@Nicholas Troy Actually you are both wrong! The 1/6 you are both referring to relates to "The acceleration due to "gravity" on the service of the moon. The moon's actual gravity in relation to Earth is 16.6% or 0.166g
The most telling part to me is when he drops the bag towards the end of the video and is reaching for it but cannot bend over because the wireman is keeping him up. You can also see a wire catch the lights and ping hugely
Imagine trying to move in 1/6th earth gravity while wearing something that feels like being inside an overinflated tire, no wonder they fell so much lmao
"I'd go to the moon in a nanosecond. The problem is we don't have the technology to do that anymore. We used to, but we destroyed that technology, and it's a painful process to build it back again." - Don Pettit
Eles destruiram essa tecnologia....destruir historia?Que tecnologia destruiram eles ao ponto de quererem que a não se conhecesse ou guardasse?Ninguem destroi algo desta amplitude...e unica em nome da humanidade...disseram eles....ou em nome dos seus deuses pagãos?Que tecnologia era esta?Apenas modelos?cenários?Aqui sim,teriam razão de se verem livres desta....tecnologia.Preservar algo que os incriminaria?Querem ir em 2024?Já nos estão a preparar a mente para a aceitação?Programação cognitiva?Agora será muito mais complicado com a tecnologia de imagem que existe,saber o que é real e o que não é.Se realmente foi tudo uma farsa,terão aqui uma boa oportunidade com esta ida em 2024 de nos apresentarem provas das merdas que lá deixaram a partir de 1969.Destruirem algo que lhes custou biliões a construirem,é porque existia peixe graúdo na rede,e não foi por mero acaso o terem destruido tal tecnologia.Quando eu observo em écran grande formato o módulo por exemplo da Apollo 11,onde se vêm os paineis que resguardavam as baterias e parte do sistema electrico,preso por arrebites,espaços entre si,todo amolgado e ondelado,e quando parte de novo,esses paineis desfazem-se todos,ficando a descoberto essas baterias e sistema electrico,penso que fizeram bem em destruir essa tecnologia,que mais parece uma nave dos marretas pós apocaliptica reciclada,bocado aqui,bocado ali.Realmente ninguém guardaria ou preservaria esta alta tecnologia.A verdade da mentira sempre funcionou muito bem,e vai continuar a funcionar em ....2024.
Three of the most technologically advanced countries recently attempted to land on the moon.....one out of three made it. But we did it in 1969 with no technology at all.... Yea right!!! I'm going to Disney land!
In an attempt to keep standing, he pushed with his legs against the ground which caused the temporary flotation. The bag just fell from his hands. Not to mention, how do you think they faked the dust particles floating when he was walking and falling? Dumbass.
@@kewlnes987the bag falls at a different rate then the Man And When the Bag Falls it Hits The Ground. Why Does the Man Hover above the Ground. Has to be being Suspended Like a Han Puppet
On the contrary - he made no attempt to simulate 1/6 gravity in his movie 2001 because it was impossible at the time with the tech available. It was not until 2005 that we have been able to do this in movies, and that was for less than 10 minute worth of footage that took hours by stuntmen to complete using pulleys and wires on a small area of the moon. There are over 400hrs of moon footage from the Apollo videos, showing locations from over 30 different parts of the moon.
I'm confused... I thought they found out that the moon dust is super dangerous to the suits because the dust is made up of particles super small and almost like sharp glass barbs.
LMAO GIRL, "yes lets send out mfs for a whole space mission in these sensitive suits that break easily" WHAT YOU THINK THIS IS LMFAOOOOOOO THIS A SPACE SUIT MF NOT NO MFKING SWEATSHIRT😭
What a bushtit propaganda! Did you notice when actor dropped the thing ? His item dropped fast like a dropping stone. Shockingly poor staging. Wake up people
Watch as he falls then gets up. He has an object attached to the right side of his pack. The gravity on the Moon is 1/6th of Earth but watch as the object that is not tied down on the bottom swing up and down at a very Earth like speed. When the astronauts movements causes the object to swing up it should swing down slowly. It does not.
Yes and of you Alter the Playback Speed. You can greatly impact perception.. Seems like the Film is Slightly Slowed to make the Dust hang Longer. It's Obvious the Dust and Bag Falls Faster then The Person. And when he Falls He Never hits The Ground
So, i’ve heard that they have to put on extra weight so they won’t float away. And yet the bag just falls to the ground. 🤔 i don’t know folks. Something don’t look right here.
You really need to learn physics first. Even if an astronaut weighed the same as a lump of sugar, they wouldn't float away. Drop one on the moon or earth, it will still fall down.
@@astroroadshow you don’t need to condescend people for being skeptical or inquisitive about something. That’s how we learn in the first place. He raises a valid concern. Give your response and don’t be a dink.
Donavan Caton there is gravity on the moon but it’s just not as strong it’s like 1/6 of earths gravity because the moon has less mass and therefore a smaller gravitational pull
Lawrence Howlins actually... believing 6 moon landings were faked and that these astronauts are being held by wires is having your head up your ass... big time.
Ok , if he is kind of floating why when the dirt is kicked up doesn't it fly away, the dirt and the astronaut are being affected by the lesser gravity in two different ways?
Just what I thought too 😅 and look at 0:24 just above his backpack you can see wire for one moment, it's reflecting under some light source, just before he got pulled up.
thank you i said the same thing but someone called nick ross felt the need to get all upset about it i mean i was just asking a question but this person took it all personal and started calling me ignorant and talking about me keeping my house in kansas and some rubbish about i bought the house so i should go back to kansas , the thing is i live in the uk and dont know where kansas even is , lol
please can someone explain why the bag is fallen much slower 1:14 than the more heavier box 0:56 ?! without atmosphere in vacume they should fall equally fast/slow.....
Did you spend all night coming up with that one? What are you talking about SMH. The one at 0.56 seems to have been forced down in the process of him trying to hold onto it and the other object. This is not a controlled experiment where he is holding up two object at the same height and letting go.
@@nickrose8733 your reply does not answer my question, instead you are agressively attacking me....for all those who are reading this... please can someone competent answer my question without "trolling"?
@@nickrose8733 wtf?!! stop annoying me, you start harrassing me...and no, you did not answer anything...just typing in a few words does not make it an answer....
Moon landing happened 4 years before I was born. Now I'm approaching 50 and we have not been back? With the much more advanced technology? Old 1969 technology has been lost?
@@oskat8981 The president's proposed budget increases NASA's funding by ≈12%, to $25b, but I don't believe it has been approved yet. Unfortunately, this increase still leaves us far behind that of the late sixties, when adjusted for inflation (upwards of $40b). The proposal also increases defence spending by $34b, to a total of $750b. Wish we could take some of that money and add it to NASA's budget. I'm not going to get into all of the things that get cut in the proposal because I hate arguing about politics when the subject is space exploration, something we all should be excited for continuing and advancing.
You tube keeps suggesting videos of astronauts falling over. Like I will only participate in mankind's pinnacle of scientific achievement if slapstick comedy is involved.
_"How did these Apollo astronauts navigate the Van Halen belt?"_ Van Halen formed in 1972, so they likely weren't aware of that rock band to come. I'm pretty sure you cannot "navigate" his belt btw.
The Saturn V trajectory took the rocket through the thinnest part of the outer Van Allen belts in a short space of time, so the dose of radiation was within safety limits. Each mission flew a slightly different course in order to access its landing site, but the orbital inclination of the translunar coast trajectory was inclined to the Earth’s equator by about 30°. A spacecraft following that trajectory would bypass all but the edges of the Van Allen belts. High energy protons are the main types of ionising particles in the Van Allen belts along with electrons, and not electromagnetic waves e.g. ultraviolet, infrared, gamma etc. Electrons can pass through living tissue without creating much damage as they are very small. The Command Module’s outer hull was made of stainless steel and the (upper) heat shield from epoxy resin, which along with the fibrous insulation between the inner and outer hulls was a very effective form of shielding against protonic radiation. The ISS at times passes through the Van Allen belts and so did Gemini 10 and 11 in 1966.
They flew at night dum dum, and wrapped the rocket in tinfoil, also they had hyperflexible spacesuits that not even current ISS crewship have aswell as seemingly no large inflation in the legs, but in NASA we trust.
@@Grandmaster-Kush : Actually the spacesuits currently used on the ISS are direct descendants of the ones used for Apollo missions, they are very similar.
It will be a lot better quality, it is in the making. All of the old funny Nasa Photos and Videos of the Moon like this will be replaced in the Google Search engine by the new believable ones, so people can forget how laughable their lie was. I see even today I find a lot less footages than I searched in 2000`s because they were debunked. The censure with this... But fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me 😄
@@jbfrom503it’s physically impossible for them to recreate the entire Apollo missions in a studio. They are 100% in a vacuum as the dust doesn’t go turbulent, the dust doesn’t fall as it would on earth, it stays up way longer than it would here, and in some videos, they travel extremely long distances, again in a vacuum which would mean it would have been recorded in a vacuum chamber 100X bigger than the biggest one we have TODAY. Theres unbroken footage of some astronauts driving on the rover and they go for at least a mile or more. Also, if someone would say it’s fake, wouldn’t you think it would be the Soviets who would have claimed it was fake first since they had satellites orbiting the moon at the time. If they never saw the lander, you know they would tell the world the US lied and would have shown proof they lied, but they never did cuz it’s real. Making the claim it’s fake from low quality footage lasting a minute is a low bar when theres several hours of footage available for you to see Edit: the “String” is an antenna which ends around a foot above them. It also doesn’t go straight up but angles with the PLSS. It’s an antenna
Here is a thought. At 23 seconds in this video, the antenna on his back pack catches the light. It is clear as day that this is an antenna and not some artefact of the film. Yet in hours of video of astronauts walking on the moon, we don't see any clear flashes from the supposed wires holding them up. How can this be?
i think you have got me mixed up wiv someone else mate i live in the uk and dont even know where kansas is mate , i was only asking a question there is no need toget rude if you cant have an adult chat please dont put my name in your mouth again if you just want to pick a fight wiv someone i not the guy you want to pick a fight wiv
@@donniev8181 If you watch the hours of video of the moon landing, and the thousands of pictures, what looks like a small hill a hundred or so feet away are actually mountains many miles away, and several miles high, with the horizon in front of them looking like you could just walk there easily. There is no haze or atmosphere to provide a sense of scale and so the rock a mile away looks as sharp as a rock at your feet. This is the reason Elon Musk says the footage is real because it looks so fake.
What's the object sitting on the horizon on the right side of the picture? And, notice at 1:13, just before the end of the film, it flashes a bright white light! Very odd don't you think? 🚬👓...
You mean just before they cut the footage? Nothing to see here folks...oh look how about that wire that flashes above his backpack that pulls him back up!
So, are they playing this back in slow motion or not? If in slow motion, why does it fall so fast when everything else looks slow? You can't have it both ways - claim this is all slow becasue of slow motion, then also criticise a part of it for going fast. If this was in slow motion, imagine how fast that object fell in real speed? Kinda debunks this is a hoax. Thanks for that. My explanation is that he is actually on the moon, but in the process of trying to hold on to the objects, flung one downward. What is your explanation?
@@Ruka_Sarashina777 Yeah. i can't believe people think they had the technology in 1970 to fake this footage. 'I don't know how they faked it but it looks fake' doesn't hold as an argument.
It's an interesting combination of the weak gravity, awkward unbalanced load, and decreased mobility. Watching him flounder almost gives you a feel for what it would be like. I think if they would have had a light suit that they could move in they would have done some awesome acrobatics. Who wouldn't do a double back flip if all of a sudden you could jump 8 feet straight up.
Yeah! But they could have fun in the moment. lol jk No, I was kind of thinking of a suit that was a lot more advanced than what we could make then...or even now. It was just a thought though.
+GengoNoTabi NO.. NO.. NOOOO. How STUPID are you. Gravity is has constant characteristics. "Light" gravity doesn't PAUSE... if you start to fall, you pick up speed, and then fall the rest of the way unless you catch yourself. He literally ALMOST falls all the way down TWICE, skims/bounces off air in between, before he finally touches the ground. You show me who can do that on ANY surface of a large spherical body, and I'll show you a superhero. I mourn for the dying intelligence of our population.
Matthew O'Mary yeah i kno man. But the gravity is 1/6 of what it is on earth, so obviously the mass is far less comparably as well, so my point being: why wouldn’t the dust kicked up keep drifting around far further and longer before falling back down so quickly? Maybe the absence of an atmosphere makes the dust act different than it would on earth and not “float” even with the far lighter mass an gravity? Honestly just curious man lmao
Billy West There’s no atmosphere on the moon to keep the dust floating in the air, and it just falls down to the ground without sticking there like it would on Earth. Notice how the Astronaut and the dust seem to fall at the same speed.
Also. Notice when he drops it, it falls at regular speed, also. He has some thing attached to his "knapsack" that bounces at regular speed. Only he seems to be less gravitational... that's one giant lie for man. And one even greater setback for Mankind.
I don't believe this "astronaut" is in vacuum of the moon. Just look when he is on his knees! His suit CAN NOT be vacuum proofed! Additionally all real astronauts would have avoided all unnecessary risks and "clown type" behavior!
Perhaps that is because he threw it down when trying to juggle two objects? I am sure this has happended to you when you are trying to hold onto two objects at the same time and in the process of trying to do so, you accidentally push one of them down. You hoaxtards do not think. Just jump to a conclusion based on the fact you do not want to believe. I assume you believe they had to slow the footage down to make it look the way it does? Then how do you explain the small object falling so fast if they slowed everything down? Logic does not matter to you guys - just throw some suspision out to satisfy the internal conflict you have reconciling all the evidence they went with the non existant evidence they did not.
@@yogolee69 His movement at the end would suggest that he's physically restricted 💯 Also. notice the line separating 2 different shades of 'soil' that he seems incapable of crossing.
It’s farther away than it looks because there is no air. Distant landscape does not become hazy and indistinct like it does on earth. (Aerial perspective)
@@sasha-x4n7q you do realize that the moon doesn't have a full on atmosphere like earth does right? you really wont know how far the edge is until you go there... pretty sure even the astronauts on one mission said they couldnt tell how far things were
16 September 2016 at 20:45 AEST moon was spotted in all of these places... Countries where the moon was seen: Australia>New Zealand>Japan>Canada>United States>Mexico>Brazil>England>Netherlands>Germany, this is not possible on a globe earth!
You expected to see stars in this quality? With this level of exposure? I'm going to guess you don't take many photos. Here's a fun game, get a telescope and point it at the moon, the light that comes through your telescope is damn near blinding. Now look at this footage, the moon isn't overly exposed because the camera is adjusted at a very low exposure, meaning faint objects (like stars) will not come through.
On to the Moon: the only place other than Earth where humans have dared to leap. The Moon's gravity at the surface is only 17 percent that of Earth's. Using the same force of a jump on Earth, you could rise about 3 metres (10 feet) off the ground and stay in the air for about 4 seconds.12 Jan 2017
@@desbell7431 How can you explain the moon's soil? Does the object he's carrying at 1:05 dropped at a normal speed? 🤦🏻 SMH you guys are still believing in "Conspiracies" even if there were no proofs. Where here, you are served with proof, but still you chose not to believe in it 😅
@@Stickiestboi There is a clip where they jump, maybe 5 ft up, but they're behind some equipment so you can't see the trampoline. One of them does fall, but rhe suit's ok. Fake!
I have a question If the gravity of moon is less then earth then 2 things are dropped first one 00:56 and second one is on 01:06 but on both drops they have difference between dropping things can anyone explained it plz
@@clayzr4716 240,000 miles away from earth. Diameter of the earth is 8,000 miles. 30 earth diameters away. 600 times further than is capable in 2023. Bypassing the van Allen radiation belt upon entry and re-entry unscathed. 3 astronauts traveling at 4000 mph, spacecraft separates and flies down to the surface of the moon in an SUV in a vacuum of 1/6th gravity. 1000 miles outside of earths orbit, where modern astronauts stay below 400 miles from earth due to the fact that radiation would kill us instantly. After hanging out on the surface of another planet for 3 days driving around in a dune buggy, in air conditioned space suits, filming every moment - communicating back to Houston, Texas via radio - they hop back in a blast off 69 miles, command module 4000 mph, and drop back in a pod with parachutes. Again, are you claiming that live-streaming this from the moon in 1960’s is EASIER than producing a short film on a sound stage?
Andres Ramirez I notice that too, and I was in special education classes all my life, and y can see cable line at ;40 above his back pack ,how it lights up!
The video is what is used lmao. Every particle in thr moon is affected the same way and not based on size. Tiny graina should react in the same way the "astronauts" body reacts.
In the most hazzardous and extreme environment man can ever be in, with a thin fabric separating you from instant death, this guys has little regard for his safety or life. It's almost as if he knows nothing bad will happen to him.
It's almost as if he has many layers of material separating him from instant death, few of which are thin, and none of which are fragile. If you're right, why lie?
@@happymuncho1748 Dude....the hand movements are in natural speed while the sand and his body movement is slowed down, how tf would that be possible even now , let alone 50 years ago??Some people are just so stupid that it hurts , you should have attend your school classes buddy
Me neither, but the astronauts physics on the moon seem to be correct, except for how they continually trip and fall without any sense of caution. For me the background gives it away.
Go to 0:23 and look right on top of the back pack. You can see a wire hanging from them flashing from the light. Idk about you but that looks like wire to me.
Imagine a man, a supposed astronaut, hanging from a nylon rope attached to a lifting crane. How will he move? How will he fall down, how will he get up again? What will the whole thing look like, filmed in black and white and shown in slow motion????? I would say “JUST LIKE THIS” 😂😂😂😂😂
@@borizovskimilan sucks to see. these three men risked their lives flying to the moon with no guarantees of coming back only for 15 year old couch dwellers to claim it was fake
@@borizovskimilanjoke is people like you being so limited in their minds they can't comprehend that humans can achieve more than they did. Go beat your poor kids into brainless automatons, don't waste your time trying to convince sane people that they must be as brainless as you are.
Wow, I can't understand how people can't see that he is being pulled up without him initiating the action, the other thing is the dust that goes down just like it does on earth, if the guy is almost "floating" how come the dust which is far less heavier goes down so fast, knowing that the moon's gravity is about 16.6% that of earth, he shouldn't be even able to move that fast.
@@Monalisa77753 they'll argue that space is a vacuum therefore all objects should fall at the same speed, but in fact space is filled with matter just like the air on earth is filled with matter.
Because air resistance is what causes objects to fall at different speeds. There’s obviously no air resistance on the moon, so all objects will fall at the same rate there. Apollo 15 astronaut David Scott formally demonstrated this on video when he was there.
Here's the thing, there is only 1 of 2 things that happened, the first is we landed on the moon and found out that it is an artificially made base and we were warned off not to return which would explain why we havnt been back or two is we just simply never landed on the moon which would be the reason why we've never been back because we never did in the first place.
@@kevinskinner4986 1/2.45..? Is that saying one half plus .45 lik 0.545..? Sorry I dunno how to even read that. Like 1/2 I'd say a half or 1/4 a quarter but 1/2.45 if I'm reading that aloud to someone idk what id even articulate.. one half point four five which is a hard thing to imagine. basically just over one half right?
@@jaredb9523 Yes. Have you actually timed it? First thing Aldrin does in the apollo 11 footage is jump back onto the ladder a few times. It takes over a second to hit the ground each time. On Earth, it would take about half a second to fall waist height.
0:32 I love how he starts falling upwards
Low gravity is funny :-)
Thomas Kundera and fake
@@bc2love Or he simply pushed up himself with his leg while falling, Duh.
George NYC you believe this is fake don’t you?
Not a Idiot I know it's fake
This is what I feel like when I'm having a bad dream trying to run away from whatever it is...
Huhu same 😬😬😬😖😫
I once dreamed of being chased by a snake but I kept falling
Then stop running
@@cryptocrypto8736 you’re a genius
First fail video from the moon
Skywaller ,wow that space dirt reacts just like it would on a planet with gravity !
Johnny the moon does have gravity... just only about 1/6 of earths
Nicholas Troy thanks I changed it.
@Nicholas Troy Actually you are both wrong! The 1/6 you are both referring to relates to "The acceleration due to "gravity" on the service of the moon. The moon's actual gravity in relation to Earth is 16.6% or 0.166g
@@davemiasik6109 1.62m/s^2
“That’s one small fall for man, one giant laugh for mankind”
The most telling part to me is when he drops the bag towards the end of the video and is reaching for it but cannot bend over because the wireman is keeping him up. You can also see a wire catch the lights and ping hugely
@@joemartin9904 true 😂 how can anyone with brain cells believe these clowns
@@joemartin9904 tellietubbie
Alien: What is that guy even doing..
2nd alien being human :p
It's not a guy. A family of raccoons snuck into the lunar lander and decided to make their home in a space suit.
D-Boi FuntimePlays166 what if they were like “what the fuck are those?!” Or went back to their friends and they didn’t believe
Hollywood director not alien.
Alien: hey hhagshahwf did u see that? This are an human that u have talking about? They exist :0?!
50 years from now, this will just be another video in a compilation of moon fails.
Isn't that what it is now?
yep F A K E
@@spacemenschool4699 look Eric Dubay mars rover
In 50 years there still wont be anyone on the moon
Go home, astronaut, you're drunk.
He's home
Buzz would regard that as a compliment!
He don't have an extra energy for that!
0:53 “nooo, dat gummit”
Me at 3 am trying to get some water
Lmao me too
Heartworn Fox me to
Lol that’s me rn
America's funniest moon videos
1969year movie
lol,"Will you go over there and help twinkle toes?"
Potentially the greatest line ever said in space 🤣
He was talking to the guy running the boom controlling the wire harness.
@@mr.c1563 lmao
@@mr.c1563 Sure he was, lmao
Imagine trying to move in 1/6th earth gravity while wearing something that feels like being inside an overinflated tire, no wonder they fell so much lmao
"I'd go to the moon in a nanosecond. The problem is we don't have the technology to do that anymore. We used to, but we destroyed that technology, and it's a painful process to build it back again." - Don Pettit
Oh really u had one...
Disney studio still exist nd is up nd running hehehhee
Eles destruiram essa tecnologia....destruir historia?Que tecnologia destruiram eles ao ponto de quererem que a não se conhecesse ou guardasse?Ninguem destroi algo desta amplitude...e unica em nome da humanidade...disseram eles....ou em nome dos seus deuses pagãos?Que tecnologia era esta?Apenas modelos?cenários?Aqui sim,teriam razão de se verem livres desta....tecnologia.Preservar algo que os incriminaria?Querem ir em 2024?Já nos estão a preparar a mente para a aceitação?Programação cognitiva?Agora será muito mais complicado com a tecnologia de imagem que existe,saber o que é real e o que não é.Se realmente foi tudo uma farsa,terão aqui uma boa oportunidade com esta ida em 2024 de nos apresentarem provas das merdas que lá deixaram a partir de 1969.Destruirem algo que lhes custou biliões a construirem,é porque existia peixe graúdo na rede,e não foi por mero acaso o terem destruido tal tecnologia.Quando eu observo em écran grande formato o módulo por exemplo da Apollo 11,onde se vêm os paineis que resguardavam as baterias e parte do sistema electrico,preso por arrebites,espaços entre si,todo amolgado e ondelado,e quando parte de novo,esses paineis desfazem-se todos,ficando a descoberto essas baterias e sistema electrico,penso que fizeram bem em destruir essa tecnologia,que mais parece uma nave dos marretas pós apocaliptica reciclada,bocado aqui,bocado ali.Realmente ninguém guardaria ou preservaria esta alta tecnologia.A verdade da mentira sempre funcionou muito bem,e vai continuar a funcionar em ....2024.
English or Serbian please.
NASA admits we never went to the moon. ruclips.net/video/SGU1BkUzut8/видео.html
Three of the most technologically advanced countries recently attempted to land on the moon.....one out of three made it. But we did it in 1969 with no technology at all.... Yea right!!! I'm going to Disney land!
I never studied a falling bag so much.
You’ve never studied in school at all so you don’t know how gravity works
@@truemenentoflife1721 The moon's gravity is 1:6 of that on Earth, and 1:1 compared to your mom
@@peterpetruzzi 😂😂😂😂
@@peterpetruzzi911? Yeah I’d like to report a FUCKIN MURDER
Interesting how he hovers in the air after falling, but when he drops the bag, it goes straight down to the ground.
In an attempt to keep standing, he pushed with his legs against the ground which caused the temporary flotation. The bag just fell from his hands. Not to mention, how do you think they faked the dust particles floating when he was walking and falling? Dumbass.
Where did he get the bag from......there are no shops on the moon
Argument over!!! 🤔
@@guitarstaraces746 apparently there isn’t such a thing as a spaceship and if there was you could never put anything in it
@@guitarstaraces746 its almost as if they brought the bag with them
@@kewlnes987the bag falls at a different rate then the Man
And When the Bag Falls it Hits The Ground.
Why Does the Man Hover above the Ground.
Has to be being Suspended
Like a Han Puppet
Can no one see that movements look more like what you'd see if he was suspended by wire than if he was in a lower-gravity environment?
Video analysis could verify your wire theory if it were true. But no one has managed to do that. Not even nations unfriendly to the U.S.
How do you explain the behavior of the dust he's kicking up, then?
oh knock it off - look at how slowly the dust settles due to low gravity
@@lw216316 do you think they couldn't lower the frame rate back then?
I have lived in a tent sn entire year trough the winter and it looks just as I would imagine while wearing a heavy backpack.
bruh the contrast of people walking on the moon and then people in this comment section that havent learnt to walk yet
Stanley Kubrick isn’t proud of this
On the contrary - he made no attempt to simulate 1/6 gravity in his movie 2001 because it was impossible at the time with the tech available. It was not until 2005 that we have been able to do this in movies, and that was for less than 10 minute worth of footage that took hours by stuntmen to complete using pulleys and wires on a small area of the moon. There are over 400hrs of moon footage from the Apollo videos, showing locations from over 30 different parts of the moon.
I'm confused... I thought they found out that the moon dust is super dangerous to the suits because the dust is made up of particles super small and almost like sharp glass barbs.
Well yeah. The suits did sustain damage. It's not like they instantly exploded, though.
LMAO GIRL, "yes lets send out mfs for a whole space mission in these sensitive suits that break easily" WHAT YOU THINK THIS IS LMFAOOOOOOO THIS A SPACE SUIT MF NOT NO MFKING SWEATSHIRT😭
@Another Faze neither me, you, Bill Nye or your god can change reality.
What a bushtit propaganda! Did you notice when actor dropped the thing ? His item dropped fast like a dropping stone. Shockingly poor staging. Wake up people
Moon dust yes; Earth dust no.
It's those damn puppet strings!
"Dad gumit." I hope that complies with "Community Guidelines!
Funny fact: when Michael Jackson did the moon walk he never fell
Watch as he falls then gets up. He has an object attached to the right side of his pack. The gravity on the Moon is 1/6th of Earth but watch as the object that is not tied down on the bottom swing up and down at a very Earth like speed. When the astronauts movements causes the object to swing up it should swing down slowly. It does not.
you do realize how fast things fall on earth though? 1/6th of this speed doesn't mean it's gonna fall extremely slowly.
So this is slow motion or not? If it was slow motion why the object fall so fast?
Yes and of you Alter the Playback Speed. You can greatly impact perception..
Seems like the Film is Slightly Slowed to make the Dust hang Longer. It's Obvious the Dust and Bag Falls Faster then The Person. And when he Falls He Never hits The Ground
@@CROWOLF87so the dust falls slow but the astronauts fall much quicker then the dust, you’re just looking for ways you can cause problems 😒
Don’t laugh, he’s prepared his whole life for this
i laughed at this comment more then him falling
He prepared his whole life in stage lmao
@Nerd says the lazy ass moron who never picked up a book in his life
This is fake !!
to lie for the whole of his life and get some bonus
So, i’ve heard that they have to put on extra weight so they won’t float away. And yet the bag just falls to the ground. 🤔 i don’t know folks. Something don’t look right here.
If u want to float away you need enough energy to jump about 10000-20000 meters above earth good luck
You really need to learn physics first. Even if an astronaut weighed the same as a lump of sugar, they wouldn't float away. Drop one on the moon or earth, it will still fall down.
It don't look right because it ain't right.
@@astroroadshow you don’t need to condescend people for being skeptical or inquisitive about something. That’s how we learn in the first place.
He raises a valid concern. Give your response and don’t be a dink.
@@JarodJoseph I wasn't being condescending. I just said he needed to learn some Physics first, so I taught a little.
Man I would have been terrified of busting my suit/spaceship.
So would he if he was on the moon
He isnt? Or are u joking
Sand would float
Donavan Caton there is gravity on the moon but it’s just not as strong it’s like 1/6 of earths gravity because the moon has less mass and therefore a smaller gravitational pull
@@wiredbowl2134 The moon landing conspiracy people are the same people who believe that gravity is fake.
could be a bad day for the cable rig operator
ok, go back to your cave, troll.
+pixelspring THANK you. SOMEONE on this comment string doesn't have their mind stuck up their ass.
Lawrence Howlins
actually... believing 6 moon landings were faked and that these astronauts are being held by wires is having your head up your ass... big time.
Kubrick confessing m.ruclips.net/video/GsaxaOpGI08/видео.html
That's exactly what happened
Ok , if he is kind of floating why when the dirt is kicked up doesn't it fly away, the dirt and the astronaut are being affected by the lesser gravity in two different ways?
Just what I thought too 😅 and look at 0:24 just above his backpack you can see wire for one moment, it's reflecting under some light source, just before he got pulled up.
Cuz no wind
@@isaacisaac1130 check astronaut suit schematics there is an antenna
@@isaacisaac1130 antenna
thank you i said the same thing but someone called nick ross felt the need to get all upset about it i mean i was just asking a question but this person took it all personal and started calling me ignorant and talking about me keeping my house in kansas and some rubbish about i bought the house so i should go back to kansas , the thing is i live in the uk and dont know where kansas even is , lol
:34 Having some serious troubles with those wires!!
Yeah clearly being dragged on his knees first forward then backwards
In your brain? Yeah....
Antenna. For the radio
What are you, five?
@@Concavenator_corcovatus NASA fan boy troll.
I think it’s so amazing that they made it through the van allen belt with that Reynolds wrap they had back then
Yes exactly
@S. M. they did bro see this video you'll know Howe they cleared van Allen belt
And the rocket running on car batteries
Don’t worry their lunar module was wrapped in tinfoil for protection 🤣🤣
Shhhhh. Stop thinking, just let the government and MSM tell you to switch off and go watch some trash TV on Netflix or something.
"I've fallen and I can't get up!"
I see you're a man of culture...
I think his "Medic Alert" was activated...He's good.
its fake
@@ryanmozert Idk if you're trying to be funny or trying to be annoying.
@@markmadea7075 riiiight. of course.
Got tangled in the wires…….
Somewhere in studio 😢
Where is the studio to record this movie?
You know Russia had the technology to make sure the Us really was up there and they would have told the media and the world
It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled
There's A LOTTTT of proof that it's real. Search up on youtube
@@reflesh8802 the moonlanding itself?
@@caydz0rz332 yup.
I'll come back to this comment when Im done lookin but I don't think imma change my mind😏👌
@@caydz0rz332 okay 👌
please can someone explain why the bag is fallen much slower 1:14 than the more heavier box 0:56 ?! without atmosphere in vacume they should fall equally fast/slow.....
Did you spend all night coming up with that one? What are you talking about SMH. The one at 0.56 seems to have been forced down in the process of him trying to hold onto it and the other object. This is not a controlled experiment where he is holding up two object at the same height and letting go.
@@nickrose8733 your reply does not answer my question, instead you are agressively attacking me....for all those who are reading this... please can someone competent answer my question without "trolling"?
@@veibz684 Yeah. Nice try. I have answered your question but you're too upset to admit it.
@@nickrose8733 wtf?!! stop annoying me, you start harrassing me...and no, you did not answer anything...just typing in a few words does not make it an answer....
Can someone please explain to this princess the concept of differing initial velocities before he cries? Thanks.
Moon landing happened 4 years before I was born. Now I'm approaching 50 and we have not been back? With the much more advanced technology? Old 1969 technology has been lost?
6 other missions have walked on the moon, look it up
Sheeple... If you honestly believe we've landed on the moon you're delusional
The president's proposed budget increases NASA's funding by ≈12%, to $25b, but I don't believe it has been approved yet. Unfortunately, this increase still leaves us far behind that of the late sixties, when adjusted for inflation (upwards of $40b).
The proposal also increases defence spending by $34b, to a total of $750b. Wish we could take some of that money and add it to NASA's budget.
I'm not going to get into all of the things that get cut in the proposal because I hate arguing about politics when the subject is space exploration, something we all should be excited for continuing and advancing.
@skintrader100Not just lost but "destroyed".. ever listen to Don Petite?!?
Cliff Yablonski there’s a lady on RUclips that was related to buzz aldrin and have her a thing of moon dirt well it was tested and it was beach sand
Why does the dirt fall at the same speed as it would on earth?
Bj Ellison
Because it’s a desert in Arizona.
Because it doesn't,get contact lenses or glasses!
@@nearlyretired7005 ikr
It does not TF lol look at the side piece on his backpack too it moves as if hes on the moon too tin foil hat guy
can't you see the cable lifting the astronaut and it was set in Arizona they never went to the fucking moon it's all bullshit
You tube keeps suggesting videos of astronauts falling over. Like I will only participate in mankind's pinnacle of scientific achievement if slapstick comedy is involved.
It's hard when you're attached to a wiring harness on a Hollywood set
Where is this wiring harness that everyone can see except me? They had no CGI to remove it back then, so where is it? Please. It is driving me crazy.
@@nickrose8733 It momentarily gets reflected at a certain angle.
@@robben896 That's the antenna on his backpack. SMH
This moon landing is a joke
@@nickrose8733 i was neil armstrong in previous life..yeah we we're on a set ..Nasa is the biggest film industry
How did these Apollo astronauts navigate the Van Halen belt? I would love that question to be answered
Belts. Plural. Measurements done by satellites since 1958. And it’s not like the astronauts stayed in them for sightseeing.
_"How did these Apollo astronauts navigate the Van Halen belt?"_
Van Halen formed in 1972, so they likely weren't aware of that rock band to come.
I'm pretty sure you cannot "navigate" his belt btw.
The Saturn V trajectory took the rocket through the thinnest part of the outer Van Allen belts in a short space of time, so the dose of radiation was within safety limits. Each mission flew a slightly different course in order to access its landing site, but the orbital inclination of the translunar coast trajectory was inclined to the Earth’s equator by about 30°. A spacecraft following that trajectory would bypass all but the edges of the Van Allen belts.
High energy protons are the main types of ionising particles in the Van Allen belts along with electrons, and not electromagnetic waves e.g. ultraviolet, infrared, gamma etc. Electrons can pass through living tissue without creating much damage as they are very small. The Command Module’s outer hull was made of stainless steel and the (upper) heat shield from epoxy resin, which along with the fibrous insulation between the inner and outer hulls was a very effective form of shielding against protonic radiation.
The ISS at times passes through the Van Allen belts and so did Gemini 10 and 11 in 1966.
They flew at night dum dum, and wrapped the rocket in tinfoil, also they had hyperflexible spacesuits that not even current ISS crewship have aswell as seemingly no large inflation in the legs, but in NASA we trust.
@@Grandmaster-Kush : Actually the spacesuits currently used on the ISS are direct descendants of the ones used for Apollo missions, they are very similar.
How do we know if Artemis on 2025 is not going to be another video but with the quality of this time ?
It will be a lot better quality, it is in the making. All of the old funny Nasa Photos and Videos of the Moon like this will be replaced in the Google Search engine by the new believable ones, so people can forget how laughable their lie was. I see even today I find a lot less footages than I searched in 2000`s because they were debunked. The censure with this...
But fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me 😄
I think we can see the differences or the similarity, 2 i think they will think something strange a cam problem maybe or a low resolution cam
theyll probaly live stream with a low quality cam for people to watch and take pictures with high res ones
@@ΚωνσταντίνοςΜπινταςbruh it was the 70’s, give them some slack for the bad quality
He is falling hella slow but the dirt he's kicking up isn't🤔
The dust doesn’t fall like it does on earth. It follows a perfect parabola and takes longer to hit the ground
@archierush868 the dirt is falling right back down faster than he is. He is tied up in strings in a studio. They didn't go to the moon
@@jbfrom503it’s physically impossible for them to recreate the entire Apollo missions in a studio. They are 100% in a vacuum as the dust doesn’t go turbulent, the dust doesn’t fall as it would on earth, it stays up way longer than it would here, and in some videos, they travel extremely long distances, again in a vacuum which would mean it would have been recorded in a vacuum chamber 100X bigger than the biggest one we have TODAY. Theres unbroken footage of some astronauts driving on the rover and they go for at least a mile or more.
Also, if someone would say it’s fake, wouldn’t you think it would be the Soviets who would have claimed it was fake first since they had satellites orbiting the moon at the time. If they never saw the lander, you know they would tell the world the US lied and would have shown proof they lied, but they never did cuz it’s real.
Making the claim it’s fake from low quality footage lasting a minute is a low bar when theres several hours of footage available for you to see
Edit: the “String” is an antenna which ends around a foot above them. It also doesn’t go straight up but angles with the PLSS. It’s an antenna
No dust moves like that on earth. @@jbfrom503
Dust falls slower on Earth because of air resistance, even if the gravity here is higher
Here is a thought. At 23 seconds in this video, the antenna on his back pack catches the light. It is clear as day that this is an antenna and not some artefact of the film. Yet in hours of video of astronauts walking on the moon, we don't see any clear flashes from the supposed wires holding them up. How can this be?
@@Amaru722 Such control with A wire. Fool.
@@Amaru722 With arguments like that, it is pretty much impossible not to think you are wrong. Thanks for giving it a shot.
i think you have got me mixed up wiv someone else mate i live in the uk and dont even know where kansas is mate , i was only asking a question there is no need toget rude if you cant have an adult chat please dont put my name in your mouth again if you just want to pick a fight wiv someone i not the guy you want to pick a fight wiv
Here's a thought, if someone was on the moon they would be able to see almost a mile in any direction??
@@donniev8181 If you watch the hours of video of the moon landing, and the thousands of pictures, what looks like a small hill a hundred or so feet away are actually mountains many miles away, and several miles high, with the horizon in front of them looking like you could just walk there easily. There is no haze or atmosphere to provide a sense of scale and so the rock a mile away looks as sharp as a rock at your feet.
This is the reason Elon Musk says the footage is real because it looks so fake.
Why was the dirt kicked up from him scuttling around move at what looked like normal speed? It didn't float around at all.
But there were no dust clouds. This is proof we went to the moon
Because this is fake, idk how people can look at this and say it's real with a straight face
@@Ruka_Sarashina777 have you ever seen dust fly upwards slowly? and look like that?
@@TimeMasterOG it's didn't fly upward slowly lmao, it look like normal dust on earth
@@Ruka_Sarashina777 bro your an anime fan 💀💀💀 ofc you think its fake.
What's the object sitting on the horizon on the right side of the picture? And, notice at 1:13, just before the end of the film, it flashes a bright white light! Very odd don't you think?
You mean just before they cut the footage? Nothing to see here folks...oh look how about that wire that flashes above his backpack that pulls him back up!
Where are the star’s I thought it would be star’s out in space
Yea in the middle of the day I always see stars.
I love your replies bro. Good work@@DeputyNordburg
@@aeronaut1906 You make it all worthwhile.
At 56 seconds he drops a bag and it hits the ground pretty fast for someone who is supposed to be in one sixth of our gravity!!
So, are they playing this back in slow motion or not? If in slow motion, why does it fall so fast when everything else looks slow? You can't have it both ways - claim this is all slow becasue of slow motion, then also criticise a part of it for going fast. If this was in slow motion, imagine how fast that object fell in real speed? Kinda debunks this is a hoax. Thanks for that.
My explanation is that he is actually on the moon, but in the process of trying to hold on to the objects, flung one downward. What is your explanation?
Because it has momentum. He clearly is "throwing" it to the ground.
Yeah Can't believe some people actually believe this a real fotage
@@Ruka_Sarashina777 Yeah. i can't believe people think they had the technology in 1970 to fake this footage. 'I don't know how they faked it but it looks fake' doesn't hold as an argument.
@@nickrose8733 if they had the tech to go to the moon then they had the tech to make good edits no?
It's an interesting combination of the weak gravity, awkward unbalanced load, and decreased mobility. Watching him flounder almost gives you a feel for what it would be like. I think if they would have had a light suit that they could move in they would have done some awesome acrobatics. Who wouldn't do a double back flip if all of a sudden you could jump 8 feet straight up.
light suit = radiation poisoning = long term problems/death
Yeah! But they could have fun in the moment. lol jk No, I was kind of thinking of a suit that was a lot more advanced than what we could make then...or even now. It was just a thought though.
+GengoNoTabi NO.. NO.. NOOOO. How STUPID are you. Gravity is has constant characteristics. "Light" gravity doesn't PAUSE... if you start to fall, you pick up speed, and then fall the rest of the way unless you catch yourself. He literally ALMOST falls all the way down TWICE, skims/bounces off air in between, before he finally touches the ground. You show me who can do that on ANY surface of a large spherical body, and I'll show you a superhero.
I mourn for the dying intelligence of our population.
Lawrence Howlins You an idiot....
+Lawrence Howlins STOP SAYING THE SAME SHIT ALL OVER AGAIN IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why was the dust falling back down when kicked up in that kind of gravity, Stanley?
the moon has mass ya dummy
Matthew O'Mary yeah i kno man. But the gravity is 1/6 of what it is on earth, so obviously the mass is far less comparably as well, so my point being: why wouldn’t the dust kicked up keep drifting around far further and longer before falling back down so quickly? Maybe the absence of an atmosphere makes the dust act different than it would on earth and not “float” even with the far lighter mass an gravity? Honestly just curious man lmao
@@BilboOutdoors the mass of substance don't change due to their location man. The force changes, ie. their weight.
Billy West There’s no atmosphere on the moon to keep the dust floating in the air, and it just falls down to the ground without sticking there like it would on Earth. Notice how the Astronaut and the dust seem to fall at the same speed.
Milk Shek true
weapons of mass production
@Alvino A tell me, why would NASA want to fake landing on the moon?
@@Idontknow-km5hp to beat Russia in the space race but I think they went
@@juliolp95 thats a good theory
@@Idontknow-km5hp nasa fakes a lot of things
@@Idontknow-km5hpthey take so many tax dollars for one. To make the public think its necessary to continue funding for 2
0:23 The tether that they did not properly brush out..
Lookslike wires are pulling him. He jumps before his legs extend...
Also. Notice when he drops it, it falls at regular speed, also. He has some thing attached to his "knapsack" that bounces at regular speed. Only he seems to be less gravitational... that's one giant lie for man. And one even greater setback for Mankind.
You can see the wire very clearly at 0:24.
MrDarkoKos different gravity , different concept of motion
That sand tho
I don't believe this "astronaut" is in vacuum of the moon.
Just look when he is on his knees! His suit CAN NOT be vacuum proofed!
Additionally all real astronauts would have avoided all unnecessary risks and "clown type" behavior!
0:54 love how the small object falls way faster then the bag
Perhaps that is because he threw it down when trying to juggle two objects? I am sure this has happended to you when you are trying to hold onto two objects at the same time and in the process of trying to do so, you accidentally push one of them down.
You hoaxtards do not think. Just jump to a conclusion based on the fact you do not want to believe. I assume you believe they had to slow the footage down to make it look the way it does? Then how do you explain the small object falling so fast if they slowed everything down?
Logic does not matter to you guys - just throw some suspision out to satisfy the internal conflict you have reconciling all the evidence they went with the non existant evidence they did not.
@@nickrose8733 i never thought it was fake but now i think it's faked
@@yogolee69 That old chesnut. SMH.
@@yogolee69 His movement at the end would suggest that he's physically restricted 💯 Also. notice the line separating 2 different shades of 'soil' that he seems incapable of crossing.
@@oiklej I was joking eeeeee
0:55 Why did the first bag fall off so quick, while he himself and the second bag fell slower?! Something fishy about the physics here.
Damn didn’t even notice that 😂😂 that’s so true
They aren't equally heavy
LOL. You can’t see the difference, it’s very small high.
man i love the videos you guys post :)
It’s so funny and adorable it’s like little confused newborn animals
Same as for people in the comments saying its fake😊.
Is the moon that small to be able to see the Hypsometric curve in that small of frame?
It’s farther away than it looks because there is no air. Distant landscape does not become hazy and indistinct like it does on earth. (Aerial perspective)
Ever heard of mountains and craters ?
That's what gives it away in all the footage. Always just one hill...
@@sasha-x4n7q you do realize that the moon doesn't have a full on atmosphere like earth does right? you really wont know how far the edge is until you go there... pretty sure even the astronauts on one mission said they couldnt tell how far things were
Exactlyyyy like no that looks like smaller than a city, even in a small area you should see white stretch for miles
16 September 2016 at 20:45 AEST moon was spotted in all of these places... Countries where the moon was seen: Australia>New Zealand>Japan>Canada>United States>Mexico>Brazil>England>Netherlands>Germany, this is not possible on a globe earth!
Yeah, keep misunderstanding how rotation, planets, moons and tidal locking work.
1:14 UFO in right
I fell for it lmao
@@lostmedia-e6p he probably meant 1:13
Yes I wonder if it is a metor or a star.
IMAM RAMADHAN it's a dust spec, fart for brains.
Not a UFO, someone opened the studio door at the back a little bit too early hahaha
Was this the first outer space sketch?
Middle of the day and no stars? Please.
>middle of the day
>no stars
read that again but slowly
@@baltimorefella8407 How slow do you need it?
@@DeputyNordburg a bit slower
You expected to see stars in this quality? With this level of exposure? I'm going to guess you don't take many photos.
Here's a fun game, get a telescope and point it at the moon, the light that comes through your telescope is damn near blinding. Now look at this footage, the moon isn't overly exposed because the camera is adjusted at a very low exposure, meaning faint objects (like stars) will not come through.
@@baltimorefella8407doesn't matter the time where are the stars?
Why does the camera Zoom in for the First Get UP.
Not being Suspended eh..
You can see Him and the Bag Fall At Different Rate?
On to the Moon: the only place other than Earth where humans have dared to leap. The Moon's gravity at the surface is only 17 percent that of Earth's. Using the same force of a jump on Earth, you could rise about 3 metres (10 feet) off the ground and stay in the air for about 4 seconds.12 Jan 2017
So “they” tell you.
@@BrainWasherAttendent They didn’t jump to the max height they could’ve since such a fall could’ve damaged the suits heavily,
And dropped objects seem to fall to quickly 🤷♂️
@@desbell7431 How can you explain the moon's soil? Does the object he's carrying at 1:05 dropped at a normal speed? 🤦🏻 SMH you guys are still believing in "Conspiracies" even if there were no proofs. Where here, you are served with proof, but still you chose not to believe in it 😅
@@Stickiestboi There is a clip where they jump, maybe 5 ft up, but they're behind some equipment so you can't see the trampoline. One of them does fall, but rhe suit's ok.
I have a question
If the gravity of moon is less then earth then 2 things are dropped first one 00:56 and second one is on 01:06 but on both drops they have difference between dropping things can anyone explained it plz
keep caution of the astros right leg. if you are smart enough you will notice an irregularity with its movement
0:24 the rope toed with suit reflects and shines due to shoot lights😂 now everything's clear to me.
It's an antenna
He's like a puppet!!
yeah, a puppet on strings.
@@codedecode878 literally so fake it's not even funny
I feel like yall are family talkin like that lmao
@@benjaminfairleigh7512 I agree with them and I'm not related to a codedecode. I can see.
fake its unreal
Low gravity seems like its not as fun as it sounds.
It would be awesome, but that suit is really stiff and hard to move around in.
@N0D3 Yes of course, you're right.
well considering your muscles would be used to earth's gravity, they'd be too strong and you'd move around way too much and likely overshoot
I’d like to see someone pull off that (pushup?) at 0:35 on Earth if this is indeed “fake”.
@Sasuntidictous Rhoireiphapos There is no wire. You do understand that it was easier to actually go to the moon than to fake it in a studio?
@@clayzr4716 yeah, its so easy that we haven’t been back in over 50 years… :)
@@clayzr4716 240,000 miles away from earth. Diameter of the earth is 8,000 miles. 30 earth diameters away. 600 times further than is capable in 2023. Bypassing the van Allen radiation belt upon entry and re-entry unscathed. 3 astronauts traveling at 4000 mph, spacecraft separates and flies down to the surface of the moon in an SUV in a vacuum of 1/6th gravity.
1000 miles outside of earths orbit, where modern astronauts stay below 400 miles from earth due to the fact that radiation would kill us instantly. After hanging out on the surface of another planet for 3 days driving around in a dune buggy, in air conditioned space suits, filming every moment - communicating back to Houston, Texas via radio - they hop back in a blast off 69 miles, command module 4000 mph, and drop back in a pod with parachutes.
Again, are you claiming that live-streaming this from the moon in 1960’s is EASIER than producing a short film on a sound stage?
1:00 Dude on the radio: “Would you go over and help twinkle-toes please?”
😆 “Rrroger”
Weird how we can only see 50 yards off into the distance when in actuality we should be able to see almost a mile of the lunar surface??
You have no way of determining the distance.
@@dansv1 here's a video, go to the 25:00 mark and watch all of the lies,
@@dansv1 I have already explained that to him, but my comments seem to have disappeared.
Was it the Rogen video? My comments to him are gone on that video also.
You can see that the dirt isn't affected by the gravity
Andres Ramirez I notice that too, and I was in special education classes all my life, and y can see cable line at ;40 above his back pack ,how it lights up!
If it wasn’t affected by the gravity it would float away
The dirt falls as quick as it would on 🌎. On the moon it would be slower.
Andres Ramirez how slow? How quick would it fall on the earth? What did you use to time it on both places?
The video is what is used lmao. Every particle in thr moon is affected the same way and not based on size. Tiny graina should react in the same way the "astronauts" body reacts.
In the most hazzardous and extreme environment man can ever be in, with a thin fabric separating you from instant death, this guys has little regard for his safety or life. It's almost as if he knows nothing bad will happen to him.
It's almost as if he has many layers of material separating him from instant death, few of which are thin, and none of which are fragile.
If you're right, why lie?
"thin fabric"? where did you get the idea that pressure suits were made from "thin fabric"?
Exactly 😮😅
NASA: sir, this is the most serious mission in your life
Astronaut: can you help ma twinkle toes?
0:34 looks like something was preventing him from going lower. Hmmmm
His arms and the stuff he has on his belly.
Why we can only see 50 yard on the moon?
That premise is factually incorrect.
Your mind is incorrect, you should visit a doctor.
0:30 I love how the dust falls straight to the ground while the guy is floating 🤣🤣
It doesn’t, it spreads out which is why you can’t see it.
Just go ahead and watch other footage and you'll know the dust falls straight down incl that bag bouncing around. @@AndreasRP.
@@fozzgate1120 you can link it.
0:32 Sand has the same behavior as it has on earth😂
Yes but It falls slower cause of gravity
@@blockmanintros or bc the real footage is slowed down in time;)
@@happymuncho1748 Dude....the hand movements are in natural speed while the sand and his body movement is slowed down, how tf would that be possible even now , let alone 50 years ago??Some people are just so stupid that it hurts , you should have attend your school classes buddy
Time to find me some Russian 17 year olds.
That’s how dirt behaves in a vacuum
What's that white light at the end of the video???!!!!
if there's no gravity, why did the object he was holding keep falling to the surface?
There is
Pan Cytryna there's gravity on the moon?
Eric Littlejohn Everything has gravity, including the moon, it just is smaller so it has less gravity.
i personally don't believe we landed on the moon! but thanks for the info!
Me neither, but the astronauts physics on the moon seem to be correct, except for how they continually trip and fall without any sense of caution. For me the background gives it away.
On the set in Arizona
Bruh, stop being jealous
Go to 0:23 and look right on top of the back pack. You can see a wire hanging from them flashing from the light. Idk about you but that looks like wire to me.
Thats the antenna.
Imagine a man, a supposed astronaut, hanging from a nylon rope attached to a lifting crane. How will he move? How will he fall down, how will he get up again? What will the whole thing look like, filmed in black and white and shown in slow motion????? I would say “JUST LIKE THIS” 😂😂😂😂😂
Please say your joking
Recent comments💀
This always makes me laugh really hard
Yea, joke is on humanity, landing on the moon, it gets me everytime too.
@@borizovskimilan sucks to see. these three men risked their lives flying to the moon with no guarantees of coming back only for 15 year old couch dwellers to claim it was fake
@@some_cool_random_guy This scene was improvised by Jim Carey:
You know what the movies is called.
@@borizovskimilanjoke is people like you being so limited in their minds they can't comprehend that humans can achieve more than they did. Go beat your poor kids into brainless automatons, don't waste your time trying to convince sane people that they must be as brainless as you are.
Lmao 🤣🤣🤣🤣 he keep dropping the bag because he cant stop laughing about the fuckary they doing..
Why is the video recording at this side angle like that? Wouldn’t it look the way it looks when u record on earth?
Wow, I can't understand how people can't see that he is being pulled up without him initiating the action, the other thing is the dust that goes down just like it does on earth, if the guy is almost "floating" how come the dust which is far less heavier goes down so fast, knowing that the moon's gravity is about 16.6% that of earth, he shouldn't be even able to move that fast.
american moon 🤣
yes, the dust should also scatter in more height. It feels like earth's gravity pulling down dust.
@@Monalisa77753 they'll argue that space is a vacuum therefore all objects should fall at the same speed, but in fact space is filled with matter just like the air on earth is filled with matter.
Can someone explain why that small back fell at a normal speed ?
Because air resistance is what causes objects to fall at different speeds. There’s obviously no air resistance on the moon, so all objects will fall at the same rate there. Apollo 15 astronaut David Scott formally demonstrated this on video when he was there.
@Daan Daan get back to that asylum
@Daan Daan okay say it I'll read your "proof"
@Daan Daan before we start may I know if you believe in flat earth
@@dyingpotato4117 bro he probably believes that the earth is a pyramid because he's so dumb 😂
Well actually he was break dancing. Quite avant-garde i might say.
Andrei Andreev
Accidental Breakdance on the moon
Omg, 😂 I love u
Here's the thing, there is only 1 of 2 things that happened, the first is we landed on the moon and found out that it is an artificially made base and we were warned off not to return which would explain why we havnt been back or two is we just simply never landed on the moon which would be the reason why we've never been back because we never did in the first place.
"on the moon"
Fails of the week: moon edition
Shouldn't the item dropped fall at like a tenth of the speed it would fall on earth? It might of looked a lil slower but not 1\10th speed
No, 1/6 gravity should only fall at 1/2.45 the speed.. Falling speed formula uses square root.
@@kevinskinner4986 1/2.45..? Is that saying one half plus .45 lik 0.545..? Sorry I dunno how to even read that. Like 1/2 I'd say a half or 1/4 a quarter but 1/2.45 if I'm reading that aloud to someone idk what id even articulate.. one half point four five which is a hard thing to imagine. basically just over one half right?
@@kevinskinner4986 so when the astronauts jump around they should also be moving at the falling speed?
@@jaredb9523 Yes. Have you actually timed it?
First thing Aldrin does in the apollo 11 footage is jump back onto the ladder a few times. It takes over a second to hit the ground each time. On Earth, it would take about half a second to fall waist height.
@@jaredb9523 . 1/2.45 is about .408. It's the square root of 1/6
Whats the white dot image thats @1:14 b4 the video ends??
All elements of the Apollo program and the associated Moon landings were hoaxes staged by NASA
@@P3ndejosG4ng On my wall
Really😮... wow didn't you star in that movie with Jim Carrey and that little motor bike in aspen Colorado??😮😮
Yeah, it’s all fake, just like your dad
Astronaut - Why can’t I Stand here ?
Alien - Is that guy crazy What is he doing ?!
falls on the studio hhhhh
Why wasn't the moon lander floating and bouncing around?
he... literally... was...
when he was falling they keep the wires holding him up too tight. lol
Neither mistake sounds like one that old Stanley would accept.
No "wire"
@@ThomasKundera of course not cofg is different on the moon. Lol
@@petethewrist : Not sure I understand you. Sorry.
@@ThomasKundera c of g... Centra of gravity.