I hope I won't have the same result with my Ebay regulator. I have read somewhere, that these cheap Ebay regulator gauges are not accurate after it warms up, something with the glycol. Automotive regulator had an article about that. I may have to get their gauge, if that happens. I will take mine apart, and look around/deburr things first. Great job by the way. My car is rear heavy, I have an aluminium engine(Duratec 2.5L).
Fuel pump is something I am waiting on for this reason, I want to make sure I get the flow and pressure right for my Duratec. The battery location is low for sure, but bolting it to the aluminum floor seems like it was late and you made a rash decision
Excellent - progress is progress! (Comment for the algorithm ;) )
A final big push is needed, episode 100 needs to be a passed IVA and a road trip
Progress indeed. And another plus on battery placement is a small offset of driver weight on race day. 👍
Brilliant! Hopefully that's put a bit of wind in your sails and she'll be running at an auto test meet soon.
Congratulations, historic moment well bloody done!
Nice to see it running 😀
Use a vw polo fuel filter . They are available with 3 , 4, 6 bar built In regulator s
Brrmm, brrmm! Nice.
I hope I won't have the same result with my Ebay regulator. I have read somewhere, that these cheap Ebay regulator gauges are not accurate after it warms up, something with the glycol. Automotive regulator had an article about that. I may have to get their gauge, if that happens. I will take mine apart, and look around/deburr things first. Great job by the way. My car is rear heavy, I have an aluminium engine(Duratec 2.5L).
Fuel pump is something I am waiting on for this reason, I want to make sure I get the flow and pressure right for my Duratec. The battery location is low for sure, but bolting it to the aluminum floor seems like it was late and you made a rash decision
Did you watch the part of the series where I discussed the floor?