The strap is used for keeping the bike closed, the handlebar post hinge is on the wrong side, it needs to be on the right close to frame so the handlebars will be flush with the wheel, on the outside, might take a little twicking to get it right.
Just got mine from ebay I love it!! I paid $65 for my local bike shop to put it together, they told me the handle bar might move a bit and thats how it came BUT the handle bar is shifting making it unsafe to ride can't even ride it, it goes to the side, any suggestions?
Take off the rear bolt to the axle. It should fit opposite of the gears and chain. It will fit into the slotted grove just behind that bolt. Snug the bolt tight and it should work just fine
think your handlebar needs to fold right, that way when you fold the bike in half to the left, the bar will sit on one side and the two wheels will be next to each other.
My OCD is triggered by that front left brake cable! The hinge is intentionally offset from front rear alignment so that if it ever comes loose while riding you can maintain steering without collapsing on you (potholes). You were smart to get gear shift on 20 wheels which can wear you out. Amazon sells baskets that can attach to rear luggage rack and fold flat against frame when not using. each basket can carry a small backpack, 12 pack, or several grocery bags. I have a set on my Ebike, @$30 pair. I bought a Walmart bike and replaced rear wheel with a 1,000 watt motor. Top speed 52 mph and 10 amp lipo battery has 15 mile cruising range if you don't peddle at all. Hardest part of installing, wiring, controller, baskets, luggage rack, smartphone mount, Bluetooth speaker, was the dang rear disc brake and cable adjustment took as long as rest of project, @4 hours.
Beautiful bike i want it so bad but it says they are up to 220 lbs :( and I'm 221 is anyone here who have more than 220 and use this bike without issues?
I doubt 1 pound will make a difference and I'm sure it can handle much more weight than that. They don't want to be legally liable if someone that's 300 pounds breaks it while riding and gets injured.
The strap is used for keeping the bike closed, the handlebar post hinge is on the wrong side, it needs to be on the right close to frame so the handlebars will be flush with the wheel, on the outside, might take a little twicking to get it right.
You're right
Hi Peter. Is there any video on how you install your kick stand?
Just got mine from ebay I love it!! I paid $65 for my local bike shop to put it together, they told me the handle bar might move a bit and thats how it came BUT the handle bar is shifting making it unsafe to ride can't even ride it, it goes to the side, any suggestions?
great review for a noob such as myself, thank you!
great review! thank you.
There is a you tube video that shows you howto adjust the tension on the frame hinge clamp and how to assemble the bike in general.
A Fiat friendly bike. Njoy.
Folders are common here in sailboat land for ground transportation when sailing in to new area.
How's it holding up?
How fast does it go?
How do you install the kickstand?
Take off the rear bolt to the axle. It should fit opposite of the gears and chain. It will fit into the slotted grove just behind that bolt. Snug the bolt tight and it should work just fine
how heavy is this bike..i have the 26 inch wheel Xspec folding and quite heavy
What size of Hex key used to tighten the steer?
How did you get it for $180. Amazon says $250. I got one on my front porch I'm borrowing and it's a very nice little bike.
The Amazon prices fluctuate a lot!
I cant get the stem out of the 45 degree angle....Help!!!
That’s how it’s built for folding purposes
what a waste of time. there is not a sec of showing how it looks after it’s folded. size after it’s folded? weight?
think your handlebar needs to fold right, that way when you fold the bike in half to the left, the bar will sit on one side and the two wheels will be next to each other.
What’s the max speed of it
My OCD is triggered by that front left brake cable! The hinge is intentionally offset from front rear alignment so that if it ever comes loose while riding you can maintain steering without collapsing on you (potholes). You were smart to get gear shift on 20 wheels which can wear you out. Amazon sells baskets that can attach to rear luggage rack and fold flat against frame when not using. each basket can carry a small backpack, 12 pack, or several grocery bags. I have a set on my Ebike, @$30 pair. I bought a Walmart bike and replaced rear wheel with a 1,000 watt motor. Top speed 52 mph and 10 amp lipo battery has 15 mile cruising range if you don't peddle at all. Hardest part of installing, wiring, controller, baskets, luggage rack, smartphone mount, Bluetooth speaker, was the dang rear disc brake and cable adjustment took as long as rest of project, @4 hours.
I got the same one with missing part and no help from anyone.
i have this trinx ds2007 wtf same bike! mines in white
Beautiful bike i want it so bad but it says they are up to 220 lbs :( and I'm 221 is anyone here who have more than 220 and use this bike without issues?
I doubt 1 pound will make a difference and I'm sure it can handle much more weight than that. They don't want to be legally liable if someone that's 300 pounds breaks it while riding and gets injured.
Hey! Where's your head?