Man the earliest Blizzard North guys worked on this. David Brevik (Diablo, Diablo 2, Marvel Heroes) on Code Contribution, Erich Schaefer (Diablo, Diablo 2, Torchlight), and Max Schaefer (Diablo, Diablo 2, Torchlight). Crazy looking back.
The 2 extra layers of background scrolling is pretty awesome too. That's not something you saw much of in many games of the time, especially on handhelds.
Runner introduction starts at 0:12.
Run starts at 1:28.
Couch commentary is provided by KowalLazy, sharif, and Brossentia
LLK is the host.
apples are weapons because an apple a day keeps the evil scientists away
Man the earliest Blizzard North guys worked on this. David Brevik (Diablo, Diablo 2, Marvel Heroes) on Code Contribution, Erich Schaefer (Diablo, Diablo 2, Torchlight), and Max Schaefer (Diablo, Diablo 2, Torchlight). Crazy looking back.
Yeah, they all peaked early.
Sid Toystory on Sega reskin this game?
The penthouse guards are swinging slappers, also called blackjacks
12:06 Blackjack, slapjack, or sap. They had a lot of names for their beatin' sticks back in the day.
The pixel art is actually not terrible.
The 2 extra layers of background scrolling is pretty awesome too. That's not something you saw much of in many games of the time, especially on handhelds.
Petition for Gordo in Heroes of the Storm
Soooo, this is basically the OG version of Ape Out, just waaaay less stylish.
"So, this was made by the makers of Diablo." Jesus, I nearly choked after that.
This is Winston’s Backsory
Is this Winston's uncle?
WTB Lynx Classic
Gordo means fat in spanish, lol
What kind of gordo is this >:[
Gordo means "Fat" on brazil xD
Why does this game even have speedrunners
Why not
Is this 12 bits? WTF is this era?
that crowd looks like a ton of fun!