Fortunately my sister’s church that disaffiliated from UMC is on the historical registry and was built by a family. People came from other churches that got closed and joined. My church is going through the process of disaffiliating. Almost 90% approved. On top of our cost to keep the church, it was hit by a hurricane last fall. With God’s help we can survive. In time this denomination will implode due to turning their backs on Christ, the groom and his church(people).
I grew up in the Methodist church. Two churches here disaffiliated several years ago and are doing well. The church my brother attends just voted 98% to disaffiliate. They had to get a lawyer and now must keep two sets of books to pay off the church which they actually locally paid for. The church my sister attends voted to also disaffiliate, but I don't know by what percentage. I left the Methodist Church years ago after being involved in some of their global missions and realized how the organization was extremely liberal even back then. It's like there are two churches under the umbrella. Most local Methodist churches here are still Bible-only based so it's just a matter of time before they all separate themselves.
As hard as it is to lose a place of worship, a denomination and authorities can never destroy the spirit of service in a congregation. Take your service to the community under another name. You may find that the congregation will grow and be stronger than ever. God Bless!
The local church pays all the expenses to have purchased and operate the church. The denomination contributes nothing. But the denomination will now take possession of the church and sell it for their own gain.
this is sad news for sure, yet, I believe your statement to be untrue. I speak honestly that I don't know all the details, yet if the local church truly owned the land and building, the denomination can not take possession of it. They would be free to easily go non-denomination or join another denomination if they so felt called.
The UMC entered a trust clause. They trust their assets to the UMC conference. Our small church was required the pay 44k. Another local church was offered to buy their building back got 470k. The money covets the pastors pensions through 2091. It's crooked and a disgrace. It gets way deeper, but I'm not gonna text it all. we ended up leaving our UMC church, and it will probably close as well eventually.
"Where two or more are gathered in my name, I am there"...this local bishop would be wise to remember the word of Jesus from the Gospel of Matthew!! Total betrayal of Methodist values, and this church had 20x the amount ascribed in the Gospels, absurd logic here!!
I was thinking along those lines. But we must remember, The BODY of CHRIST Is not a building, it is the people. My heart breaks that you are losing your building but my heart rejoices in your SPIRIT. Don't let it die. Keep working for CHRIST, ppl need more than ever to see that.
The building is probably worth nearly nothing. Not many organizations want to buy an aging, likely deteriorating church that is highly expensive to maintain on a monthly basis. The UMC is not benefiting financially from the closing of this church. Could the current dwindling membership afford to adequately pay the minister and staff as well as properly keep up the building? The main reason for church closings is that congregations getting smaller every year cannot afford to pay staff and building maintenance, utilities, etc. Financially stable churches do not close.
God sees and hears EVERYTHING! Motive is everything! I pray in the Name of Christ Jesus that this House of God does not close!!! Stand strong! Stand firm in the Name of Christ Jesus!🙏🏾
You are so right! Ephesians 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."
I would be very surprised if there's a revival. That conflicts with the End is Near. America was the last Christian nation and it can't be if Jesus is to return. Keep your eyes on the Lord.
@@cash1851 Correct! "Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition,..." 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3
This is the beginning of the end of Church era.The term Church was even UnBiblical,derived from a Latin word "Circe" the goddess of the underworld. Christianity need lots of reviewing from the pagan dogmas and doctrines that Rome invented.
@@justinamusyoka4986 The true "church" is the body of Christ. They call buildings where people worship "churches" but, as I stated, the real "church" is the body of Christ and all the true believers and I also believe in non-denomination. There is one God and one "church" only.
The Lord has been calling faithful Christians out to new places and ways of serving Him. It can be so painful to leave behind all you have known for new horizons. It is a beautiful church I hope it can remain a place of worship. There will be justice in the end.
A lot of talk about serving the community but no talk about serving God. We have plenty of Methodist Churches here in the UK that are closing too, all totally out of step with the Lord.
The church is not a building; it’s its believing in the Word of God, people! God can and will use you mightily! Continue on for Jesus, He’s the reason, luvya!
Sad, my gg grandfather was a circuit rider horse back Methodist Preacher in North Carolina area and traveled with Frances Asbury on a few occasions. All this back in 1770's. Many Preacher's came from that side of the family. Their last name were Bird/Byrd
Small churches are so important for the dozens of members who belong, many of whom have likely been there for generations. Not sure who owns the property but perhaps they can leave the Methodist church and continue doing their own thing. Organized denominations need committed members more than committed members need the denomination.
That is one of the major issues with disaffiliation: the local UMC Annual Conference owns the property; the congregation has no claim. The property of the closed church will no doubt be sold.
The United Methodist church has been disintegrating for some time now -- it is no longer United -- there are those who follow the old, outdated discipline book, and those who have grown into the 21st century, and that rift is causing all of this. It is really quite pitiful for both sides are too stubborn to reason with each other.
So sorry. Many churches have small congregations. They seem to do more then the self centered rich churches! Prayers that Our Father will intervene. Keep your faith pastor.
I've known some other methodist churches who the denomination let leave and keep their building with just two years of their denominational fees. I'm wondering if they changed that policy because of the large number of churches leaving the denomination?
"The United Methodist Church has deemed our church is not a vital church and necessary any further. We serve no purpose" Shame on the UMC. EVERY Church, Bible-preaching, that is, deserves to be left open whether or not any certain denomination says it should be or not. Every Bible-preaching and gospel-believing church plays a vital role and is necessary. Praying for a revival and change of hearts of the UMC. Its a House of God, not a retail chain.
The UMC is one of the denominations going WOKE! Unfortunately most of their congregations signed over the property when they joined the UMC so the denomination owns it. Many churches just had to pay a fee, but I think the UMC decided they were losing too much money by allowing that.
it's ironic that this DENOMINATION can choose which locations have to close but this same DENOMINATION doesn't give a rip about people going to hell for this DENOMINATION doesn't include the gospel
Same thing happened with our PCUSA church but our attending membership was really low, preacher retired, and we couldn't afford a new one. However a non- denominational group bought it, did some remodeling ,( it was in fairly decent shape already), and reopened it. They have had moderate success. But important thing is the building is not going to waste and is serving a Christian purpose!
Operative word, 'group'...its a conglomerate gobbling up churches with a strategic business plan how to be profitable! I almost guarantee it. What other way to make lots of money TAX FREE? it's the same money changers that own the mega church. Did they get the church property for free or for little I wonder? The people don't know this. It's highly covert.
Our world is loosing it's Christianity. A sign of the end of days. Why can't somebody purchase the building & continue the services regardless of the decision?
God bless you all for your love and service to your community. Remember....... You Are The Church, the building is not. I pray that God will provide for His remnant. :) :) :)
It is sad to see churches close. However, by combining with another church in similar circumstances allows for twice the spiritual power. As ‘the Church’ we understand that it is people and not buildings that makeup the Body of Christ. Don’t forget your past but double down and create a new future.
This is not a Church but a Social Group. Methodism has been apostate for quite some time. So a social group dissolves, big deal. It's been happening since the dawn of time.
Who says the “denomination bosses” own the church? Many church bodies have separated denominational ties. Legal wrangling over ownership of the building aside, the church is the body of members, not organizational “leaders.” This body may have claim to the property as well.
Apparently they are not sending enough money to the denomination. They need higher denomination currency, and they would have likely stayed open. When a denomination considers a small church, like this, a burden, instead of a blessing, they turn their backs on God.
If I am a member of that congregation, I will rally the troop and rent a storefront and turn it into our place of worship. Buildings come and go, but the people are the living stones. Christ himself has said that God should be worshipped in Spirit and Truth, not in this mountain or that mountain.
If you read the contract that the churches have observed for, what, 100 years... it's clear that the denomination owns the building. Sorry. That's the contract, always has been.
There is a Catholic Church where I live that has mass 5 times on Sunday, 3 times on Saturday and 2 times every weekday. They are usually full or almost full. Frequently they have an overflow where people have to sit on concrete benches outside. When the parking is full, people park up and down the road on both sides. This small island is about 90% Catholic.
What's the purpose of being full church when the doctrine preached is faulty and unscriptural? Do numbers count if they worship Mary as intercessor,pray the rosary, celebrate the pagan Christmas, Easter and New year? I think The Most High Yah is trying to awake people when this centuries old shrines close shop.
The leadership of the United Methodist Church has been extremely unfaithful to the Lord, with many denominational leaders denying the foundational Christian teaching that Jesus paid the penalty for our sins on the cross. It's time for churches to leave and unite with associations that are faithful to the Lord and His Word. And it's time for individuals to leave for greener pastures when their pastors reveal lack of faithfulness to believe basic Christian teaching.
I've never been a methodist but I've helped methodist congregations with worship music. I was invited to do so again just this week. I could be completely wrong about this but, in 2019, I started telling methodist pastors that I thought the preaching of ANY political gospel (conservative or progressive) was likely to be counterproductive. It seems my warning was too little too late. Please let me further observe that it is better to avoid referring to a building or an organization as a "church". According to my understanding, believers constitute the church. I'm not opposed to the existence of religious organizations - the organization of a local congregation or the existence of an association or denomination of like-minded congregations. It is better, however, to think of organization as a tool of the church - a tool that can make the work of the congregation or other organization more effective or more efficient. Soon after John Wesley, the eighteenth century reformer, was ordained, he started preaching that Christians should be more diligent about taking the gospel to the poor. His message didn't set well with middle and upper class Englishmen. After several congregations indicated that they didn't want young John to preach in their pulpits again, he found himself without an appointment. He was so sure the Lord had called him to preach, however, that he started preaching anywhere a few people would listen. Soon he attracted sufficient crowds that he found it expedient to preach in open fields rather than on street corners. When asked why he was preaching in the fields instead of church buildings, he replied, "The world is my parish." A person doesn't need to be a member of a methodist congregation to think of John Wesley's emphasis on sanctification to be an important one. I've even met ministers who have thought Wesley's emphasis was important but that some methodists had distorted that message beyond recognition. So my advice to methodists is this: If you think of yourself as a methodist, do research on what John Wesley taught about sanctification. Then, if you believe the Lord is calling you to a similar emphasis, look for Christians with a similar calling. Remember, if you are doing your best to remain faithful to scripture (not merely traditional interpretations of scripture) you and other believers ARE the church - with or without organization and with or without a church building. I think the practice of building and "dedicating" of church buildings was unknown in the first century A.D. You may even find that some people are attracted by invitations to study the Bible in your home who might never have been attracted by an invitation to hear someone preach in a church building. Just remember to avoid dogmatism - i.e. remember to avoid giving the impression that your way of understanding the Bible is the only way Christians have understood it. Christians can learn much from each other if they will lay aside their dogmatism. Not being affiliated with a "denomination" makes that easier to do.
THIS is what is bad about the kind of church polity... when the decision is made by the "higher-ups".. who have no loyalty to local congregations and their wishes.
The United Methodist Conference in that area is taking ownership and probably going to sell it to a developer. There was a church in Wilmington, NC ( 1st Ave United Methodist)that lost their church to the conference. Our new bishop saw fit to close the church and take ownership. It's horrible what some of these Bishops are doing to United Methodist churches, and I hope people leave them if they're ever able to get this message out to members of churches being closed against the existing members wishes.
UMC ecclesiastical bureaucratic iron handedness should see justice in widespread disaffiliation from its grass roots congregations. Maybe its progre$$ive bi$hop$ will have to tighten their budgetary belt$ especially with membership attrition by old age and death.
This is what happens when the local congregation does not own and control its building. The Baptists have the right idea in that the local church owns it own property.
Meet some place else! Romans 8:28 The Chuch is people. Unite with the conservative branch of UM. I am sure a split is coming or already has. The LGBT agenda is reason enough to leave. THE BIBLE is the final authority for true believers. PRAYERS, I know this is tough.
The property does not belong to the congregation. The Methodist/United Methodist Church was formed with a trust clause that the building and assets belong to the church, not the congregation. Even if the congregation paid for the building. It seems backward in some ways, but their is a reason for it. After all of this commotion quiets down, maybe the General Conference will discuss updating the clause--if it is even allowed.
PEOPLE, PEOPLE ! THE CHURCH IS NOT A BUILDING, IT IS WITHIN THE HEARTS OF THE MEMBERS THAT ARE CALLED OUT BY GOD'S WORD, THE BIBLE ! WHERE TWO OR MORE ARE GATHERED, THERE AM I ALSO ! LOOK IT UP ! New England that's a healthy church count! Very sad, and likely poor, decision by the local bishop. Sounds EXACTLY like the kind of Methodist church we will always need in EVERY community.
The “church” is the people who truly believe in Jesus and try to follow His teachings as described in the Sermon on the Mount. Some people refer the the “church house”, which I believe is correct.
I was raised in the Church of Christ. These churches are loosely affiliated, but every individual church is independent. That means no one from outside can ever force a church to close. Apparently this is not the case with Methodist. Please educate me here. Why can this church not operate independently? It seems beyond hateful to try to force this congregation to close, or whatever it is that is happening. I don’t understand this type of church operation. Why don’t they just go independent, like the Church of Christ. My home church was founded in 1874. No one from outside can close them or stop them from worshiping.
Congregationalists have their own issues. I live next door to one and their seminary. This group demands ankle length dresses for women, and yjis is a small w university city. We have a large Mennonite farm ( old order) community up the road a few miles. So each denom8nation struggles with their own woes. The church of Christ won't welcome me because I follow scripture that says Salvation precedes Baptism of Adults. So there are several Methodist conferences they could affiliate with, or go independant. Joining a denom8nation with different tenets of faith wouldn't help.
Is the United Methodist Church giving them an alternative congregation to belong to? I.e. are they down sizing and expanding congregation borders? If not, they aren't being very Christian in their decision. It is hard to say being an outsider to the UMC, yet it is a huge blow to the local congregation who would rather keep what they have. If the local congregation can sustain the financial burden to keep the building open, them they should be able too.
My Prayers are with you!!!
I'm in the UK I'm preying this beautiful church is saved so it can continue to bring christ to the community may god bless this church
Me too
Churches in the UK are closing right and left also...
Amen 🙏
Fortunately my sister’s church that disaffiliated from UMC is on the historical registry and was built by a family. People came from other churches that got closed and joined. My church is going through the process of disaffiliating. Almost 90% approved. On top of our cost to keep the church, it was hit by a hurricane last fall. With God’s help we can survive.
In time this denomination will implode due to turning their backs on Christ, the groom and his church(people).
I grew up in the Methodist church. Two churches here disaffiliated several years ago and are doing well. The church my brother attends just voted 98% to disaffiliate. They had to get a lawyer and now must keep two sets of books to pay off the church which they actually locally paid for. The church my sister attends voted to also disaffiliate, but I don't know by what percentage. I left the Methodist Church years ago after being involved in some of their global missions and realized how the organization was extremely liberal even back then. It's like there are two churches under the umbrella. Most local Methodist churches here are still Bible-only based so it's just a matter of time before they all separate themselves.
@@ravenregards My wife and I said the heck with it and disaffiliated ourselves!
@@actionsub Yes, that's what I did too years ago.
As hard as it is to lose a place of worship, a denomination and authorities can never destroy the spirit of service in a congregation. Take your service to the community under another name. You may find that the congregation will grow and be stronger than ever. God Bless!
🙏🏿 amen
The building might be gone...but the congregation will remain. The local bishop made a terrible mistake and will reap what he sows.
The local church pays all the expenses to have purchased and operate the church. The denomination contributes nothing. But the denomination will now take possession of the church and sell it for their own gain.
That is unfortunate.
this is sad news for sure, yet, I believe your statement to be untrue. I speak honestly that I don't know all the details, yet if the local church truly owned the land and building, the denomination can not take possession of it. They would be free to easily go non-denomination or join another denomination if they so felt called.
The UMC entered a trust clause. They trust their assets to the UMC conference. Our small church was required the pay 44k. Another local church was offered to buy their building back got 470k. The money covets the pastors pensions through 2091. It's crooked and a disgrace. It gets way deeper, but I'm not gonna text it all. we ended up leaving our UMC church, and it will probably close as well eventually.
@@sinnersaved5981 but this has nothing to do with this situation, correct?
Sounds like a similar tactic that Watchtower uses. Taking over Kingdom Halls and selling them from under the congregation.
This is happening all over the sad! Lord help them!
And the Bible predicted it.
This is ridiculous! It is not a business. Even if there are just 10 people leftthe church should remain open.
"Where two or more are gathered in my name, I am there"...this local bishop would be wise to remember the word of Jesus from the Gospel of Matthew!! Total betrayal of Methodist values, and this church had 20x the amount ascribed in the Gospels, absurd logic here!!
They want the money the building will bring . The denomination is breaking apart and they need money. God forbid human beings stand in the way
Who buys closed churches, Muslims who want to turn them into mosques?
I was thinking along those lines.
But we must remember, The BODY of CHRIST Is not a building, it is the people.
My heart breaks that you are losing your building but my heart rejoices in your SPIRIT. Don't let it die. Keep working for CHRIST, ppl need more than ever to see that.
The building is probably worth nearly nothing. Not many organizations want to buy an aging, likely deteriorating church that is highly expensive to maintain on a monthly basis. The UMC is not benefiting financially from the closing of this church. Could the current dwindling membership afford to adequately pay the minister and staff as well as properly keep up the building? The main reason for church closings is that congregations getting smaller every year cannot afford to pay staff and building maintenance, utilities, etc. Financially stable churches do not close.
@@craftsmanctfl3493 then why all the drama ... Let them go their way...
God sees and hears EVERYTHING! Motive is everything! I pray in the Name of Christ Jesus that this House of God does not close!!! Stand strong! Stand firm in the Name of Christ Jesus!🙏🏾
Shut up.
@ 0:07 The End is Near - that has way more meaning than just the closing of this amazing church. Praying for a revival.
You are so right! Ephesians 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."
I would be very surprised if there's a revival. That conflicts with the End is Near. America was the last Christian nation and it can't be if Jesus is to return. Keep your eyes on the Lord.
@@cash1851 Correct! "Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition,..." 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3
@@cash1851 Lord Jesus please return soon.
@@MYvesAllaire amen friend. Soon.
Behold, Soon He is Coming ✝️
If God wants the church to remain open it will be open.
God wanted Adam&eve to stay faithful and obedient but it didn't happen that way.
Don't think that it's all God's will just because it happens.
God wants the leadeship of UMC to be faithful to Him but they embrace wokeism instead.
This is the beginning of the end of Church era.The term Church was even UnBiblical,derived from a Latin word "Circe" the goddess of the underworld.
Christianity need lots of reviewing from the pagan dogmas and doctrines that Rome invented.
@@justinamusyoka4986 The true "church" is the body of Christ. They call buildings where people worship "churches" but, as I stated, the real "church" is the body of Christ and all the true believers and I also believe in non-denomination. There is one God and one "church" only.
@@auldzbuzz3374 Christianity IS wokeism. Read Jesus’s teachings in the Sermon on the Mount.
They want that property to sell. Duh
The Lord has been calling faithful Christians out to new places and ways of serving Him.
It can be so painful to leave behind all you have known for new horizons.
It is a beautiful church I hope it can remain a place of worship. There will be justice in the end.
I wish I could buy the church and donate it back to the congregation.
Me too!
A lot of talk about serving the community but no talk about serving God. We have plenty of Methodist Churches here in the UK that are closing too, all totally out of step with the Lord.
That's exactly it, many have become social services instead of soul saving evangelizers.
The church is not a building; it’s its believing in the Word of God, people! God can and will use you mightily! Continue on for Jesus, He’s the reason, luvya!
The Church is not of brick and mortar but a body of believers wherever they meet
Jesus didn’t say go to church, He said to BE THE CHURCH.
Jesus Christ IN YOU the hope of GLORY.
God Bless you all immensely! 🙏
those pews look like works of art as does the rest of the building
You don't have to close. Leave the denomination and be independent.
God bless this church.
Sad, my gg grandfather was a circuit rider horse back Methodist Preacher in North Carolina area and traveled with Frances Asbury on a few occasions. All this back in 1770's. Many Preacher's came from that side of the family. Their last name were Bird/Byrd
Small churches are so important for the dozens of members who belong, many of whom have likely been there for generations. Not sure who owns the property but perhaps they can leave the Methodist church and continue doing their own thing. Organized denominations need committed members more than committed members need the denomination.
That is one of the major issues with disaffiliation: the local UMC Annual Conference owns the property; the congregation has no claim. The property of the closed church will no doubt be sold.
The United Methodist church has been disintegrating for some time now -- it is no longer United -- there are those who follow the old, outdated discipline book, and those who have grown into the 21st century, and that rift is causing all of this.
It is really quite pitiful for both sides are too stubborn to reason with each other.
So sorry. Many churches have small congregations. They seem to do more then the self centered rich churches! Prayers that Our Father will intervene. Keep your faith pastor.
I've known some other methodist churches who the denomination let leave and keep their building with just two years of their denominational fees. I'm wondering if they changed that policy because of the large number of churches leaving the denomination?
Why not buy the building from the denomination?
Open a house church on every block!
You do not need a building or a denomination. Be as the early church, on fire for The LORD!!
THAT'S a bad OMEN when CHURCHES close.
It almost says, "God is no longer with you."
A “dead” denomination ought to shut down!
"The United Methodist Church has deemed our church is not a vital church and necessary any further. We serve no purpose"
Shame on the UMC. EVERY Church, Bible-preaching, that is, deserves to be left open whether or not any certain denomination says it should be or not. Every Bible-preaching and gospel-believing church plays a vital role and is necessary. Praying for a revival and change of hearts of the UMC. Its a House of God, not a retail chain.
The UMC is one of the denominations going WOKE! Unfortunately most of their congregations signed over the property when they joined the UMC so the denomination owns it. Many churches just had to pay a fee, but I think the UMC decided they were losing too much money by allowing that.
it's ironic that this DENOMINATION can choose which locations have to close but this same DENOMINATION doesn't give a rip about people going to hell for this DENOMINATION doesn't include the gospel
Same thing happened with our PCUSA church but our attending membership was really low, preacher retired, and we couldn't afford a new one. However a non- denominational group bought it, did some remodeling ,( it was in fairly decent shape already), and reopened it. They have had moderate success. But important thing is the building is not going to waste and is serving a Christian purpose!
Operative word, 'group'...its a conglomerate gobbling up churches with a strategic business plan how to be profitable! I almost guarantee it. What other way to make lots of money TAX FREE? it's the same money changers that own the mega church. Did they get the church property for free or for little I wonder? The people don't know this. It's highly covert.
Our world is loosing it's Christianity. A sign of the end of days. Why can't somebody purchase the building & continue the services regardless of the decision?
God bless you all for your love and service to your community. Remember....... You Are The Church, the building is not. I pray that God will provide for His remnant. :) :) :)
Who has the keys to the building?
What a pity, it's such a beautiful church
Part of why I'm not Methodist. The UMC has too much control over its churches -- this ain't right.
Leave the UMC and call it another church name then the bishop has no say!
Of course, the methodist church needs the money.
So even with their sloppy-joe side hustle, they're deemed unworthy? Is their food truck still going to operate?
What kind of bishop closes churches? They not making enough off the offerings? If it is about money, than shame on the church officials.
So sad. I wouldn't listen to a bishop. Keep on meeting. God is the head of the church.
It is sad to see churches close. However, by combining with another church in similar circumstances allows for twice the spiritual power. As ‘the Church’ we understand that it is people and not buildings that makeup the Body of Christ. Don’t forget your past but double down and create a new future.
This is not a Church but a Social Group. Methodism has been apostate for quite some time. So a social group dissolves, big deal. It's been happening since the dawn of time.
UMC went WOKE, my family and I took our Money elsewhere.
Who says the “denomination bosses” own the church? Many church bodies have separated denominational ties. Legal wrangling over ownership of the building aside, the church is the body of members, not organizational “leaders.” This body may have claim to the property as well.
Apparently they are not sending enough money to the denomination. They need higher denomination currency, and they would have likely stayed open. When a denomination considers a small church, like this, a burden, instead of a blessing, they turn their backs on God.
This is unchristian and disgusting. I’m so glad my church in Broussard, La. Voted to disaffiliate.
If I am a member of that congregation, I will rally the troop and rent a storefront and turn it into our place of worship. Buildings come and go, but the people are the living stones. Christ himself has said that God should be worshipped in Spirit and Truth, not in this mountain or that mountain.
The Bishop????? I'm deciding that UMC would do better without conferences and bishops. What a shame - this about says it all about UMC..
Wonder how much $$$ UMC org will get for selling the old building to become an event center someday.?
The UMC has forgotten, where two or three are gathered in My name, I am there.
That's truely sad. People are going to regret not believing in God.
It's all in God's hands
Join a denomination that is more interested in believing in God such as the ACNA or Global Methodist Church.
Our church is smaller than this one...still open.....but i am leaving over the the lgbtq conundrum.
Is it part of the UMC split?
Apparently it wasn't one of the churches planning to leave the UMC.
If you read the contract that the churches have observed for, what, 100 years... it's clear that the denomination owns the building. Sorry. That's the contract, always has been.
That’s a shame. It not the size of the church but it’s heart. I pray they hook up with another church. God will never leave them.
This saddens me this is not right this church has helped so many people over the years for God's family!😢
Not profitable is the real word as well as the money the sale of the property will fill the denominations coffers...
There is a Catholic Church where I live that has mass 5 times on Sunday, 3 times on Saturday and 2 times every weekday. They are usually full or almost full. Frequently they have an overflow where people have to sit on concrete benches outside. When the parking is full, people park up and down the road on both sides. This small island is about 90% Catholic.
which island?
Now that would be the place to retire.
Directions please
@@lightowl4345 Guam USA.
@@Amen.22 Oh...🫢 That's a ways away.
What's the purpose of being full church when the doctrine preached is faulty and unscriptural? Do numbers count if they worship Mary as intercessor,pray the rosary, celebrate the pagan Christmas, Easter and New year?
I think The Most High Yah is trying to awake people when this centuries old shrines close shop.
Try to find a way without being connected to the hierarchy. You don’t need it to serve Jesus! You don’t even need to be a Methodist.
The leadership of the United Methodist Church has been extremely unfaithful to the Lord, with many denominational leaders denying the foundational Christian teaching that Jesus paid the penalty for our sins on the cross. It's time for churches to leave and unite with associations that are faithful to the Lord and His Word. And it's time for individuals to leave for greener pastures when their pastors reveal lack of faithfulness to believe basic Christian teaching.
Break away and become Independant
I've never been a methodist but I've helped methodist congregations with worship music. I was invited to do so again just this week.
I could be completely wrong about this but, in 2019, I started telling methodist pastors that I thought the preaching of ANY political gospel (conservative or progressive) was likely to be counterproductive. It seems my warning was too little too late.
Please let me further observe that it is better to avoid referring to a building or an organization as a "church". According to my understanding, believers constitute the church. I'm not opposed to the existence of religious organizations - the organization of a local congregation or the existence of an association or denomination of like-minded congregations. It is better, however, to think of organization as a tool of the church - a tool that can make the work of the congregation or other organization more effective or more efficient.
Soon after John Wesley, the eighteenth century reformer, was ordained, he started preaching that Christians should be more diligent about taking the gospel to the poor.
His message didn't set well with middle and upper class Englishmen. After several congregations indicated that they didn't want young John to preach in their pulpits again, he found himself without an appointment. He was so sure the Lord had called him to preach, however, that he started preaching anywhere a few people would listen. Soon he attracted sufficient crowds that he found it expedient to preach in open fields rather than on street corners. When asked why he was preaching in the fields instead of church buildings, he replied, "The world is my parish."
A person doesn't need to be a member of a methodist congregation to think of John Wesley's emphasis on sanctification to be an important one. I've even met ministers who have thought Wesley's emphasis was important but that some methodists had distorted that message beyond recognition.
So my advice to methodists is this: If you think of yourself as a methodist, do research on what John Wesley taught about sanctification. Then, if you believe the Lord is calling you to a similar emphasis, look for Christians with a similar calling. Remember, if you are doing your best to remain faithful to scripture (not merely traditional interpretations of scripture) you and other believers ARE the church - with or without organization and with or without a church building. I think the practice of building and "dedicating" of church buildings was unknown in the first century A.D. You may even find that some people are attracted by invitations to study the Bible in your home who might never have been attracted by an invitation to hear someone preach in a church building. Just remember to avoid dogmatism - i.e. remember to avoid giving the impression that your way of understanding the Bible is the only way Christians have understood it. Christians can learn much from each other if they will lay aside their dogmatism. Not being affiliated with a "denomination" makes that easier to do.
Church rules and dogmatism are the same thing. It’s the way churches have always worked and existed going back to the time of Jesus.
THIS is what is bad about the kind of church polity... when the decision is made by the "higher-ups".. who have no loyalty to local congregations and their wishes.
I’m watching this mate
Go non denominational and continue the Lord's work.
The United Methodist Conference in that area is taking ownership and probably going to sell it to a developer. There was a church in Wilmington, NC ( 1st Ave United Methodist)that lost their church to the conference. Our new bishop saw fit to close the church and take ownership. It's horrible what some of these Bishops are doing to United Methodist churches, and I hope people leave them if they're ever able to get this message out to members of churches being closed against the existing members wishes.
So did the UMC sell it to the developer or was that just hearsay?
I’ve seen this happen at more than one Methodist church. I heard they plan to re open some within 2 years. A more “inclusive” church
It’s probably because they’re too Evangelical.
The UMC leadership is corrupt.
including gay preachers is not a real church!
Being in the pew is different from being in the pulpit for sure
Don't forget the lgbtqrxwhy
Start a new independent church. DO God's work in spite of the Methodists.
You mean a church based on profits?
HELLO! How about telling us what state this is!
The state of confusion.
It's sad that if there are still a core of people there that wish to serve the community, they shouldn't be allowed to continue.
UMC ecclesiastical bureaucratic iron handedness should see justice in widespread disaffiliation from its grass roots congregations. Maybe its progre$$ive bi$hop$ will have to tighten their budgetary belt$ especially with membership attrition by old age and death.
Sad , I wonder what Jesus would say about the modern day church?
Leave the denomination
This is what happens when the local congregation does not own and control its building. The Baptists have the right idea in that the local church owns it own property.
The Bishop should realize the works of mercy they do will bear fruit & let them continue
Very sad. That's a beautiful church with a long history. The LGBT community weaseled it's way in and destroyed that denomination.
They should disafiliate and keep God as the center of the organization. They might see a huge benefit.
a total disgrace ! keep going ! These local groups are irreplaceable!
What a shame.
Can’t they go independent and take ownership of the church?
Why would the Bishop close any church?
Heating bills, electric bills, pastor's salary, general upkeep, etc, etc. Not enough contributions from not enough congregants.
I see this happening all over Arkansas in every Denomination....
Meet some place else! Romans 8:28 The Chuch is people. Unite with the conservative branch of UM. I am sure a split is coming or already has. The LGBT agenda is reason enough to leave. THE BIBLE is the final authority for true believers. PRAYERS, I know this is tough.
Very sad for so many reasons!! I hope they will reconsider!
God sees all! Judgement is coming!
Sell the property: run with the cash. The UMC conference can only survive by selling assets
The property does not belong to the congregation. The Methodist/United Methodist Church was formed with a trust clause that the building and assets belong to the church, not the congregation. Even if the congregation paid for the building. It seems backward in some ways, but their is a reason for it. After all of this commotion quiets down, maybe the General Conference will discuss updating the clause--if it is even allowed.
Sad to see this. If they are self-sustaining, I don’t see why the denomination would want to withdraw the church from the local community. New England that's a healthy church count! Very sad, and likely poor, decision by the local bishop. Sounds EXACTLY like the kind of Methodist church we will always need in EVERY community.
Traditional churches are empty as people flock to the rock concert mega churches.
I'm sorry dear little church
The “church” is the people who truly believe in Jesus and try to follow His teachings as described in the Sermon on the Mount. Some people refer the the “church house”, which I believe is correct.
I was raised in the Church of Christ. These churches are loosely affiliated, but every individual church is independent. That means no one from outside can ever force a church to close. Apparently this is not the case with Methodist. Please educate me here. Why can this church not operate independently? It seems beyond hateful to try to force this congregation to close, or whatever it is that is happening. I don’t understand this type of church operation. Why don’t they just go independent, like the Church of Christ. My home church was founded in 1874. No one from outside can close them or stop them from worshiping.
The Unite Methodist Conference (heads of the denomination) own the property. they have the say as to what is done with it.
Congregationalists have their own issues. I live next door to one and their seminary. This group demands ankle length dresses for women, and yjis is a small w university city. We have a large Mennonite farm ( old order) community up the road a few miles. So each denom8nation struggles with their own woes. The church of Christ won't welcome me because I follow scripture that says Salvation precedes Baptism of Adults. So there are several Methodist conferences they could affiliate with, or go independant. Joining a denom8nation with different tenets of faith wouldn't help.
Is the United Methodist Church giving them an alternative congregation to belong to? I.e. are they down sizing and expanding congregation borders? If not, they aren't being very Christian in their decision. It is hard to say being an outsider to the UMC, yet it is a huge blow to the local congregation who would rather keep what they have. If the local congregation can sustain the financial burden to keep the building open, them they should be able too.