I should add that about a month ago I adopted a little 5 month old rescue kitty that was found on the side of the road. I plan on on getting a second kitty when I can afford it, but my apartment only allows 2 cats per household so 2 will be my limit :(
This so breaks my heart. To know cats and dogs being euthanized as kittens and puppies or adults cause too many of them and not enough homes. I have 2 beagles both adopted. Both spay/neutered. Plus we gave 2 feral cats in the neighborhood. This winter we were successful in trapping them and neutering both (both males). They're back keeping the rodents in check which we are thankful for. But, we're extremely thankful because a female just entered. Just got her 1 week ago. Spayed and returned. I paid for this out of my own pocket. I can't do it everywhere. But I spay/neutered my neighborhood feral cats. You can too!
sunshinegirl1967 good job!! I have 5 cats currently now and some kitten guests that come and go. I would love to spay/neuter all the other cats as well but it's really pricey here in my country :(
DaKare2126 Carissa Chua Unfortunately my city doesn't believe in TNR. They still trap and kill. So I brought my kitties indoors and still have them 11 yrs later. They are like family to me. So, there's still a lot of convincing left to be done about the benefits of TNR vs trap and kill. It's definitely a cost-saving approach for each city. I wonder if the city could get involved in TNR since they have the humane traps already (but they are not using them humanely yet.) They could ask the public for donations to fund TNR and take them to our low-cost spay/neuter clinic. I don't know why that can't be done.
sunshinegirl1967 Maybe you could be the one to get a program started. My town has an organization called 'Alleycat Advocates' that provides the traps and the fixing service for free. They rely on donations and do a great job! I have worked with them many times.
The thought of cats being uthenized because nobody will adopt them makes me feel really sad since they have done nothing wrong. It's very unfortunate. Good thing my kitten got spayed 2 months ago and the surgery turned out to be a huge success.
It's not that nobody will adopt them, it's that the adoption process is too complicated in many places. People find themselves encouraged to go to breeders or sellers because the adoption process is so absurd. Want a cat? We need a tour of your house, a few in-person interviews, references, interviews with your references, interviews with your landlord, and 400 dollars. Whereas going to a breeder can often cost you the same or a little more without the hassle. I got my cat Winston from a breeder solely because the shelters that had kittens for adoption were too far away from me to do the processes. I was perfectly willing to drive to get them if they would forego some of it, my references checked out and the landlord was on-board, but they would not do it. So while I'm sympathetic to the shelters, a lot of the damage and struggling they deal with is self-inflicted. Stopping abuse is important, but ultimately the effort they put into stopping it is ineffective. Abusers, shocker, can lie.
I do know that, at the shelter I volunteered at in New Mexico, almost all the cats had a chance to be adopted out before kitten season except one named Gibby. The poor guy's a very active cat despite his six years of age, but he was there for a whole four months before I volunteered, and he's probably still there now. I've seen other cats and lots of kittens come and go, but not him...
Albuquerque I know partnered with Best Friends and started a big T/S-N/R program and within a little more than a year they had totally empty cages in their shelters. They also provide free spay/ neuter for low and moderate income households. Isn't that wonderful?
I wish I could adopt one :'( I had once actually, that moment made me happy, I bathe her and feed her I thought it could last forever, I tried my best to hide her because I feel sorry for stray cats! And I feel so worthless because I can't do anything about it, but my landlady and I argued because she didn't want me to have a cat, that actually broke my heart, I left my kitten wandering around outside, i'm helpless...I just cried. And also, Philippines doesn't have an adoption center for animals like dogs and cats. Take care and love your pets!
Angela Ramos I also come from an ethnic background which did not consider animals as "pets." My dad was an animal lover by nature so he had "pet" racoons, skunks, etc., out in the wild. In my case growing up it was just a gradual exposure to thinking of cats/dogs/birds and other animals as beings having value. As Stu VU said, maybe you will be the person to start the awareness and change of attitude that will encourage regard for and care toward pet animals. Sometimes a heartbreaking happening can lead you to make an important change in your life path.
Angela Ramos You sound like a compassionate person. Your landlady on the other hand is just wrong. People that have pets are more responsible and therefore, you are more reliable in paying the rent. I have had pets pretty much all my life and find them to be enriching and they are happiness and family. All of my friends from your country have been wonderful. I hope one day you will be able to adopt a kitty soon.
I hope your kitten is safe(even if it's a grown male/female and no longer a tiny kitten), but you did the right thing to not keep it even if your landlord didn't want you too. You seem such a kind person, and I hope you're able to keep such a loving pet like a cat or dog soon.
I wish I could adopt more cats. I rescued the one I have from my grandparents' barn. He was feral and freezing a couple days after Christmas 2011. He had a bad cold. He was sitting in the window and I went over and just picked him up--before he was the scaredest of the 3 kittens and would have run away. His sister died on Christmas. He was a little orange fuzzy guy. I took him home and the vet gave him medicine and now he's happy and healthy and playful and loving. He likes to cuddle in my arms.
I have the same story as yours, but ours died at 7 months old. I'll never forget him dying while I held him. He looked at me, meowed lightly, and went limp.
My parents are very wealthy, and I have my own area for cats, and a private crew of 3 to maintain. We take these cats to Europe and places where they don't have as many cats. Together, we have saved over 150 kittens, in the last 6 months. I am also starting a program to fund for places for cat holding, so cats can be free to roam area. If you see cats in Petco, and you come back and they aren't there, that means that they were put down most likely. Cats are my favorite animal, and I strive everyday to help them. We have 4 cats ourselves, and our crew all have two. If any of you have jobs, please share this video anywhere you can. My life goal is to help all cats everywhere. I can't tell you enough that so many cats can be saved with YOUR help. Speak up, tell others to adopt, and try to donate to the shelters. With your help, we can put an end to this. Thank you.
Well, if you want to save cats then you should go to cat island in japan ( actual real place ) because on cat island there's over 100 cats that are strays, because, beyond being fed by villagers, visitots,and tourists, they don't seem to be getting any other care.
I love the humane society, my sister donated over 100$ that she earned from a lemonade stand. Now I have a donation drive at my school for the humane society.
ProblematiqueAJ That's where I adopted my cag, Russell!
9 лет назад+36
I've always been a dog fan, but recently I'm in love with cats. So I found your channel and I'm just crazy about them. I intend to adopt two. Great vid, man ! Greetings from Brazil !
Rodrigo Chapolas Oi! I don't mean to be rude, but "to pretend" = fingir! You could have said that you intend to adopt two kitties. Greetings from Brazil, mate :3
Where I volunteer, they never put animals to sleep unless they are so ill it can't be cured and they would be suffering the rest of their lives. I wish this was the case around the rest of the world
Just finished fostering a mama and her 3 babies and am cleaning up to get ready for my next little family! The first family, none of the kittens made it. They came from filthy conditions and all died of URI's. Even the mama was under a year old, but she's gained weight and is finally healthy and knows what it's like to be loved! Out of the 20 or so cats I've fostered, all but this most recent one has found a home! She'll be up for adoption right after her spay in a couple of weeks. Seriously..if you can't afford to own a cat but still want one..PLEASE foster! The rescue provides food, litter, medications, etc..all you provide is a safe and loving environment and a bit of your time. It's so worth it. The more homes that are open to foster means more that can be pulled from shelters. The more homes spay the cats they own, the less kittens in shelters. Most shelters will kill an entire litter if just one of them sneezes, so it's super important to get them out as soon as possible. Fostering may mean driving to and from vet appointments or to and from the rescue..and it can mean giving medications for several weeks or even bottle feeding, but the rescue won't give you more than you can handle and you get SO much love from them. The more you handle them and play with them, the more likely they will be adopted. It's so rewarding! Please consider it! Kitten season is in full swing and our rescue is overflowing..so are the shelters!
Oh, this video speaks to my heart! We live in a rural area, and often have 2 kitten 'season's per year. I 've spent countless hours, days, weeks, feeding abandoned newborn to 'able to eat solid' kitties...every 4 hours...then put ads in paper to get them adopted. ..dealing with filtering out weirdos...I developed a checklist of questions to find appropriate homes for them...Our local humane society has aTNR (trap, neuter, and return) program, but I've experienced no success with this...once neutered, especially kittens, they don't survive the ferals, even the adult cats haven't made it(we feed them)...Ironically, we never had any cats in our area until the Feds sectioned off land adjacent to ours as a 'Bird Sanctuary',It's heart breaking to see theses animals suffer. We are responsible pet caretakers and spayed our then, one cat and dog...Now, after some failed adoptions, we have 9 indoor cats! 10 litter boxes, and of course all the vet and food bills to go with! Apparently, we have neighbors (farmers) that just get cats to use as mousers and don't feed them, don't neuter them! I can't see a hungry, abandoned cat or dog, and not do something! Thank you for bringing awareness to this issue, along with your great videos! Sorry to go on so! People like you make the world a better place:)
I realize that I'm saying this a bit late. But I just recently found the channel. I've obviously got a bit of catching up to do. I only wish I would've found this channel much sooner. I love watching your videos. I find them to be entertaining and educational. Big thumbs up on this one though. I used to work for an animal rescue. I was with them the last 4 years they were open. For us kitten season usually resulted in at least one or two of us staff wanting to bang our heads on a metal door once a week minimum. But we love working with them so it's worth it. The rescue I worked with was a no kill rescue. But that comes at a cost. Food, litter, blankets, toys, you name it. So many people don't realize what all goes into caring for animals in general. Sure millions of us have pets. Pets at home in small numbers is fairly easy. But when you've got upwards of around 200 to care for, it can be a bit overwhelming. But it totally worth it.
+Cole and Marmalade We(my gf and me) are currently hand raising a litter found 2 weeks ago. The kittens are not yet 3 weeks old. That is the 4th litter this year... the first was in march. It's exhausting and it gets worse every year.
ValerieRaya check your local Humane Society. They have low cost spay and neuter programs. With most of them you can donate a bag of food and they'll do it for free or really cheap. Or if you receive any government assistance they'll do the surgery really cheap. They also do low cost vaccines. Also some petsmart locations will do a day of free vaccines with an office visit. There's also a program called Care Credit. If you qualify, it works like a credit card. Except it's for medical care. It's good for both animals and people.
mcrchickenluvr We are actually working for a shelter and animal care organization. This year alone we have privatly neutered 7 cats in our neighborhood (which we get to do really cheap since my girlfriend works at the vet and can do the toms herself in her break, meaning we only have to cover material cost, which she can often 'pay' with her overtime). We have a feeding area outside to get feral cats to come close enought to catch them. We even have laws here that say every cat that goes outside needs to be neutered and chipped, but the older farmers don't care for that and many private people don't want to. So we still end up with alot kittens(many of which have to be handraised or treated for many illnesses, diseases or just malnourishment), which is what we do). It gets better in our general area thanks to that law, but in general in my country, it gets worse. I work as an animal healing practicer, which fortunately allows me to take the kittens with me every day. Thes sources are great so for anyone else who needs help.
All the cats we've ever had were spayed/neutered. All those kittens look very cute, and I'd be delighted to take several of them home after they're weaned. They'd probably get along like gangbusters with our four cats. Excellent video, Cole & Marmie!
Cole and Marmalade Thank you, sweet cats. My husband and I really love cats. And Cole and Marmalade are shining examples of well-taken-care-of animals. Love you, your cats, and your channel here.
I know it seems so wrong. But, I can see the other side of the argument. I can't be the one to 'snip' if I ever get to have another male cat he'll comes sans balls.
Bless you for being such a kitty ambassador & how much compassion you have for cats! I'm totally in luv w/ Cole & Marmalade & your videos, of course, & pray for their continued good health! I have 3 snowshoe siamese all found in the streets, wish I could save a boatload! It's so freakin sad that over 2 million healthy animals are put down every year in the US, thanks for trying to enlighten the pet community!
I just love watching Cole and Marmalade. I'm so glad Marm got a clean bill of health---I too am a survivor. I also have a black cat named Coal--I rescued him at about 4 weeks old and now he's 15 years old. I love my sweet old man.
This video made me cry. I wish I could adopt all the cats in need of a home. But it wouldn't be human, and they wouldn't get the love they should have. It makes me so sad to know how many cats go into shelters each year. Its crazy. I wish I could do something more than help at a shelter or play with the cats at a shelter.
Though I do have four cats. One who is black and white who is five. One who is like Marm, red (orange) and white who is four. One who is a Russian blue who is three. And the last one is a black cat, who is almost three. The two three year old cats we got from the shelter at the age of three and the age of two and a half years old. The other two we got as kittens. Don't worry, they all have lots of space, and they all get loved equally.
***** Yeah that's what I would do. What I wanna do in life: 1. Have my dream job 2. Become rich 3. Protect and love and take care of as many cats as possible.
My male cat got neutered when he was a kitten - he and his brother both. Seeing homeless kittens and cats (and homeless animals in general) is very sad; I do what I can when I can. Thank you for continuing to be a source of information and adorableness!
Love these little kittens. I'm so lucky that we have a cat that adopted us, and it's so nice to hear there is an organization that is trying to save the feral cats that are left on the street.💗🐱💗
Yes. Caused by the reaction to cute or charming things that react to the brain causing strange waves to go through your body. Eventually those waves scientifically cause and explosion and you die.
I wish... I've lived in cheap apartments that are anti-pets, moved into a nice apartment paid about $500 for the privilege of having a cat and that cat was still feral and eventually had pay the SPCA to take her back ... now I live in my boyfriend's house and he's anti-cat. One day I'm going to trade him in for cat; I think I'll be happier.
Those little cries are breaking my heart! I wish I could take in more but I got so lucky with the one I have, she's so good with the kids and loves to be around people. I'll definitely look into how I can help local rescues though.
Pun kii I;ll never understand why some people have an aversion to black cats. I have one since 15 years and wouldn't give her away for a million bucks.
Pun kii I love my Sable, an all black, long-haired female who walked up to our door and threw herself against it, demanding to be let in, when she was about 6-8 wks old. She is now a beautiful, happy and healthy adult ruling our other cats! :D
Chris for one more time i will write to you that this is a great video! My two cats and dogs were rescues from the street (i found them in bad condition each time) and i can't describe how happy i am to have them around the house. I've got them all fixed and now i'm saving money to fix 4 feral cats that i have in my garden and i take care of them. Also, at my local pet store there is a basket where you donate food for the animals who are being kept in local shelters and very often i contribute with anything i can.When my finances will be in a better condition i will certainly do fostering and be even more active in taking care of stray animals. Thank you for your effort in raise the public's awareness and i'm really glad that i found ans subscribed to your channel! Keep up the good work!
We just took in a stray a few days ago we believe someone dumped down our street and she was preggo. She lost her babies too. When she heard the kittens crying she went nuts, breaks my heart.
I want to adopt every single kitten ugh they are all so adorable it's sad ;-; I tried to volunteer at my local humane society but the cats were never given enough attention... and there was hardly any kittens :( the older cays were always last to go, but they were sweet but scared... I love cats so much (profile pic is my pretty little kitty Mandy whom I adopted first year of high school so she's about 8 now) I hope that all these little kitties find loving homes ;_;
Alyss Asylum you could volunteer for your local humane society in other ways. It sounds like there are a lot of animals and not enough volunteers if the cats were never given enough attention.
Is it true that even people with allergies can overcome them as long as they love them enough? If it's true, then I really want to adopt. I had a few cats when I was young, but that was before I was diagnosed with allergies to them. So I'm not sure if I'm confident enough to own a cat, even though my allergies are somewhat mild.
jason park A friend of mine has an allergy to cats and i dont know if this works for everyone but she would come over to my house (because we have cats) and little by little she got used to them. I did take a long time but now she has her own cats
Both my parents are allergic to cats and dogs. Before I was born they had 4 cats together and after I was born 3 dogs (only 1 now) and I last year I got a kitten. My sis just got her 2 dogs back so they're here too. The only way my parents aren't dead right now is every couple weeks they give themselves allergy shots :)
jason park My dad is very allergic to cats, but they've always had cats. He's fine as long as he doesn't touch his face after petting them. My nephew is very asthmatic and he says, as long as you get them when they are young and they grow up around you, you should adjust to your cat. But you will have problems with other people's cats.
jason park When I was younger, I was deathly allergic to cats. The mere act of petting them, or having their dander get on my face would send me into fits of sneezing as well my eyes puffing up. When I was in my early teens, I had built up a tolerance to just about every form of allergy medicine available (Nasal sprays barely worked for me) so I stopped pretty much all together. Fast forward to present, and spending several years at a friends house who fostered animals, I slowly built up a tolerance. Now I can be around cats, but I can't touch my face after petting them or anything.
Our cat was already fixed when we got him. We took him over when one of dad's friends from work's mothers couldn't take the cat to the senior home with her, and the cat was used to being the only cat and the "cat in charge" so to speak and couldn't stay with my dad's friend cause he already had other cats and he personalities clashed. So we got him. He's an indoor cat, but he seems to like it. We let him out on walks and stuff in a leash and it's all working great~ we've had him for about a year now.
LillyLovesThings Black cats are the best. They are mellow and laid back, and a lot of fun. When I lived in Ohio, my black cat would always meet me at the door, she would come and get me when it was time for me to go to bed and I was watching television, she even loved water and would jump in the shower with me.
Thanks so much for putting together such an excellent video. It's so important and "hip to snip" is a message that cannot be stressed enough. The "behind the scenes" clips from the shelter were a great illustration that stats in an article or blog post just would not convey as effectively. Great job!
Is there a age limit on volunteers? I'm 13 but I spend a lot of time with animal, and i'm very mature and would love to volunteer in the summer! Also how could I volunteer? Again I would love to give my time to help out at a shelter. Thanks.
FluffyOtaku UwU I started when i was 14 (am 22 now), depending on your experience and your willingness to learn. Their will always be a shelter who will be very happy to have you :)
Thank you SO very much for your advocacy of cats. By spreading knowledge, using your social platform, you make a difference. Showing and telling the true reality of kittens will educate people who enjoy your suburb videos, who may not have ever thought about it. So many wonderful cats are killed in shelter or suffer on the streets and alleys.
I got mine in a not reputated place...he was alone in his cage and he wanted me so much I knew when I looked at him that he was "too old" for being there and they were gonna "send him somewhere else" soon. Even if this place wasnt good, I always say to myself, you saved your little darling who's almost 3 years now and named Akira ♥
We trapped two feral kittens and got them fixed. They're free to roam the neighborhood, but mostly hang out at our house. At first they were terrified of humans and would run away when approached. Now one of the kittens, whose name is Sweet Pea, enjoys being pet and will even sit on my lap sometimes. The other, Sweetie, still won't allow us to pet him.
We're in the middle of kitten season where I work. We have over 80 kittens in foster care right now and even more in strays and up for adoption. We have them everywhere! We even had to turn our DOG octagon into a CAT octagon due to so many cats!
Cole and Marmalade awh that poor thing is so doped up and can't really do much and she is really hungry because she had to fast yesterday :D but it's finally done :) she turns 1 in a couple of days ^^
I LOVE CATS AND KITTENS I had 3 kittens now I have 1 more My mum is a CRAZY KAT lady and me ^•^ . Cat and kittens are so Loveable and cute safe cats healthy cats.
This nearly broke my heart!! :C I'm trying to convince my mom to adopt... And of course we always get our pets fixed. We never let our cats outside anyway, but DAMN, try living with a female cat in heat and you'll really wish you got them fixed. xAx
I agree but cats and kittens could become extinct too but at the same time i dont want a crap tun of cats and kittens without a home.... Im at a stand still, also you guys are aweso..... No i mean pawwsome by helping animals and cats and kittens and you guys are just amoozing! Hehehe see what i did there!
Ok haha lol i guess because there is like always that one person lol but i really dont want cats and kittens to die because they dont have homes! Also i have 2 cats ( used to be 3, R.I.P. BoBo the black and white cat, he was one of the strongest cats i have ever known for fighting the fact that hes was in pain just to make us happy!) ones named KiKi grey and white, and the other (my brat) Spaz. From his name you can tell how he is! Lol
They're not in dangerous of extinction, but what about natural selection. As humans we choose the sweetest and the cutest to be our pets, if we fix all the sweet cats and only the street cats can breed doesn't that mean that overtime kittens will more likely exhibit the traits that don't make good pets.
All my cats are currently spayed and neutered :) But before my girl, Kitkat was, she had four kittens. I can't imagine taking them to shelters. My mom posted about them on her Facebook and her friends that wanted cats, I made sure they were cat lovers. I love this informational video!
Tatyana Gordon If I could have more than one pet I'd get an adult cat but since I can only have one, I went with a kitten last time... Not for the "aw adorable" part, but moreso for the "we'll be together longer" part. But again, if I could get a second pet I would definitely go with an adult in need.
Thank you for such a great video about this!!!! I am a rescue and foster failure. Hence, 18 cat kids. All indoors. Kitten season is getting more frequent and overwhelming every year. Keep your babies spayed and neutered! There are many kittens and cats that die from preventable disease and tragedy every season!! Think of how painful it is for their fragile bodies.
Thank You for this video! I have fostered since 2002 for local animal rescues and have had over 700 fosters, mostly bottle fed kittens. People need to be responsible and get their animals spayed and neutered. They also need to take responsibility for the babies when they don't get them altered and not dump the babies at shelters, abandoning them when they are too young to fend for themselves or much worse.
This is so sad these little ones shouldn't be in a shelter at that age. I hope people will learn that it is a good thing to fix their cats even homeless cats so this doesn't happen anymore. Thank you all for helping these cuties and for making this video! God bless you all. Hopefully this video can go everywhere to everyone so this won't happen anymore.
Theres a dog that ran around the neighborhood named Grady. It was always a treat to see him approach our door, it was like talking to an old friend. We would always give him treats when he came and he was smart to listen for cars before crossing the road. He was an old dog, and every visit we think may be his last. He hasn't come in awhile and if he did pass, we are hoping it was peacefully. I dont know why i shared this story here, but i guess it had something to do with strays
It breaks my heart to see such beloved kittens liked behind some cage. Ima adopt like three or four the second I can. Everyone show some love, share the vid.
I just got my little tiger, it is the first time i have a cat in my apartment and i am loving it. So much less stress in my life, this little fury joy was all i needed :)
I found three kittens outside my house. As soon as they were old enough, they were snipped. Luckily, my town had a discount, so it was $90 for all three. There is even a website where you can advertise for help paying for spaying and neutering! I'm so glad I snipped my boys.
I volunteer at a cat shelter and it is shocking to see all of these crates of kittens being piled up in the office. We don't have many volunteers and need more room as well as foster parents. And worse yet, turns out a few of the kittens from the 'Pasta' litter have ringworm. It is hell. -_-
I work for an animal shelter, so I can totally sympathize with the look of dread on that woman's face 😄 Our foster care department is practically crammed with kittens right now. They are adorable as heck, but I can't help but worry that they (and their mommas too of course!) won't all get homes. Thank you for spreading the spay/neuter message!
This video is trying to make me cry. I currently have one cat (London), but theres a cat that I love from the animal shelter that I'm hoping to be volunteering to soon. His name is Emilio. Thank you for making this video! :)
There is a huge feral cat population where I live, in rural North Carolina. There is a woman here named Pat, a retiree from Massachusetts, who lives in a small cottage in someone else's garden. She has made it her mission to capture the feral cats, get them spayed/neutered, then release them back into the population. She is the real MVP!
Our oldest and first cat Midnight was one we found when she was a stray at 2 weeks old, we probably shouldn't have taken her away from her mother that young, but we gave her a warm home and I think we did a pretty good job because she is now 3 and perfectly healthy. Our other cat Bear is 2 and we adopted him from our local animal shelter.
Chris, thank you for posting all of these good programs!!! Otherwise, someone like me would never know about them. Now I know who to pray for and where to direct my donation dollars!!!
Once my old cat Pudge, who died Nov. 20, she went out once her kittenes were sold with her daughter we kept and named Hermione and she got both pregnant and we had even more kittens
My aunt has finally gotten her town around to funding a fix and release program for the cat population in her area(she has taken to acclimating the litters when she can so they can possibly be adopted
Seeing stuff like this makes me want to cry. If I didn't live in an apartment, and if I could afford it, I'd become a kitty foster mom so fast.
I should add that about a month ago I adopted a little 5 month old rescue kitty that was found on the side of the road. I plan on on getting a second kitty when I can afford it, but my apartment only allows 2 cats per household so 2 will be my limit :(
That is still 2 cats with a home though, so that's o.k.
If you do you might want a older cat. They don't get into as much trouble
This so breaks my heart. To know cats and dogs being euthanized as kittens and puppies or adults cause too many of them and not enough homes.
I have 2 beagles both adopted. Both spay/neutered. Plus we gave 2 feral cats in the neighborhood. This winter we were successful in trapping them and neutering both (both males). They're back keeping the rodents in check which we are thankful for. But, we're extremely thankful because a female just entered. Just got her 1 week ago. Spayed and returned.
I paid for this out of my own pocket. I can't do it everywhere. But I spay/neutered my neighborhood feral cats.
You can too!
DaKare2126 I rescued/spayed/neutered 6 from my neighborhood. Paid mostly out of my own pocket. So, yes, it can be done!
sunshinegirl1967 Awesome to hear. If more people chip in it will make a difference to controlling the feral population
sunshinegirl1967 good job!! I have 5 cats currently now and some kitten guests that come and go. I would love to spay/neuter all the other cats as well but it's really pricey here in my country :(
DaKare2126 Carissa Chua Unfortunately my city doesn't believe in TNR. They still trap and kill. So I brought my kitties indoors and still have them 11 yrs later. They are like family to me. So, there's still a lot of convincing left to be done about the benefits of TNR vs trap and kill. It's definitely a cost-saving approach for each city. I wonder if the city could get involved in TNR since they have the humane traps already (but they are not using them humanely yet.) They could ask the public for donations to fund TNR and take them to our low-cost spay/neuter clinic. I don't know why that can't be done.
sunshinegirl1967 Maybe you could be the one to get a program started. My town has an organization called 'Alleycat Advocates' that provides the traps and the fixing service for free. They rely on donations and do a great job! I have worked with them many times.
The thought of cats being uthenized because nobody will adopt them makes me feel really sad since they have done nothing wrong. It's very unfortunate. Good thing my kitten got spayed 2 months ago and the surgery turned out to be a huge success.
It's not that nobody will adopt them, it's that the adoption process is too complicated in many places. People find themselves encouraged to go to breeders or sellers because the adoption process is so absurd. Want a cat? We need a tour of your house, a few in-person interviews, references, interviews with your references, interviews with your landlord, and 400 dollars.
Whereas going to a breeder can often cost you the same or a little more without the hassle. I got my cat Winston from a breeder solely because the shelters that had kittens for adoption were too far away from me to do the processes. I was perfectly willing to drive to get them if they would forego some of it, my references checked out and the landlord was on-board, but they would not do it.
So while I'm sympathetic to the shelters, a lot of the damage and struggling they deal with is self-inflicted. Stopping abuse is important, but ultimately the effort they put into stopping it is ineffective. Abusers, shocker, can lie.
I do know that, at the shelter I volunteered at in New Mexico, almost all the cats had a chance to be adopted out before kitten season except one named Gibby. The poor guy's a very active cat despite his six years of age, but he was there for a whole four months before I volunteered, and he's probably still there now. I've seen other cats and lots of kittens come and go, but not him...
Well if I lived i n New Mexico I would take Gibby. Sadly I live in Canada.
Albuquerque I know partnered with Best Friends and started a big T/S-N/R program and within a little more than a year they had totally empty cages in their shelters. They also provide free spay/ neuter for low and moderate income households. Isn't that wonderful?
venniey Congrats, that are very good news and hopefully an inspiration for others.
Avon Rae then why don't you adopt him? You probably see him all the time, and it would make his day and life
Dang i want em but
I wish I could adopt one :'( I had once actually, that moment made me happy, I bathe her and feed her I thought it could last forever, I tried my best to hide her because I feel sorry for stray cats! And I feel so worthless because I can't do anything about it, but my landlady and I argued because she didn't want me to have a cat, that actually broke my heart, I left my kitten wandering around outside, i'm helpless...I just cried. And also, Philippines doesn't have an adoption center for animals like dogs and cats. Take care and love your pets!
Maybe you will be the person to start one. Filipinos are such lovely, kind-hearted people. You surely will find people to join in once you start.
I will, thank you for your kind words
Angela Ramos I also come from an ethnic background which did not consider animals as "pets." My dad was an animal lover by nature so he had "pet" racoons, skunks, etc., out in the wild. In my case growing up it was just a gradual exposure to thinking of cats/dogs/birds and other animals as beings having value. As Stu VU said, maybe you will be the person to start the awareness and change of attitude that will encourage regard for and care toward pet animals. Sometimes a heartbreaking happening can lead you to make an important change in your life path.
Angela Ramos You sound like a compassionate person. Your landlady on the other hand is just wrong. People that have pets are more responsible and therefore, you are more reliable in paying the rent. I have had pets pretty much all my life and find them to be enriching and they are happiness and family. All of my friends from your country have been wonderful. I hope one day you will be able to adopt a kitty soon.
I hope your kitten is safe(even if it's a grown male/female and no longer a tiny kitten), but you did the right thing to not keep it even if your landlord didn't want you too. You seem such a kind person, and I hope you're able to keep such a loving pet like a cat or dog soon.
I wish I could adopt more cats. I rescued the one I have from my grandparents' barn. He was feral and freezing a couple days after Christmas 2011. He had a bad cold. He was sitting in the window and I went over and just picked him up--before he was the scaredest of the 3 kittens and would have run away. His sister died on Christmas. He was a little orange fuzzy guy. I took him home and the vet gave him medicine and now he's happy and healthy and playful and loving. He likes to cuddle in my arms.
+Cole and Marmalade love your cats
I have the same story as yours, but ours died at 7 months old. I'll never forget him dying while I held him. He looked at me, meowed lightly, and went limp.
Barn cats are needed but they should all be spayed/neutered too.
My parents are very wealthy, and I have my own area for cats, and a private crew of 3 to maintain. We take these cats to Europe and places where they don't have as many cats. Together, we have saved over 150 kittens, in the last 6 months. I am also starting a program to fund for places for cat holding, so cats can be free to roam area. If you see cats in Petco, and you come back and they aren't there, that means that they were put down most likely. Cats are my favorite animal, and I strive everyday to help them. We have 4 cats ourselves, and our crew all have two. If any of you have jobs, please share this video anywhere you can. My life goal is to help all cats everywhere. I can't tell you enough that so many cats can be saved with YOUR help. Speak up, tell others to adopt, and try to donate to the shelters. With your help, we can put an end to this. Thank you.
Amazing speech, BRAVO! BRAVO! :D
I hope you can acheive your life goal! And I hope that with everyone's help, we'll be able to save cats and kittens everywhere.
Thanks man! That's my goal, I LOVE cats! And when I see them in petco, it breaks my heart that nobody adopts them, and they're put down...
Well, if you want to save cats then you should go to cat island in japan ( actual real place ) because on cat island there's over 100 cats that are strays, because, beyond being fed by villagers, visitots,and tourists, they don't seem to be getting any other care.
We wish we could adopt them all! Very important message though
I love the humane society, my sister donated over 100$ that she earned from a lemonade stand. Now I have a donation drive at my school for the humane society.
+Cole and Marmalade did you do a video of them meeting a dog?????
ProblematiqueAJ That's where I adopted my cag, Russell!
I've always been a dog fan, but recently I'm in love with cats. So I found your channel and I'm just crazy about them. I intend to adopt two.
Great vid, man !
Greetings from Brazil !
Rodrigo Chapolas Oi! I don't mean to be rude, but "to pretend" = fingir! You could have said that you intend to adopt two kitties. Greetings from Brazil, mate :3
Juli Stracke Obrigado ! Corrigi :)
Achei um br
The thought just almost made me cry! I have 3 kittens and they're called Squeekies, Felix and Marceline and they're all rescued!
"It's hip to snip!" I love that! I'm gonna have to use that on our sign at work when we have our spay/neuter clinic 😄😀
Where I volunteer, they never put animals to sleep unless they are so ill it can't be cured and they would be suffering the rest of their lives. I wish this was the case around the rest of the world
Now i'm going over to my local animal shelter and gonna volunteer
Just finished fostering a mama and her 3 babies and am cleaning up to get ready for my next little family! The first family, none of the kittens made it. They came from filthy conditions and all died of URI's. Even the mama was under a year old, but she's gained weight and is finally healthy and knows what it's like to be loved! Out of the 20 or so cats I've fostered, all but this most recent one has found a home! She'll be up for adoption right after her spay in a couple of weeks.
Seriously..if you can't afford to own a cat but still want one..PLEASE foster! The rescue provides food, litter, medications, etc..all you provide is a safe and loving environment and a bit of your time. It's so worth it. The more homes that are open to foster means more that can be pulled from shelters. The more homes spay the cats they own, the less kittens in shelters. Most shelters will kill an entire litter if just one of them sneezes, so it's super important to get them out as soon as possible. Fostering may mean driving to and from vet appointments or to and from the rescue..and it can mean giving medications for several weeks or even bottle feeding, but the rescue won't give you more than you can handle and you get SO much love from them. The more you handle them and play with them, the more likely they will be adopted. It's so rewarding! Please consider it! Kitten season is in full swing and our rescue is overflowing..so are the shelters!
Oh, this video speaks to my heart! We live in a rural area, and often have 2 kitten 'season's per year. I 've spent countless hours, days, weeks, feeding abandoned newborn to 'able to eat solid' kitties...every 4 hours...then put ads in paper to get them adopted. ..dealing with filtering out weirdos...I developed a checklist of questions to find appropriate homes for them...Our local humane society has aTNR (trap, neuter, and return) program, but I've experienced no success with this...once neutered, especially kittens, they don't survive the ferals, even the adult cats haven't made it(we feed them)...Ironically, we never had any cats in our area until the Feds sectioned off land adjacent to ours as a 'Bird Sanctuary',It's heart breaking to see theses animals suffer. We are responsible pet caretakers and spayed our then, one cat and dog...Now, after some failed adoptions, we have 9 indoor cats! 10 litter boxes, and of course all the vet and food bills to go with! Apparently, we have neighbors (farmers) that just get cats to use as mousers and don't feed them, don't neuter them! I can't see a hungry, abandoned cat or dog, and not do something! Thank you for bringing awareness to this issue, along with your great videos! Sorry to go on so! People like you make the world a better place:)
Happy to report our crew of 4 are all well-loved, rescued and fixed kitties. Thanks for helping get this message out!
OMG I want them all! Even the adults!!!
I realize that I'm saying this a bit late. But I just recently found the channel. I've obviously got a bit of catching up to do. I only wish I would've found this channel much sooner. I love watching your videos. I find them to be entertaining and educational. Big thumbs up on this one though. I used to work for an animal rescue. I was with them the last 4 years they were open. For us kitten season usually resulted in at least one or two of us staff wanting to bang our heads on a metal door once a week minimum. But we love working with them so it's worth it. The rescue I worked with was a no kill rescue. But that comes at a cost. Food, litter, blankets, toys, you name it. So many people don't realize what all goes into caring for animals in general. Sure millions of us have pets. Pets at home in small numbers is fairly easy. But when you've got upwards of around 200 to care for, it can be a bit overwhelming. But it totally worth it.
+Cole and Marmalade We(my gf and me) are currently hand raising a litter found 2 weeks ago. The kittens are not yet 3 weeks old. That is the 4th litter this year... the first was in march. It's exhausting and it gets worse every year.
ValerieRaya check your local Humane Society. They have low cost spay and neuter programs. With most of them you can donate a bag of food and they'll do it for free or really cheap. Or if you receive any government assistance they'll do the surgery really cheap. They also do low cost vaccines. Also some petsmart locations will do a day of free vaccines with an office visit. There's also a program called Care Credit. If you qualify, it works like a credit card. Except it's for medical care. It's good for both animals and people.
mcrchickenluvr We are actually working for a shelter and animal care organization. This year alone we have privatly neutered 7 cats in our neighborhood (which we get to do really cheap since my girlfriend works at the vet and can do the toms herself in her break, meaning we only have to cover material cost, which she can often 'pay' with her overtime). We have a feeding area outside to get feral cats to come close enought to catch them. We even have laws here that say every cat that goes outside needs to be neutered and chipped, but the older farmers don't care for that and many private people don't want to. So we still end up with alot kittens(many of which have to be handraised or treated for many illnesses, diseases or just malnourishment), which is what we do). It gets better in our general area thanks to that law, but in general in my country, it gets worse.
I work as an animal healing practicer, which fortunately allows me to take the kittens with me every day.
Thes sources are great so for anyone else who needs help.
So many kittens!! I'm doing my part, rescued a senior cat about a year ago, love her to bits now :)!!!
0:30 is that a Siamese kitten
All the cats we've ever had were spayed/neutered. All those kittens look very cute, and I'd be delighted to take several of them home after they're weaned. They'd probably get along like gangbusters with our four cats. Excellent video, Cole & Marmie!
Cole and Marmalade Thank you, sweet cats. My husband and I really love cats. And Cole and Marmalade are shining examples of well-taken-care-of animals. Love you, your cats, and your channel here.
I know this is a serious issue but I lost it at "It's hip to snip!"
how would u like it if u were male and someone chopped your balls off
I know it seems so wrong. But, I can see the other side of the argument. I can't be the one to 'snip' if I ever get to have another male cat he'll comes sans balls.
It's amazing !!! I love cats and when I saw this film I had tears in my eyes
I'm so impressed you're raising awareness like this! It's inspiring how much you really care for cats, including cole and marm 😊
Bless you for being such a kitty ambassador & how much compassion you have for cats! I'm totally in luv w/ Cole & Marmalade & your videos, of course, & pray for their continued good health! I have 3 snowshoe siamese all found in the streets, wish I could save a boatload! It's so freakin sad that over 2 million healthy animals are put down every year in the US, thanks for trying to enlighten the pet community!
That just breaks my heart, I love cats! Wish I could help them all :(....
I just love watching Cole and Marmalade. I'm so glad Marm got a clean bill of health---I too am a survivor. I also have a black cat named Coal--I rescued him at about 4 weeks old and now he's 15 years old. I love my sweet old man.
This video made me cry. I wish I could adopt all the cats in need of a home. But it wouldn't be human, and they wouldn't get the love they should have. It makes me so sad to know how many cats go into shelters each year. Its crazy. I wish I could do something more than help at a shelter or play with the cats at a shelter.
Though I do have four cats. One who is black and white who is five. One who is like Marm, red (orange) and white who is four. One who is a Russian blue who is three. And the last one is a black cat, who is almost three. The two three year old cats we got from the shelter at the age of three and the age of two and a half years old. The other two we got as kittens. Don't worry, they all have lots of space, and they all get loved equally.
Rachel Peterson х🏨:🏨 kjh!kklnnn љжм:ужцљж
thanks to all of you to helping these cuties.
i try to avoid going to cat shelters because if i do i come home with 10-20 cats...
Yeah that's what I would do. What I wanna do in life:
1. Have my dream job
2. Become rich
3. Protect and love and take care of as many cats as possible.
***** Don't worry, me too.
I'd end up with like 50 cat's
Vayona Narekuli I pray you win Lotto of millions of dollars so you can enjoy life with cats. 💖💖You have a beautiful heart for cats.
My male cat got neutered when he was a kitten - he and his brother both. Seeing homeless kittens and cats (and homeless animals in general) is very sad; I do what I can when I can. Thank you for continuing to be a source of information and adorableness!
I'm watching this with a kitten asleep on me
i have 4 on asleep on me
I'm gonna have on in 4 months lol
Julia Wang is it happening now?
That's great!
Anonymous Candle GIMME IT! Sorry I hurt love kittens...Heh..😁
Love these little kittens. I'm so lucky that we have a cat that adopted us, and it's so nice to hear there is an organization that is trying to save the feral cats that are left on the street.💗🐱💗
Own 3 rescues, also planning on becoming a volunteer at a shelter.
GLaDOS-Senpai, notice me~!
+GLaDOS Senpai even evil robots who kill people like kittens.
I've been a fan of you, Cole, and Marm for a while now. Thank you for the laughs, the love, and the time and effort you give us.
Cuteness overload.
uhhhhh .........x_x
VL VIDEOS Looks like someone died from an acute case of cuteness overload.
Yes. Caused by the reaction to cute or charming things that react to the brain causing strange waves to go through your body. Eventually those waves scientifically cause and explosion and you die.
The cry is so cute and heart wrenching
That last little one had a little mustache! :3 So cute!
Great video Cole, Marm and Chris!
Listen up humans!... No nads, not gonads!
Love how much you dedicate your life, time, money, energy, attention and love to taking care of cats!!!
I wish... I've lived in cheap apartments that are anti-pets, moved into a nice apartment paid about $500 for the privilege of having a cat and that cat was still feral and eventually had pay the SPCA to take her back ... now I live in my boyfriend's house and he's anti-cat. One day I'm going to trade him in for cat; I think I'll be happier.
Those little cries are breaking my heart! I wish I could take in more but I got so lucky with the one I have, she's so good with the kids and loves to be around people. I'll definitely look into how I can help local rescues though.
The black one is sooo sweeet
Pun kii I;ll never understand why some people have an aversion to black cats. I have one since 15 years and wouldn't give her away for a million bucks.
Misha Lauridsen I've got one (amongst many others) and she's a real cutie.
Misha Lauridsen there is an aversion too blakc cats? i thought that was just a joke.
A black cat ist also sweet like other ones
Pun kii I love my Sable, an all black, long-haired female who walked up to our door and threw herself against it, demanding to be let in, when she was about 6-8 wks old. She is now a beautiful, happy and healthy adult ruling our other cats! :D
I just adopted a kitten from the shelter i volunteer at, my other much much older cat is not happy... haha
Chris for one more time i will write to you that this is a great video! My two cats and dogs were rescues from the street (i found them in bad condition each time) and i can't describe how happy i am to have them around the house. I've got them all fixed and now i'm saving money to fix 4 feral cats that i have in my garden and i take care of them. Also, at my local pet store there is a basket where you donate food for the animals who are being kept in local shelters and very often i contribute with anything i can.When my finances will be in a better condition i will certainly do fostering and be even more active in taking care of stray animals. Thank you for your effort in raise the public's awareness and i'm really glad that i found ans subscribed to your channel! Keep up the good work!
i don't know why you don't have 1M subs your channel is the best
Cole and Marmalade your always welcome i have a kitten and you help me out a lot with you did cat toys and every vid you uploaded i watched and liked
We just took in a stray a few days ago we believe someone dumped down our street and she was preggo. She lost her babies too. When she heard the kittens crying she went nuts, breaks my heart.
I want to adopt every single kitten ugh they are all so adorable it's sad ;-; I tried to volunteer at my local humane society but the cats were never given enough attention... and there was hardly any kittens :( the older cays were always last to go, but they were sweet but scared... I love cats so much (profile pic is my pretty little kitty Mandy whom I adopted first year of high school so she's about 8 now) I hope that all these little kitties find loving homes ;_;
Alyss Asylum you could volunteer for your local humane society in other ways. It sounds like there are a lot of animals and not enough volunteers if the cats were never given enough attention.
We adopted our kitty xena when she was 3 months old,she's a fly of the wall,but has brought so much enjoyment to us all. love the work you do. :)
Thank you for making this video.
I believe that kittens deserve the best life possible! They are the cutest animal!
Is it true that even people with allergies can overcome them as long as they love them enough? If it's true, then I really want to adopt. I had a few cats when I was young, but that was before I was diagnosed with allergies to them. So I'm not sure if I'm confident enough to own a cat, even though my allergies are somewhat mild.
jason park Get a Russian Blue.
jason park A friend of mine has an allergy to cats and i dont know if this works for everyone but she would come over to my house (because we have cats) and little by little she got used to them. I did take a long time but now she has her own cats
Both my parents are allergic to cats and dogs. Before I was born they had 4 cats together and after I was born 3 dogs (only 1 now) and I last year I got a kitten. My sis just got her 2 dogs back so they're here too. The only way my parents aren't dead right now is every couple weeks they give themselves allergy shots :)
jason park My dad is very allergic to cats, but they've always had cats. He's fine as long as he doesn't touch his face after petting them. My nephew is very asthmatic and he says, as long as you get them when they are young and they grow up around you, you should adjust to your cat. But you will have problems with other people's cats.
jason park When I was younger, I was deathly allergic to cats. The mere act of petting them, or having their dander get on my face would send me into fits of sneezing as well my eyes puffing up.
When I was in my early teens, I had built up a tolerance to just about every form of allergy medicine available (Nasal sprays barely worked for me) so I stopped pretty much all together. Fast forward to present, and spending several years at a friends house who fostered animals, I slowly built up a tolerance. Now I can be around cats, but I can't touch my face after petting them or anything.
Our cat was already fixed when we got him. We took him over when one of dad's friends from work's mothers couldn't take the cat to the senior home with her, and the cat was used to being the only cat and the "cat in charge" so to speak and couldn't stay with my dad's friend cause he already had other cats and he personalities clashed. So we got him. He's an indoor cat, but he seems to like it. We let him out on walks and stuff in a leash and it's all working great~ we've had him for about a year now.
I really want to adopt a black cat , but I can't as of right now. In a Few years when My family moves, my parents said I can go adopt one ^^
LillyLovesThings Black cats are the best. They are mellow and laid back, and a lot of fun. When I lived in Ohio, my black cat would always meet me at the door, she would come and get me when it was time for me to go to bed and I was watching television, she even loved water and would jump in the shower with me.
Thank God for the San Diego team!!! Thank God for you Chris, and your heart for all cats!!!
CAN I ADOPT ALL OF THEM!!!!!!!😍😍😍😍😍😍
If you want to be called a cat hoarder, you can. More than about a dozen of cats, and your house will be overrun.
Lol yeah I bet there will be a lot of piles of dead kittens
if u can...
The Memester,
No one cares. They're kittens. They can't help it. Now go away cat hater
I agree! I want to adopt a lot. Go away butthead cat haters who have nothing better to do than think of the bad things.
Thanks so much for putting together such an excellent video. It's so important and "hip to snip" is a message that cannot be stressed enough. The "behind the scenes" clips from the shelter were a great illustration that stats in an article or blog post just would not convey as effectively. Great job!
Like for every cute kitten
Cole looking at you at the very end.....sweetness. He loves you so much!
Is there a age limit on volunteers? I'm 13 but I spend a lot of time with animal, and i'm very mature and would love to volunteer in the summer! Also how could I
volunteer? Again I would love to give my time to help out at a shelter. Thanks.
Cole and Marmalade Ohh Thank you!
FluffyOtaku UwU I started when i was 14 (am 22 now), depending on your experience and your willingness to learn. Their will always be a shelter who will be very happy to have you :)
Thank you SO very much for your advocacy of cats. By spreading knowledge, using your social platform, you make a difference. Showing and telling the true reality of kittens will educate people who enjoy your suburb videos, who may not have ever thought about it. So many wonderful cats are killed in shelter or suffer on the streets and alleys.
Great message. :-)
I got mine in a not reputated place...he was alone in his cage and he wanted me so much
I knew when I looked at him that he was "too old" for being there and they were gonna "send him somewhere else" soon. Even if this place wasnt good, I always say to myself, you saved your little darling who's almost 3 years now and named Akira ♥
I wanna adopt one :3
I don't wanna adopt one
Thank you so much for drawing attention to this subject. It is so important for people to spay and neuter.
We trapped two feral kittens and got them fixed. They're free to roam the neighborhood, but mostly hang out at our house. At first they were terrified of humans and would run away when approached. Now one of the kittens, whose name is Sweet Pea, enjoys being pet and will even sit on my lap sometimes. The other, Sweetie, still won't allow us to pet him.
Did I mention that almost all our cats were rescued from certain death.
We're in the middle of kitten season where I work. We have over 80 kittens in foster care right now and even more in strays and up for adoption. We have them everywhere! We even had to turn our DOG octagon into a CAT octagon due to so many cats!
My kitty is at the vet today to get spayed.. thank god :D
Cole and Marmalade awh that poor thing is so doped up and can't really do much and she is really hungry because she had to fast yesterday :D but it's finally done :) she turns 1 in a couple of days ^^
Currently kitten season's in full swing here in Portland. I've got one foster kitten now, and will have three more before the week is over.
I LOVE CATS AND KITTENS I had 3 kittens now I have 1 more My mum is a CRAZY KAT lady and me ^•^ . Cat and kittens are so
Loveable and cute safe cats healthy cats.
Thumbs up for making this video and trying to make a difference! One can see you really care.
This nearly broke my heart!! :C I'm trying to convince my mom to adopt... And of course we always get our pets fixed. We never let our cats outside anyway, but DAMN, try living with a female cat in heat and you'll really wish you got them fixed. xAx
Great video, Chris. It breaks my heart seeing all these babies who need good homes. I want to adopt them all!
Can i adopt a Cole instead? xD
Those kittens were extremely cute!
I agree but cats and kittens could become extinct too but at the same time i dont want a crap tun of cats and kittens without a home.... Im at a stand still, also you guys are aweso..... No i mean pawwsome by helping animals and cats and kittens and you guys are just amoozing! Hehehe see what i did there!
Ok haha lol i guess because there is like always that one person lol but i really dont want cats and kittens to die because they dont have homes! Also i have 2 cats ( used to be 3, R.I.P. BoBo the black and white cat, he was one of the strongest cats i have ever known for fighting the fact that hes was in pain just to make us happy!) ones named KiKi grey and white, and the other (my brat) Spaz. From his name you can tell how he is! Lol
Also spayed and neutered
They're not in dangerous of extinction, but what about natural selection. As humans we choose the sweetest and the cutest to be our pets, if we fix all the sweet cats and only the street cats can breed doesn't that mean that overtime kittens will more likely exhibit the traits that don't make good pets.
Aydan Sullo cute name 😍😍😍 I have two cats called Mitsy and Fudge Cake.
All my cats are currently spayed and neutered :) But before my girl, Kitkat was, she had four kittens. I can't imagine taking them to shelters. My mom posted about them on her Facebook and her friends that wanted cats, I made sure they were cat lovers. I love this informational video!
I'd rather have an afult cats before I get any kittens.
Not really, condidering most adults are already set in their ways, kittens can grow up to become demons you lothe getting rid of. Adorable hell-spawn.
Tatyana Gordon If I could have more than one pet I'd get an adult cat but since I can only have one, I went with a kitten last time... Not for the "aw adorable" part, but moreso for the "we'll be together longer" part.
But again, if I could get a second pet I would definitely go with an adult in need.
My adopted furbaby was spayed soon after arriving in her forever home. 16 years later, and no kittens here!
Thank you for such a great video about this!!!! I am a rescue and foster failure. Hence, 18 cat kids. All indoors. Kitten season is getting more frequent and overwhelming every year. Keep your babies spayed and neutered! There are many kittens and cats that die from preventable disease and tragedy every season!! Think of how painful it is for their fragile bodies.
Thank You for this video! I have fostered since 2002 for local animal rescues and have had over 700 fosters, mostly bottle fed kittens. People need to be responsible and get their animals spayed and neutered. They also need to take responsibility for the babies when they don't get them altered and not dump the babies at shelters, abandoning them when they are too young to fend for themselves or much worse.
This is so sad these little ones shouldn't be in a shelter at that age. I hope people will learn that it is a good thing to fix their cats even homeless cats so this doesn't happen anymore. Thank you all for helping these cuties and for making this video! God bless you all. Hopefully this video can go everywhere to everyone so this won't happen anymore.
Theres a dog that ran around the neighborhood named Grady. It was always a treat to see him approach our door, it was like talking to an old friend. We would always give him treats when he came and he was smart to listen for cars before crossing the road. He was an old dog, and every visit we think may be his last. He hasn't come in awhile and if he did pass, we are hoping it was peacefully. I dont know why i shared this story here, but i guess it had something to do with strays
It breaks my heart to see such beloved kittens liked behind some cage. Ima adopt like three or four the second I can. Everyone show some love, share the vid.
I just got my little tiger, it is the first time i have a cat in my apartment and i am loving it. So much less stress in my life, this little fury joy was all i needed :)
I found three kittens outside my house. As soon as they were old enough, they were snipped. Luckily, my town had a discount, so it was $90 for all three. There is even a website where you can advertise for help paying for spaying and neutering! I'm so glad I snipped my boys.
I volunteer at a cat shelter and it is shocking to see all of these crates of kittens being piled up in the office. We don't have many volunteers and need more room as well as foster parents. And worse yet, turns out a few of the kittens from the 'Pasta' litter have ringworm. It is hell. -_-
I work for an animal shelter, so I can totally sympathize with the look of dread on that woman's face 😄
Our foster care department is practically crammed with kittens right now. They are adorable as heck, but I can't help but worry that they (and their mommas too of course!) won't all get homes. Thank you for spreading the spay/neuter message!
This video is trying to make me cry. I currently have one cat (London), but theres a cat that I love from the animal shelter that I'm hoping to be volunteering to soon. His name is Emilio. Thank you for making this video! :)
There is a huge feral cat population where I live, in rural North Carolina. There is a woman here named Pat, a retiree from Massachusetts, who lives in a small cottage in someone else's garden. She has made it her mission to capture the feral cats, get them spayed/neutered, then release them back into the population. She is the real MVP!
Our oldest and first cat Midnight was one we found when she was a stray at 2 weeks old, we probably shouldn't have taken her away from her mother that young, but we gave her a warm home and I think we did a pretty good job because she is now 3 and perfectly healthy. Our other cat Bear is 2 and we adopted him from our local animal shelter.
02:53 aww, foccacia is such a cute name for a kitten 🐈
I have a cat named flicker and he is very shy because he was found in an empty room all alone. Also his mother bites and scratches people
Love your work here. My local shelter doesn't consider a cat or a kitten adoptable unless their spayed or neutered fine by me as I want them that way.
Chris, thank you for posting all of these good programs!!! Otherwise, someone like me would never know about them. Now I know who to pray for and where to direct my donation dollars!!!
Once my old cat Pudge, who died Nov. 20, she went out once her kittenes were sold with her daughter we kept and named Hermione and she got both pregnant and we had even more kittens
I can't get over the fact how cute they are. I remember when my cat was that little ;3
I love you that it operates in this way animal welfare! Thanks a lot for this
My aunt has finally gotten her town around to funding a fix and release program for the cat population in her area(she has taken to acclimating the litters when she can so they can possibly be adopted
it's heartbreaking to see so many cats without a loving forever home