Luag tej laus yeej ib txwm piv txoj lus hais tias poj niam nrauj txiv tag pom niam mus tu tau npuas los noj tsiab ho txiv neej nrauj poj niam tag ces txiv neej kawg ua deb thawj thiab no ces yog li no ntag
Poj niam hmoob yog cov siab ntev tshaj plaws nyob rau lub qab ntuj no. Tab sis hnub twg tau tawm lawm ces tsi muaj hnub rov los lawm es txhob saib koj tus niam tsev qis2 nawb
I guess it’s a lesson that you learn the hard way. First of all in life nothing is given to you for free, you will always have to work til the day you die. Your mistake is not working to support your family. Another mistake is never think that the other side of the fence is always better, although it’s tempting you never know how that person will be until you live with them. Also once when a women decides to cut ties with a man it’s something a man can never change turn back and try to repair. I’m glad to see that at least you have some clarity now but it’s just too bad it’s way too late.
tus me nus, koj twb tau raws siab xav lawm los mas. 👏👏 thiab nco ntsoov tias niam txiv huab tais ntuj muab zoo tes zoo taw rau koj kav tsij muab siv kom tsim nyog mas. txhob xav nyob noj luag xwb. it’s a good thing that you know what you have done so now too late just move forward like her.
Ntshej muag txiv dev liam aws, tsam no ces lig rau koj lawm hos koj muab koj lub pov haum kub pov tseg es hos mus khaws lub pov haum txhuas ntag. Npam koj ntag. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🥰
Wise, woman. Looser who don't work, not supportive, and is a dog. Is not worth keeping. I applaud his ex for kicking him to the curb. Teach you right for disrespecting the mother of your kids.
Za j no Tim tus txiv 💯 lawm, yog yus ua phem ces tau phem li no ,tus txiv tsev no koj twb tsi caj ncees thiab fwm koj tus kheej lawm es koj yuav ua cas kom luag fwm koj nab ,yog koj rov UA rau koj xwb nawb
Vuag lub neej tam sim no ib cov txiv neej Hmoob meca lub hlwb cas tsuas yog nrhiav cov poj niam muaj nyiaj dag noj xwb. U yog txiv neej u yuav tau khwv tau u tsev neeg ua ib tug txiv khov kho mas cas quav dev ua luaj
Realize it now is better than later. Glad you have regrets and suffer from pain, that's how you know you're still alive. Just forgive yourself and move on. Life is too short to be drawn in regrets and the past. Good luck!
Dev thawj thiab ces yog cov neeg zoo li koj tiag.koj yeej hloov tsis tau koj tus kheej li os.poj niam pais lawm los vim yeej paub tias qub dev qub ntxhiab.yim nrauj ntxov yim tau lub neeg zoo.
Txiv dev rais mus ua txiv quav dev. Koj lub ntsej lub muag tseev zoo nraug los lub siab phem siab qias neeg ces yeej pab tsis tau koj. Thaum kawg tus neeg siab zoo yeej tus neeg ntsej muag zoo. Koj lub hom phiaj loj kawg yuav ua kom mus txog lub hli tiam sis thaum kawg txog tawb quav xwb.
Peb hmoob muaj ib feem yuav tos kom pom dej dag tso, tiamsis kom nco ntsoov tias thaum pom dej dag lawm ces thim tsis tau rov qab lawm nawj cov me phoojywg. Kuv hais ntxiv rau cov phoojywg uas niaj hnub no tseem tabtom tos kom pom dej dag ntawd , nej cia li thim rov qab ziag no thaum nej mus tsis tau txog tus dej dag, nej thiaj thim tau rov qab nawj cov me phoojywg.
90% peb cov txiv neej hmoob yeej siab phem li no. Nej cov poj niam txawj ua phem ces yeej meem ua pauj nawb. Txhob cia txiv neej ua phem rau peb xwb ma.
I am glad the wife moved on and have a better life now. From this story you can tell how shallow this guy is. He deserves nothing good because he is lazy and a freeloader.
IB tug txiv tsev tsi sawm zoo, qhuas yus tus kheej zoo nraug tab si yog ib tug neeg tub nkeeg xav nyob noj nyob haus xwb es yuav ua cas vam meej nrog luag muaj noj muaj haus os tus txiv tsev tub nkeeg aw.
Li ko ces lawv hais tias tus zoo kj g nyiaj kj nyiaj tus phem xwb os nej cov txiv neej g sawm zoo tau tus zoo ces hais tias ruam tus tus rhe ces kj tias phem nej yeej g nyiaj qhov zoo
Cov neeg church tuaj khob qhov rooj piav txog church thiab cov life insurance agent pheej xav tuaj saib ntaub ntawv life insurance mas ntxim ntub tib yam nkaus ntag. Yog luag xav yuav life insurance ntawm koj ces luag him txawj nug koj xov tooj es hu rau koj lawm. Luag twb tsis hu koj los koj pheej ua dev leg thab es yuav npaj tuaj saib tej ntaub ntawv los yog explain txog kev life insurance. Txhua txhua tus neeg ua phem ua ntej es nws ho tau kev tws tom qab ces yeej tsis tsim nyog rau leej twg hlub nws lawm.
Aib aw cas koj es liam ua liaj os, muab koj lub neej zoo ua puas tag li tsis tsim txiaj li os!!! Cas tsis txawj ua neej tsis txaus ntseeg li os...koj saib koj zoo nraug heev lawm xwb thiaj zoo li no vim koj tsis rau siab ua neej zoo...
Nej cov uas tseem niaj hnub muag life insurance nas....Koj twb recruit koj poj Niam me nyuam, koj tej nkauj muam, kwv Tij, txheeb ze nrog koj muag insurance Tag lawm los pheej tseem hais tas zaj tas zog kom luag tej txheb ze yuav life insurance rau luag tej me nyuam thiab. Kuv mas dhuav kawg li thiab nawb. Tsis tag li yog Nws yaum tsis tau yus nrog nws muag insurance mas nws ntxub yus kiag lawm. Thov nej yuav tau hloov nej tus cwj pwm no nawb.
Niam npua ruam poj niam yuav tus yxiv twb yog xav tau tus txiv los pat khwv noj khwv haus rau lub neej.txhob vam tias poj niam yuav yuav neeg tub nkeeg li ko. Yog yuav tau koj es koj nyob dawn xwb ces poj niam xum nyob ib leeg tsis tau ua qhev ua zaub ua mov rau koj noj naiami koj tsuas yog koj niag niam loj thiaj uv koj xwb. Kav tsij ua npau suav tias koj tus qub poj niam tseem yog koj tus mus txpg hnub ruag xwb zoo dua.
Haha txiv dev co tw os nuam quav phim nej cov txiv dev uas muaj muaj plus os
Luag tej laus yeej ib txwm piv txoj lus hais tias poj niam nrauj txiv tag pom niam mus tu tau npuas los noj tsiab ho txiv neej nrauj poj niam tag ces txiv neej kawg ua deb thawj thiab no ces yog li no ntag
Tsim nyog kawg li os me nraug hmoob nej cov txiv saib tsis tau peb cov poj niam tsis zoo nkauj os txaus lawm los pos
Neeg tsis sawm zoo tus hlub yus ces yus ntxub txhob tu siab vim yus yeem yus
Haha..happy ending for this man!! Neeg tsis sawm zoo thiab tsis xav ua txiv tab cuab ces cia kom zoo li no.
Txawj tu siab thiab los..hehe..
Koj yog ib tug txiv tub nkeeg tshaj li
Poj niam hmoob yog cov siab ntev tshaj plaws nyob rau lub qab ntuj no.
Tab sis hnub twg tau tawm lawm ces tsi muaj hnub rov los lawm es txhob saib koj tus niam tsev qis2 nawb
Dev vwm, pom dej tag lawm siab thiaj nqig. Thov kom peb cov txiv neej Hmoob hlub peb cov niam tsev siab zoo2 li Tus no nawb.
I guess it’s a lesson that you learn the hard way. First of all in life nothing is given to you for free, you will always have to work til the day you die. Your mistake is not working to support your family. Another mistake is never think that the other side of the fence is always better, although it’s tempting you never know how that person will be until you live with them. Also once when a women decides to cut ties with a man it’s something a man can never change turn back and try to repair. I’m glad to see that at least you have some clarity now but it’s just too bad it’s way too late.
Heev neeg ua muaj heev neeg tsim tiag2 lub neej g yog bau suav nawb cad tej tus txiv no g tsheej haj li lau
Xav yuam kev loj heev thiaj muaj kev npam os thaub awd
niag neeg tsi sawm zoo 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Tsis ua cas os cia ua kev kawm rau koj yav tom ntej thiab ua kev kawm rau peb txhua tus xwb ua tsaug os
Hmoob muaj ib lo lus hai tias heev neeg muaj heev neeg ces li no ntag lau!
tus me nus, koj twb tau raws siab xav lawm los mas. 👏👏 thiab nco ntsoov tias niam txiv huab tais ntuj muab zoo tes zoo taw rau koj kav tsij muab siv kom tsim nyog mas. txhob xav nyob noj luag xwb. it’s a good thing that you know what you have done so now too late just move forward like her.
Nej cov me txiv neej ua tsab tsab muaj plhus os
Tiam no yog tiam 21 lawm yog leej twg saib poj niam qis qis ces thaum kawg nws yuav ua poj niam qhev thiab ua dev thawj thiab nawj
Ntshej muag txiv dev liam aws, tsam no ces lig rau koj lawm hos koj muab koj lub pov haum kub pov tseg es hos mus khaws lub pov haum txhuas ntag. Npam koj ntag. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🥰
Tu txiv neej no siab phem lim hiam dhau law
Tim koj ib leeg xwb os mog nrog koj tu siab heev li nawb
Ib tug txiv neej zoo li koj ces yog kuv ntshe twb muab ntsaws thoob khib nyiab ntev lawm os tus txiv tsev aw!!!.
Pab koj tu siab os.cov niag txiv neej siab phem li nej ko
Thaub no tsis hlub leej twg li os. Thaub tsuas yog nrhiav chaws nyob thiab khuv xim lub chaw nyob xwb.
Wise, woman. Looser who don't work, not supportive, and is a dog. Is not worth keeping. I applaud his ex for kicking him to the curb. Teach you right for disrespecting the mother of your kids.
In the past you did not love her now you say you love her and still love her it's ashame and big lier
Peb COV txiv neej hmoob txhob ruam 2 os mog peb COV txiv neej
Ua tsaug rau koj nawb mog koj hais tas luag tsis zoo koj mas twb thaib o
Koj paub pojnrauj lub siab zoo licas lawm lauj.
Sab tiag2 os hmoob aw. Ua pojniam tu ja, pojniam ua yus ti ntxa kiag os
Za j no Tim tus txiv 💯 lawm, yog yus ua phem ces tau phem li no ,tus txiv tsev no koj twb tsi caj ncees thiab fwm koj tus kheej lawm es koj yuav ua cas kom luag fwm koj nab ,yog koj rov UA rau koj xwb nawb
Here you go again blaming your wife you will never learned. Sounds like you only want what you can’t have but have nothing to offer.
Vuag lub neej tam sim no ib cov txiv neej Hmoob meca lub hlwb cas tsuas yog nrhiav cov poj niam muaj nyiaj dag noj xwb. U yog txiv neej u yuav tau khwv tau u tsev neeg ua ib tug txiv khov kho mas cas quav dev ua luaj
Realize it now is better than later. Glad you have regrets and suffer from pain, that's how you know you're still alive. Just forgive yourself and move on. Life is too short to be drawn in regrets and the past. Good luck!
Dev thawj thiab ces yog cov neeg zoo li koj tiag.koj yeej hloov tsis tau koj tus kheej li os.poj niam pais lawm los vim yeej paub tias qub dev qub ntxhiab.yim nrauj ntxov yim tau lub neeg zoo.
Nees siab pheem li koj tse nyob lub neeg li kov yob lawm
cov xav li ko ce yog cov txiv zoo lawm kuv nyiam cov txiv zoo li ko tiag
Siab dub ces npam li ko kuwg
cov ntsej muag dev li koj sawv sawm tuag tsis tuag neeg tsis sawm zoo...heev neeg muaj heev neeg tsim, nyuam qhuav ntxim xwb vim koj lim hiam...hnub no koj pojniam twb tsis xav ntsia koj npaum li tawb quav dev os.
Txiv dev rais mus ua txiv quav dev.
Koj lub ntsej lub muag tseev zoo nraug los lub siab phem siab qias neeg ces yeej pab tsis tau koj. Thaum kawg tus neeg siab zoo yeej tus neeg ntsej muag zoo.
Koj lub hom phiaj loj kawg yuav ua kom mus txog lub hli tiam sis thaum kawg txog tawb quav xwb.
Sometimes people over look and take advantage of what’s Afront of them. The grass isn’t always greener on the other side.
Hehehe txiv neej es muaj lub no thiab los
Txiv khav2 cas thaum g muaj poj niam lawm ho mus thawj thiab xwb ho nyob g tau yu tu kheej mas.
I love this story! My fave kind of stories! Lol. Wish there was more women and men like this.
Muab teebbkub pauv teebbtxhua ces zoo li no
nyuam ntxim xb o kj na hhhhh
Txiv aub tseem txim txiaj dua cas tsi cem naw..
Nyuam qhuav haum xwb koj na kav tsij uv thiaj tsis tau mus nrog lawv sib txeeb qab choj nyob mog
Good lesson, thanks for sharing
Txhob tos tsis muaj hnub nws yuav rov los
Ib tug txiv tsev es tsis mus khwv noj khwv haus tsis tab cuab tsis mus nrhiav nyiaj Los them nuj qi es yuav nyob tos poj niam khwvrau noj xwb ces hlais qau pov tseg zoo dua tuag zoo mus nyob hnyav av xwb mog
Peb hmoob muaj ib feem yuav tos kom pom dej dag tso, tiamsis kom nco ntsoov tias thaum pom dej dag lawm ces thim tsis tau rov qab lawm nawj cov me phoojywg. Kuv hais ntxiv rau cov phoojywg uas niaj hnub no tseem tabtom tos kom pom dej dag ntawd , nej cia li thim rov qab ziag no thaum nej mus tsis tau txog tus dej dag, nej thiaj thim tau rov qab nawj cov me phoojywg.
Tab tom
Zaj no zoo qhia rau cov txivneej uas niaj hnub no tab tom khav2 tias nws zoo2 nraug es niaj hnub ua hluas nas
90% peb cov txiv neej hmoob yeej siab phem li no. Nej cov poj niam txawj ua phem ces yeej meem ua pauj nawb. Txhob cia txiv neej ua phem rau peb xwb ma.
Cov txiv neej uas pheej tshaws poj niam zoo nkauj ua siab phem thaum kawg cas mus thawj pog laus nyob tiv qw li ko tiag thaub. Koj txoj kev zoo nraug khav theeb pab tsi tau koj ib sim neej li os.
Cov txiv neej lim hiam ces nyuam qhuav haum xwb
Tus txiv neej no ruam tiag2.
Cas txiv neej hmoob Siab phem Siab Dub tshob Cuab khib xuab txhua leej li lov
Ib tug txiv tsev tub nkeeg npaum no tus poj niam twg yuav ces hmoov tag.
Im glad this guy learned his lesson. May you use your regret to better yourself for the future.
Thaub no hais tsis tau tias nws hlub nws tus niam loj, hais tias khuv xim no mas yog.
I am glad the wife moved on and have a better life now. From this story you can tell how shallow this guy is. He deserves nothing good because he is lazy and a freeloader.
Luag hais tias npua xum noj xua dev xum noj nquav ces yog koj ntag nawb yuav tau ua tiag noj mus
Phem sib xws thiaj tau lo nyob ua ke lo mas
Ua cas tseem muaj cov neeg zoo li no thiab 😂.
Tus me txiv tsev koj zoo nraug yuam Kev lawm. Vim koj xav tias koj yuav muab koj txoj Kev zoo nraug no los huab noj, huab hau dawb xwb , cov neeg zoo lis kos yeej tsis tshuas vam meej, vim txoj Kev zoo nraug yeej noj tsis tsau. Luag tej lau yeej piv lus hais tias heev neeg muaj heev neeg tsim, tsis txhob tus siab, qhov no yus twb ncav tau yus lub hom phiaj lawm ntag.
IB tug txiv tsev tsi sawm zoo, qhuas yus tus kheej zoo nraug tab si yog ib tug neeg tub nkeeg xav nyob noj nyob haus xwb es yuav ua cas vam meej nrog luag muaj noj muaj haus os tus txiv tsev tub nkeeg aw.
Li ko ces lawv hais tias tus zoo kj g nyiaj kj nyiaj tus phem xwb os nej cov txiv neej g sawm zoo tau tus zoo ces hais tias ruam tus tus rhe ces kj tias phem nej yeej g nyiaj qhov zoo
Nco ntsoov tias cia luag ua phem rau yus xwb yus tsis txhob ua phem rau luag thaum nkawg yus thiaj tsis ntshai kev npam, kev txhaum thiab kev quaj vim yus yeej ua zoo txaus lawm.
Tsim nyog qhov koj tsob Cuab kawg li o yom 💔
Koj ces nyuam qhuav ntxim rau qhov koj xav tias koj zoo nraug heev tam sim txoj kev zoo nrog pab tsis tau koj lawm tiag
Ntuj aws cas koj tseem muaj ntsej muag coj tuaj hais thiab niag ntsej muag lim hiam dig muag. Phem lim hiam.
Ua tsaug rau koj txoj mi neej neeg zoo2 no rau peb kawm os mog. Thov kom tom ntej no koj tsuas tau txais qhov kev kaj siab xwb os.
Don’t ever take anything you like for granted.. Luck only comes once n it ain’t easy to redeem!
Thaub aw koj ces tsuas ntxim li xwb os
At least u know ur mistake now and u learned from it, just wish u the best of luck for your new life.
vim nej cov hmoob ruam no ueej tsis zoo tau tej hauj lwm no ces yeej khav mus deev luag pojniam xwb os.
Ub niag txiv qhovquav zoo li tus no ces tuag lo pob...
Txiv dev lim hiam aw tuag g tuag siab phem diam npam ntag
Qhia rau tus txiv neej ko tias cov neeg liam2 li nws coob2 kom txhob tusiab
Cov neeg church tuaj khob qhov rooj piav txog church thiab cov life insurance agent pheej xav tuaj saib ntaub ntawv life insurance mas ntxim ntub tib yam nkaus ntag. Yog luag xav yuav life insurance ntawm koj ces luag him txawj nug koj xov tooj es hu rau koj lawm. Luag twb tsis hu koj los koj pheej ua dev leg thab es yuav npaj tuaj saib tej ntaub ntawv los yog explain txog kev life insurance. Txhua txhua tus neeg ua phem ua ntej es nws ho tau kev tws tom qab ces yeej tsis tsim nyog rau leej twg hlub nws lawm.
Aib aw cas koj es liam ua liaj os, muab koj lub neej zoo ua puas tag li tsis tsim txiaj li os!!! Cas tsis txawj ua neej tsis txaus ntseeg li os...koj saib koj zoo nraug heev lawm xwb thiaj zoo li no vim koj tsis rau siab ua neej zoo...
Nej cov uas tseem niaj hnub muag life insurance nas....Koj twb recruit koj poj Niam me nyuam, koj tej nkauj muam, kwv Tij, txheeb ze nrog koj muag insurance Tag lawm los pheej tseem hais tas zaj tas zog kom luag tej txheb ze yuav life insurance rau luag tej me nyuam thiab. Kuv mas dhuav kawg li thiab nawb. Tsis tag li yog Nws yaum tsis tau yus nrog nws muag insurance mas nws ntxub yus kiag lawm. Thov nej yuav tau hloov nej tus cwj pwm no nawb.
Tsawg sawm...koj qhov zoo nraug os tsam no pab tsis tau koj....suav cwj 2 tog plam kiag...yus cov ho tsis hlub..mus hlub mus yug luag cov..niam qhuav ntxim...twb tsis 5au txau thiab..pog laus kav tsij muab tsim tiag tsim tiag. Kav tsij Uv tiag Uv xwb tsis tuag os tus neeg zoo nraug aw.
Niam npua ruam poj niam yuav tus yxiv twb yog xav tau tus txiv los pat khwv noj khwv haus rau lub neej.txhob vam tias poj niam yuav yuav neeg tub nkeeg li ko. Yog yuav tau koj es koj nyob dawn xwb ces poj niam xum nyob ib leeg tsis tau ua qhev ua zaub ua mov rau koj noj naiami koj tsuas yog koj niag niam loj thiaj uv koj xwb. Kav tsij ua npau suav tias koj tus qub poj niam tseem yog koj tus mus txpg hnub ruag xwb zoo dua.
Txiv neej tub nkeeg os thiaj txawj tub nkeeg kj ma nyuam qhuav phim xwb lau nqa hnab mu nyb qab choj xwb ma
Mlom koj hai koj yog ib tug txiv tsev tsi txawj xav li os lawv aws tau ib tug txiv zoo li kos ces pab tus siab os
He think he so handsome to do what he wants to do. Too bad to sad now your handsome will not less you forever😜😜😜
niam ntsuab teev ua li cas tab hnov koj tham nej hmoob mekas mas tsuas yog tham txog Kev sib nrauj sib tso xwb na
Luag tias dev tsis sawm tsau , neeg tsis sawm zoo ces yog koj ntag mod. Tus me tub zoo nraug aws.
Hahahah neeg tub nkeeg
Thaub koj siab phem tiag thaum koj lub kua muag poob koj mas xav txog ces lig lawm txhob nco poj niam mas thaub hahahaha koj na
Lao people have a saying, “ສົມນໍາໜ້າ“ 😂
Haum kawgnkauszookawgcia komzooli thiab esthiajlipaubostxojkevua lhuasnraugos txauslawmlostsistau
Cas Koj tsis quaj mas? Koj tsis tu siab lov? Haha