Good on you, mate! I may not agree all the things you said but at least you are reviewing a lot of valubale information. I moved to Sydney in 1983 and became a property valuer there in 1993 ( very few Hong Kong migrants to Australia are valuers there and i don't know why). Keep up the good work! I lived there long enough to know your contents are good.
Hi Wilson,很多謝你的詳盡解說,非常有用。我如考慮購買Sydney在Rhodes的一間apartment,露台外(balcony)望的方向是我主要考慮的重點之一。如要夏涼(夏天多數日子有海風吹向露台/入屋,減少開冷氣)冬暖(來自南極的寒風不吹正),最好、第二好及第三好的方向是那些?另外,避免夏天西斜陽光入屋,那麽露台應避免那個方向最好?多謝指教🙏
@@HKAussie Hi Wilson,謝謝你的回覆。Agent 另推介給我與Rhodes相隔對岸的Wentworth Point的apartment,準備安排我家人去睇樓,除了你提及Rhodes apartment的露台方向與景觀的事項外,我最關注的仍是間屋(Rhodes or Wentworth Point 的apartment)的露台、最好是什麼座向可享受夏涼冬暖、兼避免因西斜陽光照射入屋要長時間開冷氣的困擾呢?可以在方便提供更具體的忠告給我參考嗎?🙏
文字表達不了地形,你需要行一行 Shoreline Dr 和Walker Street ,並叫agent 給你看這兩條街的樓宇,你便會明白什麼叫做向東 (city) 或向西望內河。例如叫agent 比46 Walker street 高層向東的單位你看,你便明白city Skyline 的意思。 Wentworth point 又次一级了,因為遠離火車站。
Land title of townhouse is similar to apartment, different from standalone house. Townhouses are generally owned under a strata title arrangement where "you buy a share of the collective value" of the building and land, with exclusive access of the interior of the premises plus any designated parking areas and private areas, and may also include collective ownership of other features such as pool areas.
Yes, I agree but it’s all very well talk about the ideal case. There is not much of a choice when the market is hot. The price will reflect all the factors as mentioned. There are people live in the low side, on the main road etc…. There are hardly any unsold properties In developed suburbs,
我在澳洲生活了快三十年,工作關係亦每年出入過百間屋,以上所講係有D理論,但亦不全然。澳洲生活至要清楚自己想要D乜,我就見過吾少人擁有農地至成發展房屋土地而䁠大錢。相反住近火車站房子,过早放售市場,又䁠吾係好多。屋子的condition就一定要查清楚先買,否則漏水修補白蟻都好頭痛。高屋底又好過石屎地基,紅磚屋又實正過油柒石灰牆,雙磚屋冬暖夏涼,但改間格和維修條數就好貴。house and package 就一定吾好掂,樓花就好大危機做咗儍瓜都吾知。至要搵到啱自己心水好質素地點,舊屋番新加套厠,或者搵到好嘅builder起屋。縂之理想家居吾係三言兩語講得清。
Agree with you , I rather live in the good suburbs in a small apartment than a big house in a low socioeconomic class suburb such as Blacktown, Mount Druitt area
Agree with what U said. Close to station here means reachable to train station through walking, say 5 to 7 minutes, instead of really opposite to the station. It’s important when U need to take train to/from office daily.
Wilson, please do more videos so more Hong Kong people can know the real side! I have been telling many Hong Kong people to buy upper north shore for many years and they tell me Bankstown is better ! LOL!
Winnie, If affordability is not an issue, I would like to have high rise apartment in North Shore to suit the high earning workforce as they love the convenience and nice view there. Regarding Eastern Sydney, it’s the traditional luxury area and better to find a house with good view there. Both have strong potential in the capital gain in the long run though their rental yield is low.
Thanks Wilson! very informative! What do you think about house and land packages? And do you think buying new house or old house is better? People said the quality of new houses are poor and the price is marked up ( I am talking about buying new house directly in Australia but not from overseas, which must be a rip off )
Benny, The up side of house & land package is it’s a new house. Of course it’s more comfortable than an old house. My first criteria is if the location is convenient to the family for daily routine including attending office/school. If yes, I’ll check: a) if the house completion schedule meets my need, b) if the developer is reliable and c) if other 配套 including transport, shopping centre could be ready on time. Last but not least is under the same cost, can I get a relatively new house but closer to city?
Hello, thank you for your very informative vidoes. May I ask if you have any comment on the traditional prestigious suburbs (apartment vs house), e.g. Eastern suburbs or lower north shore? How do you see the capital gain in the future and rental value?
Winnie, If affordability is not an issue, I would like to have high rise apartment in North Shore to suit the high earning workforce as they love the convenience and nice view there. Regarding Eastern Sydney, it’s the traditional luxury area and better to find a house with good view there. Both have strong potential in the capital gain in the long run though their rental yield is low.
thanks for sharing, would you be able to talk about things need to be aware of when buying apartments in sydney. Planning to buy one with budget around 800K to 1mil. Do you have any suggestions for the location which suit this budget. Tks.
Sure! I can fully address it with a new episode after I finished episode #9 (6 challenges you would face in Property Auction) in hand. Let me know if you want to add any specific requirement there so that I can formulate a better model for you.
Lam Laam, 答案是不可以: In order to obtain the 5 points in “study in regional Australia, the degree or diploma should be obtained while “living and studying” in an eligible area of regional Australia.
可否介紹吓 rousehill, tullawong
49. Sydney Metro 悉尼西北新地鐵沿線物業分析 Part 1: Tallawong, Rouse Hill, Kellyville, Bella Vista)видео.html
Pls tell how to choose apartments, units, toenhouses?
16. 澳洲買樓:三類平房(Apartment Unit), 從投資角度應怎樣考慮?видео.html
Thanks 😊
你最常坐在那裏休息, 喝咖啡或看雜誌的的屋內位置向北。
通常不會門口向北,因為門口是對街外, 你不會大開中門讓人看入屋內,通常這裏你會放下窗簾,所以向北是浪費。
大多數人選擇後花園的露台向北, 你可以寫意地在露台休閒,又或是大廳向北。
@@HKAussie 謝謝你🙇♀️
Wilson... 多謝你嘅分析。你嘅database n analysis 非常詳盡。我同老公睇你嘅片,買樓投資。 感激不盡。
@@HKAussie 多謝意見🙏🏻
你好Wilson, 再想問下收樓時要注意些什麼, 需找building inspection 幫手?簽買賣合約落訂金時要注意什麼?🙏🏻🙏🏻
@@carolchan3039 細節已寫在第15集:
15. 澳洲置業: 澳洲買樓的程序指引, 一步一步的告訴你與律師、銀行、地產經紀交手的過程
@@HKAussie thanks 🙏🏻
Good on you, mate! I may not agree all the things you said but at least you are reviewing a lot of valubale information. I moved to Sydney in 1983 and became a property valuer there in 1993 ( very few Hong Kong migrants to Australia are valuers there and i don't know why). Keep up the good work! I lived there long enough to know your contents are good.
Thanks 😊
Hi Wilson,很多謝你的詳盡解說,非常有用。我如考慮購買Sydney在Rhodes的一間apartment,露台外(balcony)望的方向是我主要考慮的重點之一。如要夏涼(夏天多數日子有海風吹向露台/入屋,減少開冷氣)冬暖(來自南極的寒風不吹正),最好、第二好及第三好的方向是那些?另外,避免夏天西斜陽光入屋,那麽露台應避免那個方向最好?多謝指教🙏
Joseph, Rhodes 的地形是窄窄長長的半島,火車缐以西是apartment 、東邊是house.
Apartment 本身如果向東就是向city, 所以如果我揀,我會首選Walker Street 的high rise,但只揀高層向東望city, 這樣,遠景是city 的skyline , 近景是內河水道。如果太低會聽到concard road 的聲音
剩下來的,如果揀西邊shoreline drive 的河景,便無可避免的大西斜。在這些向西的屋中那麼一間向南多些,便要視乎樓形座向。要留意,越向南,在這裡越無風景,所以要取捨.
@@HKAussie Hi Wilson,謝謝你的回覆。Agent 另推介給我與Rhodes相隔對岸的Wentworth Point的apartment,準備安排我家人去睇樓,除了你提及Rhodes apartment的露台方向與景觀的事項外,我最關注的仍是間屋(Rhodes or Wentworth Point 的apartment)的露台、最好是什麼座向可享受夏涼冬暖、兼避免因西斜陽光照射入屋要長時間開冷氣的困擾呢?可以在方便提供更具體的忠告給我參考嗎?🙏
文字表達不了地形,你需要行一行 Shoreline Dr 和Walker Street ,並叫agent 給你看這兩條街的樓宇,你便會明白什麼叫做向東 (city) 或向西望內河。例如叫agent 比46 Walker street 高層向東的單位你看,你便明白city Skyline 的意思。
Wentworth point 又次一级了,因為遠離火車站。
Thanks 😊
Nice to see it’s useful to U.😊
Land title of townhouse is similar to apartment, different from standalone house. Townhouses are generally owned under a strata title arrangement where "you buy a share of the collective value" of the building and land, with exclusive access of the interior of the premises plus any designated parking areas and private areas, and may also include collective ownership of other features such as pool areas.
Yes, I agree but it’s all very well talk about the ideal case. There is not much of a choice when the market is hot. The price will reflect all the factors as mentioned. There are people live in the low side, on the main road etc…. There are hardly any unsold properties In developed suburbs,
我在澳洲生活了快三十年,工作關係亦每年出入過百間屋,以上所講係有D理論,但亦不全然。澳洲生活至要清楚自己想要D乜,我就見過吾少人擁有農地至成發展房屋土地而䁠大錢。相反住近火車站房子,过早放售市場,又䁠吾係好多。屋子的condition就一定要查清楚先買,否則漏水修補白蟻都好頭痛。高屋底又好過石屎地基,紅磚屋又實正過油柒石灰牆,雙磚屋冬暖夏涼,但改間格和維修條數就好貴。house and package 就一定吾好掂,樓花就好大危機做咗儍瓜都吾知。至要搵到啱自己心水好質素地點,舊屋番新加套厠,或者搵到好嘅builder起屋。縂之理想家居吾係三言兩語講得清。
Agree with you , I rather live in the good suburbs in a small apartment than a big house in a low socioeconomic class suburb such as Blacktown, Mount Druitt area
Mount Druitt 不好吗 ?
Von Orlando single parents, housing commission area
@@nickkidman1594 Mount Druitt is the headquarter of bickie
一層自己住嘅apartment, 有一個車位,但係本身冇車。 如果將個車位租咗出去,賣楼嗰陣時需唔需要繳交樓宇增值稅呢 ?麻煩曬
需要繳交車位佔這物業的百分比的增值稅,舉例,如車位的價值是這物業整體的的15%(佔多少%要由相關人員計算), 樓宇共升值20萬, 你住了3年,但只租了一年車位出去:
= 20 萬 x 15% x 1/3 x 50%
好實用 有冇Brisbane的資訊?
31. 澳洲房地產:買澳洲樓七個不能犯的錯誤 (布里斯本 Brisbane)видео.html
Informative. But disagree with close to train station. Noisy. And theft escape easy. More break in
Agree with what U said. Close to station here means reachable to train station through walking, say 5 to 7 minutes, instead of really opposite to the station. It’s important when U need to take train to/from office daily.
They don't know how bad the traffic jam is in Sydney and how expensive it is to park in the city centre. The trains in Sydney are a lot better now
It also depends on which suburbs you live. My family lives in upper north shore and don't have these theft problems.
Wilson, please do more videos so more Hong Kong people can know the real side! I have been telling many Hong Kong people to buy upper north shore for many years and they tell me Bankstown is better ! LOL!
@@alphonsus17 Hello living in upper north shore and don't have these theft problems.?not according to the statistic .North Sydney is one of the worst.
Winnie, If affordability is not an issue, I would like to have high rise apartment in North Shore to suit the high earning workforce as they love the convenience and nice view there. Regarding Eastern Sydney, it’s the traditional luxury area and better to find a house with good view there. Both have strong potential in the capital gain in the long run though their rental yield is low.
Too many housing commissions in the eastern suburb , they are all around in Matraville, Hillsdale , little bay
Very informative
Thanks 😊
Very good suggestions. I wish I knew all these knowledge 20 years ago. 😊
Thanks 😊
Thank you very much~! I saved it :)
hi uncle, nice sharing
Thanks for the encouragement!
Thanks Wilson! very informative!
What do you think about house and land packages? And do you think buying new house or old house is better? People said the quality of new houses are poor and the price is marked up ( I am talking about buying new house directly in Australia but not from overseas, which must be a rip off )
The up side of house & land package is it’s a new house. Of course it’s more comfortable than an old house.
My first criteria is if the location is convenient to the family for daily routine including attending office/school. If yes, I’ll check:
a) if the house completion schedule meets my need,
b) if the developer is reliable and
c) if other 配套 including transport, shopping centre could be ready on time.
Last but not least is under the same cost, can I get a relatively new house but closer to city?
thanks for your sharing. very informative. do you reside in Sydney?
Thanks. Yes, in Sydney.
I have a battle axe block, I own the driveway (green title) so nobody can park in front of it.
the issue of battle axe is there is no view front and back and is not easy to sell
Hello, thank you for your very informative vidoes. May I ask if you have any comment on the traditional prestigious suburbs (apartment vs house), e.g. Eastern suburbs or lower north shore? How do you see the capital gain in the future and rental value?
Winnie, If affordability is not an issue, I would like to have high rise apartment in North Shore to suit the high earning workforce as they love the convenience and nice view there. Regarding Eastern Sydney, it’s the traditional luxury area and better to find a house with good view there. Both have strong potential in the capital gain in the long run though their rental yield is low.
@@HKAussie Thanks for your info! Support your channel :)
thanks for sharing, would you be able to talk about things need to be aware of when buying apartments in sydney.
Planning to buy one with budget around 800K to 1mil. Do you have any suggestions for the location which suit this budget. Tks.
Sure! I can fully address it with a new episode after I finished episode #9 (6 challenges you would face in Property Auction) in hand. Let me know if you want to add any specific requirement there so that I can formulate a better model for you.
請收看第九集 (9)買Sydney Apartment(80~100萬)需要考慮什麼? 建議那些區域?
這是在Sydney買中價Apartment的實戰篇,會吿訴你那些區域可以考慮。 你要要考慮的七點包括:孩子讀書,長者生活。。。樓宇結構,法律訴訟等等。替你分析的區域包括 Mascot, Wolli Creek, Rhodes, Hurstville, Chatswood, St Leonards, North Sydney.видео.html
Don't buy apartment in Sydney. Check Opal Tower
你好, wilson ,請問你可否介紹你熟職律師給我?我有層心儀公寓想賣的,想找律師幫忙check property and 睇contract of sale.
如果在偏遠地區-黃金海岸的Griffith 讀書,但住在布理斯本,那以後申請移民可否以偏遠地區申請?
Lam Laam,
In order to obtain the 5 points in “study in regional Australia, the degree or diploma should be obtained while “living and studying” in an eligible area of regional Australia.
澳洲香港人 thank you
不好意思, 我不擅長中文打字。
@@HKAussie 英文字幕也可以的,主要是粤语只听的话不太懂
@@HKAussie 有个不解,我看第一集的时候,youtube下面有个cc按钮,我按了就可以显示字幕了,这个是自己做的字幕吗?还是youtube自动识别语音的字幕呢?
如果平行來説,隔兩條街便可以。如果垂直來説,300 至400 公尺已OK, 總步行距離最好不超過一公里。