Deleted Verses of NEW Bibles

  • Опубликовано: 5 сен 2024
  • King James Bible only retains all of God's Word.
    1Pe 1: 23 Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.
    1Pe 1: 24 For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away:
    1Pe 1: 25 But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you.
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    Psa 16: 6 The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; yea, I have a goodly heritage.
    #grace #mercy #sermon #preaching #baptist

Комментарии • 25

  • @cschovajsa
    @cschovajsa 11 месяцев назад +2

    Great teaching and spot on!!

  • @icandoaltx
    @icandoaltx Год назад +2

    Matthew 6:7 should be added in the list because the words "vain repetitions" is omitted in most Non KJV bibles.
    Vain repetititive prayers is really not a prayer but a mantra used in Pagan religions like Hinduism and is also practiced in Roman catholicism e.g. praying the Hail Mary as many as the beads of the rosary (they used the beads as a counting instrument). This can be seen in Buddhism (they also have beads stringed together like the rosary and count them while doing their Mantra).
    That is why Matthew 6:7 likened this repetitive prayer to what heathen's (pagans) do.
    Mat 6:7 But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.

  • @williamwilliams3447
    @williamwilliams3447 2 месяца назад

    Excellent. I have difficulty reading even my large print KJV. So I listen on youtube to Charles Lawson ,James and Patrick Batell .Tom Cote / Lisa Boyce / and KJV ONLY preaching and teaching. I am 64 and still learning and trying to memorize the KJV Bible.

  • @foryourhealth4481
    @foryourhealth4481 9 месяцев назад

    Amen! Great sermon!!

  • @block9390
    @block9390 Год назад +3

    NIV is WRONG!

  • @SSNBN777
    @SSNBN777 3 месяца назад

    The highly suspect 1John 5:7, is not found in the oldest manuscripts available, and was certainly added by the Trinitarian KJ translators. That being said, the KJ is, I agree, the best English translation, but again, it has errors in punctuation and capitalization to favor making the Most High's Spirit another person, which was never taught by Jesus or the Apostles. Our spirits, as the image of God, are not separate persons; neither is the Creator's.
    1 Corinthians 2:11 GNT
    It is only our own spirit within us that knows all about us; *_in the same way,_* only God's Spirit knows all about God.

  • @anthonykeve8894
    @anthonykeve8894 Год назад

    I love how he lumped two Cult’s, (two cult’s that began using the SAME KJ TRANSLATION he had in his hand!) in w/“the modern” translations.
    I’d give almost anything to go F2F w/ this guy. OTOH I’m confident I can count on him to deflect any time the question would force THE TRUTH from his lips.

  • @nakasinkiwanuka
    @nakasinkiwanuka Год назад

    As you're trying to reach people, you will undoubtedly alienate them with careless speech.

    • @condorcondorito2303
      @condorcondorito2303 Год назад

      23 : 33, 34, 35
      33 Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?
      34 Wherefore, behold, I send unto you prophets, and wise men, and scribes: and some of them ye shall kill and crucify; and some of them shall ye scourge in your synagogues, and persecute them from city to city:
      35 That upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar.
      Do you know who said the above scripture in Matthew? The Lord Jesus Christ HIMSELF.
      Do you think also that Jesus did "alienate the people HE was speaking to with careless speech"?
      You know...... John the baptist uttered the same words and he was incarcerated and beheaded......and our Lord Messiah Jesus Christ was crucified for speaking The Truth !!!
      If our Lord Jesus Christ would be among us today in this modern world and say the same words he said during his ministry on earth almost 2000 years ago on this earth, He would be called "hateful, judgemental, anti semitic and racist" and irremediably, put in jail AND accused of "a hate crime and intolerant", and I am sorry to say, by what you wrote before, YOU would be among the crowd demanding that Jesus would be thrown in jail for being "insensitive".......
      I Thank God above, that my Lord and Savior Messiah Jesus Christ IS coming back with ALL power and authority and HIS WRATH will be poured over this earth, he will no longer be a victim nor killed by the evil religious authorities in power, The Holy Bible teaches us that He IS coming back "with a rod of iron"!!!!
      Stop being "politically correct" or continue to worship your race, and rather, believe and trust in The Word of God The Bible (The KJV in English) because after all........let only God be TRUE and every man a LIAR.....

  • @slowdriver1393
    @slowdriver1393 Год назад +1

    Can you please give me the link for the PDF of bible verses? I can't seem to locate it on your website although i could just be missing it. Thank you!

    • @LawofLiberty
      @LawofLiberty  Год назад +2

    • @slowdriver1393
      @slowdriver1393 Год назад +2

      @@LawofLiberty thank you! Great bible teaching!

    • @condorcondorito2303
      @condorcondorito2303 Год назад

      Great aid,
      To us, who know the TRUTH, this IS reinforcement that attests on the Truth found on The KJV Bible, BUT, I fear, that on that PDF, there is NO mention of The KJV being the correct Bible translation in English, your preaching video, more than explains The KJV being the true Word of God, but PDF, does NOT even mention The KJV as being The True Unadulterated Word of God in English, we know it, but, I am sure, a lot of other people your ministry IS trying to reach with PDF does NOT, The KJV Bible & CLEAR TRUTH, SHOULD be provided in PDF.
      John 3 : 36
      “He that BELIEVETH ON THE SON HATH EVERLASTING LIFE: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but THE WRATH OF GOD abideth on him.”

    • @maximusralte777
      @maximusralte777 11 месяцев назад

      Is NASV and NASB the same.

    • @condorcondorito2303
      @condorcondorito2303 11 месяцев назад

      What verses are omitted from the NASB or NASV?
      It omits outright the following sixteen:
      Matthew 17 : 21
      Mark 7 : 16;
      9 : 44, 46; 11:26; 15:28;
      Luke 17:36; 23:17; 24:40;
      John 5 : 4;
      Acts 8:37; 15:34; 24:7; 28:29;
      Romans 16:24;
      1 John 5 : 7.

  • @anthonykeve8894
    @anthonykeve8894 Год назад

    The KJ is JUST a TRANSLATION! Here in the USA we’re all entitled to our opinions. These the facts:
    “God’s Word or Words; the Lord’s Word or Words; His Word or Words; THE Word” is EXCLUSIVELY the Original Hebrew, Aramaic, & Koine Greek - no exceptions! ANYTHING else is a TRANSLATION and like it or not that includes the KJ.
    Deut 4:2, 12:32, Psalms 18:30, Proverbs 30:5, 30:6, Matt24:35, Mk13:31, Lk21:33, Rev 22:18-19, 1 Cor 13:9-10 and ANY/EVERY other similar or like passages that either use similar or like words or phrases in the preceding paragraph or warn us about “...adding, changing, or removing...” apply ONLY to the original Hebrew, Aramaic, & Koine Greek. Further, the source manuscripts result in a translation of the MESSAGE using different words parallels
    2 + 2 just as 1 + 3 both EQUAL 4!
    The truth behind the facts: The claim of “changing” using different English words to convey the same MESSAGE is false. Further these scriptural references NEVER EVER apply to ANY translation in ANY language* including the KJ as none* are perfect, inspired, or authoritative. Adding, changing, and the occasional word removal is irrefutably the unavoidable, inevitable part of the translation process.
    For example the KJ translators ADDED all italicized words. 2 Sam 21:19 is a great example of “translator added words.” They copied from 1 Chr 20:5 “the brother of” technically making the KJ rendering less accurate, thus imperfect. Same holds true for the Geneva translation thus as in the previous paragraphs.
    ALL this destroys the false, sensationalized, superstitious, hyperbolic “add, change, or removal from God’s word” dogma in some circles and keeps the modern translators and users of the same from the pit of hell. To do otherwise is Catholic-like manipulation through shaming & fear mongering.

  • @nakasinkiwanuka
    @nakasinkiwanuka Год назад

    While I was really enjoying this, I cannot continue because I as an African, feel offended by your careless reference to Africa.

    • @LawofLiberty
      @LawofLiberty  Год назад +1

      Thank God for Bible preaching missionaries in Africa that are preaching the gospel

    • @thebiblewaytoheaven1098
      @thebiblewaytoheaven1098 Год назад

      ​@@LawofLibertyI love the Bible verse that says thou shalt not Halloween the one that you added to God's word. I ironically you never repented up your wickedness and continually to add to God's word with your man-made doctrines to tithes of money and not the land. Therefore you we'll see your judgment really soon along with the new IFB and other Baptist who refused to honor God's law. The fullness of the gentiles has come before the Lord and you will be taken out of the earth while the 144,000 change the nations.

  • @jeffstewart1668
    @jeffstewart1668 Год назад

    The king James is a good translation, but you can’t say it’s perfect.justsaying

    • @LawofLiberty
      @LawofLiberty  Год назад +2

      Why don't you say what's wrong with it? Just saying