UnicycleSkills Unicycle Tutorial: Idling

  • Опубликовано: 15 фев 2022
  • This is a short tutorial for idling on a unicycle by our coach Marie.
    To find out more about us, follow @unicycleskills on social media or visit our website www.unicycleskills.com/

Комментарии • 19

  • @wesg3084
    @wesg3084 3 месяца назад +1

    Solid tip on keeping your weight in the saddle while idling. I've been doing it wrong. Thank you.

  • @bermchasin
    @bermchasin 3 месяца назад +1

    Very helpful tip about the cadence changing depending on the angle / speed. Great videos, subbed

  • @skyhawk7315
    @skyhawk7315 Год назад +2

    Your videos are really amazing with clear instructions and visuals. Thanks for sharing them. Would be looking forward to the entire step by step guide to unicycle! Keep it up ❤️

  • @nruruguay8118
    @nruruguay8118 2 года назад +2

    Clear and useful. Thank you for explaining the relation between the speed/movement of the wheel related to the crank movement. Greetings from a n unicylist from Uruguay.

  • @trexinvert
    @trexinvert Месяц назад

    I've been riding for several years and I did not learn as a kids, but later in life.
    So, I'm more aware of the physical principles involved and I would like to help others learn that think this is impossible.
    Here's my experience learning to idle:
    1. Beginning idling method: "furious shuffle feet and violent twisting" . Apply "fast" back and forth "shuffling" of the pedals by pushing and pulling from 11 to 1 o'clock pedal position. At the same time use a "twisting" motion that almost "crosses" the wheel against your fall. Example. If you are falling to the right. Twist hips to the right. The wheel will arrest the fall, and at same time your upper body "find itself" leaning to the left. This is how a bicyclist does a "still stand".
    2. Intermediate idling method: You find yourself "rocking" your upper body in "rhythm" with your pedaling. Also, during momentary "perfect" balance you may "pause" for a few seconds before rocking back the other way. It feels like big controlled motion and energy is being expended. Also, your fore/aft balancing is a series of strong alternating half pedaling which quickly becomes tiring.
    3.) Advanced method: You will feel "fully seated" and require very little pedaling. In fact, you will be using much less body rocking as mentioned above. You're lateral balancing will involve very little twisting or body rocking. Balancing will come from precise/accurate left and right pedal pressure balance like a see saw. Now, you don't need so much fore/aft half pedaling. You can almost just pedal back and forth 11 to 1 o'clock on the crank rotation with moments of perfect balance at 12 o'clock.

  • @windeyu
    @windeyu 2 года назад +2

    Thank you for the tutorial. I'd also like to learn how you do the wheel walking in a tutorial. Thanks again.

  • @yanpiskorzh2983
    @yanpiskorzh2983 2 года назад +2

    Как выполнять #idle на уницикле.
    Перевод субтитров
    Вы хотите начать в позиции, где вы держите педаль по отношению к земле в этой нулевой позиции, как я ее называю. Так что это ваша нейтральная точка. И что произойдет, так это то, что вы переместите шатун из нулевой позиции примерно на 50-60 градусов в обе стороны. Так что угол действительно зависит от того, как быстро вы двигаетесь. Но самое главное, что вы всегда проходите через нулевую позицию, отклоняясь с одной стороны в другую на такой-же точно угол.
    Итак, посмотрим сбоку. Я выполняю маунт, и это будет выглядеть примерно так: чем медленнее вы двигаетесь, тем больше будут ваши колебания и чем быстрее вы двигаетесь, тем меньше будет угол.
    Проще всего начинать с больших углов, делать это немного медленнее, держаться за что-то и делать это таким образом (демонстрирует). Позже это будет выглядеть примерно так.
    На самом деле это довольно просто.
    Одна важная вещь, которую большинство людей делают неправильно. Вам нужно весь ваш вес направить в седло. Не пытайтесь встать. Действительно убедитесь, что ваш вес на ноге, которая внизу и в вашем сиденье.
    Другая педаль только помогает вам, вы ничего ей не делаете. Поэтому позже вы сможете убрать ногу (снимает ногу с педали), потому что ваш вес действительно на этой стороне (показывает) и на сиденье.
    И да, это самое важное, продолжайте практиковаться.
    Это довольно скучно, но просто возвращайтесь к этому. И я уверена, что у вас все получится.
    Переведено отчасти с помощью www.DeepL.com/Translator (бесплатная версия)

  • @itamar8721
    @itamar8721 Год назад

    Thank you so much!

  • @ronaldbunde8690
    @ronaldbunde8690 2 года назад +1

    Adding music helped me

  • @shehanrathnayaka5455
    @shehanrathnayaka5455 2 года назад +1

    Hi, I'm a unicycle lover, thank you for helping others. 😌.

  • @zolv
    @zolv 9 месяцев назад

    I'm looking for a tutorial from you HOW to do it :)

  • @onewheelisbetterthan2
    @onewheelisbetterthan2 8 месяцев назад

    I tought myself to ride a 32 inch unicycle and i can ride for miles and miles and even off road.....i try to slow down and idle but it seems impossible i end up just stepping off. I wish that i could learn this. I also eant to be able to ride backwards but im just not there ive been riding almost every day for over a year now is there any other tips you have....i also have a three wheel garaffe unicycle that i can barely ride and if i could idle i think id be much more sussesful

  • @user-tc7pi3xp3d
    @user-tc7pi3xp3d Месяц назад


  • @skizzarz
    @skizzarz 7 месяцев назад

    quite a boring one, let's go!

  • @lucillesilver3949
    @lucillesilver3949 Год назад +1

    This is the umpteenth video I've watched, trying to learn how to idle. Another waste of time! 99% of these so-called instructors on idling assume that unicyclists can already go backwards without losing their balance or falling. We all know what happens when one assumes. These video unicyclist idlers should put a disclaimer on their videos "How to idle for unicyclists who can pedal backwards without losing their balance or falling."

    • @unicycleskills9630
      @unicycleskills9630  Год назад +4

      Hi Lucille! It helps to be able to ride backwards before you learn how to idle. And I would always recommend practising both skills in a session and switching between them. However, it's not a necessary requirement for idling. You can also learn how to idle without being capable of backwards riding. That's what I did myself. Idling takes it's time though as the transitions between back and forwards movement are a completely new form of movement that your body will need to get used to.

    • @bermchasin
      @bermchasin 3 месяца назад +2

      sorry about your waste of 2 minutes. But this "so-called" instructor did a fantastic job explaining the basics of idlling succinctly. There are other videos that focus on how to go backwards, but in reality you dont need to "go" backwards to idle, you just lean. The fact that the instructor commented back to you personally with custom advice for YOU speaks volumes. Hope you were able to learn the skill despite the "horrible" instruction @lucillesilver3949

    • @trexinvert
      @trexinvert Месяц назад +1

      How's your idling training going. It's been a year. Read my comments up top. There are 3 stages of learning how to idle unless you are a "natural". Only a natural can learn to ride backwards without learning to idle first.