Cooking an easy Pakistani lentil recipe that tasted beyond my expectations 😋 TASTY!

  • Опубликовано: 20 май 2023
  • Cooking an easy Pakistani lentil recipe that tasted beyond my expectations 😋 tasty and healthy recipe. Serve with rice, bread, or as a lentil soup
    طبخ وصفة عدس باكستانية سهلة ولذيذة وصحية طعمها فاق توقعاتي 😋 تقدم مع الخبز او الرز او ك شوربه
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    / @ouryemenikitchen
    One and half cups (300 grams) red lentils
    Vegetable oil
    One medium-sized red onion, chopped (about 250 grams)
    One tablespoon (15 grams) ginger, finely chopped
    One tablespoon (15 grams) garlic, minced
    Hot peppers (to taste)
    One teaspoon coriander powder
    One teaspoon chili powder
    One teaspoon turmeric powder
    Three tomatoes, chopped (about 350 grams)
    One teaspoon salt (or to taste)
    One fourth of a cup (10 grams) fresh coriander leaves, chopped
    Three tablespoons (45 grams) butter
    Three cloves of garlic, minced (about 10 grams)
    One tablespoon cumin seeds
    Dried chili peppers (to taste)
    One teaspoon paprika or chili powder
    Wash and soak the red lentils:
    Start by washing one and half cups (300 grams) of red lentils under cold water until the water runs clear.
    Transfer the lentils to a bowl and add enough water to cover them.
    Let the lentils soak for about 20 minutes while you prepare the other ingredients.
    Prepare the base:
    Heat a little vegetable oil in a wok or pot over medium heat.
    Add the chopped red onion and sauté until it caramelizes and turns golden brown.
    Add the spices and aromatics:
    To the caramelized onions, add the finely chopped ginger and minced garlic.
    Toss them together for a minute until they become fragrant.
    Next, add hot peppers according to your spice preference.
    Sprinkle in one teaspoon each of coriander powder, chili powder, and turmeric powder.
    Mix well, allowing the spices to coat the onions.
    Cook the tomatoes:
    Add the chopped tomatoes to the pot and cook until they soften and break down.
    Stir occasionally to prevent sticking.
    Incorporate the lentils:
    Drain the soaked lentils and add them to the pot with the cooked tomatoes.
    Stir everything together, ensuring the lentils are well coated with the spice mixture.
    Add water and simmer:
    Cover the lentils with hot water, ensuring there's enough to submerge them completely.
    Reduce the heat to medium-low and simmer for about 30 minutes or until the lentils are tender and cooked through.
    Stir occasionally to prevent sticking and add more water if needed.
    Prepare the tadka (tempering):
    In a separate pan, melt the butter over low heat.
    Add minced garlic, cumin seeds, dried chili peppers, and paprika or chili powder.
    Mix everything together and cook for about 2 minutes, allowing the flavors to infuse.
    Combine the tadka with the lentils:
    Pour the prepared tadka onto the lentils in the pot.
    Stir well to combine, ensuring the lentils are coated with the infused flavors.
    كوب ونصف (300 جرام) من العدس الأحمر
    زيت نباتي
    حبة بصل حمراء متوسطة الحجم مفرومة (حوالي 250 جرام)
    ملعقة كبيرة (15 جرام) زنجبيل مفروم ناعم
    ملعقة كبيرة (15 جرام) ثوم مفروم
    الفلفل الحار (حسب الرغبة)
    ملعقة صغيرة مسحوق كزبرة
    ملعقة صغيرة من مسحوق الفلفل الحار
    ملعقة صغيرة من مسحوق الكركم
    ثلاث حبات طماطم مفرومة (حوالي 350 جرام)
    ملعقة صغيرة ملح (أو حسب الرغبة)
    ربع كوب (10 جرام) من أوراق الكزبرة الطازجة المفرومة
    ثلاث ملاعق كبيرة (45 جرام) زبدة
    ثلاث فصوص ثوم مفروم (حوالي 10 جرام)
    ملعقة كبيرة بذور كمون
    الفلفل الحار المجفف (حسب الرغبة)
    ملعقة صغيرة بابريكا أو مسحوق فلفل حار
    اغسل وانقع العدس الأحمر:
    ابدأ بغسل كوب ونصف (300 جرام) من العدس الأحمر تحت الماء البارد حتى يصبح الماء صافيًا.
    انقل العدس إلى وعاء وأضف كمية كافية من الماء لتغطيته.
    اترك العدس ينقع لمدة 20 دقيقة أثناء تحضير المكونات الأخرى.
    تحضير التسبيكة:
    سخني القليل من الزيت النباتي في مقلاة أو قدر على نار متوسطة.
    يُضاف البصل الأحمر المفروم ويُقلى حتى يتكرمل ويتحول إلى اللون البني الذهبي.
    نضيف البهارات والعطريات:
    أضيفي الزنجبيل المفروم والثوم المفروم إلى البصل المكرمل.
    اجمعهم معًا لمدة دقيقة حتى يصبحوا رائحتين.
    بعد ذلك ، أضيف ي الفلفل الحار حسب تفضيلاتك من التوابل.
    رشي ملعقة صغيرة كل من مسحوق الكزبرة ومسحوق الفلفل الحار ومسحوق الكركم.
    اخلطي جيدًا ، واتركي البهارات تغلف البصل.
    اطهي الطماطم:
    أضيفي الطماطم المفرومة إلى القدر واطهيها حتى تنضج وتذبل.
    حركي أحيانا لمنع الالتصاق.
    صفّي العدس المنقوع وأضيفيه إلى القدر مع الطماطم المطبوخة.
    يقلب كل شيء معًا ، مع التأكد من أن العدس مغطى جيدًا بمزيج التوابل.
    أضيفي الماء واتركيه ينضج:
    غطِي العدس بالماء الساخن مع ضمان وجود ما يكفي لغمره تمامًا.
    اخفضي الحرارة إلى متوسطة منخفضة واتركيها على نار هادئة لمدة 30 دقيقة أو حتى ينضج العدس تمامًا.
    يقلب من حين لآخر لمنع الالتصاق وإضافة المزيد من الماء إذا لزم الأمر.
    تحضير التادكا (التقسية):
    في مقلاة منفصلة ، تذوب الزبدة على نار خفيفة.
    يُضاف الثوم المفروم وبذور الكمون والفلفل الحار المجفف والفلفل الحلو أو مسحوق الفلفل الحار.
    امزجي كل شيء معًا واطهيه لمدة دقيقتين تقريبًا ، مما يسمح للنكهات بالمزج.
    نسكب التاكا المحضرة على العدس في القدر.
  • ХоббиХобби

Комментарии • 3 тыс.

  • @ouryemenikitchen
    @ouryemenikitchen  Год назад +623

    Here is the updated written recipe with the missing fenugreek ingredient I added along with the spices 😊
    One and half cups (300 grams) red lentils
    Vegetable oil
    One medium-sized red onion, chopped (about 250 grams)
    One tablespoon (15 grams) ginger, finely chopped
    One tablespoon (15 grams) garlic, minced
    Hot peppers (to taste)
    One teaspoon fenugreek leaves
    One teaspoon coriander powder
    One teaspoon chili powder
    One teaspoon turmeric powder
    Three tomatoes, chopped (about 350 grams)
    One teaspoon salt (or to taste)
    One fourth of a cup (10 grams) fresh coriander leaves, chopped
    Three tablespoons (45 grams) butter
    Three cloves of garlic, minced (about 10 grams)
    One tablespoon cumin seeds
    Dried chili peppers (to taste)
    One teaspoon paprika or chili powder
    Wash and soak the red lentils:
    Start by washing one and half cups (300 grams) of red lentils under cold water until the water runs clear.
    Transfer the lentils to a bowl and add enough water to cover them.
    Let the lentils soak for about 20 minutes while you prepare the other ingredients.
    Prepare the base:
    Heat a little vegetable oil in a wok or pot over medium heat.
    Add the chopped red onion and sauté until it caramelizes and turns golden brown.
    Add the spices and aromatics:
    To the caramelized onions, add the finely chopped ginger and minced garlic.
    Toss them together for a minute until they become fragrant.
    Next, add hot peppers according to your spice preference.
    Sprinkle in one teaspoon each of coriander powder, chili powder, and turmeric powder.
    Mix well, allowing the spices to coat the onions.
    Cook the tomatoes:
    Add the chopped tomatoes to the pot and cook until they soften and break down.
    Stir occasionally to prevent sticking.
    Incorporate the lentils:
    Drain the soaked lentils and add them to the pot with the cooked tomatoes.
    Stir everything together, ensuring the lentils are well coated with the spice mixture.
    Add water and simmer:
    Cover the lentils with hot water, ensuring there's enough to submerge them completely.
    Reduce the heat to medium-low and simmer for about 30 minutes or until the lentils are tender and cooked through.
    Stir occasionally to prevent sticking and add more water if needed.
    Prepare the tadka (tempering):
    In a separate pan, melt the butter over low heat.
    Add minced garlic, cumin seeds, dried chili peppers, and paprika or chili powder.
    Mix everything together and cook for about 2 minutes, allowing the flavors to infuse.
    Combine the tadka with the lentils:
    Pour the prepared tadka onto the lentils in the pot.
    Stir well to combine, ensuring the lentils are coated with the infused flavors.
    Finish and garnish:
    Sprinkle the chopped fresh coriander leaves over the lentils.
    Give it a final mix, allowing the flavors to meld together.

    • @nasiraadwi3949
      @nasiraadwi3949 Год назад +9

      ماذا اضفت اخر شي مع الكزبره؟

    • @leenapitamber5652
      @leenapitamber5652 Год назад +45

      What oil did you drizzle over at the end with the green coriander?

    • @1islam1
      @1islam1 Год назад +9

      تبدأ الأشهر الحرم بدخول شهر ذي القعدة، وأعظم تدبر عملي مع هذا الزمن الفاضل: أن يُرى العبد مُعَظِّمًا لها بفعل الخيرات وترك المحرمات؛
      فإنَّ الله يقول: { وَمَن يُعَظِّمْ حُرُمَاتِ اللَّهِ فَهُوَ خَيْرٌ لَّهُ عِندَ رَبِّهِ}

    • @M.IK92
      @M.IK92 Год назад +30

      This dish is called دال مكهني or lentils with butter spice infusion and it is staple of every pakistani home soo glad to know you try different cuisines and enjoy sharing it, deeply in love with your chanel ☺️❤️

    • @jojology4929
      @jojology4929 Год назад +3


  • @marthasleep8943
    @marthasleep8943 Год назад +540

    I really love the natural sounds of cooking in this video, and no irritating music to drown the sound, and I appreciate not having to watch each ingredient being prepared. Thanks for this, lovely recipe, very well presented 😊

    • @susibul5320
      @susibul5320 Год назад +16

      Exactly right Martha, that’s what I appreciated too.

    • @sysleyelena8706
      @sysleyelena8706 Год назад +10

      Oui pareil pour moi c est appréciable sans musique et paroles .merci pour la recette

    • @evelyncase681
      @evelyncase681 11 месяцев назад +10

      but when you serve yourself remove the gloves. UNAPPETICING

    • @dove4108
      @dove4108 11 месяцев назад +4

      Yes thank you so refreshing just to hear the cooking sounds:)

    • @SheilaR.08
      @SheilaR.08 11 месяцев назад +4

      ​@@evelyncase681 Don't eat your gloves. 😂

  • @IlmiStory
    @IlmiStory 10 месяцев назад +49

    Hallo i m Pakistani.I m very Happy to see Pakistani daal recipi in your kitchen, and you Made it very well.Its Looks Like daal is being Made in Pakistani kitchen ❤

    • @SunFlower-qe3up
      @SunFlower-qe3up 29 дней назад

      No he mean Pakistani...​@@ahumbletumble

  • @user-rb1wu2cn4f
    @user-rb1wu2cn4f 3 месяца назад +45

    I'm Pakistani... feelings happy to see our recipe in your kitchen ❤

  • @rhondafaison341
    @rhondafaison341 3 месяца назад +27

    Made this for my boyfriend last night and he LOVED it!! Thank you for this amazing dish. Many blessings to you and anyone reading this.

    • @grangetowncardiff6935
      @grangetowncardiff6935 2 месяца назад

      Thank you!

    • @honor6004
      @honor6004 2 месяца назад

      Committing adultery .. and cocking Pakistani lentil recipe 😳

    • @user-dp2lq2dn8l
      @user-dp2lq2dn8l 2 месяца назад

      Рецепт надо делать ПОЛНЫМ !!!

  • @ahsaniftikhar368
    @ahsaniftikhar368 11 месяцев назад +358

    For anyone who missed the fourth spice that was not translated to English; it’s dried fenugreek leaves.

    • @user-eu4cv2ro6w
      @user-eu4cv2ro6w 11 месяцев назад +5


    • @sultan2389
      @sultan2389 11 месяцев назад +6

      Mianbhai yeh to Hindu daal hai. Yeh kab se Pakistani bun gayi..

    • @aamnahere6250
      @aamnahere6250 11 месяцев назад +59

      @@sultan2389 Daal is a natural ingredient. Not Hindu or Muslim. Also not every Pakistani dish has the same influence. We're South Asian, not Middle Eastern so our food has a lot of South Asian influences as well along with others. Grow up and try becoming a human being first.

    • @longgowhereto
      @longgowhereto 11 месяцев назад +3

      Which is in German to my surprise: Bockshornkleeblätter
      Never knew they could be a spice. :-) Thanks a lot!!

    • @Just4Growers
      @Just4Growers 11 месяцев назад +3


  • @SS33333
    @SS33333 5 месяцев назад +15

    That's called "Daal Tadka" a staple in every North Indian house.

    • @mish_tee
      @mish_tee 12 дней назад

      Correct, and also in other parts of India.

  • @K.K_Discoveries
    @K.K_Discoveries 7 месяцев назад +64

    As a Pakistani, I appreciate your effort. It's perfect. We Pakistanis prefer to eat this lentil with Rice. Good Work. 🇵🇰🇾🇪

    • @Anonymousmmmmmmmmmm
      @Anonymousmmmmmmmmmm 7 месяцев назад +5

      Actually we also eat with naan.

    • @ishfaqahmad9059
      @ishfaqahmad9059 7 месяцев назад +4

      We as Pakistani Pathan we eat with bread it doesn’t go well with rice 🍚

    • @jaanjaani726
      @jaanjaani726 4 месяца назад


    • @Sowmyaj26
      @Sowmyaj26 4 месяца назад +4

      Awesome. Love the two flags together, symbol of brotherhood!🙏🏻❤️

    • @Cici_mimi
      @Cici_mimi 2 месяца назад +1

      @@ishfaqahmad9059 I agree. Bread or chapati goes amazing with this dish.

  • @mamecoumbaseck4755
    @mamecoumbaseck4755 4 месяца назад +45

    My neighbour is from india and she taught me this recipe exact same thing except for the butter we used ghee butter. I ate it for days. Watching this video makes me want to do it again thank youuuu❤

  • @areejalqahtani6583
    @areejalqahtani6583 Год назад +23

    أنسانه مبدعه ونظيفه ومحترمه تستاهل الدعم والنشر أختك من السعوديه

  • @simplesilent499
    @simplesilent499 Год назад +40

    I am Pakistani and my mother used to cook dal like this. It looks super delicious. You have refreshed my memories. There are other easy and delicious ways to make this dal in Pakistan. You must try that too

    • @a.ashtary1681
      @a.ashtary1681 5 месяцев назад +1

      انا عراقية وامي كانت تطبخ لنا بعض الوصفات العندية والباكستانية وكانت تطبخ مرق الدال اطيب مرقة كان اخي مولعا بها ولاتضع الخضرة معها كانت صفراء وكانت تضع فيها كفتة اللحم 😋

  • @not.likely
    @not.likely 8 месяцев назад +9

    Wonderful recipe. I love Pakistani food. I had Pakistani curry and rice in a tub everyday for lunch in the Middle East. I couldn't break away once I started. It's outstanding.

  • @lisag31
    @lisag31 6 месяцев назад +18

    These are the same ingredients that go in just about every Indian Curry dish. I have all of these ingredients--even the Fungreek leaves. I'm making this dish this weekend along with some Punjabi Chicken Curry---OMGoooodness, it's gonna be a feast!

  • @jamilasalaam
    @jamilasalaam Год назад +70

    MashAllah sis… I’m not Pakistani but I make this dish for about ten years now. A sister showed me how and my family loves it !!! It’s the best with some roti … yummm… and yours look amazing ❤

  • @user-bj3nc7nu6h
    @user-bj3nc7nu6h Год назад +93

    Такой чечевичный суп я ещё не готовила, обязательно приготовлю по Вашему рецепту, люблю готовить и пробовать национальные блюда. Из России с наилучшими пожеланиями ❤

    • @Yin-Yang-Dichotomy
      @Yin-Yang-Dichotomy Год назад +4

      Ну что, получилось?

    • @user-ww5wg7qe3j
      @user-ww5wg7qe3j Год назад +7

      Такой не приготовите, не смутило количество острого перца ), ? пакистанская кухня не для слабых

    • @irinaeremenko6812
      @irinaeremenko6812 Год назад +5

      ​@@user-ww5wg7qe3j это чечевичный суп, в средиземноморье готовят без перца, и с обычнрй чечевицы также.

    • @Yin-Yang-Dichotomy
      @Yin-Yang-Dichotomy Год назад +6

      @@user-ww5wg7qe3j А я это знала. Я в три раза меньше перца положила. Получилось вкусно.

    • @Nazey09
      @Nazey09 10 месяцев назад +5

      @@user-ww5wg7qe3jnobody is forcing your hand. Make it without red chilli powder. You can add paprika or just black pepper and Lemon. Be creative

  • @user-vl6ow2ry1j
    @user-vl6ow2ry1j 8 месяцев назад +22

    Завораживает процесс приготовления! Благодарю за рецепт.✨👏✨✨

  • @antekz1461
    @antekz1461 3 месяца назад +8

    Спасибо повару,что вкусно приготовил вегетарианское блюдо😋👍🏻 А мы готовим все из мяса.

  • @nusratchaudhry6797
    @nusratchaudhry6797 Год назад +50

    I’m Pakistani, and make this all the time, but we cook it differently, next time I cook this I’ll definitely try your recipe, look’s absolutely delicious 😋

    • @manofernando9918
      @manofernando9918 Год назад +15

      Here in Sri Lanka we always cook lentils with coconut milk. Its yummy. Try and see.

    • @nusratchaudhry6797
      @nusratchaudhry6797 Год назад +6

      @@manofernando9918 Sri Lankan cuisine is one of best and tastiest I’ve tried.🥰

    • @manofernando9918
      @manofernando9918 Год назад +6

      @@nusratchaudhry6797 Thanks ma'am but nothing can beat your Biriyani dishes. Super yum.

    • @amberinezaki969
      @amberinezaki969 Год назад +15

      Aren’t we lucky to be able to taste and make all these wonderful dishes from different countries and cultures?

    • @sultan2389
      @sultan2389 11 месяцев назад +3

      You cook it differently because this one was Hindu daal.

  • @wafaldahiaaaldahi3834
    @wafaldahiaaaldahi3834 Год назад +86

    اللي يحب وصفات قناة مطبخنا اليمني يصف جنبي 😍😍

    • @homatajedinipoor3704
      @homatajedinipoor3704 8 месяцев назад +1

      عالی. ولیکن خیلی چربه

    • @suzannealdridge1404
      @suzannealdridge1404 8 месяцев назад

      @@homatajedinipoor3704 Yes, Use Coconut oil instead.....👋💚👍

    • @badr....
      @badr.... 7 месяцев назад +1

      وفي حد ما بحب وصفاتها ونظافتها وذوقها واحترافيه تصويرها ورواق الفيديو ؟

    • @faizarabat9296
      @faizarabat9296 7 месяцев назад

      هل ينقع العدس في الماء ؟

  • @metalmuumuu4181
    @metalmuumuu4181 5 месяцев назад +6

    I just made this. The tadka took it to another level. I added spinach in the last 10 minutes of cooking. Excellent!

  • @Jeanne1
    @Jeanne1 5 месяцев назад +10

    I made this today and it was delicious . I never like lentils but seen this recipe so I gave it a try because I know lentils are good food for the body.The added bonus I grow my own chili peppers. So I had fresh and dried on hand.I most definitely make again.

  • @farukhtanveer7571
    @farukhtanveer7571 11 месяцев назад +9

    Tip. Leave some fried onions and sprinkle generously on your portion in the end with some thinly sliced ginger and eat with a hot sesame naan...pure heaven ❤

  • @sherintv478
    @sherintv478 Год назад +251

    مين متلي بيحب فيديوهات مطبخنا اليمني 😍😍😌😌

  • @dawnjohnson8739
    @dawnjohnson8739 2 месяца назад +2

    I’ve not made this yet, but I LOVE the fact that this recipe doesn’t call for chicken stock! But it works up its own flavor. Absolutely fantastic! Thank you!

  • @cuisinenassou5745
    @cuisinenassou5745 6 месяцев назад +3

    اول مرة وبالصدفة اتعرف على الطبخ اليمني اتمنى لكم التوفيق😊

  • @PLayAshEFF72
    @PLayAshEFF72 Год назад +14

    Sister you should experiment more with Pakistani cuisine. We have the best food in the world.
    I also eat yemeni food as it is nice and spicy and there is many Yemenis where I live in England.

  • @idavo
    @idavo Год назад +108

    The finished soup looked like a painting it was perfect.
    I will be making this soup one day this week for me & also my parents.
    Pakistan are one of the countries responsible for showing some of the very best food in the world.
    I envy not only the cooks & chefs whose creativity has no ends, but also the people as they get to eat it!
    Thank you for posting this soup being made.
    One thing I enjoy about RUclips is that I can connect with people who appreciate these vlogs and the people watching from Pakistan who should be ever so proud of their country.
    Thank you.

    • @khaleefax9553
      @khaleefax9553 Год назад +8

      *Make sure to soak the lentil a night before - and then make sure to boil it and strain the water out - otherwise, these lentils are quite gassy.*

    • @idavo
      @idavo Год назад +2

      @@khaleefax9553 - thank you for this advice.
      I shall ensure I look after the lentils & enjoy the dish.

    • @tahseenn5649
      @tahseenn5649 Год назад +3

      This lentil curry is soupy to eat it with onion 🌰 or garlic rice and if someone like to eat with roti/chapati. Try not to add fenugreek leaves if you don't like bitterness.

    • @fawziajavedkhattak6575
      @fawziajavedkhattak6575 Год назад +6

      Love from Pakistan

    • @Romaisaawesomeworld
      @Romaisaawesomeworld Год назад +2

  • @a_proud_hijabi_girl
    @a_proud_hijabi_girl Месяц назад +2

    Pakistani here, glad you liked it,do try other Pakistani recipes too❤️

  • @user-nh6mx3nb7f
    @user-nh6mx3nb7f 8 месяцев назад +54

    I'm Mexican and Pakistani food is one of my favorites. I had a coworker from Pakistan and she would share her cooking with us and ugh it was soo delicious but very spicy. She would have to make us mild food lol but oh so delicious she cooked amazing!!!!! I tried her lentils and they were delicious. Thanks Uzma!

    • @prashanthtalla
      @prashanthtalla 7 месяцев назад +7

      There exists nothing called Pakistani food but Indian that after partition in 1947 they started calling it as Pakistani food

    • @TruthIslam-wr9sk
      @TruthIslam-wr9sk 7 месяцев назад +12

      ​@@prashanthtallaMajority of Indians are vegetarians. Whereas we Pakistanis are crazy for meat. Our dishes are an amalgamation of Central Asian, Middle Eastern and our own touch with our own spices. A lot different and distinct from Indian dishes.

    • @prashanthtalla
      @prashanthtalla 7 месяцев назад +5

      @@TruthIslam-wr9sk @TruthIslam-wr9sk Indians are almost 1.5 billion ppl. Even if u assume 50% (actually its more) are vegetarian, they are still much more than entire Pakistan population.
      The more you associate yourself with central Asia etc, the more you are looked down by the actual central asians. A majority of Pakistani muslims were actually migrants from Indian side during partition who carried the local recipes from here to pakistan. And a major portion of Punjab stayed with Pakistan including recipes. In fact why just Punjab, before 1947, entire Pakistan was part of India and everything was shared across. Surely, there would be certain differences in the cuisine like north vs south vs west vs east india but most of the basic ingredients are similar. Spices are grown in this part of the world not in central Asia. So comparing the food you eat with theirs doesn't make sense and the recipe in this video is common in India. Also if you make pizza in pakistan, it is not called as Pakistani food, its still is Italian. Similar is the case here

    • @TruthIslam-wr9sk
      @TruthIslam-wr9sk 6 месяцев назад +4

      @@prashanthtalla Yes, a Pakistani-style pizza with our own ingredients like instead of Oregano we use Qasoori Methi instead. Pakistani side of India has always been distinct because of its unique blend of different cultures. Like our DNA(Arab, Central Asian, Turkish, Iranian and Indian)...we took different things from different cultures and made our own unique cuisine and culture. Name 'Pakistan' provided us a name for that unique identity. Like Urdu(our national language) is a Turkish word is sometime known as ' lashkeri zabaan'(language of the armed groups) because in different muslim armies there were soldiers from different ethnic groups(Iranian, Arab, Central Asians, Turks and local Indians). Our civilization was Indus civilization, not Ganges or Yamna civilization. Indus(India's name taken from Indus river) river is in Pakistan. That's present-day reality. We don't live in past.

    • @TruthIslam-wr9sk
      @TruthIslam-wr9sk 6 месяцев назад +5

      @@sahaysourabh A heart filled with hate for other people's culture/religion, who are different than you or who have different views than yours, will lead you to unhappiness and inner peace. Start respecting other people, you'll find peace. Thanks for your different views/opinion. Peace!

  • @davidjsaul
    @davidjsaul Год назад +77

    My two kids prefer vegetarian food so I'm always on the lookout for new recipes for them. This looks delicious, I'll make it for them!

    • @sainiamarjeet
      @sainiamarjeet 11 месяцев назад +7

      checkout indian recipes since majority r vegetarian ones rest use locally grown vegs and fruits atleast 50% in ur diet to remain healthy and disease free

    • @MCMonique22
      @MCMonique22 10 месяцев назад +2

      My family loves it ❤❤❤

    • @onesri6108
      @onesri6108 9 месяцев назад +3

      I am happy to send you some beef 😊

    • @sainiamarjeet
      @sainiamarjeet 9 месяцев назад +8

      @@onesri6108 beef is made by eating veg only so why not veg and reduce ur carbon footprint and nonveg is not sustainable as well

    • @Deedeevenice
      @Deedeevenice 8 месяцев назад +1

      And this by co-incidence is pure protein, and so easy to digest! Have you seen a recipe for Khichdi/Khichari/ khichri? We give that to wean babies off milk! It’s extremely healthy! Most of Western India eats it for supper, it’s very easy to digest and filling. Check out some of the Gujarati versions 👌👌

  • @Shamimsie797
    @Shamimsie797 Год назад +5

    i love this video, it's got no music and the camera stays inn one place, plus the cooking sounds and the beautiful scenery shown while waiting in between, has won my heart . not to mention the lentils look delicious once finished

  • @room2growrose623
    @room2growrose623 8 месяцев назад +14

    I made this last night and it was unbelievable!! I was so tempted to add cumin or curry, I was questioning whether it would be flavorful enough, I also doubled the recipe, it was AMAZING!! thank you 🙏🏽

  • @lilydavis1481
    @lilydavis1481 8 месяцев назад +23

    I've been looking to try out some new recipes and stumbled onto this one. I made it last night and OMG, it's so delicious. The house smelled so fragrant and waiting for the dish to simmer for 30 mins was beautiful torture, but worth it. I'm really looking forward to having it again today as I'm sure the flavors only get better! It is something we will make again and again and it was PERFECT for our fall weather. 100% recommend this dish to anyone as it has a layered flavor profile, but nothing that is too much of anything. Thank you for the recipe and easy to follow video.

    • @RJ-lf8ex
      @RJ-lf8ex 8 месяцев назад

      Did you use the recommended 8 cups of water for simmering? That seems to me like so much, I am wondering if I can halve that amount

    • @lilydavis1481
      @lilydavis1481 8 месяцев назад +2

      @RJ-lf8ex I did. It was a lot of liquid, but it ended up perfect. We have been eating it for 3 days now lol. It made a lot.

    • @RJ-lf8ex
      @RJ-lf8ex 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@lilydavis1481 thank you!

    • @angelaberni8873
      @angelaberni8873 4 месяца назад +1

      Thanks for telling us how delicious it is. I'll have a go at this but less spices methinks 😂

    • @lilydavis1481
      @lilydavis1481 4 месяца назад

      I left out the peppers when making it the first time and it was amazing. The 2nd time I added them to the butter mixture only and only for about 45 seconds and it was perfectly zingy on the tongue. I'm a real wimp when it comes to spice tolerance. @@angelaberni8873

  • @uzmawajahat728
    @uzmawajahat728 Год назад +20

    I'm Pakistani....very authentic and yummy recipe 😊❤

  • @Siriuslyyy
    @Siriuslyyy Год назад +29

    As a Pakistani I'm so happy to see you discover more of our food 💕

  • @wroodalrashaday6043
    @wroodalrashaday6043 2 месяца назад +1

    ماشاءالله وكان احب اكلات اليمن واليمن بلاد العروبه سلملي علي اليمن واهلها الطيبين 🇰🇼

  • @faithandtawakkul2867
    @faithandtawakkul2867 8 месяцев назад +2

    اللهم صل و سلم على نبينا حبيبنا محمد صلى الله عليه و سلم و على آله و ازواجه و ذُرّيّته كما تحب و ترضى له 💕

  • @bflogal18
    @bflogal18 Год назад +53

    I love the spices in this recipe. The hot peppers can be adjusted for those who prefer less heat. The dried peppers in the tadka are a must! So delicious!

    • @angelikabodlak8003
      @angelikabodlak8003 9 месяцев назад +2

      Vielen Dank ❤ was war das denn zum Schluss für ein öl ?

    • @rockstarali99
      @rockstarali99 9 месяцев назад +2

      @@angelikabodlak8003War einfach die restliche Tadka. Nicht nötig aber kann man benutzen um abzuschmecken.

    • @ritahusges5716
      @ritahusges5716 8 месяцев назад +2

      Ghee paßt am besten ❤

    • @alvareo92
      @alvareo92 7 месяцев назад +2

      I'm confused because the tadka (the second preparation, right?) was added into the cooking lentils but it seems to be also added to the served plate? 🤔

    • @katherinehall1967
      @katherinehall1967 6 месяцев назад +2

      @@alvareo92That's what confused me too! 🙃 I wondered where the extra tadka came from!

  • @leighwatt7522
    @leighwatt7522 11 месяцев назад +19

    This is the BEST RECIPE EVER!!! We couldn't stop eating !! Thank you!

  • @user-hl4bg6lw6h
    @user-hl4bg6lw6h 8 месяцев назад +1

    وصفة جميلة، جربتها وطلعت مظبوطة وطعم لذيذ مختلف للعدس 😋😋😋
    سلمتي، ربنا يوفقك فيما تقدمينه

  • @danellamoses9239
    @danellamoses9239 4 месяца назад +3

    I love packistani indian food all the time it's a very beautiful place to live in. All your indian dishes are very tasty and satisfying to eat. Well done you guys 👍👏💃🌹🇹🇹🍓❤

  • @mustwereallydothis
    @mustwereallydothis Год назад +28

    That looks amazing! I can't wait to make it. Thanks for sharing the recipe and adding English translations as well.

  • @RadiantStar8997
    @RadiantStar8997 Год назад +19

    Beautiful colours and very nice, clear explanation. Well done. Thank you for not using any annoying music.

  • @Mz.M.2757
    @Mz.M.2757 7 месяцев назад +1

    I made this, I did not have any green chilis so I just used the dried Kashmiri peppers and powder. Ate with some basmati rice. Was really really tasty. Thank you for sharing❤

  • @eaviekamara3708
    @eaviekamara3708 7 месяцев назад +7

    I made this for dinner, sooo delicious and yummy. The flavours of the butter and cumin at the end really added another layer of superb flavour. Amazing…thank you for sharing your recipe with us

  • @TheChoppingBoardRecipes
    @TheChoppingBoardRecipes Год назад +10

    Looks delicious ❤ I’m Pakistani Canadian 🇵🇰🇨🇦 love the way you cooked 🙂

  • @Joelmonterrey
    @Joelmonterrey Год назад +12

    That dish, that garden- WOW!

  • @bintalyamen1901
    @bintalyamen1901 6 месяцев назад +1

    ماشاءالله تبارك الرحمن
    احلى طريقة عدس شفتها بجد روووووووعه تستحق التجربة تسلم ايدك

  • @cybersecurity3
    @cybersecurity3 7 дней назад

    میں بھارت سے ہوں. بہت ہی مزیدار ڈش۔ شیئر کرنے کا بہت شکریہ..

  • @user-rd8me6pv5i
    @user-rd8me6pv5i Год назад +24

    Люблю национальную кухню! в ней своя изюминка! Спасибо Вам !👍I love national cuisine! it has its own charm! Thank you !

  • @ghazalahmed4273
    @ghazalahmed4273 11 месяцев назад +7

    I'm a Pakistani and glad to watch you cook our recipe 😊

  • @Bootmahoy88
    @Bootmahoy88 8 месяцев назад +1

    I prepared this elegant dish today, and it was so good, so flavorful! Thankyou!!! One thing, though, I didn't have any red lentils, so I used the dark lentils.

  • @amiralhoob7763
    @amiralhoob7763 Месяц назад +2

    عملته و جدا لذيذه 👌👌😋😋😋

  • @pe3429
    @pe3429 Год назад +10

    Thank you for such a professional presentation for this recipe. Well done. It really looks so delicious and I will most definitely be making the recipe.

  • @infinitystar2357
    @infinitystar2357 Год назад +6

    نحن نجعل مثل هذا داال أيضا🇮🇳😘

  • @Caramel-ms4kp
    @Caramel-ms4kp 6 месяцев назад +2

    استغرب من بعض التعليقات والله !!!
    هي سوت الطريقه الي تحبها وتناسبها مشكوره وجزاها الله كل خير ❤
    وكل واحد يقلل او يكثر براحته بدون فلسفه 🙂

  • @rainorshine7816
    @rainorshine7816 4 месяца назад +1

    Thank you 🙏 for adding the written instructions ❤

  • @ayman8727
    @ayman8727 10 месяцев назад +4

    Looks great. Usually, we don't fry this lentil rather boil and pour fried garlic, cumin and dried chillies but your recipe is more flavourful 😊

  • @CharlottePrattWilson
    @CharlottePrattWilson Год назад +4

    Looks absolutely delicious and healthy! Thank you for sharing this recipe.

  • @AnoorSjad-uw8wu
    @AnoorSjad-uw8wu 7 месяцев назад

    اللهم صل على محمد وال محمد عاشت ايدك والف عافيه مبين عليه طيبه هواي انشاءالله نجربها

  • @muhammadkhubaibimran5915
    @muhammadkhubaibimran5915 2 месяца назад

    I am Pakistani and even I only use this recipe every time I have to cook it. I have way this video 5 times or more every time I cooked daal and today I am cooking it again absolutely delicious

  • @srini9653
    @srini9653 Год назад +8

    That looks so amazing. It's night now, I can't wait to soak red lentils tomorrow morning.

  • @nolenl1503
    @nolenl1503 Год назад +9

    Yummy 😋 دائمًا مبدعة ماشاءالله عليك تسلم يدك يا افضل شيف بالعالم الله يجزاك خير ويعطيك الصحة والعافية على كل الوصفات الطيبة والرائعة ماشاءالله عليك رووعه بالتوفيق لك 😍😘😋❤️❤️❤️👍

  • @yasminmelias3967
    @yasminmelias3967 Месяц назад

    Thank you so much. This is an authentic channel with amazing authentic recipes.جزاكلله خير ماشى الله

  • @Moneymagi
    @Moneymagi 5 месяцев назад +1

    Thanks Guys this is one of my favourite lentil dishes 😊 I'm Aussie but find myself cooking curry a few times a week. On my low budget I find it a good way to always have food on hand hey.

  • @fatimagoulart4990
    @fatimagoulart4990 Год назад +17

    Boa noite, esse prato de lentilhas parece delicioso. Aqui no sul do Brasil não colocamos grandes quantidades de temperos nos alimentos, mas pouca quantidade. Nas lojas aqui em Curitiba já estão disponíveis vários temperos para compor alimentos. Gosto de ver vídeos diferentes como esse. Parabéns pela comida.

  • @RiaFrost30
    @RiaFrost30 9 месяцев назад +5

    The same can be made using yellow lentils (dhal), it may take a bit longer to cook. The cooking of the garlic, chillies and cumin seeds in the butter is exactly like thelast step in Caribbean cooking when we make Dhal
    I simply love Red Lentils and enjoyed watching this video

  • @nepras796
    @nepras796 6 месяцев назад +1

    والله انك أفضل سفير لليمن حتى الآن

  • @bossbabies347
    @bossbabies347 8 месяцев назад +23

    I made this last night for my family with the white rice and cornbread and it was Absolutely Delicious, everyone loved it, including the kids. I didn’t have the small green pepper so I chopped up a jalapeño instead. For the drizzle I couldn’t decide between the chili powder and paprika so I did half of each and I also didn’t have the dry red chilies 🌶️ so I used red pepper flakes. I am already looking forward to making my next recipe! Thank you!❤️😊

    • @rossmccabe3667
      @rossmccabe3667 3 месяца назад +1

      I’m cooking it tonight for me and my girlfriend in Scotland I can’t wait

    • @bossbabies347
      @bossbabies347 3 месяца назад

      @@rossmccabe3667 you two will love it!

  • @daniellenoir6438
    @daniellenoir6438 11 месяцев назад +22

    O aroma deve estar fantástico aí na sua cozinha!!😍

  • @paulrhodesquinn
    @paulrhodesquinn Год назад +95

    That looks truly amazing! I'm a huge fan of lentils and had a Pakistani room mate at college who taught me how to make Daal, which I lived off in my student years! This looks a lot more exciting than the Daal I make. Thanks so much for the recipe! Just subscribed ☺

    • @ShwetaGupta-hd6yk
      @ShwetaGupta-hd6yk Год назад +15

      How is this a Pakistani recipe? Indians have been eating lentils for thousands of years. Pakistan came into existence only 75 years ago. Was this invented in Pakistan in the last 75 years? This is dal tadka a staple in every Indian / Indian home, cooked every single day for thousands of years now.

    • @SheilaR.08
      @SheilaR.08 11 месяцев назад +13

      ​@@ShwetaGupta-hd6yk Prior to partition, all were in India. Pakistani people have a similar background, and their own cultural traditions. Lentils are traditional for both.

    • @aamnahere6250
      @aamnahere6250 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@ShwetaGupta-hd6yk India also came into existence after the British occupation. It was the subcontinent before that with hundreds of independent princely states.
      Our ancestors lived in the subcontinent as well. Just because non Indian South Asians don't call themselves 'Indian' doesn't mean their ancestors have not been here for hundreds and thousands of years. Why are Indians so insecure? Why do they instantly get offended seeing Pakistanis represented anywhere? Nowhere did anyone say daal is not made in India as well. Some random RUclipsr calls a particular recipe of daal Pakistani and you get offended? Such fragile egos!!! Daal tadka is older than both the countries. Pakistanis have existed in this land for as long as you have existed in yours. We're not inferior to you. Is badey desh ke logon ki hamesha choti soch hi rahi hai. Carry on with your insecurity and hatred.

    • @wheathusk2499
      @wheathusk2499 11 месяцев назад +2

      @SheilaR.08 Ya so that was Punjab and some parts of J&K. It doesn't make the recipe Pakistani. If people in Europe eat pasta they still call it Italian.

    • @aqeelkhurshid4860
      @aqeelkhurshid4860 11 месяцев назад

      India was always a subcontinet before 1947 and not a country.
      The very word India comes from a province of Pakistan called Sindh.
      Sindh is the father of India. The Indus civilization originated along the river Indus in Punjab and Sindh. All three are in Pakistan.
      Indians can keep spewing propoganda and believe in the hogwash they are taught in Nazi inspired RSS Shakas, but those who know history aren't getting fooled.

  • @charliehayward2512
    @charliehayward2512 4 месяца назад +3

    This is DELICIOUS ! And I'm glad to say it's pretty much how I make my favourite dal.....Never get tired of it ! Thanks for sharing 👍🙏

  • @janagalleeova7188
    @janagalleeova7188 4 месяца назад +1

    I cook this soup regularly. She is fantastic. Thank you very much.

  • @naazafzal
    @naazafzal 11 месяцев назад +3

    Looks delish, you can cook other lentils and beans using the same cooking method. Or mix a few different lentils together. Your garden is fabulous!

  • @DrCrabfingers
    @DrCrabfingers 10 месяцев назад +3

    This looks fab. Dhal and bread is all you need. For me this is the perfect lunch. Utterly delicious!

  • @aminalzayidy6308
    @aminalzayidy6308 2 месяца назад +1

    تحياتي لكم جميعا من بغداد ..❤

  • @Leviben11
    @Leviben11 6 месяцев назад +1

    Made this tonight, and it was fantastic! Easy and incredibly tasty. I'm inspired to learn more.

  • @perrijohnson9627
    @perrijohnson9627 Год назад +7

    Looks fabulous. And I love lentils, can't wait to make this.

  • @user-mc8je7qi9s
    @user-mc8je7qi9s 9 месяцев назад +4

    الصراحة دخنا مع الوصفات المميزه وللذيذه الله يعطيكم الصحه والعافيه يارب العالمين السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

  • @garyskinner2422
    @garyskinner2422 4 месяца назад

    I can't wait to try, only thing I would say is could you please say after adding each ingredient how high the temperature should be and how long to stir, other than that I'm loving it.

  • @DattatrayaBhamburdekar
    @DattatrayaBhamburdekar 6 месяцев назад +1

    I am a master of making dal like this and everytime I give new twist to this type of recipes.......

  • @reversegear1440
    @reversegear1440 Год назад +3

    Ufff.....I can imagine its flavour with salad n raita on my taste buds!!
    Mouth watering recipe

  • @HAAAA.6
    @HAAAA.6 Год назад +11

    وصفة رائعة تسلم ايدك عزيزتي ❤

  • @adel-a
    @adel-a 2 месяца назад +1

    ما شاء الله عليك. ربنا يبارك لك في صحتك.
    اللهم صلّ على سيدنا محمد.

  • @maryamlawal5578
    @maryamlawal5578 6 месяцев назад +1

    Your recipes are always the best! People actually think I'm a chef lol

  • @Captain.Pugwash
    @Captain.Pugwash Год назад +4

    The tadka is key to get that layering of flavours... that complexity😋 I seem to have settled on a tadka of just white cumin and fennel seeds in oil. I make a similar dish to this one.

  • @restitutamutuku894
    @restitutamutuku894 Год назад +7

    Wow,I make Dahl thr same procedure but I have never done the last method where you good the butter with those ingredients then pour on the Dahl. I can imagine the great taste. Instead of butter I will try using ghee.😋thanks for sharing your channel has simple and very tasty recipes

    • @PeachyMushroom
      @PeachyMushroom Год назад +1

      Yes, ghee would be more authentic, so feel free :-)

  • @zyxvwu
    @zyxvwu 6 месяцев назад +1

    Due to health issues, I struggle with my appetite. This is lovely. ❤❤❤

  • @Lea-zf7lm
    @Lea-zf7lm 8 месяцев назад +1

    This looks delicious and the recipe is well-written. Thank you.

  • @flavorfulpalate-wk
    @flavorfulpalate-wk 9 месяцев назад +3

    Perfect dal. Thank you for the written ingredients and instructions.

  • @cynthiabrown9596
    @cynthiabrown9596 11 месяцев назад +28

    First let me say thank you for sharing this with us. I discovered when I went to make this that I was out of red lentils but, I didn’t give up. Though I couldn’t make your dish exactly, you inspired me to make it with Beluga Lentils. I used your flavor profile and was astonished by the flavors. Thank you so much. My friends and family loved it.

    • @ouryemenikitchen
      @ouryemenikitchen  11 месяцев назад +2

      Thanks for sharing!

    • @atiyaishaq1469
      @atiyaishaq1469 6 месяцев назад +1

      Why it's star on your name,?

    • @cynthiabrown9596
      @cynthiabrown9596 6 месяцев назад +3

      @@atiyaishaq1469 I think maybe because I opted for a subscription for a small regular fee to support the channel.

    • @atiyaishaq1469
      @atiyaishaq1469 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@cynthiabrown9596 okay 😊

  • @kaliarisam7868
    @kaliarisam7868 2 месяца назад +1

    Listening to the tadka added to the dal is such a satisfying sound!❤ That is the finishing touch that we need. Yummy perfection.

  • @MICHELLE-gu2qc
    @MICHELLE-gu2qc 3 месяца назад

    The dish looks fresh, hearty and delicious. It would be prefect for a cold winter day. I must try

  • @joanbelmont5450
    @joanbelmont5450 Год назад +4

    Ummm, I love red lentils! Definitely going to try this recipe 😅 And that’s a full meal for me by the way. The red lentils, bread and rice! 😋

  • @surayagovender2280
    @surayagovender2280 11 месяцев назад +3

    Thank you ✨I never tried with pink lentil but after seeing your video I am definitely going to make it 🥰

  • @user-bv2ds5db6y
    @user-bv2ds5db6y 3 месяца назад

    اليوم رفيقتي باكستانيه عملتها وعجبتني كتير طيبه

  • @Theconsciouscrystal
    @Theconsciouscrystal 7 месяцев назад

    That was so peaceful and satisfying to watch. Thank you for sharing this recipe.

  • @janvarughese3946
    @janvarughese3946 Год назад +3

    Tried the recipe and it was very delicious, my family loved it. Thank you

  • @user-ys4tb4hm8y
    @user-ys4tb4hm8y Год назад +10

    I love lentils❤ thanks for the recipe. I've never added butter to it, seems delicious. I'm going to cook it soon, but maybe with less hot spices😅 i'm not used to such amounts. Also your garden with flowers is awesome😊

  • @NahedAli-tp4ks
    @NahedAli-tp4ks 2 месяца назад

    يعطيك العافيه انا من غزة و احب كل شيء يمني