Mr. Beast Did What?…..

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • Everyone keeps asking me to check this out. I really don't know much about the guy but I'll check this out and see what everyone is asking me about.
    #mrbeast #reaction #whathappened #fraud #dogpack404 #iworkedfor #exposed #sociopath

Комментарии • 159

  • @MoyeBoy420
    @MoyeBoy420 29 дней назад +50

    This one, while still serious, is pretty tame compared to his second video and all the other allegations coming out around the whole company.

    • @brittanyparistx
      @brittanyparistx 29 дней назад +4

      Part 2 is disturbing. I think MB is sadistic.

    • @food223
      @food223 29 дней назад +5

      that 2nd part was difficult to watch, feel so sorry for the victim

    • @plus9775
      @plus9775 27 дней назад +2

      @@food223 honestly I love just listening to that guy, he's so funny, shame what happened to him...

  • @mattwysinger2096
    @mattwysinger2096 29 дней назад +38

    I definitely recommend the second video. Its disgusting what he did to that guy

  • @ChessJew
    @ChessJew 29 дней назад +24

    No matter how famous someone is, you never know who they actually are.

  • @tricitymorte1
    @tricitymorte1 29 дней назад +9

    I was never a fan of Mr Beast, his content just didn't interest me. But, whenever something of his was sent to me by someone else, he really gave me the ick. I didn't know why, I just shrugged it off and moved on. Maybe it's just my suspicious nature. Everyone has ulterior motives, and no one will ever have my full trust. This reaction you did is the first time I've actually heard any details. I'd seen some videos recommended about it, but I just really didn't care about him or his content. And now, I'm glad I didn't have any interest. People put him on a pedestal and look what happened.

    • @lanmandragoran8337
      @lanmandragoran8337 24 дня назад

      They call people like us conspiracy theorists, but I'm willing to bet you've never been scammed either. Or at best, been scammed once. Shit, my early childhood is full of memories of people lying to me, if my parents can do it I sure as fuck don't trust an "internet personality".
      Did all these people getting crypto scammed just need shittier parents or??

    • @countrabricksbuildcraze8916
      @countrabricksbuildcraze8916 20 дней назад

      😊👍👍 same .only seen 4 of his vids .he s content is .what Manny could do .some yes more exstream but ...the money he geting. Crazy .cas you pulled in so Manny young youth. 😊.probly less adult s

    • @tricitymorte1
      @tricitymorte1 19 дней назад

      @@countrabricksbuildcraze8916 He did attract my husband, who's 48. He was impressed at the "charity." I fully believe if he wasn't offering to give stuff away, he wouldn't have had so many fans. People just want free shit. And then, lo and behold, people didn't even get the stuff they paid him for.

  • @mightyakkylex
    @mightyakkylex 29 дней назад +7

    You know it's serious when even music youtubers get in on it, damn

  • @SlickONick
    @SlickONick 29 дней назад +38

    MrBeast proves that you can’t trust anyone on the internet.

    • @AgentSephiroth
      @AgentSephiroth 29 дней назад +3

      MrBeast didn't need to prove that, it should be COMMON SENSE.

    • @brad201291
      @brad201291 29 дней назад +2

      If you ever watched his videos and paid attention you would've never trusted him .😂 This should've been seen from a mile away .

    • @Armaldo468
      @Armaldo468 28 дней назад

      Correction: It’s a reminder that nobody should *worship* others on the internet and put them on pedestals as if they can do no wrong. We are all human beings-a deeply flawed species prone to a wide range of sins, misbehaviors, and problems. Absolutely NO ONE is perfect, and it’s high time people started remembering that. This is also true as a general rule and not just on the internet, but that seems to be a lesson that the masses refuse to learn.. As far as the trust argument, I wouldn’t say “you can’t trust anyone on the internet” is an appropriate statement. It’s extremely general and likely serves to worsen the trust issues of people who constantly talk about having trust issues. (In regards to that particular consequence, I don’t overly care-I’m just tired of hearing about trust issues.) It’s also a fairly inaccurate statement. You *can* trust people-just don’t be dumb and naïve about it. You shouldn’t implicitly trust people you don’t personally know and have a firsthand connection with. Odds are that you don’t actually *know* these gigantic public figures and likely do not have a strong personal relationship with them. (Not that having a connection necessarily prevents people with ill intent from doing you dirty anyway, but it can help.) Much of the world seems convinced that just because they’re ’obsessed’ with certain people’s content (and *maybe* have like 1-2 brief, semi-friendly interactions with them), those people are automatically their friends. It doesn’t work like that. It doesn’t work like that in the real world, and it doesn’t work like that online. The same general rules basically apply both offline and online.

    • @aalvarez2914
      @aalvarez2914 27 дней назад

      Definitely can’t trust him..

    • @akumablood1509
      @akumablood1509 11 дней назад

      So you trust the ppl on the internet that says he’s a bad person?

  • @palpablenotion
    @palpablenotion 29 дней назад +10

    Giveaways are federally regulated. You can't offer international giveaways for instance. Private companies are bound by gaming laws.

  • @christythut3754
    @christythut3754 29 дней назад +12

    I've only seen one snippet of a Mr Beast video and have had a extreme dislike to him since. He went up to a woman working behind a counter and was trying to convince her to quit her job for a $100,00. On the surface it seems generous and amazing - but she hesitated and he was putting pressure on her - thing is, he doesn't know that woman and has no idea how either an influx of money or quitting her job might affect her life. The thing is (and this is applicable to all the examples in that video - like winning a car) there is an after-the-fact with all of these things. I don't think he thinks about it because he doesn't really give a shit on how it's going to affect people but because he targets little kids, they aren't going to think it through because they're kids. Like anytime he gives aware a car - the bulk of his demographic can't drive, and their parents are going to have to pay taxes on it and I can't even imagine how much their insurance would go up. Yikes.
    And speaking of not giving a shit - he has a responsibility to understand and follow any laws he would be subject too. And even if he doesn't want to be bothered with it or doesn't understand it, there is no way he isn't making enough money to have a team of people around him to advise him on it. The same goes for the chaoticness of that stream - he should have a team around him to make sure that things run smoothly.
    The Walmart thing - I can't imagine that Walmart agreed to it because if a kid got hurt while they were doing that it would be a HUGE liability issue for them. As for hiding other product, I get the instinct to want to do this but at a minimum it's unethical (and doesn't set a great example for kids) but there could be blow back for whatever store it is. (and fuck him for making me defend Walmart over anything - they're just as fucking evil as he is)
    And finally - Standards and Practices come into play depending on what market you're airing in. The difference is that youtube randomly generates what ads go where (unless there is a big blow-up with a specific channel) but if anyone's content also streams or airs in a market where ads and advertisers are contractually, intentionally advertising on that content then it would be subject to S&P. I hope that makes sense.
    Sorry for the Russian novel of a comment.

    • @Armaldo468
      @Armaldo468 27 дней назад +2

      I don’t know about Cliff, but as someone with a very strong propensity for rambling and ranting-very frequently having the longest comments or replies in a thread-I appreciate your ‘Russian novel’ here. Cliff probably doesn’t mind too much either, if I had to guess; he seems like someone who doesn’t mind a good read if it’s not a bunch of nonsensical crap. I could be mistaken, though; that’s one thing about him that I haven’t gotten a read on yet. No pun intended, I swear. Either way, this man doesn’t strike me as one of those lazy, smug troglodytes who won’t read more than two words because they think poor literacy is cool or something.
      Also, in response to what you actually brought up, yeah, that’s really questionable behavior. $100k (I assume that’s what that number was supposed to be-you’re missing a zero, and I assume that’s just a small error; I really hope it wasn’t supposed to be $10k, because that would make the questionable behavior you’re describing 10x douchier) is enough to disrupt a lot of things, but not actually a huge amount of money in the grand scheme of things. It’s not really enough to change someone’s life-especially if they have a family, relatives they’re helping, or pretty much anything else that’s more financially demanding than just providing for oneself. (That being said, my folks and I could certainly use a chunk of cash like that, BUT we’re also too wise and wary to be taken in by snake oil salesmen like MrBeast. The only snake oil business I have any love for is the snake oiler character class in the game West of Loathing. And on that odd note, I’d rather make $100,000 by collecting bounties of some kind than by taking a weird handout from a wack-ass “philanthropist”. Besides, I’m starting to develop a dim view of the whole philanthropy thing, as many so-called philanthropists turn out to be outstandingly shady people. Not all of them, but a lot. You can thank Bill Gates and some of his familiars for my adopting that mentality.😑🖕 I can rant more if you’re curious, but I’m leaving it there for now because I’ve already rambled enough, and what I have to say next is rather politically charged; I try not to be the first to bring polarizing politics into threads like this-unless I’m too pissed off to give a damn.)
      …Y’see what I mean about the rambling/ranting?😅 I even cut out another long tangent that I eventually deemed unnecessary, too.

    • @christythut3754
      @christythut3754 27 дней назад

      @@Armaldo468 I did in fact mean $100K - good catch. Still not life changing money (unfortunately). A while back it could have been considered that, but now - not with how outrageously expensive everything is. I was just watching part two earlier and someone mentioned giving a large sum of money (probably the same amount) to a homeless person - and strangely that actually would be even less thought out and disruptive. If that person is hooked up with any social services - which are massively means tested - it would blow that up for them. And if they were on any kind of line they'd have to pretty much have to start over. So it would very temporarily help someone but could put them in a fucked up situation on the other side.

  • @molonlavegr300
    @molonlavegr300 28 дней назад +2

    U.S. federal laws apply to RUclips because it is a company based in the United States. This means RUclips must comply with various federal regulations, such as those related to copyright (DMCA), privacy (COPPA), and free speech (First Amendment considerations). - ChatGTP

  • @joejoe9997
    @joejoe9997 29 дней назад +12

    I'm glad you reacted to this the second part of this video is very good where he goes into detail about Mr beast hiring someone who did something to someone underage

  • @McBushington
    @McBushington 29 дней назад +11

    Dogpack released a 2nd even more damning video and said there is a 3rd coming up.

  • @donofamerica5562
    @donofamerica5562 29 дней назад +7

    Cliff, if the private company down the street is running numbers aka illegal lottery, it is still illegal. And you have not seen the real scandal yet lol this video is only the beginning. It gets grimy.

  • @taylorcollins8254
    @taylorcollins8254 21 день назад

    16:43 hold up, STOP EVERYTHING, why did Cliff just do HANDS DOWN the greatest “young whippa-snappas” voice like ever ever ever 😅😂🤣🤣🤣 I love it! This channel’s vibe(s) are always so top-tier lol I love it!

  • @moonfyps9307
    @moonfyps9307 29 дней назад +3

    I didn't watch you in a while, I know, shame on me. I love your music breakdowns, but also your opinion on, well, a lot of things, like this right here.
    I'm 35 mins in and you add so much to this reaction, so thank you for a great and freaking long video. xD
    You seem to be a great person, keep it up! 💟

  • @jacobharris2363
    @jacobharris2363 29 дней назад +4

    I didn't even think about the taxes thing until you mentioned it...Couldn't he be giving all these things his company bought that then went to family and friends, and LITERALLY all of them would be write offs...No?

    • @christythut3754
      @christythut3754 27 дней назад +1

      Probably. Our tax codes are set up to be ridiculously easy on rich people. I think there is a maximum (I think it's $5k) that you can give to someone - whether it's family, friends or strangers - that doesn't trigger taxes. But any cash or prize that's more than that = taxes. And yeah, he probably pays nothing in taxes because of write-offs.

    • @jacobharris2363
      @jacobharris2363 27 дней назад

      @@christythut3754 Yea, you’re right. I forgot about the gift limit.

  • @kathrynaracsy3332
    @kathrynaracsy3332 29 дней назад +7


  • @SP-ru3rs
    @SP-ru3rs 28 дней назад +1

    The establishment has learnt that if they want to end someones popularity and source of income, all they need to do is imply some kind of sexual devioncy.

  • @goddrikhyde4990
    @goddrikhyde4990 24 дня назад +1

    I would suggest checking out the "legal eagle's" video for some legal context.

  • @sinewave1k735
    @sinewave1k735 29 дней назад +2

    The standard broadcast standards most likely would not apply. Government had more say over television broadcast. Haven't seen anything that covers that on the RUclips online level. There are still rules on running a contest, sweepstakes, and lottery period

    • @christythut3754
      @christythut3754 27 дней назад

      The difference with the FCC and Standards and Practices is whether you're airing or streaming on a platform that randomizes their ads versus ads that are specific through things like sales and contracts. For example - youtube randomizes so it doesn't matter but YouiTube TV is a structured platform that would be covered by S&P because they are structured more like broadcast and cable channels.

  • @themegagamer6086
    @themegagamer6086 27 дней назад +1

    The whole "raccoon is a paid actor" thing is that it was a trained raccoon but in the mr.beast video they claimed to be a "wild animal". Watch opmavile's interview with dog pack 404 don't have to react to it but it gives more context
    Braking down the ava Kris Tyson (Chris Tyson) situation
    Ava is transgender male to female who was close to Jimmy Donaldson a.k.a Mr.beast and they had a wife and kid but divorced her after the transition.
    They have found inappropriate messages that Ava sent to minors and Ava supported an artist known for obscene content known as shadman. A particular piece of art shad is known for is a comic (warning this is terrible but this important to understand how terrible shadman is) of keemstar's daughter who was 8 at the time doing a "job" for Donald Trump
    Ava was a supporter of shadman even having an art piece of theirs on the wall in Ava's living room
    1:03:26 the Anakin and padmae is a meme where Anakin says"I am going to change the world" padmae asks "for the better right?" Then Anakin stays silent which starts to worry padmae and asks "right? "
    So an example
    Mr. Beast .......
    Everyone: you didn't promote illegal gambling to children right?
    Everyone worried by the Silence: you didn't promote illegal gambling to children right?

  • @toksiyk
    @toksiyk 29 дней назад +5

    Cliff. 2 Hours cliff? You're killin me man. 😭 Of course I'm going to sit through the entire thing but still😭😭😭😭

    • @vipershutendoji2415
      @vipershutendoji2415 29 дней назад +1

      I didn’t see it was that long (no diddy) time to pour a drink 🤣

    • @JEdits1
      @JEdits1 29 дней назад

      well the vid itself is almost an hour so it makes sense lol

  • @matthewgenyas4454
    @matthewgenyas4454 27 дней назад +1

    YT is an American company founded in Cali.. it is subject to all US regulations and their subsidiary hosts are supposed to be subject to.. but a 40m sub guy gets a little more room.. room only granted by YT not the US government

    @OuTSMOKE 29 дней назад +7

    I love you man, but I 'm not watching 2 hours of Mr. Beast speculations. 🤣

  • @brittanyparistx
    @brittanyparistx 29 дней назад +1

    Bro……I caught that it’s always sunny reference about Charlie’s pinboard….
    He uses a classic it’s always sunny meme in the 2nd video. Best use of the meme ever maybe……

  • @AshleighJane-nd2qx
    @AshleighJane-nd2qx 26 дней назад

    Man's even got the dachshund suspecting

  • @NooneTymeCollections
    @NooneTymeCollections 28 дней назад

    I gamble on UFC too. Would love to hear your predictions on this weekend

  • @chriscrowarts4886
    @chriscrowarts4886 29 дней назад +2

    Dude check out second part to this it’s even crazier

  • @147salsa
    @147salsa 29 дней назад

    I had no idea how much I would enjoy you reacting to this.
    Maybe because you aren’t caught up in that world

  • @sinewave1k735
    @sinewave1k735 29 дней назад +3

    The "minors attracted person" he/ she mentioned is a trans RUclipsr and Mr Beast right hand trans woman. Chris "Ava" Tyson. I think its spelled right. There was a few exposing videos comming out against her. Its also used to attack trans people but Ava had a long history that is hard to believe the rest didnt know about it.

    • @user-rb4nj8hr5u
      @user-rb4nj8hr5u 29 дней назад +4

      Lets not call him a 'her' Be a part of the solution not the problem!

    • @theobscureandtheabsurd9381
      @theobscureandtheabsurd9381 27 дней назад

      ​@user-rb4nj8hr5u You can be a bad person and still be trans. Still calling her she. Thanks for trying to "help", though.

    • @user-rb4nj8hr5u
      @user-rb4nj8hr5u 27 дней назад

      @@theobscureandtheabsurd9381 There's no such thing. ANybody pretending otherwise is a PDF file. Way to out yourself. Seek help evil one!

  • @SmokeStack-yk3kz
    @SmokeStack-yk3kz 29 дней назад +1

    The vid on Eva Chris Tyson is the Worst part of the mrBeast drama!
    Its F’ing disgusting🤢🤮

  • @SlickONick
    @SlickONick 29 дней назад +2

    $1 vs $1,000,000 Lawyer
    (I know, sOoOoO oRiGiNaL!!1!)

  • @taylorcollins8254
    @taylorcollins8254 21 день назад

    35:51 excuse me sir did you just call yourself a BOOMER?! 😂😂 I’m pretty sure you & I are probably in the same age range (I’m 31) & I’m literally crying from laughing so hard bc I def have my own moments of feeling like a boomer, too 🤷🏼‍♀️😆

  • @AshleighJane-nd2qx
    @AshleighJane-nd2qx 26 дней назад

    The truth hurts, and zooming in on the eyes and humiliation, pain

  • @Aggro-bbx
    @Aggro-bbx 28 дней назад

    I’m happy cliff is so genuine, we need more of that in the world

  • @josephfoster5593
    @josephfoster5593 29 дней назад +1

    Legal eagle has a video breaking down the laws behind the accusations

  • @chriscrowarts4886
    @chriscrowarts4886 29 дней назад

    The dude in cat ears is pewdiepie the first king of RUclips most who grew up on RUclips idolized him and wanted to be the first to surpass him don’t diss his cat ears taste doesn’t change intelligence

  • @keepingitrealawesome
    @keepingitrealawesome 29 дней назад +1

    That’s crazy I didn’t know any of this and I remember watching some of these live videos and thinking about getting one of those tee shirts and thankful I didn’t do that haha 😆

  • @jegamesrubix1341
    @jegamesrubix1341 28 дней назад +1

    You should react to his second video on mrbeast it is way more crazy

  • @kota7824
    @kota7824 29 дней назад +1

    there are some things i wished i didn't know the answers to after googling them. had to search what Lolli porn was.. wtf

    • @kota7824
      @kota7824 29 дней назад +1

      also is Drake and P diddy and jared from subway friends with this mr beast

  • @caroline_scotland
    @caroline_scotland 29 дней назад +1

    Been happening for yeeeeears with kids tv presenters. These content creators are the exact same thing but just evolved with the time😑

  • @Cryptic_Overdrive
    @Cryptic_Overdrive 29 дней назад +1

    25:45 whatchu got there, 2 g,s? Im assuming those are all hundreds

  • @lorielovesbooks7315
    @lorielovesbooks7315 7 дней назад

    I just wish I knew, everyone knew what set Dogpack404 off, what happened that led to this expose everything response.

  • @ZeallustImmortal
    @ZeallustImmortal 25 дней назад

    Lotteries are still lotteries regardless of where they are hosted.

  • @AllTheHandlesTaken
    @AllTheHandlesTaken 28 дней назад

    It is definitely not legal on RUclips either. Whether it is in line with RUclips regulations or not, it's still against the law at the federal level and in the state of North Carolina. RUclips would be subject to these jurisdictional regulations at the bare minimum. If they weren't you wouldn't get videos taken down because RUclips would have little incentive to avoid formal DMCA takedowns.

  • @ksb5325
    @ksb5325 29 дней назад +1

    Hey guys I bought TDOS on July 13th and still haven’t gotten it, has this happened to anyone else? I got the alternate cover.

    • @stefaniate
      @stefaniate 29 дней назад

      I believe the physical album is released in September!

  • @Sentries
    @Sentries 28 дней назад

    You should react to his cease and desist haha

  • @Captainalexstars94er
    @Captainalexstars94er 19 дней назад +1

    My Question is Why? Why mrbeast is such A fraud i want to know please. ❓

  • @timyerkey5686
    @timyerkey5686 29 дней назад

    Love all your content bro your one of my favorite channels it’s you and Stevie knight that’s all i watch

  • @Zee_1003
    @Zee_1003 29 дней назад

    Cliff, i still remember that time you said in a video when you were starting that some viewers/subs of your were laughing at you dor not knowing who PewdiePie was! and he's the one who said giveaways are a scam. 😅😅😅

  • @AshleighJane-nd2qx
    @AshleighJane-nd2qx 26 дней назад

    Here for you, I am going to suggest, comedy?

  • @enzoloveless132
    @enzoloveless132 29 дней назад

    Bro, 2 hours but totally worth it :D Thanks for your insight!

  • @flattophero
    @flattophero 29 дней назад

    I had to ⏸️ when you said you don't know Ken or Felix. That's cool live your life..

  • @ceciltuttle743
    @ceciltuttle743 29 дней назад

    I assume most internet workers are like this

  • @NikabePlays
    @NikabePlays 28 дней назад

    Glad to see another person with my views on this.

  • @blacktenshu
    @blacktenshu 29 дней назад

    Broadcast standards don't apply to youtube sadly

  • @AS-ok2ni
    @AS-ok2ni 29 дней назад

    I can not get in live on RUclips.
    I’m watching it.

  • @kota7824
    @kota7824 29 дней назад

    why is dude on the right keep turning into a bobble head?

  • @beckyleavitt7808
    @beckyleavitt7808 29 дней назад +1

    Watched the live. For the algo.

  • @wernersmidt3298
    @wernersmidt3298 29 дней назад

    Question for y'all: Does MrBeast's smile extend to his eyes?

  • @AndersARLarsen
    @AndersARLarsen 28 дней назад

    You should take all the Reddit comments he's referencing to with a huge grain of salt. People make up the craziest shit over on Reddit and so much on there is false information. Lying about paying for a MrBeast contest and not receiving a prize is easy, just write the comment and most people will believe you. Doesn't have to be true.
    I feel like a lot of stuff in this video should be taken with a grain of salt.
    Just trying to be unbiased.

  • @AshleighJane-nd2qx
    @AshleighJane-nd2qx 26 дней назад

    Also, more chance equals more winners so less money

  • @AshleighJane-nd2qx
    @AshleighJane-nd2qx 26 дней назад

    Back to Bob Dylan Rhymes

  • @mitchellshultz3872
    @mitchellshultz3872 28 дней назад

    Dude in the beginning looks twacked

  • @AshleighJane-nd2qx
    @AshleighJane-nd2qx 26 дней назад

    Smart investing

  • @1_slow5.02
    @1_slow5.02 29 дней назад

    Parts of this is just a parents thing as well. Just like with Eminem, if you you don’t want your kids eating and gambling take them away from watching Mr beast lol

  • @kdub175
    @kdub175 27 дней назад

    eeeeedubbbz replacement has arrived?

  • @AS-ok2ni
    @AS-ok2ni 29 дней назад +1

    You do need to watch Rosanna Pansino videos on what going on right now with Beast games. That actually very dangerous. She keeping it in the light. She not going after anyone that shares them. She just want the truth out.
    This is with no safety.

  • @VinkDaniel
    @VinkDaniel 29 дней назад

    CTA: I subscribeded 😀

  • @Zee_1003
    @Zee_1003 29 дней назад

    1:19:23 FREUDIAN SLIP! 🤣🤣🤣

  • @eugenethomas1636
    @eugenethomas1636 29 дней назад

    20:17 who the hell is using a pic of logan paul?

  • @AshleighJane-nd2qx
    @AshleighJane-nd2qx 26 дней назад


  • @ThemAInAIm
    @ThemAInAIm 29 дней назад

    Chris is a him, not a her.

  • @Champabay
    @Champabay 29 дней назад

    mrbeast worships Steve jobs and it's creepy af

  • @dakotadennett6979
    @dakotadennett6979 29 дней назад

    1000 x 1000 is a million so it’s possible to be a million but we know he didn’t spend his money, 5 year old slave labor paid the real price

  • @stephenrashbrook7667
    @stephenrashbrook7667 25 дней назад

    Your reactions are to genuine to be scripted .

  • @surekhashah4089
    @surekhashah4089 29 дней назад

    He won't even know this he is to wealthy to care 😂

  • @shaun5631
    @shaun5631 29 дней назад

    You spoke like I’m but better hahahaa

  • @jeremiahzambrotta5580
    @jeremiahzambrotta5580 29 дней назад

    But if its a scripted predetermined outcome and everyone was in on it they how does it matter about standards and practices?😊

  • @jessicacastro7824
    @jessicacastro7824 28 дней назад

    I always thought Mr.Beast was a good guy when I watch his videos

  • @gokucomeback
    @gokucomeback 28 дней назад

    He does do stock market and realitor video

  • @buddah1221
    @buddah1221 19 дней назад

    never watched any of his content I watched him on JRE but honestly wasn't that memorable

  • @gibo1363
    @gibo1363 29 дней назад

    Casual flex having 10K on ya desk 😁

  • @deadlyart02
    @deadlyart02 29 дней назад +1

    Didn't watch none of this reaction fast food straight to the forge signature part on the t-shirt to see Cliff's reaction and he reacted like me that was when the line gets drawn where you cannot defend the guy no longer

  • @Kadra_Sky
    @Kadra_Sky 29 дней назад

    the second viedo is so much worse. You've got to watch it.

  • @JMK600
    @JMK600 28 дней назад

    Check out Avelino - 101barz freestyle. Definitely one of the best freestyles of the year 🔥 🇬🇧

  • @joshmcdonald7196
    @joshmcdonald7196 28 дней назад

    Wth did that guy say

  • @xyxyyzyz2888
    @xyxyyzyz2888 29 дней назад

    Hey👋🏻 can you watching Shakira Copa America performance? I wonder your reaction. Please.

  • @AshleighJane-nd2qx
    @AshleighJane-nd2qx 26 дней назад

    Thats actually after!

  • @joshmcdonald7196
    @joshmcdonald7196 28 дней назад

    Who cares above them/they Chris.

  • @AS-ok2ni
    @AS-ok2ni 29 дней назад

    I see you on RUclips

  • @AshleighJane-nd2qx
    @AshleighJane-nd2qx 26 дней назад


  • @jessicacastro7824
    @jessicacastro7824 28 дней назад

    Hey everyone

  • @its.dublayemusic
    @its.dublayemusic 29 дней назад +2

    So many dumb claims here, former beast worker or not, perhaps he was sacked? I just see someone who's salty and wants to trash talk Jimmy. Obviously videos have cgi his editing is Hollywood level production. There likely is some scripted work, but you can tell there's a lot of improvisation thru any video

  • @joshmcdonald7196
    @joshmcdonald7196 28 дней назад

    Oh. You can trust many people on the Internet. Well. Actually what they want to show u. But this channel. Stevie knight. Knox hill. H. Mack.. but then again only what they show. But I trust everyone I just listed. Actually more..

  • @AdamClevenger724
    @AdamClevenger724 29 дней назад

    Yes hello he is in all kinds of evidence of him in minors dm's

  • @AshleighJane-nd2qx
    @AshleighJane-nd2qx 26 дней назад

    I'm out, spend time with your cousins ❤

  • @countrabricksbuildcraze8916
    @countrabricksbuildcraze8916 20 дней назад

    Are theas vid true fact s an proven to be true or ..may be the vid s was. Planed by mr beast. Not sure .i was just. Guessing. This. It all way s once some one.Get s well knowen .people come out. On you claiming stuff. Or thay tourn on you. Wether its fulce for $$ or true .

  • @maximumeffort3225
    @maximumeffort3225 29 дней назад +1

    I'll be honest. While I havent paid much attention to Mr. Beast and whatever he's been doing. But I do know that his content, directed at children, and his whole persona, makes me feel uncomfortable.

  • @donkramer8848
    @donkramer8848 29 дней назад

    Everyone is all shocked, I been waiting for this to drop for years haha sick people doing sick things!

    • @Brandon.Brown9947
      @Brandon.Brown9947 29 дней назад

      I've been telling people that shit like this is gonna happen.

    • @donkramer8848
      @donkramer8848 29 дней назад

      @@Brandon.Brown9947 something gets tweaked in a persons brain when they are never told no, top RUclipsr in the world is the definition of never being told no. More shoes bout to drop from other creators just watch!

  • @Kimmy58
    @Kimmy58 29 дней назад

    Kids 9i