So far I've done 2 planes that were 3d printed. Both needed extra or modified components so if you plan on doing a build, it will definitely help to be able to design and print. Best of luck!
I'm running the Turnigy Aerodrive SK3 - 3542-1250kv Outrunner. I got it on Amazon a couple of years ago but it is no longer available from there. Best of luck!
I'm having problems printing my top wing all of a sudden. Wondering if I could send you a pic of a printed part maybe you can figure what's going on? One side of wing part prints perfect other side has gaps. Happens on both ender 3 and my cr 10.
I used the g-code that came with the STL files so I didn't have to process with my slicer program. I also had to slow down my printing by about 40% to get them to print without issues. I no longer have the planes so I can't give you any pics. If you are having issues with a particular STL, you could try to mirror the one that is printing correctly. Best of luck...
I am just getting into 3D printed models, so I watched this with great interest. You have a new subscriber.
So far I've done 2 planes that were 3d printed. Both needed extra or modified components so if you plan on doing a build, it will definitely help to be able to design and print. Best of luck!
Way to go Bill, we'll get that viewer count up there.
Cool, I'm almost done with mine, what motor did you use?
I'm running the Turnigy Aerodrive SK3 - 3542-1250kv Outrunner. I got it on Amazon a couple of years ago but it is no longer available from there. Best of luck!
I'm having problems printing my top wing all of a sudden. Wondering if I could send you a pic of a printed part maybe you can figure what's going on? One side of wing part prints perfect other side has gaps. Happens on both ender 3 and my cr 10.
I used the g-code that came with the STL files so I didn't have to process with my slicer program. I also had to slow down my printing by about 40% to get them to print without issues. I no longer have the planes so I can't give you any pics. If you are having issues with a particular STL, you could try to mirror the one that is printing correctly. Best of luck...