Ellen White's first vision from her book: "Early Writings"

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • At least listen to the first 17 minutes about the vision.
    You can download Ellen White's books and audio books for free at egwwritings.org/
    I don't have permission to use this but its free anyway and it needs to be shared.
    On a side note, I think that when she said, "synagog of Satan" she was talking about the selfish fake and unsympathetic people in all churches, including the Adventist church. there are good and bad people in every church. And its amazing how blind the church folk are, like as if none of Jesus' warnings apply to them??? Jesus was talking to the "church folk" type of people when he said, " tax collectors and prostitutes, the sinners, will make it to heaven before you." He was talking to people who never grew a heart and couldn't in sympathy step into someone else's shoes, but would rather despise people. sometimes a corrupt heart is so subtle that the host can't even see it. Just sayin.
    Please comment, haters and lovers alike.... o wait, let me edit that, NO HATERS ALLOWED, for the rest of eternity you have to love your neighbor as yourself, that's if you can do it now.

Комментарии • 1,8 тыс.

  • @aliceunruh7217
    @aliceunruh7217 8 лет назад +10

    We are so blessed and privileged to have Mrs White giving us such wonderful guidance and encouragement to be faithful to the end praise GOD for HIS holy word which is a light to our feet and a lamp to our feet.

    • @patriciacole8773
      @patriciacole8773 4 года назад

      Alice Unruh God loves us a great deal to provide us so much light. To His great glory.

  • @patrishaaddams5351
    @patrishaaddams5351 10 лет назад +137

    I absolutely love hearing HIZ words and the inspirational writings of Sister White, to be able to hear all week, change my appetite from Netflix and the violence of television. Keep your eyes upon HIM and the cares of this world will grow strangely dim..So then faith cometh by hearing.. ROMANS 10:17

    • @garyjackson8477
      @garyjackson8477 8 лет назад +5

      +Patrisha Addams amen sister

    • @marilyncampbell7696
      @marilyncampbell7696 4 года назад +7

      @Charisma 101 No, she never called herself a prophet. She called herself a messenger of the Lord.

    • @livingforjesus8551
      @livingforjesus8551 4 года назад +3

      If she had all these visions from God, why didn't she get one before the great disappointment?

    • @sirrothschild7085
      @sirrothschild7085 4 года назад +3

      Amen sister, repentance and reformation is our work in these days of reformation. See the writings of AT JONES AND EG WAGGONER on righteousness and justification by faith. The 1888 message

    • @Fieldstone2
      @Fieldstone2 4 года назад +6

      @@livingforjesus8551 At that time, she was just learning about the second coming from William Miller. She had not begun her role in that capacity.

  • @ninshimrikaping6639
    @ninshimrikaping6639 4 года назад +10

    Blessed to hear this encouraging message. Lord please Remember my family when You come to take the faithful servants.

  • @habelkalume9011
    @habelkalume9011 5 лет назад +9

    God....Thankyou for Jesus UA son.....and Thankyou you for the ministry of Ellen white that gives us understanding of UA word

  • @khumbusiziba6047
    @khumbusiziba6047 10 лет назад +24

    Glory to God, we must stand for truth even if the majority forsake us. Continue publishing these works, the enemy is angry but we shall not stop.

  • @nikkiwalker77
    @nikkiwalker77 9 лет назад +31

    Amen. I believe.

  • @sheryljessicafrancis1224
    @sheryljessicafrancis1224 7 лет назад +4

    thank you JESUS CHRIST so...very much. I praise you and give you all the honor and glory you are worthy to be praise and worship

  • @yvettereyes9602
    @yvettereyes9602 9 лет назад +50

    This is what im looking forward to. Jesus come soon.

    • @sirrothschild7085
      @sirrothschild7085 4 года назад +2


    • @TripleGMS
      @TripleGMS 4 года назад +1

      Charisma 101 I don’t know where you get your information but either you don’t know how to read whole chapters, paragraphs or sentences or you have a knack for copying and pasting words that seem to make your argument seem reasonable. Over and over again your replies to these and other videos are rife with inaccuracies and incomplete study and self examination of the true meaning of the statements or bible passages you cite. If anyone else reading this persons comments thinks they are correct and thus should doubt what you heard or believe, simple bible study of the use of the word “meats” or what Sister White actually wrote across not just a sentence but a whole paragraph, section, chapter or set of papers/books need to just do a simple search and study. To others that read these comments - save your time and skip all of these and other scoffers comments as sad and divisive. Truly study, pray and examine your heart. The Holy Spirit will lead you unto truth.

    • @edaguirre8952
      @edaguirre8952 3 года назад

      Three years ago the Lord Jesus said, "Go to the phone book and call Adventist churches" because He said no one was reaching out to them. I then said, they're good people. Then He said, they believe lies. My response was that they say that God answers prayer on their television and radio programs. He said, they deceive themselves.
      It seems that they are convinced Ellen White was a prophet and that her claims are true. People have placed her words above Scripture. False doctrines are lies and you know that heresy is a work of the flesh as declared in Galatians chapter 5. Heretics do not inherit the kingdom of God. So this is a serious matter. I became familiar with the Adventists starting in 1974 when a colporteur came to the door. He said things like, do we keep nine commandments or all ten? I was unprepared for a debate, but I never once was convicted for not going to church on Saturday. Adventists believe the Sabbath(going to church on Saturday) is binding from Ellen White because the Lord Jesus did not command it. The rich young ruler asked what he must do to inherit eternal life. The Lord mentioned the commandments of which the Sabbath is excluded. Of course Ellen White didn't think so. The Sabbath is not the heart of the moral law. Love is the heart of it: "Love worketh no ill to his neighbor, therefore love is THE FULFILLING OF THE LAW (Romans 13:10)." The two great commandments also demonstrate this fact.
      The Sabbath commandment is nowhere quoted in the New Testament. The sabbatarians wanted to kill Jesus. In Acts they stoned Paul. Sabbath keeping did nothing for them. It was for the Old Testament Jews and is not part of the gospel. Jesus is the mediator of the New Covenant, greater than Moses who mediated the Old Covenant as noted in Hebrews. Jesus is the reality of things foreshadowed in the Old Testament, of which the Sabbath day was one as Collossians 2:16, 17 declares: "the Sabbath was a shadow and Christ is the substance." This fact is clearly demonstrated in the book of Numbers 28:9, 10 where two lambs were offered on the Sabbath day which looked forward to the sacrifice of Christ. The Old Testament sacrifices, the priesthood and the Sabbath were abolished and Jesus became our rest. As Lord of rest, we just follow him.. He is "the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him(Hebrews 5:9)." We are to rest in His merits for we "are complete in him(Collossians2:10)" and "...By grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works lest any man should boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works...(Ephesians 2:8-10)." Therefore,
      the rest of faith in Hebrews 4 is not the Sabbath day. It is exactly that - a rest of FAITH, not a day of the week. Judaizers are accursed for pulling Christians back into the Old Testament obsolete Jewish system(see Galatians 1:6-9). His sheep hear his voice and a stranger they will not follow(John 10).
      Paul went into the synagogues on the Sabbath in the book of Acts to preach to the Jews and their gentile converts as noted in Acts 13. The unbelieving Jews persecuted the apostles, therefore these were not believer's meetings, nor was the apostle Paul keeping the Sabbath. On the contrary, the believers met on the first day of the week - the day of the resurrection as seen in 1 Corinthians 16:2 and Acts 20:7. Therefore, going to church on the first day of the week is not taking the mark of the beast. Christians were meeting on that day long before the papacy came around to falsely claim they changed the Sabbath day. Furthermore, Catholics can meet for church on Saturday as well as Sunday. Ellen White invented the idea that Sunday church attendance is taking the mark of the beast, therefore it is dangerous to trust your eternal destiny on her "revelations." It looks like the mark of the beast is going to be a digital tattoo or a microchip implant. Adventists looking for Sunday laws or believe in a Sunday mark will doom themselves should they take the real mark.
      Soul sleeping is a false doctrine. Jesus "brought life and immortality to light through the gospel(2 Tim. 1:10)." Therefore there's life immediately after death in which consciousness survives death. Jesus said that believers are passed from death unto life. Eternal life begins now in this life upon experiencing the new birth. New Testament examples are: When Jesus was transfigured before Peter, James and John, "there appeared unto them Moses and Elias talking with him(Matthew 17:3)." The rich man and Lazarus were alive after death. Jesus said that the believing thief on the cross would go to paradise the day he died. Stephen the first martyr when about to die said, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit(Acts 7:59)." Hebrews 12:22-24 tells us who are in heaven, including the spirits of just men made perfect, that is, the disembodied believers from earth. This is also taught in 1 Thessalonians 4:14: "...them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him." According to 2 Corinthians 5:6-9, to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. Therefore, Jesus is coming with his saints and for his saints. Since there is no soul sleeping in Christ, the bodies of believers will be resurrected at the coming of the Lord. Furthermore, in the book of Revelation there are 24 elders seen in heaven as well as other men as noted in chapter 15 verse 8.
      Concerning the no meat eating doctrine: It is "giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils forbidding to abstain from meats. (1Timothy 4:1,3)". The early church Christians were told regarding food to "abstain from things strangled and from blood(Acts 15:20)."Jesus said, "Eat what's set before you, and it's not what goes into the mouth that defiles a man, but what's in the heart." The Mosaic dietary laws were not brought forward into the New Testament.
      Jesus taught an endless hell "where the fire is not quenched and the worm dieth not", but Ellen White taught annihilation or no hell instead. Consciousness survives death. It's safe to only follow the Lord...His sheep "know his voice and a stranger they will not follow(John 10:4, 5)."
      The investigative judgment is nowhere taught in scripture. She made it up after the Second Coming did not take place in 1843. This is another made up heresy invented by Ellen White.
      The U.S. in prophecy is the great eagle in Revelation 12:14, not the second beast of Revelation chapter13.
      According to someone's testimony, they saw in hell the prophetess Ellen White in hell. Jesus said she is in this place for inventing heresies. She prophesied lies and still had connections with the satanists who helped [her] ministry grow. She also taught [her] members to keep the Sabbath stepping on My grace. Whoever wants to live in the law will have to never sinned. Whoever chooses to live in the law will have to save himself from it without committing any sin like Me. All the sects that reject My grace stare down the contract of the New Covenant. Whoever lives in the contract of the Old Covenant will be cursed and go to hell. Jesus said, "This woman Ellen White lied saying, 'There is no hell.' " She taught people hell does not exist, but when she died she landed in hell. Now she is in it and I saw how the demons tormented that woman. The more souls went down to hell because of her teaching, the more she was tormented. From the foundation of her sect until now, millions of souls are now coming to hell. Jesus said,"Testify most of its souls may come to salvation and ascend into heaven."

  • @DLilsaint07
    @DLilsaint07 6 лет назад +10

    Thankyou so much for posting this here, what hope this brigs to my soul. I was born into the Adventist church but 23 years later I started to discover and unfold the truth for myself. Saints of God please pray for me, I have one more month to finish my degree but the truth is so exciting, i'm only reading scripture, reading books,researching truth . The truth is so sweet but I need to finish my program so that i can be a greater influence. I am struggling, its a long story but please I beg pray for me as I pray for you. We will all meet at new Jerusalem and exchange stories. Love you all fellow sisters and brothers in Christ

    • @samuelwilliams1559
      @samuelwilliams1559 6 лет назад +1

      Let us keep our eyes on Jesus and follow Him.

    • @Cinderellabella
      @Cinderellabella 4 года назад

      Fill ur lamps with the sweet oil of Christ for we are at the end of the ages. Hallelujah all praise be to God Almighty.
      I pray for your wisdom and strength to carry this message and endure to the last day.
      may God bless and bring peace love and joy, down unto to you and to whom ever reads this message AMEN

    • @gracemahanatuimaka4814
      @gracemahanatuimaka4814 4 года назад

      Amen, Heaven is for all mankind....take Jesus' Name and He can lead you to Heaven.....

    • @jessicapaulsmith73
      @jessicapaulsmith73 3 года назад

      Halleluyah my sister love you stay strong hold on or maybe you already finish by now we will keep praying for each other.

  • @georgemartian2827
    @georgemartian2827 8 лет назад +14

    never do i need to judge a person as being anything, judge the words they say with scripture, love them. amen

    • @danielrobertson2154
      @danielrobertson2154 4 года назад

      @Charisma 101 That's nice! There are many studies available that help show that is the case, and some aren't even sda! Take care!

    • @danielrobertson2154
      @danielrobertson2154 4 года назад

      @Charisma 101 lol i've seen your trolling before man, you're not gonna convince me just because you can't wrap your mind around some things. FYI i'm a convert from the very system you are promoting, so i know the circular reasoning you people employ, you take things out of context and you challenge people to strawman arguments. You wouldn't read the entirety or accept any format i present to you besides your own. I do not wish you Godspeed.

    • @danielrobertson2154
      @danielrobertson2154 4 года назад +1

      @Charisma 101 😆 byyyyeeeeee!

  • @bige7460
    @bige7460 8 лет назад +10

    We can speak up and JUDGE fairly. We can be ANGRY, yet not in sin. And we can DEFEND those that are in need of defense. WHAT WE DO NOT DO IS CONDEMN. THIS! is not love. (Proverbs 31:9, Ephesians 4:26, John 3:17). Blessings.

    • @sirrothschild7085
      @sirrothschild7085 4 года назад +1

      @Charisma 101 your work is to cause division and you said that Satan is about division you want to accuse us and break our faith in the truth but they that hear His voice follow Him

  • @marlynsalva3491
    @marlynsalva3491 8 лет назад +31

    Brother in Christ be strong in the Lord you did a good job. Thank you for sharing the three angels message to prepare people for his kingdom Manny negative comments are used by satan to confuse people who listen to this message, but those who want to know the truth, God will surely guide them by the holy spirit to bring them to the truth.

    • @robinrogers8917
      @robinrogers8917 7 лет назад

      marlyn salva amen!!!

    • @robinrogers8917
      @robinrogers8917 7 лет назад

      ***** your full of it.Your own interpretation.WRONG.

    • @mountsinaisihombing9346
      @mountsinaisihombing9346 7 лет назад +1

      Amen ...Haleluyah..

    • @mishaa3146
      @mishaa3146 4 года назад

      @Charisma 101 You mean Satan is not responsible for tempting the human family to do against the Lord ?
      We bear our own sins but if we sin is it not because we have fallen into the temptations of Satan ?
      Didn't Jesus call him the Father of Lies and called him a murderer ?
      Why did Jesus call him the Father of Lies ?
      Are you trying to suggest that we do not blame Satan for tempting Adam and Eve ?
      Didn't Satan deceive 1/3 of the Angels in the Heaven before being kicked out from heaven with his fallen angels by the Lord ?
      Are you says that Jesus was lying when said he was the Father of lies ?
      Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
      John 8:44 KJV
      ( Why would Jesus put a title as 'Father' if he wasn't to be blamed for the sins he caused )

  • @danielnyanumba6072
    @danielnyanumba6072 7 лет назад +27

    hallelujah for the light God reveals to each one thirsting to drink from His love

    • @jt2097
      @jt2097 4 года назад +1

      @Charisma 101 why do you say that Ellen White was a self proclaimed prophet? Where do you get that information?
      The scape goat represented satan. The high priest, Jesus, places the sins of mankind on the head of the scapegoat, satan, and it is then released, alone, to die in the wilderness.
      The sacrificed lamb is ceremonially Jesus, not the scapegoat.

    • @jt2097
      @jt2097 4 года назад +1

      @Charisma 101 Here is a direct quote from Ellen White before the passage which you give false meaning.
      " in my youth I was asked several times, Are you a prophet? I have ever responded, I am the Lord's messenger. I know that many have called me a prophet, but I have made no claim to this title. My Saviour declared me to be His messenger. "
      Do answer me a question. Do you lie out of ignorance or are you making mischief for satan?

    • @jt2097
      @jt2097 4 года назад +1

      @Charisma 101 Why do you continue to tell lies about a dead woman who can't defend herself? If you were attacking drug dealers or white slavers or crooked politician's I could commend you but to attack a Christian lady is cowardly and demonstrates that you are antichristian.
      To anyone reading these posts check out the truth below and know that Charisma 101 is a vindictive liar who should be ashamed of herself.
      The identification and eschatological meaning of the scapegoat of Leviticus 16 has generated much discussion in academic circles. Within ancient Jewish tradition, the scapegoat was always seen as a demonic being.2 But since the postapostolic period, many Christian expositors have tried to identify it with Christ and His sacrificial death. Seventh-day Adventists have stressed a clear distinction between the goats of Leviticus 16:8, considering the one “for the Lord” as a type of Christ, and the one “for the scapegoat [Heb. Azazel]” as representing Satan. Ellen G. White also expressed this view.
      This article provides a chronologi­cal survey of Ellen White’s statements on the antitypical scapegoat. The dis­cussion begins with O. R. L. Crosier’s contribution that laid the foundation of the Seventh-day Adventist understand­ing of the subject, continues with Ellen White’s early and later statements related to the topic, and ends with some remarks on an unusual manu­script that completely departs from all her other writings and Seventh-day Adventist thought in general.
      The Seventh-day Adventist understanding of the cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary (Dan. 8:14; Heb. 9:23) and the final role of Satan as the eschatological scapegoat (Lev. 16; Rev. 20) were largely shaped by the biblical interpretations presented in O. R. L. Crosier’s article “The Law of Moses,” published in the Day-Star Extra on February 7, 1846.3 In his treatment of the scapegoat, Crosier presented eight major reasons why the scapegoat should be identified as Satan and argued that “ignorance of the law and its meaning is the only possible origin that can be assigned for the opinion that the scape­goat was a type of Christ.”4
      Crosier’s views of Satan as the antitypical scapegoat were fully accepted by early Sabbatarian Adventists, and Crosier’s arguments would be echoed consistently within Seventh-day Adventist literature on the topic, including Ellen White’s writings. Noteworthy already in 1847, A Word to the “Little Flock” came off the press with the following endorsing paragraph from her pen: “The Lord shew me in vision, more than one year ago, that Brother Crosier had the true light, on the cleansing of the Sanctuary, &c; and that it was his will, that Brother C. should write out the view which he gave us in the Day-Star, Extra, February 7, 1846. I feel fully authorized by the Lord, to recommend that Extra, to every saint.”5
      By searching her published and unpublished writings, one can see that Ellen White continued to speak of Satan as the antitypical scapegoat.

    • @jt2097
      @jt2097 4 года назад +1

      @Charisma 101 you can say whatever you want now, no one is going to listen to you or pay you any attention because all know that you are a liar who is just trying to make trouble for God's people. You twist people's words to slander them.
      I will pay you no more attention either. What is the point of me trying to converse with a fool?

    • @jt2097
      @jt2097 4 года назад +1

      @Charisma 101 the more you keep telling lies the more people will know you are a fool and a liar.
      Why don't you do yourself and every one else a favour, just shut up.
      Have you not seen that everyone stops talking to you after a couple of attempts? It is not because they believe you it is because they see you are a fool who tells lies, won't listen and can't be changed.
      The people have all seen that you are a liar and a fool.
      No one believes your slandering misrepresentations.

  • @joannaustin2722
    @joannaustin2722 5 лет назад +8

    This book is such an enlighting writing. God is so amazing and patient with us. His love for us is more than we as mortals can ever imagien

  • @maccastle327
    @maccastle327 8 лет назад +11

    "During the discourse, I said that I did not claim to be a prophetess. Some were surprised at this statement, and as much is being said in regard to it, I will make an explanation. Others have called me a prophetess, but I have never assumed that title. I have not felt that it was my duty thus to designate myself. Those who boldly assume that they are prophets in this our day are often a reproach to the cause of Christ.
    "My work includes much more than this name signifies. I regard myself as a messenger, entrusted by the Lord with messages for His people" (Letter 55, 1905; quoted in Selected Messages, book 1, pp. 35, 36).

    • @sirrothschild7085
      @sirrothschild7085 4 года назад +2

      @Charisma 101 she was humbled and did not want to assume that title though she was a prophetess due to the fact she passed the 5 signs of a prophet. She said correctly that Satan in the jewish economy represented Satan as that because you see Jesus is The Lamb that they brought to be slaughtered but the sins of the congregation had to be removed from them this was transferred to a scapegoat kept away from the people of God. If you study the Old Testament you would understand this typology. Love is key but it will not compromise with error. Search the scriptures for in them is eternal life.

    • @danielrobertson2154
      @danielrobertson2154 4 года назад +1

      @Charisma 101 lol only one cam be right and i think SDA has it. Catholic doctrine slaughters the bible, SDA doctrine is just kinda hard for people to cope with, doesn't make it wrong.

  • @winfreywinchish
    @winfreywinchish 10 лет назад +24

    those who have most to say against the testimonies are generally those who have not read them,just as those who boast of their disbelief of the Bible are those who have little knowledge of its teachings.They know that it condemns them,and their rejection of it gives them a feeling of security in their sinful course....1 selected messages,pges 4546..powerful isn't it??

    • @BradSexson
      @BradSexson 9 лет назад +3

      Winfrey Winchish amen brother

    • @tomdavis350
      @tomdavis350 7 лет назад

      Winfrey Winchish get out sda

    • @habelkalume9011
      @habelkalume9011 5 лет назад +1

      Powerful brother indeed......

  • @ronpleasant4003
    @ronpleasant4003 4 года назад +5

    Only if we will heed this today? Oh Lord help us I pray for us all!!! Sincerely ron sr...

  • @gracemahanatuimaka4814
    @gracemahanatuimaka4814 4 года назад +2

    I loves hearing His words, reading her writings about God, His great love to us....how wonderful it will be when Jesus comes in the clouds of angels to take us home.....yes, let us keep our eyes on Jesus, turn to Him and claim His rich promises and things of this sinful world will not hold us back...

  • @rosestlouis1994
    @rosestlouis1994 10 лет назад +58

    Thanks God for the spirit of prophecy

    • @amazonwarrior5584
      @amazonwarrior5584 5 лет назад +2

      Rose the spirit of prophecy is Jesus Christ, as read in the bible.
      NOT EGW

    • @Anonymous-ip4qx
      @Anonymous-ip4qx 4 года назад

      This is definitely the spirit.
      But a diabolical spirit.

    • @everettfranklyn9225
      @everettfranklyn9225 4 года назад

      Upward look by eg ewite

    • @narrowwaytolife4525
      @narrowwaytolife4525 4 года назад

      @Charisma 101 Who is SCAPEGOAT?

    • @narrowwaytolife4525
      @narrowwaytolife4525 4 года назад +2

      @Charisma 101 Do you not believe that Jesus will come again to gather His people up to Heaven?
      If you do, you are an Adventist.
      If you don't you bear you iniquities not believing Him who said it.
      John 14:3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
      John 14:28 Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I.

  • @MeowMeow-jt8mo
    @MeowMeow-jt8mo 8 дней назад +2

    Ellen G. White became a leader of a segment of the Millerites (who called themselves Adventists) in May of 1863. Her many visions and writings influenced the formation of Seventh-Day Adventism and greatly shaped its doctrine. Today, most Seventh-Day Adventists still consider Ellen White to be a prophetess of God.
    Ellen G. White was formerly a Methodist but later converted to Adventism through the preaching of William Miller, a false prophet who had predicted Christ would return in 1843 or 1844. When Miller’s prediction of Christ’s second advent failed to come true, the Millerites disbanded in dismay; however, a couple of Miller’s followers claimed to have visions to account for the failed prophecy. One of these seers was 17-year-old Ellen G. Harmon, who had the first of her 2,000 purported visions in a prayer meeting shortly after Miller’s disgrace. In her vision, Ellen claimed to have seen the Adventists on a journey to the city of God. Ellen G. Harmon soon became the beacon of hope for disappointed Millerites, the unifier of Adventist factions, and the spiritual guide for a new religious group.
    In 1846, Ellen married James White, an Adventist preacher. Together, they began to study the teachings of Joseph Bates, who promoted Sabbath-keeping for all Christians. Convinced that Bates was correct, James and Ellen White began observing the Saturday Sabbath. Soon thereafter, in 1847, Ellen G. White had another vision, this one confirming her new belief: she claimed to have been shown the law of God in a heavenly sanctuary, and the fourth commandment (concerning the Sabbath) was surrounded by a halo of light. The Whites began to uphold Sabbath-keeping as a primary doctrine.
    Ellen G. White was a prolific writer. Her first book, A Sketch of the Christian Experience and Views of Ellen G. White, appeared in 1851. She would go on to write about 60 books total. The Whites travelled extensively, and Ellen wrote constantly to tell people what God was supposedly telling her. In 1855, James and Ellen G. White settled in Battle Creek, Michigan. In the next 55 years, Ellen G. White wrote nearly 10,000 pages of prophetic material, much of it published in the nine-volume Testimonies for the Church.
    During a funeral service in Ohio in 1858, Ellen G. White had yet another vision, which she later detailed in her 219-page book Spiritual Gifts, Volume 1: The Great Controversy Between Christ and His Angels and Satan and His Angels. In this vision, Mrs. White saw a cosmic war being waged throughout the ages between Jesus and His angelic army and Satan and his. The Great Controversy, said Mrs. White, will be won as Christians help Jesus.
    In May 1863, the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists was officially incorporated. Ellen G. White never considered herself the head of the new group, but her visions were definitely instrumental in its founding and early guidance. The Seventh-Day Adventists considered Mrs. White to be a true prophetess of God. Modern Adventists still lift her up as having the gift of prophecy. Seventh-Day Adventists interpret “the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy” in Revelation 19:10 as a reference to Ellen G. White’s writings. The following statement was approved by the General Conference session in the Netherlands in June 1995: “We consider the biblical canon closed. However, we also believe, as did Ellen G. White’s contemporaries, that her writings carry divine authority, both for godly living and for doctrine. Therefore, we recommend . . . that as a church we seek the power of the Holy Spirit to apply to our lives more fully the inspired counsel contained in the writings of Ellen G. White” (cited in www.apologeticsindex.org/3100-seventh-day-adventism#return-note-3100-17, accessed June 2, 2016).
    Ellen G. White continued to have visions that she attributed to divine inspiration. Some of these visions dealt with the need for healthy eating habits, which Mrs. White called “the gospel of health” (Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 6, p. 327). Her health requirements included placing restrictions on consuming meat, or “flesh food,” as Adventists call it. “Flesh food is injurious to health, and whatever affects the body has a corresponding effect on the mind and the soul” (The Ministry of Healing, Chapter 24: “Flesh as Food,” p. 316). It is not surprising that, having required Sabbath-keeping, Adventist theology began to allow other elements of Law-keeping to creep in as well. Interestingly, corn flakes were the creation of John Harvey Kellogg, a Seventh-Day Adventist doctor in Battle Creek who sought to provide a “healthy” vegetarian alternative to meat-laden breakfasts. In other visions, Mrs. White received the unorthodox doctrines of soul sleep and annihilationism.
    After her husband’s death in 1881, Ellen G. White pledged to continue to promote Adventism and Sabbatarianism. She traveled to Europe and Australia, encouraging Seventh-Day Adventists, organizing schools, and establishing medical works. She continued to speak at Adventist meetings and to write down her prophecies until her death in 1915.
    Ellen G. White was a false prophetess. Her promotion of Sabbath-keeping as a primary doctrine in the church goes against the clear teaching of the New Testament on the matter (Romans 14:5). Her “revelation” that hell is not eternal contradicts Jesus’ words concerning “eternal punishment” in Matthew 25:46. Her teaching that the sins of believers will be placed on Satan, the “scapegoat” (The Great Controversy, p. 422, 485), is the opposite of what the Bible says about who bore our sins (see 1 Peter 2:24). Her identification of Jesus as Michael the archangel (Jude 1:9, Clear Word Bible, published by Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1994) is a denial of the true nature of Christ. Her repudiation of the verbal inspiration of the Bible (Selected Messages, Book 1, p. 21 Manuscript 24, 1886) is at variance with passages such as 2 Timothy 3:16 and Psalm 12:6.
    More basically, followers of Ellen G. White face a very real question concerning the sufficiency of Scripture. Is the Bible sufficient for our faith and practice, or do we need further revelation in the form of 2,000 visions from a self-proclaimed prophetess? Seventh-Day Adventists’ official stance is that “the Holy Scriptures are the supreme, authoritative, and the infallible revelation of His will. They are the standard of character, the test of experience, the definitive revealer of doctrines, and the trustworthy record of God’s acts in history” (www.adventist.org/en/beliefs/god/holy-scriptures/, accessed June 2, 2016). Yet, at the same time, most Seventh-Day Adventists accept the works of Ellen G. White as authoritative and binding. From the same official website: “Her writings speak with prophetic authority and provide comfort, guidance, instruction, and correction to the church” (www.adventist.org/en/beliefs/church/the-gift-of-prophecy/, accessed June 2, 2016). What is “prophetic authority” if not the right to mandate belief based on divine words given through a human? How do the utterances of Ellen G. White differ from the Bible’s declarations of truth?
    Seventh-Day Adventism is a diverse movement, and not all SDA groups hold to all the teachings of Ellen G. White. But two facts should give Seventh-Day Adventists pause: Mrs. White, a teacher of aberrant doctrine, is a co-founder of their church; and their church has its roots in the failed prophecies of William Miller.

  • @brendae3821
    @brendae3821 6 лет назад +4

    I believe all of Ellen White's teachings and visions, she was truly a prophetess of God, and I take her messages very seriously! to develop my character, to Christ character, and be sinless without spot or wrinkle before Jesus returns,so that I might be saved❤

  • @jamesnjeanniestanley3651
    @jamesnjeanniestanley3651 8 лет назад +21

    Mike without understanding the old Testament especially the Sanctuary service (which points to Jesus) you wont understand the New Testament!!!

    • @gulfofbea
      @gulfofbea 8 лет назад +2


    • @sirrothschild7085
      @sirrothschild7085 4 года назад +1


    • @sirrothschild7085
      @sirrothschild7085 4 года назад +1

      @Charisma 101 Hebrews says there is a sancturay

    • @Dr.Pepper001
      @Dr.Pepper001 4 года назад +1

      @Charisma 101 -- Self proclaimed? I guess you've never heard of the ABUNDANT evidence provided by God that made it clear she was His last day special messenger. Have you ever read _The Great Controversy_ and _The Desire of Ages?_ No uninspired man or woman could author such books. There were the times when she would go into vision and her eyes would not blink and she would not breathe... sometimes for over an hour. Unbelieving doctors would be invited to examine her and some were converted. She had supernatural strength when in vision. Once a skeptical news reporter went down to the podium where she was describing what she was seeing in her vision, and her arm was waving around as she spoke. He jumped up and grabbed hold of her arm thinking he could stop it from moving and she swung him around as if he were not there. These miracles and much more were given by the Lord to convince the young Sabbath-keeping church of her divinely inspired credentials. The miracles were all documented. Then some clueless skeptic like you tries to sweep away God's servant as a prophet with a brush of your hand.

  • @maccastle327
    @maccastle327 8 лет назад +10

    PROVERBS 16:25
    “There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” [Proverbs 16:25.] Ignorance is no excuse for error or sin, when there is every opportunity to know the will of God. A man is travelling, and comes to a place where there are several roads, and a guide-board indicating where each one leads. If he disregards the guide-board, and takes whichever road seems to him to be right, he may be ever so sincere, but will in all probability find himself on the wrong road.

    • @christianaeasy7243
      @christianaeasy7243 3 года назад

      Pray that the dear God of heaven help us to make it into his holy kingdom

  • @dietrichzumwald4777
    @dietrichzumwald4777 7 лет назад +3

    What I found amazing about this is, the vision from 1844 correlates directly to about 5 or more current events in my own life some from the recent past, some from yesterday and the day before. It is like speaking in tongues, people believe that hearing gibberish is speaking in tongues, it is actually everyone understanding in their own language, one message. This message (from 1844-1846) has reached directly into current events in my own life. Only God can perform such a gift. Simply amazing.
    Keep up the good work Rekindling The Reformation !!

    • @skystoneLaw
      @skystoneLaw 4 года назад

      Reformation Day 31st Oct......
      Are you in the USA?

    • @skystoneLaw
      @skystoneLaw 4 года назад

      You single?.......:-)

  • @ericadouglas9174
    @ericadouglas9174 7 лет назад +20

    The writing of Ellen White is inspired and was given to her from Jesus our Lord for his remanent

    • @teo5836
      @teo5836 4 года назад +2

      Charisma 101 all of her writings draw directly back to the Bible, your lying repent.

    • @teo5836
      @teo5836 4 года назад +3

      Charisma 101 your very misinformed, also Ellen G. White HERSELF was visiting a place and although her diet at this time had been vegetarian, she saw that there were poor and hungry people in this certain place and there was an abundance of fish and she gave it to the people for them to eat because she knew what it would’ve meant to them and how mu Co they needed food. Bro I don’t know where your getting your sources but you need to repent from hear say.

    • @teo5836
      @teo5836 4 года назад +3

      Charisma 101 no she didn’t ever say Jesus was wicked but keep trying lol. Also we have proof that milk from animals ISNT good for us they have documentaries and everything on it. You have to stop lying.

    • @livingforjesus8551
      @livingforjesus8551 4 года назад

      So, if all her writings draw directly back to the bible, that would mean you are lost, and everyone that was not saved by the end of July of 19844, is lost also. Here is what she wrote.
      On pages 42-45 of Early Writings , Mrs. White describes a closing of a door in the holy place of the heavenly sanctuary , and an opening in the most holy place (in 1844), that the "midnight cry" was finished at the seventh month 1844 , (see p.43), that then was the "sealing time", and that the time for salvation for sinners had passed (p.45).

    • @teo5836
      @teo5836 4 года назад +1

      livingforJesus one day you will realize plainly that you completely misunderstood what you read.

  • @blambrax
    @blambrax 4 года назад +6

    It's sad that so many people on here are arguing about what EW was and wasn't. That's not your concern or your job. Each person have to work out their own salvation. The Holy Christ Jesus forgave ( Pardon comes before repentance) us before we were born, and that includes EW. The Holy Jesus Christ purchased the entire human race at Calvary. When you pull down and judge anyone you are not showing that you understand the Character of The Holy Jesus Christ.John 8: 10-11, “Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Now go and sin no more.”… Amen.

  • @miriammanatsa8116
    @miriammanatsa8116 9 лет назад +12

    Thats why it is said indeed the road to heaven is so narrow few will pass through. God help you all those condeming Sister White..i love her with all me and above all i Love this God who sent this prophet to us...And i am praying for you friends

    • @garyjackson8477
      @garyjackson8477 8 лет назад

      +Shakka Smith there were female prophets, and you use different names for Jesus thinking that thru them you garner favorites with God..you are sadly mistaken ..you cant go to God with cheap tricks and word games , thinking you have pulled a fast one over God. shame on you

    • @wayneld30
      @wayneld30 8 лет назад

      +Shakka Smith If you read EW you would read the Bible Stupid!

    • @garyjackson8477
      @garyjackson8477 8 лет назад

      smitty must be asleep must have stayed up late last night worshiping the devil

    • @garyjackson8477
      @garyjackson8477 8 лет назад +1

      +wayneld30 we do read the Bible, and her writings fall in with scriptures

    • @garyjackson8477
      @garyjackson8477 8 лет назад

      amen moon

  • @deborrastorm2754
    @deborrastorm2754 6 лет назад +17

    Thanks Jason. enjoyed this reading as it says in Revelation in the end times when it gets hard to stand we should be encouraged in thinking about heaven etc. Was inspired, God bless all responsible for this.

    • @jasonpization
      @jasonpization  5 лет назад +1

      Thank you Deborra
      , I didn't think anyone would read the book but it was just kinda rambling some of my experiences, like a rough draft. I didn't know where to start or how to prioritize this matter or that; really it was just like an outline of things so i didn't care if i sound crazy. I've found that crazy can be convenient to sift the understanding from the blind folk :) . I've been off and on homeless but now i have some stability so I'm typing up some of the stuff from the book and i would be happy to share it with you as i go... My biggest agenda right now is to host sabbath school from our homes (with the quarterlies), shoot me a message if you or a friend or family have a thought on that.

    • @patriciacole8773
      @patriciacole8773 4 года назад +1

      Jason Physioc Honestly I wonder why use the quarterly that is compiled by men and often enough quotes from Shakespeare and other apostate Protestants. I personally only attend Spirit of Prophecy class where we obviously read aloud from a chosen book. Thank you for asking.

    • @joycelynpaul-moore5363
      @joycelynpaul-moore5363 2 года назад +2

      To God be the glory for send ing Jesus to die for us

    • @TruthSetsFree7
      @TruthSetsFree7 2 года назад


  • @francesbrisco776
    @francesbrisco776 4 года назад +4

    Jesus said by their fruits you shall know them Ellen G White good fruits

  • @lookingglass5813
    @lookingglass5813 Год назад

    I loved it.
    The best one is when she entered The Holy of Holiest in Heaven Senctuaty with Jesus and seen God after eating swine. And when brothers told her she can't eat unclean pigs, she said that she was shown God wants us to have nutritious food.

  • @artsychic2000
    @artsychic2000 9 лет назад +4

    Thank's so much for providing the link to her writings. I wish people would use their discernment, if they have any. If they know the word of God and if Ellen's writing's do not align with it then throw it out. I'll bet the majority that comment here have never read her books but go by the "popular" opinion. Thanks again.

    • @garyjackson8477
      @garyjackson8477 8 лет назад +1

      +artsychic2000 everything she wrote is filled with the Holy Spirit

    • @artsychic2000
      @artsychic2000 8 лет назад

      Gary Jackson
      I absolutely agree : )

    • @garyjackson8477
      @garyjackson8477 8 лет назад +1


    • @artsychic2000
      @artsychic2000 8 лет назад

      I have no idea what you are talking about. Bubye

    • @anitapadgett3040
      @anitapadgett3040 8 лет назад +1


  • @user-ss1xv6po2o
    @user-ss1xv6po2o 4 месяца назад

    I loved this book. Read it pg 1 to end. Lost it in my last move. What a blessing this book is! Will replace ASAP

  • @thirdelijah
    @thirdelijah 10 лет назад +35

    Ellen Whites writings lead us to Jesus and Bible

    • @imaekgames
      @imaekgames 10 лет назад

      well I hope you get to meet the real Jesus some day, EGW is a busted vehicle to get to Him

    • @garyjackson8477
      @garyjackson8477 8 лет назад

      +imaekgames we have never used her as a "vehicle"

    • @TheDarkphx
      @TheDarkphx 8 лет назад

      Yeah and I hope to see Mrs. White in the kingdom someday. I have a lot of questions...

    • @garyjackson8477
      @garyjackson8477 8 лет назад

      such as ?

    • @nobodygoody2455
      @nobodygoody2455 7 лет назад

      Moongold7, Did you know that in the books of Mark 13 and Luke 13 Christ Jesus proves Ellen G white and the Mormons prophet Joseph Smith to be a false prophet's.If you read Mark 13:23-"But take you heed: behold, I have foretold you all things" Now why would Christ Jesus need to send anyone to prophecy on the end times, When in fact Christ Jesus just said the he has foretold all things.This is how you know a person to be a false prophet.When someone comes to give prophecy about the end times, Christ Jesus has already foretold all things.
      go to the book of Luke 13:33 Christ Jesus speaking, saying, "Nevertheless I must walk to day, and to morrow, and the day following: for it cannot be that a prophet perish out of Jerusalem"
      Take note what Christ Jesus just said that it cannot be that a prophet perish out of Jerusalem.This being outside of Jerusalem. So seeing Ellen G white died in Battle Creek Michigan and the Mormons prophet Joseph Smith died in USA, Don't you think Jerusalem is a long ways from where they died ? Christ Jesus said no prophet would perish outside of Jerusalem.Go Figure ??

  • @anginel
    @anginel 10 лет назад +1

    And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy FELLOW SERVANT, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the TESTIMONY OF JESUS IS THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY (Revelation 19:10)

  • @maccastle327
    @maccastle327 8 лет назад +10

    PROVERBS 1:23
    Repent at my rebuke! Then I will pour out my thoughts to you, I will make known to you my teachings.

  • @bombaway2029
    @bombaway2029 3 года назад

    Colossians 2:16-17. "16 Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. 17 These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ."

  • @lifehealth247
    @lifehealth247 10 лет назад +22

    Everyone saying EG White was a false prophet, is a false prophet. and the Lord warned us of those who stone the messengers of God. Her prediction that protestants will grasp hands with the papacy... and kenneth copeland and the tony palmer did just this now. She writes when this happens, the end is at the door. Think again on the messenger that the Lord has sent in the spirit of Elijah. He sent her to prepare an ark for the remnant commandment keepers.

    • @YohanYishai
      @YohanYishai 10 лет назад

      ...remnant commandment keepers!
      Please be sensible at least. No remnant keeping only 'one commandment' among the ten shall be considered just or righteous! If way is sought by merit of keeping commandments, all should be kept with same fervour.
      The need for salvation is to acknowledge being sinner and condemned before JUST GOD and turning to Him through the Saviour Lord Jesus Christ who bore the penalties for our offenses. In Him (the Lord of the Sabbath) alone is our rest and peace.
      Salvation through works is doctrine of Babylon cults that build their tower to reach heaven. No pretense, please.

    • @lifehealth247
      @lifehealth247 10 лет назад

      the term commandment keeping a a collective term... i cannot write commandments- keeping, so when I say commandment keeping, it means all of them, not just one. however it is the one that begins with remember that everyone seems to forget. The sabbath command has got more elements attach than all the other (may not buy and sell) and co-insidently not buying and selling is mentioned in Rev 13.... so it will be the rules of man against the rules of God. do we worship as Creator on the Sabbath, or on the Sun god's day. the hand refers to work and deeds. salavation is a work-issue. Them that are "doers" of the Word are the ones being saved. you cannot sit back and do nothing. works come because of faith. but not to be saved, because of being saved.

    • @YohanYishai
      @YohanYishai 10 лет назад

      You will have no merit in pretending of being RIGHTEOUS before God claiming to have kept all His commandments. Instead, finding oneself at fault having broken some/all of them and acknowledging so give reason to begin life anew in Christ in regeneration through repentance and confession, for better end. That is the summary of my point. Struggling to enforce your denominational interpretations on the believers proves you sweating for the causes of a SECT rather than standing on the lot God provided for the saints. No more negotiation about it, please.
      Regarding certain days in the week for certain gods and only a day for the Lord is straightway false. Our mouth ought not to acknowledge the gods of the heathen nor our hearts give them certain time in the calendar allowing their action. All belongs to the Lord of Sabbath who completed the works of creation and last of all the redemption of the fallen creation also to Himself through expiation of Himself for us. Either we take that and enter into His Rest from the beginning or we wait for the last day to enter into His rest and perish with the unbelievers that deny Him. It is trifling to struggle with the burden of SABBATH KEEPING in the way of your understanding! Peace.

    • @lifehealth247
      @lifehealth247 10 лет назад +1

      Yohan Yishai ROFL .yes oh righteous one!

    • @xymonau2468
      @xymonau2468 10 лет назад

      Yohan Yishai Read the book of James for context.

  • @JB-zn1zu
    @JB-zn1zu 10 лет назад +2

    Ellen White said this concerning the origin of her writings: "Although I am as dependent upon the Spirit of the Lord in writing my views as I am in receiving them, yet THE WORDS I EMPLOY IN DESCRIBING WHAT I HAVE SEEN ARE MY OWN, unless they be those spoken to me by an angel, which I ALWAYS ENCLOSE IN MARKS OF QUOTATION" - Selected Messages, bk. 1, p. 37; from a web site.

    • @garyjackson8477
      @garyjackson8477 8 лет назад

      +j brana are you saying that every single word is verbatim from God?

  • @viveeneramsay764
    @viveeneramsay764 4 года назад +6

    this is very interesting,I have never heard some of these things .Pray to God that we can see some of the light that she saw ,so that we can be closer to God.

  • @lavderim77
    @lavderim77 3 года назад +1

    I think that hearing the book ofrevelation is enough! Sometimes what comes after this, it districts sometimes

  • @jamesdelinois3516
    @jamesdelinois3516 8 лет назад +19


    • @robinrogers8917
      @robinrogers8917 7 лет назад

      James Delinois how stupid

    • @onetruefaith5750
      @onetruefaith5750 5 лет назад

      @@robinrogers8917 ,
      You do understand Jesus Christ fulfilled the Davidic Covenant promise and there was always a Queen Mother (1 Kings 15:13, 2 Kings 10:13, 2 Chronicles 15:16, Jeremiah 13:18, 29:2), right???
      We pray for Queen Mary to intercede for us before the "King Son". Is it Biblical??? Absolutely. 1 Kings 2:19-20 and John 2:3-5 Queen Mary advocated for "King" Jesus to start His ministry on behalf of another.
      Now, you have never been taught Jesus Christ's basic mission or read Galatians 4:4-7???
      What does Jesus Christ "born under the law to REDEEM THOSE WHO WERE UNDER THE LAW" and "adopted" mean???
      If GOD is now our Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ is our King Brother, then WHO LOGICALLY WOULD BE OUR HEAVENLY QUEEN MOTHER???
      John 19:27 and Revelation 12:1-6.
      Ever read in CONTEXT of Mary "crowned" in Heaven what it says in Revelation 12:17??? What does "HER CHILDREN" indicate??? WHO'S children are we???
      Got any pictures of your family??? Ever kiss a picture or image of your beloved family??? Do you ever ask your family to pray for you???

    • @narrowwaytolife4525
      @narrowwaytolife4525 5 лет назад +4

      @@onetruefaith5750 You are still following the Babylonian goddess as sin of unfaithful Israel did as far as God is concern.
      Your problem is always looking at created things on earth not the Creator of Heaven and earth.
      Mary was created and is dead and rested in her grave.
      Out of Jesus' mouth; know the meaning of his word.
      Luke 11:27-28 (KJV)
      27 And it came to pass, as he spake these things, a certain woman of the company lifted up her voice, and said unto him, Blessed is the womb that bare thee, and the paps which thou hast sucked.
      28 But he said, Yea rather, blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it.
      Mark 3:35
      *For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother, and my sister, and mother*.

    • @onetruefaith5750
      @onetruefaith5750 5 лет назад

      @@narrowwaytolife4525 , don't understand Jesus Christ's basic mission???
      Galatians 4:4-7. "Born under the law to REDEEM THOSE WHO WERE UNDER THE LAW, so that we may receive ADOPTION."
      So, if we are "adopted" into GOD'S family with GOD as our Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ our King brother, then who logically would be our Heavenly Queen Mother???
      Hint: John 19:27 and Revelation 12:1-6,17.

    • @onetruefaith5750
      @onetruefaith5750 5 лет назад

      @@narrowwaytolife4525 ,
      You do understand this is speaking of the old "harlot" Jerusalem, right???
      Ezekiel 23:30. ***"have brought this upon yourself, because you played the HARLOT WITH THE NATIONS, AND POLLUTED YOURSELF WITH THEIR IDOLS".***

  • @allisonsmity1049
    @allisonsmity1049 4 года назад +1

    Oh thanks for the audio reading not msny people can read,to be able to listen as like reading .thank you be to the Lord.

    • @jasonpization
      @jasonpization  4 года назад

      I'm rarely on the computer to make a reply but I am now, and your very welcome. To be honest, I started some years back, I started posting the great controversy on youtube because I find Ellen White's writtings to be maybe the only truely divinely inspired stuff i had ever heartd of and it suprized me that they had free audio books online but nobody had posted them on youtube? I don't want to be the one who brings it about but I'm about to SHAKE the Adventist church. Heres my own audio book #TheHouseOfJason and please don't dismiss it because I come off like a heathen, Jesus chose cussing sailors to be His disciples and spread through the whole world 🤠😇, God Bless, and God Polish His Jewels

  • @xymonau2468
    @xymonau2468 10 лет назад +7

    "Their fruit is such as to show that the source from which they spring is the opposite of evil.
    1. They tend to the purest morality. -- They reveal the devices of Satan. -- They have aroused and rearoused us to greater consecration to God, more zealous efforts for holiness of heart, and greater diligence in the cause and service of our Master.
    -- 2. They lead us to Christ.
    -- 3. They lead us to the Bible.
    -- 4. They have brought comfort and consolation to many hearts." from Uriah Smith
    "Writings of the relationships of God, Satan and men necessarily create resemblances and often times striking resemblances. However, no prior author had ever before united in one work that which was authored by Mrs. White, nor do any of her critics so allege. Critics compare words, phrases, similarities thereof, but never compare the works of Mrs. White "as a whole." One reason suggested is that evidence would indicate that though "materials have been selected from a variety of sources," the same evidence strongly indicates the materials thus selected were "arranged and combined. . . in a manner showing the exercise of discretion, skill, learning, experience and judgment." It is the latter areas where critics fear to tread because had they done such, their only conclusions could be and would be that the writings of Mrs. White did not constitute infringements of even assumed to be copyrighted works of her predecessors.
    In summary, and again with the assumption that all earlier works were copyrighted, if the issue were court-tested between 1850 and 1915, Ellen G. White would be emphatically held not to be a copyright infringer." from the Ramik report. Vincent L. Ramik is a Roman Catholic lawyer.

    • @deborrastorm2754
      @deborrastorm2754 6 лет назад +1

      Xymo Nau She ..E.G. White repeated words from other recognised authors as was common in many books in her day. In the times of her writings no one tried focusing with this problem of plagiarizing from others so much as it seems they did try to discount her in other ways...with her visions just seemed to caused jealousy and it seems in some leaders who did not want to follow the instructions God gave her etc. As usual doubters of truth cause trouble for all men and women of truth and God since Adam and Eve, she is not different, she only humbly claimed herself a messinger, that her writings were to encourage Gods people how to live and endure in the evil days and last days before His coming. We all should know many have been thru much way before our days. Stand Firm be encouraged, each has his own soul to be responsible for In answer To God. Yet we are also to, " encourage one another daily lest we be overcome." Hebrews 3:13-14

  • @sanctuary70
    @sanctuary70 4 месяца назад

    Thank you Brother and Happy Sabbath!🙏📚✔🔊🔊🔊

  • @jamesnjeanniestanley3651
    @jamesnjeanniestanley3651 8 лет назад +7

    You have to follow the Old and the new Testament remember Jesus only quoted old testament when he was alive the old points to Jesus...

    • @mikemans7402
      @mikemans7402 8 лет назад

      What Bible are you reading WOW !! ,, Jesus said and added TONS in the New Testament and through Gods New Covenant !!
      Be what ever faith/cult you want ,,, You are Certainly NOT a CHRISTIAN !!
      Judging and calling Christians who follow the Bible more then Ellen G White worshiping the Devil and at Satanic Churches !!,, OUCH ,,, = a Very anti-Christ Hate CULT ,.,
      (Good luck and please read the words of Jesus, God's Messiah :)
      Just study the SDA and ALL the Bible ,, your choice ,,

    • @soulsaver3066
      @soulsaver3066 8 лет назад +4

      +mike mans I think you misunderstood her completely! The OT "pointed TO Jesus, the NT IS Jesus.

    • @sirrothschild7085
      @sirrothschild7085 4 года назад +1

      and the new points back to the old, amen

    • @sirrothschild7085
      @sirrothschild7085 4 года назад +1

      @@mikemans7402 The New Testament was not written until after the ascension of Christ when God spoke to the apostles to write. Jesus quoted the Old Testament to the souls in those days.

  • @danielbrunner5991
    @danielbrunner5991 4 года назад +7

    Many foaming demons in this comment section.
    Please God forgive them, for they don't know what they do.

    • @billhildebrand5053
      @billhildebrand5053 3 года назад

      SDA don5v believe in demons...theta say none of us have a spirit. Demons awe spirits..

  • @maccastle327
    @maccastle327 8 лет назад +1

    "The message from God to me for you is 'Him that cometh unto me, I will in no wise cast out' (John 6:37). If you have nothing else to plead before God but this one promise from your Lord and Saviour, you have the assurance that you will never, never be turned away. It may seem to you that you are hanging upon a single promise, but appropriate that one promise, and it will open to you the whole treasure house of the riches of the grace of Christ. Cling to that promise and you are safe. 'Him that cometh unto me I will in no wise cast out.' Present this assurance to Jesus, and you are as safe as though inside the city of God" (Manuscript Releases, vol. 10, p. 175).

  • @johnpbrown3348
    @johnpbrown3348 5 лет назад +4

    She was a true prophetess of God.bless her soul

  • @elsagooden7565
    @elsagooden7565 4 года назад +1

    Can't wait to be with my Jesus who died for me !!!

  • @biblestudycorner8272
    @biblestudycorner8272 4 года назад +3

    Happy sabbath guys ❤️

  • @samsungblu1023
    @samsungblu1023 3 года назад +1

    Amen. HALLELUJAH HALLELUJAH. Thank You For sharing This Inspiring Message.

  • @donnawheeler1716
    @donnawheeler1716 6 лет назад +4

    I have many of Ellen g whites books. I love them. They have helped me to understand.

    • @samuelwilliams1559
      @samuelwilliams1559 6 лет назад +1

      Me Too. GOD bless and keep you.

    • @AcademyApologia
      @AcademyApologia 6 лет назад

      Donna - I too have many original EGW writings and can show you from her own writings she is not from God.

    • @samuelwilliams1559
      @samuelwilliams1559 6 лет назад

      Well Academy do so. Show me. I challenge you to put up or shut up as we used to say. Also slight correction. You can have copies and all of her books are online. But you do not have her original autographs.

    • @AcademyApologia
      @AcademyApologia 6 лет назад

      Samuel Williams - Is the Spirit of Prophecy from God?
      In the book “Seventh-day Adventists Believe - A Biblical Exposition of 27 Fundamental Doctrines (1989) before me and open to page 219. Under the heading “They united and protected the church” is the following sentence:
      “Prophets helped to bring about “the unity of the faith,” protect the church against doctrines. . .”
      Then on page 224 it says” “Passing the Biblical tests, she went on to minister through her spiritual gift for 70 years. From 1844, when she was 17, until 1915-the year of her death.”
      According to this book EGW had the Spirit of Prophecy since 1844 and this gift protects the church from false doctrines. Is an anti-trinitarian belief a false doctrine? If Adventists became Trinitarian after 1844, then how can EGW and her Spirit of Prophecy fail to protect the church from a false belief?

    • @samuelwilliams1559
      @samuelwilliams1559 6 лет назад

      Hello Academy.I am glad you are looking up what we believe.
      True many early leaders in the SDA church were anti trinity. But White using the Bible worked to help show them they were wrong. White always held true doctrine must come from Bible study. Then she can help confirm. But the Bible alone must be the source of truth.
      By the way the SDA church was started in the 1860's. The Adventists of 1844 were various groups with often different doctrines.
      Again I am happy that you are looking up real facts.
      GOD bless and keep you.

  • @martinlampeart2279
    @martinlampeart2279 6 лет назад +1

    do not be upset over negative comments love those who do not quite understand pray for them and i am now sure God will work His will in all who come to Him. Truth and light is given to all of us, some of us receive more then others the question is what will you do with the light given to you bless all of you.

    • @samuelwilliams1559
      @samuelwilliams1559 6 лет назад

      Amen Martin. People called Jesus demon possessed. We need to keep our eyes on Jesus and follow him.

    • @AcademyApologia
      @AcademyApologia 6 лет назад

      You mean keep your eye on ellen. After all when ellen contradicts the Bible, SDA typically choose ellen, not the Bible.

    @ROYALWAND 9 лет назад +5

    excellent :) thankyou so much

  • @wj2l
    @wj2l 9 лет назад +7

    Wonderful vision

  • @jamesnjeanniestanley3651
    @jamesnjeanniestanley3651 8 лет назад +3

    Mike Man thats just it we do follow the bible even she said that the bible is before anything other writings...her writings are just a guide to guide us but our sole doctrines cone from the bible alone.

    • @mikemans7402
      @mikemans7402 8 лет назад

      read the King James Bible facts !!! nonsda.org/study12.shtml

    • @samuelwilliams1559
      @samuelwilliams1559 8 лет назад

      Yes you want people to only read one side. My suggestion is that people go to the Seventh day Adventist web site and read our 28 fundamental beliefs. This will show up the lies told about us. Agape

    • @RogalloShaolin
      @RogalloShaolin 8 лет назад +1

      Except SDA Belief 18 - The Gift of Prophecy
      The Scriptures testify that one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is prophecy. This gift is an identifying mark of the remnant church and we believe it was manifested in the ministry of Ellen G. White. Her writings speak with prophetic authority and provide comfort, guidance, instruction, and correction to the church. They also make clear that the Bible is the standard by which all teaching and experience must be tested.

    • @Cinderellabella
      @Cinderellabella 4 года назад

      Act 2:17 💛

    • @Cinderellabella
      @Cinderellabella 4 года назад

      ACTS 2:17 Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams

  • @silvergirl3688
    @silvergirl3688 4 года назад +1

    Soul sleep is not Biblical. There are many verses that say, soul and spirit. Or body and soul. Look it up. The soul never dies. And it goes directly to the Lord if you are saved. Paul said it was better for him to die and be with the Lord. Did he want to sleep? No, he longed to be in the presence of the Lord. ALIVE.

  • @mariacoffey2108
    @mariacoffey2108 10 лет назад +5

    May Holy Spirit always rest on us Amen.

    • @lynnlemley6807
      @lynnlemley6807 4 года назад

      Not speaking for anyone but myself I have fallen back into a part of my life that satan held with hate but because God loves me so much he has saved me again and I want to make known to satan that Jesus owns me completely thank you Jesus and father God.

    • @sirrothschild7085
      @sirrothschild7085 4 года назад +1

      @@lynnlemley6807 Walk ye in the light for you are in the light www.stepstolife.org

  • @GregoryPearsonMusic
    @GregoryPearsonMusic 3 года назад +2

    A beautiful vision that has inspired many songs and works of art - in addition to greater understanding of scripture.

  • @scottdinges7436
    @scottdinges7436 8 лет назад +3

    This sounds real to me! God Bless!

  • @glorialoo3165
    @glorialoo3165 5 месяцев назад

    How can anyone see God, who is spirit, rise from his throne and in a flaming chariot enter the holy of holies behind the veil and sit down, when God and his throne IS the holiest of holies?

  • @maccastle327
    @maccastle327 8 лет назад +5

    Satan’s policy in this final conflict with God’s people is the same that he employed in the opening of the great controversy in Heaven. He professed to be seeking to promote the stability of the divine government, while secretly bending every effort to secure its overthrow. And the very work which he was thus endeavoring to accomplish, he charged upon the loyal angels. The same policy of deception has marked the history of the Romish Church. It has professed to act as the vicegerent of Heaven, while seeking to exalt itself above God, and to change his law. Under the rule of Rome, those who suffered death for their fidelity to the gospel were denounced as evil-doers; they were declared to be in league with Satan; and every possible means was employed to cover them with reproach, to cause them to appear, in the eyes of the people, and even to themselves, as the vilest of criminals. So it will be now. While Satan seeks to destroy those who honor God’s law he will cause them to be accused as law-breakers, as men who are dishonoring God, and bringing judgments upon the world.

  • @jamesdelinois3516
    @jamesdelinois3516 8 лет назад +1

    my trust is only in Jesus Christ who shed his blood for me.

  • @rosemarycusseaux
    @rosemarycusseaux 10 лет назад +5

    The best blessing for me is first is that Jesus made His self known to me by the way of helping me in a personal situation, interesting way learned about the Sabbath and the Holy Spirit confirmed my understanding of the writing of the bible, which I, was not use to reading is true, came from a background where, reading was not necessary. The second was as I read the writings of the spirit prophecy IT IS FROM JESUS, and in the bible it also shows that God used the prophets to turn the people to HIM. Last the writings turn the reader to JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!! We, who are in this body should ask Jesus to help us to believe in the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy and a mind to obey. God help us all.

    • @angellady5853
      @angellady5853 9 лет назад

      +Rosemary Cusseaux Only when the Spirit of Prophecy is true should we listen. Jesus tells us to test the Spirit. Ellen White's Spirit is false.

  • @michaelreyes8182
    @michaelreyes8182 2 года назад

    Jason, you know where I can find the list of text given her for disbelief?

  • @maccastle327
    @maccastle327 8 лет назад +4

    Many are the ways by which Satan works through human influence to bind his captives. He secures multitudes to himself by attaching them by the silken cords of affection to those who are enemies of the cross of Christ. Whatever this attachment may be, parental, filial, conjugal, or social, the effect is the same; the opposers of truth exert their power to control the conscience, and the souls held under their sway have not sufficient courage or independence to obey their own convictions of duty.

  • @narrowwaytolife4525
    @narrowwaytolife4525 5 лет назад +2

    Be faithful and you shall both eat the fruit of the tree of life and drink of the water of the fountain. Amen.
    Happy Sabbath, people of God the creator!

  • @trinigirlgabe1021
    @trinigirlgabe1021 10 лет назад +4

    i believe in the spirit of prophesy

    • @sirrothschild7085
      @sirrothschild7085 4 года назад +1

      amen it is the testimony of Jesus Christ those that keep the commandments and have the testimony of Jesus Christ will be sealed www.reg6.com

  • @henrietteoosthuizen973
    @henrietteoosthuizen973 3 года назад +1

    Amen! Amen ! Come LORD JESUS!

  • @jonathanministries
    @jonathanministries 9 лет назад +4

    I have proven the veracity of the inspired pen of Ellen G. White; keep the faith!

    • @CastlevaniaDXC
      @CastlevaniaDXC 6 лет назад

      loksterization why do you say that?

    • @loksterization
      @loksterization 6 лет назад +1

      CastlevaniaDXC, because I know it's the truth. I have experienced the most holy presence of God, and I know now that all our good works are nothing, SDA church is a fine deception by Satan to deceive people into believing a twisted gospel, not the true gospel of Jesus Christ. We are saved through faith alone in Jesus Christ, not by our good works. There are many other deceptions promoted by Ellen White, which go against scripture. For example she tricked people to think the Mark of the Beast is "Sunday Worship"... can you believe that? The Bible clearly say those who worship the Beast AND accept the Mark of his name. The Mark is NOT the act of worship itself!

    • @CastlevaniaDXC
      @CastlevaniaDXC 6 лет назад +1

      loksterization Lets set aside Ellen G White. Let us use the Bible a 100% Where in the Bible does it say that Sunday or the 1st Day of the week is the Sabbath? Where does it say that God changed it? I totally agree that God is to be worshipped on all days but He did sanctify and set the 7th day to be observed to be kept holy. In all the congregations and denominations that i have gone to and studied of i believe that they have experience an "encounter with God" but not all are from the same source. The Devil can counterfeit everything that is of God. When Moses when up to the mountain to meet God he was in the presence with the Being who brought Time,Space,Matter at the same time. Moses was deadly afraid because he thought he would die just seeing God so he covered Himself. Being in the presence of God is something so terrifying to a sinner. And in that presence what did God give him? The 10 commandments. If the 10 commandments were not a big deal why did the Father rested on the 7th Day? Why did the prophets of old rested on the 7th Day? Why did Jesus kept the Sabbath for 33 years? If you really professed to love God why won't you do what He says? "If you love me keep my Commandments and my Father and I will come and manifest ourselves" We can talk more about the Mark of the Beast if you want

    • @narrowwaytolife4525
      @narrowwaytolife4525 5 лет назад

      @@loksterization Happy Sabbath! God's holy Seventh Day Sabbath! (Isaiah 58:13). Friday sundown to Saturday sundown.
      Jesus and his followers were treated as cult members.
      Be careful what is coming out of your mouth.
      Matthew 12:36-37 (KJV)
      36 But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.
      37 For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.

    • @loksterization
      @loksterization 5 лет назад

      @@narrowwaytolife4525 thank you for the lovely scripture! It is how I live my life :) Oh btw every day is like Sabbath to me, I pray and worship God every day the same. May God bless you.

  • @annclark5349
    @annclark5349 4 года назад +1

    Thank you for sharing, as I enjoy listening to her writings because I have hard time concentrating when reading. Do you have more?

    • @SFKM777
      @SFKM777 3 года назад +1

      Go to google playstore and search for "E.G Writings 2". It's a blue icon. All her audio as well as written books are on there.

  • @Jesstoryreallife21
    @Jesstoryreallife21 4 года назад +3

    I am so proud to be 7day Adventist.....

  • @franciscoleonardo151
    @franciscoleonardo151 7 лет назад +1

    We had the Seventh day Sabbath even in the pure earth before it was taken over by the devil. These early writings are so true and a stepping stone in the climb onto the narrow path to our Savior God. God's Words are to be studied completely

  • @maccastle327
    @maccastle327 8 лет назад +3

    Some have charged that Ellen White wrote in 1864 (and republished in 1870) that humans once cohabited with animals and that their offspring produced certain races that exist today. The statement reads: "But if there was one sin above another which called for the destruction of the race by the flood, it was the base crime of amalgamation of man and beast which defaced the image of God, and caused confusion everywhere. God purposed to destroy by a flood that powerful, long-lived race that had corrupted their ways before Him."
    No dictionary has ever used "amalgamation" to describe the cohabitation of man with beast. The primary use of the word describes the fusion of metals, the union of different elements such as in making tooth cements. Nineteenth-century usage included the mixing of diverse races.
    Granted, her statement could appear ambiguous: Does she mean "amalgamation of man with beast" or "amalgamation of man and of beast"? Often, repetition of the preposition is omitted in similar construction.
    On other occasions, when Mrs. White used the word "amalgamation," she used it metaphorically, comparing faithful believers and worldlings. [3] She also used it to describe the origin of poisonous plants and other irregularities in the biological world: "Christ never planted the seeds of death in the system. Satan planted these seeds when he tempted Adam to eat of the tree of knowledge which meant disobedience to God. Not one noxious plant was placed in the Lord's great garden, but after Adam and Eve sinned, poisonous herbs sprang up. . . . All tares are sown by the evil one. Every noxious herb is of his sowing, and by his ingenious methods of amalgamation he has corrupted the earth with tares."
    Recognizing that Satan has been an active agent in the corrupting of God's plan for man, beast, plants, etc., we can better understand what Ellen White may have meant when she described the results of amalgamation. That which "defaced the image of God" in man and that which "confused the species [of animals]" has been the handiwork of Satan with the cooperation of humans. Such "amalgamation of man and [of] beast, as may be seen in the almost endless varieties of species of animals, and in certain races of men," becomes understandable.
    Mrs. White never hinted of subhuman beings or any kind of hybrid animal-human relationship. She did speak of "species of animals" and "races of men" but not any kind of amalgam of animals with human beings.
    We recognize, however, that serious students of Ellen White's writings differ on what she meant by "amalgamation." "The burden of proof rests on those who affirm that Mrs. White gave a new and alien meaning to the term."

    • @Cinderellabella
      @Cinderellabella 4 года назад

      fallen angles of Enoch in Genesis is what she was talking about. I do believe that we need to read the books that were omitted from the dicey e.g The Book of Enoch the book of Thomas ect.
      God bless + stay thirsty for thy truth of Christ and the end of the ages

    • @vaio4908
      @vaio4908 3 года назад +1

      @@Cinderellabella There is this idea floating around that the angels had sexual intercourse with humans and so giants were born.
      This is erroneous theory for the following reasons:
      - Adam and Eve were giants compared with the following generations. After the fall there has been a degeneration of the human race. That here and there were some nations or tribes who still retained the genes of Adam and Eve should not surprise us. We also are witness today of tribes or nations who are smaller in stature, i.e. pigmy's, or taller i.e. nilotic tribes etc.
      - Angels cannot have sexual intercourse, they cannot procreate, our Lord told us.
      - If evil angels were able to procreate, they would not spend so much time in tempting people to sin. Think about it, why spend so much energy in tempting someone to sin when you can procreate with evil people and so increase you army exponentially.
      - Why spend time to procreate when humans can do that and you all you need to do is to lead them into sin. That's the reverse of the reason above. It's like USA, why spend billions into education when you can gather the best of the best out of other nations. Let other invest in them and when they reach the top , you attract them to your country. The same with the evil angels, so no need to procreate.
      - Why need of giants? A small arrow can kill a giant, a stone from a catapult or whatever. Only on a physical combat one to one would they have some advantage. But we know that the most evil came for evil minds and not from giants (Napoleon 1,68, Hitler 1,75). Its not about the size of the body but about the rejection of God. The battle is spiritual.
      God bless you.

    • @Cinderellabella
      @Cinderellabella 3 года назад +1

      @@vaio4908 God bless you, since writing that 10mths ago the Spirit has lead me to the truth about the book of Enoch being written by the freemasons.

    • @Cinderellabella
      @Cinderellabella 3 года назад

      @@vaio4908 but if you read the letter of Jude you'll see that it is true, but not by The Book of Enoch or through Thomas, but only through the Word of God, as I'm sure you remember the Giants, that he sent Moses and his army to destroy, saying that they were afraid as they were like ants compared to the Giants that God wanted them to go slay, but when Moses did finally listen, he went up with his army and they were already slain for him, by our Almighty Father.
      Praying sister, may God lead you to read that letter of Jude and follow no man, test every spirit, for there are Antichrist and false prophets and teachers everywhere.

    • @Armistead_MacSkye
      @Armistead_MacSkye 9 дней назад

      Bestiality is a sin very prevelant in the world today. People put the lives of filthy dogs above the lives of humans, created in God's Image. There is no ambiguity in Ellen White's writings, just as God is very plain re: the nature of dogs. Dogs are filthy, and the worship of them is a sign of the times.

  • @gloriahingomaful
    @gloriahingomaful 9 лет назад +8

    advent religion is the truth nothing false about it

    • @BradSexson
      @BradSexson 9 лет назад

      gloria hingoma hi gloria peace

  • @bettytagalogon6671
    @bettytagalogon6671 3 года назад

    Hello. I just want to ask if it is okay to quote her writings and post it here on youtube?

  • @maccastle327
    @maccastle327 8 лет назад +3

    As Spiritualism more closely imitates the nominal Christianity of the day, it has greater power to deceive and ensnare. Satan himself is converted, after the modern order of things. He will appear in the character of an angel of light. Through the agency of Spiritualism, miracles will be wrought, the sick will be healed, and many undeniable wonders will be performed. And as the spirits will profess faith in the Bible, and manifest respect for the institutions of the church, their work will be accepted as a manifestation of divine power.

    • @loksterization
      @loksterization 6 лет назад

      Yes, and Ellen White was a wolf in sheep's clothing, and deceived many.

  • @maccastle327
    @maccastle327 8 лет назад +1

    ISAIAH 32:15
    till the Spirit is poured on us from on high, and the desert becomes a fertile field, and the fertile field seems like a forest.

  • @maccastle327
    @maccastle327 8 лет назад +4

    Many are deceived as to their true condition before God. They congratulate themselves upon the wrong acts which they do not commit, and forget to enumerate the good and noble deeds which God requires of them, but which they have neglected to perform. It is not enough that they are trees in the garden of God. They are to answer his expectation by bearing fruit. He holds them accountable for their failure to accomplish all the good which they could have done, through his grace strengthening them. In the books of Heaven they are registered as cumberers of the ground. Yet the case of even this class is not utterly hopeless. With those who have slighted God’s mercy and abused his grace, the heart of long-suffering love yet pleads. “Wherefore he saith, Awake, thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. See then that ye walk circumspectly, ... redeeming the time, because the days are evil.” [Ephesians 5:14-16.]

  • @elsaalvarez5853
    @elsaalvarez5853 2 года назад

    AMEN praise the lord bless you father the most highest!🌎

  • @barbaraalexander8552
    @barbaraalexander8552 7 месяцев назад

    Thank you Jesus for LG White❤

  • @maccastle327
    @maccastle327 8 лет назад +1

    ROMANS 6:15
    What then? shall we sin, because we are not under the law, but under grace? God forbid.

  • @elsamueller7409
    @elsamueller7409 7 лет назад

    praise the Lord for his words thank you dear Jesus for teaching me.

  • @marioatrucking
    @marioatrucking 10 лет назад +1

    Amen sister Addams.
    This was a refresher!
    Thanks for posting this.
    Thanks for the reminder that we are a special people.
    Love from Houston tx
    Keep the faith beloved brothers and sisters!
    Don't give up

  • @ilax6662
    @ilax6662 3 года назад

    I have never been a faithful reader. So finding this video is a blessing. The narration is excellently read and comes through so clear and pleasant to listen to.

  • @MsViva710
    @MsViva710 6 лет назад +1

    at 6:25 there's an error, please make a note of it.

  • @lymarie1974
    @lymarie1974 8 лет назад +2

    I was raised SDA, and my question was always why go by her predictions when Jehovah already put all what is and what will happen?

    • @funwithtoys3163
      @funwithtoys3163 8 лет назад

      +lymarie1974 I think its because some people have a hard time understanding the bible.

    • @lymarie1974
      @lymarie1974 8 лет назад

      +Carole Hall I believe you are correct

    • @samuelwilliams1559
      @samuelwilliams1559 8 лет назад +4

      Many don't understand the Bible and don't read it. She was writing trying to warn the people and get them to read the Bible. She just adds some details.

    • @lymarie1974
      @lymarie1974 8 лет назад +2

      I agree, I really had to do some deep thinking on her. I love her so she was a great example growing up for me. She showed me that it is okay to question and research to find answers through the true Gods words.

    • @samuelwilliams1559
      @samuelwilliams1559 8 лет назад

      Amen God be with you.

  • @maccastle327
    @maccastle327 8 лет назад

    Men and women of the twenty-first century who aspire to serve the Lord must remember the words of the prophet Joel: “I will pour out my spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy” (Joel 2:28). And when the Holy Spirit came on the Day of Pentecost, Peter said: “this is what was spoken through the prophet Joel” (Act 2:16). This is the only affirmation that we today need: that the Holy Spirit has been poured on all flesh to do God’s work in the end-times.

  • @rachelcloete3970
    @rachelcloete3970 3 года назад

    Let's hold on to Jesus for that day when Jesus will come and take us to heaven.

  • @avimol
    @avimol 4 года назад +1

    Thank you for this!!! God bless! 🙏

  • @shenscar
    @shenscar 11 лет назад +3

    A blessing!!!

  • @fritzalouissaintfortune8718
    @fritzalouissaintfortune8718 3 года назад

    I working with my God Jesus christ my King my Lord my savior Jesus Christ all the glory is for you you alone Amen Amen Amen

  • @joshuacupido5357
    @joshuacupido5357 4 месяца назад

    What a day that will be

  • @mj3162
    @mj3162 2 года назад

    Praise God for the Spirit of prophecy

  • @jamesnjeanniestanley3651
    @jamesnjeanniestanley3651 8 лет назад +1

    the reason God used Ellen is because it was fullfillment from Joel saying your sons and daughters will prophecy...after the bible was finished

    • @mikemans7402
      @mikemans7402 8 лет назад

      Then DON"T Follow a factual FAILED PROPHET !!!! unless you worship Ellen White more then the words of GOD Through Jesus :)
      Please try to be Christian and simply read ALL,New Testament ,JesusQuotes

    • @samuelwilliams1559
      @samuelwilliams1559 8 лет назад

      I have read the entire New Testament many times and have preached on many of the books. Have you read these words in the Bible. Romans 3:20 Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin.
      Romans 3:31 Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law.
      Romans 7:12 Wherefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy, and just, and good.
      Romans 7:14 For we know that the law is spiritual: but I am carnal, sold under sin.
      Romans 14:10 But why dost thou judge thy brother? or why dost thou set at nought thy brother? for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.
      Romans 13:8,9 Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law. For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Thou shalt not covet; and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
      Ephesians 6:2 Honour thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise;)
      Romans 15:4 For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.

    • @jamesnjeanniestanley3651
      @jamesnjeanniestanley3651 8 лет назад

      If you love me keep my commandments

    • @mikemans7402
      @mikemans7402 8 лет назад

      Much more then 10 !! (jesus clearly explains that ,, read it :)
      please read ALL the new testament and ALL the easy to understand words of GOD through Jesus ,, above Ellen White telling what to think ,,are you Christian ? or failed prophet Ellen Whiteism ? (can't be both!)

    • @samuelwilliams1559
      @samuelwilliams1559 8 лет назад +1

      I am a Christian. I have read the Bible many times and post Bible texts to show what we believe. Tell me Mike what do these verses mean?dedication.www3.50megs.com/greatmen.html
      Great Preachers on the Ten Commandments.
      Romans 3:20 Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin.
      Romans 3:31 Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law.
      Romans 7:12 Wherefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy, and just, and good.
      Romans 7:14 For we know that the law is spiritual: but I am carnal, sold under sin.
      Romans 14:10 But why dost thou judge thy brother? or why dost thou set at nought thy brother? for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.
      Romans 13:8,9 Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law. For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Thou shalt not covet; and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
      Ephesians 6:2 Honour thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise;)
      Romans 15:4 For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.

  • @MJ-hope
    @MJ-hope 6 лет назад

    GOD showed Sister White that her books would be immortalized ! The enemy will never stop her work !

    • @samuelwilliams1559
      @samuelwilliams1559 6 лет назад


    • @AcademyApologia
      @AcademyApologia 6 лет назад

      Marie jones - You mean like books she plagiarized or her books with teachings which contradict the Bible

    • @samuelwilliams1559
      @samuelwilliams1559 6 лет назад +1

      Hello Academy. I read one person here saying she plagiarized the Book the Great Controversy . They said she copied all of the Encyclopedia of the Protestant Reformation word for word. Which would be very difficult since there are 4 books over a thousand pages each. Covering many others not found in the Book The Great Controversy. So I can prove that many of the charges like this of plagiarism are lies. But many will not listen. Will you? We admit that she used words of others to help her since she lacked education. So yes she did use phrases and Encyclopedias for information and words. But these are greatly exaggerated. As proved by a person saying she copied 4,000 pages from 4 books into one. Much smaller book. Now latter when they had more money She and her staff did go back to start giving credit as they are supposed to do.
      By the way she wanted people to buy the Encyclopedias since they contained information way beyond her book. A person does not often tell people to buy a book they don't want them to know about.
      Finally which of the Seventh day Adventist contradict the Bible? You never put up a list.
      #1 in our Doctrines is that the Bible is the word of GOD. Vague charges and innuendo are not proof.
      To give the Seventh day Adventist point of view. But not by based on my word, instead of telling you what we believe. I am going to give the website of our 28 fundamental beliefs. www.adventist.org/en/beliefs/
      Prove your charges.

    • @AcademyApologia
      @AcademyApologia 5 лет назад

      Marie jones - You mean like books she plagiarized or her books with teachings which contradict the Bible

    • @carolcalkins6394
      @carolcalkins6394 4 года назад

      @Charisma 101 Mrs White NEVER claimed to be a prophet. She has stated, "...being the lesser light bring ernest men and women to the Greater Light..." Her writings are a study helps not the Bible rewritten and she most certainly does cite and give credit to her sources. Those that try to discredit this woman of God, are no better than satan himself before he was expelled from God's Kingdom.

  • @jonaniestewart441
    @jonaniestewart441 3 года назад

    I am so bless hallelugah thank u daddy Jesus

  • @philipfm79
    @philipfm79 Год назад

    Amen brother Jason.

  • @maccastle327
    @maccastle327 8 лет назад


  • @levidaisyyoung636
    @levidaisyyoung636 3 года назад +2

    It was Ellen that brought me to Jesus.. ex witch too 😊💚🙏
    Amazing journey but im here.. i wish it was in a womens voice tho..
    Ok.. consider this.. we were created to replace the fallen angels... now look at yourself and re evaluate, are you worthy?
    Oh and theres so many people that dont even want to go to heaven.. yeah have you thought of that?
    And the trinity is lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and the pride of life...
    its not God, jesus and the Holy Spirit..
    how could it be when the first commandment is tho shalt have 1 GOD.. NOT WORSHIP 3...
    And the dead dont speak, the state of the dead has been false just like santa and the easter bunny..
    You die, you dont go to heaven.. you must wait till the resurrection...
    but for some reason most churches dont want to upset their followers.. christmas is PAGAN...
    Birthdays should not be celebrated. In job, 10 kids, celebrating his day, well what else is his day? Job and his wife didnt go to the party but job prayed for their sins even before they committed them..
    No one will probably read this seeing its now 2020 and been through a fake pandemic.
    This will bring in cashless, so they can control us and freeze accounts if you dont comply to vaccines or with the one world government and the pope will have a seat and he will push family day, no work this is to worship the sungod not the real sabbath god.. the birth pains are already happening people.. be Ready brothers and sisters... ♥️🙏🍀🍇🍉
    Dont get caught up with false teachings.
    The church is filled with broken people..