Karma: The Law of Cause and Effect (edited)

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024
  • #karma #causeandeffect #physics #spirituality #awakening #buddhism #hinduism #christianity #repentance #isaacnewton #alberteinstein #entropy #consciousness #mentalhealth #reincarnation
    A public lecture by 108 Existences (Vancouver Dharma and Gnosis)
    • karma comes from the Sanskrit root, "karman", which means "action". More specifically, this means action and consequence, or cause and effect
    • in the context of karma, the word "dharma" is used to mean "good karma"
    • line of life: energy does not die, simply changes form; Einstein; every action that is taken has a consequence because of exchange
    • karma happens because of interdependence in everything
    • reincarnation, or more accurately, re-birth (a form of recurrence) comes from unpaid karma and subconscious energy in the psyche that is still in motion (the subconsciousness/ego contains karma)
    • physical action is generally more severe than karmic actions performed mentally in the imagination
    • all wrong actions must be paid for, even if the actions were accidental, or the offender was ignorant of the laws and consequences. wrong action that is performed with the awareness of laws and consequences carry greater consequences.
    • karma unfolds in the formative years between birth and the age of 25, most often unfolding in the teenage years. part of this is due to the influence of the planet Saturn, which manages karmic cycle's in our solar system. this is why the Saturn return happens around age 28 or 30. it's influence can be felt a couple years before and after it's return, during the cusps of it's orbit.
    • superior laws override inferior laws. evil always has the last say because evil does not reside in the superior worlds. thus, evil beings with conditioned and defective consciousness are unreliable and never speak the complete truth
    Third Law of Motion: Action and Reaction, Invariance
    • e.g. the waves that perturbate from the dropped pebble
    • e.g. the recoil of a firearm
    • e.g. g-forces when accelerating or decelerating
    • consequences of karma are paid in equal but opposite ways e.g. gluttony in one life can lead to digestive issues and allergies in the next. stealing leads to robbery
    Newton's First Law of Thermodynamics: Conservation of Energy
    • this law states that the energy of a closed system must remain constant. it can neither increase nor decrease without interference from outside.
    • energy can neither be created nor destroyed; only converted from one form of energy to another.
    Newton's Second Law of Thermodynamics: Entropy
    • the universal experience concerning heat and energy interconversions. heat always moves from hotter objects to colder objects, unless energy is supplied and organized (follows superior laws of nature) to reverse the direction of heat flow.
    • it's easier to move downhill than it is to move uphill
    The Domino Effect
    karmic law: the consequence is always greater than the action
    • e.g. pushing a row of dominos down, dropping a pebble into a still body of water. the pebble creates ripples (action and reaction) that span the entire pond (the consequence is greater than the action)
    4 Types of Karma
    • sanchita; primal karma based on monad's decision before entering evolution; entire karmic asset and debt from all previous lives
    • prarabdha; fate karma, past life karma
    • kryamana; new karma that is strong enough to affect future lives
    • agami; daily karma that is new but short lived
    There is also the law of accidents in which events occur irrespective of a being's individual karma.
    Levels of Karma
    • individual
    • national
    • planetary
    New Notes
    • karma is the law of compensation and balance; it is beyond good, evil, and time. divinity must maintain balance of energy at all times
    • fate karma is for teaching lessons to the soul
    • karma is also served for opportune actions we didn't take
    • intention usually doesn't have much effect on actions, but bad intentions can feed ego and sometimes create problems. in some cases, if we are too motivated by self-interest to do good, we face consequences.
    Quantum Physics
    • double slit
    • random number generator
    • the ability of the quantum particle to associate it's calculated results with another
    • the uncertainty of one particle being in multiple states. In quantum computing, superposition is described as the ability of a quantum particle to be the combination of all possible states (in potential)
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