Perhaps Theresa May has brought a bad deal to the House knowing that it would fail and lead to a referendum between her deal and remain. Very House of Cards.
May's draft agreement reads more like the Versailles treaty after WW1 rather than a Brexit deal..Conceding territories..Reassigned boundaries. ..Monetary settlements. ..and no say whatsoever. ..Get her out now..!!
The treaty isn't so bad. Especially it's only temporarily. The Versailles Treaty had rules for eternity that could only be change by force at that time.
Monetary settlement is a given. UK has agreed to expenditure on EU projects many years in advance not anticipating anyone would be stupid enough to be tricked into leaving. No way the UK should legally default and not have a settlement. The country would be dragged through The Hague for years at a much higher cost. The say that’s lost is a given in that...well, UK is leaving the EU. It’s like letting a football season ticket lapse, and expecting to get let in the next year without a ticket.
JRM is faultless in his ability to respond to any question put to him. Smooth, unruffled and can add humour. Also very tough when he needs to be. He believes in our country and wants what the people want. I watched him speak earlier today and realised that I was listening to our next Prime Minister. Up until today I didn’t see him as PM but I now do.
I totally agree ..... just an idea ... if JRM were to do a rich/poor house swap ... it could make him see just how bad things are for the disadvantaged ... IF he could help the truly desperate and also do his style of Brexit .. he could be in for 15 years. No I am not some bleeding heart Leftist, far from it ... a True tory for 40 years. My concern is the youth vote, if it comes out empowered by social media. Take this shocking scenario, I visit my sister, in the kitchen my niece has five friends over. Each of those kids have parents with houses worth say average of £2M and parents earn circa £200K to £2M ( Bankers etc.) All five said they would vote for Corbyn! WTF !! Why? because they are utterly revolted how the truly poor, have been treated, Every one of those kids should be a loyal Conservatives... if only to protect their inheritances ... if you have lost them, boy you have a serious problem. 4 specifically mentioned the callous responses by Esther McVey regarding Universal Credit ...boy do they hate “that bitch!”.
I've seen him as PM material for months, just wished he'd step up to the plate, he'd make a fantastic PM, Johnson is a clown, Gove is a backstabbing weasel, JRM would get my vote any day of the week, educated, business man, polite, well spoken and probably one of the few people in Westminster who can be genuinely called "right honourable"!
The exact same people who believed “Saddam can deploy WMDs in 45 minutes” are the same idiots who believed the “£350 million a week for NHS” Brexit bus....pretty sad really
They just might give it to him. It all depends on the EU. If they decide to play hardball, Johnson and Davis and Leadsome and Rabb will give it to R-M... Look to see if the EU is conciliatory or if they try to prop up Theresa...
He's repeatedly said he doesn't want it. No matter how many of us wants it to be true. As much as I think the guy best for the job is the person who doesn't want power. I can't see him taking up that mantle.
Duplicitous and sly, but you probably won't find out because of the opprobrium being heaped on him by his peers. No one like a squealing snitch and his selfish act threatens tory defeat and a labour government.
Thats remain all over to be honest. "I am so much cleverer than people who voted leave - for example - i'm going to drone loudly on and on and hinder debate - because i am so damn clever"
@@TheDaverobinson Because remainers are more clever lol. Brexiteers are the dumbest, most ignorant people I have ever met and I hope that they will realize the fatal consequences the brexit will have before this country goes bankrupt and becomes a vassal state of the US
I think Rees Mogg, the archetypal Englishman, seems far more capable of dealing with Brexit and getting it done than May. The Tories should listen to him.
@@squib9 Taken from the Tater magazine:- "by CLARE BENNETT MONDAY 22 JANUARY 2018 Born in Hammersmith, Jacob Rees-Mogg was educated at the Dragon and Eton, and later Trinity College, Oxford, where he became president of the Oxford University Conservative Association. Having worked for years in finance, he co-founded investment company Somerset Capital Management, currently managing $7.6bn (£5.5bn). He first became interested in the stock market aged 10, when his father invested £50 for him. He studied how his shares were performing and by 12 was attending shareholder meetings, quizzing the chairman and voting against proposals he thought were a bad idea. It was even rumoured that he’d made so much money that he paid for his own school fees. Disappointingly, this is fake news. He is married to Helena de Chair, daughter of the late author Somerset de Chair and Lady Juliet Tadgell, who is set to inherit an estimated £45m from her mother. Their combined fortunes could then total as much as £100m-£150m. He is a practising Catholic and has six children. The nanny, Veronica, who looked after him and his siblings as a child now works for his family. She has been with the Rees-Moggs for over 50 years." Is that source enough? If it's not simply look him up on Wiki.
As a Dutchie I think he right. Leaving the EU means that you are boss in your own country. The EU simply has no right to demand or interfere in Britains policy! Exit means exit
If by that you mean voting him as a PM, the British Constitution does not permit you to directly vote executive leaders - they are invited to serve by Her Majesty the Queen. This is one of the stupid arguments of Brexiteers who claim that the appointment of EU executives is undemocratic - it is also the case in British politics. As UK subjects we cannot constitutionally dismiss a prime minister from office.
imran raja I would love that but I’m not convinced he’d run and I also think that there’s a lot of inverted snobbery about that might hinder him in a GE. I’d be happy with Home Sec.
Chris Yianni Ian Holloway manning the Television camera behind Mogg drops out of picture at 1:30 but reappears at 4:30 . Does he not manage football teams anymore ?
Why the hell did previous governments ever think it was a good idea to be run from Brussels, the madness of crowds in the houses of parliament? Wonder what JRM thinks about the house of Lords does he agree with me it's time it was reformed, starting with a big cull of it's number.
Yeah, without a deal, we will… for about 2 years. After that, we'll have to file bankruptcy and be forced to become a vassal state of the USA. God, the ignorance of brexiteers has me in tears
Democracy has to prevail in the UK. Mrs May needs to make way for someone who will deliver Brexit as mandated by the UK voters. As for the bloke shouting 'stop Brexit' in the background, please continue your democratic right to protest freely and openly but Brexit will not and cannot be stopped.
That's exactly the horse that May has been riding up until now: keep marching towards brexit. I really don't know how many prime ministers and government cabinets should be sacrificed before people like you understand, that brexit means shooting yourself in the leg and it will take an extremely long time before you recover. Keep marching ahead, no matter what the consequences.... why? Because 17 milion of uninformed or ill-informed people voted so. Great. Buy a house without knowing how much is going to cost you. That's extremely smart
Say whatever you like, the 17 million people did not vote for a no-deal Brexit which is where are heading. We need a referendum to ask if we still wish to go ahead. It is the ONLY democratic way.
@@Anonymous389j you are deluded the eu project is not about democracy it's about control it's a NWO that doesn't care what the people under it think it's a dictatorship
@@andymuso53 only democratic if we vote again on the terms of leaving. We already voted to leave. The option to remain in any 2nd vote is not acceptable. Please learn how democracy works
Jennifer Singleton he won’t be leader Mogg talks a good game from the side lines but will never put on the captains armband and pull his team to a result
El Chapo is completely right. But I think we souldn‘t listen to much as to me he is basically a backstabber who doesn‘t bring anythin of his own talent in. He should take the position of brexit secretary.
I am so pleased Jacob Rees-Mogg has done this he has got integrity and so have all the others that do the same. Stand up for our country and dont let those eveil elitists rule us. We voted to get out of the EU not be tied to them as slaves. GET US OUT COMPLETELY
What would be your solution for the Irish border? The UK, Northern Ireland and Ireland have an agreement, the GFA. The UK confirmed after Brexit that they will obey this agreement. You can't handle contracts between states and countries like the contract with your mobile provider. It is an international agreement.
You must be a really bad judge of character. Jacob Rees Mogg it one of the most decent honest men in politics who has guts and integrity. Unlike the vast majority of snakes trying to destroy this country
isn't it pleasing seeing news reporters waiting to be asked for their questions rather than one who keeps on mouthing in America. I want Jacob Rees-Mogg as PM and I have never voted Conservative in 30 year well spoken and a genuine man It is about time Treason May was taken to task and best she resigns.
What do you expect when most of them are remoaners especially the ones negotiating its all gone to plan exactly what they want more delays ,think they are above the people and can do what they like no intention of leaving the EU completely 💩💩💩
Brexit is a just symptom of the disintegration of multicultural Britain. Multicultural Britain is a failed project, and after Brexit there will be other crises like Brexit.
Jacob has been entirely honorable in the way he has conducted himself, he has supported the PM all the way through despite knowing she is betraying the people months ago, he has tried to steer her away from that betrayal. But he has simply been left with no choice but to hand in a vote of no confidence, and he has done that openly and under public scrutiny. To suggest that he is part of a coup just goes to show the lengths that people who oppose Brexit are willing to stoop too. In my mind if we can still secure a Brexit worthy of the name and steer clear of the Tyranny of the EU who will soon become a superstate with its own army. Then he is a worthy hero of the British people. People need to wake up and realize this isn't about the economy, this isn't even about immigration, this is about preserving democracy. because if we don't get out now, make no mistake we will be absorbed by this new super state and it will be the end of our culture and country, the stakes really are that high.
Right on mate! I was just telling someone last night thatvyou guys would find your Trump. There's alaways a patriotic nationalist who loves his nation and his people and is willing to fight for them.
I heard first hand from a woman who knew mog and his family years ago, she told me mog made his first million by the time he was 18 investing his and school friends money on the stock market. So, he's loaded, and bloody intelligent to boot. Our UK trump!! (With minor differences here and there ^^)
I am so angry right now. TM proposal is not what we voted for. It will keep us in with no say. She is being played by the EU. Also it could be a strategic move by her, to get brexiteer conservative mp to resign, so remainers solely negotiate the deal. I'm also sick to the back teeth of the call for another people's vote.
She's not being played or "bullied" by the EU negotiators. She's a "dyed-in-the-wool" Remainer and she got the deal she wanted all along. All the rest was smoke and mirrors and deliberate time-wasting so everyone would be so sick and tired of the whole thing they would accept any old deal just to make it stop.
Harry Irvine But not even a remainer would like to be governed by rules and regulations where they have no say. Unless she sees it as a way of reversing the vote of Brexit.
MissKittyFantasm, well that makes it even more like what I say. "It's like trying to get out of a abusive relationship". We definitely would be better out!
Listen to those louts in the background. Poor Jacob. Oh n the Americans could learn a valuable lesson about handling a press conference from this short clip alone
JRM is awesome......he has "Bit his Lip" right up until the final proposal and with "True colors" has come out Fighting. This man would easily deliver what 17.4 MILLION UK Citizens voted for..... not roll over & sell us out completely like Treacherous May.
Jacob Rees-Mogg talks sense. 9:17 is the crux of the matter, if they want to overturn the result a party needs to be voted in to bring that about. NOT by trying to reverse what was a fair and democratic process. Remoaners need to get over this and fast. Get Theresa May out!!!
Christopher Wayne Exactly. They had the chance to vote Lib Dem at the last GE if they wanted Brexit stopped. Clearly not enough people are remainers despite what polls of up to 2000 people claim lol
Well if the Tory party doesn't deliver, then it'll create a constitutional crisis where democracy needs to be restored. We're not having any of their political fuckery games, deliver democracy or it's off with heads time. The hired help have no authority to deny the electorates choice on who governs the UK, they cannot outsource it to a third party, let alone a democratically rejected one.
' You can't come to a decision that you have no confidence over many, many months, and then wake up the next morning and say it was a Dallas style dream,and I never really did it ' . The words of Mr Jacob Rees Mogg. Just Brilliant :))
The more I see of, and more importantly, hear from Mr. Rees-Mogg, the more respect I have for him. His integrity and sincerity are a breath of fresh Somerset air. Well done, Jacob!
It seems to me the May buckled under pressure and compromised far too much for her party's liking. It also seems to me that the best compromises result with neither part fully happy.
JRM, to put it simply (IMO) is a someone that given the opportunity of PM, would always strive to deliver the will of the majority population of the UK. He seems straight as an arrow. An Ultimate Professional. I like him.
Why is Rees-Mogg not taking the position of the Brexit Secretary? He talks a great deal but never delivers anything himself. I am pro brexit myself but I am quite disappointed to see non of the hard line supporters take a main position and deliver what they promised to us!
How refreshing to listen to Jacob Rees-Mogg who has integrity, is consistent in his views, always polite, procedurally and constitutionally unbeatable and cheerful with the press and hecklers. If only Mrs May could be so noble.
I am not english but i find Sir. Jacob r.Mogg v.intelligent, wise & if needed bold & blunt too. good to see his angry face. come on UK you voted for brexit .. now stand up fight & get it through not 1/4 or 1/2 but complete & clean exit.
20 letters of no confidence are in, not sure on the accurate amount hopefully it's only a matter of time before she goes, and make no mistake she has to go. She has gone back on everything she has said, she said no deal is better then a bad deal, this is that bad deal! It's just gonna chuck US right back where we were. Their would not have been any point in the 2016 referendum. Democracy is hanging on by a thread! Get her out!
I wonder if she was a deliberate fall 'guy' to show Britain tried very very hard to act nice and deal with the EU, but the awful yobs that make up the British public just wouldn't accept it, so oh dear, poor us we'll just have to leave without any ties to the EU and do our own thing (which actually benefits us). It's far better global PR than sticking two fingers up at the EU on day one and refusing to negotiate. The deal is literally so bad that no one on any side wants it and it leaves very little time for anyone else to wade in and try to change things. We basically wasted two years of EU time where they weren't sure what we are doing, while we got a two year start on making alternative plans. And anyone who was working in the city during the referendum knows that Britain was very naughty and started making trade arrangements (not 'deals', obviously, as that would break ze rules) with other countries the same day.
Today Gibraltar, Nothern Ireland, and Scottland are rich but what a disaster if Gibraltar, Nothern Ireland, and Scottland do not leave the UK as soon as possible because of the Brexit.
Thank you for watching. Subscribe to the channel for more coverage of the Conservative leadership challenge.
Perhaps Theresa May has brought a bad deal to the House knowing that it would fail and lead to a referendum between her deal and remain. Very House of Cards.
The Sun Doesn't the sun shine in great Britain? They need to stand in it sometimes. ✌️
@Lofty Marsh
In the first minutes of the upload, all videos are 360p.
Then RUclips elaborates the other versions.I am watching it at 720p.
@Lofty Marsh i dont know what you are talking about, i'm watching it in 720p
@ The Fox ahahahah ahahahaah hahahahaha hahahahaha hhhahahahahahaah Thanks, that's the best laugh I've had all day!
May's draft agreement reads more like the Versailles treaty after WW1 rather than a Brexit deal..Conceding territories..Reassigned boundaries. ..Monetary settlements. ..and no say whatsoever. ..Get her out now..!!
Couldn't agree more! Also shades of 'peace in our time!'. May has shown herself to be an appeaser and collaborator! Quite disgusting and disgraceful.
Learn Yourhistory yes. As though Britain were Germany the defeated nation.
The treaty isn't so bad. Especially it's only temporarily. The Versailles Treaty had rules for eternity that could only be change by force at that time.
Funny you should use that treaty because it meant us going to war in Europe again whereas being in the EU has kept the peace for so long.
Monetary settlement is a given. UK has agreed to expenditure on EU projects many years in advance not anticipating anyone would be stupid enough to be tricked into leaving. No way the UK should legally default and not have a settlement. The country would be dragged through The Hague for years at a much higher cost. The say that’s lost is a given in that...well, UK is leaving the EU. It’s like letting a football season ticket lapse, and expecting to get let in the next year without a ticket.
The guy shouting clearly shows mental healthcare is very important in the U.K
But he just proved how impossible to clog the Mogg it is.
Would have been hilarious if a single gunshot was heard then the shouting stopped, followed by a thud.
Very true
one quite simply cannot clog the mogg
Do you have a brain behind your slogans, Kev?
He can speak as posh as possible but he is a poor politician who has had every idea he puts forward has been debunked
EU negotiators will make dog’s dinner of the mog
JRM is faultless in his ability to respond to any question put to him. Smooth, unruffled and can add humour. Also very
tough when he needs to be. He believes in our country and wants what the people want. I watched him speak earlier today
and realised that I was listening to our next Prime Minister. Up until today I didn’t see him as PM but I now do.
Eve Pee he has clearly said many times he doesn’t want to be PM. Such a shame though
My Gog I know I just pray he changes his mind. We need him.
I totally agree ..... just an idea ... if JRM were to do a rich/poor house swap ... it could make him see just how bad things are for the disadvantaged ...
IF he could help the truly desperate and also do his style of Brexit .. he could be in for 15 years.
No I am not some bleeding heart Leftist, far from it ... a True tory for 40 years. My concern is the youth vote, if it comes out empowered by social media.
Take this shocking scenario, I visit my sister, in the kitchen my niece has five friends over. Each of those kids have parents with houses worth say average of £2M and parents earn circa £200K to £2M ( Bankers etc.)
All five said they would vote for Corbyn! WTF !! Why? because they are utterly revolted how the truly poor, have been treated,
Every one of those kids should be a loyal Conservatives... if only to protect their inheritances ... if you have lost them, boy you have a serious problem. 4 specifically mentioned the callous responses by Esther McVey regarding Universal Credit ...boy do they hate “that bitch!”.
I've seen him as PM material for months, just wished he'd step up to the plate, he'd make a fantastic PM, Johnson is a clown, Gove is a backstabbing weasel, JRM would get my vote any day of the week, educated, business man, polite, well spoken and probably one of the few people in Westminster who can be genuinely called "right honourable"!
It's easy when you're not under pressure and under scrutiny, David Cameron was the same.
thank you reese mogge ,a man of intergrity , i wish you could take the traitors place
He may be an honest man but why didnt he stand up when he should have it was only may that had the guts and now she gets all the flack
Kenneth Perry she’s getting flack because she is a traitor
He's catholic! He cannot be prime minister so why pretend that he can...
The exact same people who believed “Saddam can deploy WMDs in 45 minutes” are the same idiots who believed the “£350 million a week for NHS” Brexit bus....pretty sad really
Jacob Rees-Mogg should be prime minister .
They just might give it to him.
It all depends on the EU.
If they decide to play hardball, Johnson and Davis and Leadsome and Rabb will give it to R-M...
Look to see if the EU is conciliatory or if they try to prop up Theresa...
IMO, Jacob Rees-Mogg _is_ the Prime Minister.
He's repeatedly said he doesn't want it. No matter how many of us wants it to be true.
As much as I think the guy best for the job is the person who doesn't want power.
I can't see him taking up that mantle.
Stick him back in his time machine then and set it for the 17th century
He won't be the next PM. Corbyn will
He would get my vote .
He would make a great leader.
Still not going to get a better deal for the UK regardless of who is leader.
So honest he keeps his loot offshore in Cayman, tax haven. Beware of the Mogg and his secret avarice.
@@peterkerslake3201 that means hes smart
Peter Kerslake just like just about every other MP...not interssted in JRM as a person just his policies or outlook on brexit ( which i like)
Duplicitous and sly, but you probably won't find out because of the opprobrium being heaped on him by his peers. No one like a squealing snitch and his selfish act threatens tory defeat and a labour government.
Sounds like remain sent out its top brass, to shout 'your a wanker'..... during a press conference.... nice
He is a wanker
Sounds like your boyfriend.
Thats remain all over to be honest. "I am so much cleverer than people who voted leave - for example - i'm going to drone loudly on and on and hinder debate - because i am so damn clever"
@@TheDaverobinson Because remainers are more clever lol. Brexiteers are the dumbest, most ignorant people I have ever met and I hope that they will realize the fatal consequences the brexit will have before this country goes bankrupt and becomes a vassal state of the US
@@alexd4566 More of the same. You dont agree - so everyone you dont agree with is 'dumb' and 'ignorant'. Keep it up mate, you're doing great.
JRM is very gracious but that Remainer yob is doing my head in...
I really don't think they have a job. The same voices were shouting on the news last night.
Is he a remainer? I just thought it was John Prescott complaining that the mini bar in his office was empty.
BrionyDavid lmao ten points!
Elizabeth Hobson
You mean the remainer as in treason may
He's an over-enthusiastic, Common Purpose drone. Completely disposable when they finally have to admit defeat.
He says its not about him its about Britain. This is why he should be PM. Also he believes in Brexit.
whats his alternative Craig Ledden. does he have one or is he just blowing smoke
Jacob for PM
Absolutely John, thank you for that comment Sir.....!!
@yeti goosecreature
Thank you Mrs Goosecreature, the voice of last....
I think Rees Mogg, the archetypal Englishman, seems far more capable of dealing with Brexit and getting it done than May. The Tories should listen to him.
This man is Conservative’s future.
He needs to run for PM. He's the leader we need.
Rees Mogg a Treacherous Ventriloquists puppet
@frostek source?
Taken from the Tater magazine:-
Born in Hammersmith, Jacob Rees-Mogg was educated at the Dragon and Eton, and later Trinity College, Oxford, where he became president of the Oxford University Conservative Association.
Having worked for years in finance, he co-founded investment company Somerset Capital Management, currently managing $7.6bn (£5.5bn).
He first became interested in the stock market aged 10, when his father invested £50 for him. He studied how his shares were performing and by 12 was attending shareholder meetings, quizzing the chairman and voting against proposals he thought were a bad idea.
It was even rumoured that he’d made so much money that he paid for his own school fees. Disappointingly, this is fake news.
He is married to Helena de Chair, daughter of the late author Somerset de Chair and Lady Juliet Tadgell, who is set to inherit an estimated £45m from her mother. Their combined fortunes could then total as much as £100m-£150m.
He is a practising Catholic and has six children. The nanny, Veronica, who looked after him and his siblings as a child now works for his family. She has been with the Rees-Moggs for over 50 years."
Is that source enough?
If it's not simply look him up on Wiki.
Jacob for number 10
I wish he wouldn't rule out standing as PM- as I believe he has.
He should be tory leader as it would finish the Tories off
If Jacob Reese Mogg becomes Tory leader then he certainly will get my vote...I love his honesty and loyalty.
Cometh the Hour..Cometh the Man...👍
amen to that
Nice one..too right.
I've been repeating that phrase recently, now I see why....!!!
The British Bulldog was asleep but just opened one eye.
What a lovely comment. Top man
@R-77 and a jewish communist one in the other
@Carl Mannerheim Eat a snickers, Carl. You're not you when you're hungry.
Walter De wit don’t count Britain out just yet
Clearly heard a biscuit wrapper being opened three rooms away.
Don`t try to trip the Mogg up as you`ll come to grief
As a Dutchie I think he right. Leaving the EU means that you are boss in your own country. The EU simply has no right to demand or interfere in Britains policy! Exit means exit
Thank you for respecting the free vote of the UK. Best wishes ot our good dutch friends
Only if he passes the Dutchie to the right hand side.
@@philjames6206 we keep those for ourselves,
Rees Mog for PM get traitor May out ASAP
Problem is.... No real brexit person dares to actually DO SOMETHING.
Go mr mogg only person I would vote for good luck pal
Another posh Etonian. Yay
If by that you mean voting him as a PM, the British Constitution does not permit you to directly vote executive leaders - they are invited to serve by Her Majesty the Queen. This is one of the stupid arguments of Brexiteers who claim that the appointment of EU executives is undemocratic - it is also the case in British politics. As UK subjects we cannot constitutionally dismiss a prime minister from office.
@@pr4442 thats why we need to abolish monarchy too and become a republic
This chatterbox? He can only talk this way because he is not in charge. If he was in charge it would be obvious that he couldn't do it better.
@@thelord5349 Totally agree and become a full member of the United States of Europe. God Save USE.
Rees-Mogg PM
imran raja I would love that but I’m not convinced he’d run and I also think that there’s a lot of inverted snobbery about that might hinder him in a GE. I’d be happy with Home Sec.
Gotta love the Mogg. Very articulate and intelligent human being.
Chris Yianni Ian Holloway manning the Television camera behind Mogg drops out of picture at 1:30 but reappears at 4:30 . Does he not manage football teams anymore ?
WE WILL BE A FREE AND INDEPENDENT NATION...Thank God for the few in Government that believe in a Brexit Britain....Thank God for Mr Mogg
Why the hell did previous governments ever think it was a good idea to be run from Brussels, the madness of crowds in the houses of parliament? Wonder what JRM thinks about the house of Lords does he agree with me it's time it was reformed, starting with a big cull of it's number.
Yeah, without a deal, we will… for about 2 years. After that, we'll have to file bankruptcy and be forced to become a vassal state of the USA. God, the ignorance of brexiteers has me in tears
@1kinglicker You call me stupid while you support an idea of which you don't know the disasterous consequences…
@@alexd4566 All the countries in the world must join the EU otherwise they will become bankrupt.
Respect to you Mr Mogg thanks for standing up for Britain
Power of the written word dude....might surprise you of the power this "little" letter.
@frostek are you the big twerp. respect to you.
I hate the Tories, but love this mogg chappie
stuzo666 same he needs too step up
A politician who has principles and sticks with them. A rare animal.
A voice of reason.
@Alan Persaud Aaahh, an extreme leftist. Jew hating Corbyn more your thing.
I am not a conservative but I hope he is the next Prime Minister.
Democracy has to prevail in the UK. Mrs May needs to make way for someone who will deliver Brexit as mandated by the UK voters. As for the bloke shouting 'stop Brexit' in the background, please continue your democratic right to protest freely and openly but Brexit will not and cannot be stopped.
That's exactly the horse that May has been riding up until now: keep marching towards brexit.
I really don't know how many prime ministers and government cabinets should be sacrificed before people like you understand, that brexit means shooting yourself in the leg and it will take an extremely long time before you recover.
Keep marching ahead, no matter what the consequences.... why? Because 17 milion of uninformed or ill-informed people voted so.
Buy a house without knowing how much is going to cost you.
That's extremely smart
@@Anonymous389j not quite sure by your comment that you understand how democracy in the UK works?
Say whatever you like, the 17 million people did not vote for a no-deal Brexit which is where are heading. We need a referendum to ask if we still wish to go ahead. It is the ONLY democratic way.
@@Anonymous389j you are deluded the eu project is not about democracy it's about control it's a NWO that doesn't care what the people under it think it's a dictatorship
@@andymuso53 only democratic if we vote again on the terms of leaving. We already voted to leave. The option to remain in any 2nd vote is not acceptable. Please learn how democracy works
Mogg is correct, this was a stitch up, they didn't even try to negotiate a real Brexit
02:18 Leaving the EU is a fantastic opportunity. Agree!
Turn the volume down and subtitles on, if you don't want to listen to the leftist bully in the background.
What possible evidence do you have to support this person being leftist?
Josh His behaviour.
gerard max lol flawless victory
This guy should b leader. TM weak as hell
Jennifer Singleton
You’re right may it happen ASAP
Jennifer Singleton you write like it's 2004 and we all have those click click phones.
Jennifer Singleton he won’t be leader
Mogg talks a good game from the side lines but will never put on the captains armband and pull his team to a result
El Chapo is completely right. But I think we souldn‘t listen to much as to me he is basically a backstabber who doesn‘t bring anythin of his own talent in. He should take the position of brexit secretary.
He sadly has no interest in the leadership.
Are the sirens in the background the police taking Mrs May off to prison for treason 🤞
Love Jacob Rees Mogg, next PM, ok, we want a proper Brexit, just like the one we voted for.
I am so pleased Jacob Rees-Mogg has done this he has got integrity and so have all the others that do the same. Stand up for our country and dont let those eveil elitists rule us. We voted to get out of the EU not be tied to them as slaves. GET US OUT COMPLETELY
This is a betrayal of the UK
What would be your solution for the Irish border?
The UK, Northern Ireland and Ireland have an agreement, the GFA. The UK confirmed after Brexit that they will obey this agreement.
You can't handle contracts between states and countries like the contract with your mobile provider. It is an international agreement.
@@helloweener2007 Well said, hear hear!
Yes, Rees-Mogg has the integrity of a rattle snake...
You must be a really bad judge of character. Jacob Rees Mogg it one of the most decent honest men in politics who has guts and integrity. Unlike the vast majority of snakes trying to destroy this country
Who is that bellowing oaf in the background? It seems a village is missing it's idiot somewhere.
Somebody forgot to lock the Nuthouse door again !
@Harry. So funny🤣😂😁
It's been quite round my area the past 24 hours... Maybe he's one of ours?
Go Mogg
She is a better dancer than she is a PM.
Very good comment I tip my hat to you.
most impressive
isn't it pleasing seeing news reporters waiting to be asked for their questions rather than one who keeps on mouthing in America.
I want Jacob Rees-Mogg as PM and I have never voted Conservative in 30 year well spoken and a genuine man It is about time Treason May was taken to task and best she resigns.
Politicians has made UK in chaos during these two years. Hope all the problems could be solved asap. Let’s pray for 🇬🇧
What do you expect when most of them are remoaners especially the ones negotiating its all gone to plan exactly what they want more delays ,think they are above the people and can do what they like no intention of leaving the EU completely 💩💩💩
Brexit is a just symptom of the disintegration of multicultural Britain. Multicultural Britain is a failed project, and after Brexit there will be other crises like Brexit.
They can be solved but we have obstructionists in control of the political parties.
Jacob has been entirely honorable in the way he has conducted himself, he has supported the PM all the way through despite knowing she is betraying the people months ago, he has tried to steer her away from that betrayal. But he has simply been left with no choice but to hand in a vote of no confidence, and he has done that openly and under public scrutiny. To suggest that he is part of a coup just goes to show the lengths that people who oppose Brexit are willing to stoop too. In my mind if we can still secure a Brexit worthy of the name and steer clear of the Tyranny of the EU who will soon become a superstate with its own army. Then he is a worthy hero of the British people. People need to wake up and realize this isn't about the economy, this isn't even about immigration, this is about preserving democracy. because if we don't get out now, make no mistake we will be absorbed by this new super state and it will be the end of our culture and country, the stakes really are that high.
Take the money nd transition off the table straight away. Make a fresh start
Why is'nt this gentleman PM yet?
Moggs our trump make him PM
Both Mogg and Farage are Trump.
Right on mate! I was just telling someone last night thatvyou guys would find your Trump. There's alaways a patriotic nationalist who loves his nation and his people and is willing to fight for them.
So refreshing to hear someone cut through the bull and state how straight forward this all should've been.
Mogg is not Trump I don't think the country is ready for a Mogg PM but I wish we were.
I heard first hand from a woman who knew mog and his family years ago, she told me mog made his first million by the time he was 18 investing his and school friends money on the stock market. So, he's loaded, and bloody intelligent to boot. Our UK trump!! (With minor differences here and there ^^)
Makes me want to move to Somerset. JRM, the best PM we never had !!
I like the way this gye straight talks
@Alan Persaudyou must be thresa may, or supporter of her, i didn'n understand what you said 😉
You are the man mogg. Every word you say I agree with.
Thank you JRM!!!
I am so angry right now. TM proposal is not what we voted for. It will keep us in with no say. She is being played by the EU. Also it could be a strategic move by her, to get brexiteer conservative mp to resign, so remainers solely negotiate the deal. I'm also sick to the back teeth of the call for another people's vote.
She's not being played or "bullied" by the EU negotiators. She's a "dyed-in-the-wool" Remainer and she got the deal she wanted all along. All the rest was smoke and mirrors and deliberate time-wasting so everyone would be so sick and tired of the whole thing they would accept any old deal just to make it stop.
Harry Irvine But not even a remainer would like to be governed by rules and regulations where they have no say.
Unless she sees it as a way of reversing the vote of Brexit.
Debbie Smith she has no say regardless. The EU owns her and she never planned on a clean break.
MissKittyFantasm, well that makes it even more like what I say. "It's like trying to get out of a abusive relationship". We definitely would be better out!
Better late than never
From what Jacob says it won't be much of a disadvantage but it has been a bit of a farce, can only hope we've learned from it.
Listen to those louts in the background. Poor Jacob. Oh n the Americans could learn a valuable lesson about handling a press conference from this short clip alone
Is no one going to stomp that heckler's ass?
Mr Mogg has been very honest.
Her resignation looms.
Stopping Brexit now would be like jumping off a speeding train.
Mogg to the rescue. This man has healthy principles and has been a great father. Better than having the frail, faltering Theresa May at the helm.
Jacob is a patriot and he is honourable this combination UK need at this moment! Jacob for PM
@Alan Persaud Exactly!
JRM is awesome......he has "Bit his Lip" right up until the final proposal and with "True colors" has come out Fighting.
This man would easily deliver what 17.4 MILLION UK Citizens voted for..... not roll over & sell us out completely like Treacherous May.
Well done Rees finally someone with a backbone.
JRM would be a much better PM than May.
The bank manager of my local branch would probably make a much better PM than May.
Jacob R. Mogg speaks sense, hopefully people will listen and understand.
Jacob. A man educated by the best teachers in the CONSTITUTION of the UNITED KINGDOM.
God save the QUEEN.
Mogg for PM, or the TORIES better get used to losing power! RAGING & FURIOUS are we, 17.4 million!
That heckler is hilarious. Even the pink shirted man is cracking up
She needs to be ousted now or charged with treason.
No to BoJo. Jacob all the way to Number 10. This gentleman needs to stop being modest and grab the bull. It's proper time.
Jacob RM would be an exemplary Minister. I wonder why Cameron or May never gave him a dept brief? I think
they are scared of him.
Just leave and the hell with a deal. UK does not need deal. Let's see how long it will take for German car manufacturers to come around.
Yeah looks like someone has no clue what they're talking about.
Good on you sir . give the people what they voted for out on our terms .
Jacob Rees-Mogg talks sense. 9:17 is the crux of the matter, if they want to overturn the result a party needs to be voted in to bring that about. NOT by trying to reverse what was a fair and democratic process. Remoaners need to get over this and fast. Get Theresa May out!!!
Christopher Wayne Exactly. They had the chance to vote Lib Dem at the last GE if they wanted Brexit stopped. Clearly not enough people are remainers despite what polls of up to 2000 people claim lol
As usual, a Remoaner articulates his Best Argument from the shouting incoherently.
Shut up
About time, he finally grew some.
Well if the Tory party doesn't deliver, then it'll create a constitutional crisis where democracy needs to be restored. We're not having any of their political fuckery games, deliver democracy or it's off with heads time. The hired help have no authority to deny the electorates choice on who governs the UK, they cannot outsource it to a third party, let alone a democratically rejected one.
A top man and true patriot!
' You can't come to a decision that you have no confidence over many, many months, and then wake up the next morning and say it was a Dallas style dream,and I never really did it ' .
The words of Mr Jacob Rees Mogg.
Just Brilliant :))
Nice one Moggster
JRM is very loyal to the UK and what was voted for 👍
Mog's the man!!
The more I see of, and more importantly, hear from Mr. Rees-Mogg, the more respect I have for him. His integrity and sincerity are a breath of fresh Somerset air. Well done, Jacob!
It seems to me the May buckled under pressure and compromised far too much for her party's liking. It also seems to me that the best compromises result with neither part fully happy.
JRM, to put it simply (IMO) is a someone that given the opportunity of PM, would always strive to deliver the will of the majority population of the UK. He seems straight as an arrow. An Ultimate Professional. I like him.
Do those protesters not have jobs to go to?
We've got to listen to this man he's intelligent well schooled in business and his strength is so clear to see
To quote Obelix: "The british are crazy"
Nation of pirates, that we are! ; D
A true leader.
Why is Rees-Mogg not taking the position of the Brexit Secretary? He talks a great deal but never delivers anything himself. I am pro brexit myself but I am quite disappointed to see non of the hard line supporters take a main position and deliver what they promised to us!
Shame on the ignorant yobs hired by the remoaning group who could NEVER shout down the heroic JRM
Moggy throw your hat in the ring ....PLEASE
🇬🇧 Jacob Rees Mogg for PM 🇬🇧
I was loyal to Theresa May to the very end thinking she will pull through. I’m with Jacob now.
Barry from Eastenders wondering what is going on at 7.30 mins ish. I am with Barry.
Dan Hall What's Barry doing there, he's supposed to be cleaning the drains and guttering rouund Mikes!?...
How refreshing to listen to Jacob Rees-Mogg who has integrity, is consistent in his views, always polite, procedurally and constitutionally unbeatable and cheerful with the press and hecklers. If only Mrs May could be so noble.
I am not english but i find Sir. Jacob r.Mogg v.intelligent, wise & if needed bold & blunt too. good to see his angry face. come on UK you voted for brexit .. now stand up fight & get it through not 1/4 or 1/2 but complete & clean exit.
Rees Mogg is a ventriloquists dummy for the Goldschmidts and their corporate corrupt world...Don't trust him
10:10 " People always call for unity when they know the policy they are following is wrong .... " very astute comment there of Jacob Rees- Mogg
20 letters of no confidence are in, not sure on the accurate amount hopefully it's only a matter of time before she goes, and make no mistake she has to go. She has gone back on everything she has said, she said no deal is better then a bad deal, this is that bad deal! It's just gonna chuck US right back where we were. Their would not have been any point in the 2016 referendum. Democracy is hanging on by a thread! Get her out!
I wonder if she was a deliberate fall 'guy' to show Britain tried very very hard to act nice and deal with the EU, but the awful yobs that make up the British public just wouldn't accept it, so oh dear, poor us we'll just have to leave without any ties to the EU and do our own thing (which actually benefits us). It's far better global PR than sticking two fingers up at the EU on day one and refusing to negotiate. The deal is literally so bad that no one on any side wants it and it leaves very little time for anyone else to wade in and try to change things. We basically wasted two years of EU time where they weren't sure what we are doing, while we got a two year start on making alternative plans. And anyone who was working in the city during the referendum knows that Britain was very naughty and started making trade arrangements (not 'deals', obviously, as that would break ze rules) with other countries the same day.
Well done on staying composed and on point once the heckler started.
Is that Jeremy yelling all the time in the background ?
Today Gibraltar, Nothern Ireland, and Scottland are rich but what a disaster if Gibraltar, Nothern Ireland, and Scottland do not leave the UK as soon as possible because of the Brexit.