Sleep....the final frontier. These are the noises of the starship Enterprise, on night time mission to explore strange new dreams, to seek out nocturnal emissions and to boldly snore like no man has snored before.
I have actually not slept well for over a year due to extreme grief from losing both my Mum and my Husband, so I put this on last night to see if it would help. I was asleep within 10 minutes and even when I woke up 4 hours later the sounds from the bridge lulled me right back to sleep. I felt a sense of calm and peace that I haven't felt in a long time. Thank you so much.💜💜💜
I listened to this when I was in the hospital because I couldn’t fall asleep with all the beeps and boops from the various medical devices. I put this on and it all blended in. You gave me rest when I needed it. Thank you
I had to do a sleep trial in a hospital and i swored to the doctor i didn't sleep a single second the entire night, but he didn't believe me, he said i must have. Having a thing hooked up to my hand, stuff wrapped around my chest. Lying on a rock hard matters with the stiffest sheets, on a terrible pillow. The room must have been by the air conditioning because there was just this loud completely random droning sound. Random beeps that were never in sync, the ticking of a clock in the room that was also never in sync that was just ticking its way into my brain the entire time. Random squeeks from peoples shoes on the floor outside on the ward. Tick tock tick beep tock tick bip tock sqeek tick rattle tock tick tock tick bip beeptock sqeek. 😬😬😬 A spotlight outside the window shining into the room through completely useless blinds meaning the room was well lit enough that i could see everything. I literally just laid there for 8 hours slowly going insane until it was eventually morning, got up, got driven home and went to bed in my nice completely silent and pitch black bedroom.
@@ge2719 Sleep studies seem pointless as hell. I've been asked by a couple docs if I'd like to have one done due to my initial insomnia. But they can never explain when I ask what they are supposed to measure if I don't even fall asleep. So, I just say no thanks.
@@SaturnDreamingofMercury yeah. The test i went in for was for apnoea, so to check that i didn't stop breathing at all in the night. Hence i had a strap around my chest to measure breathing in and out, a blood oxygen meter on my finger. Maybe also a pulse meter, i forget. But if it's for insomnia id imagine they would have been testing to see if your brain was entering rem sleep cycles or not. How long the cycles last for. Still, if you're not falling asleep at all, is a useless test either way. They might as well have just had you try everything that can help insomnia. I'm guessing they just put you on some pills? Mine they said I had a slight apnoea, and wanted me to use a cpap machine, it's a mask you have to stap over your nose and mouth and it forces air in and out at a set pace, essentially forces you to breath. I tried to use it for a whole year, i literally didn't manage to fall asleep with it on even once. Not once. A year of lying in bed for hours as a machine blows air into me keeping me awake. The even more hilarious part is i sent it back, haven't had it for years at this point, got signed off from that doctor anyway, got a letter the other day from the nhs warning me the filter sponge in the machine has found to turn toxic if cleaned using ozone.... Very reassuring that the nhs don't even know that i haven't had the machine for years, and also that i could have possibly been using a toxic machine for a decade or so if i hadn't given it back.
I used to work as a crewman onboard a 240m long passenger and car ferry. As a massive trekkie I could not help but to think about the similarities of living onboard the ship and compare it to the Enterprise. I especially remember the nights. Over a thousand passengers and crew asleep in their cabins apart from a few wo keep the massive ship on course. The only thing you hear is the soothing sound of the engines and the occasional sound of conversation. The day has passed and you have done a great job. The busy day full of challenges has passed and now it's finally time to get some rest. For a few hours during the night everything is calm, silent and peaceful as the massive ship traverse a sea filled with reflections from the stars above. Im sure this is the closest I will ever come to experience the life onboard a federation starship in real life. Im happy for my time onboard. 🖖
Congratulations, if you're reading this you've reached an internet checkpoint. Take a moment to step back and appreciate everything you've accomplished to make it this far, and good luck on the rest of your journey, soldiers.
This makes me really want an open world style TNG game where you can just wander freely around the whole Enterprise and do little assignments, hang out in Ten Forward, stare out the window…
L.O.L. really loud ! Good thing I don't snore. TO BOLDLY SLEEP LIKE NO ONE HAS SLEPT BEFORE !!!!!!!!!!! LOUD ENOUGH ? Wait till Starfleet finds out everybody "crashed" & went "night night"
Putting this on every night is bittersweet. I love the ambiance and nostalgia. Then there's the bits of super quiet chatter making it sound like we're really there and the crew is discussing things... but then it also reminds me of how I'll never get to experience this type of life and it's just 😭😭
Never has a sound been so tangible as to transport me to a seemingly imaginary place that is suddenly and effectively real. Well done. Save this program, Barclay.
I think Barclay is my favorite, besides Picard, warf, data and jordie. Actually starting up season 7 right now, been on a marathon, only reason I’m still on Netflix, well besides that I don’t pay because it my mother in laws account. “Captains log: supplemental...” I almost forgot... Q is my ultimate favorite character.... duh hahaha
My dad and I watched Star Trek together, I remember the OG on the old black and white tv when I was tiny. Dad was really excited when NG came out, we never missed an episode. He’s in the hospital now on hospice care waiting to be beamed up to journey the stars…Tomorrow I’m driving with my husband and fellow crew mate with his broken wrist to see Dad. So many worries, but tonight I’m safe and comforted on the Enterprise, Picard has the night crew keeping watch, sleep is my only mission. Thank you for this respite. Engage.
I'm glad you had that time to spend with your pop. My daughter and I watched all the NG shows religiously. I used to feel a little guilty asking her to experience all my old favorite TV shows and music, but now she's an expert on all things Star Trek, The Beatles, and Hendrix, and at 38 years old, she no longer thinks it was corny grown up stuff. It really does mean so much for ol' Dad to share those times with his daughter.
I had a really similar experience with my dad. He loved the original Star Trek so much, I fell asleep so many times as a kid to those bridge sounds. Then when the new one came around, it was really fun to be able to share a new Star Trek with my dad as it happened. Sending big love your way.
@@muchanadziko6378 Clearly never been on a ship. Someone is piloting at all times, always. There is a clear parallel between ships and space ships. Why would you assume that nothing would ever happen at night? Why am I even explaining to the blissfully oblivious?
Thank you. You allow me to escape from this world, and imagine while I’m falling asleep that I’m on a starship. I get to take a break from all the terrible things that are going on in this world and just relax and pretend everything is ok. Also this is definitely your best one yet.
old star trek built a world that's so beautiful, welcoming and hopeful, that we intuitively connect the background noises playing 90% of the show with these ideas. Maybe that's why enterprise sounds are more effective in calming us for sleep
STNG is an amazing peice of work: positive, hopeful, intelligent, seeing the best in life. The modern ST shows are dark in content, outlook with negative characters and generally come across as malevolent.
It was always so lucky how nothing bad ever seemed to happen on the night shift. All those noble enemies who held off their attacks until Picard and the gang woke up.
When I was a kid , I’d do anything to be an officer on the Enterprise. Now I’m an official insomniac, this is like 2 birds with 1 stones . This comment section is very touching. Always the best fans in the universe.
I drive as part of a truck crew, and this is perfect to catch some sleep on the way when I'm not driving. The gentle vibration of the tires on the pavement, constant forward motion and the droning hum of the engine blends right in with the beautifully subdued noise of the ship. It really feels like I'm traveling in space with my eyes closed.
This really take me back to the years in service. The hours that went into modifying the phase variance using a coherent tetreon beam to optimize the tachyon emissions alignment to the harmonic phase frequency of the surrounding ion nebulas. Or, when on occasion we were travelling through bissuar neutrino regions that disrupted our emission scanners in the tetreon spectrums, we had to resort to developing a neutron decitomitor sequence to create a more focused phase variant. It was the work we did when encountering bissuar systems that later showed that the nadion radiation only marginally affected our sensors and that the true cause of the disruption within our scanners is the subspace interference emanating from stellar cartography's subspace scanning experiments. To remedy the interference, (or phase variance disharmony, to be more exact) it would be most effective to set up a subspace resonance field using our deflector dish to neutralize the effect. We never knew that at the time of course, so we had to do it the hard way. The sound of the bio-regenerative subspace phaser array and the tritium auto-compositors constantly aligning with the interphase subspace phaser and the diiridium subspace atmosphere creates a soothing, almost meditative white noise with the power photon pump for the matter-antimatter warp engine nacelles slightly dampening the higher radiation manifolds in a slightly offbeat frequency. Same with the crossover pump, used to elongate the sub-emissive phase-conjugate graviton, although that variance is hard to pick up for humanoid ears, as the phase frequency can be so low that one pass takes several years. If you listen to the audio recording here you can hear some brief quantum distortion along the isolinear matrix coils every 40 to 42 minutes. That would never have happened the way we did things back then. My favourite task during maintenance cycles was to adjust the dermatiraelian subspace antennae using the auto controls. By making the computer calibrate the deuterium transmuter with multi-beaming auto-emulator and invert holomodules with bionic memory at the same time, the auto control sequence would also automatically log and correct the multi-subsonic nullifier. It took about the same time, sure, but later during the cycle the correct multi-sonic nullifiers would mean that the synchronization of the mercury chroniton collector brackets would take a few minutes, instead of hours. My commander always insisted we did this before bypassing the primary and auxiliary bubble scrubbers even if we didn’t notice any variance in the bionic ion shift-scoop. Since it wasn’t needed though, we usually just put some electrical tape over the warning light. He never noticed. And no one was ever hurt while using the scrubbers.
There was always something special about the night shift on the bridge. It was a time of tranquility and reflection, with the stars glittering like diamonds in the endless cosmic ocean and only the soft hum of the bio-neural gel packs heard in the background. The harmonic resonance from the warp core's plasma flow created a soothing rhythm that gave a sense of safety and stability while still maintaining that humiliating awe of our tiny existence among the stars. During these hours, our tasks were routine but important. We monitored the tachyonic fluctuations in the subspace sensors and adjusted the transdimensional phase field equators to ensure a stable passage through the quasi-stationary quantum resonances. Our harmonic coherence matrix worked silently, balancing the finely tuned tetryon signals sent out to map the interstellar topography. The communications console transmitted a continuous stream of data, encrypted subspace transmissions exchanged with nearby Starfleet installations. We periodically verified that the binary polyphasers synchronized correctly with the central data cores, a task requiring precision and accuracy but providing a meditative peace in its monotonous pattern. The auto-regenerative shield matrices were kept in optimal condition through a series of self-adjusting calibration algorithms, while the gravimetric control systems remained stable thanks to the constant fine-tuning of the quaternary impulse emitters. It was these small, continuous adjustments that ensured our course through deep space remained safe and predictable. Everything was in perfect harmony until a small incident broke the night's silence. In the middle of a quiet communication session with a nearby scientific outpost, someone on the bridge accidentally spilled their coffee from their armrest. The hot liquid didn't hit the floor but instead the captain's dog, who was sleeping by his chair. The dog let out a surprised bark, causing everyone on the bridge to get yanked out of their night shift tranquillity. The dog went full ape-shit and chaos erupted on the bridge for a moment. After cleaning up the coffee and calming the dog, we returned to our duties. It was the only real event that occurred during my time on the night shift, but it brought a smile to all our faces and a reminder that even in the most controlled environments, the most unexpected things can happen.
Just don't forget to reverse the polarity of the Heisenberg compensators. They tend to drift and can be off as much as 10 nanometers. Last thing we need is a phase valence in the pattern buffers or biofilter assembly.. You should also complete a maintenance sweep of the rematerialization subroutines while your in there.
Likewise, friend! I recently binged them all in chronological order and found that I really fell in love with Voyager too. I highly recommend, for that 90's feel of Trek with some slight upgrades from TNG.
This has given me the best night of sleep I have had in years. Made me feel like I was back in my living room with my mom and TNG on as I fell asleep. Thank you so much!
I love this❤️❤️ Such attention to detail!! The dialogue between Riker and Data, Data’s “Begin night watch” etc!! Anyway, I had a comfortable night’s sleep! Thanks again
I'm not gonna lie, ever since I noticed Data saying " Begin Night Watch " , I look forward to it every time now. 😂 It's almost a comfort to think that Data might be there somewhere, keeping an eye out while I slowly pass into the realm of sleep. 😌😴✨
I haven’t studied so consistently for so long in ages, the Star Trek sounds and quiet conversations are just calming enough and stimulating enough to keep me focused. I can’t thank you enough!
I’m glad you like it, the images were all normal lighting so I photoshopped them to make it look dimmer and more relaxing. The regular brightness is pretty extreme!
Thank you for creating this. I slept really well last night, for 6 hours! At one point I woke to some faint voices and even that was reassuring me and back to sleep I went. This morning I am reading the comments, I am a bit sorry I missed most of the background noise in this video due to my heavy (and much needed) deep sleep. The creativity and positivity of the comments made me smile. What a wonderful way to begin my day after a great nights sleep!❤ Nothing like a group of Star Trek fans…I am old enough I watched the original series during prime time tv and really only appreciated it after falling in love with the TNG. 🖖 live long and prosper
Having watched TOS on TV since I was a kid, then when TNG came out, we all made fun of the bridge. "Looks like a dentist office, all it needs is potted plants and a magazine rack!" But now, after watching TNG all those years and now with it no longer being made, the TNG bridge is one of the coziest environments I can imagine. I really miss that show and when Trek was Trek.
Trek is still Trek, it's just not the Trek you grew up with. TOS doesn't feel like Trek to me because I grew up on Voyager, DS9, and TNG reruns. Enterprise doesn't feel like Trek at all to me while it does to others. Trek was, is, and always will be constantly reimagined by the next generations, that doesn't make it any less Trek, especially when it's on the track of pushing the boundaries of diversity and progressive thinking where Gene Roddenberry insisted on making the audience just a bit uncomfortable in considering their biases and bigotries.
You should have a look at some of the preproduction concept art for the TNG bridge, the one they went with is far less out there than what they were considering
The Enterprise D night shift is very easy to relax to. I also enjoy the bridge sounds from the original Enterprise but I tend to listen to those sounds while I'm awake and working on something. They're a bit more energized (in my humble opinion) but they provide great white out background sounds to keep me focused. Thank you so much for posting!
Man this is the 15th time I’ve had to do the night shift on the Enterprise, but I’m fascinated by the stellar phenomena each time. I saw a comet once. Mostly it’s just a bunch of stars twinkling though.
Wow, I just found this. This is amazing!!! As someone with ADHD and anxiety, this is so soothing to me! It’s repetitive, but also has occasional blips and beeps and the sliding doors opening and closing, which keep my brain from being under-stimulated. And surprise voices from Data and Ryker! It’s perfect.
This is wonderful. Thank you so much for creating this and sharing it. Fascinating that so many of us still share the same happy place. Live long and prosper. 🖖
@@trexerthe1st523 commander, I believe I saw her heading that way, 7 of 9 and I are now going off line, route all coms to Ensign Kim on the bridge, have a good night.
Very nice! I used this last night and was not interrupted by commercials (which happens a lot, even if a vid says "no commercials") plus I slept more of the night. I don't know if this is WHY I slept more of the night, but I think it was at least part of the reason.
I remember back in the mid 1990s I had a CD that had the Enterprise D engine sound on it. Would have it on repeat while I slept. Helped me with my PDSD. Thank you for this.
For some reason during the summer quarantine I've become a trek nerd. I have even gone as far as collecting some of the books. Right now my collection is small but I am proud of it. BTW its TNG and TOS books not the new stuff like Discovery.
I'm in the middle of rewatching Voyager, so I appreciate this immensely! It's easy to forget just how many people find comfort in the Federation and a home in it's crews from countless starships ✨
I'm part of the next generation (haha) of star trek enjoyers being only 15 and I'm currently watching voyager for the first time and it's weird to know that their aren't many young people interested in sci-fi as I am, but I am happy that I am part of such a great community
Every generation of people have there safe place... To some it's the Cheers bar. To some it might be Al Bundy's living room. Maybe others would feel at peace in the court room of Harry T. Stone. For me, it's this place right here. I grew up with the D. So peaceful. Great video and audio
I've just started watching the series; currently at the end of season 2. I am starting to feel like I live in that damn ship with all these awesome people.
There's a load of clips on RUclips called Star Trek Intakes. It's the bloopers and outtakes, only they've been edited into the actual finished scene. Someone pointed out that the shenanigans and laughter and camaraderie is probably a pretty accurate portrayal of what it'd be like if you lived on a ship and worked and lived with the same people every day. Some of them are stupid or shit, but some are very funny and crazy.
I started watching this show when I was sick with Covid ( loooots of time for Netflix ) , and I cannot believe how attached I've become to the Enterprise and its crew! I remember that the sounds of the Bridge would soothe me to sleep in the midst of all the discomfort. I'm fully recovered now, but this video is perfect for lulling me to sleep now! 💕✨✨✨✨💕
I played this as I went to bed yesterday, and had a magical experience. I felt I was in Engineering on the -D. I was happy, and still am now that I'm awake. Thanks for this unique gift!
In the first month it opened, I went on the Star Trek Experience in Las Vegas, we walked right through this set, great job recreating it, completely spot on. 😊
It looks like the simulated skylight above the bridge can replicate daylight. This would provide the contrast between "day" & "night" in outer space where it's always dark.
im 16 years old at the time and my dad (like everyone else) has introduced me to star trek, so i started watching the next generation and this feels just like home
This is a symphony to my ears, anxiety...down, stress levels...down...focus...improved, all is under control, even after 3years! Live long and in peace. I wish I could buy this and have it running on my phone all the time!
Thank you so much for this. I've always found the ambiance of the Enterprise super calming, and you've made it possible to fall asleep to it. I've been listening to this for the past 3 nights and I fall asleep every time. I especially love the occasional voices in the background
So many tear-jerking commentaries! I wasn t expecting that, but it makes perfect sense. Only trekkers or relatives to trekkers will connect to this audio track. Thank you so much!!
The vocals are a nice touch. They start at 15:10 and then at about every 10 minutes and last less than a minute. We can hear just enough tone and cadence, with a word or two, to tell that these are mostly personal conversations between Data and a woman, possibly Jenna D'Sora (Michele Scarabelli) from "In Theory".
You've made it to another night, and accomplished all you can for the day. Doing your best is all that can be expected. Don't worry if you didn't get to everything on the list. Pleasant dreams and let's try again tomorrow 😔
People like to talk about the Sovereign Class Enterprise-E all the time, or the Defiant, or that silly Prometheus class or any of the newer ships of the line. The Galaxy Class Enterprise-D will always be my second home, and my choice of ship to command...She was the incarnation of what the Federation and Starfleet stood for.
I just stumbled upon your stuff tonight, quite by accident. And, my, am I grateful I did! I cannot wait to explore each of your creations! I think my favorite part, thus far, is the scene-setting you do in your descriptions. Combined with the ambience videos, I feel transported. What a delightful escape at a very stressful time; thank you, thank you! 🙏🏽♥️🌌💫🖖
Tried this for the first time last night. I had a dream that I was on the cast of a new Star Trek show and that I met Jonathan Frakes backstage and had a chat with him. Nice chap, or so my subconscious thinks!
For the major Trekkies, these are the audio clips that I’ve identified in the background thus far: 1:04:00-1:05:28 - Dialogue between Riker and Data Season 4, Episode 11: Data’s Day. 1:15:00-1:16:09 - Picard and Crusher discussing disappearing crew Season 4, episode 5: Remember Me. 1:24:47-1:26:09 - Data and Ishara discuss Tasha and friendship. Season 4, Episode 6: Legacy 1:35:04-1:35:49 - Data and Ishara discussing how the Enterprise is different than Ishara’s colony before she kisses him on the cheek and goes to the Observation lounge. Season 4, Episode 6: Legacy 1:55:03-1:56:50 - I’m still working on this one. I WILL figure it out!! =) From there, it loops the same 5 clips every hour, about 10min between each one. The whole thing is SO well put together. I believe you even took the time to swap the dialogue clips from left to right imputes every other hour! (Mind blown...) Thank you for this Ender4life =)
Well done! 1:55:03 is really difficult. Data is conversing with Riker. Someone says "I know" Riker says "starship" at one point. I think it ends with LaForge saying "Commander". I feel like I'm in Cause and Effect!
There are only two ways this was recommended to you: 1) you are a huge nerd And 2) you have⁰ so much trouble sleeping that you are in the weird part of internat of ambient sounds. Don't know wich is better...
The saddest part for me is how hard your comment just hit... I'm honestly not sure which one of those two resulted in this being recommended too me. I've been watching about as many trek vids as ASMR sleep and rainstorm videos. This is 25 I guess and its down hill from here 😂 can't wait to see what my 30s have in store.
I created a playlist of rain on Spotify to help me sleep, but these ambient sounds from different parts of the ship(s) are even better. Well done my friend. I subscribed so I may listen to more of what you do.
I used to listen to only rain sounds until I found this. I put this one on more and more often. I don't know if it's the beeping, the engine sounds, or the quiet conversations, or the combo, but my body immediately relaxes, and I'm out. Thank you, this is a great video.
Your Star Trek ambiance videos are the only ambiance I can stand to listen to and they help me fall asleep! This is my favorite one so far, I really like the moving graphics 😊
Bro this is actually an insane idea. Just have an 8 hour video of the bridge and show like a, "day in the life" of a star ship bridge. No other shots, no other areas of the ship. Just a camera of the bridge, then you would watch people basically do their jobs for a shift.
Often Data's shift curiously enough. Nice for reading for those who also have night shifts. Thank you, this is actually very calming and it has the effect of taking me home, right where I grew up listening to these things in the background of some TNG episode I was watching with my dad.
@@Locutus Oh I didn't mean curious in that sense. He also took some time for himself at times, and I had to wonder, even if you dont sleep, he got a lot of stuff done at times, particularly in that episode of In Theory. He might not need to sleep, but you only got so many hours in an... Earth day XD The envy though. College often demanded days without sleep and you did what you had to, to keep productive.
Sleep....the final frontier. These are the noises of the starship Enterprise, on night time mission to explore strange new dreams, to seek out nocturnal emissions and to boldly snore like no man has snored before.
Nocturnal emissions dude cmon nobody seeks out nocturnal emissions 🤔
@@Del-Blanco-Diablo True, if they were seeking nocturnal emissions, they would have taken care of it before they went to bed.
Lol I like that, that's pretty good
This is awesome 😂😂😂
Nocturnal emissions? That means farting while you’re asleep 🤣😴🤣 yup that’s me lol
I have actually not slept well for over a year due to extreme grief from losing both my Mum and my Husband, so I put this on last night to see if it would help. I was asleep within 10 minutes and even when I woke up 4 hours later the sounds from the bridge lulled me right back to sleep. I felt a sense of calm and peace that I haven't felt in a long time. Thank you so much.💜💜💜
Praying for you.
@@JoeyVictorVideos Thank you. 💜
@The Deadpool Who Chuckles. Thank you.💜
Thinking of you, so sorry for your loss. The bridge sounds are strongly comforting to me, too.
I listened to this when I was in the hospital because I couldn’t fall asleep with all the beeps and boops from the various medical devices. I put this on and it all blended in. You gave me rest when I needed it. Thank you
I had to do a sleep trial in a hospital and i swored to the doctor i didn't sleep a single second the entire night, but he didn't believe me, he said i must have.
Having a thing hooked up to my hand, stuff wrapped around my chest. Lying on a rock hard matters with the stiffest sheets, on a terrible pillow. The room must have been by the air conditioning because there was just this loud completely random droning sound. Random beeps that were never in sync, the ticking of a clock in the room that was also never in sync that was just ticking its way into my brain the entire time. Random squeeks from peoples shoes on the floor outside on the ward. Tick tock tick beep tock tick bip tock sqeek tick rattle tock tick tock tick bip beeptock sqeek. 😬😬😬
A spotlight outside the window shining into the room through completely useless blinds meaning the room was well lit enough that i could see everything.
I literally just laid there for 8 hours slowly going insane until it was eventually morning, got up, got driven home and went to bed in my nice completely silent and pitch black bedroom.
I should of done that when I was in the hospital as well lol
glad you got the rest you needed & this vid on youtube helped some🌸
@@ge2719 Sleep studies seem pointless as hell. I've been asked by a couple docs if I'd like to have one done due to my initial insomnia. But they can never explain when I ask what they are supposed to measure if I don't even fall asleep. So, I just say no thanks.
@@SaturnDreamingofMercury yeah. The test i went in for was for apnoea, so to check that i didn't stop breathing at all in the night. Hence i had a strap around my chest to measure breathing in and out, a blood oxygen meter on my finger. Maybe also a pulse meter, i forget.
But if it's for insomnia id imagine they would have been testing to see if your brain was entering rem sleep cycles or not. How long the cycles last for.
Still, if you're not falling asleep at all, is a useless test either way.
They might as well have just had you try everything that can help insomnia.
I'm guessing they just put you on some pills?
Mine they said I had a slight apnoea, and wanted me to use a cpap machine, it's a mask you have to stap over your nose and mouth and it forces air in and out at a set pace, essentially forces you to breath.
I tried to use it for a whole year, i literally didn't manage to fall asleep with it on even once. Not once. A year of lying in bed for hours as a machine blows air into me keeping me awake.
The even more hilarious part is i sent it back, haven't had it for years at this point, got signed off from that doctor anyway, got a letter the other day from the nhs warning me the filter sponge in the machine has found to turn toxic if cleaned using ozone.... Very reassuring that the nhs don't even know that i haven't had the machine for years, and also that i could have possibly been using a toxic machine for a decade or so if i hadn't given it back.
I used to work as a crewman onboard a 240m long passenger and car ferry. As a massive trekkie I could not help but to think about the similarities of living onboard the ship and compare it to the Enterprise. I especially remember the nights. Over a thousand passengers and crew asleep in their cabins apart from a few wo keep the massive ship on course. The only thing you hear is the soothing sound of the engines and the occasional sound of conversation. The day has passed and you have done a great job. The busy day full of challenges has passed and now it's finally time to get some rest. For a few hours during the night everything is calm, silent and peaceful as the massive ship traverse a sea filled with reflections from the stars above. Im sure this is the closest I will ever come to experience the life onboard a federation starship in real life. Im happy for my time onboard. 🖖
Aaa nice reaction :D
Congratulations, if you're reading this you've reached an internet checkpoint. Take a moment to step back and appreciate everything you've accomplished to make it this far, and good luck on the rest of your journey, soldiers.
Life is full of miracles. I never expected a comment like this but here it is! Thank you so much for it! You've made my day ❤.
*looks back at life*. Man. I suck, and no one cares about me.
Love this comment 😊
Nice. I hope my current positive trends continue until my next checkpoint.
@@josiahbahuaud2294 Nah man. Much love to you, and well wishes to you and your future.
This makes me really want an open world style TNG game where you can just wander freely around the whole Enterprise and do little assignments, hang out in Ten Forward, stare out the window…
Star Trek online if you’ve never checked it out is the closest thing to that.
They did make one about 25 years ago
@@williammcconville4967 25 years ago? Did open world games even exist back then?
@@OuterEdgeOutpost it was just looking around the inside of the ship, was pathway games that gave choices aswell kind of fake open world.
To boldly sleep like no one has slept before!
right there at the helm.
L.O.L. really loud ! Good thing I don't snore. TO BOLDLY SLEEP LIKE NO ONE HAS SLEPT BEFORE !!!!!!!!!!! LOUD ENOUGH ? Wait till Starfleet finds out everybody "crashed" & went "night night"
the beeping means everything is alright; everything is being looked after
you can go to sleep
Exactly! 🙏🏽
You have no idea how happy this comment makes me.❤❤❤
There isn't anyone in the bridge though.... Somethings wrong. Everyone panic!
do not sleep on duty
@@pavilionbug WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!!!!!!!!!!!!!. HUUUUUHHHHH?!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
Putting this on every night is bittersweet. I love the ambiance and nostalgia. Then there's the bits of super quiet chatter making it sound like we're really there and the crew is discussing things... but then it also reminds me of how I'll never get to experience this type of life and it's just 😭😭
I was freaking the fuck out when I heard those voices 😭
@@samorcsikData saying "Begin night watch" is a nice touch
Never has a sound been so tangible as to transport me to a seemingly imaginary place that is suddenly and effectively real. Well done. Save this program, Barclay.
Great success!
I think Barclay is my favorite, besides Picard, warf, data and jordie. Actually starting up season 7 right now, been on a marathon, only reason I’m still on Netflix, well besides that I don’t pay because it my mother in laws account. “Captains log: supplemental...”
I almost forgot... Q is my ultimate favorite character.... duh hahaha
@@MaXaNoMaLoUs Broccoli, is that you?
welcome to the Barclay defense force
Me: _doses off_
Cpt. Picard: _walks in_ "Report!"
Me: "DAH! Uh... All systems normal... captain!'
"ensign snor reporting for..........."*Snooooooring*
Cpt. Picard: "Keep awake, damn it, keep awake!"
Coffee. Black. Hot.
@Sniff Hair Don't Care Prune juice!
"All systems are operating within normal parameters, sir!"
Picard: (leaves)
"Now that Mr. Clean is gone, anybody want another edible?"
My dad and I watched Star Trek together, I remember the OG on the old black and white tv when I was tiny. Dad was really excited when NG came out, we never missed an episode. He’s in the hospital now on hospice care waiting to be beamed up to journey the stars…Tomorrow I’m driving with my husband and fellow crew mate with his broken wrist to see Dad. So many worries, but tonight I’m safe and comforted on the Enterprise, Picard has the night crew keeping watch, sleep is my only mission. Thank you for this respite. Engage.
I'm glad you had that time to spend with your pop. My daughter and I watched all the NG shows religiously. I used to feel a little guilty asking her to experience all my old favorite TV shows and music, but now she's an expert on all things Star Trek, The Beatles, and Hendrix, and at 38 years old, she no longer thinks it was corny grown up stuff. It really does mean so much for ol' Dad to share those times with his daughter.
I had a really similar experience with my dad. He loved the original Star Trek so much, I fell asleep so many times as a kid to those bridge sounds. Then when the new one came around, it was really fun to be able to share a new Star Trek with my dad as it happened. Sending big love your way.
I always loved the idea of sleeping on the enterprise as it was drifting through space. Or just wandering around the ship at night when it's quiet
I wish we saw an empty asleep Enterprise in the show
There always seems to be plenty of people going around up there
Me too! I imagine that sometimes to help me sleep
Why would it ever be quiet or drifting?
@@jimbeaux1442 because shit ain’t going down all the time
Space is big, and space is empty
@@muchanadziko6378 Clearly never been on a ship. Someone is piloting at all times, always. There is a clear parallel between ships and space ships. Why would you assume that nothing would ever happen at night? Why am I even explaining to the blissfully oblivious?
Thank you.
You allow me to escape from this world, and imagine while I’m falling asleep that I’m on a starship. I get to take a break from all the terrible things that are going on in this world and just relax and pretend everything is ok.
Also this is definitely your best one yet.
You are welcome and also thank you!
Until the Borg show up,lol. A mean thing to do would put a really loud red alert midway through this video.
@Shinzoku Gaming Ouch ... now I am depressed....
Do you know what kind of horrors await you in space?
Have you seen Alien or the Event Horizon?
old star trek built a world that's so beautiful, welcoming and hopeful, that we intuitively connect the background noises playing 90% of the show with these ideas. Maybe that's why enterprise sounds are more effective in calming us for sleep
Well said!! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽🖖🏽✌🏽🤙🏽
I couldn't agree more. New Star Trek like ST:D is the complete opposite though.
STNG is an amazing peice of work: positive, hopeful, intelligent, seeing the best in life. The modern ST shows are dark in content, outlook with negative characters and generally come across as malevolent.
*Old Star Trek Next Generation built a wonderful world. Hate to nit pick, but...😉
It was always so lucky how nothing bad ever seemed to happen on the night shift. All those noble enemies who held off their attacks until Picard and the gang woke up.
theres actually a lot episodes where things happen at night or where theyre on bridge at 2 am
There was always a lot of activity at night...they just didn't have a night shift cameraman to record it
@@jessem3143 isn't it always night??
I feel like i saw lots of space Pajamas over the years.
Well it's night time for their enemies too right? Like 1 am Central Alpha Quadrant Time is the same for everyone.
When I was a kid , I’d do anything to be an officer on the Enterprise. Now I’m an official insomniac, this is like 2 birds with 1 stones . This comment section is very touching. Always the best fans in the universe.
I'm an adult and still want to be an officer on the Enterprise more than anything
I'm sure a lot of people wanted to be Wesley crusher but only cooler.
@@brothermaynardsbrotherI like how google tried to translate this.
I wonder if it could translate Shakespeare into Klingon….
I drive as part of a truck crew, and this is perfect to catch some sleep on the way when I'm not driving. The gentle vibration of the tires on the pavement, constant forward motion and the droning hum of the engine blends right in with the beautifully subdued noise of the ship. It really feels like I'm traveling in space with my eyes closed.
This really take me back to the years in service. The hours that went into modifying the phase variance using a coherent tetreon beam to optimize the tachyon emissions alignment to the harmonic phase frequency of the surrounding ion nebulas. Or, when on occasion we were travelling through bissuar neutrino regions that disrupted our emission scanners in the tetreon spectrums, we had to resort to developing a neutron decitomitor sequence to create a more focused phase variant.
It was the work we did when encountering bissuar systems that later showed that the nadion radiation only marginally affected our sensors and that the true cause of the disruption within our scanners is the subspace interference emanating from stellar cartography's subspace scanning experiments. To remedy the interference, (or phase variance disharmony, to be more exact) it would be most effective to set up a subspace resonance field using our deflector dish to neutralize the effect. We never knew that at the time of course, so we had to do it the hard way.
The sound of the bio-regenerative subspace phaser array and the tritium auto-compositors constantly aligning with the interphase subspace phaser and the diiridium subspace atmosphere creates a soothing, almost meditative white noise with the power photon pump for the matter-antimatter warp engine nacelles slightly dampening the higher radiation manifolds in a slightly offbeat frequency. Same with the crossover pump, used to elongate the sub-emissive phase-conjugate graviton, although that variance is hard to pick up for humanoid ears, as the phase frequency can be so low that one pass takes several years.
If you listen to the audio recording here you can hear some brief quantum distortion along the isolinear matrix coils every 40 to 42 minutes. That would never have happened the way we did things back then.
My favourite task during maintenance cycles was to adjust the dermatiraelian subspace antennae using the auto controls. By making the computer calibrate the deuterium transmuter with multi-beaming auto-emulator and invert holomodules with bionic memory at the same time, the auto control sequence would also automatically log and correct the multi-subsonic nullifier. It took about the same time, sure, but later during the cycle the correct multi-sonic nullifiers would mean that the synchronization of the mercury chroniton collector brackets would take a few minutes, instead of hours.
My commander always insisted we did this before bypassing the primary and auxiliary bubble scrubbers even if we didn’t notice any variance in the bionic ion shift-scoop. Since it wasn’t needed though, we usually just put some electrical tape over the warning light. He never noticed. And no one was ever hurt while using the scrubbers.
That was well done! Thx for writing that
Excellent Very nice carry on !
That was beautiful.❤
There was always something special about the night shift on the bridge. It was a time of tranquility and reflection, with the stars glittering like diamonds in the endless cosmic ocean and only the soft hum of the bio-neural gel packs heard in the background. The harmonic resonance from the warp core's plasma flow created a soothing rhythm that gave a sense of safety and stability while still maintaining that humiliating awe of our tiny existence among the stars.
During these hours, our tasks were routine but important. We monitored the tachyonic fluctuations in the subspace sensors and adjusted the transdimensional phase field equators to ensure a stable passage through the quasi-stationary quantum resonances. Our harmonic coherence matrix worked silently, balancing the finely tuned tetryon signals sent out to map the interstellar topography. The communications console transmitted a continuous stream of data, encrypted subspace transmissions exchanged with nearby Starfleet installations. We periodically verified that the binary polyphasers synchronized correctly with the central data cores, a task requiring precision and accuracy but providing a meditative peace in its monotonous pattern.
The auto-regenerative shield matrices were kept in optimal condition through a series of self-adjusting calibration algorithms, while the gravimetric control systems remained stable thanks to the constant fine-tuning of the quaternary impulse emitters. It was these small, continuous adjustments that ensured our course through deep space remained safe and predictable.
Everything was in perfect harmony until a small incident broke the night's silence. In the middle of a quiet communication session with a nearby scientific outpost, someone on the bridge accidentally spilled their coffee from their armrest. The hot liquid didn't hit the floor but instead the captain's dog, who was sleeping by his chair. The dog let out a surprised bark, causing everyone on the bridge to get yanked out of their night shift tranquillity. The dog went full ape-shit and chaos erupted on the bridge for a moment.
After cleaning up the coffee and calming the dog, we returned to our duties. It was the only real event that occurred during my time on the night shift, but it brought a smile to all our faces and a reminder that even in the most controlled environments, the most unexpected things can happen.
Just don't forget to reverse the polarity of the Heisenberg compensators. They tend to drift and can be off as much as 10 nanometers. Last thing we need is a phase valence in the pattern buffers or biofilter assembly.. You should also complete a maintenance sweep of the rematerialization subroutines while your in there.
Flawless work my friend. The next generation was my all time favorite Star Trek series.
Likewise, friend! I recently binged them all in chronological order and found that I really fell in love with Voyager too. I highly recommend, for that 90's feel of Trek with some slight upgrades from TNG.
@@JefCollier you're right 100%. When it comes to ship desing I love the voyager, nice exterior.
This has given me the best night of sleep I have had in years. Made me feel like I was back in my living room with my mom and TNG on as I fell asleep. Thank you so much!
That is so great to hear, thank you for telling me!
what ! you fell asleep with TNG on ?! I guess it wasn't an episode with Q in it ;)
I love this❤️❤️ Such attention to detail!! The dialogue between Riker and Data, Data’s “Begin night watch” etc!!
Anyway, I had a comfortable night’s sleep! Thanks again
Thanks for noticing!
I'm not gonna lie, ever since I noticed Data saying " Begin Night Watch " , I look forward to it every time now. 😂 It's almost a comfort to think that Data might be there somewhere, keeping an eye out while I slowly pass into the realm of sleep. 😌😴✨
It’s kinda funny because data doesn’t sleep so he would just watch you all night@@Oniwabanshugirl
@@NinjaFreak380 if we can get one borg to party then ALL BORG WILL PARTY!!!
@@NinjaFreak380 BEEEERR ME
I still can't stop laughing at the little thing Patrick Stewart said on that episode (the thing to make Wesley watch "you know what")
@@FQP-7024 So much better the ST: PICARD
I haven’t studied so consistently for so long in ages, the Star Trek sounds and quiet conversations are just calming enough and stimulating enough to keep me focused. I can’t thank you enough!
What a brilliant video and wow.. a really moving and emotional comment section! This video has really brought people together ✨
Data saying "Begin night watch" at 1:00 is goddamn genius.
Would love to have this end with Riker saying "Begin day watch".
@@jeffreycollins8634 Totally
Just a *tiny* bit too quiet, though (I'd have missed it if not for your comment).
It shows up in a couple other places too1
Jeffrey Collins , that IS the next line in the script, but that would also not make sense for the remaining 7 hours 😂.
I loved how toned down the lighting is for night watch.
I’m glad you like it, the images were all normal lighting so I photoshopped them to make it look dimmer and more relaxing. The regular brightness is pretty extreme!
@@ender4life where did these renders come from? Is this from that Unreal project? Is there anywhere to download that anymore?
I'm listening to this while studying astronomy, so it's easier to imagine I'm a Starfleet cadet doing my intern on the Enterprise!
"...doing my intern..." 🧐😂
This must feel awesome.
This seems so wholesome
@@MLM614 what's funny about that? I'm not a native speaker. Is your point that he should have said "internship"?
Listening to classical music while studying helps retention!
Thank you for creating this. I slept really well last night, for 6 hours! At one point I woke to some faint voices and even that was reassuring me and back to sleep I went.
This morning I am reading the comments, I am a bit sorry I missed most of the background noise in this video due to my heavy (and much needed) deep sleep.
The creativity and positivity of the comments made me smile. What a wonderful way to begin my day after a great nights sleep!❤
Nothing like a group of Star Trek fans…I am old enough I watched the original series during prime time tv and really only appreciated it after falling in love with the TNG.
🖖 live long and prosper
Having watched TOS on TV since I was a kid, then when TNG came out, we all made fun of the bridge. "Looks like a dentist office, all it needs is potted plants and a magazine rack!" But now, after watching TNG all those years and now with it no longer being made, the TNG bridge is one of the coziest environments I can imagine. I really miss that show and when Trek was Trek.
Trek is still Trek, it's just not the Trek you grew up with. TOS doesn't feel like Trek to me because I grew up on Voyager, DS9, and TNG reruns. Enterprise doesn't feel like Trek at all to me while it does to others. Trek was, is, and always will be constantly reimagined by the next generations, that doesn't make it any less Trek, especially when it's on the track of pushing the boundaries of diversity and progressive thinking where Gene Roddenberry insisted on making the audience just a bit uncomfortable in considering their biases and bigotries.
Have you seen Picard season 3 yet….?
You should have a look at some of the preproduction concept art for the TNG bridge, the one they went with is far less out there than what they were considering
The Enterprise D night shift is very easy to relax to. I also enjoy the bridge sounds from the original Enterprise but I tend to listen to those sounds while I'm awake and working on something. They're a bit more energized (in my humble opinion) but they provide great white out background sounds to keep me focused. Thank you so much for posting!
I totally agree with both statements! And you’re very welcome
Man this is the 15th time I’ve had to do the night shift on the Enterprise, but I’m fascinated by the stellar phenomena each time. I saw a comet once. Mostly it’s just a bunch of stars twinkling though.
I have never watched an episode in my life yet found this profoundly relaxing. Thank you!
Wow, I just found this. This is amazing!!! As someone with ADHD and anxiety, this is so soothing to me! It’s repetitive, but also has occasional blips and beeps and the sliding doors opening and closing, which keep my brain from being under-stimulated. And surprise voices from Data and Ryker! It’s perfect.
I have a lot of anxiety about noises outside and from neighbours and such. Star Trek ambience helps me feel calm and safe. Thank you.
This is wonderful. Thank you so much for creating this and sharing it. Fascinating that so many of us still share the same happy place. Live long and prosper. 🖖
Glad we have the same happy place :)
Well that appears, to be it for tonight, I'm going to my quarters for some much needed sleep, the bridge is yours commander.
Number 2 you have the bridge!
Have councilor Troy sent to my quarters!
@@trexerthe1st523 commander, I believe I saw her heading that way, 7 of 9 and I are now going off line, route all coms to Ensign Kim on the bridge, have a good night.
@@trexerthe1st523 Oh, and Dr Crusher as well.
@@KnowYoutheDukeofArgyll1841 could be an interesting night.
Very nice! I used this last night and was not interrupted by commercials (which happens a lot, even if a vid says "no commercials") plus I slept more of the night. I don't know if this is WHY I slept more of the night, but I think it was at least part of the reason.
I remember back in the mid 1990s I had a CD that had the Enterprise D engine sound on it. Would have it on repeat while I slept.
Helped me with my PDSD.
Thank you for this.
This is amazing. Great for my tinnitus. I use it every night for sleeping and at work. Thank you for making this.
I’m glad it helps! Thanks for sharing!
This is the real 'Night-Shift"!
"What's that Beverly? You want Wesley to watch? Ohh~ Make it so..."
There is no real Night Shift in space, where there are no days
@@Tom-rg2ex You must be fun at parties.
Night creewww!!! Beer me!
@@Tom-rg2ex but with a simulated day/night cycle, surely you're mistaken
For some reason during the summer quarantine I've become a trek nerd. I have even gone as far as collecting some of the books. Right now my collection is small but I am proud of it. BTW its TNG and TOS books not the new stuff like Discovery.
TOS and TNG rule.
I find that this gentle and soothing ambient sounds a relief from the constant barrage of stress from working a busy telemetry unit.
I'm in the middle of rewatching Voyager, so I appreciate this immensely! It's easy to forget just how many people find comfort in the Federation and a home in it's crews from countless starships ✨
I'm part of the next generation (haha) of star trek enjoyers being only 15 and I'm currently watching voyager for the first time and it's weird to know that their aren't many young people interested in sci-fi as I am, but I am happy that I am part of such a great community
Every generation of people have there safe place... To some it's the Cheers bar. To some it might be Al Bundy's living room. Maybe others would feel at peace in the court room of Harry T. Stone.
For me, it's this place right here. I grew up with the D. So peaceful.
Great video and audio
This has been life-saving on numerous occasions when I needed my adhd and/or anxiety to calm tf down. Thank you for this.
I loved the calming effect, as well as the witty, insightful, and future-oriented nostalgic comments.
I've just started watching the series; currently at the end of season 2.
I am starting to feel like I live in that damn ship with all these awesome people.
StupidJellyfish it gets a lot better too! Starting with season 3!
Wait till you hit the season finaly of season 3... I still have the chills.....
Oh, I envy you.
You're just at the beginning of the adventure!
There's a load of clips on RUclips called Star Trek Intakes. It's the bloopers and outtakes, only they've been edited into the actual finished scene. Someone pointed out that the shenanigans and laughter and camaraderie is probably a pretty accurate portrayal of what it'd be like if you lived on a ship and worked and lived with the same people every day.
Some of them are stupid or shit, but some are very funny and crazy.
you just changed my life, I cannot stop laughing those clips are INCREDIBLE
This works incredible well for disregulation. Find 1 sound, focus on it until identified and move to the next. Thank you so much.
I started watching this show when I was sick with Covid ( loooots of time for Netflix ) , and I cannot believe how attached I've become to the Enterprise and its crew! I remember that the sounds of the Bridge would soothe me to sleep in the midst of all the discomfort. I'm fully recovered now, but this video is perfect for lulling me to sleep now! 💕✨✨✨✨💕
Yo, we got into Star Trek around the same time. Awesome!!!
Too bad it's not on Netflix anymore
I played this as I went to bed yesterday, and had a magical experience. I felt I was in Engineering on the -D. I was happy, and still am now that I'm awake. Thanks for this unique gift!
Geordi and Data would b my ideal picks for graveyard shift buddies ugh I love them sm
They're my guys, too...! 👍
In the first month it opened, I went on the Star Trek Experience in Las Vegas, we walked right through this set, great job recreating it, completely spot on. 😊
The gentle beeps and chatter over what... brown noise... is just the most perfect thing ever. TNG was my fav show, so even better.
We just found this to play in the background of a new RPG that we're starting and it's *perfect*. Thank you!
It looks like the simulated skylight above the bridge can replicate daylight. This would provide the contrast between "day" & "night" in outer space where it's always dark.
im 16 years old at the time and my dad (like everyone else) has introduced me to star trek, so i started watching the next generation and this feels just like home
Thank you Toto, and also running Mercedes AMG F1 is really impressive and I’m glad you’re a Star Trek fan.
No one introduced me to Star Trek but as a woman, I didn’t like Star Trek Voyager all because of the fact that the captain was a woman, lol.
Resistance is futile. Welcome to the collective.
Your dad is awesome. And yes, welcome to the collective.
It's things like this that remind me how much sound design matters to people! Inspiring for the work I want to get into! :)
This is a symphony to my ears, anxiety...down, stress levels...down...focus...improved, all is under control, even after 3years! Live long and in peace. I wish I could buy this and have it running on my phone all the time!
Thank you so much for this. I've always found the ambiance of the Enterprise super calming, and you've made it possible to fall asleep to it. I've been listening to this for the past 3 nights and I fall asleep every time. I especially love the occasional voices in the background
Man, remember when Trek was wonderful and hopeful.
lol I still do my friend, I still do.
Yeap..The Next Generation run was the Prime Time for me👍🏻
It is not us who have forgotten, I think :o
Back in Kirk's day, there would be a night shift on the bridge.
There are some great fan-made Trek spinoffs on RUclips. For example, check out Star Trek Continues and Star Trek: Renegade.
This is exactly what I like listening to while I am regenerating..
I'd Love some Borg ambiance... Just lose myself in the endless sea of voices
I would too
John Finnegan Found the Time Lord.
Found the borg drone
The last 30 seconds should be a Red Alert klaxxon to bring you back to reality....
Nooooo. Don't wanna. Waaah.
And a Romulan warbird uncloacking, and then admiral Tomalek just starts laughing maniacaly over the coms.
Are you sure about that? That would require changing the light bulb.
Hahaha I was thinking the same thing
With an exploding console.
So many tear-jerking commentaries! I wasn t expecting that, but it makes perfect sense. Only trekkers or relatives to trekkers will connect to this audio track. Thank you so much!!
The vocals are a nice touch. They start at 15:10 and then at about every 10 minutes and last less than a minute. We can hear just enough tone and cadence, with a word or two, to tell that these are mostly personal conversations between Data and a woman, possibly Jenna D'Sora (Michele Scarabelli) from "In Theory".
Also at 5:00 there is Data/Riker dialogue
Did you not hear Picard and Beverly dialogue?
This is beautiful, cozy, and peaceful all at once. Reminds me of watching TNG with Dad as a kid. As though a relaxing hug through time via the bridge.
This is your magnum opus. Thank you.
TimeTravelVolunteer Im so happy with it! Thank you
You've made it to another night, and accomplished all you can for the day. Doing your best is all that can be expected. Don't worry if you didn't get to everything on the list. Pleasant dreams and let's try again tomorrow 😔
I could listen to this forever and still not be tired of it.
thank you for making this, im having a lot of trouble sleeping at the moment and this seems to be helping
Your videos have made me fall even more in love with the Star Trek universe, thanks man.
People like to talk about the Sovereign Class Enterprise-E all the time, or the Defiant, or that silly Prometheus class or any of the newer ships of the line. The Galaxy Class Enterprise-D will always be my second home, and my choice of ship to command...She was the incarnation of what the Federation and Starfleet stood for.
Picard's voice: "WESLEY! There is no SLEEPING on the bridge!"
airmail dolphin there is now, Picard! YOU’RE NOT MY REAL FATHER!
Shut up Wesley.
Hats off to the CG artist here. Phenomenal work modeling and texturing all this.
If only CBS had allowed them to continue their work 😥
This works. 😴. It takes me back to when I was 8 & would watch for hours.
I just stumbled upon your stuff tonight, quite by accident. And, my, am I grateful I did! I cannot wait to explore each of your creations! I think my favorite part, thus far, is the scene-setting you do in your descriptions. Combined with the ambience videos, I feel transported. What a delightful escape at a very stressful time; thank you, thank you! 🙏🏽♥️🌌💫🖖
Tried this for the first time last night. I had a dream that I was on the cast of a new Star Trek show and that I met Jonathan Frakes backstage and had a chat with him. Nice chap, or so my subconscious thinks!
Ummm that is amazing, I would love to have that dream
the wholesome corner of youtube rt here.. shits really crazy rn hang in there folks
I don't think I've ever relaxed so much in a very long time. Thank you so much for putting me at so much peace for 5 hours ❤.
Hard to pinpoint exactly why but to me this is one of the greatest creations on this damned network.
For the major Trekkies, these are the audio clips that I’ve identified in the background thus far:
1:04:00-1:05:28 - Dialogue between Riker and Data
Season 4, Episode 11: Data’s Day.
1:15:00-1:16:09 - Picard and Crusher discussing disappearing crew
Season 4, episode 5: Remember Me.
1:24:47-1:26:09 - Data and Ishara discuss Tasha and friendship.
Season 4, Episode 6: Legacy
1:35:04-1:35:49 - Data and Ishara discussing how the Enterprise is different than Ishara’s colony before she kisses him on the cheek and goes to the Observation lounge.
Season 4, Episode 6: Legacy
1:55:03-1:56:50 - I’m still working on this one. I WILL figure it out!! =)
From there, it loops the same 5 clips every hour, about 10min between each one.
The whole thing is SO well put together. I believe you even took the time to swap the dialogue clips from left to right imputes every other hour! (Mind blown...)
Thank you for this Ender4life =)
Well done!
1:55:03 is really difficult.
Data is conversing with Riker.
Someone says "I know"
Riker says "starship" at one point.
I think it ends with LaForge saying "Commander".
I feel like I'm in Cause and Effect!
you're a wizard
Why thank you! I try 😊
Whoa super-fan status! Spot on my friend 👌🏽
ender4life , yay! Why thank you! 😊
I’m only about an hour in so far, but was able to identify the dialogue between Riker and Data at 1:04 from “Data’s Day” episode.
Thanks for noticing the details!
ender4life - Of course! You did a great job! I figured out all 5 audio clips except the one at 1:55:03. But I WILL figure it out!! 🤓
Andrew Krug - The first audio clip of dialogue starts at 1 hour and 4 minutes into the video =)
There are only two ways this was recommended to you:
1) you are a huge nerd
And 2) you have⁰ so much trouble sleeping that you are in the weird part of internat of ambient sounds.
Don't know wich is better...
3) all of the above
I have no trouble sleeping...
The saddest part for me is how hard your comment just hit... I'm honestly not sure which one of those two resulted in this being recommended too me. I've been watching about as many trek vids as ASMR sleep and rainstorm videos. This is 25 I guess and its down hill from here 😂 can't wait to see what my 30s have in store.
Or you watch RedLetterMedia
Both, so it showed up in recommendations. 😁
I created a playlist of rain on Spotify to help me sleep, but these ambient sounds from different parts of the ship(s) are even better. Well done my friend. I subscribed so I may listen to more of what you do.
THANK YOU FOR THIS!!! I have this video on loop and it will never end
Haha! Keep on keepin’ on my dude
Training the very first batch of Starfleet graduates to fall asleep on shift I see
Who's here after TNG cast reunites with 1701-D in Picard?
I am!
Got a bit emotional on that one, still remember the first episode back in 1987
Not embarrassed to say that I cried 😌
I used to listen to only rain sounds until I found this. I put this one on more and more often. I don't know if it's the beeping, the engine sounds, or the quiet conversations, or the combo, but my body immediately relaxes, and I'm out. Thank you, this is a great video.
I watched the whole video and it didn't disappoint. All my expectations were met.
Just realized how much I’m goin to miss the sound of rain when we all live on spaceships lol
Not me. It's been raining here in Ireland for three days now.
“Cries in Australian” what rain 😩
My good sir. is there anyway you could post this audio with a black screen so i can play it on my television to fall asleep
Look in your picture settings on your TV. Look for “Picture off” or something similar. I know Samsung TVs have it, pretty sure it’s a common feature.
Watching and listening to this makes the bridge feel so real. Brilliant!
After getting sober I have huge problems to sleep but this more helpful than any pill I got...
Thx a lot
You’re welcome and congratulations on your recovery.
Thanks for the extra effort on this one. As usual, good dreams for all.
Johnny Nimble you’re welcome! Glad you like it ✌🏽
I wonder if this could encourage my brain to have TNG dreams? That could be fun, as long as no Borg.
Risa dreams only.
Aww borg are fun too. You haven't seen decent part 2 yet?
Is counselor Deanna Troi in those dreams ; )
Resistance is futile
@@ender4life No, just dreams of Counselor Troi🥰
Your Star Trek ambiance videos are the only ambiance I can stand to listen to and they help me fall asleep! This is my favorite one so far, I really like the moving graphics 😊
Glad you enjoy it!
Bro this is actually an insane idea. Just have an 8 hour video of the bridge and show like a, "day in the life" of a star ship bridge.
No other shots, no other areas of the ship. Just a camera of the bridge, then you would watch people basically do their jobs for a shift.
Often Data's shift curiously enough. Nice for reading for those who also have night shifts. Thank you, this is actually very calming and it has the effect of taking me home, right where I grew up listening to these things in the background of some TNG episode I was watching with my dad.
Nothing curious about it. Data did not need to sleep or relax. He also gets to build up his command hours too.
@@Locutus Oh I didn't mean curious in that sense. He also took some time for himself at times, and I had to wonder, even if you dont sleep, he got a lot of stuff done at times, particularly in that episode of In Theory. He might not need to sleep, but you only got so many hours in an... Earth day XD
The envy though. College often demanded days without sleep and you did what you had to, to keep productive.