The truth about Slimming World - Does it work? Is it for life?

  • Опубликовано: 17 сен 2024

Комментарии • 98

  • @rebeccaj
    @rebeccaj 3 года назад +13

    Spot on! I switched from SW to CC but now try and incorporate both in my day. I totally agree with what you're saying. I lost 4 and a half stone on SW and switched as we were going away and never looked back. In the beginning I went a little bit crazy eating not so healthy meals but within calories but now eat mostly what I want and try and do the third of speed with most meals. I'm rambling but think that as much as I loved SW and lost alot while doing it, it doesn't help with portion control and that's definitely something I've learned CC but it definitely taught me to eat healthier foods and cook more from scratch.
    I use the nutracheck app and it's great 🥰

  • @velmavlogs7693
    @velmavlogs7693 3 года назад +23

    If you have a problematic or emotional relationship with food, as most overweight people do, then no diet is truly sustainable. It’s a lifelong effort, with peaks and troughs. It’s not like anyone gets slim and then stops thinking about it. Or if they do, they get fat again. No matter how they lost the weight.

    • @onepotmakesplenty
      @onepotmakesplenty 3 года назад

      So true. I love SW and am near to target. I will continue SW but have the odd treat. If I gain a few pounds I now know how to lose it pretty quick.

    • @Sammy_Kaur
      @Sammy_Kaur Год назад

      Very well said

  • @Lobxx1
    @Lobxx1 3 года назад +25

    The thing you also have to ask yourself: why does nearly all SW groups have people who have been there for years, that gain and lose again and again and who go on and off plan. That clearly shows it isn't a sustainable form of weight loss. Also weigh ins aren't ideal as you can gain a few pounds in a day depending on multiple factors eg water retention, working out, periods, eating salty food, muscle gain. Weight loss should be tracked by measurements and clothing size, not weight

  • @lyndseyh1552
    @lyndseyh1552 3 года назад +8

    Aww Patrick I think you’re such a lovely person. I’ve followed your ups and downs for a while now and I love your personality xxx

  • @Lobxx1
    @Lobxx1 3 года назад +10

    I lost 3 stone with slimming world a few years ago so I am grateful to have done it but I have issues with it too. Slimming World works if you have a lot of weight that you want to lose. But once you get close to target, you have to reduce calories and control the amount of white carbs that you eat so this notion of unlimited potato, rice and pasta just doesnt work. If you want to keep weight off the best way is to control your blood sugar levels, focusing on protein and healthy fats, lots of vegetables and very little white starchy carbs. SW is fantastic if you have a few stone you want to shift but it is not sustainable in the long term in my own person experience. I havent been to a group in a few years so I dont know if certain things have changed but I remember always being encouraged to eat the 'low fat' or diet versions of all foods which are not healthy at all. Better to eat a small portion of full fat mayo than tons of chemicals in a bottle.

    • @idadellagli8533
      @idadellagli8533 3 года назад

      Hi Patrick. I have done Slimming world for years. Initially I did not see it as a diet. 6 months ago i stopped and tried Calorie Counting using the Nutracheck app. Main reason why i did so is that i realized i was eating too much food. Simple as that. I don't believe anymore in the concept of free food which is one of the staples of S.w. I was shocked to realize that on a tipical day ON PLAN i was consuming over 2500 k. My other issue with the plan is that we know nowadays that for our bodies is beneficial to eat healthy fats, nuts and less starchy foods. Syns of these healthy foods are still very high so we are not encouraged to eat them on the plan. Basically i found myself swapping to unhealthy food like margarine and low fat alternatives to save syns but it was ok for me to use syns on chocolate or sugary stuff instead of consuming nutritious foods for my body. I was also in constant battle with myself to stick to the plan and craving in the weekend a pizza which would be over 40 syns. I understand pizza is not healthy and should be eaten occasionally but in this sense avoiding forever to stay on plan was not sustainable for me. Calorie counting took away the guessing on how much I eat and the guilt if I want to treat myself in the weekend. I lost over a stone and got educated on calories in food and as a result i eat less but in a more satisfied way for myselfx

    • @dionnereid1737
      @dionnereid1737 3 года назад

      I have to thank sw for stopping me from buying all the artificial low fat rubbish. I eat full fat & correct portion sizes it's very satisfying. I'm convinced the artificial stuff makes people eat more & crave foods after seeing what they squirt over decent food day in day out. I hate big portions & sw is constantly food food food 24/7. I fuel up & eat 2-3 times a day. Most days dont really need snacks i just like them as a treat.

  • @annapuglett
    @annapuglett 3 года назад +12

    Lost 4.5 stone on slimming world. Gained 2 over lock down, but back at class and down half stone in 3 weeks. So best diet for me. A pod cast would be good

  • @armstrong08armstrong18
    @armstrong08armstrong18 3 года назад +10

    Not sure why some say not sustainable! I’ve lost 7 stone and maintaining and still follow the optimising rules. Don’t over eat carbs now

  • @juliehilton1701
    @juliehilton1701 3 года назад +8

    I lost 2 stones with SW but I put 1 back on. I think the best way to keep it off is get to target with SW then do calorie counting to maintain.

  • @nicolarobertshaw7525
    @nicolarobertshaw7525 3 года назад +3

    Hey Patrick, such a controversial topic.
    I personally believe any diet/healthy eating regime/calorie counting works regardless. Its not about whose plan your following, it's also us who do the hardwork! We have to be wanting to make this change, willing to find that inner will power, find our own strategy to make the better decisions, resist temptations, fight the cravings and be able to enjoy the treats on moderation.
    It's all a learning curve, not just following a plan with syns, points or watching calorie intake. It's learning our own triggers, how to control them, changing our habits, understanding that food isn't a controller amongst many other things. It's learning about you as a person.
    I followed SW for 3 years, I lost 5stone 8lbs in 8 months, I maintained for 2 years. Now the pandemic happened, yes I admit my will power and who cares attitude kicked in, along with mental illness going into overdrive. So in less than a year, I gained my weight and more!
    Now this is of no fault of SW, this was down to me. I stopped planning meals, I made quick snack choices and lazy conventional meals daily as it became cheaper and easier to do with the budget I had, I lost my way and will power and inner strength to want to make a difference to me again.
    Anyway my point is, every diet will work if your willing and wanting to stick to it and feel happy and comfortable with there advice and food changes and if it works well to your lifestyle then fantastic!!
    If one thing SW taught me, it was believe in yourself and understand you, then eating well and feeling happier within yourself will become natural and you will loose the weight and have a different look on foods.
    Whatever you choose to do to loose weight, good for you for making that step and choice and enjoy it. DON'T let food rule you, enjoy it and learn how to not be deprived and enjoy in moderation.
    It takes any dieter a hell of a lot of guts to return to a group after knowing you've gained especially after target. I take my hat off to everyone who has because you are amazing and clearly know what's the best for you. You've all got inner guts and strength to take that first hurdle. Well done.

  • @jaquelinehighfield5436
    @jaquelinehighfield5436 3 года назад +8

    I was a SW on and off for 20+ years, but my losses wasn't very good in the end so moved over to CC early this year and loving it, x

  • @jimmylittleuk
    @jimmylittleuk 3 года назад +10

    Lost 8stone on SW, yo-yo ever since I switched to calories and exercise. Having unlimited food in any diet is not smart. Gonna learn portion size and exercise

  • @katiemelvin4961
    @katiemelvin4961 3 года назад +1

    I did slimming world when I was 20-21. I got the slimmest I ever been and i hadn't even hit target. At my slimmest, I realised how unhappy I was. I wouldn't go on nights out with my friends, I won't go to restuarants and found myself totally isolating myself from normal 20 year old behaviour. I also created a horrible relationship with food. I was eating such highly processed foods because they were low in 'syns'. I'm now at the heaviest I've ever been and despite this I don’t think I could go back to slimming world. I'm still trying to find a healthy balance and the lockdown hasn't help but I truly believe if I keep myself busy doing things I love and make good food choices I will lose weight in the best way for me.

  • @marciajohnson1825
    @marciajohnson1825 3 года назад +2

    Yay to a podcast! Brilliant idea Patrick! I've been doing my own weightloss prog since May. I loosely use the principles of SW - lots of free and speed food and control my portion sizes. I'm plant based now, coming up to 2yrs in September. I've lost 16lbs so far and losing approx 1lb per week. I'm happy with that!

  • @ritashappypencil
    @ritashappypencil 3 года назад

    What I have found is that slimming world gives you a good idea of what is a balanced diet. Having a breakfast, lunch and dinner, having a moderated 'treat'. Eating more fruit and veg on your plate. I now calorie count as I found I crashed and binged with Skimming world. I did a comparison with what I ate on slimming world compared to calories and sometimes it went as low as 800 calories a day. So with what you have said and what a lot of people have commented I agree on Slimming world good ideas to start you on healthy eating, but use it with calorie counting. My journey started at 20 stone 4 lb, went down to 13 stone with slimming world...crashed out, now at 15 stone 11but losing 1lb a week with calorie counting at 1900 calories a much happier with what I am eating

  • @TheBottlebrush
    @TheBottlebrush 3 года назад +2

    Its fab to have you back too 👌❤❤

  • @NightmareMan83
    @NightmareMan83 3 года назад +5

    I lost 14 stone through slimming world, COVID hit and I switched to CC… gained 2 stone, rejoined slimming world last week. I found CC gave me far too much choice, I need black and white. I’m sorry to say but everyone who I used to watch because they were on slimming world and switched to CC have all gained weight, a lot of it! With regards unlimited pasta etc, I’ve argued with my SW leader many times that it is ridiculous to say unlimited, I personally eat pasta and potatoes sparingly through the week. I need the weekly weigh in, and I don’t care what people say, CC is a ball ache, unless you eat the same thing every day.

  • @pammccann386
    @pammccann386 3 года назад +2

    I'm lucky slimming world works for me I've maintained target for over 4yrs

  • @helensharp7754
    @helensharp7754 3 года назад +7

    I’m trying calorie counting as I think SlimmingWorld is unsustainable in the long term . Trying to get my head around it though . It does work lost over 2 stone with SlimmingWorld but gained a stone back which I’m struggling to get off !

  • @NicolaHalsall
    @NicolaHalsall 3 года назад +2

    I'm doing the same thing currently. I also have a tendency to overeat pasta, potatoes etc. By weighing those things for the most part but then focusing on speed food I think it'll be more successful

    • @ginahehir4815
      @ginahehir4815 3 года назад +1

      Definitely think that is the way forward!!

  • @kj1443
    @kj1443 3 года назад +1

    Thanks for your video with such a balanced set of views and suggestions. This morning I came to the decision to back my slimming world choices up with calorie counting. So I'm pleased to have come across your video this afternoon!
    Slimming World works for me because I'm encouraged to eat low calorie dense foods like fruits and veg and lean meats over and above high calorie dense food like crisps, chocolate and fried food. My group leader promotes cooking from scratch rather than processed food. I'm not naturally a massive fan of rice or pasta so I don't heavily rely on this foods so this helps me out loads as I don't load up on them.
    However as you say if you "half do' slimming world you can easily
    "over eat" and not be in a calorie deficit and gain weight. I feel with SW it's a fine balance between all or nothing.
    I've lost 6lbs in 5 weeks. I have a further 14lbs to go.
    I use my fitness pal to track calories now. And also keep a SW food daily.. Written down on on paper... Old school.
    I haven't had quick losses but I've been out to several social events in the last month and am happy to have slower weight loss if it means I can have a couple of cocktails and cakes with friend for birthdays and hen dos.
    I'd love a podcast.

  • @ArianeB-yj1er
    @ArianeB-yj1er 3 года назад +1

    I do exactly what you said, I like to grab a meal deal when I'm out. As long as I eat something with lots of speed food in it for my tea I'm usually fine and still get the loss. I do agree it's sometimes impractical to do strictly slimming world all the time but overall I love it since I'm also a pasta fan. I recently rejoined after putting all my weight back on in lockdown and find being a bit more flexible works for me. At the end of the day, a 500 cal pre-packed sandwich won't hurt as long as I don't get the huge baguettes and also get the crisps and the full sugar pop.

  • @NightmareMan83
    @NightmareMan83 3 года назад +5

    And while we’re on the subject ultimately SW is a calorie controlled diet. And I struggle with how people find it restrictive, I had a Tesco triple all day breakfast sandwiching Friday. Yes it was 29 syns, I just lowered them for the rest of the week… not difficult is it? You have higher calories one day, you adjust for the rest of the week… where SW wins in my eyes is the huge emphasis on home cooked fresh food… not the garbage ready meals that certain CC youtubers eat because it’s in their calories!

    • @dionnereid1737
      @dionnereid1737 3 года назад

      I'm interested to know what u do for a regular takeaway? meals out party foods etc etc not choosing the best choices which no one wants to do if u work hard cooking fresh at home the majority of the time. How do u claw back on those days as this is where sw goes rogue the maintenance plan is basically crap. I so agree about all the ex sw doing cals eating a lot of processed crap but a loss is a loss I guess.

    • @NightmareMan83
      @NightmareMan83 3 года назад +1

      @@dionnereid1737 a loss shouldn’t be a loss.. I eat for health, not a 2lb weight loss. Yes I want to lose the weight I’ve gained, and I will, however eating for health is far more important to me now than the weight loss. I agree that SW fail when it comes to target members, and it’s something they need to address. What I used to do with regards takeaways etc… is I would eat what I want (not binge) and get straight back on plan the next day. I do the same for a night out, and I have no problem in losing or maintaining my weight that week (I don’t gain) look at all the slimming youtubers, it’s not a coincidence that they all look their best when they was doing slimming world. Every fat person loves the idea of CC, eat what you want every day as long as it’s in your calories… from somebody that was 29 stone, I struggle to have that amount of freedom, I need the restrictions. And again, the number one criticism of SW is unlimited pasta etc… and I fully understand that, I have never eaten those foods in quantities that some do, however they always say how can you eat a whole bowl of pasta and lose weight? That’s bollocks, you eat a portion on a normal plate with a 1/3 (I have always done 1/2) a plate of speed… hope this helps somewhat, have a nice day 😊

    • @NightmareMan83
      @NightmareMan83 3 года назад

      @@dionnereid1737 and if I have a take away, I will usually eat a 12” donner pizza, or 12” BBQ calzone, and I have eaten that every week while on slimming world, and lost half my body weight. I continued to eat that during lockdown, while Calorie counting.. and gained 2 stone.

    • @dionnereid1737
      @dionnereid1737 3 года назад +1

      @@NightmareMan83 If u lose 10 stone eating crap or healthy it doesn't matter in a doctor's eyes it's the loss that counts. I prefer to be healthy & try to have 5 a day or more but each to their own as not just one way to lose weight. I really think sw should call food what it is ie fruit & veg the speed nonsense is just a gimmick & when I see people eating 3 apples & a whole 500g of strawberries its just greed. The amount of sw who dont know what a portion of fruit & veg is a joke especially when its there to see on the packet. The majority of sw I know of & seen on utube have put all the weight back on & more & also moan when they put a few pounds on when they have a holiday or seem scared to have a normal piece of chocolate or have a childs portion every time they are out for a meal. Its just madness sw is ok as a diet if u like the foods they promote but really needs a lot of work on how to keep it off. But maybe that's the plan to keep members rejoining. if everyone knows how much food u get for 1900 cals which is not much there wouldn't be a weight problem in this country. I love all the ex sw cal counters I follow both good & bad as helping me with my journey much more than sw.

    • @NightmareMan83
      @NightmareMan83 3 года назад

      @@dionnereid1737 it’s irrelevant about the doctors eyes, what’s important is your body… it will likely not be lacking specific vitamins etc, when you eat real whole food. And I do the same.. everyday I have 5 different vegetables (not fruit) .. I agree that SW people tend to be obsessed with the scales, and are gutted when they gain a pound etc. With regards people maintaining weight loss, nearly all diets have the same problem, people get bored/complacent/stuck in a rut and look for a different alternative. But there is no alternative, when people asked me how I lost all my weight, I said I ate less (with an emphasis on real whole food) and moved more (walking and weights) which is what SW encourages. It seems most people who hate on SW simply don’t like the fact that it works, if you stick to it… the same as Atkins, or slim fast.. and like I said previously calorie counting is not working for any of the previous SW youtubers, look at Jane and Charlie.. bigger than ever! Yet preach about the benefits of CC. Trim with Tan stopped doing SW gained a lot of weight. And that’s not me being nasty, just pointing out truth. For me, SW makes me accountable each week for my choices, I want that. I want a list of foods that I can create very nice nutritious food from, without having to tediously weigh all the ingredients (I have a busy life) but hey, as you said…. To each their own 😊

  • @cakecarrots7126
    @cakecarrots7126 3 года назад +4

    Lost 8st on slimming world im now doing slimminng world and cc im still sticking to healthy extras but i dont do syns for chocolate ect and i weigh my pasta now as i go over board

    • @summerrose9565
      @summerrose9565 3 года назад

      I lost 8 stone calorie counting and am working on maintenance now. I’m doing reverse dieting to bring my calories up and not gain weight, I’ve reached 1700 cals daily after 7 months maintaining and am still loosing little bits each week so should be able to push my calories to at least 1800 cals to maintain. How long have you been maintaining and how have you found it ?

  • @margaretpower3185
    @margaretpower3185 3 года назад

    Yes please, I’d love to hear your beautiful voice while I’m getting my steps done! Just the inspiration we all need. Xx

    • @WeighIntime
      @WeighIntime  3 года назад

      Haha, thank you, I'll get on it soon :)

  • @gillianomeara3183
    @gillianomeara3183 3 года назад +2

    I reached target with sw 3 years ago ...n have maintained cc n sw n ive stayed within my 3llbs either way since ...i font look at food as syns anymore ..i look at it n say i can have that as long as its counted wrks 4me fantacially 💙💙

  • @nancycox3270
    @nancycox3270 3 года назад +2

    I love slimming world, but my group made me feel like I couldn’t have a life. Got told to eat before going out with friends and when I said yeah but sometimes life’s to short to miss a meal out I basically got laughed at and got told I wouldn’t loose any weight!

  • @eviehorner7601
    @eviehorner7601 2 года назад

    I did slimming world for years, I personally wouldn’t ever go back, just being in a calorie deficit, doing your daily steps ( I do about 5/10k) you can pretty much eat what you want if it’s within your calories, I’m not restricting myself if I want a McDonald’s I’ll get one but make sure I have a super healthy tea, I think once you get used to my fitness pal (the app I use) it’s SO easy to use! I eat a lot of Courtney black recipes too! They are so good, I don’t feel like I’m restricting myself and I’m on the go a lot and I cant just whack a jacket potato out of thin air so I have a chicken salad sandwich from the petrol station, even a bacon sandwich isn’t that calorific, 3/400 calories for a breakfast is a good amount of calories but yeah I still eat some slimming world faves tho! Like hunters chicken pulled pork etc, I just think you have wayyyyyy more freedom staying within calories! X

  • @chloesanderson4001
    @chloesanderson4001 3 года назад

    Can I just say, you are so handsome 😍 love watching your videos!!

  • @thedustiev1
    @thedustiev1 3 года назад +1

    Totally agree not sustainable forever but does work. I lost about 3 stone during lockdown & going through a bereavement however I felt sticking to SW gave me a focus & was something I could control. I think once you know the rules it always sticks with you so you're more conscious when you're making bad choices

    • @WeighIntime
      @WeighIntime  3 года назад +2

      I'm glad you agree, thank you :)

  • @kenn1936
    @kenn1936 2 года назад

    Slimming world gives you the basic concept of cooking without fat, avoiding fat, and restricting healthy options to two portions altogether, so if that is instilled in you, you will be able to stay close to the diet, even after you have stopped strict dieting. Of course the weight loss stops when the diet stops, every diet comes to an end at some point, unless you are dieting for life!! I know people who have been target weight for years.

  • @nicolamarter8587
    @nicolamarter8587 3 года назад

    It's great to see you back, Patrick. 🙂 It's an interesting video. We need to find a way of changing our mindset to lose weight permanently, that's the problem for most of us. It's extremely hard to keep up a restrictive diet indefinitely, just relying on willpower. Slimming World obviously doesn't teach this, but there are lots of good books out there, eg Gillian Riley. I'm doing calorie counting alongside going to Slimming World. I strongly believe that we need to control portions of pretty much every food except healthy protein and vegetables - telling people that they can eat unlimited portions of many carbs is very bad advice IMO. It's carbs/sugar that are causing weight gain for many people, along with unhealthy trans fats in processed food. Some people don't lose much weight because they're eating too many starchy carbs, yet think they're doing everything right, which must be very frustrating and disappointing. No wonder people end up losing their motivation, when they're trying hard but getting poor results. I think it's high time that Slimming World updated it's nutritional advice - low fat and high carb diets are far from optimum for most people, most of us need less carbs in our diet, but we do need some good fats. We need to do our own nutritional research, not just blindly follow a plan. I go to a SW group to help with motivation and support as it does help me to eat more healthily, rather than for the plan itself.

  • @geniebeader8101
    @geniebeader8101 3 года назад

    Oh, you've hit the nail on the head and I've recently come to the same conclusion about combining the two. I had a dabble at counting calories whilst Food Optimising a few weeks ago and did go from the upper end of my SW zone to the lower end. However, having never counted calories in my life I did find it difficult to keep measuring everything and gave up. I need to read through the comments and see how others do it

  • @rubbygarlicson1048
    @rubbygarlicson1048 2 года назад

    SW is a good plan to stick to, but at the end of the day you can do it yourself if you count calories. It does provide consistency and accountability which is undoubtedly good

    • @WeighIntime
      @WeighIntime  Год назад

      Great advice, thanks for the comment

  • @aimee3246
    @aimee3246 2 года назад

    I completely agree with your comments. I lost nearly 3 stone on SlimmingWorld but eventually it creaped back on. I discussed something similar unintentionally in my first video x

  • @turquoiseturtle7664
    @turquoiseturtle7664 3 года назад

    It’s not unlimited pasta in proportion to other stuff on your plate, with Slimming World. Last time I checked, it was no more than 1/3 of a plate of pasta.
    General healthy plate with healthy eating is to split the plate into 1/2 veg, 1/4 protein, 1/4 carbohydrate.
    Ideally, I’d do the general healthy plate + the Slimming World plan and use some syns for organic extra virgin olive oil and nuts.
    I think that an officially trained, nutritionist would be best placed to tell you how to eat healthily and I hope could help with weight loss, then maintaining weight.

  • @eleanorphillips3486
    @eleanorphillips3486 2 года назад

    I have been on sw for 4 weeks and lost a stone in weight but I would not want to continue following it on a forever basis. If I get stuck at any point I will eat a controlled portion of rice, pasta etc. I do not eat as much meat as I want , in particular packet variety as it is not healthy. I like your video and will be following calorie counting on certain foods and eating half a plate of salad or vegetables with my main meal and fruit with my porridge etc. The science behind SW works but as you say it is a different story in maintaining weight and I do not want to be stuck in a cycle of weight on, weight off for the rest of my life.

    • @WeighIntime
      @WeighIntime  Год назад

      Great insight, well done. I completely agree

  • @rebeccajenkins4678
    @rebeccajenkins4678 3 года назад +3

    I have 3 meals a day and one or 2 low snacks under 100 calorie in take is just under 1600 a day ....I change my meals on a daily basis I'm much happier since leaving sw and ww .....long as I stay in the just under 1600 calories a day I lose 1 to 2lbs a week ....

  • @godblessed7
    @godblessed7 3 года назад +1

    I don't believe it, you're saying what I'm doing. I rejoined SW last Saturday and lost 5lb. However, I have re-subscribed to nutracheck so I can do both. What I am finding is that once you've lost some weight on SW you can't seem to pass that point. CC has taught me that it's so easy to over eat and SW does make you over eat! The downside, I found to CC is that it's so easy to eat junk!! This then made me very sluggish, no energy whatsoever and terrible headaches, plus I the scales didn't move quickly! I've gone back to the SW way of eating for the health benefits and CC for portion control and out and about convenience. CC does work if you stick within your amount. Good luck for this week, can't wait to see next week's vlog. Stay safe my darling xx

  • @vickysimkiss
    @vickysimkiss 3 года назад

    Totally agree with you on this 👌🏻💕

  • @tay7366
    @tay7366 3 года назад +1

    I have found your videos very useful and have lost one and a half stone on sw and I feel better for it
    I have the odd cheat but it’s still coming off !

  • @laurieloses
    @laurieloses 3 года назад

    Fantastic video Patrick x

  • @antminehead
    @antminehead 3 года назад

    Hi Patrick, great to see you back. I use 'myfitnesspal' app to log calories and exercise. I know what I can get away with to maintain. If I notice weight gain occurring I embark on a kind of 'in the spirit of' version of Slimming World for a month or so. At the end of the day we all know Slimming World is a calorie controlled diet that pushes us towards very sensible (boring) food choices! But like you say 'life happens' and we are derailed.

  • @lisabloor5400
    @lisabloor5400 3 года назад

    It does work if you make it work. I wouldn't of lost 7 stone without it. Everyone had there own opinions on any plan, I couldn't get on with calorie counting as I was saving my calories for junk food and I gained weight. I'm back at slimming world after gaining 3 stone through lockdown and mental health issues ( emotional eater). When I loose the 3 stone I will consider calorie counting again to maintain.

  • @traceysawyer7930
    @traceysawyer7930 3 года назад +1

    Hi Patrick I joined nutra check 25th of March this year & I’ve lost nearly 3 & half stone using this app. I was also a member SlimmingWorld but I will never return as it thought me to over eat it doesn’t show you how to portion control. With calorie counting I’ve lost every week & I can eat what ever I want

  • @littlemissmuffet6892
    @littlemissmuffet6892 3 года назад

    This is good advice, thank you. I agree with you ♥️

  • @laurafreeman3942
    @laurafreeman3942 3 года назад +2

    Just measure your pasta once in a while and see just how many calories you were eating whilst claiming to be ‘on plan’. I used to eat the biggest jacket potato, a whole tin of beans and salad. All on plan but weighing in at around 1,000 calories. Now I understand since counting my macros why I wasn’t loosing weight but my consultant couldn’t understand when looking at my food diary. If you are aware of what you are eating you can make changes!!! X

  • @orlahayes1261
    @orlahayes1261 3 года назад

    I have been on SW for years. Its a good weight loss programme as you don't feel deprived of food and its a positive supportive club. However, people have busy lives and eating out, eating on the go or navigating a social live isn't easy to do long term if your on SW diet or any other diet especially if you have had an unhealthy relationship with food as old habits can slip back in overtime. Its hard to stay determined, let's face it, you do have to say no to the calorific foods you love and you won't always feel motivated to do so. I don't beat myself up about it, life is short, holidays and family occasions are what make life fun. Live a little but try not to loose the run of myself and if I do I'm back to SW meetings to get me back on track. I fluctuate, but nit hugely so I don't think of it as a yoyo diet. I think once you get close to or hit target you need to be mindful of portion size.

  • @shirleyrobinson6666
    @shirleyrobinson6666 2 года назад

    Lost 6 stone on sw l have struggle since lockdown but lam doing myself now as £5.95 is alot to pull out when done sw so long should know how to do it now my main goal is keep healthy so keep going much as l can

  • @cynthiawilliams5090
    @cynthiawilliams5090 2 года назад

    All slimming clubs /diets work on the premise you will regain the weight if any particular diet worked and you were slim for life just think the diet industry would collapse ,it’s a life long problem .

  • @teresawemah8447
    @teresawemah8447 3 года назад +1

    I would love a pod cast x

  • @dianepotter4927
    @dianepotter4927 3 года назад +1

    I have somehow managed to sustain s/w. Kept to the lifestyle. I have sometimes had a free for all. And not gone above target. Its more i keep often shrinking, so to me once its stuck, its stuck.xx

  • @maddybrown7726
    @maddybrown7726 3 года назад +1

    Sw did work for me but only for a few months then, no matter what I was doing, it just stopped working for me as I was missing too many things …..I’ve tried cc and I definately fell in love with food again and it works perfectly for me……I don’t think combining the 2 works tho…..u have to follow one. Or the other ……just try to have a typical Sw day and count the calories of that day…….u ll b surprised how many calories the so called free or speed food carries.
    But it s all down to individuals …….it s try and error really . I will follow u because u r still a great inspiration for me but…..I will not go back to Sw xx

  • @chrisgriffiths3629
    @chrisgriffiths3629 3 года назад

    Every diet works IF you stick to it, so nothings sustainable long term thats why we always put the weight on . But decide what your doing and stick to one thing as calorie counting alongside slimming world wont give you the result you want if your trying to loose weight but might help you maintain

  • @witchywendywoo9553
    @witchywendywoo9553 3 года назад +4

    Sorry to be a nay sayer, but that’s me out the door. Just mention of calorie counting and I run. I think sense is required with rice pasta and potatoes as obviously they contain calories and can’t be gorged on, but as a long term member you know that everything should be in moderation. CC is for me a fast track to a bad relationship with food and that is why SW is perfect for me as they’ve done the maths for me. Trying to keep to a set number of calories will have me purging the minute I go one calorie over. Great if you’re not made that way, but many slimmers are. As for sustainability, SW absolutely is sustainable because it’s normal food. I’ve lost 3st and I’m a target member. In my group we have ladies who’ve been at target for ten years - pretty sustainable. I respect your opinion but will have to respectfully disagree and unsubscribe. Much love and success to you xx

    • @tamlee9133
      @tamlee9133 3 года назад +1

      how long ago did you reach target? i’m not trying to be argumentative i really would love to know as the only people i know that been target members for over 5yrs are older women and you look really young, i managed to stick to target for 2 a year lols 🤦‍♀️ xx

    • @tamlee9133
      @tamlee9133 3 года назад +1

      also i didn’t mean that to be condescending i just know that all the women i know that have been target members usually been on sw for many years and target members between 5-10yrs but were light losers, ie they lost a stone but slowly over 2 yrs, i really am genuinely interested? not because i’m trying to poke holes but i know when people use weight fast they tend to put it on fast, i lost my 6stone weight after my baby in 9montgs but obviously i didn’t have no maintains or gains in that time coz after 1-2 stone i plateaud so needed to cc, i’m just really interested how long you took to loose the weight and if people who managed to stay at target over 2 yrs were big losers like us? xxx

    • @witchywendywoo9553
      @witchywendywoo9553 3 года назад +1

      @@tamlee9133 yes some of the target members who stay in target have been older. Life changes like having babies have a huge effect on weight lol. When I had my babies my thyroid stopped working and I’ve struggled with my weight ever since. I’m 52, it’s taken me about 14 months to reach target and I’ve been at target two months. I’m also post menopausal which can make it hard to lose weight xx

    • @tamlee9133
      @tamlee9133 3 года назад +1

      awww yeah i feel you hun, i got a under active thyroid and i’m getting to that age too, that’s how i found it so long and hard to stay at target, but yeah i managed it for over a year, i just found til i got to about 5months after target i was off plan for a day or 2 then on plan 5 days and it worked for a while but it is being consistent, you seem to have your head screwed on tho so good luck hun and thanks so much for getting back to me xx

  • @elainedenton4852
    @elainedenton4852 3 года назад

    I lost 5 stone on slimming world and I’ve kept it off and not a drop of water has passed my lips because I hate water I will be on SlimmingWorld forever because I love it the only time i struggle with is when I go on holiday I end up not eating at all I come back loosing weight

  • @89chrisj
    @89chrisj 3 года назад +1

    Hi Patrick. I just wanted to know, when exactly do you start to notice a change in your weight after starting Slimming World? I've tried pretty much every diet and healthy eating but I can't seem to lose the weight. I joined Slimming World about a year and a half ago, but then with covid I still managed to stick with it at home. I've found it to be great in that I don't crave as much of the syn foods and tend to be filling up more on the free foods along with my healthy extras. I know you don't have to strain yourself with exercise, but I do use a fitness gravity strider every day for an hour plus the house work and when I'm doing shopping I walk so that I'm carrying the bags. The problem is that I look exactly the same and I have no idea where I'm going wrong. One thing I should mention is that drink that sparkling flavoured water and I know they say not to, but I only drink them if they are sugar free as I know all sugar free drinks are syn free. Could you please maybe do a video next time of a meal plan, and what intensity of exercise and how many minutes/hours to do it. It would be a great help. Thank you!

    • @WeighIntime
      @WeighIntime  3 года назад +1

      Thanks for the comment man, are you on Instagram? If so let me know any tips for videos on there. It would really help me out. Thanks

    • @nicolamarter8587
      @nicolamarter8587 3 года назад

      Artificially sweetened products may not contain calories as such, but actually have the same affect on your body as sugar by raising your blood sugar, and making it produce insulin, which are both major factors in weight gain. They're worse for your health than sugar too, so should be avoided. Also you won't lose your sweet tooth and sugar cravings while you consume them. I really wish that Slimming World didn't promote using them, and also updated to portion control for carbs, as carbs are fattening and need to be limited! Some people don't lose weight with Slimming World because they're eating too many carbs. Also we need healthy fats in our diet, it's processed trans fats that are the problem. Their nutritional advice badly needs updating.

  • @zoeemmerson6183
    @zoeemmerson6183 2 года назад

    Do you imagine that you will CC for the rest of your life? With SW you can get to a place where you know the meals that work for you. Most folk who do not have a weight issue probably eat the same few brekkies, lunches and a range of dinners most of the time and eat higher calorie foods occasionally. Weight issues go way deeper than what's on your plate, you need to fix how you view food and what you use it for. I do thing SW - as a tool - is sustainable. The rules are simple and easy to follow - even if a little contradictory at times. CC is so vague, what is on a pack of food is not at all accurate, nor is the figure given to you by apps like myfitnesspal for what you should be consuming. SW forces you to priorities healthy foods whereas you could eat your 2000 cals with a few mars bars. Sure SW has it's faults, but you very much know, that if you follow the rules you will get the results that you want. Being slim and eating an excess of meals deals and take outs and booze just don't go hand in hand.

  • @ukchristian28
    @ukchristian28 3 года назад

    I don't see why it wouldn't be sustainable forever. Meal deals at lunch time etc don't have to be the norm for someone. If the norm is always having SW meals with added healthy extras and additional syns when you're at target, then that would work just fine. You could even have the odd treat at a restaurant as long as it doesn't take you over your target zone. You might have to pull back later, but I don't see how it wouldn't work forever. But, I am not at target yet. Maybe I will think differently later on.

  • @TheBottlebrush
    @TheBottlebrush 3 года назад +1

    Can u go through what food u can eat... can u do a video on healthy extras etc ... I dont want to join a class ... I would rather just watch ur vids ... thanks Patrick

    • @WeighIntime
      @WeighIntime  3 года назад

      Thanks for the comment, are you on Instagram? If so let me know any tips for videos on there. It would really help me out. Thanks

  • @annagardner9403
    @annagardner9403 3 года назад

    I've lost 8lb on the Covid diet lol used to love slimming world trying calorie counting when I feel better x

  • @amybergmann2980
    @amybergmann2980 3 года назад

    Sw didn’t work for me long term … I joined team Rh and count calories and macros now and I find this works for me

  • @Mrs.A583
    @Mrs.A583 3 года назад

    I'm cc now I'll weight tomorrow I've been on a 12 shift and need some rest

  • @karenccs67
    @karenccs67 3 года назад

    I’m doing both, following SW principals but calorie counting too, I’m losing 1 lb a week.

  • @taraedney1706
    @taraedney1706 3 года назад

    How do you count pasta do you weigh dry or cook it and weigh after?

    • @nicolamarter8587
      @nicolamarter8587 3 года назад

      You need to weigh it dry, as it's inaccurate to weigh it after cooking as the weight will depend on how long you cook it for. I have about 60g dry weight pasta as a portion.

  • @diegeferenbach8065
    @diegeferenbach8065 3 года назад

    Lost 5 pounds this past week