MOTANKA - Verba (Official Video) | Napalm Records | 🇬🇧 REACTION
- Опубликовано: 10 фев 2025
- irectors: Victor Verba (Zhalnin), Dmytro Diachenko (Svarog), Anatolii Zhalnin, Sergii Khodorchuk (Hodik), Yevhenii Podshyvalov.
Line Producer: Yevhenii Podshyvalov
Director of photography: Yurii Rebryk
Post-production & Visual effects: Yevhenii Podshyvalov
Directors’ assistant: Veronika Franchuk
Make-up: Veronika Franchuk
Masks made by Maria Frankiv
Main actors: Daryna Hrebenko, Illia Skavronskyi, Victor Verba (Zhalnin), Dmytro Diachenko (Svarog), Anatolii Zhalnin, Sergii Khodorchuk (Hodik).
Actors: Dmytro Lukin, Sergii Sotnikov, Marina Khodorchuk, Valentyn Ryzhuk, Dmytro Sotnikov, Diana Nakonechnikova, Bogdan Kolyba, Mykola Kushniruk, Oleksii Stetsiuk, Igor Zhalovaga, Ostap Zhezherun.
Souls: Oksana Cypliuk, Julia Cypliuk, Marta Kravchuk, Ieva Kondzerska, Daryna Rys, Vlasta Rumina.
/ motankaband
/ motankaband
/ motanka
Ця пісня - біль і туга українського народу за втраченими і ненародженими за часів Голодомору 1932-1933 років .
Вообще-то было три голодомора устроенных советской властью 1921-1923, 1932-1933, 1946-1947. Предпосылки голода и геноцида: Уже в 1928-1929 годах хлебозаготовки проходили с большим напряжением. С начала 30-х годов ситуация ещё более обострилась. Объективные причины, которыми была вызвана необходимость хлебозаготовок: рост численности населения городов и промышленных центров (с 1928 по 1931 городское население возросло на 12,4 млн.); развитие промышленности, возрастание промышленных потребностей в сельскохозяйственной продукции; поставки зерна на экспорт в целях получения средств для закупки западной машиностроительной продукции.
В результате проводимой Сталиным политики коллективизации: более 2 миллионов крестьян были депортированы, из них 1.800.000 только в 1930-1931 годах; 6 миллионов умерло от голода, сотни тысяч - в ссылке. Данная политика вызвала массу восстаний среди населения. В одном только марте 1930 года ОГПУ насчитало 6.500 массовых выступлений, из которых 800 было подавлено с применением оружия. В целом в течение 1930 года около 2,5 миллионов крестьян приняли участие в 14 000 восстаний против советской политики коллективизации. 10 фактов о Голодоморе Единый реестр жертв Голодомора Государственные архивы о Голодоморе Голодомор 1932-1933 годов это геноцид Демографические потери Украинской СССР в межпереписной период 1927-1938
І не тільки
You are absolutely right about the symbolism of this video, every little detail in it is of great importance! Even most modern Ukrainians see only a few of these symbols (unfortunately, this is a sign that they do not know their own history). Many comments will be that this is a video about the Holodomor (famine 1932-33). But this is only part of the plot! This video is collected from all the difficult and tragic moments in the history of Ukraine and its people, only in the 20th century.
And now, in order.
The name of the band "Motanka" is a doll without a face (also appears in the video). The most accurate translation into English is "rag doll". From ancient times, this doll was one of the talismans for Ukrainians.
The name of the song "Willow Tree" (Верба [Verba]) - which is one of the symbols of Ukraine itself (Like viburnum, cranes, and nightingale - which is a symbol of the Ukrainian language, etc. All these symbols can often be seen and heard in the works of Ukrainian artists of all times).
The woman you called "mother nature" actually symbolizes motherland Ukraine (She is shackled and chained by the tragedies that befell her, the dates of these events are engraved on her white clothes in black paint). Three major artificial famines: 1921-23, 1946-47 (Postwar), and the worst 1932-33 (the official death toll was 3.5 million, in fact about 12 million dead). Symbol of death that pulls bread on a stick and leaves dead bodies. The hands of those who are stuck in the thickets of hopelessness, reach for any help. Ghosts of children who have remained young forever.
The burning book and the people who were shot and fell into a common grave - symbols of the "Executed Renaissance" (1920s - 30s), and the movement of Soviet dissidents "Sixties" (1960s - 70s). These are the times when dozens of Ukrainian writers, poets, artists, singers and other cultural figures were killed, executed and murdered in the concentration camps (GULAG) and secret basements of the NKVD and KGB. One could be imprisoned for possessing books by Ukrainian writers, and for promoting and supporting the literary Ukrainian language they were deprived of life.
Children, as always and everywhere, symbolize the future, hope. Little girls hug "Willow Tree" (Ukraine). And when they weaken their arms due to interest in a strange dark figure and carelessness - "a shot is heard" ...
The members of the band dressed in ceremonial clothes (by the way, they almost always perform in them) symbolize the history, traditions, culture and roots of the people. In difficult times, they help to overcome all troubles and survive tragedies, to break the shackles.
In the end, the freed girl-Ukraine digs out of the ground "Motanka" - a symbol of goodness, harmony and all good things, puts a doll in the cradle - a symbol of a prosperous future. Last shots - a cradle sways on a Willow Tree, and in it Motanka-baby!
If anyone is interested (information in English):
Holodomor (famine of 1932-33) -
Executed Renaissance -
Soviet dissidents (Шістдесятники) -
Translation of lyrics into English:
Willow tree
A lonely willow tree stays in the field.
It is bended above the river.
It let its branches down,
it cries and fights…
Our language is like one of a nightingale.
Our land is the one and only.
Willow tree
A lonely willow tree
Is bended.
A lonely willow tree
Our souls are flying nearby,
They are praising their land.
Its branches are waving in the wind.
There are sprouts - you and me.
Our language is like one of a nightingale.
Our land is the one and only.
Willow tree
A lonely willow tree
Is bended.
A lonely willow tree
"Один в коное" has a song about the "sixties" - "Ікони"
@@BMP123100 Yes, this is one of my favorite songs from this band!
The fact that "death" pulls a loaf of bread on a chain on the black soil is also very symbolic. Since most of all black soil on a global scale is in Ukraine, Ukrainians are a nation of grain growers and historically Ukraine is an agrarian country in which there can be no hunger by definition.
@@BMP123100, Ви помиляєтесь, українці не є нацією хліборобів, а вірніше не тільки нація хліборобів, і Україна не тільки аграрна країна. Цю мантру українцям втокмичують в голови вороги України, щоб українці рахували себе не освідченими селюками. І під цю мантру перевернули Прапор України горі дригом, що немов синє - це небо, а жовте - це лани пшениці. Але ж пшениця буває схожою на жовту, а не жовтою, і то місяць чи два у році, і не для всієї України, а небо не буває синім, а інколи і темносинім, що чуть не чорним, як бачимо на деяких прапорах. Ну хіба що небо затягнуто темними хмарами під час грози, а в ясну погоду небо блакитне. Тим більше у символіці поєднують стихії, а пшениця - це продукт харчування, а не стихія. Україна є індустріальна, морська і космічна країна, і правильний Прапор є жовто-блакитний (сонце і вода, або духовне горяче над матеріальним земним і холодним). Сам факт перевернутого Прапора - це вже символ поразки і занепаду, а в нашому випатку це взагалі подвоюється, бо синій над жовтим (синьо-жовтий) символізує занепад, руйнування і розпад. Натомість жовтий над світло-синім (блакитним) - це розквіт і процвітання.
Одне з найкращих пояснень котрі я бачив.
Thank you so much for this reaction!
Це про біль... Біль українського народу: голодомор, репресії, концтабори, розтріли... І символізму у цьому кліпі предостатньо. Відеоряд просто бомба, ані додати, ані змінити - усе в точку! Дівчина символізує Україну, ота лялька - мотанка, яку закопали, як спроба радянщини "поховати" українство, діти - душі, сяючі впогники - душі... І ще один меседж - порожня гойдалка, як символ ненароджених поколінь... Але!!! Україну звільнили, мотанка віднайдена і усе у нас буде! І буде добре! Слава Україні!
дякую за глибоке пояснення, це читання було для мене дуже освітнім, мало людей з Великобританії знають про це. Я дуже радий, що у нас є інші засоби спілкування, окрім телевізора. Дякую, що спостерігали за моєю реакцією, у цей чудовий день сьогодні
Holodomor in Ukraine (1932-1933)
genocide of the Ukrainian people by the leadership of the Communist Party of Ukraine (B) and the government of the USSR in 1932-33 by organizing an artificial mass famine
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Wikipedia has articles on other meanings of this term: Holodomor (term).
The request "Holodomor" redirects here; see also the Holodomor in Ukraine.
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This article contains a list of references, but the provenance of individual statements remains unclear due to a lack of in-text footnotes.
The Holodomor of 1932-1933 is an act of genocide of the Ukrainian people, organized by the leadership of the Communist Party of Ukraine (B) and the government of the USSR in 1932-1933 by creating an artificial mass famine[2]. Starvation took place in Ukraine and the Kuban both before 1933 and in 1932. The difference is only in the scale of the crime. If during 1932 hundreds of thousands of people were killed by hunger, then in 1933 the number reached millions. However, both in 1932 and 1933 in Ukraine and the Kuban, unlike other regions of the USSR, where many people also died from hunger, the famine was an act of genocide, as it was deliberately directed against the Ukrainian nation as such[3]. The number of people who died of hunger was estimated by some historians at 3.941 million in rural areas on the territory of the Ukrainian SSR[4] and Kuban[5], the vast majority of whose population was Ukrainians, and amounted to 6.122 million unborn losses[6][7] ( in total, more than seven million people (mostly Ukrainians) died of hunger in the territory of the Ukrainian SSR and three million Ukrainians outside its borders - in the Kuban, the North Caucasus, the Lower Volga, Kazakhstan[8][9][10]). The Holodomor was caused by conscious and purposeful measures of the top leadership of the Soviet Union and the Ukrainian SSR led by Stalin, designed to suppress the Ukrainian national liberation movement and physically destroy part of the Ukrainian peasantry[11].
Holodomor in Ukraine (1932-1933)
Part of the Holodomor in Ukraine
Victims of hunger.jpg
Victims of hunger. Kharkiv Oblast, 1933. The author of the photo is Alexander Vinerberger
Place of attack
The target of the attack
Method of attack
The dead
4.0 - 10.5 million[1]
communist totalitarian regime
The planned confiscation of grain crops and all other food products from peasants by representatives of the Soviet authorities during the Holodomor of 1932-33 directly led to the killing of peasants by starvation on a scale of millions, while the Soviet authorities had significant stocks of grain in reserves and exported it abroad during the Holodomor. prohibited and blocked the departure of the starving outside the Ukrainian SSR[5], refused to accept aid for the starving from abroad[12]. Despite the fact that the actions of the representatives of the Stalinist government, which caused people to die of starvation, were qualified according to the norms of the Soviet criminal legislation of that time as murder[13][14], the causes of this mass crime were never investigated in the USSR, and none of the powerful people involved in the crime did not suffer punishment despite the fact that even the highest leadership of the USSR knew about the facts of the deaths of people from hunger[15][16].
For decades, the mass murder of people by artificial starvation was not only deliberately hushed up by the Soviet authorities, but it was also forbidden to mention it anywhere[17][18].
Holodomor means literally to starve, to starve, to starve; plague (death) from organized hunger. The term Holodomor was first mentioned on August 17, 1933 in the Czech magazine "Večernı́k P.L.", which published information - "Hladomor v SSSR". The world press used the terms "hunger", "Hunger", "Głod", that is, a neutral philological and anthropological definition, which meant "an acute shortage of food in a certain area".
In the annual reports of German diplomats for 1932-1933, definitions of "Hungerkatastrophe" (hunger catastrophe) and "Hungersterbens" (death from hunger, dead from hunger), "Planierung der Hungersnot" (Planning of hunger strikes) were found, which were associated with the organized by the Soviet authorities - planned, artificial famine. The term "famine catastrophe" was borrowed by public associations of Ukrainian emigration to Europe and America in the second half of the 1930s. It was often used in the 1940s and 1950s by publicists and public figures, especially in 1983, when they commemorated of Holodomor victims (to the 50th anniversary of the tragedy). Subsequently, its functional synonym - genocide appeared in scientific literature[19].
Eyewitnesses and researchers used different names to describe the mass famine of the 1930s. Robert Conquest called his book "Harvest of Sorrows", Semyon Stariv called his memoirs "Execution by Hunger". The concept of "artificial famine" and "deliberately organized famine" were widely used.
In the studies of James Mace and Robert Conquest, the authors prove that the Holodomor meets the generally accepted[20] definition of genocide. After the declaration of Ukraine's independence, the term Holodomor was used by writers, political scientists, sociologists, and historians. According to a sociological survey
The authors of the idea and co-directors of the video were the musicians themselves. According to the plot, the clip symbolically depicts the dark times of Ukrainian history, in particular the Holodomor and repressions against the Ukrainian people. "The struggle for Ukraine has been, is and will be, everything depends only on us. So let's lift our spirits and gather strength, the struggle is still going on! ” - it is said in the annotation.
+Eugen Onischenko thank you Eugen
A girl is Ukraine. And song about hunger 1933 - 1947 and repressions in USSR. Millions of Ukrainians perished. And MOTANKA is the totem of Ukraine.
+Світлана thank you for your insight it’s so amazing that you have taken the time out to make me understand ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
We have asked for a long time to evaluate this project. Awesome song and reaction. Thanks Maurice.
i like it !! keep the good works.
+DARK MATTER thank you I’ll try my best
@@UNCLEMOMO you are welcome my friend
This song sums up the tragedy of Ukraine during the famine of 1932-1934 organized by the Soviet regime
Thank you for your insight
Folkmetal from Ukraine!Motanka is a traditional ukrainian doll!
+Alex Fred respect
No comments are needed here. For Ukrainians, this is mental pain, pain and more pain ...
Im crying every time, when i watch this clip
bloody amazing song
Every time I listen to this song, I literally cry (and I'm already a grown man). It is very difficult to listen to, but every Ukrainian should remember this. We will not forgive, we will not forget all the atrocities, including this man-made famine by Soviet (russian) Government over the Ukrainians, who took millions and millions of lives.
Sorry for my bad english.
thanks for this reaction ❤
Comment for support. Very hadr to watch this clip, but our ancestry experienced this horror. This is real history of Ukraine.
Боляче дивитись як він угорає з кліпу, можна не розуміти і не знати історії, але дивлячись кліп можна скласти історію, а ввн дивиться як на якусь треш історію з посмішкою. Тупо!
THX from Ukraine...
+Павел Деменев you’re welcome hope you stick around and check more of my reactions of Ukrainian artists
@@UNCLEMOMO yeess))
There is another Ukrainian group called Tin Songsia, no one has yet made a reaction to this group.
i will check it out, i have loads of unknown artist from Ukraine covering all sorts of styles, i will start reacting to them next week
@@UNCLEMOMO Thank you friend. You have good reactions to Ukrainian performers
I put a dislike. The author of the video could see from the very beginning that the song is not about dancing or funny
The video very clearly shows death, murder, grief, mourning, while this dark-skinned man laughs cheerfully and rejoices at what he saw. Maybe he has a shift on the moral side, I don't know. For me it was a mockery.
I respect your insight 🧐👊🏾
KARNA Dobrui vecher
already done