I had an MRI, which indicated a fully torn, supraspinatus muscle. Surgeon recommended eight weeks of physical therapy. It’s been two months now by God’s grace the excruciating unbearable pain has subsided about 50%. I have a greater strength and range of motion. I will continue God willing my physical therapy and Trust in a full recovery. I believe the higher power can work miracles.❤🙏🏻
@@jojosjoyfuljourney how your recovery ? Did U still opt for surgery? We have the same situation I also have full thickness tear supraspinatus,I need your insights,it will really help me?
Whenever I have some kind of physical affliction, I alway return to the most famous physical therapists on the Internet. Thanks btw, you guys are always there when I need you ✌️
If it is a complete tear, the tendons tear and shrink back away from each other like a rubberband snapping. they can't pull themselves back up together. the surgeon has to root around for the ends and pull them back together and somehow keep them together with staples , screws, stitches. I got screws. and stitches. the longer you wait the more they atrophy and pull farther apart. it is harder to ull them back together and much harder to rehab.
My MRI showed severe tear in supraspinatus, moderate tear in infraspinatus as well as moderate tear in subscapularus from 40 years of intense overworked joints and tendons. Hanging has helped tremendously but also doing specific stretches and strengthening exercises for each muscle/tendon group. Coming along but I’m figuring a good year of consistent work on it. I also recommend infrared heating pad and irelieve Tens unit
Those who recommend hanging should be hung! It puts more stress on the bloody things. The way to go is the opposite, especially if you have nerve impingement! The pain from this is bloody horrible! nearly all the time, pain from shoulder right down the arm:/ You want your arms pulled DOWN, this is done by holding a weight bar at waist level with 50 odd pounds on it! Soon as i see a vid that talks about hanging ime out of there:/
Thank you! 4 yrs ago I found your videos and I've been pain free. You can fix it yourself. With the info you shared I was able to find a great therapist and that helped me communicate effectively with him since I had already started the exercises you've recommended. I went got the proper diagnosis after watching a video on how to tell if you had a rotator cuff tear. I had a partial tear, but for 20 yrs. many different therapies and a doctors who kept saying that it was my tendon they were to long and I needed surgery. So thank you for giving me the best give away of all... your knowledge. Truly appreciated.
Everything you show helps so much. I'm not consistent, but still improving with range of motion, and pain relief. Thank you for your teaching, and your lovely approach.
I am a physical therapist and I just want to thank you guys for all that you do! I found you while trying to figure out what was wrong with MY OWN shoulder, and I have learned so much! I have taken taping classes, but would like to see how you guys tape for the subscapularis.
These exercises have helped me greatly with easing the pain and increasing my range of motion. It feels great to wipe with my right hand again, too! Thanks guys!
I am 63 yrs.old. I was diagnosed with Rt. Rotator cuff tear on MRI. I was having pre op work when my EKG was abnormal. Now I'm seeing a Cardiologist & having a Stress Test, Nuclear. My Shoulder is Very Painful. Lack ROM. I'm just waiting 2 B cleared 4 surgery. Glad 2 know your experience. BTW, I was a Medical Assistant 4 a Surgeon 12 yrs. & worked in Radiology @ hospital 8 yrs.
Yes: was supposedly diagnosed wit R.C. tear but may have been just a severe case of bicep tendonapathy - anyway went from only able to bench press 5-10# with right arm back up to 60# over period of about six months - started consistently doing rotator cuff exercises and the miracle took place... Do them before and during every workout.. Will probably peak out at 75# each arm so I can bench 150# with different types of barbell configurations... Not to shabby for old gent over 70 yrs young... I give all the credit for my healing to JESUS - He the Great physician - NO surgery - just sensible rehab therapy and eating as much wholesome food as possible... Elastic bands of several different types have been an integral part of my success at re strengthening my shoulders... Slow and easy with focus helps almost every time...
I made the big mistake of consulting an orthopedic surgeon after a fall playing tennis. He said FULL tear RC, surgery required,80% success rate, 30 day in sling, no movement, rehab twice a week. Total outcome unknown???? I did NOT follow his prescribed course of action but did my own at-home therapy, rest, stretching, lots of reading, etc. Three months later played my first game of 'mild' tennis and have been playing since. I have very little discomfort, full range of motion and am regaining strength steadily. I don't know if this surgeon was just a TERRIBLE doctor or was phishing for some business to fill his pockets. At any rate, I thank God that I did not accept his opinion on how to fix this problem. "BE YOUR OWN DOCTOR"!
@@gravitas3900 likewise, 2 torn tendons here supra and infraspinatus tendons..could not lift my arm, pain at nite for a year. cannot lift weights as before but therabands helped bring back strenghth. Made recent visit to surgeon and he took me off sx list
@@gravitas3900 Read, read, read. You have to thoroughly inform yourself what the options are. There is much information online and on youtube. I can't just give you a list of exercises or supplements that will be the solution for your situation. I know that I had to dedicate my time in every way possible to heal my shoulder. I see years later that more are recommending non-surgical solutions to the RC tear. Five months after my injury I was very gingerly back on the tennis court and now, several years later I have no issues at all. If I followed the surgeons diagnosis, I might not have ever recovered fully.
Thanks, Guys. I do appreciate the follow up but it is important to clarify whether these folks have a less than athletic or not a heavy kind of work/sport life. The torn suprasinatus does not rejoin on its own. It is like a rubberband under tension, when it snaps it really pulls completely apart and cannot pull back to gether on its own, that is the job of surgery. That is impossible unless it is not a full tear. Once torn the ends pull apart. What they do is attach to the bone where they land and that may or may not be adequate depending on your life style. I can believe that many are pain free once the injury heals. By strengthening the deltoids you will protect this somewhat newly vulnerable supraspinatus. Strong deltoids will take some of the stress off the supraspinatus. Every situation is different and it depends on your lifestyle and what you want in the future. Also, having only one of the four tendons torn makes a difference. I believe you are a lot clearer in this second presentation. Also, if you have a full tear and you wait more than 8 weeks to make the decision for surgery, not only does the surgery become more involved, but so does rehab and end result. Because the tendons are like rubber bands, when they tear, if it is a full tear all at once, they snap apart, the longer unattended they atrophy even farther apart. If it is a slow tear by overuse, perhaps, it is attaching somewhere as the rest continues to tear over time, and did not snap apart. I don't know. If it is a quick tear, the farther apart they ends are, the more the surgeon has to root around to get the ends to pull them back together and the more painful it is to stretch them back to usefulness in rehab. So it is very important to recognize how did the injury occur over what period of time and stress the choices and the consequences. It is also important to have an MRI because there is no other way to tell whether it is one or all four tendons and to what degree the injury is. I just feel strongly about this and want to be sure injured persons have the full picture. If you really don't need surgery, you don't want it. It is a hard rehab, but you should be really sure you don't need it.
Took me 7 months. First worked on range of motion. Then started light weights. The hanging really helped near the end of rehab. Now good range of motion. No pain. Working on increased weights.
Does it feel weird when u bring the weight behind you? I get foreward and to the side but I dont get backwards my buddy told me he never seen anyone doing it.
I think you really deserve being the most famous ones on the internet. I had pain in my shoulder that would come and go for years. yesterday me waking up from sleep from pain, today after doing the hanging feeling way way way way better. Thanks a lot.
Had RC injury two month ago. Now I'm doing RC exercises. These are my exercises Shoulder stretch and pull Arm Swings or Pendulum Cable External and Internal Rotations Partial Lateral Raise Empty Can with thumbs up Low/Mid Rows with Scapular Retraction Pants On Raises Incline Prone Partial Delt Fly or Modified Bent over row Done for weeks now and I think I've improved. Back muscles and delts also grew significantly. And reintroducing chest exercises safely by using mostly triceps for benching and avoiding wide grips.
@@jeffrey.classicgamesjones2332 My orthopedic surgeon gave me the choice of surgery or PT. I tried PT and never looked back. Truthfully, most were done on a pilates machine. It did wonders.
Can confirm. Took about a year and a half to get full mobility, stability, and strength after a partial tear. I didn’t know about Brad and Bob, the two most famous physical therapists on the internet, while I was doing my rehab. Who knows? Might have been shorter.
You had no surgery? Have you done a follow up MRI after 1.5 years? Is it torn still and what you did just improved surrounding muscles, or it grew back?
PLEASE tell me what you have done to heal it. My life is falling apart because I only have one arm to use since my other shoulder is torn since 1.1 years
First message I got from this is that it's going to take time...I knew that, but see it's going to take even more than I thought. Eleven months in, I seem to be healing better than you predict. Appreciate good anatomical view.
I tore mine pretty good 5 months ago and I'm T2B so I think it's taking mine longer to heal. I was told by my doctor to go get an MRI to see how bad it was but instead I decide to see if exercise, loads of B vitamins and ibuprofen would start the healing process. I've ripped a rotator cuff before, along with tendons in my forearm but I was much younger then, so I knew what was in store ... a long wait. I started out with isometrics and graduated to very light weights and my arm went from about 5% to about 90%. I now have decent strength in the shoulder, I still feel a little of that impingement from the tendons but that's gotten a lot better, too. I just have to be careful now and not lift anything too fast. I'm almost there!
@@dingdong6005 Still about the same. I'm trying something different to ease the impingement. I bought a pull up bar and just hanging from it stretches the tendon gives some relief. I still can't lift much either. It's too soon for that.
I have been suffering with my shoulders since 2019, had 7 injections, accupunture, 4 rounds of physio never got better. just had surgery 3 weeks ago and I can see that my movement will improve just the pain as it's healing is terrible.
I've had torn rotator cuffs for years - decades. Watching Bob hanging on the wall hangers/handles looked like OUCH to me. The ones with the stretch bands, the "traditional" exercises, I've been doing those for a few years, and I've got a larger repertoire that is making it at least not get worse with age from another video of yours.
According to a John Hopkins meta study there is a sweet spot for rotator cuff surgery of 15-25 mm. Larger tears > 25 and especially those that are retracted tend to reopen or tear within 3-5 years (especially in athletic or 60+ years of age. Actually 1/3 in over 60 surgeries are not successful. I tore my R supraspinatus in 2018 …a 29 mm. I tore my L this past (2022) summer 28 mm supraspinatus and a partial infraspinatus. I was told in 2018 to have surgery. I didn’t have the surgery and recently rechecked…while it had increased to 31 mm I still have full range of motion and continue with my body building. So far the L which I was also advised to get surgery has maintained full range of motion. Yes at times both of them may hurt after a workout. Yet I have very strict form and usually more often then working out I will cause shoulder pain by doing household tasks or especially reaching behind for a seatbelt (turn at waist and use both hands as an unnatural position). It is true the longer one postpones the surgery the more difficult but that is generally bc to avoid pain people stop exercising and thus the surrounding muscles of the shoulder atrophy and fat fills up instead. If one has surgery the studies I have read show that only stem cell adjunct treatment results in better outcomes. IE forget bovine or porcine grafts as in addition to no positives they can complicate the body’s own healing.
I healed my own tear a few years ago. I did a lot of research and took a suggestion of wearing a neck brace(soft collar kind) at least 18 hours a day - for 4-5 weeks. It worked great - I was very surprised- and happy - that it did.
Guys, this info is encouraging! Only around 10% of injuries wind up needing surgical intervention. So, conservative care options really do work. Awesome, thanks!
I am not a doctor by a long shot but I have had shoulder surgery and feel very strongly about delay, assumptions, and poor advice in rotator cuff injuries. Have all these people had a full MRI? At the end of the video you do mention the full tear needing surgery. But your intro makes it sound like all rotator cuff injuries can heal. It is impossible to know if it is a full tear without an MRI or which tendons of the four are involved, also whether the cartilage surrounding the cuff is damaged.. Also, tendons are under tension they spring apart when there is a full tear, just like a rubber band under tension.. If there is a full tear, therapy only delays everything. and is painful! Tendons do not come back together, so they must be attaching at a lower spot which will cause a reduction in range of motion and strength. If that is the case, it is setting up the bicep for injury because it is carrying more than its fair share of the work load over time. In sedentary folks and the older folks, maybe just allowing the injury to heal is fine, that is not fixing the injury. If there is an impingement, often it is due to arthritis and a thickening of that bone yielding a shrinking of that space. The bone must be shaved to increase the gap. How will exercise give you more room in there. Again, an MRI is necessary. Finally, if you prolong a needed surgery more than 8 weeks, you are closing the window to optimal success. Every week you wait, the tendon shrinks even further back and will be that much harder to reconnect. The greater the stretch to put it back together, and thus the greater the difficulty of getting it stretched back to a comfortable position while you rehab. I know that this surgery and rehab can be hard, I have done it. I can only believe that this advice is for the seniors you present to and that they do not have such an active life. Maybe it is okay if someone just sits at the computer, but if they are active, I question whether this is the choice for them. I can't believe the rotator cuff will ever be strong and secure again with a full range of motion without surgery by a good surgeon if there is a full tear at the supraspinatus or multiple tears of the four tendons. I have observed friends and others claiming to have a shoulder injury and they are diagnosed without an MRI. In my opinion that is irresponsible on the Dr.'s part. There is no real way to fully understand the extent of the injury without an MRI. So, it is good to avoid the surgery if you can but it is not good to assume that most everyone will benefit from exercise and therapy and delay is harmful. If you have a very painful injury, start with an MRI and then decide if therapy is the best choice. Too often it is the other way around, for me that was a bad experience.
@@bens3767 I do have a Ph.D and I have had bot Rotator cuffs repaire for different reasons. One an accident where they kept putting it off until I insisted on an MRI and it showed a massive rear with cracked cartilage after 6 or more weeks of painful therapy and exercise which I did with persitence and trust. The second went better, due to advanced age and athleticism. It was impinged and ended up with a bad tear and the need to shav the bone. I feel I had lots of ounsel, lots of time to research, and my i]opinion isn't frivolous. so do what you want but the longer you wait, like my first injury, the more everything atrophies and the more difficult the surgery and the more pinful the rehab. Good luck to you!
Also, sometimes things reattach and you think it is good, but it is never as strong as a repair and you are making other muscles work overtime. My friend did not have money for a repair so he exercised and was careful and thought he was good. He went back to work and his Bicep tore loose. Now he has an even greater problem. Just sharing experiences because I thought it would help. I wish I had this advice with my first injury. As I said, Good luck to you.
I have had an injury five weeks ago and have been waiting for a consultation I spoke to my former colleagues and they suggested going to.another consultant and got an appointment promptly. The second consultant says because it’s a soft tissue injury it needs to be seen promptly. I agree as I have injured both shoulders due to running and I’m late 60s.
Exercises of IR + ER + Abduction clubbed with dead hanging for 10 seconds and more regularly helped in getting rid of pain and strengthening rotator cuff. Whereas my MRI report shows Thick tear in Supraspinatus rotator cuff but when Orthopedic surgeon clinically examined opined that don't go with MRI only I need physiotherapy and exercises
Us surfers know about tears all too well. I rehabbed myself (no surgery) 20+ years ago and unfortunately, I have to do it again now. I use the Total Gym. I can do those 2nd two on there and many others with a low resistance to start. Not the one with the bands yet. Too early. The big difference is now I'm 60 and not in my 30s.
I'm 72 and tore my supraspinatus and consequently developed bursitis, via gym work. Wear and tear really. Tried all the remedial exercises, but ended up with a cortisone injection which fixed the problem for a few months. But the bursitis has come back again. Not as bad, but still a nuisance. Back on the recommended exercises again. 😟
@@johntait491 Unfortunately those shots don't last long enough. Now both of my shoulders are pretty much shot. Bursitis could be the issue. Good luck with yours 🤙
Many thanks guys. I got my inferior shoulder dislocation last month due to accident in the project site . I did 'nt go for a surgery as my doctor says I can go for a therapy. But visiting the clinic is not practical for some reasons. By watching your blogs help me a lot. For almost 10 days of exercises as you told on the shows my shoulder is getting better and better..thank you for your help and god bless..I'm from the Philippines.
due to age of rotator cuff damage, all surgeon could do was clean up spurs and arthritis in shoulders. pain had gotten so bad that i could barely raise arm enough to comb hair. PT exercises before AND after surgery really saved the day for me!!! i still do some of the exercises.
I have arthritis in both shoulders and both knees. Cuff tear in right shoulder. Several months ago I discovered a site that was talking about moringa. This is a small tree that is grown in India. They were talking about how it is beneficial for people with arthritis. I have been using it for the past several months. I take it orally in capsule form (leaf in powder form) two in the morning and another two at night. I no there is no cure for arthritis but ever since I have been using moringa. I have zero pain. Once you start using it. It takes about a month to feel the results. Amazing
I had a torn rotator cuff that gave me extreme pain for about two years. The orthopedist final recommended therapy which I did for about 6 months and it finally healed. The doc offered surgery, but with no guarantees, I thought it would be smarter to at least try therapy and I’m glad I did!
@@theredfaceofficial you are so right! No, I didn’t have surgery. That last line was about therapy!! Sorry! It took a while but I was so happy with it. My understanding is that the surgery doesn’t even always work well 🤷♀️
@@Cuernavacachica02 Thank you for letting me know. That all makes sense. And I’m glad your feeling much better now. I’m dealing with a new shoulder pain at the moment and am seeing a Physio therapist tomorrow. Hopefully I get some relief. Thank you
Love and appreciate you two so much. You have become my "go two" for all things physio (and enjoyable) these past few years. Watching you from the rainforest in tropical Australia while recovering from rotator cuff surgery.
Your help has been great, and I am almost cured of the dreaded rotator cuff problem. One other thing that I find most helpful is my yoga esp the child’s pose. Look it up boys.
Thanks guys. I tore mine after finding an isometric device called the Bullworker. I used it as a kid and at age 62 decided to give it another try. I heard a squishing noise in my shoulder (no pain though) and thought that was odd. That was the beginning of my shoulder pain. I did your tests and 2 out of three indicate I tore my rotator cuff. I've been lifting light weights and the first set is always somewhat painful so I go slow. The second set is usually not bad but after watching this video ^ I'm going to slow down and try your method. Thanks a bunch, I hope this helps.
Thankyou bob and brad , your vedio helped me a lot once i fell down from my skate board, i was panicking initially , your vedio helped me a lot to make sure the my shoulder is fine
Shoulder pain/ Injury should always be addressed first by stretching the tight muscles around the shoulder that can restrict its movement, I.e the Levator Scapula. Strengthening first without stretching is ineffective. First assess then address.
Good news. I have torn my rotator cuff (supraspiatus). Then had the misfortune to develop a frozen shoulder so forced rest to recover while I do physical therapy.
I have been going to a orthopedic doctor and physical therapist. Just git an M.R.I. Doctor will be reading this and we will see if there is a tear. Thanks for the information.
My rotator cuff has been bad for 6 months. There have been moments where I doubted it would heal but I’m definitely improving. For me the best exercise has been the chord on a pulley anchored in the top of the door frame. I watched a video where they said you need to hold a shrug on your bad shoulder as you raise the arm. Recommend anyone giving this a go.
dudes what the eff..... the intro is amazing! came here for advice on how to help my rc pain and instanly feel as if im in a good safe environment. awesome work. thank you.
I injured my rotator cuff 2 years ago, doing ninja warrior training. I can’t seem to figure out how to heal. I’ve been doing rehab exercises consistently for 2 years. I took 6 months off from training last year. Then when I went back to, gradually, training it hurt more at first but I got it to a place of realistically minimal pain. Then it apparently tore again on a very minor movement. I’m not sure what more I can do to heal at this point.
Very informative! I received three months of PT before seeing a doctor and getting two steroid injections, neither of which worked, then a MRI, which revealed a superior glenoid labrum tear involving the intra-articular segment of the long head biceps, consistent with a SLAP IV tear with tendinosis of the biceps. The X-ray and ultra sound also identified arthritis. Also, supraspinatus tendinosis with small rim rent tear at the anterior tendon insertion. My non-surgeon orthopedist recommends continued therapy and consulting with a surgeon which has been scheduled. I hope to avoid surgery because it is painful, temporarily debilitative and recovery is long. Plus I live alone and have two dogs to take care of. I currently have minimal pain (being controlled by medication) but sleeping on that side can be painful. I’m a senior but love golf and hope to resume playing. I have now seen a surgeon and he thinks it is not all that bad and could heal on its own. He does want to give me a third (his first) steroid injection which he believes may be successful. Pardon my skepticism but if the first two didn’t work in different places, I doubt the third will. Sounds like just a money maker for doc.
It is improving with ongoing exercises I do with a trainer in the gym but it is too soon to say it’s healed. It’s only been about five months. It takes a long time but it takes a long time if you have surgery and rehab and I can still do normal things without much pain. Will see the surgeon again in two weeks and he plans another injection. Will see if that helps and gets me back on the gold course. Either way, I will continue with the therapy.
I was doing pushups with my push up handles and hurt the shoulder ,nice to hear takes time to heal ,if hurts to early you said. thanks for the tips guys I love you two.
On my surgery what caused it was a door fallen I pushed in tore the front part. No lifting no twisting sodas nothing 10 high pain . Got my surgery I luv it. I don't have that pain . Gone . Naw just stiffness . Alot of stretches. Is been 6 flat months. I have no therapy right naw. We trying to heal the tendon. ♥️💙🙏💕 THANK YOU YA AWESOME 😎💪😁😁 AND MAKE ME SMILE AND 😂 YA FUNNY. THANK YOU. IM IN TEXAS.
Struggling from 2injuries for more than 6months as per your Previous Videos Exercise to find exact pain 1)Tendinitis 2) RotatorCuff tear on back side Help me what should i Do?
Retracting my shoulders as you mention, while hanging was a significant issue for me. I thought I was doing my hanging properly, yet my orthopedic surgeon pointed out to me that I was not retracting properly. It took a little bit of concentration, yet I was finally able to do it properly.
You PTs are AWESOME! On a 1-10 scale, your info is about a 47. My joints were shot after 49 years of practising martial arts armbars & submission holds/escapes. Brad probably can relate. I had both shoulders and a knee operated on at ONE TIME 9+ years ago (Stupid on my part. I thought shoulders were easy like knees and thought it would just take a week to heal.) WISH I'd seen your videos sooner. Working on rotator cuff now after you FIXED my impingement. Great video. I've sent dozens to your site. . I live in Singapore but came from MN. Thank you both.
Michael I'm in the same situation as you. I do martial arts 🥋 for years. Now I have my right shoulder rotator cuff hurts, especially if I move my right arm a certain way
@@johnnyirizarry1276 The stick hanging stretch seems to work as does the hang from a bar. The problem is, I was 'asked' to hang a ceiling light by my bride. I forgot I'm not supposed to use my arms over my head for ANY reason. It was just enough to cause me 3 weeks of pain. Sleeping on it makes me wake up in pain. 2 Tylenol 500 MGs usually make a difference and 2 at night and when not hurting, don't use. I never use other NSPRs as they have liver issues. Staying under 6000 MGs is MAX but I prefer under 4k MGs. Small pillows under the shoulders can help if sleeping on stomach or side. Hope this helps.
@@michaelpodolinsky BB have good videos on how to sleep with shoulder pain. You’re maybe just missing the one under rib cage or a bit higher to create ‘trough’ for shoulder. Prob need two under head.
Thankyou sir for this great knowledge I m from india .if your speech mention in words on screen then it's so helpful for us understanding medical words. Thankyou 🙏
What hospital can we safely find and please advice also the cost.Truth always set people it never hurts to know the truth and be in the bright healthy side of LIFE.
I’ve been diagnosed with this impingement / Subacromial bursitis / rotator cuff tear I’ve been put forward for a steroid injection and physiotherapy so this is video is very interesting 😊
Hanging therapy is like a miracle, within 3 days I was able to sleep through the night, within 2 weeks no pain at all, the light stretching workout did nothing for me.. I'm glad I tried it, it sounded too good to be true
I have a torn rotator cuff. My Therapists said not to do anything above shoulder level. The hanging and the stick exercise may not be good for rotator cuff tear.
I had torn rotator cuff, and it didn’t heal on its own. I ended up in surgery and until now I still doing therapy. It’s about 7 months now since the operation, and my therapist told me that my therapy will last ‘til next year.
@@ki8417 my right shoulder is fine now, but there’s little pain, but getting better and more strength. Now the problem is my left shoulder and I think there’s a tear on my left shoulder now because I was forced to use it most of the the time during my healing process on my right shoulder.
I managed shoulder pain and limited movement for almost 20 years. Did the physical therapy, ice, acupuncture, massage therapy and pain meds. An MRI showed a 3/4 tear and a large bone spur. Two years later, I wish I hadn’t put off the surgery.
@@BobandBrad I'm rewatching all your shoulder videos now in hopes of avoiding surgery on my left shoulder. The recovery from rotor cuff surgery is AWFUL! Thanks for all you do!!🙂
Old man here in my mid seventies. Had a full tear about 9 years ago. The ortho surgeon, Mathews, at Kaiser Permanente Roseville California and I could not come to terms on no sedatives during surgery. I have not had the surgery completed. He said it has retracted to a point where surgery can not to be successful. One of their PA's mentioned cadaver parts for surgery. I am open to suggestions. Do you have something for me? Best regards Terry MacDonald PhD Civil Engineering.
over ten years of this sort of PT hearing all the time it will heal, ten plus years of constant pain and I finally gave up and opted for surgery, I'm sure in a few cases these guys are correct but PLEASE consult a surgeon to see if there is any hope. A complete tear or even a 60% tear will not heal by PT alone period. Save yourself time and pain and see a surgeon and get your options before putting up with ten years on unnecessary pain like I did
I’ve torn my rotator cuffs due to overextension with weights, going over the handlebars on a Jetski while holding on tight, and once due to a hard fall that also broke my clavicle. PT healed my shoulders each time, but the fastest was when I combined peptides and other drugs w PT. Like it never happened.
Unless a person knows EXACTLY what is damaged, it's not a fact that everything can heal on its own. Get an MRI then consult a physician. Then decide the next steps, or bars, or knife, or live with it.
@@johnnykay8261 mine remained almost completely torn for 3 years until I could finally get Aetna to approve surgery after 3 MRIs. Good as new 7 years later.
@@northwestlife_9 good to hear all is well with you now. Its only been 8 weeks since the accident it is getting better but oh so slow, plus im not really resting it I am still working , swinging a hammer and lifting building materials with a day or 2 of rest in between
My MRI showed massive rotator cuff tear, my doctor said I have three options, do nothing, repair or reverse shoulder replacement. The only problem I have is I can’t raise my right arm straight over my head. I really don’t have shoulder pain but my shoulder pops once in a while.
As I sit here healing from rotator cuff repair surgery. Full thickness tear-supraspinatus. In my case it tore and flipped back so I had to have surgery. I'll do these for my other shoulder.
i installed a grab bar in shower at normal height, and a matching one so high that i have to really reach to get hold of it. i will be walking thru the house and just step into the shower to stretch, then continue on my way (usually out to the garden). works great for shoulder and back stretches. i also have a rope over the top bar to use like a pulley for shoulders. my grands call the shower my exercise room!!!
I had an MRI, which indicated a fully torn, supraspinatus muscle. Surgeon recommended eight weeks of physical therapy. It’s been two months now by God’s grace the excruciating unbearable pain has subsided about 50%. I have a greater strength and range of motion. I will continue God willing my physical therapy and Trust in a full recovery. I believe the higher power can work miracles.❤🙏🏻
Hi ! how r u now ? I had full thickness tear opt not to have surgery.did it improve more?I mean without surgery.thanks
@@jojosjoyfuljourney how your recovery ? Did U still opt for surgery? We have the same situation I also have full thickness tear supraspinatus,I need your insights,it will really help me?
@@jojosjoyfuljourney pls reply? Thanks
Whenever I have some kind of physical affliction, I alway return to the most famous physical therapists on the Internet. Thanks btw, you guys are always there when I need you ✌️
7:26 Stick hanging stretch
9:17 Wall Anchor hanging stretch
10:52 Traditional resistance band stretch (Scapula Retraction 11:16 , External Rotation 11:57)
If it is a complete tear, the tendons tear and shrink back away from each other like a rubberband snapping. they can't pull themselves back up together. the surgeon has to root around for the ends and pull them back together and somehow keep them together with staples , screws, stitches. I got screws. and stitches. the longer you wait the more they atrophy and pull farther apart. it is harder to ull them back together and much harder to rehab.
Only do these to the point of pain? So am I making g it worse when I force it, like doing chores or just reaching for something wrong?
1:09 Fart
My MRI showed severe tear in supraspinatus, moderate tear in infraspinatus as well as moderate tear in subscapularus from 40 years of intense overworked joints and tendons. Hanging has helped tremendously but also doing specific stretches and strengthening exercises for each muscle/tendon group. Coming along but I’m figuring a good year of consistent work on it. I also recommend infrared heating pad and irelieve Tens unit
Those who recommend hanging should be hung! It puts more stress on the bloody things. The way to go is the opposite, especially if you have nerve impingement! The pain from this is bloody horrible! nearly all the time, pain from shoulder right down the arm:/ You want your arms pulled DOWN, this is done by holding a weight bar at waist level with 50 odd pounds on it! Soon as i see a vid that talks about hanging ime out of there:/
what exercises did you di
Did you went through shoulder surgery
Is it expensive? Immune only hurts with heavy weights but I’m not sure when to go in😩
So did you get surgery?
Thank you! 4 yrs ago I found your videos and I've been pain free. You can fix it yourself. With the info you shared I was able to find a great therapist and that helped me communicate effectively with him since I had already started the exercises you've recommended. I went got the proper diagnosis after watching a video on how to tell if you had a rotator cuff tear. I had a partial tear, but for 20 yrs. many different therapies and a doctors who kept saying that it was my tendon they were to long and I needed surgery. So thank you for giving me the best give away of all... your knowledge. Truly appreciated.
Hi so did you need surgery or did you heal it naturally yourself? Thanks
I healed myself from RUclips videos I saw about 10 years ago. It wasn't these exercises but I trust these guys' work.
Everything you show helps so much. I'm not consistent, but still improving with range of motion, and pain relief. Thank you for your teaching, and your lovely approach.
I am a physical therapist and I just want to thank you guys for all that you do! I found you while trying to figure out what was wrong with MY OWN shoulder, and I have learned so much! I have taken taping classes, but would like to see how you guys tape for the subscapularis.
Hi, can you share how you tape for a supraspinatus partial tear?
These exercises have helped me greatly with easing the pain and increasing my range of motion. It feels great to wipe with my right hand again, too! Thanks guys!
I suppose you're wearing out your right hand on those porn sites again, too! lol!
I am 63 yrs.old. I was diagnosed with Rt. Rotator cuff tear on MRI. I was having pre op work when my EKG was abnormal. Now I'm seeing a Cardiologist & having a Stress Test, Nuclear. My Shoulder is Very Painful. Lack ROM. I'm just waiting 2 B cleared 4 surgery. Glad 2 know your experience. BTW, I was a Medical Assistant 4 a Surgeon 12 yrs. & worked in Radiology @ hospital 8 yrs.
Yes: was supposedly diagnosed wit R.C. tear but may have been just a severe case of bicep tendonapathy - anyway went from only able to bench press 5-10# with right arm back up to 60# over period of about six months - started consistently doing rotator cuff exercises and the miracle took place... Do them before and during every workout.. Will probably peak out at 75# each arm so I can bench 150# with different types of barbell configurations... Not to shabby for old gent over 70 yrs young... I give all the credit for my healing to JESUS - He the Great physician - NO surgery - just sensible rehab therapy and eating as much wholesome food as possible... Elastic bands of several different types have been an integral part of my success at re strengthening my shoulders... Slow and easy with focus helps almost every time...
Charles! Wonderful news, I’ve been in a low mood from re-injuring my shoulder and losing my progress in physical therapy. So your story gives me hope!
Jesus is Magik! 😂
Great advice! Thanks.
Glad bless. Here go I on the same journey.
Good story except the Jesus nonsense 😂 He didn’t do squat
I made the big mistake of consulting an orthopedic surgeon after a fall playing tennis. He said FULL tear RC, surgery required,80% success rate, 30 day in sling, no movement, rehab twice a week. Total outcome unknown???? I did NOT follow his prescribed course of action but did my own at-home therapy, rest, stretching, lots of reading, etc. Three months later played my first game of 'mild' tennis and have been playing since. I have very little discomfort, full range of motion and am regaining strength steadily. I don't know if this surgeon was just a TERRIBLE doctor or was phishing for some business to fill his pockets. At any rate, I thank God that I did not accept his opinion on how to fix this problem. "BE YOUR OWN DOCTOR"!
what was your procedure? or which exercises you did or use any supplement beside? thanks
@@gravitas3900 likewise, 2 torn tendons here supra and infraspinatus tendons..could not lift my arm, pain at nite for a year. cannot lift weights as before but therabands helped bring back strenghth. Made recent visit to surgeon and he took me off sx list
@@gravitas3900 Read, read, read. You have to thoroughly inform yourself what the options are. There is much information online and on youtube. I can't just give you a list of exercises or supplements that will be the solution for your situation. I know that I had to dedicate my time in every way possible to heal my shoulder. I see years later that more are recommending non-surgical solutions to the RC tear. Five months after my injury I was very gingerly back on the tennis court and now, several years later I have no issues at all. If I followed the surgeons diagnosis, I might not have ever recovered fully.
was phishing for business
did you have an MRI?
Thanks, Guys. I do appreciate the follow up but it is important to clarify whether these folks have a less than athletic or not a heavy kind of work/sport life. The torn suprasinatus does not rejoin on its own. It is like a rubberband under tension, when it snaps it really pulls completely apart and cannot pull back to gether on its own, that is the job of surgery. That is impossible unless it is not a full tear. Once torn the ends pull apart. What they do is attach to the bone where they land and that may or may not be adequate depending on your life style. I can believe that many are pain free once the injury heals. By strengthening the deltoids you will protect this somewhat newly vulnerable supraspinatus. Strong deltoids will take some of the stress off the supraspinatus. Every situation is different and it depends on your lifestyle and what you want in the future. Also, having only one of the four tendons torn makes a difference. I believe you are a lot clearer in this second presentation. Also, if you have a full tear and you wait more than 8 weeks to make the decision for surgery, not only does the surgery become more involved, but so does rehab and end result. Because the tendons are like rubber bands, when they tear, if it is a full tear all at once, they snap apart, the longer unattended they atrophy even farther apart. If it is a slow tear by overuse, perhaps, it is attaching somewhere as the rest continues to tear over time, and did not snap apart. I don't know. If it is a quick tear, the farther apart they ends are, the more the surgeon has to root around to get the ends to pull them back together and the more painful it is to stretch them back to usefulness in rehab. So it is very important to recognize how did the injury occur over what period of time and stress the choices and the consequences. It is also important to have an MRI because there is no other way to tell whether it is one or all four tendons and to what degree the injury is. I just feel strongly about this and want to be sure injured persons have the full picture. If you really don't need surgery, you don't want it. It is a hard rehab, but you should be really sure you don't need it.
Took me 7 months. First worked on range of motion. Then started light weights. The hanging really helped near the end of rehab. Now good range of motion. No pain. Working on increased weights.
Does it feel weird when u bring the weight behind you? I get foreward and to the side but I dont get backwards my buddy told me he never seen anyone doing it.
Did you heal your tear without surgery?
@@kenlewis6699 Yes. Moderate tear. Can still see scarring on MRI but fully usable now.
@@jerrywest7068 Wow! What type of tear and which tendon. I have a 3mmx6mm tear suprapinatus and wondering if it will heal on own.
How old are you?
I think you really deserve being the most famous ones on the internet. I had pain in my shoulder that would come and go for years. yesterday me waking up from sleep from pain, today after doing the hanging feeling way way way way better. Thanks a lot.
Thanks for the advice. I’ve tried hanging and it’s helping. I just have to be consistent with it.
Had RC injury two month ago. Now I'm doing RC exercises. These are my exercises
Shoulder stretch and pull
Arm Swings or Pendulum
Cable External and Internal Rotations
Partial Lateral Raise
Empty Can with thumbs up
Low/Mid Rows with Scapular Retraction
Pants On Raises
Incline Prone Partial Delt Fly or Modified Bent over row
Done for weeks now and I think I've improved. Back muscles and delts also grew significantly. And reintroducing chest exercises safely by using mostly triceps for benching and avoiding wide grips.
I had three tears in my rotator cuff, went to PT, never had another problem after doing exercises.
How long did it take for you to get better after the tears?
@@londonengland7096 Went to PT twice a week for 6 weeks...then continued at home until pain free. Really did not take too long.
@@paulalim1476 glad to hear you are better
Give me more info I hurt my rotator cuff help with some information and suggestions
@@jeffrey.classicgamesjones2332 My orthopedic surgeon gave me the choice of surgery or PT. I tried PT and never looked back. Truthfully, most were done on a pilates machine. It did wonders.
Can confirm. Took about a year and a half to get full mobility, stability, and strength after a partial tear. I didn’t know about Brad and Bob, the two most famous physical therapists on the internet, while I was doing my rehab. Who knows? Might have been shorter.
You had no surgery? Have you done a follow up MRI after 1.5 years? Is it torn still and what you did just improved surrounding muscles, or it grew back?
it cannot grow back. All this guy has done has reprogram the brain and compensate using different recruitment patterns. @@godlikeexcellence1201
PLEASE tell me what you have done to heal it. My life is falling apart because I only have one arm to use since my other shoulder is torn since 1.1 years
First message I got from this is that it's going to take time...I knew that, but see it's going to take even more than I thought. Eleven months in, I seem to be healing better than you predict. Appreciate good anatomical view.
I tore mine pretty good 5 months ago and I'm T2B so I think it's taking mine longer to heal. I was told by my doctor to go get an MRI to see how bad it was but instead I decide to see if exercise, loads of B vitamins and ibuprofen would start the healing process. I've ripped a rotator cuff before, along with tendons in my forearm but I was much younger then, so I knew what was in store ... a long wait. I started out with isometrics and graduated to very light weights and my arm went from about 5% to about 90%. I now have decent strength in the shoulder, I still feel a little of that impingement from the tendons but that's gotten a lot better, too. I just have to be careful now and not lift anything too fast. I'm almost there!
How are you doing now? I have rotator cuff injury it seems and it hurts even when lifting light .
@@dingdong6005 Still about the same. I'm trying something different to ease the impingement. I bought a pull up bar and just hanging from it stretches the tendon gives some relief. I still can't lift much either. It's too soon for that.
@@saxon1177 thanks .. hope you recover soon.
@@dingdong6005 thank you, i appreciate it. I hope you do well yourself, take it slow, don't overdo anything.
I have been suffering with my shoulders since 2019, had 7 injections, accupunture, 4 rounds of physio never got better. just had surgery 3 weeks ago and I can see that my movement will improve just the pain as it's healing is terrible.
Thank you, torn supraspinatus and infraspinatus these exercises work wonders.
I've had torn rotator cuffs for years - decades. Watching Bob hanging on the wall hangers/handles looked like OUCH to me. The ones with the stretch bands, the "traditional" exercises, I've been doing those for a few years, and I've got a larger repertoire that is making it at least not get worse with age from another video of yours.
According to a John Hopkins meta study there is a sweet spot for rotator cuff surgery of 15-25 mm. Larger tears > 25 and especially those that are retracted tend to reopen or tear within 3-5 years (especially in athletic or 60+ years of age. Actually 1/3 in over 60 surgeries are not successful. I tore my R supraspinatus in 2018 …a 29 mm. I tore my L this past (2022) summer 28 mm supraspinatus and a partial infraspinatus. I was told in 2018 to have surgery. I didn’t have the surgery and recently rechecked…while it had increased to 31 mm I still have full range of motion and continue with my body building. So far the L which I was also advised to get surgery has maintained full range of motion. Yes at times both of them may hurt after a workout. Yet I have very strict form and usually more often then working out I will cause shoulder pain by doing household tasks or especially reaching behind for a seatbelt (turn at waist and use both hands as an unnatural position). It is true the longer one postpones the surgery the more difficult but that is generally bc to avoid pain people stop exercising and thus the surrounding muscles of the shoulder atrophy and fat fills up instead. If one has surgery the studies I have read show that only stem cell adjunct treatment results in better outcomes. IE forget bovine or porcine grafts as in addition to no positives they can complicate the body’s own healing.
I healed my own tear a few years ago. I did a lot of research and took a suggestion of wearing a neck brace(soft collar kind) at least 18 hours a day - for 4-5 weeks. It worked great - I was very surprised- and happy - that it did.
How did you do that. Can u tell me?
If you give me your email address, I can talk to you.
May I know what kind of neck brace you used, please ? Tq
Guys, this info is encouraging! Only around 10% of injuries wind up needing surgical intervention. So, conservative care options really do work. Awesome, thanks!
I am not a doctor by a long shot but I have had shoulder surgery and feel very strongly about delay, assumptions, and poor advice in rotator cuff injuries. Have all these people had a full MRI? At the end of the video you do mention the full tear needing surgery. But your intro makes it sound like all rotator cuff injuries can heal. It is impossible to know if it is a full tear without an MRI or which tendons of the four are involved, also whether the cartilage surrounding the cuff is damaged.. Also, tendons are under tension they spring apart when there is a full tear, just like a rubber band under tension.. If there is a full tear, therapy only delays everything. and is painful! Tendons do not come back together, so they must be attaching at a lower spot which will cause a reduction in range of motion and strength. If that is the case, it is setting up the bicep for injury because it is carrying more than its fair share of the work load over time. In sedentary folks and the older folks, maybe just allowing the injury to heal is fine, that is not fixing the injury. If there is an impingement, often it is due to arthritis and a thickening of that bone yielding a shrinking of that space. The bone must be shaved to increase the gap. How will exercise give you more room in there. Again, an MRI is necessary. Finally, if you prolong a needed surgery more than 8 weeks, you are closing the window to optimal success. Every week you wait, the tendon shrinks even further back and will be that much harder to reconnect. The greater the stretch to put it back together, and thus the greater the difficulty of getting it stretched back to a comfortable position while you rehab. I know that this surgery and rehab can be hard, I have done it. I can only believe that this advice is for the seniors you present to and that they do not have such an active life. Maybe it is okay if someone just sits at the computer, but if they are active, I question whether this is the choice for them. I can't believe the rotator cuff will ever be strong and secure again with a full range of motion without surgery by a good surgeon if there is a full tear at the supraspinatus or multiple tears of the four tendons. I have observed friends and others claiming to have a shoulder injury and they are diagnosed without an MRI. In my opinion that is irresponsible on the Dr.'s part. There is no real way to fully understand the extent of the injury without an MRI. So, it is good to avoid the surgery if you can but it is not good to assume that most everyone will benefit from exercise and therapy and delay is harmful. If you have a very painful injury, start with an MRI and then decide if therapy is the best choice. Too often it is the other way around, for me that was a bad experience.
So...what you're saying is you are NOT a doctor.
@@bens3767 I do have a Ph.D and I have had bot Rotator cuffs repaire for different reasons. One an accident where they kept putting it off until I insisted on an MRI and it showed a massive rear with cracked cartilage after 6 or more weeks of painful therapy and exercise which I did with persitence and trust. The second went better, due to advanced age and athleticism. It was impinged and ended up with a bad tear and the need to shav the bone. I feel I had lots of ounsel, lots of time to research, and my i]opinion isn't frivolous. so do what you want but the longer you wait, like my first injury, the more everything atrophies and the more difficult the surgery and the more pinful the rehab. Good luck to you!
Also, sometimes things reattach and you think it is good, but it is never as strong as a repair and you are making other muscles work overtime. My friend did not have money for a repair so he exercised and was careful and thought he was good. He went back to work and his Bicep tore loose. Now he has an even greater problem. Just sharing experiences because I thought it would help. I wish I had this advice with my first injury. As I said, Good luck to you.
I have had an injury five weeks ago and have been waiting for a consultation
I spoke to my former colleagues and they suggested going to.another consultant and got an appointment promptly. The second consultant says because it’s a soft tissue injury it needs to be seen promptly. I agree as I have injured both shoulders due to running and I’m late 60s.
Too bad your not a doctor by a longshot.
Exercises of IR + ER + Abduction clubbed with dead hanging for 10 seconds and more regularly helped in getting rid of pain and strengthening rotator cuff. Whereas my MRI report shows Thick tear in Supraspinatus rotator cuff but when Orthopedic surgeon clinically examined opined that don't go with MRI only I need physiotherapy and exercises
Us surfers know about tears all too well. I rehabbed myself (no surgery) 20+ years ago and unfortunately, I have to do it again now. I use the Total Gym. I can do those 2nd two on there and many others with a low resistance to start. Not the one with the bands yet. Too early. The big difference is now I'm 60 and not in my 30s.
I'm 72 and tore my supraspinatus and consequently developed bursitis, via gym work. Wear and tear really. Tried all the remedial exercises, but ended up with a cortisone injection which fixed the problem for a few months. But the bursitis has come back again. Not as bad, but still a nuisance. Back on the recommended exercises again. 😟
@@johntait491 Unfortunately those shots don't last long enough. Now both of my shoulders are pretty much shot. Bursitis could be the issue.
Good luck with yours 🤙
@@lavapix Keep on keeping on..!! It's only pain and discomfort..!! 😁
Is the top of your humerus pulled forwards at the top?
@@rachkate76 No, I've got a damaged Bursa sac.
These guys crack me up. Very informative as I sit here with what is likely a slightly torn supraspinatus.
You'd better get an ultrasound done.
My too
Thanks Bob and Brad. I’m now at 90 percent after injury last July. Your Help was invaluable. Zero surgery
Many thanks guys. I got my inferior shoulder dislocation last month due to accident in the project site . I did 'nt go for a surgery as my doctor says I can go for a therapy. But visiting the clinic is not practical for some reasons. By watching your blogs help me a lot. For almost 10 days of exercises as you told on the shows my shoulder is getting better and better..thank you for your help and god bless..I'm from the Philippines.
due to age of rotator cuff damage, all surgeon could do was clean up spurs and arthritis in shoulders. pain had gotten so bad that i could barely raise arm enough to comb hair. PT exercises before AND after surgery really saved the day for me!!! i still do some of the exercises.
I have arthritis in both shoulders and both knees. Cuff tear in right shoulder. Several months ago I discovered a site that was talking about moringa. This is a small tree that is grown in India. They were talking about how it is beneficial for people with arthritis. I have been using it for the past several months. I take it orally in capsule form (leaf in powder form) two in the morning and another two at night. I no there is no cure for arthritis but ever since I have been using moringa. I have zero pain. Once you start using it. It takes about a month to feel the results. Amazing
This is great, thank you! I fell a couple of months back, I am going to start these , hope to avoid surgery.
I had a torn rotator cuff that gave me extreme pain for about two years. The orthopedist final recommended therapy which I did for about 6 months and it finally healed. The doc offered surgery, but with no guarantees, I thought it would be smarter to at least try therapy and I’m glad I did!
Hi, so did you have surgery or no surgery? I’m confused from your last line you wrote. Thank you
@@theredfaceofficial you are so right! No, I didn’t have surgery. That last line was about therapy!! Sorry! It took a while but I was so happy with it. My understanding is that the surgery doesn’t even always work well 🤷♀️
@@Cuernavacachica02 Thank you for letting me know. That all makes sense. And I’m glad your feeling much better now. I’m dealing with a new shoulder pain at the moment and am seeing a Physio therapist tomorrow. Hopefully I get some relief. Thank you
@@theredfaceofficial Great! I wish you a speedy recovery!!!
@@Cuernavacachica02 Thank you 🙏🏼
These good bits of info, so helpful. Pain is so frightening and discouraging... I will do anything to get better, the knife option is so finite.
Thanks for the informative video gentleman - I appreciate the information and professional advice
Love and appreciate you two so much. You have become my "go two" for all things physio (and enjoyable) these past few years. Watching you from the rainforest in tropical Australia while recovering from rotator cuff surgery.
Your help has been great, and I am almost cured of the dreaded rotator cuff problem. One other thing that I find most helpful is my yoga esp the child’s pose. Look it up boys.
Hello Sir, how u cured your Rotater Cuff tear??
It’s pulling the shoulder more forwards?
Thanks guys. I tore mine after finding an isometric device called the Bullworker. I used it as a kid and at age 62 decided to give it another try. I heard a squishing noise in my shoulder (no pain though) and thought that was odd. That was the beginning of my shoulder pain. I did your tests and 2 out of three indicate I tore my rotator cuff. I've been lifting light weights and the first set is always somewhat painful so I go slow. The second set is usually not bad but after watching this video ^ I'm going to slow down and try your method. Thanks a bunch, I hope this helps.
Thankyou bob and brad , your vedio helped me a lot once i fell down from my skate board, i was panicking initially , your vedio helped me a lot to make sure the my shoulder is fine
Dude it happened to me today ! Please help me I am freaking out, my shoulder feels weird, I feel my left arm is weak and a bit loose
Shoulder pain/ Injury should always be addressed first by stretching the tight muscles around the shoulder that can restrict its movement, I.e the Levator Scapula.
Strengthening first without stretching is ineffective. First assess then address.
Exercises begin at 6:46
Great ... had injurey myself... medical student from Duisburg, Germay
Thank you Bob and Brad.
Good news. I have torn my rotator cuff (supraspiatus). Then had the misfortune to develop a frozen shoulder so forced rest to recover while I do physical therapy.
Truth sets people FREE...not confused and brainwash..God Bless..correct myself and sentence earlier..thank s sori
Thank you sooo much! I appreciate the time and effort you put into your videos.
The rotator cuff information is just what I was looking for..
I have been going to a orthopedic doctor and physical therapist. Just git an M.R.I. Doctor will be reading this and we will see if there is a tear. Thanks for the information.
When should you start doing the PT exercises? Or do you just do as much as you can as soon as possible without pain?
My rotator cuff has been bad for 6 months. There have been moments where I doubted it would heal but I’m definitely improving. For me the best exercise has been the chord on a pulley anchored in the top of the door frame. I watched a video where they said you need to hold a shrug on your bad shoulder as you raise the arm. Recommend anyone giving this a go.
dudes what the eff..... the intro is amazing! came here for advice on how to help my rc pain and instanly feel as if im in a good safe environment. awesome work. thank you.
Glad you liked it!! Brad
This is great, just what I needed, thank you both . Listening to Brad and Bob in the background reminded me of Bert and Ernie from Sesame Street.
tore mine 5yrs. ago it's finally feeling better due too doing body weight exercises at home mosty push ups and cable ex. high reps
Did you go to surgery?
I injured my rotator cuff 2 years ago, doing ninja warrior training. I can’t seem to figure out how to heal. I’ve been doing rehab exercises consistently for 2 years. I took 6 months off from training last year. Then when I went back to, gradually, training it hurt more at first but I got it to a place of realistically minimal pain. Then it apparently tore again on a very minor movement. I’m not sure what more I can do to heal at this point.
Go see a surgeon. Get an MRI first.
I’ve been using the Dgyao red light device from Amazon for the last two days and it has really helped.
Lots of thanks sir really great work for people
Thank you!
Wonderful insight thank you for posting and sharing!
Very informative! I received three months of PT before seeing a doctor and getting two steroid injections, neither of which worked, then a MRI, which revealed a superior glenoid labrum tear involving the intra-articular segment of the long head biceps, consistent with a SLAP IV tear with tendinosis of the biceps. The X-ray and ultra sound also identified arthritis. Also, supraspinatus tendinosis with small rim rent tear at the anterior tendon insertion. My non-surgeon orthopedist recommends continued therapy and consulting with a surgeon which has been scheduled. I hope to avoid surgery because it is painful, temporarily debilitative and recovery is long. Plus I live alone and have two dogs to take care of. I currently have minimal pain (being controlled by medication) but sleeping on that side can be painful. I’m a senior but love golf and hope to resume playing. I have now seen a surgeon and he thinks it is not all that bad and could heal on its own. He does want to give me a third (his first) steroid injection which he believes may be successful. Pardon my skepticism but if the first two didn’t work in different places, I doubt the third will. Sounds like just a money maker for doc.
I have a similar problem with my right shoulder. Did your pain and range of motion ever improve with physical therapy?
It is improving with ongoing exercises I do with a trainer in the gym but it is too soon to say it’s healed. It’s only been about five months. It takes a long time but it takes a long time if you have surgery and rehab and I can still do normal things without much pain. Will see the surgeon again in two weeks and he plans another injection. Will see if that helps and gets me back on the gold course. Either way, I will continue with the therapy.
Thank you, it helps my shoulder, very helpful 😀
You two are the greatest!
Great video. Love how you have a fun way to approach people. When I use the broom stick to stretch, where should I feel it?
unfortunately, doctors aren't allowed to give personalized advice to people without a live checkup. So it's literally illegal for him to answer you.
I was doing pushups with my push up handles and hurt the shoulder ,nice to hear takes time to heal ,if hurts to early you said. thanks for the tips guys I love you two.
You guys save my life
both of mine went, maybe not a shoulder cuff, took months to raise arms, just got on with it
I went to the comment section for help before the video could start. I'm twisted😂
Thanks so much guys!
On my surgery what caused it was a door fallen I pushed in tore the front part. No lifting no twisting sodas nothing 10 high pain . Got my surgery I luv it. I don't have that pain . Gone . Naw just stiffness . Alot of stretches. Is been 6 flat months. I have no therapy right naw. We trying to heal the tendon. ♥️💙🙏💕 THANK YOU YA AWESOME 😎💪😁😁 AND MAKE ME SMILE AND 😂 YA FUNNY. THANK YOU. IM IN TEXAS.
Awesome exercises,Iam starting slow to get these done little pain..Thanks.
Your welcome and I wish you continued progress. Brad
Good morning. Can I get some exercise for infringement please. Thanks
Struggling from 2injuries for more than 6months as per your Previous Videos Exercise to find exact pain
2) RotatorCuff tear on back side
Help me what should i Do?
Retracting my shoulders as you mention, while hanging was a significant issue for me. I thought I was doing my hanging properly, yet my orthopedic surgeon pointed out to me that I was not retracting properly. It took a little bit of concentration, yet I was finally able to do it properly.
You PTs are AWESOME! On a 1-10 scale, your info is about a 47. My joints were shot after 49 years of practising martial arts armbars & submission holds/escapes. Brad probably can relate. I had both shoulders and a knee operated on at ONE TIME 9+ years ago (Stupid on my part. I thought shoulders were easy like knees and thought it would just take a week to heal.) WISH I'd seen your videos sooner. Working on rotator cuff now after you FIXED my impingement. Great video. I've sent dozens to your site. . I live in Singapore but came from MN. Thank you both.
Michael I'm in the same situation as you. I do martial arts 🥋 for years. Now I have my right shoulder rotator cuff hurts, especially if I move my right arm a certain way
@@johnnyirizarry1276 The stick hanging stretch seems to work as does the hang from a bar. The problem is, I was 'asked' to hang a ceiling light by my bride. I forgot I'm not supposed to use my arms over my head for ANY reason. It was just enough to cause me 3 weeks of pain. Sleeping on it makes me wake up in pain. 2 Tylenol 500 MGs usually make a difference and 2 at night and when not hurting, don't use. I never use other NSPRs as they have liver issues. Staying under 6000 MGs is MAX but I prefer under 4k MGs. Small pillows under the shoulders can help if sleeping on stomach or side. Hope this helps.
@@michaelpodolinsky thanks for great advice will do. I'm optimistic this will subside and heal soon
BB have good videos on how to sleep with shoulder pain. Big diff.
BB have good videos on how to sleep with shoulder pain. You’re maybe just missing the one under rib cage or a bit higher to create ‘trough’ for shoulder. Prob need two under head.
Thankyou sir for this great knowledge
I m from india .if your speech mention in words on screen then it's so helpful for us understanding medical words.
Thankyou 🙏
Awesome thanks guys 💪👈
What hospital can we safely find and please advice also the cost.Truth always set people it never hurts to know the truth and be in the bright healthy side of LIFE.
I’ve been diagnosed with this impingement / Subacromial bursitis / rotator cuff tear
I’ve been put forward for a steroid injection and physiotherapy so this is video is very interesting 😊
Thank you for always posting such amazing content!!
You guys are AWESOME !
Great content guys!
Hanging therapy is like a miracle, within 3 days I was able to sleep through the night, within 2 weeks no pain at all, the light stretching workout did nothing for me.. I'm glad I tried it, it sounded too good to be true
I have a torn rotator cuff. My Therapists said not to do anything above shoulder level. The hanging and the stick exercise may not be good for rotator cuff tear.
I hope whatever you give away, on your website, isn't heavy. I don't want to tear my rotator cuff.
Great info !
I had torn rotator cuff, and it didn’t heal on its own. I ended up in surgery and until now I still doing therapy. It’s about 7 months now since the operation, and my therapist told me that my therapy will last ‘til next year.
Yup, mine got better but not fully healed even after almost 6 years
Guys how are your shoulders now?
@@ki8417 my right shoulder is fine now, but there’s little pain, but getting better and more strength. Now the problem is my left shoulder and I think there’s a tear on my left shoulder now because I was forced to use it most of the the time during my healing process on my right shoulder.
how long were you waiting for it to heal before getting a surgery?
Was it supraspinatus or other muscle?
I managed shoulder pain and limited movement for almost 20 years. Did the physical therapy, ice, acupuncture, massage therapy and pain meds. An MRI showed a 3/4 tear and a large bone spur. Two years later, I wish I hadn’t put off the surgery.
Thanks for sharing. In some instances, surgery is necessary. We do try to fix it without surgery if at all possible, but sometimes that is necessary.
@@BobandBrad I'm rewatching all your shoulder videos now in hopes of avoiding surgery on my left shoulder. The recovery from rotor cuff surgery is AWFUL! Thanks for all you do!!🙂
Old man here in my mid seventies. Had a full tear about 9 years ago. The ortho surgeon, Mathews, at Kaiser Permanente Roseville California and I could not come to terms on no sedatives during surgery. I have not had the surgery completed. He said it has retracted to a point where surgery can not to be successful. One of their PA's mentioned cadaver parts for surgery. I am open to suggestions. Do you have something for me?
Best regards Terry MacDonald PhD Civil Engineering.
over ten years of this sort of PT hearing all the time it will heal, ten plus years of constant pain and I finally gave up and opted for surgery, I'm sure in a few cases these guys are correct but PLEASE consult a surgeon to see if there is any hope. A complete tear or even a 60% tear will not heal by PT alone period. Save yourself time and pain and see a surgeon and get your options before putting up with ten years on unnecessary pain like I did
Idid it by falling hard on a shoulder that had tears from the old age= thanks
I’ve torn my rotator cuffs due to overextension with weights, going over the handlebars on a Jetski while holding on tight, and once due to a hard fall that also broke my clavicle.
PT healed my shoulders each time, but the fastest was when I combined peptides and other drugs w PT. Like it never happened.
Unless a person knows EXACTLY what is damaged, it's not a fact that everything can heal on its own. Get an MRI then consult a physician. Then decide the next steps, or bars, or knife, or live with it.
supraspinatus tendon is inflamed according to the CT scan .
@@johnnykay8261 mine remained almost completely torn for 3 years until I could finally get Aetna to approve surgery after 3 MRIs. Good as new 7 years later.
@@northwestlife_9 good to hear all is well with you now. Its only been 8 weeks since the accident it is getting better but oh so slow, plus im not really resting it I am still working , swinging a hammer and lifting building materials with a day or 2 of rest in between
@@johnnykay8261 wow! Sorry! Heal up soon.
@@johnnykay8261 That's the unfortunate thing that slows down recovery for many of us. Life can't stop. You still need to make a living.
What if I can’t move my arm at all? Help!
thank you so much!! God Bless!
My MRI showed massive rotator cuff tear, my doctor said I have three options, do nothing, repair or reverse shoulder replacement. The only problem I have is I can’t raise my right arm straight over my head. I really don’t have shoulder pain but my shoulder pops once in a while.
Excellent. Thanks for the Citations.
As I sit here healing from rotator cuff repair surgery. Full thickness tear-supraspinatus. In my case it tore and flipped back so I had to have surgery. I'll do these for my other shoulder.
i installed a grab bar in shower at normal height, and a matching one so high that i have to really reach to get hold of it. i will be walking thru the house and just step into the shower to stretch, then continue on my way (usually out to the garden). works great for shoulder and back stretches. i also have a rope over the top bar to use like a pulley for shoulders. my grands call the shower my exercise room!!!
Thank you lads, very informative ✌🏻🇬🇧🇺🇸✌🏻