Chinese philosophy is a joke it’s fantasy. Read Von Klausewitz “on war” It explains everything and is the basis most military educators will report they teach from. No other book comes close to the Art of War.
She's just a logical and rational person. He asked her an opinion question; as in what was this other person thinking? She has no idea what the other person was thinking so she says she doesn't know. Then she gives her opinion on what she thinks he was thinking.
that was not a perfect explanation. In fact, it was whataboutery at best, (for the question at 4:10). Although it does serve the rationale of the American patriot.
A very good analysis, but one myth that has been perpetuated throughout history, especially by Americans of all walks, is that it was the nuclear bomb that scared the Japanese into surrender. It wasn't JUST the Bomb. The Japanese leadership initially thought it was just another bomb. They didn't understand radiation yet. ☢It was Stalin invading Manchuria with 1,500,000 soldiers, and hundreds of thousands of Japanese soldiers surrendering en-masse'. It was the mass invasion of their occupied territory that was the final nail in the coffin of WW2.
@@williamyoung9401the Japanese absolutely knew what radiation was. They had several programs investigating applications for nuclear reactors and weapons, though due to the aforementioned industrial issues addressed in the video, it never got beyond the laboratory. Now, did they realize the destructive potential to the degree that the Allie’s did, who knows, but their scientists thoroughly understood the nature of nuclear energy. It’s discussed back and forward about how much the bombs and the Soviets in Manchuria had on Japan’s capitulation, but it’s not a consensus that the invasion was the nail in the coffin. Honestly it was likely the other way around. They saw the last vestiges of their empire collapse with the Soviet onslaught, and when the bombs dropped they realized conditional surrender was impossible (aka maintaining national sovereignty), and so Japan surrendered to the Americans not long after the bombs.
She is a professor of strategy and policy at the U.S. Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island and a successful author. Not only is she credit but highly educated. You, a random anonymous person on the internet, throwing insults at her way means nothing.
@alberarthureShe is nothing but a skilled speaker. She nods and speaks in a convincing tone of voice, maintaining eye contact... these are very good to convince somebody, but its all a lie. This woman is the CIA's answer to people on the internet who expose US war crimes.
Thank you, Dwarkesh, for bringing us these videos and introducing us to Dr Paine. She’s such a very clear communicator with a wide depth of knowledge. I wish could take a week off and just listen to Sarah Paine lectures and interviews.
Tsun Tzu has a quote about this. Do not let your enemy be cornered and to leave an outlet free. Many speculate this is so to the fearlessness of people when it came down to the death. You tell your people the enemy thinks of you as nothing and will not stop till you are dead is a damn good motivator to fight like hell.
This is why the Russians never complete encirclement, and also do so much to have opportunities for surrender, as well as treat the Ukrainian populous well. As we are seeing most, Ukrainians, even the west Ukraine Nazis generally don’t have it in them to die for a fake shithole. As it turns out we’re going gets tough over 75% of Ukrainians would rather get going!
The Mongols used that tactic to great effect. Not sure if they read Sun Tzu, but they were herders and understood how animals(humans) reacted to being surrounded/cornered. When given a slight chance of escape, an animal will choose flight over fight. An army in flight is a dead army.
She's driven by analysis and not ideologie... very refreshing, very sober, very rational... that is what's missing these days. Every one is so over emotional in one way or the other that breaking it down to facts, experience and analysis is a thread to many, from the far right to the far left, for authocrats to common nationalists..
This is literally what the field of history is. This is exactly what we learn as history students. People think universities are „woke“ and overly political, but that’s because they‘re either American (weird for profit colleges) or simply uneducated.
Sarah Paine misses the mark on many WW2 topics and it's best if she does not espouse her opinion and arrogantly present it as fact. Her typical American arrogance coupled with self-confidence is a pretty deadly combo, at least for us who care about historical truth. If you want to listen to comfortable lies then you're at the right spot. She lacks empathy. You do not need to sympathize with the Axis powers but if you want to understand the complexity of the war and its geopolitics you'll need to place yourself in the shoes of the Axis nations. She fails to do this one simple thing. She tries to answer questions on Japanese or German decisions yet still manages to get the answer wrong when we've known the answer for over 70 years. She will obviously have bias (as a DEI hire for the naval war college) and fail to mention many of the sinister sides of our part in the war. Such as our provocations against Japan & Germany in the 1930s following their ban on certain family owned banks. Constant sanctions before the war with lacklustre and hypocritical excuses, and gigantic list of war crimes before, during, and after WW2. Unspeakable things occurred in Berlin, Tokyo, Okinawa, and even France..our "ally".
@ Approx 4:23 follow up on the fire-bombing of Tokyo. I heard that Emperor Hirohito toured the bombed out areas afterwards and was stunned to see people turning their backs on the Emperor. This caused him to conclude that Japan could no last much longer.
@RichardPosadas That was probably one of the signs he could tell that he wasn't willing to let the wat continue anymore. He was probably left in the dark too often by the semi-junta which wasn't very transparent about the war effort to begin with.
I'm in D.C. The city is filled with people like her. Our "time" is a bit of an illusion. A lot of very loud voices have been amplified by social media, but thoughtful moderacy like this still dominates, even if it doesn't seem like it. Also, as good as she is, our universities are filled with similar people.
@@jon8004 this right here... people Like Lindsey Graham want War whenever literally ANYTHING happens... "best money we've ever spent" Man, I hope he burns in hell tbh...
@@gretamurphy3704a lot of idiots just say she's biased and call it the day. They don't understand that bias is acceptable when it's predicated on factual information. You can disagree with her final takeaway but good luck dismantling the existence of actual conflict events in history.
How does Sarah Paine explain the fact that the commander of Hitler's SS bodyguard unit, Erich Kempka is a Slavic ehnic Polish person with 4 Slavic grandparents from Poland? What does Sarah Paine say about Bandera or Konstantin Voskoboinik or Vlasov? She appears to be ignorant of the actual details of World War 2 history....
Thank you for introducing me to Sarah Paine - a self-evident genius. I hope she and I could someday have an amazing conversation. Mr. Patel, you are also a gifted interviewer.
It’s about time we start getting content based on facts and expertise . Fantastic stuff she might be my new favorite resource for this kind of strategic and historical geopolitical content .
Hey, World War II knowledge is OK but her current events knowledge is abysmal. Everything she said about the east Europe situation is pure Nazi and Washington propaganda. To condense a lot of things, about 50% of Ukraine fled, and 20% of Ukraine demonstrably chose to become Russian.
Mr Patel I very much enjoy your channel. Thank you for your content. I especially like that you don’t interrupt the guest. Keep going and good luck in your future!
This lady has been blowing up in my feed recently, on RUclips, Facebook, and even LinkedIn. And I'm so glad to see someone who's really knowledgeable talk about things she knows. Really, really refreshing.
On the tank issue, the allies provided every thing else to include the modern machine tools used to build those tanks. Ford alone sent thousands of trucks, because the Soviets were wedded to trains for logistics! This made their logistics predictable and easy to disrupt! Trucks help them free up their movement!
Of course, fords blitz truck factory in Germany was also building trucks for the German army through the war as well. After the war, Ford motors successfully sued the us government for damages for bombing said factories in Germany.
Allied aid to soviets was instrumental in ending the war as fast as it did however by that logic England should’ve ended the war before the Soviet Union due to receiving far more in aid than the Soviet Union did from America. Truth is Soviet Russia would’ve had shittier equipment. But it still would’ve outlasted the Germans
You must be joking. US is full of this kind of educated in high places, leading the foreign policies as well. Thanks to exactly this kind, US shoots its own leg once a day.
@@drewmalesky9869 Well, you are joking again. She is one of those who make US shoot it's own leg once a day, and you see her as insightful. You deserve your government, oh, you do.
@@drewmalesky9869 You are joking again. US is full of this kind of educated in high places, leading the foreign policies as well. Thanks to exactly this kind, US shoots its own leg once a day.
@@drewmalesky9869 US is full of this kind of educated in high places, leading the foreign policies as well. Thanks to exactly this kind, US shoots its own leg once a day.
@@againsttheleftandright4065 lol so basically she’s just telling the truth and basic history everyone should know, look dude I get that you probably think you’re some big “free thinker” (judging by your username) but I’ll be the first to tell you, YOU ARE NOT 🤣
@@Saber23 So, when I said "highschool level narratives," your immediate thought was "yeah, if it was taught to kids by the government it must be true!" Everything she said was neoliberal / leftist historical revisionism. Idiot actually said "Hitler's blitzkrieg worked in Austria."
Easy Americans and British were Russian manufacturing during the war. The amount of aid and material from Britain and the United States was unprecedented. The West kept the Soviet zombie alive in WW2.
Only 10% of aid arrived for 1943 and 80% of aid arrived 1944 and 1945 so the danger was demonstrably over by the time meaningful aid got there. The Soviet Union held out and even started winning before the help got there.
@@Mortablunt In all, the United States shipped $50 billion ($608 billion in 2020 money) worth of materiel under the Lend Lease program, including $11.3 billion ($137.5 billion in 2020 money) to the Soviet Union. In addition, much of the $31 billion worth of aid sent to the United Kingdom was also passed on to the Soviet Union via convoys through the Barents Sea to Murmansk. The United States provided the Soviet Union with more than 400,000 jeeps and trucks, 14,000 aircraft, 8,000 tractors and construction vehicles, and 13,000 battle tanks. All the factories in the Soviet Union were rebuilt and staffed with American engineers after Tsarist Russia fell. It would be more accurate to describe the Soviet Union as a satellite of the United States from 1917-1945 than a peer.
Dwarkesh, you ask great questions, and many of your guests are outstanding. Sarah Paine, for example. I'm so glad I found your channel! Keep up the great work! ❤
I think a missed detail about the firebombing: there is an inherent discrepancy between actions taken against the civilian population as an act of war - yes, a war crime, but one that someone can understand is about furthering the war aims of the enemy - and actions taken against civilians in occupied territories. Not to say that there is no rally-around-the-flag impact - we have evidence of that in Battle of Britain - but it's not the same as Death Ground. The firebombing of Tokyo doesn't undermine the theory that one can survive if they surrender. The mass murder of your countrymen, on the other hand, foundationally establishes that there is only one path to survival and that path is to fight.
If you're talking about Dresden my understanding is that this was strategic in that so much production centered on the city - if what I understand is true. I can still sit on a four leg chair if you kick one and I have three left but the chair is different than what I was used to and I better be careful, so to speak.
I adore Sarah Payne. Thank you for being engaging, informative, passionate and unafraid to say that you don’t, when you don’t. Seems like a small thing, but it isn’t. It is a rare quality, and it speaks well of you.
What about the importation of thousands of American engineers who supposedly designed and built new Soviet factories. I've read that there were 4400, there were 6,000, or there was only 2,000. The Soviets (again supposedly) didn't allowed them to leave, claiming so many died, so many opted to live in the Soviet system after WWII. I can't find much reading that - which I find strange, too. There were tales that they were hostages and used against the West's anti-Iron Curtain efforts.
Statistic example. All together were charged 105 032 citizens in September- November 1938. Including: pole 21 258, german 17150, russian 15684, ukranian 8773, belorussian 5716 and etc
Every one talks about the T34, they produced around 80,000 and lost over 50,000, tank hulls are divided in two the lower hull and upper hull, the design called for sloped armor , they sacrificed armor thickness ,and the angle of degrees equal x number of inches The T34 , also used the Christy suspension system, the had v shaped springs that were located inside the hull. It had a good engine, but a terrible transmission, as a result this led to limits on how fast it could be driven , and when and how to turn the engine over, and the Driver and hull machinegunner had to assist him often to change the gears. There was no turret basket The turret crew of thecT34/76 was a crew of Two, the Commander-gunner and Loader, the turret crew stood upon ammunition cases and also inside that fighting compartment was a fuel tank Contrary to what we have been taught the early Mark Panzerkampfwaggen III 'a with the 3.7 cm gun could and did kill T34's but at very close range the same goes with the latter Mark's armed with the 5cm gun, and Stug III's and Panzerkampfwaggen IV 's armed with the L48 7.5 cm gun could kill them at normal and long range shot engagements. Now the KVI that was a different beast, in my opinion the first modern type tank on th e battle field, practical size road wheels, the drive sprocket to the rear, with return rollers and excellent armor.
Lend Lease. Stalin wrote in his memoirs that the Soviets would literally have starved without Lend Lease. Also the Soviets couldn't produce high octane aviation fuel or artillery shells at scale and imported much of this through Lend Lease. And the those tens of millions of Soviet troops were eating US food, wearing US boots, and driving US trucks. That's what I bring up when people bring up the "Russia did most of the fighting" argument.
Mongolia supplied the same amount of food as Lend Lease and most of the winter clothing of the Red Army. Lend Lease started getting to Russia after the Germans were stopped at Moscow and Quickened the end of the war by 2 years.
@@vladislavfeldman6562 Yeah, the Russians would've held off by themselves just fine. It's more up in the air if they would've been able to push their way all the way to Berlin by themselves though.
@@countprophet5881 With 20 million battle hardened army and tank production being slowed down after 1943, if there was no D-Day Russia would be in Calais by 1946.
Well the soviet union did most of the FIGHTING. Americans definitely helped with manufacturing but the western front of ww2 in Europe doesn't even compare to the eastern front. The US lost around 400,000 men in ww2. Soviet union lost a little over a million in the battle if stalingrad alone. The Germans lost around 6 to 800,000 in the same battle. As Americans we look at DDAY and think it's this huge operation, and it was no doubt but was pretty tame compared to the operations on the eastern front. The allies won with Soviet blood, American manufacturing, and British intelligence.
The big difference between the Russian Empire in 1917 and the Soviet Union in 1941-45 is that the Central Powers were not on a campaign to exterminate or enslave the whole population for "lebensraum". It was a war between rulers, not between peoples.
Let us not forget the historic amnesia here in North America. Andrew Jackson and the gang in U.S. Congress in the 1830’s pretty much had their Wansee conference. They did the same with the Indian removal act and extermination of the natives to steal their land. It is a real bitch that modern times had better record keeping. The victors always dictate the historic books.
Not a bad point. I'd add the differences though.... The Native Americans were extremely culturally fractured, unlike the Russians, Ukrainians, Poles, etc. Each had empire experience in their own right. Hitler DID give a "shout out" to the American government in regard to its removal policies. (Wish I could remember the document or quote, but it escapes me at the moment, apolgies) Hitler equating that policy with trying to take out the Soviet union was a colossal miscalculation, by any view.
yeah the same thing has happened literally all over Earth by everyone since recorded history. It happened anywhere humans live today. We are always under the influence of empires and those empires expand. No one is less or more guilty than the others, its just how recent
@leewilkinson6372 That's the opposite of what happened to the Germans and Soviets. None of the native tribes reversed the US victory. Some tribes lifestyle is raiding. What country is going to allow another nation to attack their citizens and not retaliate? Mexico did the same thing with the Comanche because raiding was how they lived.
One of the best interviews I have ever seen. You are so talented and you have the most interesting guests. It is so hard to ask pointed questions to get the most meaty responses, and you do it so well.
There’s no mystery. The Soviets were supported by the USA. The vastness of Russia has always helped block any invasion. As for advanced technology they moved their factories hundreds of miles away from the front.
Exactly. American money and British materiel kept the Soviet nation alive for long enough to send their millions into the grinder. The Germans relied on stealing as they advanced. There was nothing to steal. No fuel. No roads. No hope. Overstretched and their morale blown away. A thousand miles from home. Germany was doomed from day one. It was just a matter of time. Ironically it was their ideology that guaranteed their failure. The Soviet republics they conquered in the way to Russia would have happily felt liberated if they weren’t considered subhuman by the nazis
The thing is though, when you read memoirs of German soldiers making their way into the Soviet Union as part of OP Barbarossa, they all note that the Soviets didn’t surrender like in the West, where in the face of hopeless odds, British, French, Norwegian, Danish, Belgian, etc units would prefer to surrender. Red Army units on the other hand, would fight to the last man. Even before they implemented the War of Annihilation doctrine, the Wehrmacht knew it was facing an enemy like they hadn’t before.
That's called "intellectual integrity" I knows it's rare to see on you tube, but it shows a person who isn't afraid to admit they don't know something definitively. The "B" is going on to sit what she Does know, by way of explaining what she suspects. She expects her audience to agree or disagree after looking at the facts.
My physics professor had advised and guided the fire bombing of Japan in WW2 and was consulted for Vietnam. He reported that the weather and climate conditions would not permit it. Putting people on known death ground is not a good idea. One exception was the strategy of Ghenghis Kahn. Even then, people did not know that they were put on death ground. His army would attack outlying areas, comprehensively driving them into smaller and somewhat urban areas and forts. Then he would leave would appeared to be an unforeseen route of escape. The trapped people would try to use the avenue of escape and be killed. Chesty Puller, USMC used the same technique in Central America. He identified the routes of escape and cut them off.
The difference in the willingness of a people to fight is stark when we're comparing people fighting for goals in foreign lands, and people fighting in their homeland, defending their very existence and their very way of life. Compare the US in Afghanistan and Ukraine fighting Russia. Big differences
Short answer, terror, the Red Army had years of practise in the years after the 1917 revolution, the Allies invaded and the Red Army fought them until 1923, the White Army continued fighting, then the Red Army terrorised the ethnicities. Then the Red Army fought the Japanese. The Red Army still collapsed, if Beria had any courage, he would have assassinated Stalin without a risk up until the Nazi Army retreated from Moscow.
Operation Barbarossa was planned to be a 4 month war and defeat of Russia before the Oct./Nov. muddy season/ Russian Winter 1941/42. Did the German General Staff not know any of this? They did many were junior officers on the eastern front 1914-1918. Long answer terror... "Greater Germanic Reich of the German Nation" (Großgermanisches Reich Deutscher Nation) , the "Thousand-Year Reich" (Tausendjähriges Reich). "Living Space" (Lebensraum), "Drive towards the East" (Drang nach Osten), Generalplan Ost, The Hunger Plan, "Superior man/ Subhumans" (Aryan Ubermensch - German Master Race/ Slavic Untermensch - Poles, Ukrainians, Russians).
Does anyone know if there are anybooks or memoirs from Japanese soldiers who surrendered and returned home after the war. I would love to know if thier families were crying with joy or if they still brought shame.
Not after the war. The Japanese people saw that they could not have defeated the US. There are interviews and testimonials. A young girl marveled at the size of an American potato. Japanese soldiers brought home from China were very mad. They did not feel the effect of the power of the US forces. Hirohito calmed things down. The US occupation policy was very wise. And once the Korean war started up, Japan was no longer a conquered foe but a support system for US forces fighting the North Koreans and Chinese. The Japanese brought in US academics and revised its industrial policies and Japan Inc. was born.
@@thehellyousayWho was fighting on the frontlines? Do you think the dead Ukrainians and Belarussians were? No, it was people from all Soviet republics.
Apart from Polish officers, most Poles were killed by Ukrainian nationalists and in German reprisals before 1944 And all Jews, 3-4 mln or so were exterminated. After war, remaining Poles were forcefully relocated to Silesia and East Prussia.
The interior ministry of the Soviet Union NKVD killed many Soviet soldiers for various reasons just to maintain very ruthless discipline in the battlefield. Before the Second World War Stalin also eliminated many of the Red Army's most capable officers including three of five marshals, 13 of 15 army commanders, eight of nine admirals, 50 of 57 army corps commanders, and 154 out of 186 division commanders. Besides sometimes very poorly equipped Soviet units were sent to the battle against German units especially in 1941. Stalin didn't care much about own casulties when he gave orders to defend or attack. Those are some of the reasons why so many Soviet citizens died in the World War II, not only because brutality of Nazi invaders. Even when the Soviet prisons of war were liberated in 1945, most of them were sent the Gulag system of forced labor camps to make sure that they didn't get any wrong ideas during their prison time.
it’s a very interesting question, but Russian manufacturing would’ve been nothing without the United States. The US literally built the tank production lines in the states and shipped them to Russia.
@Not_A_Dumb_Leftist Here is the real quote "‘These machines obtained under lend-lease are helping us win the war" "According to John R. Dean’s calculations, each Soviet soldier theoretically got up to half a pound (about 230 g) of food per day. According to the calculations of Moskoff, each Soviet soldier received 10 oz (280 g) of food per day from the United States only" Daily Soldier ration was over 2000g of food.
Lend lease didn't even make up 5% of Soviet war production. The only significant amount of something was half of the USSR's aviation fuel The entirety of lend lease doesn't even compare to the British medium and heavy tanks shipped over in the early stages of the war. Lend lease became significant while the USSR was in Poland.
Things could have turned out different, it's not inevitable. But given that, finally, she is very good in her nuanced responses in this episode responding to his questions.
His opening premise is wrong. Russia was not robust. They were made robust. Russia got their tank knowledge from Germany before the war. And the Sowiets received endless help from the allies. America sent its Russian ally the following military equipment: 400,000 jeeps and trucks 14,000 airplanes 8,000 tractors 13,000 tanks More than 1.5 million blankets 15 million pairs of army boots 107,000 tons of cotton 2.7 million tons of petroleum products (to fuel airplanes, trucks and tanks) 4.5 million tons of food That is why Russia didn't collapse. That is why the government didn't collapse. In additon allied forces even helped the sovjets hitting Nazi targets in east europe because they couldn't handle the Germans. From rferl: Most famously, Soviet dictator Josef Stalin raised a toast to the Lend-Lease program at the November 1943 Tehran conference with British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt. "I want to tell you what, from the Russian point of view, the president and the United States have done for victory in this war," Stalin said. "The most important things in this war are the machines.... The United States is a country of machines. Without the machines we received through Lend-Lease, we would have lost the war." So yeah - Russia didn't collapse because of the US and the allies.
Also communication wire, like used in the front lines. USSR couldn't reliably make commo wire. And tactical radios. As for trucks, in Russia and Ukraine today, "Studebaker" means a large utility truck. Fundamentally, beyond a thin veneer, Russia is a third world country with oil to sell. The government treats the countryside no better than the tsars. Minimum infrastructure.
This lady is wise, smart, self-aware, honest, and articulate. She and people like her should be consulting our Western governments. I guess our Western governments are not what she is, though.
Russia is developed enough to hold regular "corrupt" elections, that are fairer and more accurately counted than those in the US of A, which bears no similarity to "the fascist way" 14 years of one party elections under Hitler.
Hitler's approach was never to "just kill everyone." You realize that there were entire Slavic nations, such as Slovakia, that were not only in the Axis, but given independence and total autonomy by Germany? This is all nonsense. Actually, Rosenberg was one of the more unreasonable ones.
She has strong biases on some critical issues; the biases prevented her from being objective in analysis and drawing sound conclusions. You direction is wrong then you only see things that are only visible to you.
@dat2ra She does cherry-picking in facts, look things through a particular "lenses", or intentionally exaggerate impact on some aspects. Those qualities are NOT expected from a scholar, as she provided misinformation or misleading audience. Maybe she is simply mentally or intellectually not to the task.
Her own hubris shows... Hirohito was a world respected scholar in marine biology. He specialized in mollusca, authored several widely used books under a pen name.
My god... Understand rethoric. She is making fun not as much of him but of people that assume that Hirohito was front and center of Japanese expansionism. "He liked guppies" is an eased up way to state that: "While educated Hirohito was not a military leader and his interest and full understanding of military matters was limited to what he was being told and fed because his main interest was marine animals" plus it also makes the lesson (wich in his original form is lime 2 hours) much more digestable thanks to the occasinal ligh-hearthed joke that drives a point home. Is it really that difficult. C'mon now!
@@ericsierra-franco7802 And what did i say? That she is poking fun at the idea that the emperor was some king of driving force behind Japanese expansionism while instead he wasnt really concerned with Geopolitics as much as he was fond of marine biology. He is not making fun of him but making a light hearted statement that drives the point home.
Nonbias doesn't exist. Bias implies you are actually engaged with something, which you are. You are engaged in this life world, this thing we are all a part of. Taking a value position in which you "withhold any judgement of value" is itself a value judgement. A judge attempts to occupy this impossible position of determining what is just, of being blind, but at the end of the day they still make that call.
@johnburns9634 who is using these mathematics and for what? Who is there to register them as significant or not? What do these "pure mathematics" - which themselves rely upon axioms inherited historically which we must assume and believe to be true - defer to? What does it mean that we inherit them? How is unbiased "pure mathematics" able to account for quantum mechanics and the uncertainty principle or godels incompleteness or the work of cantor on set theory? Who speaks for pure mathematics?
@johnburns9634 the mathematics we have now are the mathematics we have for today. already in that sense they are conditioned by their times. The dilemma of wielding pure mathematics is not unlike that of kants noumena. The thing in itself, independent from being schematized through quantity, through time space, this thing that is freedom, is unable to be fully thought, for if it were to be thought it would not be free. The question of the free will hinges on this, for if a subject somehow had access to the thing itself they would be entirely determined. It would no longer be a question of bias or preference, it would be a statement of dogmatic totalitarianism, a unilateral, wholesale negation of everything besides itself, a permanent state of exception. No subject that thought in pure mathematics (if they are thinking at all) could avoid dogmatic assertion and in their overidentification with objective spirit (that which is independent of subject spirit, outside of that which experience in the world of subjectivity) would be reduced to psychotic autism. We already see it now in the attempt to formally map "reality" and by peoples obsession with formal consistency. But a complete mapping is impossible. Any set of numbers when existing in a set must also account for the empty set, for void, for that which the set of all numbers included in the primary set. Thus lines are drawn even in your concieved notion and conception of pure mathematic.
This 9:24 is something I've been thinking of for decades, were the Axis to be victorious. It's so obvious but this is the first time I've heard it. Coming from a source like Sarah Paine is gratifying.
Unrelated plans by various individuals with no ability to implement such plans does not indicate the aim of a government to commit genocide. By this logic, if the Germans won the war, they could have accused the Americans of planning on destroying all German people due to the Morgenthau Plan.
I hate that American and many "western educated" historians have never bothered to actually research the famine in South Russia, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine that occurred in the early 1930's. It was NOT a 'man-made' famine "inflicted' on the Ukrainian ethnic population. It was a famine that actually killed far more ethnic Russians and Kazaks than ethnic Ukrainians. Crop failures and famine had occurred in that area of Russia in past years, and even is mentioned in some classic Russian writers' works.
To think that Communist China is a bad thing I think is very one-sided. The unipolar world under US hegemony has stagnated save for Silicon Valley and a few other bastions of creativity. And even then, Silicon Valley has created a plethora of new problems regarding mental health, from internet addiction to social media anxiety & depression. The economic model that China is currently using is superior to the US currently. Our cities are still being built with the 1900 mindset of requiring to drive, which truly only benefits the car companies and gas companies. The government til this day hasn't invested in public transportation, and neoliberalism has literally made us race to the bottom for goods, exploiting third world nations as we force them to embark free trade while we don't do it ourselves. China is the antithesis, and has quietly observed how the US has conducted itself. I love how China did NOT bail out Evergrande like we did with the banks during the 08 financial crisis. Our government has been bought out, and though we like to champion freedom, free speech, and equal rights, our government does not really believe it, but loves to portray the image that that is what we represent, and that it is fine to invade 'backwards authoritarian regimes' such as Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan and Syria, so long as we use those principals as our Trojan Horse. Our government is ran by super rich, spoiled, arrogant, assholes. If you think the people in Orange County and Hollywood are stuck up, imagine how far that gets scaled when we're talking about billionaires who've never spent a single day with regular people of America. Capitalism being good is what the capitalists who are on top want you to think lmao. How is this not recognized? Always look at your own team with suspicion because they will never admit their 'true' wrongdoings. China IS NOT perfect by any means, and has a lot of flaws in itself. But the US is not any better, and in my opinion, has done more global damage. The only time it ever does good is when it benefits it's long term goals, such as rebuilding Germany, Japan, and South Korea to keep Communist countries at bay. We've done nothing like this for South America nor Africa, EVER, and would NEVER do it if the US stays as the hegemonic power. Check out Michael Hudson. Would love to see Michael Hudson and Sarah Paine speak. Both seem highly intelligent but have veryyyy different views.
The history stuff is accurate. The stuff about right now is not. Pure propaganda narrative, as sponsored by the Nazis of Kyiv, and brought to you by the money in Washington. Want to put it this way when they’re going got tough about 75% of Ukrainians got going rather than defend their supposed aboriginal sacred inviolable inborn national identity. More Ukrainians chose to become Russians then chose to fight for Ukraine. Even the Nazis to call themselves, Ukrainian nationalists would rather find ways to send the national minorities to die instead of go themselves.
"Ah, but Hitler killed more and was more hated." That's debatable. Moreover, most of the people Stalin killed were his own citizens. The Soviets were also invading other countries before WWII. Hitler is condemned for invading Poland, yet the Soviets invaded Poland just a week or two later. As far as hated goes, that's largely a product of demonization and propaganda. I hate Stalin, Roosevelt, and FDR far more than I do Hitler.
700 000 Ukrainians became Russian citizens every year since 2022 at minimum. The most number of Holodomor was around Volga river in Russia. Isaine lyar
@@Jason-ou1ln Starvation was also in Czeckoslovakia. As a Ukranian both my gran grand father and mother died during the starvation of the early 30's. It was the fault of the Bolsheviks, but not intentional. As every Kolhoz reported record grain harvests to Moscow, for fear of denounsiation, while having the worst harvest in 20 years. Moscow decided to sell the perceived surplus overseas. Causing famine, making my grandmother and her 2 sisters into a Bolshevik orphanage.
She is so wrong in so many instances that it is futile to discuss....whan academics are like this it's lost 'battle' for younger generations that will learn distorted history.
"Build your opponent a golden bridge to retreat across. The wise warrior avoids the battle."
- Sun Tzu, Art of War
Chinese philosophy is a joke it’s fantasy. Read Von Klausewitz “on war”
It explains everything and is the basis most military educators will report they teach from. No other book comes close to the Art of War.
Which temporary strategy only delays the attack.
But Putin, etc aren't wise warriors.
@@smokeykitty6023putin had his wise warriors executed because they disagreed with him
I love this lady! The only person ever to say
A. I don't know
B. A perfect explanation
she’s awesome! Tells it like it is with insight!
She's just a logical and rational person. He asked her an opinion question; as in what was this other person thinking? She has no idea what the other person was thinking so she says she doesn't know. Then she gives her opinion on what she thinks he was thinking.
@@arthurkosakowski1098I totally agree. She does it well!!
that was not a perfect explanation. In fact, it was whataboutery at best, (for the question at 4:10). Although it does serve the rationale of the American patriot.
@AsadKhan-bl3on how was it a patriotic answer?
A wise man once said to not leave your opponent in a position where his only choice is to fight for his survival.
Sun Tzu
thats what the IOF did to Hamas
Only an idiot would say that. You don't even know who said that. You're just making things up.
Nice. My comment got wiped. Yt is garbage for debate.
more like russia to ukraine, hamas against israel?
Good questions and better answers. I'm so glad I found this channel.
A very good analysis, but one myth that has been perpetuated throughout history, especially by Americans of all walks, is that it was the nuclear bomb that scared the Japanese into surrender. It wasn't JUST the Bomb. The Japanese leadership initially thought it was just another bomb. They didn't understand radiation yet. ☢It was Stalin invading Manchuria with 1,500,000 soldiers, and hundreds of thousands of Japanese soldiers surrendering en-masse'. It was the mass invasion of their occupied territory that was the final nail in the coffin of WW2.
@@williamyoung9401the Japanese absolutely knew what radiation was. They had several programs investigating applications for nuclear reactors and weapons, though due to the aforementioned industrial issues addressed in the video, it never got beyond the laboratory. Now, did they realize the destructive potential to the degree that the Allie’s did, who knows, but their scientists thoroughly understood the nature of nuclear energy.
It’s discussed back and forward about how much the bombs and the Soviets in Manchuria had on Japan’s capitulation, but it’s not a consensus that the invasion was the nail in the coffin. Honestly it was likely the other way around. They saw the last vestiges of their empire collapse with the Soviet onslaught, and when the bombs dropped they realized conditional surrender was impossible (aka maintaining national sovereignty), and so Japan surrendered to the Americans not long after the bombs.
These interviews have been so good
She is a professor of strategy and policy at the U.S. Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island and a successful author. Not only is she credit but highly educated. You, a random anonymous person on the internet, throwing insults at her way means nothing.
She's a hack.
She is full of anti-Russian propaganda though.
She’s a yank teaching yank history
Yeah they are Russian bots. They don't have a free thought in their head.
@alberarthureShe is nothing but a skilled speaker. She nods and speaks in a convincing tone of voice, maintaining eye contact... these are very good to convince somebody, but its all a lie. This woman is the CIA's answer to people on the internet who expose US war crimes.
Thank you, Dwarkesh, for bringing us these videos and introducing us to Dr Paine. She’s such a very clear communicator with a wide depth of knowledge. I wish could take a week off and just listen to Sarah Paine lectures and interviews.
She is great! My kind of historian!
Thanks for sharing this wonderful video!
She lie at times though🤣🤣
Tsun Tzu has a quote about this. Do not let your enemy be cornered and to leave an outlet free. Many speculate this is so to the fearlessness of people when it came down to the death. You tell your people the enemy thinks of you as nothing and will not stop till you are dead is a damn good motivator to fight like hell.
This is why the Russians never complete encirclement, and also do so much to have opportunities for surrender, as well as treat the Ukrainian populous well. As we are seeing most, Ukrainians, even the west Ukraine Nazis generally don’t have it in them to die for a fake shithole. As it turns out we’re going gets tough over 75% of Ukrainians would rather get going!
There was a German Army saying,"Boot them, don't splatter them."
The Mongols used that tactic to great effect. Not sure if they read Sun Tzu, but they were herders and understood how animals(humans) reacted to being surrounded/cornered. When given a slight chance of escape, an animal will choose flight over fight. An army in flight is a dead army.
Robert McNamara mentioned this. See the Fog of War, Lesson #1: Empathize with your enemy.
@Mikethemerciless11 didn’t Alexander the Great do this with a lot of cities?
She's driven by analysis and not ideologie... very refreshing, very sober, very rational... that is what's missing these days. Every one is so over emotional in one way or the other that breaking it down to facts, experience and analysis is a thread to many, from the far right to the far left, for authocrats to common nationalists..
This is literally what the field of history is. This is exactly what we learn as history students.
People think universities are „woke“ and overly political, but that’s because they‘re either American (weird for profit colleges) or simply uneducated.
Sarah Paine misses the mark on many WW2 topics and it's best if she does not espouse her opinion and arrogantly present it as fact.
Her typical American arrogance coupled with self-confidence is a pretty deadly combo, at least for us who care about historical truth. If you want to listen to comfortable lies then you're at the right spot.
She lacks empathy. You do not need to sympathize with the Axis powers but if you want to understand the complexity of the war and its geopolitics you'll need to place yourself in the shoes of the Axis nations. She fails to do this one simple thing. She tries to answer questions on Japanese or German decisions yet still manages to get the answer wrong when we've known the answer for over 70 years.
She will obviously have bias (as a DEI hire for the naval war college) and fail to mention many of the sinister sides of our part in the war. Such as our provocations against Japan & Germany in the 1930s following their ban on certain family owned banks. Constant sanctions before the war with lacklustre and hypocritical excuses, and gigantic list of war crimes before, during, and after WW2. Unspeakable things occurred in Berlin, Tokyo, Okinawa, and even France..our "ally".
@@user-pn3im5sm7kkeep talking
But to me she sounds naive in very americanish way
@@user-pn3im5sm7k what a long post without any relevant content.. wow
@ Approx 4:23 follow up on the fire-bombing of Tokyo. I heard that Emperor Hirohito toured the bombed out areas afterwards and was stunned to see people turning their backs on the Emperor. This caused him to conclude that Japan could no last much longer.
it was reported some didn’t even bow
@RichardPosadas That was probably one of the signs he could tell that he wasn't willing to let the wat continue anymore. He was probably left in the dark too often by the semi-junta which wasn't very transparent about the war effort to begin with.
I don't know much about her, but it's nice to hear a voice that seems to come from a more sensible time.
Her analysis is grounded in a strong life-long education about her subject. Too bad we don't always get that!
I'm in D.C. The city is filled with people like her. Our "time" is a bit of an illusion. A lot of very loud voices have been amplified by social media, but thoughtful moderacy like this still dominates, even if it doesn't seem like it. Also, as good as she is, our universities are filled with similar people.
@@jon8004 this right here... people Like Lindsey Graham want War whenever literally ANYTHING happens... "best money we've ever spent" Man, I hope he burns in hell tbh...
@@gretamurphy3704a lot of idiots just say she's biased and call it the day. They don't understand that bias is acceptable when it's predicated on factual information. You can disagree with her final takeaway but good luck dismantling the existence of actual conflict events in history.
We have to echo the sensible time ourselves now.
Sarah Paine is just so insightful and brilliant! Thank-you!
How does Sarah Paine explain the fact that the commander of Hitler's SS bodyguard unit, Erich Kempka is a Slavic ehnic Polish person with 4 Slavic grandparents from Poland? What does Sarah Paine say about Bandera or Konstantin Voskoboinik or Vlasov? She appears to be ignorant of the actual details of World War 2 history....
Not really my impression. She sounds like any war mongering idiot here in the west.
She is lying at times though 🤣🤣
Thank you for introducing me to Sarah Paine - a self-evident genius. I hope she and I could someday have an amazing conversation. Mr. Patel, you are also a gifted interviewer.
😂 She's full of bs.
This sounds like an NPC bot would write. Hilarious.
@@maxn.7234 I'm real. How about you?
@@bobfg3130Explain your dissent or have your opinion rejected like the trog you are.
She merely sounds well-read. I'd like to find her books or read more of her research notes, though.
7:51 “ what expertise did he have? He liked guppies….”
I can listen to this woman all day.
It’s about time we start getting content based on facts and expertise . Fantastic stuff she might be my new favorite resource for this kind of strategic and historical geopolitical content .
She's a hack.
Doesn't even know Soviets from Russians.
Alas, you got very little of it from this hack.
Hey, World War II knowledge is OK but her current events knowledge is abysmal. Everything she said about the east Europe situation is pure Nazi and Washington propaganda. To condense a lot of things, about 50% of Ukraine fled, and 20% of Ukraine demonstrably chose to become Russian.
Why would you want an expert what do they know.
@@patrickporter1864the most idiotic post I've seen today, congrats.
Mr Patel I very much enjoy your channel. Thank you for your content. I especially like that you don’t interrupt the guest. Keep going and good luck in your future!
This lady has been blowing up in my feed recently, on RUclips, Facebook, and even LinkedIn. And I'm so glad to see someone who's really knowledgeable talk about things she knows. Really, really refreshing.
She’s awesome
Thanks she's my wife.
On the tank issue, the allies provided every thing else to include the modern machine tools used to build those tanks. Ford alone sent thousands of trucks, because the Soviets were wedded to trains for logistics! This made their logistics predictable and easy to disrupt! Trucks help them free up their movement!
Of course, fords blitz truck factory in Germany was also building trucks for the German army through the war as well. After the war, Ford motors successfully sued the us government for damages for bombing said factories in Germany.
Allied aid to soviets was instrumental in ending the war as fast as it did however by that logic England should’ve ended the war before the Soviet Union due to receiving far more in aid than the Soviet Union did from America. Truth is Soviet Russia would’ve had shittier equipment. But it still would’ve outlasted the Germans
He asked the question HOPING there was some silver lining to communism/central planning. You can hear it in his voice.
And those tank weren’t advanced or reliable.
Yeah, studebakers really helped us with logistics
Wow random short that Sarah Paine turned into hours of content that it is so easy interesting. I’d love more stuff from her. Good shit.
This interview was so good, I could listen to another 2 hours e
Thank you. One of the most knowledgeable and informative programs on RUclips.
She's so insightful.
You must be joking. US is full of this kind of educated in high places, leading the foreign policies as well. Thanks to exactly this kind, US shoots its own leg once a day.
@@daseladi which of your heroes did she insult? Hitler? Stalin?
@@drewmalesky9869 Well, you are joking again. She is one of those who make US shoot it's own leg once a day, and you see her as insightful. You deserve your government, oh, you do.
@@drewmalesky9869 You are joking again. US is full of this kind of educated in high places, leading the foreign policies as well. Thanks to exactly this kind, US shoots its own leg once a day.
@@drewmalesky9869 US is full of this kind of educated in high places, leading the foreign policies as well. Thanks to exactly this kind, US shoots its own leg once a day.
This woman is amazingly interesting and articulate
Russia will dominate the world soon enough
No, she's basic and parroting highschool level narratives.
@@againsttheleftandright4065 lol so basically she’s just telling the truth and basic history everyone should know, look dude I get that you probably think you’re some big “free thinker” (judging by your username) but I’ll be the first to tell you, YOU ARE NOT 🤣
@@Saber23 So, when I said "highschool level narratives," your immediate thought was "yeah, if it was taught to kids by the government it must be true!"
Everything she said was neoliberal / leftist historical revisionism. Idiot actually said "Hitler's blitzkrieg worked in Austria."
@@Saber23Why are you so hostile? Are you a trigĝerèd Amèrìcàn?
Easy Americans and British were Russian manufacturing during the war. The amount of aid and material from Britain and the United States was unprecedented. The West kept the Soviet zombie alive in WW2.
Only 10% of aid arrived for 1943 and 80% of aid arrived 1944 and 1945 so the danger was demonstrably over by the time meaningful aid got there. The Soviet Union held out and even started winning before the help got there.
@@Mortabluntsome people think and some people believe what they hear.
Tons and tons of perfect material for tanks and factories plus huge numbers of engineers made the USSR's army possible.
@@Mortablunt In all, the United States shipped $50 billion ($608 billion in 2020 money) worth of materiel under the Lend Lease program, including $11.3 billion ($137.5 billion in 2020 money) to the Soviet Union. In addition, much of the $31 billion worth of aid sent to the United Kingdom was also passed on to the Soviet Union via convoys through the Barents Sea to Murmansk.
The United States provided the Soviet Union with more than 400,000 jeeps and trucks, 14,000 aircraft, 8,000 tractors and construction vehicles, and 13,000 battle tanks. All the factories in the Soviet Union were rebuilt and staffed with American engineers after Tsarist Russia fell. It would be more accurate to describe the Soviet Union as a satellite of the United States from 1917-1945 than a peer.
I miss the days of short questions and long answers.
Excellent. What is Sarah Paine's book that is referred to?
Her book "The Wars For Asia".
Dwarkesh, you ask great questions, and many of your guests are outstanding. Sarah Paine, for example.
I'm so glad I found your channel! Keep up the great work! ❤
I think a missed detail about the firebombing: there is an inherent discrepancy between actions taken against the civilian population as an act of war - yes, a war crime, but one that someone can understand is about furthering the war aims of the enemy - and actions taken against civilians in occupied territories. Not to say that there is no rally-around-the-flag impact - we have evidence of that in Battle of Britain - but it's not the same as Death Ground. The firebombing of Tokyo doesn't undermine the theory that one can survive if they surrender. The mass murder of your countrymen, on the other hand, foundationally establishes that there is only one path to survival and that path is to fight.
If you're talking about Dresden my understanding is that this was strategic in that so much production centered on the city - if what I understand is true.
I can still sit on a four leg chair if you kick one and I have three left but the chair is different than what I was used to and I better be careful, so to speak.
@@dsxa918 I was referencing pretty much all strategic bombing actions where the target is not explicitly military
I adore Sarah Payne. Thank you for being engaging, informative, passionate and unafraid to say that you don’t, when you don’t. Seems like a small thing, but it isn’t. It is a rare quality, and it speaks well of you.
Love this content.
What about the importation of thousands of American engineers who supposedly designed and built new Soviet factories. I've read that there were 4400, there were 6,000, or there was only 2,000. The Soviets (again supposedly) didn't allowed them to leave, claiming so many died, so many opted to live in the Soviet system after WWII. I can't find much reading that - which I find strange, too. There were tales that they were hostages and used against the West's anti-Iron Curtain efforts.
Statistic example. All together were charged 105 032 citizens in September- November 1938. Including: pole 21 258, german 17150, russian 15684, ukranian 8773, belorussian 5716 and etc
Every one talks about the T34, they produced around 80,000 and lost over 50,000, tank hulls are divided in two the lower hull and upper hull, the design called for sloped armor , they sacrificed armor thickness ,and the angle of degrees equal x number of inches
The T34 , also used the Christy suspension system, the had v shaped springs that were located inside the hull.
It had a good engine, but a terrible transmission, as a result this led to limits on how fast it could be driven , and when and how to turn the engine over, and the Driver and hull machinegunner had to assist him often to change the gears.
There was no turret basket
The turret crew of thecT34/76 was a crew of Two, the Commander-gunner and Loader, the turret crew stood upon ammunition cases and also inside that fighting compartment was a fuel tank
Contrary to what we have been taught the early Mark Panzerkampfwaggen III 'a with the 3.7 cm gun could and did kill T34's but at very close range the same goes with the latter Mark's armed with the 5cm gun, and Stug III's and Panzerkampfwaggen IV 's armed with the L48 7.5 cm gun could kill them at normal and long range shot engagements.
Now the KVI that was a different beast, in my opinion the first modern type tank on th e battle field, practical size road wheels, the drive sprocket to the rear, with return rollers and excellent armor.
Lend Lease. Stalin wrote in his memoirs that the Soviets would literally have starved without Lend Lease.
Also the Soviets couldn't produce high octane aviation fuel or artillery shells at scale and imported much of this through Lend Lease.
And the those tens of millions of Soviet troops were eating US food, wearing US boots, and driving US trucks.
That's what I bring up when people bring up the "Russia did most of the fighting" argument.
Mongolia supplied the same amount of food as Lend Lease and most of the winter clothing of the Red Army. Lend Lease started getting to Russia after the Germans were stopped at Moscow and Quickened the end of the war by 2 years.
@@vladislavfeldman6562 Yeah, the Russians would've held off by themselves just fine. It's more up in the air if they would've been able to push their way all the way to Berlin by themselves though.
@@countprophet5881 With 20 million battle hardened army and tank production being slowed down after 1943, if there was no D-Day Russia would be in Calais by 1946.
Well the soviet union did most of the FIGHTING. Americans definitely helped with manufacturing but the western front of ww2 in Europe doesn't even compare to the eastern front. The US lost around 400,000 men in ww2. Soviet union lost a little over a million in the battle if stalingrad alone. The Germans lost around 6 to 800,000 in the same battle. As Americans we look at DDAY and think it's this huge operation, and it was no doubt but was pretty tame compared to the operations on the eastern front. The allies won with Soviet blood, American manufacturing, and British intelligence.
The big difference between the Russian Empire in 1917 and the Soviet Union in 1941-45 is that the Central Powers were not on a campaign to exterminate or enslave the whole population for "lebensraum". It was a war between rulers, not between peoples.
The Soviet Union committed genocide to the slavs and Jews before WW2 and after.
Excellent questions! Subscribed!
Let us not forget the historic amnesia here in North America. Andrew Jackson and the gang in U.S. Congress in the 1830’s pretty much had their Wansee conference. They did the same with the Indian removal act and extermination of the natives to steal their land. It is a real bitch that modern times had better record keeping. The victors always dictate the historic books.
Not a bad point. I'd add the differences though....
The Native Americans were extremely culturally fractured, unlike the Russians, Ukrainians, Poles, etc. Each had empire experience in their own right.
Hitler DID give a "shout out" to the American government in regard to its removal policies. (Wish I could remember the document or quote, but it escapes me at the moment, apolgies)
Hitler equating that policy with trying to take out the Soviet union was a colossal miscalculation, by any view.
yeah the same thing has happened literally all over Earth by everyone since recorded history. It happened anywhere humans live today. We are always under the influence of empires and those empires expand. No one is less or more guilty than the others, its just how recent
@leewilkinson6372 That's the opposite of what happened to the Germans and Soviets. None of the native tribes reversed the US victory. Some tribes lifestyle is raiding. What country is going to allow another nation to attack their citizens and not retaliate? Mexico did the same thing with the Comanche because raiding was how they lived.
Never forget that Andrew Jackson was a progressive.
Anybody binge watching her videos?
*Raises a hand*
Really pleasant to listen to her speak.
Time for the bots to earn their rubles.
Just based off of your profile pic and your comment, you probably vote democrat.
@@N.barakos1845yeah the educated tend to
@@darkhobo I’ve met a lot of dumb educated people.
They goto work hard, less they be sent to an early fpv end
She's so insightful. I adore the emotionless matter of fact attitude. Exactly how history and news should be provided.
Some of this sounds like McNamara's Laws of War.
The Fog of War was a good documentary...a right wing look at war, but still interesting.
Fog of War
One of the best interviews I have ever seen. You are so talented and you have the most interesting guests. It is so hard to ask pointed questions to get the most meaty responses, and you do it so well.
There’s no mystery. The Soviets were supported by the USA. The vastness of Russia has always helped block any invasion.
As for advanced technology they moved their factories hundreds of miles away from the front.
Exactly. American money and British materiel kept the Soviet nation alive for long enough to send their millions into the grinder. The Germans relied on stealing as they advanced. There was nothing to steal. No fuel. No roads. No hope. Overstretched and their morale blown away. A thousand miles from home. Germany was doomed from day one. It was just a matter of time.
Ironically it was their ideology that guaranteed their failure. The Soviet republics they conquered in the way to Russia would have happily felt liberated if they weren’t considered subhuman by the nazis
The weather too.
The thing is though, when you read memoirs of German soldiers making their way into the Soviet Union as part of OP Barbarossa, they all note that the Soviets didn’t surrender like in the West, where in the face of hopeless odds, British, French, Norwegian, Danish, Belgian, etc units would prefer to surrender. Red Army units on the other hand, would fight to the last man.
Even before they implemented the War of Annihilation doctrine, the Wehrmacht knew it was facing an enemy like they hadn’t before.
I like how her first response is ……. A- I don’t know.. but B… 😂
That's called "intellectual integrity"
I knows it's rare to see on you tube, but it shows a person who isn't afraid to admit they don't know something definitively. The "B" is going on to sit what she Does know, by way of explaining what she suspects.
She expects her audience to agree or disagree after looking at the facts.
Thank you
Very much
Thank you for these brilliant lessons!!
It's all trash. Would you like to know more?
My physics professor had advised and guided the fire bombing of Japan in WW2 and was consulted for Vietnam. He reported that the weather and climate conditions would not permit it. Putting people on known death ground is not a good idea. One exception was the strategy of Ghenghis Kahn. Even then, people did not know that they were put on death ground. His army would attack outlying areas, comprehensively driving them into smaller and somewhat urban areas and forts. Then he would leave would appeared to be an unforeseen route of escape. The trapped people would try to use the avenue of escape and be killed.
Chesty Puller, USMC used the same technique in Central America. He identified the routes of escape and cut them off.
The difference in the willingness of a people to fight is stark when we're comparing people fighting for goals in foreign lands, and people fighting in their homeland, defending their very existence and their very way of life. Compare the US in Afghanistan and Ukraine fighting Russia. Big differences
Great videos with awesome graphics! I love charts and stats
She's good!!
Amazing insights. Thank you
Short answer, terror, the Red Army had years of practise in the years after the 1917 revolution, the Allies invaded and the Red Army fought them until 1923, the White Army continued fighting, then the Red Army terrorised the ethnicities. Then the Red Army fought the Japanese. The Red Army still collapsed, if Beria had any courage, he would have assassinated Stalin without a risk up until the Nazi Army retreated from Moscow.
Operation Barbarossa was planned to be a 4 month war and defeat of Russia before the Oct./Nov. muddy season/ Russian Winter 1941/42. Did the German General Staff not know any of this? They did many were junior officers on the eastern front 1914-1918.
Long answer terror... "Greater Germanic Reich of the German Nation" (Großgermanisches Reich Deutscher Nation) , the "Thousand-Year Reich" (Tausendjähriges Reich). "Living Space" (Lebensraum), "Drive towards the East" (Drang nach Osten), Generalplan Ost, The Hunger Plan, "Superior man/ Subhumans" (Aryan Ubermensch - German Master Race/ Slavic Untermensch - Poles, Ukrainians, Russians).
Does anyone know if there are anybooks or memoirs from Japanese soldiers who surrendered and returned home after the war.
I would love to know if thier families were crying with joy or if they still brought shame.
Not after the war. The Japanese people saw that they could not have defeated the US. There are interviews and testimonials. A young girl marveled at the size of an American potato.
Japanese soldiers brought home from China were very mad. They did not feel the effect of the power of the US forces.
Hirohito calmed things down. The US occupation policy was very wise. And once the Korean war started up, Japan was no longer a conquered foe but a support system for US forces fighting the North Koreans and Chinese.
The Japanese brought in US academics and revised its industrial policies and Japan Inc. was born.
In Soviet Union were massacred not only poles, but all nations of Soviet Union were massacred
the nazis didn't even make it halfway to the caucusus mountains, skippy.
@@thehellyousayWho was fighting on the frontlines? Do you think the dead Ukrainians and Belarussians were? No, it was people from all Soviet republics.
Apart from Polish officers, most Poles were killed by Ukrainian nationalists and in German reprisals before 1944 And all Jews, 3-4 mln or so were exterminated. After war, remaining Poles were forcefully relocated to Silesia and East Prussia.
You know nothing. Please provide facts.
The interior ministry of the Soviet Union NKVD killed many Soviet soldiers for various reasons just to maintain very ruthless discipline in the battlefield. Before the Second World War Stalin also eliminated many of the Red Army's most capable officers including three of five marshals, 13 of 15 army commanders, eight of nine admirals, 50 of 57 army corps commanders, and 154 out of 186 division commanders. Besides sometimes very poorly equipped Soviet units were sent to the battle against German units especially in 1941. Stalin didn't care much about own casulties when he gave orders to defend or attack.
Those are some of the reasons why so many Soviet citizens died in the World War II, not only because brutality of Nazi invaders. Even when the Soviet prisons of war were liberated in 1945, most of them were sent the Gulag system of forced labor camps to make sure that they didn't get any wrong ideas during their prison time.
I love listening to Dr. Paine talk. She is so articulate.
I love the way she explains everything.
Amazing knowledge and great delivery
it’s a very interesting question, but Russian manufacturing would’ve been nothing without the United States. The US literally built the tank production lines in the states and shipped them to Russia.
Which tank production line was shipped from US ?
@Not_A_Dumb_Leftist Stalin never said that. Lend-Lease at most 10% of Red Army total food shipments.
@Not_A_Dumb_Leftist Here is the real quote "‘These machines obtained under lend-lease are helping us win the war"
"According to John R. Dean’s calculations, each Soviet soldier theoretically got up to half a pound (about 230 g) of food per day. According to the calculations of Moskoff, each Soviet soldier received 10 oz (280 g) of food per day from the United States only"
Daily Soldier ration was over 2000g of food.
The tanks added to their numbers. But the trucks were more important.
Lend lease didn't even make up 5% of Soviet war production. The only significant amount of something was half of the USSR's aviation fuel
The entirety of lend lease doesn't even compare to the British medium and heavy tanks shipped over in the early stages of the war. Lend lease became significant while the USSR was in Poland.
Things could have turned out different, it's not inevitable. But given that, finally, she is very good in her nuanced responses in this episode responding to his questions.
General Patton: "We defeated the wrong enemy."
general patton killed US soliders his opinion means nothing to us. He’s a traitor running over world war one vet’s known as the bonus army.
he ran over US soliders for no reason get a life bro
@@salvatoreregalbuto5444 your propaganda seems desperate.
Even if so you can’t side with hitler who breaks any treaty he signs the Germans are the reason they had 0 allies in the first place
@@salvatoreregalbuto5444 wtf are you even talking about? He DIED in a car accident, he didn't run over anybody.
Very clear and concise analysis of historic events!
His opening premise is wrong. Russia was not robust. They were made robust.
Russia got their tank knowledge from Germany before the war. And the Sowiets received endless help from the allies.
America sent its Russian ally the following military equipment:
400,000 jeeps and trucks
14,000 airplanes
8,000 tractors
13,000 tanks
More than 1.5 million blankets
15 million pairs of army boots
107,000 tons of cotton
2.7 million tons of petroleum products (to fuel airplanes, trucks and tanks)
4.5 million tons of food
That is why Russia didn't collapse. That is why the government didn't collapse.
In additon allied forces even helped the sovjets hitting Nazi targets in east europe because they couldn't handle the Germans.
From rferl:
Most famously, Soviet dictator Josef Stalin raised a toast to the Lend-Lease program at the November 1943 Tehran conference with British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt.
"I want to tell you what, from the Russian point of view, the president and the United States have done for victory in this war," Stalin said. "The most important things in this war are the machines.... The United States is a country of machines. Without the machines we received through Lend-Lease, we would have lost the war."
So yeah - Russia didn't collapse because of the US and the allies.
Also communication wire, like used in the front lines. USSR couldn't reliably make commo wire. And tactical radios.
As for trucks, in Russia and Ukraine today, "Studebaker" means a large utility truck.
Fundamentally, beyond a thin veneer, Russia is a third world country with oil to sell. The government treats the countryside no better than the tsars. Minimum infrastructure.
The Germans often referred to the Eastern Front as the "Vernichtungskrieg".
In the future , everyone will interview everyone and give their opinions on everything
My father was a POW in Dresden during the Air Raids. He said the Russians in the Stalag were treated horribly to the Nazi’s.
The atrocities of Japan in China almost dwarf the german atrocities.
This lady is wise, smart, self-aware, honest, and articulate. She and people like her should be consulting our Western governments. I guess our Western governments are not what she is, though.
It's real weird that Russia ended up choosing the fascist way.
Even more weird that factions of Americans want the Fascist way.
"weird". There is no fascist way, the labels they use are interchangeable. The dynamics of power are the same.
Russia is developed enough to hold regular "corrupt" elections, that are fairer and more accurately counted than those in the US of A, which bears no similarity to "the fascist way" 14 years of one party elections under Hitler.
Not really. Russia has never known good government. All they know is authoritarianism. Not unusual that they would revert to authoritarian government.
@7:21. She LAUGHED when she thought of the mass murder of woman and children with a nuclear bomb....
Alfred Rosenberg of all people thought that the Hitler/Koch approach of just killing everyone was counterproductive and made no sense.
Hitler's approach was never to "just kill everyone." You realize that there were entire Slavic nations, such as Slovakia, that were not only in the Axis, but given independence and total autonomy by Germany? This is all nonsense. Actually, Rosenberg was one of the more unreasonable ones.
no man, no problem.
She has strong biases on some critical issues; the biases prevented her from being objective in analysis and drawing sound conclusions. You direction is wrong then you only see things that are only visible to you.
i think the same thing but shes right me and you are typing hypothetical’s
"Bias"? Do you mean that her conclusions differ from yours? Or that no conclusion can be unbiased? Or what?
@dat2ra She does cherry-picking in facts, look things through a particular "lenses", or intentionally exaggerate impact on some aspects. Those qualities are NOT expected from a scholar, as she provided misinformation or misleading audience. Maybe she is simply mentally or intellectually not to the task.
Can you give an example?
She's a great speaker 🔊😊
Her own hubris shows... Hirohito was a world respected scholar in marine biology. He specialized in mollusca, authored several widely used books under a pen name.
She does dismiss this as “he was fascinated with guppies”, but in the context of his role and the stakes at play, it’s not an unreasonable comment
My god... Understand rethoric. She is making fun not as much of him but of people that assume that Hirohito was front and center of Japanese expansionism. "He liked guppies" is an eased up way to state that: "While educated Hirohito was not a military leader and his interest and full understanding of military matters was limited to what he was being told and fed because his main interest was marine animals" plus it also makes the lesson (wich in his original form is lime 2 hours) much more digestable thanks to the occasinal ligh-hearthed joke that drives a point home.
Is it really that difficult. C'mon now!
How is what she stated hubristic? She stated fact. Hirohito was not expert at geopolitics.
@@Alvi410That's your perception. She's not making fun of him.
@@ericsierra-franco7802 And what did i say? That she is poking fun at the idea that the emperor was some king of driving force behind Japanese expansionism while instead he wasnt really concerned with Geopolitics as much as he was fond of marine biology. He is not making fun of him but making a light hearted statement that drives the point home.
whole lot of intellectual discussion but I have to drop in to say: this guy is literal gigachad
Real talk - I learned more in 10 min than all of high school. Great teachers make learning fun.
Much of what she says is brilliant, a good bit is clearly establishment wishful thinking though.
I’ve never understood why people are so insistent on surviving combat.
It's so refreshing to hear an unbiased and intellectual position.
Nonbias doesn't exist. Bias implies you are actually engaged with something, which you are. You are engaged in this life world, this thing we are all a part of. Taking a value position in which you "withhold any judgement of value" is itself a value judgement. A judge attempts to occupy this impossible position of determining what is just, of being blind, but at the end of the day they still make that call.
@@BlankBey0nd Non-bias exists in pure mathematics.
@johnburns9634 who is using these mathematics and for what? Who is there to register them as significant or not? What do these "pure mathematics" - which themselves rely upon axioms inherited historically which we must assume and believe to be true - defer to? What does it mean that we inherit them? How is unbiased "pure mathematics" able to account for quantum mechanics and the uncertainty principle or godels incompleteness or the work of cantor on set theory? Who speaks for pure mathematics?
@@BlankBey0nd So, you don't know what pure mathematics means? Or you don't know what a search engine is?
@johnburns9634 the mathematics we have now are the mathematics we have for today. already in that sense they are conditioned by their times. The dilemma of wielding pure mathematics is not unlike that of kants noumena. The thing in itself, independent from being schematized through quantity, through time space, this thing that is freedom, is unable to be fully thought, for if it were to be thought it would not be free. The question of the free will hinges on this, for if a subject somehow had access to the thing itself they would be entirely determined. It would no longer be a question of bias or preference, it would be a statement of dogmatic totalitarianism, a unilateral, wholesale negation of everything besides itself, a permanent state of exception. No subject that thought in pure mathematics (if they are thinking at all) could avoid dogmatic assertion and in their overidentification with objective spirit (that which is independent of subject spirit, outside of that which experience in the world of subjectivity) would be reduced to psychotic autism. We already see it now in the attempt to formally map "reality" and by peoples obsession with formal consistency. But a complete mapping is impossible. Any set of numbers when existing in a set must also account for the empty set, for void, for that which the set of all numbers included in the primary set. Thus lines are drawn even in your concieved notion and conception of pure mathematic.
This 9:24 is something I've been thinking of for decades, were the Axis to be victorious. It's so obvious but this is the first time I've heard it. Coming from a source like Sarah Paine is gratifying.
Generalplan Ost
Unrelated plans by various individuals with no ability to implement such plans does not indicate the aim of a government to commit genocide. By this logic, if the Germans won the war, they could have accused the Americans of planning on destroying all German people due to the Morgenthau Plan.
I didn't even know he was sick
7:23 hm, quite intriguing laugh
Would love to have her analyze the War 1861-1865
I hate that American and many "western educated" historians have never bothered to actually research the famine in South Russia, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine that occurred in the early 1930's. It was NOT a 'man-made' famine "inflicted' on the Ukrainian ethnic population. It was a famine that actually killed far more ethnic Russians and Kazaks than ethnic Ukrainians.
Crop failures and famine had occurred in that area of Russia in past years, and even is mentioned in some classic Russian writers' works.
Are you referring to the collectivization failures? We know that this had killed millions in the USSR as well as China.
I certainly admire this woman.
Is Netanyahu oh political "death ground"?
No but the Hamas leadership is
Hardly, but being a small land, you can always sell that notion
He is.
No, but being surrounded is a factor...
What is her book?
To think that Communist China is a bad thing I think is very one-sided. The unipolar world under US hegemony has stagnated save for Silicon Valley and a few other bastions of creativity. And even then, Silicon Valley has created a plethora of new problems regarding mental health, from internet addiction to social media anxiety & depression. The economic model that China is currently using is superior to the US currently. Our cities are still being built with the 1900 mindset of requiring to drive, which truly only benefits the car companies and gas companies. The government til this day hasn't invested in public transportation, and neoliberalism has literally made us race to the bottom for goods, exploiting third world nations as we force them to embark free trade while we don't do it ourselves.
China is the antithesis, and has quietly observed how the US has conducted itself. I love how China did NOT bail out Evergrande like we did with the banks during the 08 financial crisis. Our government has been bought out, and though we like to champion freedom, free speech, and equal rights, our government does not really believe it, but loves to portray the image that that is what we represent, and that it is fine to invade 'backwards authoritarian regimes' such as Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan and Syria, so long as we use those principals as our Trojan Horse.
Our government is ran by super rich, spoiled, arrogant, assholes. If you think the people in Orange County and Hollywood are stuck up, imagine how far that gets scaled when we're talking about billionaires who've never spent a single day with regular people of America. Capitalism being good is what the capitalists who are on top want you to think lmao. How is this not recognized? Always look at your own team with suspicion because they will never admit their 'true' wrongdoings. China IS NOT perfect by any means, and has a lot of flaws in itself. But the US is not any better, and in my opinion, has done more global damage. The only time it ever does good is when it benefits it's long term goals, such as rebuilding Germany, Japan, and South Korea to keep Communist countries at bay. We've done nothing like this for South America nor Africa, EVER, and would NEVER do it if the US stays as the hegemonic power. Check out Michael Hudson. Would love to see Michael Hudson and Sarah Paine speak. Both seem highly intelligent but have veryyyy different views.
The US unipolar dominace ends no matter what clowns like this lady says...
She is an extremely eloquent and knowledgeable lady. No doubt about it.
Excellent presentation of verified historical facts, not propaganda
The history stuff is accurate. The stuff about right now is not. Pure propaganda narrative, as sponsored by the Nazis of Kyiv, and brought to you by the money in Washington. Want to put it this way when they’re going got tough about 75% of Ukrainians got going rather than defend their supposed aboriginal sacred inviolable inborn national identity. More Ukrainians chose to become Russians then chose to fight for Ukraine. Even the Nazis to call themselves, Ukrainian nationalists would rather find ways to send the national minorities to die instead of go themselves.
This is neoliberal propaganda. The Marxists are less absurd than this woman.
"Ah, but Hitler killed more and was more hated." That's debatable. Moreover, most of the people Stalin killed were his own citizens. The Soviets were also invading other countries before WWII. Hitler is condemned for invading Poland, yet the Soviets invaded Poland just a week or two later. As far as hated goes, that's largely a product of demonization and propaganda. I hate Stalin, Roosevelt, and FDR far more than I do Hitler.
If you hate Roosevelt more than Hitler, you need to see a doctor.
That's not debatable.
700 000 Ukrainians became Russian citizens every year since 2022 at minimum. The most number of Holodomor was around Volga river in Russia. Isaine lyar
Post source or hella cap.
@@Jason-ou1ln Starvation was also in Czeckoslovakia. As a Ukranian both my gran grand father and mother died during the starvation of the early 30's. It was the fault of the Bolsheviks, but not intentional. As every Kolhoz reported record grain harvests to Moscow, for fear of denounsiation, while having the worst harvest in 20 years. Moscow decided to sell the perceived surplus overseas. Causing famine, making my grandmother and her 2 sisters into a Bolshevik orphanage.
Ask her how that thought process relates to Syria.
I'd like to hear the answer to that.
She is so wrong in so many instances that it is futile to discuss....whan academics are like this it's lost 'battle' for younger generations that will learn distorted history.