19. How to Handle People Begging for Money A Rational Approach

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024
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Комментарии • 64

  • @JackFelker
    @JackFelker 16 дней назад +34

    I agree. I recently met an elderly woman in Walmart who asked me for money. I gave her money and she went straight to the alcohol and purchased a bottle of whiskey. In Virginia I watched a man dressed in rags begging money in traffic. An hour later I watched him walk to a parking lot and drive away in a new Chevy Corvette. I have stopped giving money to beggars.

    • @Bellephrontos
      @Bellephrontos 14 дней назад +2

      Once a woman asked me for money to buy bottled water. Except that where I live you can drink tap water from any public facility. At that time I was a student and did that myself, I had a bottle and filled it up in any public place. That was many years ago and I'm still alive, so the water was fine. But it was not good enough for her ..

    • @jimminyjemimah
      @jimminyjemimah 14 дней назад

      Lmao so your point is homeless people are secretly rich?

  • @beloved9910
    @beloved9910 16 дней назад +30

    He's right. Stop giving them money. If they can stand around with a sign, they can work. I'm retired now and have never begged others for money.

  • @edmundgonzalez8731
    @edmundgonzalez8731 15 дней назад +18

    Some years ago I had lunch with my daughter at Jason's Deli and ended up with 2 half sandwiches as she was on her way out of town for a few days. As I'm leaving the shopping center parking lot I see a guy with a sign so I pull up next to him, roll down the window and say "I don't have any cash but I have half a turkey and half a meatball sandwich". He said "Oh, I'm vegan." I rolled up the window while staring at him then slowly drove off.

    • @DarylSession
      @DarylSession 5 дней назад

      I don’t know why, but this was funny as hell. Maybe because I’m vegan. 🤷🏽‍♂️ Thank you.

  • @brianvannorman1465
    @brianvannorman1465 12 дней назад +5

    Use to be this guy who hung out in front of a 7-11, that I frequented. He was fatter than me.
    Yet by the same token, I came out of a grocery store to see a guy and a dog both rail thin. It was winter time in San Diego. So it was not as bad as Minneapolis. I went back inside and purchased a can of dog food with a pull-tab. Then I thought for a moment and got a couple of cans of soup with pull-tabs and some plastic spoons. Bought all of it and gave it to the dude. Never saw them, again. Hope the dog is ok.

    • @xnephysisthere
      @xnephysisthere 6 дней назад +1

      yeah I see how you think, he would only feed the dog food if he helps himself first

  • @mominthe209
    @mominthe209 9 дней назад +4

    I had a lady ask me for money. I had a couple dollars, but told her I don’t want you to buy booze or cigarettes. She said ,”I won’t “ and walked into the convenience store and bought lottery tickets. From then on I said no or if I was at a fast food I offered to buy food. No more cash deposits.

  • @JamesMacpherson1
    @JamesMacpherson1 15 дней назад +11

    “Some of these guys look like they could be in the olympics” lol

  • @norrisheckwine7439
    @norrisheckwine7439 27 дней назад +13

    Beggars serve the purpose of assuaging the guilt of those who know they never earned what they have.

  • @happy777abc
    @happy777abc 13 дней назад +8

    Some aren't druggies at all. Some are mentally ill.

  • @janofb
    @janofb 14 дней назад +9

    I hand out McDonalds applications. I keep a stack in my car. I tell them they can earn money AND get a free meal.

  • @Spiritof_76
    @Spiritof_76 13 дней назад +5

    Elected officials in Congress and political parties spend MOST OF THEIR TIME begging for money, from average citizens to mega-wealthy donors who pay for them to do their bidding. Make sure people have healthcare, a roof over their heads, and opportunities for meaningful employment and there will be less need for "traditional" begging for those who are truly down-and-out.

  • @user-fj8rp3eh7b
    @user-fj8rp3eh7b 15 дней назад +4

    When the bums on the street beg me for money, I always give them the number for corporate and tell him to get a job because we are hiring😂😂

  • @richarddelcheccolo7816
    @richarddelcheccolo7816 5 дней назад +1

    Good advice. When I get approached by vagrants etc asking for money my routine is to yell out real loud NO!!! When they get 10 feet from me. I usually get a scowl and a “fuck you” but they move on. Occasionally they persist and keep coming toward me and I then yell out “don’t approach me!” At the same time I place my hand on a knife in my pocket or place my hand on a revolver in my pocket and then I’m ready for whatever comes. I do this because sometimes they perceive an easy mark to get close enough to assault me to steal my wallet and cell phone. I’m 71 years old with white hair etc and I’m not going to allow any of these predators to get close to me.

  • @Mikdeelow
    @Mikdeelow 11 дней назад +3

    I saw a guy with a will work for food sign. Years ago and Yucca Valley I figured I’m not gonna give him money so I bought him like $12 worth of unperishable groceries. I got talking to him and found out that he was working legitimately, but he was choosy about his work. He claimed that one time Roy Rogers actually bought him dinner and offered him a job, but he didn’t want to do it because it was ranch work and too hard!

  • @dobees8183
    @dobees8183 9 дней назад +2

    A LOT of these beggars stand right in front of fast food places with huge NOW HIRING signs. They're physically abled to beg for money but not good enough to work for money.

  • @hillbillydeluxe27
    @hillbillydeluxe27 15 дней назад +6

    I do t give money but I’ve bought food for people and animals.

  • @Biiri-oc8ti
    @Biiri-oc8ti 2 дня назад +1

    Guys who live on the street & beg. Are either on drugs, gambling &/or alcohol addiction. They beg to feed their addiction, with no intentions of reforming or seeking redemption for their lack of self worth.😮

  • @RandyMoore-wq2uu
    @RandyMoore-wq2uu 13 дней назад +3

    Nothing more irritating than an adult male asking another adult male for money.

    • @Spiritof_76
      @Spiritof_76 13 дней назад +3

      Not nearly as annoying as an adult male demanding your money at the end of a firearm or edged weapon, then knocking the hell out of you and taking it anyway. So annoying.

  • @Thunder_Dome45
    @Thunder_Dome45 10 дней назад +1

    I don't give. Nobody gave me nothing on the street. They just thought it was funny I was sleeping on bus benches. One day my mother, 2 brothers and me were sleeping on a loading dock. A cop was called. The cop told me to go to a 7-11 where he knew the manager. The next day I was interviewed and hired. It's not too hard but you have to have some luck. I had applications all over the place but it didn't matter unless people look through the pile of them once in a while.

  • @geneallen5294
    @geneallen5294 12 дней назад +2

    Build it and they will come, and the Democrats built it and they indeed came.

  • @geraldwashington1860
    @geraldwashington1860 12 дней назад +2

    You can never know the hardships or circumstances of a stranger. It could be you. Beware of judging.

    • @shauncameron8390
      @shauncameron8390 3 дня назад

      For a lot of them it's of their own making.

    • @Biiri-oc8ti
      @Biiri-oc8ti 2 дня назад +1

      It's not judging, it's reality. Your on the street because it's the absolute last resort you have left. Either because you burned your bridges, stole, or had been given too many chances. Your on the street because you did something wrong. People who do right, always rebound. People who do wrong, are just absolutely unforgivable.

  • @nsr60ster85
    @nsr60ster85 4 дня назад +1

    I'll offer them food, never money. As often as not, they will refuse it, and many accept it grudgingly.

  • @belo621
    @belo621 15 дней назад +2

    Actually it is my opinion, theory and claim. That "intention " is the factor here, X gives the "beggar " money with their own "intention " its for (food,water, shelter). But once you give it to them, it is the receivers intention for something else. Meaning, I intended for you to use it this way, but it is YOURS to use in the way you see fit. 😮

  • @theSword-
    @theSword- 9 дней назад +2

    And don't give money to an able bodied woman either.

  • @HansZarkovPhD
    @HansZarkovPhD 4 дня назад +1

    I give them fod and water, but they cant be trusted with cash.

  • @covingtoncreek
    @covingtoncreek 14 дней назад +1

    I agree don't give them money. I don't agree that they won't be in the street if they don't get money. They still will be. Homeless.

    • @niceguy1774
      @niceguy1774 14 дней назад +1

      For how long?
      They seek-out high-traffic areas to beg.
      Without incentive, why seek them out?

  • @NoamPitlick-bg8kw
    @NoamPitlick-bg8kw 15 дней назад +3

    I never give bums money. Never. Most choose the lifestyle.

    • @Spiritof_76
      @Spiritof_76 13 дней назад +1

      I've always chosen to have mental health problems, overwhelming medical debt, drug addiction to assuage the voices in my head, and getting laid off from jobs. Those are all choices I make, because I like hearing and reading opinions from @$$hats like yourself.

    • @shauncameron8390
      @shauncameron8390 3 дня назад

      Well, you're choosing to make excuses and resign yourself to such fate instead of find ways to overcome.

    • @Spiritof_76
      @Spiritof_76 День назад

      @@shauncameron8390 That was all sarcasm, ya' galloot. I'm doing fine. I was refuting a//hole Noam's assertion that people choose to be street bums. Mental illness is the major cause. They don't like the side effects of prescription medicines, and drink or take illicit drugs to quiet the voices in their heads. Others had personal or interpersonal problems they couldn't overcome, or huge medical debt, loss of jobs, etc.

  • @niceguy1774
    @niceguy1774 14 дней назад +1

    I always say "No, Thanks.".
    I'm amazed by how often they are baffled by this.
    They have offered me the opportunity to interact/invest, and I have politely declined.
    Their confusion/anger is unfounded.

  • @johnkolinofsky5574
    @johnkolinofsky5574 17 дней назад +2

    Correct me if I’m wrong but I do believe that is Roger Ailes the founder of Fox News asking Dr Sowell the questions.

    • @callesierra
      @callesierra 16 дней назад +2

      I do believe you are correct.

    • @mominthe209
      @mominthe209 9 дней назад

      Rupert Murdoch founded Fox News, but Ailes ran it. That is until he finally got his comeuppance for sexual harassment.

  • @RayTuttle-of5qd
    @RayTuttle-of5qd 15 дней назад +1

    When bums on the street ask me for money I just tell them I was gonna see if you could help me out with a couple of dollars so I can go get some dope! And then smile at them!!

  • @carolinaribeiro8480
    @carolinaribeiro8480 29 дней назад +1

    You can still find amazing things on RUclips!!! Extremely amazing!!!! Nefarious things🤢

  • @jimminyjemimah
    @jimminyjemimah 14 дней назад

    Next time you're having a bad day and you're an asshole to the server at a coffee shop, or restaurant, and you don't get a hot coffee or bowl of soup thrown in your face for it, thank your local homeless person, because seeing them is the only thing keeping minimum wage workers at work. If they were the bottom rung, we would have a civil war.

    • @shauncameron8390
      @shauncameron8390 3 дня назад

      And end up like most communist regimes and kleptocracies where the government = rich and everyone else = poor.

  • @bradleymiller7960
    @bradleymiller7960 14 дней назад

    I tell them I don't carry cash.

  • @freshprince3891
    @freshprince3891 15 дней назад +1

    We have homelessness than ever in history thanks to things like cost of living crisis by the government and jobs being lost every single day to machines.
    This has all been planned out the next person asking for money might be you.

    • @Spiritof_76
      @Spiritof_76 13 дней назад

      Cost of living crisis by the government? WTF? Ever hear of capitalism? That's how we roll.

    • @mominthe209
      @mominthe209 9 дней назад

      It’s greedy CEOs, not the government. The CEO of John Deere tractors received $27 million last year while laying off 2300 Americans. The labor in Mexico is cheaper. Can you say Kubota??

    • @shauncameron8390
      @shauncameron8390 3 дня назад

      High taxes, inflation and all-around bad government economic policy have a way of bring it about.

  • @jerrybell1766
    @jerrybell1766 20 дней назад +1

    Ewe sent me a Whats App asking for me to invest in trumpery!!😂😂😂😂

  • @philhenry8227
    @philhenry8227 15 дней назад

    Give em monopoly $$

  • @robertsmall6076
    @robertsmall6076 13 дней назад +2

    I was in Boston eating a little place guy was asking me for money for some watermelon I said you’re going to buy some booze he said no already have that just like to mix it so I gave him a 5 dollars at least he was honest 😝🤙🇺🇸

  • @user-fj8rp3eh7b
    @user-fj8rp3eh7b 15 дней назад +3

    When the bums on the street beg me for money, I always give them the number for corporate and tell him to get a job because we are hiring😂😂