206. Fiat Wars with Scott Horton


Комментарии • 47

  • @dameanvil
    @dameanvil 11 месяцев назад +19

    04:17 🌐 Scott Horton emphasizes the negative impact of perpetual war on limiting government and individual liberties.
    07:28 🌍 The post-Cold War era has seen irresponsible leadership from Bush, Clinton, Biden, and others, resulting in domestic surveillance and a police state.
    09:32 🕊 The goal is to wither the state away, but wars create crises that lead to increased government power, creating a ratchet effect.
    16:21 🇺🇸 Post-World War II, the U.S. acts as the world government, often selectively enforcing or ignoring international laws based on its interests.
    20:01 🔍 Putin's justifications for actions in Ukraine mirror past U.S. interventions, invoking humanitarian concerns and weapons of mass destruction.
    20:15 🌐 Kissinger criticizes Bill Clinton: Henry Kissinger, a key figure in the post-WWII world order, castigates Bill Clinton for unilateralism and ignoring the UN, highlighting internal conflicts within the American foreign policy establishment.
    23:30 🌍 Motivation of American foreign policy: The driving forces include a conspiracy of interests, economic considerations, and an ideology of American exceptionalism, projecting the U.S. as a model for the world.
    27:22 💸 Money printer and wars: The fiat monetary system is closely tied to war as it serves as a convenient excuse to run the money printer. Fear, mobilization, and tribal instincts associated with wars facilitate economic control.
    29:28 🌐 Wars not in the interest of average Americans: Analyzing various wars, it's emphasized that the average American doesn't benefit from these conflicts; instead, they bear the financial burden, with wars acting as a net drain on society.
    35:05 🔍 U.S. enemy is itself: The real threat to the U.S. is its own government and economic policies, with the fiat money printer being a major contributor to economic issues and inflation. War becomes a costly distraction from domestic problems.
    39:30 🌐 The argument for NATO expansion involved spreading a security umbrella to prevent conflicts between member countries, but this approach has inherent problems.
    40:37 🚫 NATO expansion created a situation where more countries were added to the security umbrella, pointing it directly at Russia, effectively threatening them.
    41:57 💰 The spread of security umbrella led to aggressive actions, including regime changes and wars, to maintain dominance and control over certain regions.
    43:20 🌐 An alternative approach is suggested: America could act as a limited constitutional republic, participating in peace conferences without making promises of military support.
    46:32 🤔 The argument against intervention is that conflicts between smaller nations, when left to themselves, could be settled more swiftly without the influence of major powers.
    48:11 💵 The military-industrial complex plays a significant role in perpetuating interventionist foreign policies, driven by financial interests and profit motives.
    53:23 🌐 Eisenhower's warning about the dangers of the military-industrial complex was not heeded after the Cold War, leading to the continuation of interventions for financial interests.
    56:35 🌐 The neoconservative movement is described as a cross between the Israel Lobby and the military-industrial complex, forming an alliance to promote interventionist policies.
    58:25 💡 Neoconservatives played a pivotal role in taking the U.S. to war in 2003, contributing to the post-Cold War interventionist trajectory.
    59:22 🏭 Military-industrial complex funding think tanks to create excuses for government weapon purchases.
    01:00:03 💸 Academic economics and many think tanks often serve as justifications for money printing.
    01:00:31 🌐 Geopolitical strategies, foreign policy, and think tanks are criticized as baseless and driven by Keynesian foundations.
    01:02:35 🧨 Military Keynesianism is highlighted as a dangerous idea, asserting that spending on military is costless.
    01:03:18 🤑 US government officials openly link war and military spending to economic benefits for specific districts and industries.
    01:05:08 💰 The economic dependency on military spending is questioned, challenging the notion that it significantly contributes to the overall economy.
    01:06:01 🚢 The argument that a strong Navy is essential for defense is criticized as outdated and exaggerated.
    01:08:09 🌐 Skepticism is expressed regarding the destructive power and claims about the capabilities of hydrogen bombs.
    01:11:26 ☢ Concerns about nuclear weapons causing a nuclear winter and catastrophic global consequences are discussed.
    01:14:23 🌍 The potential devastation and long-lasting impacts of even a limited nuclear war are emphasized.
    01:17:39 🌐 The possibility of igniting the entire atmosphere was a concern during nuclear bomb testing, but the U.S. proceeded with a 10% chance of risk, as mentioned in Daniel Ellsberg's book "The Doomsday Machine."
    01:18:50 🤔 Scott Horton expresses skepticism towards government statements, citing a natural inclination to question official narratives due to frequent deception.
    01:19:04 ☢ The fear of radiation is considered overstated by Horton, who points out that more people have died installing solar panels than from nuclear power reactors.
    01:19:33 🌍 Nuclear tests at ground level contaminate the environment, contributing to concerns about radiation effects, but the fear around incidents like Chernobyl and Fukushima is emphasized as exaggerated.
    01:19:58 ☢ More deaths are attributed to installing solar panels than nuclear power reactors, highlighting the relative safety of nuclear power despite public perception.
    01:20:42 🌐 Engineers' ability to address safety concerns in nuclear power is acknowledged by Scott Horton, emphasizing their capacity to innovate and mitigate potential risks.
    01:21:53 💣 The hysteria and reaction to events like Chernobyl and Fukushima are argued to have caused more harm than the radiation itself, with examples of increased cancer rates post-nuclear tests.
    01:22:35 🤔 Horton points out that the fear of nuclear electric power is often overstated, suggesting potential issues like earthquakes can be addressed through engineering solutions.
    01:33:20 ⚔ Scott Horton argues that the U.S. deliberately allowed Osama Bin Laden to escape during the Battle of Tora Bora in 2001, prolonging the war on terror to achieve broader geopolitical goals.
    01:36:37 🇵🇰 Pakistan faced strong U.S. threats, including bombing, to comply with American demands after backing the Taliban.
    01:37:20 🇵🇰 The CIA coordinated with the Pakistani army for Delta Force operations against Al-Qaeda, revealing a subordinate relationship.
    01:38:12 🚁 Delta Force Commander Thomas Greer's plans to pursue Bin Laden were repeatedly denied, questioning the U.S. commitment.
    01:39:20 🇦🇫 The delay in U.S. reinforcement during the Battle of Tora Bora is attributed to strategic decisions, raising questions about priorities.
    01:42:48 🌐 The extension of the Afghan war to Iraq was fueled by deceptive narratives linkingSaddam Hussein to 9/11, pushing geopolitical goals.
    01:46:11 🔄 Afghan Isis's origin traced to refugees from Pakistani Taliban, revealing complex relationships and unintended consequences.
    01:51:44 💭 Scott Horton emphasizes the critical role of social psychology in shaping public opinions on war and foreign policy.
    01:53:59 🎙 Communicators like Scott Horton and Tom Woods play a crucial role in breaking down ideological barriers and fostering open discussions.
    01:55:08 🤝 Tom Woods' influence: Scott Horton shares how Tom Woods' endorsement helps people overcome resistance and embrace anti-war views.
    01:57:01 🌎 Need for diverse voices: Horton emphasizes the importance of right-leaning anti-war advocates to challenge stereotypes and show opposition to wars isn't limited to the left.
    02:02:04 🇺🇸 Ron Paul's impact: Ron Paul's bold anti-war stance in 2008 shifted sentiment on the right, making it acceptable for conservatives to oppose wars.
    02:05:32 🔄 Trump's influence: Donald Trump's rhetoric against Iraq War influenced the anti-war sentiment on the right, despite his continuation of existing wars.
    02:09:11 🇮🇱 Shifting views on Israel: Growing resentment on the right towards supporting Israel financially, especially with the rise of America First sentiments.
    02:12:10 🤔 America Firsters and Israel: Observations on the inconsistency of some America First advocates when it comes to Israel, highlighting a changing narrative.
    02:13:50 🌐 Trump's involvement in the Abraham Accord is criticized for escalating the Israeli-Palestinian crisis.
    02:14:44 🤔 Some express regret about the decline of Israeli influence in the US Congress during Trump's tenure.
    02:15:40 🌐 Criticism of prioritizing issues like free speech on campuses over the significant financial and military support for Israel.
    02:16:36 🔄 Reflection on the disappearance of the anti-war left during Obama's presidency and its resurgence in response to recent events.
    02:17:15 😡 Critique of tactics like blocking traffic, emphasizing the need to pressure liberal Democrats instead to impact policy decisions.
    02:19:41 🤷‍♂ Speculation on whether the anti-war left's return is regrettable, given potential negative associations that could drive right-wingers away from anti-war sentiments.

    • @laurelmmmmm4209
      @laurelmmmmm4209 11 месяцев назад +3

      Thank you! 🙏

    • @finestcitycycling621
      @finestcitycycling621 11 месяцев назад +1

      Thank you!

    • @ashdraked
      @ashdraked 11 месяцев назад +1

      Thank you family, if you have a nostr account I’ll give you some sats over there

    • @dameanvil
      @dameanvil 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@ashdraked Thank you for your offer. I do it for free. Glad I could help.

    • @monikabravoiamoptimist
      @monikabravoiamoptimist 11 месяцев назад +1

  • @MrTurkan26
    @MrTurkan26 11 месяцев назад +11

    Hell yeah Saif! worlds collide been looking forward to this meeting of minds for a while

    • @wasdwasdedsf
      @wasdwasdedsf 11 месяцев назад

      this is a guy that calls himself a libertarian while appealing to the authority of unelected, illegitimate world organisations to supprot his arguments
      hes an absolute hack who embarasses himself screaming like a child in every conversation he has with anyone with a remotely different opinion, why would you speak to this buffoon?

  • @richardray7976
    @richardray7976 11 месяцев назад +1

    That last hour was truth to the core. Thanks man!

  • @Tenebrousable
    @Tenebrousable 11 месяцев назад +3

    Very good. Looking forward to this.

  • @TheBrianna4555
    @TheBrianna4555 11 месяцев назад +2

    Two of the best!

  • @mumfi3400
    @mumfi3400 11 месяцев назад +1

    Brilliant interview.

  • @NathanCline12-21
    @NathanCline12-21 11 месяцев назад +5

    2 of my favorite human beings

    • @wasdwasdedsf
      @wasdwasdedsf 11 месяцев назад

      this is a guy that calls himself a libertarian while appealing to the authority of unelected, illegitimate world organisations to supprot his arguments
      hes an absolute hack who embarasses himself screaming like a child in every conversation he has with anyone with a remotely different opinion, why would you speak to this buffoon?

  • @ashdraked
    @ashdraked 11 месяцев назад +2

    Great episode family 😩🙏💯

  • @Bapeth
    @Bapeth 11 месяцев назад +3

    Agree with Saif on Nukes. Finally more people are starting to get it. Great Podcast! You can fake nukes with large pile of TNT and movie magic. It's the ultimate boogeyman. Bombs can be big, but they are limited by material weight. You need a lot of material to make a big bang. The grain of rice nuke is a myth. That is what it looks like from where I'm sitting anyway, I could be wrong.

    • @wasdwasdedsf
      @wasdwasdedsf 11 месяцев назад

      where in this conversation? he thinks nukes are fake, stacked up tnt or something like that? that explains a lot

  • @richardray7976
    @richardray7976 11 месяцев назад

    Brilliant stuff! ✌🏻

  • @TheFlubber06
    @TheFlubber06 10 месяцев назад

    I agree with Saif that the destructive capacity of nuclear weapons is wildly overstated. WWII showed us pretty clearly that even the most vicious bombing campaigns, including the use of atomic weapons, are still less deadly and destructive than assaulting a city with artillery, infantry and armor.

  • @Sanky101
    @Sanky101 11 месяцев назад

    Nice guest!!!

  • @TuvaluHODL
    @TuvaluHODL 11 месяцев назад +5

    Great interview, not many interviewers can get a word in once Scott Horton gets going 😅

    • @wasdwasdedsf
      @wasdwasdedsf 11 месяцев назад

      yea, he sure is an angry little fellow

    • @JeThoreau_
      @JeThoreau_ 11 месяцев назад +2

      @@wasdwasdedsf "angry little fellow" you would be too if you had contributed half as much time, effort, passion, and quality work to opposing the most evil people in the world openly like Scott has spent decades doing. GFY if you're gonna be that obnoxiously ungrateful

    • @wasdwasdedsf
      @wasdwasdedsf 11 месяцев назад

      @@JeThoreau_ hes opposed globalists and leftists? or mus ms?

    • @wasdwasdedsf
      @wasdwasdedsf 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@JeThoreau_ in tthat case, why does he, as a libertarian, cite unelected global organisations as objective sources for truth and rule of law within nations they have no say over?

  • @joelwoodward3663
    @joelwoodward3663 11 месяцев назад

    Love this

  • @jrodsmgz
    @jrodsmgz 11 месяцев назад

    I really appreciate your work Saif and I always love to hear Scott rant. I enjoy your conversations with Islamic thinkers regarding interest. It feels counter intuitive, at first, living in america where the Austrian critique is artificially low interest rates. You mention in passing the Christian ban/disapproval of usury, but it would be great to hear from an economically literate Christian. It doesn't seem obvious that usury is banned in the Bible given Jesus parable of the Talents. But, CS Lewis and others past church leaders have had opinions. Where, at least Lewis acknowledges his economic illiteracy. Maybe Bob Murphy. All the best to you and yours.

    • @fusion9619
      @fusion9619 11 месяцев назад

      I was researching usury in the Bible last year - actually I was trying to make a comparison between usury in the Bible vs the Quran. I didn't find any explicit bans on usury in the Bible, but what I did find is practically constant comparisons of evil or destruction to usury. The Quran explicitly bans it and tells you the consequences of usury is mass insanity (actually that God declares war on usury and that war takes the form of mass insanity). The problem with the Bible is that most of the comparisons of evil to usury were lost in translation - that's the nicest way to explain it. I strongly suspect these comparisons were purposely omitted and that modification of the Bible was the real agenda of the Reformation. I was actually trying to make a list of all the mistranslations, and was having to get a handle on Greek to do it, but the task was absurdly huge - like, hundreds of mistranslations, and documenting it was just too much for me right now. This is why I think it was mistranslated on purpose - it's just too much to be an accident. Also usury was explicitly banned for over a thousand years in all Christian countries, up to fairly recently, when usury began to be redefined as interest rates over a certain amount. In the US that certain amount was 6% for a long time, and the reason all credit cards are headquartered in two states is because those two states don't have usury laws. Even though I'm a Christian, I must point out that the Quran is correct - our society is insane, and getting more insane, and I think it's because of usury/riba/interest. Unfortunately, we can't simply legislate away the problem because the US dollar is credit based, meaning for every dollar that's created, more than a dollar of debt is created, and there is no other way of created dollars. Bitcoin is truly the only thing that can save us.
      TLDR : the Bible has been changed (please verify this yourself, so you know it's true), and Christian finance used to be a thing and exactly the same as Islamic finance.

  • @konversbitcoin
    @konversbitcoin 11 месяцев назад +1

    Slovakia and Slovenia do not share a border, what did he mean by that?

  • @TheGreenleaf247
    @TheGreenleaf247 11 месяцев назад

    Great guest, but holy shit that rant at the end tho

  • @tomaszsurdej8294
    @tomaszsurdej8294 11 месяцев назад +1

    As to the ethnic Russians in East Ukraine. You'd be hard to find a dividing line between Russia and Ukraine. There is no natural border, it's a river on the plains and Ukrainians claim Russia is much smaller than she was in 2012 and Russians say that Ukraine is a German invention. Even defining the border between Poland and Ukraine is hard enough and no one is satisfied with it. Sadly, the majority of Slavs are more interested in working hard, eating pork fat and drinking vodka/beer, which is not necessarily bad but trying to make them fit the messianic arguments of one of the sides is a foolish enterprise. As Russians and Ukrainians are for the most part nominal adherents of Orthodox Christianity, they have been considered one nation against the Polish Catholics, who are hated by both Orthodox nations. Ukrainian in its literary form is foreign to the Russian ear and has many Balkanisms, but the current distribution of it was that in town or city, you spoke Russian, in the countryside you spoke Ukrainian, and the Soviets build huge cities, unproportional to the population, so everyone spoke Russian on the street, but in truly Ukrainian fashion, spoke Ukrainian at home.

  • @hassandiallo5326
    @hassandiallo5326 11 месяцев назад

    A sunni Muslim cannot be lawless, unless if it is man made . SHARIA is THE Law

  • @_-Wade-_
    @_-Wade-_ 11 месяцев назад

    Saif needs to read up on Fussion bombs.

  • @elkinjohn
    @elkinjohn 11 месяцев назад +1

    I thought Scott Horton was highly verbal; This Ammous guy is worse... I don't like his voice... his attitude... hehe LOL!

    • @ashdraked
      @ashdraked 11 месяцев назад +5

      I don’t like YOU

  • @roy2079
    @roy2079 11 месяцев назад +2

    ever since saif became woke about palestine his videos are shit

    • @TheCruxy
      @TheCruxy 11 месяцев назад +5

      I'm pretty sure he's had the same opinion on Palestine his whole content creation career, he just didn't talk about it, like he said in conversation with Robert Breedlove

    • @roy2079
      @roy2079 11 месяцев назад

      @@TheCruxy it's fine to have an opinion, everybody has their own respective, but taking a political stance in a fiat economy is a stupid thing to do and talk about. every episode since palestine is whiny as hell, boring, social justice crap about how unfair history is

    • @ashdraked
      @ashdraked 11 месяцев назад +7

      Nothing political when talking about government disregarding property rights and human life 🤷‍♂️

    • @wasdwasdedsf
      @wasdwasdedsf 11 месяцев назад

      indeed , this is a guy that calls himself a libertarian while appealing to the authority of unelected, illegitimate world organisations to supprot his arguments
      hes an absolute hack who embarasses himself screaming like a child in every conversation he has with anyone with a remotely different opinion, why would one speak to this buffoon?

    • @wasdwasdedsf
      @wasdwasdedsf 11 месяцев назад

      ​@@TheCruxy he started talking about it incessantly... because somehow supporting a state of 80lQ cave dwellers who thinks suicide bombings are justified, who elected a ter-t government is among the top concerns in the world