Compiled and translated all of Sebastian's interviews he's done during his "I, Tonya" press tour in Romania. You can watch it here ->видео.html
@@lilbluekitten the interviewer is andreea esca, one of the most well known journalists in romania thanks to her work as a news anchor at pro tv (the most popular tv network in romania) for over 20 years.
@@Librarianchica1204 i'd be more than happy to translate his interviews! i had no idea he had an international fanbase. please do let me know which interviews you'd like translated :)
Romanian is such an interesting language to me, it sounds like they couldn't decide whether they wanted to speak a Latin language or a Slavic language, so they just did both.
@@cramuel256 I took Spanish for 3 years. They didn't offer Italian at my school. I'm sure if I'd taken that instead I would hear more of that than Spanish.
@@elizza076 Yes, I know that but some people were saying he has an accent and I was curious how good is his Romanian. I don't know the language but someone who is a native speaker can tell me;)
I think it is a self soothing behavior. People with anxiety find ways to self soothe. I used to suck my thumb as a child and twist the sheets with my free hand. I no longer suck my thumb of course but I still twist the sheets to go to sleep and I find myself twisting clothing between my fingers when anxious.
For all of the non-romanian speakers: He completely transforms when he's speaking romainan. He isn't Sebastian Stan anymore, he's Sebica din Constanta :))
Watching him speak Romanian is mesmerising. But also, this is such a nice show I never like the vibe of video radio shows nowadays but that one is such a nice watch
He's natural and genuine, just opens up speaking in his mother tongue. A sensible soul, definitely with some typical Romanian characteristics. Funny, I left Romania with 8 too and have very similar memories about the life there.
Great interviewer. She was great at leading Seb back to the questions since he was leaning waaay off some of them haha. Maybe it's him being nervous or being not so well versed in recent Romanian word nuances. Nice job either way.
He's first time in Romania aftrer many years and first time after MCU and on one of the famous radio programs in Bucharest. He's overwhelmed with memories and emotions. And yes, she's one of the best
I thought it was that he misunderstood one of the words in some of her questions; his answers are always related to what she asked but slightly off topic.
He's like this is English interviews too. Sometimes his answers are like non-sequitirs because they don't seem to connect to the questions at all lmao. I think he's just a bit scatterbrained/easily distracted.
I love how Sebastian is so soft spoken and his voice is very relaxing. I play this video while doing house or office work even tho I don't understand w/o the subs. It's just soothing to hear him speak Romanian. Tho I dearly love my outgoing/high energy friends, high energy peeps and crowds drain me at the end of the day. Sebastian seems like a pretty laid back guy with moderate energy and I kinda see myself in him. I also have a close friend who's a Mackie-life-of-the-party type.
I'm a French person and a lot of people around the world say that they love french bc it can sounds like a song/melody when we talk and that it is a beautiful language. But here in the interview, Romanian sounds like a real melody to me it is really beautiful to hear.
romanian - italian languages share 77% lexical similarity !! (italian language is the closest for romanian) Romance family languages are : italian,french,spanish,portuguese,romanian) Nowadays: Romanian language is 85% latin (vulgar latin roots since 2000 years ago) and 15% other influences (slavic mostly, but also a bit turkish, german, hungarian) because of course , Romania as country is surrounded by non-latin countries
Yeah, my first language is spanish and i know a little bit of french and italian and i could make out what were most of the words. But this is such a beautiful language. Its so nice being Latin and understanding little things.
I think Andreea Esca is the right person to take his interview, all country knows her,smart and very educated lady. Sebastian Stan is and always be a legend,Congratulations Sebastian for all your hard work!🎉 Succes!
@@Mel-jl8dt right, but I didn't know that. I'm not an english native speaker either, I'm brazilian, my mother language is portuguese, that is also a latin language. But Romania being so close of Servia and Hungary I would never guessed they speak latin language too. I'd guess they would have more like a russian accent or something.
@@Aliezafroes ah no!!! Romania was the ancient Roman province of dacia. Under Roman rule, the province was colonised and developed. It has been theorised that these Roman settlers, intermingling with Dacians and developed a dialect. An alternative theory is that the Romanians came from south of the danube. It is proposed that after the fall of the Roman Empire, the various Romanised peoples of the balkan migrated northward into modern Romania. Either way we have a strong Latin culture
@@Mel-jl8dt living and learning as we say in Brazil "vivendo e aprendendo"! I just realized I didn't know anything about Romania, except that you had like your own french revolution in your recent history in the 80's. And that's because I was a child in the 80's and remember of seeing something about It in the TV. Thanks for the online class! 👍
She's a great interviewer!! I don't know if it's a Romanian thing or if I'm just jaded by the BORING questions interviewers ask here in America but i LOVE her questions! They're about normal things. Like two people meeting and getting to know each other. Not all glitz and glam and trying to impress the audience.
She's an icon in Romania, she has the most recognizable face in television since forever. She's been presenting the primetime news since the early 90's, when the first free media appeared in Romania. There was an ongoing joke that the biggest mistery in Romania is her paycheck (which was always presumed to be huge). She's a very nice person over all, very chill and fun to hang out with. I've met her in nightclubs, during concerts, in different circumstances. She's really nice and she loves to dance. She was 48 or 49 when she took this interview, but she looks barely 35 in real life.
Im saving my favorite timestamps for myself to go back and watch again. :) 0:30- 2:17: Talking about 400 kid fans at the cinema, watching Civil War, waiting for him and introducing himself in 20 seconds 3:09-4:00: Talking about if his mother told him about the day he was born, explaining how the neighborhood was for him as a child, playing with his friends, and watching the news as a kid and watching cartoons only on New Years. 5:10-9:11: Talking about how he was a kid, him growing up with his grandparents, how close he was to his grandmother, his mother encouraging him to go for auditions and try acting, explaining what he wasn't allowed to do as a kid in school, talking about a scent or taste that reminds him of his childhood. 10:41-11:54: Moving to Vienna and talking about struggling with learning German at school 13:36-14:52: Explaining how he felt when he first arrived in America
I feel like this is probably the best interview I've seen with him. Really hope there will be more with this interviewer, or just in Romanian in general. Guess there's just something different about talking to somebody in your mother tongue, the language you spoke when you were growing up
Yeah I saw his English interviews and the dude is definitely different. He seems more "in character" when he's giving English interviews. I don't think it's a language thing, it's probably just that Romanian interviewers are naturally interested in asking more questions about Romania. As a result, this makes him open up about his childhood and that's why he seems more genuine. His English interviews are different because the questions are less personal and more focused on his current life in the US or the latest Hollywood gossip, therefore, he doesn't feel the need to reminisce about the past and open up.
It is, but it's also a hard language. Imagine that I'm Romanian and, no joke, I'm learning something new everyday about my language. So many dialects, so many words that have the same meaning... so many grammatical rules 😅..
@@andreea.tescan Aah... Alea se numesc sinonime. Aproape toate limbile au sinonime. Nu știu dacă tu ai scris acest comentariu în engleză sau ai tradus cu Google Translate... Dar află că engleza este limba cu cele mai multe sinonime din lume. Ai învățat despre phrasal verbs?
@Clpser_ppwer avem dialecte în limba română, nu cred că am greşit scriind asta. Sinonim, dacă este să o luăm astfel, sunt creangă şi ramură. Dar dacă toată România spune usturoi, iar ardelenii îi spun "ai", nu-l numim regionalism, pe care-l încardăm într-un dialect? Nu am reținut exact dialectele limbii daco-române, dar sunt convinsă că informația dată nu a fost greşită.
@@andreea.tescan În acel comentariu ai scris că sunt multe cuvinte cu aceeași semnificație. Eu am crezut că te referi la sinonime. Dacă am înțeles bine... Tu vrei să spui că acele regionalisme nu seamănă deloc, dar înseamnă același lucru. Scuză-mă dar nu văd care e logica. E cam tot una cu faptul ai lua un cuvânt în română pe care îl traduci în alte limbi. De exemplu, luăm cuvântul "păpușă" care e tradus în doll, muñeca (spaniolă), poupée (franceză), bambola (italiană), boneca (portugheză) puppe (germană), oyuncak bebek (turcă) etc.
I speak Spanish and I understood a lot on what they’re saying. Pretty crazy how all Romance language speakers can understand things from each others languages.
Funny how you say that makes sense…but ironically I find Spanish easy to understand, Hindi, and Filipino but not Italian and other romantic languages etc it’s like my brain has no rhyme or reason and I’m English!
I don’t speak a word of Romanian, but I do know French at a noticeable level and I can understand some Spanish, and because the three are related languages I still get mildly surprised when I’m able to hear parts that I can understand. I came here for Seb but it’s also interesting how it’s also becoming a bit of a language lesson for me. Win-win : >
I'm proud of him because is a Romanian which lived a very short period in România and speaks Romanian better then other Romanians :) I'm Romanian to btw 😘
I just find it a great honor that a Romanian is so so famous and part of a giant MCU and Disney as one of my favorite anti hero characters. His Romanian is better than mine! I can't speak it very well but I definitely understand everything. Well done Romania!
@@hugejackedman7423 his parents were Romanian but he was born in New York and never even spoke the language, I dont think you can call him Romanian 🤷🏽♀️
@@ar.2822 You can Say he has Romanian genes and blood he's just citizen of New York ,it's like saying your parents are italian but You aren't cause You werent born in that country which it's total Bs
@@lorida7351 if you weren't born in a country, you don't know the language, you don't know the culture, you can't call yourself a citizen of that country only because of your parents because that is bullshit.
As a kid who moved to a western country at a young age I actually relate to him in a way, as a third culture kid I know heaps of others who flat out refused to embrace their home ethnicity until around 18, that's when you understand you'll never actually be white/ "local Western" and that's when people around you also start becoming more interested your different experiences instead of making fun of you for being different.
Same exact story here tho I am black and moved to all white country. Wanted to fit in and acclimate and forget my language and learn English. Parents refused to talk English at home. Still speak my home languages, acclimated enough, but yeah all the struggles, etc... I'm only a bit younger than him so the culture shock and era was the same and confusing
I love this interview cause Sebastian is normally quite quiet in interviews or you don’t get to hear much of his actual life story and the lady who interviewed Sebastian sis an AMAZING job!!
It is so much better interview than the American interviews. We've learnt a lot of about Sebastian, his childhood and etc. It is so great to hear about his past and carreer with his own words in his mother language. Thank you for the journalist Andreea Esca for the good questions and thank you negru vodă for the great translation! I wouldn't understand any word without your job. (I'm Hungarian 🤷)
As much as I hate celebrity interviews on tv and radio, Romanian interviews tend to be more respectful than American interviews. Like, unless you're watching an old Kapatos show, anything with Măruță in it or a show designed to be a shethole, most interviews tend to be about the person they have invited and there's lots of info that's willingly given because the interviewers tend to be nice, especially in morning and daytime shows. I'll gladly watch 'Neața cu Răzvan și Dani than Ellen DeGeneres in the morning.
Sebastian is adorable speaking his mother language. Loving him even more! And while listening to them talk I was surprised to hear how many words sound the same in Romanian and Spanish. He's so precious! Making me melt, for sure
I love Seb so much. I can't imagine anyone else playing Bucky. he IS Bucky, just like Chris is Cap and RDJ is Tony. he made me want to learn Romanian. I listen to loads of songs in Romanian and I'm constantly practicing. I love it.
Cand vorbeste de copilarie redevine parca un copil, copilul de 8 ani din Constanta, Romania. L am vazut la un talk show american si nici nu ai fi zis ca e roman. E greu de spus dar parca recunosti un roman dupa niste mici gesturi, poate un pic din atitudine, tinuta. Dar el nu, se vedea scoala de Hollywood. Avea aerul ala de LA in el, toate schemele si farmecul unui tanar actor pe val. Ca sa reuseasca acolo a trebuit sa "ucida" romanul din el. Nu ar fi avut nici o sansa. Important este ca reusit. God bless him, ii urez mult succes ! Ma mir ca mai stie limba romana dar oricum bravo parintilor lui ca l au ajutat sa o pastreze desi evident, nu stiu daca ii mai foloseste. Mult succes in continuare, chiar sunt curioasa sa vad The Aprentice.
I’m so glad this interview exists. This interviewer is so good, and I feel like I’ve gained a greater respect for Sebastian as a person with a European history, rather than just the respect I had for him previously as an actor.
Felicitari Sebastián Stan Pentru globul de Aur incredibil Cat s a schimbat lumea in 6 Ani !Cand vad interviul imi aduce aminte de o lume care pare nu mai e si continua SA se schimbe fff repede ! PS Se vede si cum arata Andrea Esca acum 6 Ani Cat Au obosit o ultimii 6 Ani si din pacate nu e singura!
I agree with his mom, I do hear a very faint accent sometimes. It's only with very specific words, and his inflection sometimes. But for the most part, if I didn't know better I would never have guessed that English isn't his first language.
Hey, yall are so sweet as a romaian myself. People dont always know where or what romania is, and to see all your commets, im so touched. Thanks, guys 😢😊❤ you all are amazing... pss i love this actor he speaks better the more he talks 😅
Listening to him talk about stuff is like a bedtime story for me, it's always interesting to look out for what he says and listen to him, he talks so openly and nicely with some sweetness, I would say Sebastian is the person that I always listen to for my mood swings to not go out and embrace me. Hes such an amazing person people just dont realize and they are missing out.
I've been trying learn Romanian for a week or two because of Seb, cuz I've seen how happy it makes him when fans speak it to him(if I ever am lucky enough to meet him😂) and this interview is definitely helping a lot in learning it!
Thx :)) Just like Portuguese, Romanian can be very elegant if spoken by an eloquent person, but it can also be very vulgar. It depends on who speaks and on the situation.
@@nuclearwinter391 even the vulgar Romanian sounds ok. (comes to my mind the expression "ai pă vr'unu". I laughed half an hour when I heard it first time)
Nice interview and your translation is just perfect! Please do more of this, I'm trying to learn Romanian so bad and this kind of videos help me a lot!!! :) Kisses from Italy
thank you! i’m pretty sure this is one out of the 2-3 interviews he did in romanian so there’s not a lot of content of that sort, unfortunately. i’ll try to scour the internet to find more bits of him speaking in romanian and do a montage or translate some of his english interviews in romanian once i have the time :)
I'm am American living in Moldova. I have focused on Russian podcasts mostly. Today, I found this podcast and really like it. I've been here 2.5 years and really enjoy being able to listen w/o subtitles. It is also nice hearing Romanian in a Romanian accent; Moldovan is quite different.
Yes, it is. Moldavian is an archaic version of Romanian. As a Romanian, I need a few good minutes to accomodate my brain with the Moldavian accent to understand all is said when a person from Moldova speaks.
All my childhood Romanian came flooding back to me, listening to Mr. Stan. Having grown up in Canada with Romanian parents, I found his accent easier to comprehend than hers. A fun interview, all around.
Great job translating the interview. I'm Romanian American and trying to remember more of my native language to teach my granddaughter; I didn't teach my kids, unfortunately.
@@ilie123petcan9 I don't understand this statement "teach children your native language". I was speaking Romanian to my daughter as soon she was born. We only speak Romanian at home. I do speak English with her only when is Homework's time. Romanian was her main language until she went to Nursery and learned British English. Now she is bilingual and I am so content with myself because I took the decision to communicate in Romanian with her.
It’s so fascinating to hear someone who speaks multiple languages. Because you can kind of tell that he doesn’t remember all the words (like when he asks her rhe word for step dad) and he switches back and forth, throwing in some English words. It’s so different learning a language on paper in a class and talking with someone, and to be talking in one language and have to use another in the same sentence to get your point across seems so exhausting. I’m convinced that people who have learned and speak even two languages are smarter than most
Thanks for the subtitles.. But even without those, I've already watched this video multiple times.. I'm Indian and do not understand anything but I love how Romanian sounds.. I wish I could understand the language... And Sebastian Stan.. I can watch hours of him just staying silent too
So like I'm Romanian and one of my classmates LOVES Sebastian Stan and i don't know much about him but she told me to watch this and i have to say as someone who moved to the UK and has lived here for 6-7 years, i only speak Romanian in my household but English outside so I'm fluent basically perfect, his Romanian might as well be better then mine ngl 😭👏🏻
I’m just now watching this and it warms my heart that I can kinda understand him even though I’m French but there are a couple words that are the same ❤️
Un baiat talentat, frumusehel, care a pastrat limba, e decent, are common sense si imi place de atitudine. He deserves the best ! Congratulations! De aceea inca stii romaneste - pt ca ai crescut cu,i fii grateful !
Wow i've never heard Romanian before. I speak Spanish and a couple of words sound kind of like Spanish but to my ears it also sounds Italian. Cool language.
Compiled and translated all of Sebastian's interviews he's done during his "I, Tonya" press tour in Romania. You can watch it here ->видео.html
Thank you SO MUCH for the translation of this interview. I enjoyed it very much! She’s a great interviewer. Is she very popular in Romania?
@@lilbluekitten the interviewer is andreea esca, one of the most well known journalists in romania thanks to her work as a news anchor at pro tv (the most popular tv network in romania) for over 20 years.
Yes, thank you SO MUCH for the translations! I wish I could PAY you to translate Alec Secareanu's interviews!
@@Librarianchica1204 i'd be more than happy to translate his interviews! i had no idea he had an international fanbase. please do let me know which interviews you'd like translated :)
Romanian is such an interesting language to me, it sounds like they couldn't decide whether they wanted to speak a Latin language or a Slavic language, so they just did both.
Sort of by the force of history. It s a miracle it's still a romance language. We owe that to the Romanian mothers, I think, like Sebastian's...
That's all I hear when I hear it. It sounds like Spanish and Russian to me all mixed together.
Surprisingly it's not as Slavic as it sounds... Only 10-20% Slavic. It's very surprising when hearing it as a foreigner
@@megmur1766 Spanish? That's an interesting perspective. I've always seen observed it to be more similar to Italian. However I can see the correlation
@@cramuel256 I took Spanish for 3 years. They didn't offer Italian at my school. I'm sure if I'd taken that instead I would hear more of that than Spanish.
Strangers! That's not flirt, that's just two romanians talking about life and past, it's just the way we talk and behave ❤️
that’s cool!! the interview seems so genuine! it’s very different from many american interviews
Is a very nice Way let me tell you...
Hi:) Can I ask how is Sebastian's Romanian? I don't know the language but he seems to speak it very well;) Greetings from Poland:)
@@alwa4735 he was born and live in Romenia until he was 8 years old...
@@elizza076 Yes, I know that but some people were saying he has an accent and I was curious how good is his Romanian. I don't know the language but someone who is a native speaker can tell me;)
I don't understand a word but am still just listening to it because of his voice....
His voice got DEEP when he was talking about romance🥵
@@hothotheat3000 yeah and his smirk when he talks about it-🥵
@Mel White Wolf was out there making girls howl🤣
honestly its just so relaxing lol
He always rubs his eyes during interviews. I think it’s a nervous tic.
He also said that he licks his lips when he gets nervous and I also reckon he rubs his eye when he is nervous. I do that same thing.
yeah he is def an introvert but he said he only got a few hours a sleep. he may just be tired
I think it is a self soothing behavior. People with anxiety find ways to self soothe. I used to suck my thumb as a child and twist the sheets with my free hand. I no longer suck my thumb of course but I still twist the sheets to go to sleep and I find myself twisting clothing between my fingers when anxious.
Probably because he's not comfortable speaking Romanian, and the nature of the questions are more personal.
And he keeps touching his hair , especially on the ear the same spot scratching it.
For all of the non-romanian speakers: He completely transforms when he's speaking romainan. He isn't Sebastian Stan anymore, he's Sebica din Constanta :))
Da exact
Bine punctat
Păi da😂
Un om crescut in America, care n-a uitat limba lui materna. Respect. Asa om, mai rar.
Are o mama desteapta iubitoare de tara.Am cunoscut bunica lui.Au un caracter frumos.
Its not him who will forget his mother tongue. Its his children and grandchildren
I love how the reporter helps him to complete the words and to say things that he doesn't know to explain. That's a good interviewer right there
Its one of the bst interviewer in Romania shes a reporter aswell!
it's a Romanian thing actually, we do tend to do that.
I always do that even with romanians .lol. I think it's just the way we are....hmmmm
Watching him speak Romanian is mesmerising. But also, this is such a nice show I never like the vibe of video radio shows nowadays but that one is such a nice watch
He's natural and genuine, just opens up speaking in his mother tongue. A sensible soul, definitely with some typical Romanian characteristics. Funny, I left Romania with 8 too and have very similar memories about the life there.
@@nuclearwinter391 Forgive me for asking, how come you have an English/American name? I'm curious.
@@georgeq_q it's a nickname. I like the movie Fight Club.
@@nuclearwinter391 oh that clears things up then haha
@@georgeq_q - Sebastian is a latin name,old from Roman empire times,so...
Every time he asks how to say a word is just ahh. Also, 31 minutes of Sebastian speaking Romanian 👌 I want to learn Romanian now 😂
same xD
I am romanian I know the language taught some of my friends and they said is not complicated
I'm romanian too and for strangers this language can be really hard to learn. I mean basics are simple but it gets harder
@@tesla4528hi sorry to bother but I’m interested in learning Romanian do you have any tips
Esca stie cum să ia un interviu. 👏🏼👏🏼
The way he says "thank you" in Romanian makes my heart melt. Multumesc, Sebastian
I'm really glad he kept up speaking Romanian! It's always a treasure when someone manages to keep their mother tongue
Great interviewer. She was great at leading Seb back to the questions since he was leaning waaay off some of them haha. Maybe it's him being nervous or being not so well versed in recent Romanian word nuances. Nice job either way.
He's first time in Romania aftrer many years and first time after MCU and on one of the famous radio programs in Bucharest. He's overwhelmed with memories and emotions. And yes, she's one of the best
I thought it was that he misunderstood one of the words in some of her questions; his answers are always related to what she asked but slightly off topic.
He's like this is English interviews too. Sometimes his answers are like non-sequitirs because they don't seem to connect to the questions at all lmao. I think he's just a bit scatterbrained/easily distracted.
@@hwren9845 I am like that too so I can totally relate haha :')
I love how Sebastian is so soft spoken and his voice is very relaxing. I play this video while doing house or office work even tho I don't understand w/o the subs. It's just soothing to hear him speak Romanian. Tho I dearly love my outgoing/high energy friends, high energy peeps and crowds drain me at the end of the day. Sebastian seems like a pretty laid back guy with moderate energy and I kinda see myself in him. I also have a close friend who's a Mackie-life-of-the-party type.
I'm a French person and a lot of people around the world say that they love french bc it can sounds like a song/melody when we talk and that it is a beautiful language. But here in the interview, Romanian sounds like a real melody to me it is really beautiful to hear.
romanian - italian languages share 77% lexical similarity !! (italian language is the closest for romanian)
Romance family languages are : italian,french,spanish,portuguese,romanian)
Nowadays: Romanian language is 85% latin (vulgar latin roots since 2000 years ago)
and 15% other influences (slavic mostly, but also a bit turkish, german, hungarian) because of course , Romania as country is surrounded by non-latin countries
@dand7763 thank you ! Very interesting !
Thank god I’m Latina and kinda understand what are they talking about. Romance Languages are the best!!!❤️
samee being latina is the best because some words are the same like triste and similar like duermo and also i’m learning romanian
Really?Me too,but i actually don't understand anything,like some words sounds kinda similar ,but even though,its so far from portuguese hahah
@@diandrasuria1455 ah yes portuguese is more different probably i’m colombian so i guess spanish is closer?
@@gabriellacamacho9458 yes, i guess so...
Yeah, my first language is spanish and i know a little bit of french and italian and i could make out what were most of the words. But this is such a beautiful language. Its so nice being Latin and understanding little things.
I think Andreea Esca is the right person to take his interview, all country knows her,smart and very educated lady. Sebastian Stan is and always be a legend,Congratulations Sebastian for all your hard work!🎉 Succes!
Romanian sounds like Italian and I have just discovered that!
I'm romanian and I agree with you 😏🥃
It's a Latin language that's why
@@Mel-jl8dt right, but I didn't know that. I'm not an english native speaker either, I'm brazilian, my mother language is portuguese, that is also a latin language. But Romania being so close of Servia and Hungary I would never guessed they speak latin language too. I'd guess they would have more like a russian accent or something.
@@Aliezafroes ah no!!! Romania was the ancient Roman province of dacia. Under Roman rule, the province was colonised and developed. It has been theorised that these Roman settlers, intermingling with Dacians and developed a dialect.
An alternative theory is that the Romanians came from south of the danube. It is proposed that after the fall of the Roman Empire, the various Romanised peoples of the balkan migrated northward into modern Romania. Either way we have a strong Latin culture
@@Mel-jl8dt living and learning as we say in Brazil "vivendo e aprendendo"! I just realized I didn't know anything about Romania, except that you had like your own french revolution in your recent history in the 80's. And that's because I was a child in the 80's and remember of seeing something about It in the TV. Thanks for the online class! 👍
She's a great interviewer!! I don't know if it's a Romanian thing or if I'm just jaded by the BORING questions interviewers ask here in America but i LOVE her questions! They're about normal things. Like two people meeting and getting to know each other. Not all glitz and glam and trying to impress the audience.
Ye this is a Romanian thing.
She interviewed Daniel Negreanu,the poker player with romanian roots! He was stumbling with romanian aswell and She always helped him!
she is the best news anchor in Romania with many years of experience, education, intelligence and charisma. Like a romanian Barbara Walters.
She's an icon in Romania, she has the most recognizable face in television since forever. She's been presenting the primetime news since the early 90's, when the first free media appeared in Romania. There was an ongoing joke that the biggest mistery in Romania is her paycheck (which was always presumed to be huge). She's a very nice person over all, very chill and fun to hang out with. I've met her in nightclubs, during concerts, in different circumstances. She's really nice and she loves to dance. She was 48 or 49 when she took this interview, but she looks barely 35 in real life.
she's one of the best interviewers I've seen, the way she's helping him along so easily and her questions, it's just great!
Im saving my favorite timestamps for myself to go back and watch again. :)
0:30- 2:17: Talking about 400 kid fans at the cinema, watching Civil War, waiting for him and introducing himself in 20 seconds
3:09-4:00: Talking about if his mother told him about the day he was born, explaining how the neighborhood was for him as a child, playing with his friends, and watching the news as a kid and watching cartoons only on New Years.
5:10-9:11: Talking about how he was a kid, him growing up with his grandparents, how close he was to his grandmother, his mother encouraging him to go for auditions and try acting, explaining what he wasn't allowed to do as a kid in school, talking about a scent or taste that reminds him of his childhood.
10:41-11:54: Moving to Vienna and talking about struggling with learning German at school
13:36-14:52: Explaining how he felt when he first arrived in America
Reassuring us that he loved a lot! So much so that he had to slow down now!
Thank you romania for giving us dragostea din tei and Sebastian Stan 🩷
Dragostea din tei comes from Moldova, but Moldova was indeed part of Romania...
Aaand Nadia Comăneci!
His ability to retain Romanian after all these years is so cool. Most people forget entirely
"He Came, He Tried, and He'll Keep Trying: The Humble Life Of Sebastian Stan"
Soon in every cinema!
I could listen to him speaking Romanian all day
Steve Rogers approves
I’m the first generation American with a family of all Romanians and I love marvel and seb so much this feels really special
@@hugejackedman7423 both of my parents are from costansta idk how to fucking spell it lmao
@@hugejackedman7423 my family is also from Cluj!!! But I was born and raised in the US. Vorbești românește?
@@hugejackedman7423 ayyye Cluj-Napoca gang
Romanian is such a beautiful language
Frumos, inteligent , român adevărat! Felicitări pentru toate realizările de până acum si cele viitoare!
I feel like this is probably the best interview I've seen with him. Really hope there will be more with this interviewer, or just in Romanian in general. Guess there's just something different about talking to somebody in your mother tongue, the language you spoke when you were growing up
Yeah I saw his English interviews and the dude is definitely different. He seems more "in character" when he's giving English interviews. I don't think it's a language thing, it's probably just that Romanian interviewers are naturally interested in asking more questions about Romania. As a result, this makes him open up about his childhood and that's why he seems more genuine. His English interviews are different because the questions are less personal and more focused on his current life in the US or the latest Hollywood gossip, therefore, he doesn't feel the need to reminisce about the past and open up.
💯 best interview in my opinion, he’s so comfortable with her. She’s a really good interviewer 🖤
She is a great interviewer. She connects and makes people to relax. is not about the language
Damn, I never realized Romanian was such a beautiful language
It is, but it's also a hard language.
Imagine that I'm Romanian and, no joke, I'm learning something new everyday about my language. So many dialects, so many words that have the same meaning... so many grammatical rules 😅..
@@andreea.tescan Aah... Alea se numesc sinonime. Aproape toate limbile au sinonime.
Nu știu dacă tu ai scris acest comentariu în engleză sau ai tradus cu Google Translate... Dar află că engleza este limba cu cele mai multe sinonime din lume.
Ai învățat despre phrasal verbs?
@Clpser_ppwer avem dialecte în limba română, nu cred că am greşit scriind asta. Sinonim, dacă este să o luăm astfel, sunt creangă şi ramură. Dar dacă toată România spune usturoi, iar ardelenii îi spun "ai", nu-l numim regionalism, pe care-l încardăm într-un dialect? Nu am reținut exact dialectele limbii daco-române, dar sunt convinsă că informația dată nu a fost greşită.
@@andreea.tescan În acel comentariu ai scris că sunt multe cuvinte cu aceeași semnificație. Eu am crezut că te referi la sinonime. Dacă am înțeles bine... Tu vrei să spui că acele regionalisme nu seamănă deloc, dar înseamnă același lucru. Scuză-mă dar nu văd care e logica. E cam tot una cu faptul ai lua un cuvânt în română pe care îl traduci în alte limbi. De exemplu, luăm cuvântul "păpușă" care e tradus în doll, muñeca (spaniolă), poupée (franceză), bambola (italiană), boneca (portugheză) puppe (germană), oyuncak bebek (turcă) etc.
Yes, it is a beautiful language❤
I speak Spanish and I understood a lot on what they’re saying. Pretty crazy how all Romance language speakers can understand things from each others languages.
Funny how you say that makes sense…but ironically I find Spanish easy to understand, Hindi, and Filipino but not Italian and other romantic languages etc it’s like my brain has no rhyme or reason and I’m English!
I speak Romanian so hearing Sebastian speaking it for more than one phrase that he does in some interviews is amazing
Her voice is amazing
I don’t speak a word of Romanian, but I do know French at a noticeable level and I can understand some Spanish, and because the three are related languages I still get mildly surprised when I’m able to hear parts that I can understand. I came here for Seb but it’s also interesting how it’s also becoming a bit of a language lesson for me. Win-win : >
I'm proud of him because is a Romanian which lived a very short period in România and speaks Romanian better then other Romanians :)
I'm Romanian to btw 😘
Me too
Viorica dăncilă
As a fellow Romanian that left in 1988, I'm glad to see a fellow countryman do so well!!
I just find it a great honor that a Romanian is so so famous and part of a giant MCU and Disney as one of my favorite anti hero characters. His Romanian is better than mine! I can't speak it very well but I definitely understand everything. Well done Romania!
@@hugejackedman7423 his parents were Romanian but he was born in New York and never even spoke the language, I dont think you can call him Romanian 🤷🏽♀️
@@ar.2822 You can Say he has Romanian genes and blood he's just citizen of New York ,it's like saying your parents are italian but You aren't cause You werent born in that country which it's total Bs
@@lorida7351 if you weren't born in a country, you don't know the language, you don't know the culture, you can't call yourself a citizen of that country only because of your parents because that is bullshit.
@@ar.2822no. He was born in Constanța Romania and moved to New York at 8
@@lorida7351He was born in Romania and moved to USA at 8
i love hearing him speaking our language cause it’s still unbelievable how much he’s accomplished
As a kid who moved to a western country at a young age I actually relate to him in a way, as a third culture kid I know heaps of others who flat out refused to embrace their home ethnicity until around 18, that's when you understand you'll never actually be white/ "local Western" and that's when people around you also start becoming more interested your different experiences instead of making fun of you for being different.
Where are you from?
Same exact story here tho I am black and moved to all white country. Wanted to fit in and acclimate and forget my language and learn English. Parents refused to talk English at home. Still speak my home languages, acclimated enough, but yeah all the struggles, etc... I'm only a bit younger than him so the culture shock and era was the same and confusing
I loved listening to this. I’m not Romanian but I grew up around a lot of Romanians and I really enjoyed hearing people speak it again.
I love this interview cause Sebastian is normally quite quiet in interviews or you don’t get to hear much of his actual life story and the lady who interviewed Sebastian sis an AMAZING job!!
It is so much better interview than the American interviews. We've learnt a lot of about Sebastian, his childhood and etc. It is so great to hear about his past and carreer with his own words in his mother language.
Thank you for the journalist Andreea Esca for the good questions and thank you negru vodă for the great translation! I wouldn't understand any word without your job. (I'm Hungarian 🤷)
As much as I hate celebrity interviews on tv and radio, Romanian interviews tend to be more respectful than American interviews. Like, unless you're watching an old Kapatos show, anything with Măruță in it or a show designed to be a shethole, most interviews tend to be about the person they have invited and there's lots of info that's willingly given because the interviewers tend to be nice, especially in morning and daytime shows. I'll gladly watch 'Neața cu Răzvan și Dani than Ellen DeGeneres in the morning.
I’m half Romanian half Mexican and I understand like 70% of this
That’s still pretty good!☺️
Ola hermano! Romania loves Mexico!
Sebastian is adorable speaking his mother language. Loving him even more! And while listening to them talk I was surprised to hear how many words sound the same in Romanian and Spanish. He's so precious! Making me melt, for sure
El rumano es el tercer idioma más cercano a latin después del italiano y Español
@@mariusstefan7214 es muy evidente, de oír su conversación fui capáz de asociar mucho.
@@emilymarierodriguez4488 de hecho yo soy rumano..entiendo italiano 60% y aprendí el español en 5 meses en España
@@mariusstefan7214 que interesante 👏🏼 yo hablo español y estoy aprendiendo italiano. Por eso se me hizo muy familiar
I love Seb so much. I can't imagine anyone else playing Bucky. he IS Bucky, just like Chris is Cap and RDJ is Tony. he made me want to learn Romanian. I listen to loads of songs in Romanian and I'm constantly practicing. I love it.
If u wish i can hrlp u
He voice is so relaxing what
In romanian he sound i bit drunk
Cand vorbeste de copilarie redevine parca un copil, copilul de 8 ani din Constanta, Romania. L am vazut la un talk show american si nici nu ai fi zis ca e roman. E greu de spus dar parca recunosti un roman dupa niste mici gesturi, poate un pic din atitudine, tinuta. Dar el nu, se vedea scoala de Hollywood. Avea aerul ala de LA in el, toate schemele si farmecul unui tanar actor pe val. Ca sa reuseasca acolo a trebuit sa "ucida" romanul din el. Nu ar fi avut nici o sansa. Important este ca reusit. God bless him, ii urez mult succes ! Ma mir ca mai stie limba romana dar oricum bravo parintilor lui ca l au ajutat sa o pastreze desi evident, nu stiu daca ii mai foloseste. Mult succes in continuare, chiar sunt curioasa sa vad The Aprentice.
Being a hero out in the world is cool. Going back home and realizing that you are a hero there, that is REALLY COOL!
I’m so glad this interview exists. This interviewer is so good, and I feel like I’ve gained a greater respect for Sebastian as a person with a European history, rather than just the respect I had for him previously as an actor.
Ce bine vorbește Românește ! Bravo 👏👏
Thanks for the subtitles! Very interesting interview, great questions not everyone asks!
He speaks incredibly well! I'm actually surprised.
Felicitari Sebastián Stan Pentru globul de Aur incredibil Cat s a schimbat lumea in 6 Ani !Cand vad interviul imi aduce aminte de o lume care pare nu mai e si continua SA se schimbe fff repede ! PS Se vede si cum arata Andrea Esca acum 6 Ani Cat Au obosit o ultimii 6 Ani si din pacate nu e singura!
Omg his voice is so soft when he speaks Romanian🥰
I agree with his mom, I do hear a very faint accent sometimes. It's only with very specific words, and his inflection sometimes. But for the most part, if I didn't know better I would never have guessed that English isn't his first language.
Hey, yall are so sweet as a romaian myself. People dont always know where or what romania is, and to see all your commets, im so touched. Thanks, guys 😢😊❤ you all are amazing... pss i love this actor he speaks better the more he talks 😅
Un român adevărat nu a uitat de unde a plecat 👍
Listening to him talk about stuff is like a bedtime story for me, it's always interesting to look out for what he says and listen to him, he talks so openly and nicely with some sweetness, I would say Sebastian is the person that I always listen to for my mood swings to not go out and embrace me. Hes such an amazing person people just dont realize and they are missing out.
Omule esti mare . Uitându mă la interviu chiar ma faci mandru ca sunt român. Naturalețea pe care o ai e molipsitoare. Esti genial . Respect maxim
I've been trying learn Romanian for a week or two because of Seb, cuz I've seen how happy it makes him when fans speak it to him(if I ever am lucky enough to meet him😂) and this interview is definitely helping a lot in learning it!
I can help you
Good luck our language is beautiful ❤
@@mary.83vreți să ajuți-mă?
romanian is such a beautiful language! it reminds me a bit if portuguese, actually. amazing interview!!!
Thx :)) Just like Portuguese, Romanian can be very elegant if spoken by an eloquent person, but it can also be very vulgar. It depends on who speaks and on the situation.
even the vulgar Romanian sounds ok.
(comes to my mind the expression "ai pă vr'unu". I laughed half an hour when I heard it first time)
Mă bucur că am avut ocazia să urmăresc acest interviu. Andreea: felicitări! Sebastian: ești minunat!❤
ce bine vorbeste romană, e preferatul meu efectiv și ma bucur foarte mult
Felicitari Sebastian !
I love that I can understand some of this! Another Romance language for me to learn!!!!!!
Another? How did you learn any other languages?
BY THE WAY!!! you are an absolute icon for translating this--- thank you!!!
It's remarkable that he retained his ability to speak Romanian despite leaving at 8 years old
Parenting matters here. He's lucky to have a mom that was willing to teach him Romanian, some other Romanian parents don't make the effort to teach.
@@BananLordtrue, I left Romania at 6 years old and I can still speak it quite well because I got my grandma, my mom and my sister with me
Nice interview and your translation is just perfect! Please do more of this, I'm trying to learn Romanian so bad and this kind of videos help me a lot!!! :) Kisses from Italy
thank you! i’m pretty sure this is one out of the 2-3 interviews he did in romanian so there’s not a lot of content of that sort, unfortunately. i’ll try to scour the internet to find more bits of him speaking in romanian and do a montage or translate some of his english interviews in romanian once i have the time :)
@@negruvoievode Thank you I appreciate your job!!
I'm am American living in Moldova. I have focused on Russian podcasts mostly. Today, I found this podcast and really like it. I've been here 2.5 years and really enjoy being able to listen w/o subtitles. It is also nice hearing Romanian in a Romanian accent; Moldovan is quite different.
Yes, it is. Moldavian is an archaic version of Romanian.
As a Romanian, I need a few good minutes to accomodate my brain with the Moldavian accent to understand all is said when a person from Moldova speaks.
@ioanaanaoi8232 I fiind that problem more with people from smaller villages.
Frumos interviul, e un vibe bun, încă vorbește bine romana, e minunat ca nu a uitat limba romana. 🎉
Ce voce faina are Esca si ce simpatic e Sebi.😊
What a fascinating interview style, I absolutely love it. Digging into what makes people people
I'm surprised at how similar romeno and portuguese are, some words just sound exactly the same
I'm a native portuguese speaker from Brazil and even though there are some words alike I think it sounds much more like Italian!
I am brazilian,but i have to desagree...Like some words sounds kinda similar,but to me its closer to italian,you know?
Romanian is a latin language, like portuguese.Your language and romanian language are coming from the same roots
I mean, it’s part of the Romance languages. Italian, French, Spanish, Romanian, Portuguese. So yeah
@@Aliezafroes simmm também,mas algumas palavras distintas se parecem com português tbb
All my childhood Romanian came flooding back to me, listening to Mr. Stan. Having grown up in Canada with Romanian parents, I found his accent easier to comprehend than hers. A fun interview, all around.
she has a Bucharest accent I find a bit annoying. He's softer apoken. Like his Romanian better despite his funny mistakes here and then.
Thank you for this translation!
I love how comfortable he is with her in this interview 🥰🖤🖤
Great job translating the interview. I'm Romanian American and trying to remember more of my native language to teach my granddaughter; I didn't teach my kids, unfortunately.
I mean me as a roumanian i will never let my kids to not know roumanian language
@@ilie123petcan9 I don't understand this statement "teach children your native language". I was speaking Romanian to my daughter as soon she was born. We only speak Romanian at home. I do speak English with her only when is Homework's time. Romanian was her main language until she went to Nursery and learned British English. Now she is bilingual and I am so content with myself because I took the decision to communicate in Romanian with her.
It’s so fascinating to hear someone who speaks multiple languages. Because you can kind of tell that he doesn’t remember all the words (like when he asks her rhe word for step dad) and he switches back and forth, throwing in some English words. It’s so different learning a language on paper in a class and talking with someone, and to be talking in one language and have to use another in the same sentence to get your point across seems so exhausting. I’m convinced that people who have learned and speak even two languages are smarter than most
it is exhausting to learn the second language but once you know it, it is very easy to switch from one to another. Even in the same sentence.
Thanks for the subtitles.. But even without those, I've already watched this video multiple times.. I'm Indian and do not understand anything but I love how Romanian sounds.. I wish I could understand the language... And Sebastian Stan.. I can watch hours of him just staying silent too
as a romanian, a gossip girl fan and a marvel fann, this makes me so happy
they are so chill and relax tbh its really great to see sebastian kinda more cofortable in this interview than the others
So humble, he doesn't even mention he was in a Haneke movie before he left Vienna! :-D
@Beth Morales I'm sorry to hear that -- wasn't he only in one scene in it? :-/
i’m half italian and half romanian and even if i don’t understand/talk much romanian i enjoyed a lot hearing seb speaking it
will you learn it?
limba italiana si limba romana sunt similare, nu este dificil de invatat
@@veneps7862 did you said that in Romanian? I understand almost everything you said
@@l.p616 yep
So like I'm Romanian and one of my classmates LOVES Sebastian Stan and i don't know much about him but she told me to watch this and i have to say as someone who moved to the UK and has lived here for 6-7 years, i only speak Romanian in my household but English outside so I'm fluent basically perfect, his Romanian might as well be better then mine ngl 😭👏🏻
i love how she helped him feel comfortable and say what he wanted to say
Nimic nu a fost întâmplător în viața acestui tânăr ! Sebastian destinul ți-a fost scris deja înainte de a știi tu ! ❤😊
so grateful to have this interview
I’m just now watching this and it warms my heart that I can kinda understand him even though I’m French but there are a couple words that are the same ❤️
I love his voice! I’m not used to him speaking in Romanian!!
Un baiat talentat, frumusehel, care a pastrat limba, e decent, are common sense si imi place de atitudine. He deserves the best ! Congratulations!
De aceea inca stii romaneste - pt ca ai crescut cu,i fii grateful !
God bless you
I knew someone would of time stamped this wonderful moment
Im charmed. Beautiful linguage
Felicitări pentru premiu!
I mostly ignored the subtitles and focused on his face and the sound of his voice. Amazing! Rewatching for the subtitles. Lol
i feel like he's way more comfortable in this interview rather than the american ones and i'm loving it
This is incredible, thank you so much for all your work!!! I really enjoyed getting to watch this and understand everything, your subtitles are great!
This is amazing, thank you thank you thank you for the subtitles!
Wow i've never heard Romanian before.
I speak Spanish and a couple of words sound kind of like Spanish but to my ears it also sounds Italian. Cool language.
I’m so proud to be a Romanian