Scientist SOLVES Centuries-Old Biblical Puzzle About Passover | Eric Metaxas on TBN

  • Опубликовано: 6 июл 2024
  • Sir Colin Humphreys joins Eric Metaxas to share how he solved the centuries-old question if Jesus' last meal was the Passover. Humphreys breaks down his research and his astonishing discovery, and shares how God is revealing Himself more clearly in the last days. Don't miss this insight from Eric Metaxas on TBN!
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    #ericmetaxas #easter #passover #christianity #jesus #bible
    0:00 Intro
    0:28 Solving Centuries-Old Mystery
    6:43 The Moses Connection
    11:24 End Times Proof Of God

Комментарии • 400

  • @NanaKaren555
    @NanaKaren555 3 месяца назад +20

    Science is what we call things God gave us to enjoy discovering. He made everything we call ‘science.’

  • @kkpuder
    @kkpuder 2 месяца назад +3

    I lived in Israel in 1983-84. There was a Bible school just inside the Jaffa Gate back then. They taught that at the time of Jesus’ Passover it was celebrated by Him a day early host by a group of Essene Jewish monks that lived just inside the city. This group followed a different calendar as stated by this professor. Proof- Jesus told His disciples they would find a man carrying water- this was a female task in those days- unless you were a monk.
    By celebrating it one day early, He was still with the appropriate calendar, and it allowed for the cross examination, beatings, and crucification before the Sanhedrin counsel celebrated Passover. It was a great study and can be seen clearly in scripture. But I don’t have the space to write it here. lol. Thanks for sharing.

  • @rockzalt
    @rockzalt 3 месяца назад +22

    Great to hear this decades old mystery again. When you put Catholics, SDA and Messianic Jewish congregations on the same discussion boards, you could hear about this issue decades ago. It's nice to see something being published and available to the wide public.

    • @andrewchua9296
      @andrewchua9296 3 месяца назад

      I 😢

    • @rockzalt
      @rockzalt 3 месяца назад

      @@andrewchua9296 Why is that?

    • @karennorris6135
      @karennorris6135 3 месяца назад

      You need to read above. The days aren’t according to Gregorian calendar but Jewish

    • @rockzalt
      @rockzalt 3 месяца назад

      @@karennorris6135 'You need"? What do you think Messianic Jewish Christians like to remind Catholics about during a discussion about this topic. 🤣
      And if you're in the mood for another interesting dispute, bring up the Quartodeciman controversy. 😉

    • @karennorris6135
      @karennorris6135 3 месяца назад

      @@rockzalt I was saying that’s what the article said

  • @endoftheagereality
    @endoftheagereality 3 месяца назад +21

    Spot on Eric for a relative topic being presented with confirmation in those with eyes to see and ears to hear. . This video will embolden "Christian's" in this current hour to have increasing faith in what we cannot see. It will encourage those who are trapped inside contemporary "Christendom" to revisit the prophetic writing given to (Daniel in chapter 12: 3~4) Believe the activity in the "spirit-realm" to be alive as I've never seen it before. Surely this would be caused by the awareness of the hour. Thank you for all you do. Covenant blessings.

  • @gilbertbarrett5819
    @gilbertbarrett5819 3 месяца назад +6

    Any time we can further understand the mysteries of God, then we can marvel and praise a Creator who is fully in control of all things. Well done!

  • @SusanBeaubien
    @SusanBeaubien 3 месяца назад +24

    @D.Eldon is correct. The only thing I would add is this: The word Passover describes the ‘day’ and the ‘meal’. The ‘day’ begins on the 14th at sunset. Gods day begins at sunset and ends at sunset the following day. Any meal eaten after sunset on the 14th would have been eaten on the day of Passover. Jesus and the Disciples ate the Last Supper, a meal on the day of Passover, but not the Passover meal. The actual Passover ‘meal’ is eaten after sunset, the 15th, which is the Feast of Unleavened Bread - a high Sabbath. The day of Passover is the day that the lambs are sacrificed… beginning at 9 AM and ending at 3 PM, which coincides with the time that Jesus was on the cross.

    • @thecure728
      @thecure728 2 месяца назад +1

      Where does it say high sabbath? Where does that come from

    • @Stix_n_Stones
      @Stix_n_Stones 2 месяца назад +2

      Incorrect. How can the passover meal be after sunset on the 14th, but actually, after sunset on the 15th?

    • @Must_not_say_that
      @Must_not_say_that 2 месяца назад

      @@thecure728 CF. John 19:31.

    • @SusanBeaubien
      @SusanBeaubien 2 месяца назад

      The High Sabbath is on the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread and the last day of the Feast and Unleavened Bread. This feast is a seven day feast in which you do not eat leavened bread. This can be found in Exodus chapters 12, 13, and 23. so, during the year (the acceptable year of the Lord) that Jesus died, Passover was on a Wednesday. The following day would have been a high Sabbath, the first day of the feast of unleavened bread. Friday the women would have been able to purchase the oils to anoint Jesus body and the cloth in which to wrap him. But they were unable to get this done on time. Saturday is a weekly Sabbath. Early Sunday morning, they would have arrived at the grave in order to anoint and properly wrap. Jesus for a proper Jewish burial, but he had already risen from the dead, and his tomb was empty.
      Scripture does not tell us of the particulars, the goings on, in Jerusalem regarding these feasts. But we do get information from other writers - Jerusalem would have been packed with over 1 million people as all males over the age of 12 were required to go up to Jerusalem three times a year for the pilgrimage feasts - the spring feasts commonly called simply Passover, Pentecost, and the fall feasts commonly called simply Tabernacles. At each of these pilgrim feasts, none was to appear empty-handed. They were to bring the firstfruits among their crops as an offering.
      If you want to understand Jesus second coming as the conquering king, study the fall feasts. Day of Trumpets, literally shouting, is the last Trump - the announcement of judgment. 10 days of awe follows - literally shock and awe destruction. Followed by the Day of Atonement - judgment. Five days in between, then the Feast of Tabernacles on the 15th day of the 7th month - Jesus once again dwelling (the wilderness and his birth as a human) with his people here on earth - the kingdom of heaven set up on earth.

  • @Synder619
    @Synder619 3 месяца назад +44

    How fascinating; there were 2 calendars! Jesus sacrifice precisely on that day says He is the passover lamb!

    • @randypoe618
      @randypoe618 3 месяца назад +7

      And raised from the dead on firstfruits, not pagan Easter!

    • @supingwu1251
      @supingwu1251 2 месяца назад +1

      Amen 🙌 🙏 🎉

    • @BettaMike
      @BettaMike 2 месяца назад +1

      @@randypoe618Easter isn’t pagan it’s just and old Latin word for eastern dawn signifying the time of year. On any other language it’s a translation on Passover.

    • @bigblick101
      @bigblick101 2 месяца назад

      ​@randypoe618 the idea of "pagan" Easter has been thoroughly debunked. Simple research shows this.

  • @dianaromig732
    @dianaromig732 3 месяца назад +43

    Resurrection Sunday can’t be before Passover because Christ is the sacrificial lamb. I had this discussion with my church family and explained to them that there is the Jewish calendar and the Gregorian calendar so everything is messed up. I know what I know what I know that Christ died for me and rose on the third day because He said it is so. Amen 🙏 and Hallelujah ❤

      @WKGWOMANINTN 3 месяца назад +4

      Yes, Jesus is the Passover Lamb

    • @honeydew4576
      @honeydew4576 3 месяца назад +1

      A Theological Controversy
      The Council of Nicaea set up a formula for calculating the date of Easter to separate the Christian celebration of Christ's Resurrection from the Jewish celebration of Passover.
      While Easter and Passover were related historically-the Council of Nicaea ruled that because Christ is symbolically the sacrificial Passover lamb, the holiday of Passover no longer has theological significance for Christians.

    • @verityc6504
      @verityc6504 3 месяца назад +2

      If you read the OT carefully, you would know that the Passover lamb is not a sacrifice nor has any relationship to wiping out sins. The Israelites were instructed to kill and roast the lamb or goat whole before leaving Egypt. Like the previous 9 plagues, the 10th plague was also a challenge to Egyptian gods. The god that is associated with the last plague, Khnum, has a lamb head and human body, and was responsible for creating human beings. The ten gods were: Hapi, Heket, Geb, Khepri, Hathor, Isis, Nut, Seth, Ra, Khnum. The Israelites were instructed to kill and roast the lamb/goat so the Egyptians would smell it and be devastated.
      The Passover Lamb is a symbol of Egyptian idol, and everyone of Judaism know this. I wonder if Paul was really a Jew? Why would he make such a grave mistake of equating Passover Lamb to any type of sin offering? Equating Jesus with the Passover Lamb is essentially equating Jesus to an Egyptian idol. Really don't understand why Paul said such a thing.
      Besides, there are no such thing as sacrifice that can wipe out all sins. All the sacrifices in the OT are only good for canceling out "unintentional sins." King David didn't offer any sacrifice for his intentional sins, and he was forgiven because he repented.

    • @alantasman8273
      @alantasman8273 3 месяца назад +1

      @@verityc6504 Read 2 Samuel 24:1-25 David indeed did offer sacrifices for his sin.

    • @verityc6504
      @verityc6504 3 месяца назад +2

      @@alantasman8273 The offering David made was a burnt offering, the purpose was not wiping out sins. It's more like a thanksgiving offering that the pestilence was over.

  • @walterdebnam8021
    @walterdebnam8021 3 месяца назад +21

    You know Brother Eric, that you are doing a good work by being on top of these things that The LORD is revealing to us and this world. We are still in a war with evil and Satan. A war that's been won already on The Cross and The Resurrection, but the enemy of our souls is still fighting against GOD and HIS TRUE CHURCH. Doing all he can to do what he's always done. To bring doubt and envy and confusion which he's The Author of. But, The TRUTH Will Out! It always does and The LORD will always bring Victory in the lives of HIS People.
    MARANATHA 🔜🌄✝️
    Walter, Wil and Me

    • @TAGtalkinaboutGod
      @TAGtalkinaboutGod 2 месяца назад

      Satan is the mortal thoughts of a Life separate and apart from God that you entertain as truth....not a person or a being!!
      Religious Belief is the Christ Hated Practice of the Nicolaitans, as religious belief is what crucifies the Christ Within....! Hate meaning the furthest belief away from the Infinite, Perfect, Omnipresent Spirit of God....!
      The Kingdom of Heaven is the Realization that the Life of God is the Only Life...
      The massive wall we have built shielding us from our truth lies in intellectual concepts known as the Graven Images of Mortality experienced through the senses(including all religious beliefs). What is of God is Infinite, and what is not of God is an Appearance of a False Image where Only God is....
      Heaven is where you are and the only place that you can ever be, yet Hell is the place that you insist on experiencing by entertaining a mortal life separate and apart from God....
      We cannot glorify the Father, and glorify the flesh, or the sense of a personal Me separate and apart from God(including the flesh of jesus). Our Consciousness can not be divided in this. Either God is or God isn't the Only Life.
      He who Realizes his Life is the Spirit of God has Eternal Life! He then walks through the mortal appearance a Divine Being, in who the 5 Senses of Mortal Lies have been Impersonalized, therefore hold no power over him. His fidelity is to the Immortal Spirit he is, and no longer to the mortal illusion of life not of God....
      We Must OVERCOME the Belief that we are not Immortal, Divine Being.....
      To him that Overcometh the temptation of the tree of good and evil(belief in a mortal existence separate and apart from God)will I give to eat of the Tree of Life(ALL GOD IS/ETERNAL LIFE), which is in the Midst of the Kingdom of God(Omnipresence)....
      Turn ye from the false images of the mortal world of man with breath in his nostrils, and Dwell in the Secret Place of the Most High!!
      I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD....of the 5 senses of Mortal World Mind Belief, knowing they can only lie....
      The degree to which we can look at the shadow of the material world of death/mortality that is not of Spirit/God and not be disturbed by it is the Path of the Realized Christ....
      I and the Infinite are One....
      We are not a Christian until we know Christ is our Identity, as only Christ can do the works of God because man can not!!
      Where Everything Appears to be, Only the Immortal, Perfect, Peaceful, Constantly New and Fresh Spirit of God(Pure Consciousness)is!!!

  • @kunalramjunum1207
    @kunalramjunum1207 3 месяца назад +8

    The message of the cross means nothing to the lost but to us who are being saved it I the POWER OF GOD.

  • @shirleysmith9421
    @shirleysmith9421 2 месяца назад +2

    All we know is that Our Heavenly Father and Jesus always Answer 🙏our Needs Thanks for Helping us to endure until we get to Paradise!❤❤❤

  • @gushollis2466
    @gushollis2466 3 месяца назад +25

    Jesus completed the Passover meal with the bitter wine on the hyssop reed then said it is finished. The blood of the lamb was placed on the doors with a hyssop reed on the night of the Passover in Egypt.

  • @zTruthSeeker316
    @zTruthSeeker316 3 месяца назад +5

    Um, what a blessing. May the LORD bless both of you!

  • @sharonsteigers4162
    @sharonsteigers4162 3 месяца назад +7

    Well Done ! Thank you for sharing with us ! Love it !

  • @walterdebnam8021
    @walterdebnam8021 3 месяца назад +14

    Like I The Book of Daniel, where GOD SAYS, in The end times, The Last Days, knowledge will increase, about HIM and The TRUTH of HIS WORD. And, Dear family of believers, it surely and certainly IS!!!
    MARANATHA 🔜🌄✝️
    Walter Wil and Me

  • @NEChristo
    @NEChristo 3 месяца назад +8

    Ken Johnson teaches about this. The modern Jewish calendar and the original Jewish calendar that the Essenes followed are different. This has been verified by the Dead Sea scrolls. The Pharisees changed things likely on purpose as they did not accept Yeshua as Messiah and they knew the Old Testament prophecies were being fulfilled by Him so they had to change the dates.

  • @bennettjudi1
    @bennettjudi1 3 месяца назад +10

    Incredible & what a sweet man. I'm a sucker for that accent!

    • @CJFCarlsson
      @CJFCarlsson 3 месяца назад

      Yes. The Star Wars empire accent.

  • @InOtherWorlds11
    @InOtherWorlds11 3 месяца назад +5

    God bless you both 🙏

  • @michaelberthelot3594
    @michaelberthelot3594 3 месяца назад +5

    Jesus used the Essene / Dead Sea Scrolls solar Calendar, and the Pharisees and Sadducees were using their lunar calendar.

  • @fayewood1377
    @fayewood1377 2 месяца назад +2

    very enlightening conversation.

  • @Michael-pn5lp
    @Michael-pn5lp 3 месяца назад +6

    The "Last Supper" was definitely a "Passover Preparation-Day Supper" and NOT the "Passover Feast" itself which took place the next evening !

    • @user-nf6ki6lw7y
      @user-nf6ki6lw7y 2 месяца назад +1

      Mathew 26:17 ( disciples asked Jesus where should they prepare the Passover to EAT). Verse 18 Jesus gave them instructions. 19 they made the Passover ready. 20 they ate the Passover after sunset. After eating he took the cup and bread.

    • @theeternalsbeliever1779
      @theeternalsbeliever1779 2 месяца назад

      Wrong. The "Last Supper" was the Passover meal. In all of its infinite "wisdom", traditional Christianity called it "the Last Supper" as a means of invalidating the Passover as a Christian obligation, which it still does to this day. Paul's letters to the Corinthians clearly shows that this was the Passover because he walks them through that history to teach them how it should be properly observed with the solemnity it demands.

    • @Michael-pn5lp
      @Michael-pn5lp 2 месяца назад

      @@theeternalsbeliever1779 there's too many things in the "last supper" that don't fit the Passover: leavened bread, sitting down to eat, leaving before midnight.....

  • @user-wo6xk9kn5l
    @user-wo6xk9kn5l 3 месяца назад +2

    Thank you so much for this wonderful interview ❤

  • @kimbowers3607
    @kimbowers3607 2 месяца назад +1

    Love these explanations

  • @garywilson7992
    @garywilson7992 3 месяца назад +6

    I’m not trying to belittle this claim because I don’t know enough about the subject to do that. But I have been a believer for quite along time, and this is the first I’ve heard about there being any mystery or controversy. And regardless of what calendar we follow or the exact timing of the Passover anniversary, we all realize, acknowledge, and celebrate the fact that Jesus is the new covenant. And so due to my own ignorance and or lack of hearing anything about it, I don’t yet understand the significance of why it matters so much for which time table we follow? Jesus is the new Covenant either way period.

    • @leecheshire4084
      @leecheshire4084 2 месяца назад +3

      This new information makes the date even more meaningful IMHO. Jesus uses the Moses calendar for the last supper to align with the old covenant, and died as the Lamb of God in the new covenant in the new calendar. Amazing, really.

    • @MikeJones-ti1cb
      @MikeJones-ti1cb Месяц назад

      It's about supposed contradictions. I believe that's thier point. I go to a Messianic Synagogue and we celebrate God's high holidays because we choose to but also understand that it's not a salvation issue, but better than Easter and Christmas.

  • @jimlewis4765
    @jimlewis4765 3 месяца назад +4


  • @christiroseify
    @christiroseify 3 месяца назад +14

    The Passover and Resurrection Sunday have been heavy on my heart this year. I keep asking why we are celebrating Resurrection Sunday a month before Passover and this is the closest to getting an answer I've found. Although in truth it still doesn't fully answer me... Okay different sects celebrated Passover on different days... well that still leaves me with how different? Are we talking days?, I get that, by the best of my recollection Easter has always floated between March and April, but I can't ever remember it being BEFORE Passover... So that still doesn't answer why we are a full month before Resurrection Sunday before He was even crucified...
    This just doesn't feel right...

    • @Synder619
      @Synder619 3 месяца назад +4

      We use the calendar fr/the Romans +Greeks, not the ancient Jewish calendar!
      Thus, it separated these 2 celebratory days.

    • @christiroseify
      @christiroseify 3 месяца назад +3

      @@Synder619 Nope, he covered that, and the calendars are only a few days off and does not explain "Resurrection Sunday" a month before "Passover"...

    • @virginiaconnolly1823
      @virginiaconnolly1823 3 месяца назад

      ​@@christiroseifyin the Jewish calendar they don't have 365 days a year on 360 and during the leap years Adar has 2 months
      Look up the Jewish lunar calendar it will answer your question this happens on our leap year

    • @n.o.1755
      @n.o.1755 3 месяца назад +3

      I am glad to know that I am not the only one noticing this. It feels odd.

    • @rarah73
      @rarah73 3 месяца назад +8

      The fact that we stopped using the Jewish lunar calendar has bewildered me for these past few years too, but God told us the enemy would try to change the time. That said, have you noticed nature is a few weeks ahead of our calendar? I believe it is because it is proving the gap between the gregorian and jewish lunar calendars is widening - thus, the large gap between Resurrection Sunday and Passover this year.
      I could be wrong, but this is what I do know: Jesus has risen and is Lord of all and I will follow Him all my days.
      Blessed Resurrection Day!

  • @CindyVW-he4gt
    @CindyVW-he4gt 3 месяца назад +3

    The secret things belong to God but the things he reveals belong to us and our children forever.

  • @dawnmclaren5870
    @dawnmclaren5870 3 месяца назад +8

    God's perfect timing 😊

  • @chrisfarrell9894
    @chrisfarrell9894 3 месяца назад +6

    The late Chuck Missler expounded upon the different calendars being used. As I vaguely recall, Missler had postulated the same explanation that this man Metaxis is interviewing is taking credit for discovering.

    • @abaker4692
      @abaker4692 3 месяца назад +1


    • @KEngum1
      @KEngum1 3 месяца назад +2

      More than one person can discover something and teach on it.

    • @theelizabethan1
      @theelizabethan1 3 месяца назад +1

      Isn't Dr. Humphries here saying that he constructed the calendars -- and thereby went beyond theorizing?

    • @rwLincoln
      @rwLincoln 3 месяца назад +1

      maybe Chuck Missler read Sir Humphreys book
      ---did i hear them say it was published in 2011?
      ---that's 13 years ago

  • @maccarnold
    @maccarnold 3 месяца назад +2

    I read the book, “is atheism dead?” and it is fascinating. I learned many important and interesting things there.

  • @leeriterii2128
    @leeriterii2128 2 месяца назад

    Love the old rotary phone.

  • @gerardmoloney433
    @gerardmoloney433 2 месяца назад +2

    Luke 12:2
    [2]For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known.

  • @leeriterii2128
    @leeriterii2128 2 месяца назад

    God bless.

  • @patriciamayhew6321
    @patriciamayhew6321 3 месяца назад +2

    There were many calendars also the Essene calendar which I believe was the one John the Baptist and Jesus used.

  • @td8780
    @td8780 2 месяца назад

    I love to see science prove the bible. I believe in science and am a Christian and hate that many believe you can only be one or the other. I have always believed through faith but I do love to hear about physical proof to show the disbelievers or the uncertain.

  • @rextyranno
    @rextyranno 3 месяца назад +1

    Eric, when will you have the courage to interview a young earth scientist. May I suggest Dr. Jason Lisle.

  • @mikelamb828
    @mikelamb828 3 месяца назад +3

    "They" . . . sneared at C.S. Lewis because they didn't like being told they were "writing" incorrectly.

  • @paulineh7600
    @paulineh7600 2 месяца назад

    This was an eye opening bit of research. Not to be critical but it would be worth noting that leading up to the cross, there were several feasts intersecting with the passover at that time; High day (special sabbath not the ordinary weekly sabbath). The regular feast of unleavened bread did not officially begin until a day after passover but Jews began to eat this bread on the day of preparation. All types described in Leveticus 23. This can explain the timing of Jesus crucified as the Passover Lamb. I can back up with scripture if any doubt. BTW, these findings also noted by Bible scholars in the previous century where I have loosely quoted

  • @noesnoe1234
    @noesnoe1234 3 месяца назад +2

    What was the mystery?

  • @marbanak
    @marbanak 2 месяца назад +1

    I certainly welcome this fellow's findings, but for non-traditional denominations, such as Sacred Name groups, his explanation has been common knowledge for decades. The Exodus points us to the Last Supper (the institution of the New Covenant) and the Last Supper points us to His execution the next day. The Jews' calendar provided an unexpected aperture of opportunity for them to kill The Master.

  • @evajanehargraves
    @evajanehargraves 2 месяца назад

    I've been using the dead sea scrolls Zadok's priestly calendar for quite a long time. It's the perfect calendar and we can calculate forward and backwards events perfectly. So wonderful to hear it being told about the pharasacial calendar was of their creation not Abba Elohim's. They we're sacrificing their lambs at the Temple when Yashua Hamashiach was on the cross. When it should have been the day before.

  • @AskOurPastor
    @AskOurPastor 3 месяца назад +1

    Hmm long time ago in the 1980s, I had closely looked at that, and the point was that time for when the Passover was celebrated was moon based, A local rabbi would note when the moon changed-and count off the Passover for when the event would be celebrated. Additionally Galilee was a good distance from Jerusalem, that is about 90 miles north (at least a 2 day walk or 32 hrs, so up there a lot of people stayed local) The problems is visibility was different, even the sunset to night sky would be viewed slightly different so that a judgment call in a different location could vary. So when the month changed could be seen quite factually in a different light. Remember too that the Hebrew calendar was different. It wasn't until the middle ages that the classical Gregorian counter was used. Also most of the disciples were from that region in the north And probably celebrated their Passover differently than Jerusalem.

  • @patriautic9308
    @patriautic9308 2 месяца назад

    I believe the Samaritan calendar coincided with the calendar that the Essenes used the year Christ was crucified, both putting the Last Supper on their observance of Passover (which was prior to the official Jewish lunar calendar).

  • @mitchellhawkins1063
    @mitchellhawkins1063 2 месяца назад

    Michael Rood has been teaching that the last supper wasn’t the Passover for over a decade or more.

  • @kkpuder
    @kkpuder 2 месяца назад

    And yes, sometimes it looks like the scripture contradicts itself but that is because we don’t see it all- yet. Trust the Word. He is living and active.

  • @perpetuam_uitae
    @perpetuam_uitae 3 месяца назад +2

    I had heard that there were different calendars before, but if the laws in the Torah instructed that the month began with the first sighting of the moon, how could the Passover have been reckoned on different days? That question wasn't dealt with. Maybe he deals with it in his book.

    • @marbanak
      @marbanak 2 месяца назад

      There are branches of the Faith, which do communion only once a year, at Passover. Among them, there is debate as to whether Passover is on the 14th or 15th of Nisan. In a sense, this modern debate mirrors the 2-calendar framework, suggested by this author. Search for ... yrm the-timing-of-passover ... for more.

  • @johnhemphill1938
    @johnhemphill1938 3 месяца назад

    This is true, this is very true. In ancient times the Jewish New Year started at the Passover and some of months had different names, this is found in the Torah and I for one still use the older Calendar even though I am Christian. A lot of things changed during the Babylonian exile, it was quite catastrophic

  • @edh.9584
    @edh.9584 3 месяца назад

    This is wonderful. It also supports the idea that God did plan all these events beforehand. (They say to God there is no past/present/future, he sees all as present.) But these things would have happened even if the angels and man had not sinned, so they would have happened without suffering.

  • @ghabilihabennywally9354
    @ghabilihabennywally9354 2 месяца назад

    To hear such a statement from an individual researching for more than 20 years under self-conviction to validate the Passover scientifically in this Age of time is God revealing to us Jesus was the Only Begotten Son Crucified on EXACT DAY AND MONTH of Passover. Today the Book of Matthew 24 Events and Signs of End Times are taking place before this 21st Generation as He chronologically outlined the narratives when His Disciples asked Him to explain privately on Mt Olive. Thank you for this blessed message.

  • @Rizzycat1
    @Rizzycat1 2 месяца назад

    The other reason there are two actual celebrations of Passover, common in that day, was simply as a result of this: Some believed it was on new Moon and others a few days later, when the first sliver occurred. So it was celebrated over a few days. In fact observation of this sliver was very important and they had observers all over to combat cloudy days in various places. They would light a fire to communicate the observation. And the Romans loved to mess with the Jews and often lit fires on others days in order to add confusion. As a result, it seems that there was a push to celebrate on New Moon to get around this first sliver observation problem being confounded by the Roman’s. This is despite the fact the Jewish were using the 19 Metonic Calendar system which as extremely accurate in adjusting from the Lunar Calendar to being it back on time with the Solar-derived planting seasons using the equinox in March and April to periodically add a 30 day month to their normally 12 monh year. This occurred seven times on years 3, 3, 2, 3, 3, 3, 2 within every new 19 year Metonic cycle! Finding out where in this 19 cycle at the time of Jesus is paramount to solving this.

  • @jairusryanelid9811
    @jairusryanelid9811 2 месяца назад

    Because Science is a Gift of Knowledge!

  • @philinthephilippines
    @philinthephilippines 3 месяца назад +2

    Micheal Rood's "The Chronological Gospels" expounds on the concept as well as the Agrigarian corrected Jewish calendar.

  • @markgumbs
    @markgumbs 2 месяца назад


  • @earlygenesistherevealedcos1982
    @earlygenesistherevealedcos1982 2 месяца назад

    Subscribed because of what you said about the hidebound orthodoxy. If they think it can't possibly be true unless it come through their religious institution- God is bigger than their denomination.

  • @richardcece9870
    @richardcece9870 2 месяца назад

    …I am setting up a fresh ‘dart board’, Mr Metaxes care to guess who is the star…

  • @hglundahl
    @hglundahl 3 месяца назад

    10:50 I find it possible both Jesus (humanly, but not prophetically) and His disciples could have been thinking they were celebrating Passover the same day as the Temple did.
    Or that Jesus had found out (even humanly) and didn't worry His disciples before Gethsemani.

  • @nothinghere1996
    @nothinghere1996 2 месяца назад

    It is literal, as the Soul consciousness consumes the host on its awakening or birth.

  • @MortenBendiksen
    @MortenBendiksen 3 месяца назад

    Not all contradictions are seeming contradictions. Some contradictions are designed to be contradictions withing your current frame, precicely to make you change frame. Once in the new frame, they are now just devices to get you there, but it's not that the new frame resolves it, but rather makes it obvious that propositional systems are inherently not able to contain the larger reality, and always contain contradictions. It's the same as the Goedelian realization that any system sufficiently advanced to be useful will have contradictions, and any system without contradictions will not be powerful enough to say anything interesting.
    This is to me an important part of Christianity, this back and forth between the propositions we do have, and the remembering to not worship that image that is erected by them, but rather the infinite and living God, who transends any propositional system that fits into human ways.

  • @forgivenwatcher8971
    @forgivenwatcher8971 2 месяца назад

    At sunset the Jewish day began,The 14th, the Passover began at sunset they ate the Passover meal. Went to the garden,He was arrested, tried that same night by noon (still the Passover the 14th, he was crucified as the Passover lambs were being crucified. They got Him off before sunset, beginning the 15th which is "the High Sabbath" of unleavened bread. He both ate the Passover and died in Passover, the 14th day of Nissan

  • @michelesears5260
    @michelesears5260 2 месяца назад

    Seal up the scrolls until the last days ❤

  • @SouthDFW
    @SouthDFW 2 месяца назад

    The hour glass was turned over in 1948, the rebirth of Israel in one day, ISA 66:8, the apple of His eye.
    Buckle up we ARE. here, the last few miles might get bumpy, but He told us these things to help with our anticipated anxiety.

  • @blisstickmystic
    @blisstickmystic 3 месяца назад

    I've considered that Abraham burning a sacrifice would calcinate the bones and could develop the philosophers' stone that may turn a lesser metal into gold and in a way that believing in Jesus Christ with repentance and power to sin no more will transform a person's life from death to everlasting life.. jammed that up but it's there

  • @D.Eldon_
    @D.Eldon_ 3 месяца назад +96

    _@Eric Metaxas on TBN_ -- I must respectfully, but strongly disagree with the explanations presented in this video. Many of Sir Humphreys’ assertions are patently false and reveal his honest misunderstanding of the Hebrew day and the Hebrew calendar. For the true source for confusion about the crucifixion week is ignorance of the Hebrew calendar of the Old Testament and the annual Holy Days (like the Passover) which God instituted through Moses. The church abandoned this understanding during the Times of the Gentiles when the Hebrew calendar was rejected by the church. As this age comes to a close, the understanding of these things will emerge again. There has never been a "puzzle" about the crucifixion week to those who understand this. The first and most basic thing to know is that the Hebrew day always ends and begins at sunset (not midnight). The Passover meal was held shortly after sunset. But the next day was still the Passover until sunset and Jesus was crucified before sunset on the next day when it was still the Passover. The notion of an eclipse darkening the sky at the crucifixion is absolutely ridiculous. The Hebrew month always begins on a new moon and a solar eclipse can only occur on a new moon. Any good astronomer knows this. Yet the Passover is always in the middle of the Hebrew month. It is nowhere near the new moon. And that eclipse in 33 AD that Sir Humphreys cited was not even visible in the Middle East. So an eclipse is completely out of the question during the crucifixion. And if the church had not lost its knowledge of the Hebrew calendar it would know this. The darkening of the sky at Christ's death was a supernatural event. But the biggest place where the church went off the rails with regard to crucifixion-week chronology occurred when it lost the knowledge of God's annual Holy Days. Because the Passover precedes the Week of Unleavened Bread and the first and last day of the Week of Unleavened Bread (often referred to by Jews as "Passover Week") are both high holy days. This is what the Jewish leaders did not want to miss. As high holy days, these annual Sabbaths were commanded convocations with a prohibition against work. They included important sacrifices. The presence of an annual Sabbath after the Passover meant there were TWO Sabbaths during the crucifixion week -- there was the annual Sabbath that began the Week of Unleavened Bread (a.k.a. Passover Week) and there was the weekly 7th-day Sabbath. This isn't the forum to explain all of this here. But it is possible to know the year when Jesus was crucified and 33 AD is not it. The true year satisfies every reference to it in the entire Bible, both Old Testament and New. And Sir Humphreys' got one thing right: The Jews adopted some features of the Babylonian calendar during their captivity. But it does affect the crucifixion week. Rather, it affects the 70-Weeks prophecy in Daniel which accurately predicts it to the year.

    • @johnandsheilaalderson
      @johnandsheilaalderson 3 месяца назад +4

      So what year did he die?

    • @D.Eldon_
      @D.Eldon_ 3 месяца назад +60

      @@johnandsheilaalderson The crucifixion occurred Wednesday afternoon 14-Nisan-3791 (24-Mar-31). *Tues sunset* began the Passover. *Tues evening* the Passover meal. *Wed daytime* was the "preparation day" for the Week of Unleavened Bread (Passover Week) when all leavening had to be out of the Jews' homes (Jews were allowed to work on the Passover). *Wed afternoon* Jesus is crucified. His death occurs about 3:00 p.m. local time, still on the Passover. The burial takes place at twilight (dusk) just before sunset (still on the Passover). *Wed sunset* Passover ends and the annual Sabbath starting the Week of Unleavened Bread begins (Jews are not allowed to work on an annual Sabbath). *Thurs sunset* the annual Sabbath ends. *Fri daytime* Jews can work again and the ladies buy spices for Jesus' body. *Fri sunset* starts the weekly 7th-day Sabbath. *Sat afternoon* the resurrection occurs around twilight (dusk) just before sunset (still on the weekly Sabbath). *Sat sunset* the weekly Sabbath ends. *Sun morning* the ladies arrive at an empty tomb in the early morning before dawn. (Jesus was in the tomb for a literal three days and three nights just as He foretold.) It would take many pages to demonstrate how the Biblical and historical details all agree with this date and timeline. And just as long to explain why so many scholars and researchers get it wrong. In most cases they simply don't know what they don't know. And I'm sincerely sorry that this contradicts traditional church teachings and now-deep-seated traditions which began to be promulgated a hundred or more years _after_ the death of the last apostle (John). But the evidence exists if you search for the truth and are willing to follow it without prejudice. And I'm not the one who "discovered" this. If you seek diligently, you'll find small groups of Christ-followers throughout history who have come to understand most of these facts. They are not salvation issues. But teachers and authors who presume to teach or write about these things should know them.

    • @michaelleslie9055
      @michaelleslie9055 3 месяца назад +9

      This is exactly how I understand it

    • @coconut-nutty
      @coconut-nutty 3 месяца назад +13

      thank u for your careful explanation. that took a lot of time & patience! it is also what i have learned and understood as well.

    • @gerardtoner9191
      @gerardtoner9191 3 месяца назад +8

      Thankyou D .Eldon for Gentlemanly theologically response.
      Excellent, much appreciated from Manchester England

  • @jameswerner7955
    @jameswerner7955 2 месяца назад

    by including multiple disciplines, you are describing a characteristic of the Bible which is an integrated message system (ref: chuck missiler). your approach is well respected. based on his research, what day of the week does he project that Christ was crucified?

  • @theodosios2615
    @theodosios2615 3 месяца назад +3

    Fyi, all of this is explained in the book Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls. Which reference is an even older book from (I think 1960s.)

  • @eliamlow5574
    @eliamlow5574 3 месяца назад +1

    Hi Sri Colin and Eric, we know Passover lambs were killed by the priests in the temple. Did the common people bring their lambs to the temple to be killed a day before the so to speak official Passover day? If not, where did the lamb our Lord Yeshua used come from? Something that has puzzled me for sometime now.

  • @heavensgateway
    @heavensgateway 2 месяца назад

    Thank you for the video. My thoughts are so similar to yours, for years. Of course God has always had everything in his plans. I think it started with Adam. When he realized Adam would sin, he created a plan for Adam to redeem himself and us back to God. And it was through the Lamb of God that it was done. It was always about Adam.

  • @edh.9584
    @edh.9584 3 месяца назад

    Well, it seems God reveals to us things over time, for example the Shroud of Turin could only be seen by a photograph, which was taken in the last 1800s.

  • @kevinkizer5742
    @kevinkizer5742 2 месяца назад

    3/33, perhaps this is why people all around the 🌍🌎 have been seeing 333 alot my wife started seeing this about 20 years ago

  • @hglundahl
    @hglundahl 3 месяца назад

    8:09 I'd suggest, Sir Colin go back to the astronomer, and take a look, what exact year would the crescent be seen one evening earlier from Caesarea (where Jesus was at the beginning of Nisan) than in Jerusalem.
    Especially, if that year coincides with a "temple" 14th Nisan on a Friday and "Caesarea" 14th Nisan on a Thursday.

  • @Rizzycat1
    @Rizzycat1 2 месяца назад

    Did the Hebrews (Jesus) follow the Metonic calendar system at the time of his life? I believe they did because the Babylonia’s had the precise solar lunar month calculated almost precisely around 780 BC. It’s actually written on stone dated to that time. This allowed the Hebrews to adjust their precise moon calendar that began at first sliver after the New Moon. .. they accomplished this by adding leap days (actually one extra month was added on average every 2.71 years during the Sabbath months over a 19 year Metonic cycle) to adjust to the Solar year cycle during the equinox because they knew it drifted anyways and had to be corrected every few year before that Babylonian captivity time or else their crops planting and harvesting would not work by following just the Moon cycle independent of adjusting it occasionally to the solar cycle. So it seems they would adopt this system because it gave them a precise way to do it! Please correct any miss understandings. Thank you 😊( see my other comment just above as well)

  • @pastorart1974
    @pastorart1974 3 месяца назад

    Is he saying Jesus died on Friday April 3 of 33 AD?

  • @nealcorbett1149
    @nealcorbett1149 2 месяца назад

    It is quite impossible for an AD 33 crucifixion. Dan 9:25, Luk 3:1 and Joh 2:20 all have to synchronize. Eclipses have nothing to do with Joel 2:31. That will be something FAR more significant, eclipses happen all the time and are confined to specific locations. This will be global.

  • @DidacticMinistriesOrg
    @DidacticMinistriesOrg 3 месяца назад +2

    The Passover Problem is one of the most difficult theological problems in the Bible because it requires extensive knowledge of Second Temple Judaism. Theologians have wrestled with it for many years.
    For background, God told the Israelites to kill the lamb at twilight as Nisan 14 was ending. Then, they were to roast and eat the lamb that night (Nisan 15), the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, which is an annual Sabbath (Lev 23:4-7).
    Sir Colin Humphreys follows the (well known) second-calendar solution, but there is a fatal flaw with this proposal. According to Humphreys, Jesus and the disciples believed that they were eating the Passover Sedar on the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Nisan 15), but the Jews in Judea followed a different calendar that was one day late, so they killed their Passover lambs the next day.
    After Jesus gave Judas the piece of bread, he departed to betray Him. John 13:29 says that the disciples assumed that Judas went out to buy items needed for the Feast, which contradicts Humphreys assertion that the Feast had already started. No Torah observant Rabbi or his disciples would interrupt the Passover Sedar to go out buying items on an annual Sabbath day.
    Dr. Baruch Korman has a more likely explanation. He claims that rabbis at that time were known to rehearse the Sedar with their disciples the evening before Passover. So, Jesus was eating a Passover meal, but He and His disciples were eating it one day early on Nisan 14.

  • @donaldlococo954
    @donaldlococo954 3 месяца назад

    Maybe we are in the last times? Since the resurrection, we have always been in the last times. The illusion of time is its apparent incrementality. To God, time is a creature that he sees in its entirety.

  • @abaker4692
    @abaker4692 3 месяца назад

    The moon is apparently rusting, turning to blood.

  • @karenkati5019
    @karenkati5019 3 месяца назад +4

    Done with the focus on finding the first heads of barley in Israel at Abib (Deuteronomy 16:1) stage (the Hebrew word "Abib" translates as “spring”) of green heads of grain, began by the Lord's instruction in Exodus 12:2 (further explained in the day-to-day context given in 1 Samuel 20, Leviticus 23:32, etc), the 'Exodus calendar' puts the events leading up to Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection perfectly according to the Gospel accounts. In yr 30A.D., Nisan 14 began Thursday after sunset. After sunset on Nisan 14, Jesus ate the Last Supper seder meal in the Upper Room with His disciples. They then proceeded to Gethsemane under a Passover full moon; then came the betrayal by Judas and the Sanhedrin trial early of Friday morning. The crucifixion began at mid-morning on Friday, He gave up His spirit 3 pm that afternoon, and was laid in Joseph’s tomb just before Nisan 14 ended at sunset. The Sabbath began as Nisan 15 got underway, and then, of course, He was resurrected. It all fits smoothly together.

  • @JacquelineHahn1
    @JacquelineHahn1 3 месяца назад

    I came across the difference in calendars at the time of Yeshua in the last few months.

  • @The_SeoulJourner
    @The_SeoulJourner 3 месяца назад +1

    I don't find this new information, it is nice to see more are coming to the awareness.
    All of the Jewish feasts are prophetic in nature in revealing Christ, 1/2 for his first coming, and 1/2 second.
    Lunar Eclipse over Isreal on Passover - Friday 3 April AD 33

  • @cyndiestafford3150
    @cyndiestafford3150 2 месяца назад

    God is absolutely good. We cannot possibly understand all God's ways. It is the glory of God to hide a matter; and the honor of Kings to search out a thing. Proverbs 25:2

  • @Vivendel1
    @Vivendel1 3 месяца назад +1

    Michael Rood have the solution in The Cronological Gospel. The last supper was not the pasover, he did not eat him selve. This confusion comes from not learning from the jews. Teologians dont know, they dont learn like A sientest

  • @edh.9584
    @edh.9584 3 месяца назад

    There is a problem of course: Jesus had to celebrate the Passover and the Last Supper the day before he was killed. But he had to be killed at the same time that the lambs for the Passover were sacrificed, which was the day before the Passover meal that evening. The only way for this to be possible is if there were two calendars.

  • @annetteblount9763
    @annetteblount9763 3 месяца назад +2

    Yes! Just the other day, The Lord dealt with me about WHEN exactly DID Jesus die and rise again.
    I started doing research on the internet. I kept getting false info that there were NO RECORD of Jesus Christ dying, and definitely not rising again.
    Except there was Josephus and a Roman "scribe" named Tacticus, who wrote about Jesus 25 or so years later.
    Then The Holy Spirit dropped it in my spirit about all roman officials would have to report the happenings of their region.
    So I looked into if Pontius Pilate reported to the emperor about Jesus and He being crucified.
    Sure enough, Pontius Pilate DID write that letter the emperor, about Jesus in 33 AD.
    Also, documents of the pharisees and others of their court, where they were building a case against Jesus, all coincided 33 AD.
    Then The Holy Spirit brought to my remembrance of when Jesus gave up His Spirit, there was an earthquake that split the veil at the temple, symbolizing what Jesus did on the cross. He tore the SPIRITUAL veil, that separated mankind from God. And other unusual events that happened.
    Sure enough, there was an earthquake that happened, during the time of the Jewish Passover, in 33 AD.
    The Jewish passover THEN...would have been April 3rd, for us. (The day Jesus died). And on April 5th, Jesus would've rose again.

  • @kristinkioko9427
    @kristinkioko9427 2 месяца назад

    Jesus was a Samaritan. His mama was Jewish and His Daddy is something else. 💚💚

    • @wg4154
      @wg4154 2 месяца назад

      More than likely, she got pregnant by a close family member

  • @hglundahl
    @hglundahl 3 месяца назад

    5:21 There are Catholics who have considered "day of preparation" as also describing any Friday, and the meal they wanted to eat as a second evening meal, as to John.
    But if you insist on John meaning the crucifixion took place when the lambs were sacrificed for passover, well, there is a solution for that too.
    The Hebrew calendar was not precalculated up to Hillel II. It was empiric. There were two tests you had to verify each year.
    1) at the end of first Adar, where the wheat sheaves ripe? If not insert a second Adar first;
    2) each month, including Nisan, began when the first sighting was made of the new moon.
    So, Jesus sighted the New Moon one evening earlier than the Temple did?

  • @voiceofreason162
    @voiceofreason162 2 месяца назад

    Took me 15 minutes.

  • @perbondesen
    @perbondesen 2 месяца назад

    Would it be in tune with Jewish practice to have executions taking place on the day of Passover? Would that not be considered a holiday, a Sabbath? Please inform me, I am here to learn.

  • @nancybraybrooks5509
    @nancybraybrooks5509 3 месяца назад +5

    of course it was a Passover. Yeshua would have wanted to celebrate it. it’s called replacement theology why they (the church) wants to call it the last supper.

  • @BarbaraCarty-zc8dn
    @BarbaraCarty-zc8dn 3 месяца назад

    Never a contradiction. 2 nd ´Passover has always been.

  • @michaeljenniferbrabson6263
    @michaeljenniferbrabson6263 2 месяца назад

    Do you really think that those names for the months are the creators names? How does that comport with the fact that YHVH told us not to take the names of foreign deities is upon our lips? “Tammuz” For example?

  • @andreasrademacher5715
    @andreasrademacher5715 3 месяца назад

    Everything about him suggests to me: He is the Anti-Dawkins!

  • @MezzoMamma1
    @MezzoMamma1 2 месяца назад +2

    Of course it was on Passover. Because Jesus is the last Passover Lamb.

  • @edh.9584
    @edh.9584 3 месяца назад

    I would say now because this is in God's plan.

    • @edh.9584
      @edh.9584 3 месяца назад

      Perhaps God inspired all the scientific research in part to reveal these things.

  • @Steblu74
    @Steblu74 3 месяца назад

    I still don't understand what mystery has been solved here…

  • @Love-One-Another
    @Love-One-Another 3 месяца назад

    The new day begins at sunset. So Jesus and His disciples ate after sunset but you still had until the next sunset for Passover. Some may of not had their Passover meal yet. So there is no issue to solve.

  • @erlethepearl
    @erlethepearl 3 месяца назад

    If the traditional Passover lasted 7 or 8 days, where is the rub?

  • @davidmcbrine4527
    @davidmcbrine4527 3 месяца назад +1

    I'm not aware of any mystery. I've always known Jesus' last meal was the Passover meal.
    What mystery?
    Can someone clue me in?

    • @GeekRights
      @GeekRights 3 месяца назад

      At the Passover meal, you eat the Passover lamb. The lamb has already been killed/sacrificed. But since Jesus is supposed to be the Passover lamb (killed the same day the lamb was killed), how was he able to have that meal?

    • @davidmcbrine4527
      @davidmcbrine4527 3 месяца назад

      @@GeekRights As I understand it, Jesus and His disciples had the supper on Passover evening (starts after sundown the evening before) and He went to the cross that same day at about 9 AM.
      He was then put in the tomb just before sundown (still Passover)
      I don't see a problem/mystery.

    • @verityc6504
      @verityc6504 3 месяца назад

      If you read all 4 gospels, you will find that three gospels said that his last meal was Passover meal, but in John, it's a different story.
      Passover lambs/ goats were not really sacrifices or functioned as any sin offering. The eating of Passover lamb was to remember that God delivered the Israelites and that the Israelites were starting new lives away from Egyptian idols.
      If you read the OT carefully, you would know that the Passover lamb is not a sacrifice nor has any relationship to wiping out sins. The Israelites were instructed to kill and roast the lamb or goat whole before leaving Egypt. Like the previous 9 plagues, the 10th plague was also a challenge to Egyptian gods. The god that is associated with the last plague, Khnum, has a lamb head and human body, and was responsible for creating human beings. The ten gods were: Hapi, Heket, Geb, Khepri, Hathor, Isis, Nut, Seth, Ra, Khnum. The Israelites were instructed to kill and roast the lamb/goat so the Egyptians would smell it and be devastated that their gods were in big trouble.
      The Passover Lamb is a symbol of Egyptian idol, and everyone of Judaism know this. I wonder if Paul was really a Jew. Why would he make such a grave mistake of equating Passover Lamb to any type of sin offering? Equating Jesus with the Passover Lamb is essentially equating Jesus to an Egyptian idol. Really don't understand why Paul said such a thing.
      Besides, there are no such thing as sacrifice that can wipe out all sins. Any of the sacrifices related to sin offerings in the OT are only good for canceling out "unintentional sins." King David didn't offer any sacrifice for his intentional sins, and he was forgiven because he repented.

    • @armoroflight3818
      @armoroflight3818 3 месяца назад

      This is all explained in the old testament in exodus and leviticus and the confusion is over what day the passover meal was eaten. Jesus, since he was about to become the passover lamb, had the meal on the start of Nisan 14...the last supper... but the disciples later partook of the passover meal the next night which would actually be Nisan 15 according to law of Moses.

    • @verityc6504
      @verityc6504 3 месяца назад

      It doesn't matter when Jesus or his disciples ate on Nisan 14 or 15, it is just highly doubtful that the priests or any seriously religious Jew would come and arrest Jesus a day prior to a High Sabbath, the preparation day. Being in close proximity with Roman soldiers who carry dead human scape on their waist increases the risk of Jews becoming unclean for an entire day and therefore disqualifying themselves to participate the celebration of High Sabbath. Since there were no disciples to witness Jesus's crucifixion, who knows if the record that Jesus died on Passover was even true.
      Besides, the Passover lamb/goat is feast food originally to spite the Egyptians like so many of Jewish festival food, symbolizing destroying enemies. Passover lamb/goat was never a form of sacrifice nor served any sacrificial function. This makes Paul's identity as a Jew questionable since Paul was the person who said that Jesus was the Passover lamb sacrificed. Jesus never made a claim that he could be of any form of sacrifice or sacrifice could take away sin. In fact, there are no sacrifices that can take away intentional sin.
      Leviticus 1-5 (Eng. 1:1-6:7) introduce the five basic categories of sacrifices - burnt, grain, well-being (peace), purification, and reparation (sin) offerings.
      The Jewish sacrificial system instituted by the God of Israel only cancel out "unintentional sins." The details are all listed in the book of Leviticus. The sacrificial system may not make sense to Christians, but makes logical sense to people of Judaism. If one is to think of reparation or sin offering as a fine paid to the Temple for minor mistakes done out of unawareness, namely unintentional sins, then it serves the purpose to discourage carelessness. Afterall, too much carelessness can be quite costly financially.
      Why couldn't sacrifices redeem intentional sins? Well, those who were set in their hearts to sin, thereby intentionally breaking God's law, are already defiant in their hearts. Any kind of physical sacrifice will not serve as a reminder or can correct the mistake or prevent any future similar mistakes. The only acceptable way for the God of Israel to forgive intentional sins was for the person to truly repent, meaning identifying, stop, turn away from the sinful actions.
      Ezekiel 18 explains pretty clearly that no one should take the blame for another person's sin & that the one who repents will live.
      The God of Israel taught personal responsibility. A good Father teaches his children to take personal responsibility. A bad one teaches children to shift the blames on others.
      Besides, God hates human sacrifice and prohibited it. Why would he plan human sacrifice? God only accept sacrifices of specific clean animals, grains, incense, etc. Why would God accept humans as sacrifice?
      A super sacrifice marketed by Paul may sound good, or too good to be true, was widely accepted in the Christian circle throughout the last 2,000 years.
      Now, many people have discovered that the message from Jesus is actually quite different from the message from Paul. Jesus preached repentance despite being boastful about his identity, hinting at being the prophesied Messiah although the two genealogies in two gospels clearly disqualified Jesus to be a legitimate contender of Messiah.
      Paul, unlike Jesus, preached Jesus as the panacea. Paul didn't understand God's laws and the meaning and types of biblical sacrifices. Paul misled others and created a new religion. Jesus's original intention was probably just to reform Judaism rather than making something new or making himself God. Jesus never implied or said that he was a sacrifice or claimed super forgiving power of sacrifice.

  • @user-jk6nh9gr7h
    @user-jk6nh9gr7h 3 месяца назад +1

    He was INSPIRED by God's Holy Spirit ✝️ 🕊 Daniel 12:9 - Angel Gabriel (Daniel 9:21)

  • @patricksachs3655
    @patricksachs3655 2 месяца назад

    It is clear from Scripture that The Last Supper was not a Passover meal.

  • @nathanshearer30
    @nathanshearer30 3 месяца назад

    The church is getting smaller but it isn't getting weaker. People who stand firm until the end will be saved. Most "Christians" aren't Christians so let them depart.