Fluent UI React Trainings: Styling best practices and icons

  • Опубликовано: 27 апр 2024
  • This tutorial covers two distinct topics. The first topic goes through some of the best practices of using the Griffel CSS-in-JS with or without Fluent UI components. We will learn about common development patterns when using Griffel and the best way to implement them. The second topic is a more advanced deep-dive into the different icon variants that we have in Fluent UI and how to use them effective.
    00:00 - Intro
    00:11 - Styles handbook
    01:00 - Griffel runtime styles limitations
    01:12 - Incorrect styling example
    02:03 - Enumerate all style combinations
    03:17 - Inline styles
    03:52 - Inline CSS variables
    05:19 - Structuring style definitions
    07:09 - Design tokens and themes
    09:22 - Don't use !important
    11:38 - Nested combinators
    16:37 - Icon recap
    17:25 - Regular and filled icon variants
    18:05 - Bundling icons
    19:31 - Toggling icon variants on hover
    20:17 - Fluent UI component icon handling
    21:15 - Outro
    📝 Examples:
    #1 Runtime styling stackblitz.com/edit/vitejs-vi...
    #2 Tokens over direct colors stackblitz.com/edit/vitejs-vi...
    #3 Avoid important stackblitz.com/edit/vitejs-vi...
    #4 Using nested selectors stackblitz.com/edit/vitejs-vi...
    💡 References:
    #1 Styles handbook github.com/microsoft/fluentui...
    #2 Limitations in Griffel griffel.js.org/react/guides/l...
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Комментарии • 2

  • @cintron3d
    @cintron3d Месяц назад

    Hadn't thought about how combinator selectors hurt performance before. Great point. Just one more reason why I love atomic css like Tailwind.

  • @svdoever
    @svdoever 5 дней назад

    Link to styles handbook is not working, also can't find it in the repository...