UPDATE: You can now also book Table de Lumiere and Royal Banquet as a non-Disneyland Paris Hotel guest. Just note that the meal plans for the other hotels do not cover the charge completely. (Always check what restaurants are included in your specific meal plan. Find more info about your meal plan here www.disneylandparis.com/en-int/dining/meal-plans/ )
UPDATE: You can now also book Table de Lumiere and Royal Banquet as a non-Disneyland Paris Hotel guest. Just note that the meal plans for the other hotels do not cover the charge completely. (Always check what restaurants are included in your specific meal plan. Find more info about your meal plan here www.disneylandparis.com/en-int/dining/meal-plans/ )
So proud of this video ❤
Wow so cool 😎
@@ziczackitty its going to be amazing 🤩
Guess where i'm staying 🤣 nice video!
@@mrbambiii8001which one? 👀