Reclaim Your Faith - THEOLOGY (Mohammed Hijab & Sh Abu Safiyyah Mohammed Osman)

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024
  • Reclaim Your Faith- A series going through most of the so-called doubts alleged at Islam and misconceptions that are commonly brought forward by popular detractors such as David Wood, Jay Smith et al.
    This episode: THEOLOGY.
    Please click on the timestamp to see the answer to the question.
    Is Allah a God solely for Arabs? - 00:03:51
    Is Allah the Moon-God of Ancient Mesopotamia? - 00:05:02
    Does Allah hate Non-Believers? - 00:07:06
    If Allah has 99 names, does that mean He's 99 gods? - 00:08:46
    Why do Muslims consider the Trinity Paganism? - 00:09:56
    Why does Allah dislike Paganism? - 00:11:14
    Do Muslims worship the Black Stone? - 00:12:16
    Why does Allah use the word "We" in the Quran? - 00:13:31
    Does the opening of the Quran have a hidden Trinity? - 00:15:37
    Why is a Non-Believer called a Kafir in the Quran? - 00:16:11
    Is Allah really known as a Deceiver in the Quran? - 00:17:19
    Does Allah really pray for Muhammad (pbuh)? - 00:18:22
    Do Muslims worship Muhammad (pbuh)? - 00:19:49
    If Islam is the truth why are there different sects? - 00:20:38
    Is the Quran a physical part of Allah on Earth? - 00:22:23
    Why did Allah use Gabriel to reveal the Quran? - 00:24:19
    Does the Quran say Mary is part of the Trinity? - 00:25:29
    Why don't Muslims believe Allah could come down as a man? - 00:29:40
    Why is Tawheed not mentioned in the Quran? - 00:31:49
    Is the challenge to imitate the Quran even possible? - 00:33:50
    If Islam is for all people, then why is the Quran only in Arabic? - 00:33:55
    Is Allah and Yahweh considered the same God? - 00:39:13
    Does praying towards the Ka'bah mean Muslims worship it? - 00:40:09
    Why did Allah change the direction of the Qiblah? - 00:40:45
    Is Allah described as a loving God in the Quran? - 00:42:24
    Does verse (39:4) mean Allah could technically take a son? - 00:42:49
    Wouldn't sending prayers upon Muhammad (pbuh) be considered Paganism? - 00:44:30
    Was Ar-Rahman (i.e. the Most Merciful) a pagan Deity before Islam? - 00:45:40
    Why does the Quran say both Satan and Allah misguide people?
    Are Muslims allowed to employ Taqiyyah (i.e. Lie) to promote Islam? - 00:46:56
    If Muslims are ordered to believe in previous revelations, then why don't they follow the Bible? - 00:49:19
    What is the Rooh al-Qudus (i.e. Holy Spirit) in Islam? - 00:54:49
    Why does Allah use Angels and Prophets if He only need say "Be" and it is? - 00:57:21
    Was Moses (as) shortening the daily prayer mean he changed fate? - 00:58:48
    Reclaim Your Faith- A series going through most of the so-called doubts alleged at Islam and misconceptions that are commonly brought forward by popular detractors such as David Wood, Jay Smith et al.
    This episode: ATHEISM & SECULARISM.
    Please click on the timestamp to see the answer to the question.
    Are the people in Paradise only going to speak Arabic? - 01:01:04
    Does Allah commit shirk by swearing by other than Allah? - 01:01:53

Комментарии • 8

  • @medsah6096
    @medsah6096 5 лет назад +16

    lol these questions are the same that Wood brought in the debate, if he only watched this before the debate, he wouldn't get embarrassed live

  • @qari.abdullahi
    @qari.abdullahi 5 лет назад +1

    This channel's got to earn millions of subscribers.soo many people will benefit from this, even muslims. Inshallah that will happen.

  • @rizwanramzan5729
    @rizwanramzan5729 5 лет назад +8

    Brother Hijab intellectual boby slammed David was awesome and comical...
    Hijab = the "Rock"...the muslim apologist version..
    Giving "the people's elbow"..."it doesn't matter!!"

  • @MrAlbroooz
    @MrAlbroooz 5 лет назад +2

    poor David Wood, if he just got schooled by this video, he would have known his "epic"questions were all done :D I noticed something . Here brother hijab poses himself as a questioners , but in the debate mashallah he used his own ability of clarifying ideas which made same info here much stronger.

  • @longlivelogic8128
    @longlivelogic8128 5 лет назад

    *Questions on Quran and Hadeeths:*
    *1)* There are 7 earths and 7 skies. And the distance between each is of 500 years.
    *2)* Stars are lamps for adornment but they are also missiles thrown at demons and devils. (Confusing meteorites with stars).
    *3)* There's a far east of the east and far west of the west.
    *4)* Earth is flat and spread out like a carpet - Similar to flat earth theory of dark ages.
    *5)* Mountains are pegs. Placed on earth so it doesn't shake or move.
    *6)* Ships sail in the sea because of Allah and it is Allah who's holding the birds up in the sky - nothing to do with aerodynamics.
    *7)* The sky is a dome/ceiling without any cracks and pillars and Allah is holding it up, as if it can fall.
    *8)* Stars will fall on the judgment day (where?).
    *9)* Sky is a different entity (separate from earth) and can be rolled up like scrolls.
    *10)* Earth was created before stars and the sky (7 heavens/universe).
    *11)* Heavens (sky) and the earth were a single entity and joined together before but than God clove them asunder - Similar to mythology of Dark Ages.
    *12)* The Sun and Moon follow each other in an orbit and can't take over each other.
    *13)* Earth doesn't move or rotates. It's the sun and moon orbiting around it - assuming a geocentric model of medieval time.
    *14)* Apparently there's a physical place on the earth where the sun rises and sets - story of Dhul Qarnayn
    *15)* Sun goes under the throne of Allah and prostrates and asks for permission to rise - Hadeeths Sahih Muslim and Sunan Abi Dawood.
    *16)* Extreme hot days in summer and extreme cold days in winter are because of the breath of hell (jahanum) - hadith of Sahih Al Bukhari.
    *17)* Ants can talk and know of the names of rulers - story of Sulayman.
    *18)* Evolution is false. Man didn't evolve from ape like creatures. But human being were turned into apes and pigs as a punishment from God.
    *19)* Creation of Allah is perfect. (Birth defects? Bone marrow cancer in children? Etc).
    *20)* Angels/Demons/Devils/Jinns exist. Shaytaan knows all our thoughts and can influence us. They can also take forms of human and animals.
    *21)* Magic is real and the magicians can fly or teleport objects from one place to another - story of Bilqis (Like Harry Potter Movie).
    *22)* Allah has a chair and a pen and a book where things are written. Like an office of a boss. And at the gates of every heaven there are angels as security guards. And sometimes he's happy and sometimes he's angry.
    *23)* Man is created from a water gushing from between his back and ribs (not testes).
    *24)* Whoever discharges first during sexual Intercourse (man or woman). The child resembles that person.
    *25)* Adam's height was 60 cubit when he was created. And ever since human beings have been reducing in height.
    *26)* Kill black dogs because they are devils.
    *27)* If you see a snake or lizard in your house, ask them to leave because they can be jinns as well.
    *28)* Jinn urinates in your ears and that's how you get ear wax.
    *29)* Allah created the noon (whale) and places the earth on it back/ heavens were created by water vapors (thus Quran says we created everything with water) - Tafsir ibn kathir, Tafsir At Tabari.
    *30)* Sun rises between the two horns of Satan - and that's why don't perform Fajr salah at that time.
    *31)* Bones are created before the flesh - Quran (Plagiarism the scientifically false theory of Embryology from Greek scientists and philosophers).
    *32)* We think from our hearts, not from our brains - Ancient view of dark ages.
    *32)* Allah guides whom he wills and misguides whom he wills. Satan? Free Will?
    *33)* We die at a predestined time that which Allah has written in the preserved tablets (Loh Al Mehfuz).
    *34)* Hidayaa/Guidance/ comes from Allah. Not from our brains. So how can there be faith without Hidayaa???
    *35)* Allah is in ghaib (unseen). Why everything else is in Ghaib (unseen) as well??? He can show angels, jinns, shaytaan etc. Why just believe everything like all the other religions with blind faith and no critical thinking???

  • @abuamanah9176
    @abuamanah9176 5 лет назад +1

    Is today's debate available on live stream anywhere? Thanks.