This bike was really easy to assemble and required very few adjustments out of the box. The wheels did not require any truing/adjustments. The frame had some small scratches, but nothing major.I did replace the seat though - the seat it came with was very uncomfortable. The tires need to be re-inflated every 4-5 days, but this appears to be quite common for the narrow 700x25 tires.Overall, in my opinion, this bike looks and rides like a much more expensive bike.
Or on the disk rotors and brake pads! I got just a slight breeze of it on my rear brake had to bin both rotor and pads. My mistake I know but I wish he’d stop doing it on these vids such a shitty practice! The stuff he uses might not do anything but not every one uses the same stuff so he either should put a warning on screen or stop encouraging people to mess up expensive equipment!
The DREAM BUILD webstore is now LIVE and you can now purchase clothing featuring bespoke Dream Build designs!
#gee milner
I live in the philippines, hope you can send me a gift, even if it's just a bike, my dream is to have a bike : ((
@@theoleuterio1028 work for it
@@theoleuterio1028 if u have a phone to watch yt from, you can find a job
Get that showroom polish allllllll over the rotors, love it….
This is the best bike build ever..♥️🚴Love it from 🇵🇭
Spraying Frame Juice like there is an abundance of brake rotors and pads. Mate.
Nice paint scheme!
Watching from Majestic Princess!
Nice and easy
Was literally looking at this bike last night thinking about whether i wpuld prefer one of these or the reacto 😭
apparently they have the same geometry now
What did you pick? I’m riding the reacto now but thinking about buying a scultura as a second bike
Nice bike 😊👍🏻👍🏻
The world's bike builder
Would love to have a Merida Scultura or a Reacto team. But they are not available in the States.
Hi! What's the weight of the Scultura? 🤔
Which one is better shimano xtr groupset or sram xxl groupset
Nice rida
Nice Video 👌🏻
Watching from Philippines 🥰
Me gusto el video
Un buen Ensamblaje.
This bike was really easy to assemble and required very few adjustments out of the box. The wheels did not require any truing/adjustments. The frame had some small scratches, but nothing major.I did replace the seat though - the seat it came with was very uncomfortable. The tires need to be re-inflated every 4-5 days, but this appears to be quite common for the narrow 700x25 tires.Overall, in my opinion, this bike looks and rides like a much more expensive bike.
Halló brother you bike it’s good
How light is this Bulit?
A dropper seat post on a road bike? Damn times are changing
Not sure if that was a joke or not... its not a dropper seat post - those wires on the seat post are for the Di2 battery
9:50 is the goal to get silicon and wax all over the tyres?
err, not sure but i think that's just the degreaser/cleaner. might be wrong.
Or on the disk rotors and brake pads! I got just a slight breeze of it on my rear brake had to bin both rotor and pads. My mistake I know but I wish he’d stop doing it on these vids such a shitty practice! The stuff he uses might not do anything but not every one uses the same stuff so he either should put a warning on screen or stop encouraging people to mess up expensive equipment!
If you read the bottle for any car polish/wax it says saturate the cloth, do not put directly on paint
real v team
No way the gp5000 went on that easy
How much does the bike weigh?
Whats the cost of this kinda bike?
Love from india
Forgot to grease the coffee.
Is this the bike that exists but can't have it?
Can I have MTB to practice my trails
I want bike but I have no money
а зачем оси мазать, они алюминиевые.
Hao war from
Can u give me my dream any road bike plss😭