amazing singers and song righters..
Yay! New Garfunkle.and Oats.
My daughter loves Kate on Nature Cat and also loves the ukelele. Sadly, I can't share Kate's ukelele music with her because, well not appropriate for a 6 year old... But I still like it.
After relistening to this song, it definately has a message I want my daughters to hear. But for the delivery, well, they can hear it when their older. In the meantime, I'll tell them in other ways.
Most, if not all, of Kate's solo stuff would be ok for kids. She has 2 EPs out, both are on Spotify.
why not get them started on existential nihilism early?
Look up her song "Dear Deer". Cute and super kid friendly. Her solo work in general is pretty G rated.
You mean you want to perpetuate the problems you see in society because your daughter is 6 and it's okay to lie to her? Um.... I think you should listen to the lyrics and stop shielding your child.
Me *listening to the first part* "Sounds good to me."
Me *listening to the second part* "Oh, I get it. Song makes more sense now."
The point isn't really that all women sacrifice their dreams for their families and that no men do; the point is that women are *expected* to sacrifice their dreams, while men are admired for pursuing their goals even when it means they have less time at home.
On the contrary, one of biggest tropes in modern storytelling is the workaholic man who loses everything for success, which either ends up with him giving up his success at end and finding happiness with his family or not being able to do that and ending up in tragedy. Heck, add Rosebud and that's basically Citizen Kane.
Everyone is expected to make sacrifices, that's what adulthood is.
@@ggwp638BC lol... This is would blue her mind... If she were smart enough to have one. But ideologues simply cannot imagine a world of truth. They prefer victimhood. Because identity politics rewards those at the bottom, the retards.
@@ggwp638BC exactly everyone is expected to do sacrifices, well, what's the problem with sharing the burden of them? The trope of the workaholic won't change the fact that women are still expected to be at home, in fact, it's actually a contradiction to your argument, women are always on the backseat, being an emotional support, or, in most cases being an "ungrateful bitch that can't stay at home and take care of the children". Both cases reinforce the expectations of the "stay at home mom".
@@skydivekrazy76 yeah right the classic "truth", the truth is that so much is expected from men to achieve while having to be stoic and their only way to express their feelings is through violence and ultimately culminating with an ridiculous suicide rate, because they are alone with no family or friends. But when I say that the 2 bad words are responsible for this you will screech like an idiot.
@@ksilva2848 I'm not denying that. The OP simply said that women are expected to make sacrifices, and I pointed out that EVERYONE is expected to make sacrifices.
Seriously, no troll, sing the same song in 30 years. Love the content.
Another excellent G&O song. :)